【Eiyu Kyori】

~"There is a strength that exists without strength, and you’re going to learn the hard way that my might will surpass yours!"~
【Personal Info】
【Name: Eiyu Kyori
【Nicknames: Kyo, Yu, Ori
【Alias: The Deadly Whisper
【Age: 240
【Age Appearance: Low twenties / late teens
【Gender: Female
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Ryoka.
【Former Division: 2nd
【Additional Appearance Info: Kyori sits at an easily overlooked 5’6”, being not exactly short but far from what most would consider tall. Her build, meanwhile, is equally unassuming. She doesn’t have much in the way of muscle, nor is she frail. She just looks like a random person.
This extends to her clothes as well, being found in sweatpants and a slightly too big hoodie that lets her hands be hidden behind the folds of her sleeves. None of her clothes have much in the way of iconography, usually just black or neutral colors entirely. When working as a Reaper, she wears the clothing typical for a member of the second division, with her undershirt being sleeveless and her clothes being designed for ease of movement. Her zanpakuto is kept on her left hip, where it can be quickly drawn by her originally dominant right hand. She is, however, ambidextrous, and usually keeps any extra tools on her right side.
The only thing that really stands out on the woman, however, is her eyes. While he black hair is usually kept in a ponytail, her eyes strike out from the heterochromia. Her right eye being a light, icy blue while her left is a simple, deep brown.
【Biography: Eiyu has always been a bit of an outlier to some, being the combination of two spirits rather than someone who had once been alive. Though to her she's been just as alive as anyone else, because what else would you call this life? It's just a little different, that's all.
Growing up, Eiyu continued that trend of being just a little different. She was never a physical type, always bounding with energy and drive more than anything, and despite her often aloof nature, avoiding the usual friends and bonds that most form naturally, she felt passionately. When she cared for something, or someone, she did it with all that she had. There was a fire inside of her that just didn't spark all the time, and her analytical nature often led to her being...off-putting.
This never bothered her much, however. She was happy as she grew and learned and watched. Even with the chaos and fear that could permeate the Rukongai districts that she called home, she only ever strove to be helpful. To save those she could, to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
And that was the ebb and flow of her life, for quite a long time, before she began to feel the urge to do more. Over the course of years she tried, and tried, and tried again to get into the academy, to join the ranks of those who fought to protect. It seemed like the right place for her to be, and so despite her failures she just continued to strive harder.
Everything changed, however, when a Hollow outbreak erupted near her home one day. It was chaos, terrifying and sobering, but she was moving before she even realized she was going to. She was fast, and she paid attention, so that meant (to her) that she couldn't just stand around or run. She needed to help. Escorting people, pulling them from rubble, getting people to safety. She pushed and pushed and pushed, but she knew it wasn't enough. And sure enough, soon enough, there were people she couldn't get to. Isolated away from the rest, surrounded by Hollows, and she just wasn't strong enough to do anything about it. What could she do?
As she made the decision, that she could sacrifice herself if she had to as long as she did something, her life was changed. Second Division commander Harime appeared seemingly from nowhere, seemingly blinking from place to place in the blink of an eye. The woman moved so fast that it made Eiyu's eyes hurt as they struggled to comprehend the movement, and in moments she had carved through the Hollows. A single attack.
Eiyu almost didn't believe it, it seemed so beyond anything she could fully understand, and yet she felt something in her rise like a fire as the woman glanced her way, lending a single nod.
The next time that Eiyu applied to the academy...she wasn't rejected. She had never seen the woman before or since that day, but she idolized that woman, admired her, and she would push herself forward until she could stand besides that woman. Perhaps not as equals. She wasn't sure if she could do that.
But she knew she could do better. Both for herself and for those around her, those who couldn't protect themselves. She could be strong, just in her own weird little way.
【Personality: A bit of an aloof loner who cares excessively about those she deems honorable or “good”.
Ultimately, Eiyu is a seemingly detached person at first sight. She keeps to herself, always watching everything around her with seemingly disinterested eyes. But inside her there burns a fire, a passion, a love for everything around her. There is a drive to protect those around her, and a desire to see people flourish. Despite the hardships that she's seen in the world, she has not been discouraged and will fight all the harder for those who can't do it for themselves.
