Jesus I go away for a day and there's six pages of ooc when I return? What in the goddamn?!
@Irredeemable There were 2 pages when I went to bed last night, I woke up with 6. AMERICANS...that's what happened. Thanks to you...We've got 7 now :P
@Tortoise Our characters are in a caravan, meaning they probably would need mounts and such unless they want to walk. Am I allowed to make something to attempt to have it incorporated into the world? So, Cricket has a mount for her size?
<Snipped quote by Katakuri>
I vote that Cricket rides an actual cricket.
But to answer your question: you don't need to fill out a sheet or anything to give your character a mount. You can just say, IC, that your dudette is riding on one. Most of the writing and worldbuilding here will be done IC- I'm not the type of GM to make you fill out sheets for everything you wanna do. You can just give her a mount.
On that note, if anyone wants to early befriend Scrapheap, you’re more than welcome to state you’re riding on his shoulders!
Jesus I go away for a day and there's six pages of ooc when I return? What in the goddamn?!
<Snipped quote by Tortoise>
I've removed that part @Tortoise.
Roter Schwann
Race, Age, Time in the Caravan:
Human, 28, 3 months in the Caravan.
Rote looks much younger than his 28 years due to healing magic and potions being used to preserve his looks.
Roter was born in the Principality of Meissen in the north of the Continent, a land of cool summers and warm winters, of fertile fields and bustling cities. His family were mercenaries born and bred, who uplifted themselves from commoner stock and learned to read, write, and finally, cast Magic as well as swords. Roter admired his father, his mother, and the life they had bought for him, and sought to follow in their footsteps, training as hard as he can to serve his mercenary company - He handled training swords, he stabled horses, and he learned how to protect himself with Magic when shields and armor alone won't do.
At eighteen, he was already an accomplished fighter, and the Captain of the mercenary company, Abel, gave him the Company's most prized weapon, the fiery blade 'Galatine'. This roused jealousy from the other members of the mercenary company, which was bad as the Principality had just hired them to help defend against one of the most powerful nations in the region, the Osttereich, which had invaded the Principality on some trumped-up excuse.
Thanks to a 'suggestion' by the second-in-command of the mercenary company, Roter and a detachment of new recruits were left to guard a mountain pass believed to be away from the Osttereich's main offensive - It was, but the enemy had enough forces to overwhelm said pass anyway; 1,500 men against Roter and 150 folk. Even then, the defenders were able to hold out for nearly a week until the starvation, thirst, and the overwhelming numbers of the enemy forced them to yield.
It was only the beginning of their nightmare.
Mercenaries were not protected by the laws of war, and Roter's Captain, as well as his parents, had also been killed elsewhere and most of the treasure which could be used to pay for their ransom was seized. So after a quick trial, Roter and the survivors of his detachment had everything taken away from them and 'indentured' to the highest bidder for ten years. Despite 'indentures' theoretically having some rights, this was still a painful scenario, considering the temprament of his 'employers'.
The next ten years were not to be discussed, except that his youthful appearance was preserved using healing magic and potions, and also that the war between Meissen and the Osterreich ended with a peace which returned to the status quo (with a few miles of land being ceded to the Osterreich). Nevertheless, once it was time for him to be freed, his last employer had a gift for him: Galatine returned, as well as the revelation that his former mercenary company was still roaming around under the previous second-in-command's leadership... And that the reason he had been captured was because of treachery.
Rather than seek revenge, Roter thanked the employer for not delaying his freedom and for giving him the gift, and promptly joined the Pilgrim's Caravan; realizing that at 28, he had spent a decade away from his former home and his ties with it had been burnt away...
Roter wants to think he's a good person; maybe he still is, but what did he know? His experiences for the last ten years were best not talked about, a source of shame to him which he is tempted to drown out with alcohol and sleep, but he couldn't just lose himself in those; he didn't want to die yet. He just wants to be away from it all, to forget the loss of the life he once had, the death of his parents and his Captain, and the separation from his friends (sometimes due to them dying while indentured) due to the betrayal they all had suffered. However, despite his focus on his own pain and misery, Roter also has a brighter side; he is protective of children and despises cruelty in general, having had enough of that in the past ten years.
And while he does not over-indulge in alcohol, he is ready and eager to just chat and feast with the other members