But she is far from perfect. That same loner mentality, the lack of friendship or companions to confide in or be around stings deep inside her where she refuses to acknowledge it. In a twisted way of attempting to compensate for it, she can be obsessive about things, especially when she thinks she's in the right or that its for the betterment of others. And this, coupled with her borderline martyr behaviors towards fighting, can make her seem cocky, as she'll seem to believe that she can't lose. But in reality it's less that she thinks she can't lose, and more that she refuses to be useless no matter what. If she isn't good enough to stop something, then so what? That just means she needs to throw herself into it even harder than she would otherwise, and if she comes out on top that just means she had the strength inside her for it the entire time and just needed to break another barrier. And if she's wrong...well, she won't be around to find out, right?
Regardless, there's nothing like the thrill of a fight or of the wind in your hair as you move faster and faster, or when you learn something completely new. And if that means she has to experience those joys alone, it can't be that bad forever anyways, right?
【Nicknames: Kyo, Yu, Ori
【Alias: The Deadly Whisper
【Age: 240
【Age Appearance: Low twenties / late teens
【Gender: Female
【Race: Shinigami
【Former Rank: Ryoka.
【Former Division: 2nd
【Additional Appearance Info: Kyori sits at an easily overlooked 5’6”, being not exactly short but far from what most would consider tall. Her build, meanwhile, is equally unassuming. She doesn’t have much in the way of muscle, nor is she frail. She just looks like a random person.
This extends to her clothes as well, being found in sweatpants and a slightly too big hoodie that lets her hands be hidden behind the folds of her sleeves. None of her clothes have much in the way of iconography, usually just black or neutral colors entirely. When working as a Reaper, she wears the clothing typical for a member of the second division, with her undershirt being sleeveless and her clothes being designed for ease of movement. Her zanpakuto is kept on her left hip, where it can be quickly drawn by her originally dominant right hand. She is, however, ambidextrous, and usually keeps any extra tools on her right side.
The only thing that really stands out on the woman, however, is her eyes. While he black hair is usually kept in a ponytail, her eyes strike out from the heterochromia. Her right eye being a light, icy blue while her left is a simple, deep brown.
【Biography: Eiyu has always been a bit of an outlier to some, being the combination of two spirits rather than someone who had once been alive. Though to her she's been just as alive as anyone else, because what else would you call this life? It's just a little different, that's all.
Growing up, Eiyu continued that trend of being just a little different. She was never a physical type, always bounding with energy and drive more than anything, and despite her often aloof nature, avoiding the usual friends and bonds that most form naturally, she felt passionately. When she cared for something, or someone, she did it with all that she had. There was a fire inside of her that just didn't spark all the time, and her analytical nature often led to her being...off-putting.
This never bothered her much, however. She was happy as she grew and learned and watched. Even with the chaos and fear that could permeate the Rukongai districts that she called home, she only ever strove to be helpful. To save those she could, to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.
And that was the ebb and flow of her life, for quite a long time, before she began to feel the urge to do more. Over the course of years she tried, and tried, and tried again to get into the academy, to join the ranks of those who fought to protect. It seemed like the right place for her to be, and so despite her failures she just continued to strive harder.
Everything changed, however, when a Hollow outbreak erupted near her home one day. It was chaos, terrifying and sobering, but she was moving before she even realized she was going to. She was fast, and she paid attention, so that meant (to her) that she couldn't just stand around or run. She needed to help. Escorting people, pulling them from rubble, getting people to safety. She pushed and pushed and pushed, but she knew it wasn't enough. And sure enough, soon enough, there were people she couldn't get to. Isolated away from the rest, surrounded by Hollows, and she just wasn't strong enough to do anything about it. What could she do?
As she made the decision, that she could sacrifice herself if she had to as long as she did something, her life was changed. Second Division commander Harime appeared seemingly from nowhere, seemingly blinking from place to place in the blink of an eye. The woman moved so fast that it made Eiyu's eyes hurt as they struggled to comprehend the movement, and in moments she had carved through the Hollows. A single attack.
Eiyu almost didn't believe it, it seemed so beyond anything she could fully understand, and yet she felt something in her rise like a fire as the woman glanced her way, lending a single nod.
The next time that Eiyu applied to the academy...she wasn't rejected. She had never seen the woman before or since that day, but she idolized that woman, admired her, and she would push herself forward until she could stand besides that woman. Perhaps not as equals. She wasn't sure if she could do that.
But she knew she could do better. Both for herself and for those around her, those who couldn't protect themselves. She could be strong, just in her own weird little way.
【Personality: A bit of an aloof loner who cares excessively about those she deems honorable or “good”.
Ultimately, Eiyu is a seemingly detached person at first sight. She keeps to herself, always watching everything around her with seemingly disinterested eyes. But inside her there burns a fire, a passion, a love for everything around her. There is a drive to protect those around her, and a desire to see people flourish. Despite the hardships that she's seen in the world, she has not been discouraged and will fight all the harder for those who can't do it for themselves.
But she is far from perfect. That same loner mentality, the lack of friendship or companions to confide in or be around stings deep inside her where she refuses to acknowledge it. In a twisted way of attempting to compensate for it, she can be obsessive about things, especially when she thinks she's in the right or that its for the betterment of others. And this, coupled with her borderline martyr behaviors towards fighting, can make her seem cocky, as she'll seem to believe that she can't lose. But in reality it's less that she thinks she can't lose, and more that she refuses to be useless no matter what. If she isn't good enough to stop something, then so what? That just means she needs to throw herself into it even harder than she would otherwise, and if she comes out on top that just means she had the strength inside her for it the entire time and just needed to break another barrier. And if she's wrong...well, she won't be around to find out, right?
Regardless, there's nothing like the thrill of a fight or of the wind in your hair as you move faster and faster, or when you learn something completely new. And if that means she has to experience those joys alone, it can't be that bad forever anyways, right?
【Notable Traits】
✔Instrumental music
✔Quiet nights
✔Learning new things
✔Seeing people be excited about things
✘Loud people
✘The heat/being hot
✔Quiet nights
✔Learning new things
✔Seeing people be excited about things
✘Loud people
✘The heat/being hot
【Defining Traits】
☯Cautious of social ties
☯Cautious of social ties
Harime: Superior Officier / Inspiration
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc
Besides being the leader of the second division, Harime happens to hold a flame to Eiyu's eyes. Ever since a particularly nasty Hollow outbreak in the Rukongai districts, in which Eiyu had done everything that she could to get people to safety using her speed before she had been unable to save a group that had been isolated and surrounded before Harime appeared in a shunpo and in a single fell swoop froze the surrounding hollows with her Zanpakuto. From there the incident was swiftly taken care of, but not before the briefest of moments where Eiyu knew that Harime had given her a nod of acknowledgement, or perhaps thanks. She never knows which it might have been, or something different, and frankly the specifics matters less than the drive it gave her. Eiyu has been pushing to reach the heights of the woman who she feels a kindred spirit with.
NAME: Friend/Rival/Acquaintance/Superior Officer/Nemesis etc
Summary of Relationship. When they met, how long they've known one another, how they feel about them and why.
【General Aptitude】
Fighting Style:
Kyori isn’t quite a hit and run fighter, but what she lacks in physical strength she excels with raw speed, endurance to whittle down her enemies slowly in a straight fight, and spiritual power. She’s liable to keep going until it’s beyond question that she has no chance at success, often pushing herself far beyond what she should. But she fights with her mind, looking for openings as she works to create them, keeping her attention around the battlefield while using her speed to her advantage, interweaving skills, hoho, and kido as her primary focus.
Reiryoku(Unused Points): 0
Reiatsu: 240 | Modifier: 2
Strength: 5 - Dismal
Resilience: 15 - Unremarkable
Mobility: 50 - Impressive
Spirit: 25 - Average
Proficiency: 285
Zanjutsu: 10 - Untrained
Hakuda: 10 - Untrained
Kido: 70 - Practitioner
Hoho: 100 - Expert
Perception: 70 - Practitioner
Specialty: Kido Scholar | Kido Practitioner
Primary: Hado | Secondary: Bakudo
Specialty: Prerequisites
Notably, those who do not possess this Specialty only choose a Primary and cannot use any other class of kido. Otherwise, those possessing this specialty must choose either Hado or Bakudo as their Primary and Secondary, respectively. The Primary discipline gains the full allotment of spells for their rank, whereas the secondary gains the allotment for one tier below their Proficiency. Individuals exceeding the Grandmaster Proficiency Tier can utilize their secondary at the same rank as their primary. Individuals below Grandmaster cannot utilize Forbidden Kidō. Once someone with this Specialty reaches Legend, they gain access to a tertiary class of Kido, allowing them to use all three classes though their tertiary class will not give them access to Forbidden spells of that category. At Myth, they can use all kido of any class.Primary: Hado | Secondary: Bakudo
Specialty: Prerequisites
Shunpo(Hoho Practitioner):
{Unique} Kosui Hensa(Impressive Mobility | Perception Practitioner):
Shinobiashi (Impressive Mobility | Average Spirit | Hoho Practitioner)
meaning “Flash Steps,” this technique, while not the pinnacle of Hoho, is the primary Arte afforded by the Skill. This Arte allows the user to move faster than the eye can easily follow by using as few steps as possible to cross a distance. The higher the user’s Hoho Proficiency, the faster and more efficient this Arte becomes. This technique clashes against the Perception Skill, meaning that the lower an individual’s skill value is, the more difficulty they will have predicting the trajectory of or even following the user’s movement. This becomes more pronounced if the Perception Skill is at a lower Proficiency Tier than the Shunpo User’s Hoho Skill.
{Unique} Kosui Hensa(Impressive Mobility | Perception Practitioner):
Meaning "Artful Deflection," this Arte defies the norm set by those who rely on raw strength to defend themselves. Instead, those skilled in this technique can rely on their ability to redirect strikes, using their momentum against them. Mechanically, this translates into the user of this technique using their Mobility stat to clash instead of Strength. If their Mobility tier is equal to that of the clashing stat they flip a coin (Heads is a successful block | Tails results in them being struck for "half damage"). If their Mobility tier is higher they can harmlessly deflect attacks.
Shinobiashi (Impressive Mobility | Average Spirit | Hoho Practitioner)
Meaning "Stealthy Steps," Shinobiashi draws one's reiatsu into a diffuse 'shell' around the user's body, using it to dampen sound and increase kinesthetic awareness. In tangent with a user's skillful footwork it allows an individual to go largely unnoticed. Functionally, this technique may clash with either Perception, Mobility, or Hoho. The user may choose the lowest of these three. If the user's chosen stat is higher than those contesting it by a full proficiency or milestone tier, the user will go unnoticed. In its base state, this technique makes it impossible to detect the user while they're using the technique. If a user is one tier higher in any of the three relevant stats they gain the 'hidden' state, which grants one Milestone/Proficiency tier of advantage on any attack. If the user is struck or they attack, they are automatically knocked out of the 'hidden' state.
Sealed State

~"You can't protect others if you can't protect yourself."~
Name: Kōtetsu shochō (Steel Warden)
Attunement: Phase One - Unattuned (1)
Deviation: Kyumin (Dormancy)
Inner World & Spirit:
Zanpakuto Personality: While Eiyu is self-sacrificing and caring to a fault, her Zanpakuto is almost her opposite. Apathetic, seeing no point in sacrificing yourself for no good reason, and seemingly bored by everything. But that doesn't mean that they have no common ground. Both of them want to protect and help others, they just differ on how that should be done.
Attunement: Phase One - Unattuned (1)
Deviation: Kyumin (Dormancy)
Inner World & Spirit:
Kōtetsu shochō (Steel Warden) takes the form of a tall (6ft even) being in full body metal armor with flowing edges that come to sharp points.
The Inner World, meanwhile, forms as a gigantic castle fortress, with dozen upon dozens of rooms and maze-like hallways. The suits of armor that fill out the hallways are similar in design as to the spirit, and the rooms are full of books and seemingly mundane things. This is all offset by the numerous traps both in the rooms and the hallways.
The Inner World, meanwhile, forms as a gigantic castle fortress, with dozen upon dozens of rooms and maze-like hallways. The suits of armor that fill out the hallways are similar in design as to the spirit, and the rooms are full of books and seemingly mundane things. This is all offset by the numerous traps both in the rooms and the hallways.
Zanpakuto Personality: While Eiyu is self-sacrificing and caring to a fault, her Zanpakuto is almost her opposite. Apathetic, seeing no point in sacrificing yourself for no good reason, and seemingly bored by everything. But that doesn't mean that they have no common ground. Both of them want to protect and help others, they just differ on how that should be done.
~"Divide and conquer, Kōtetsu shochō!"~
Ability: Due to Kōtetsu's discretion, Eiyu is capable of utilizing the physical aspect of her Shikai from the get go, allowing her to split her shield into its six segments at will. Notably, each segment of the shield can store a single Kido spell. Once she gains access to her full Shikai ability, it will likewise be capable of storing reiryoku-based kido-like effects.
If her Zanpakuto attempts to store the Kido or Kido-like effect originating from a foreign source, the user's Spirit clashes with that of the source. If the aggressor's Spirit is higher, Kōtetsu will be unable to store the effect. If Eiyu's Spirit is higher, the effect will be stored as per normal.
Entering their Shikai doubles their Reiatsu stat modifier.
Entering their Shikai doubles their Reiatsu stat modifier.
Name: Description.
Name: Description.
Name: Description.
Name: Description.
Name: Description.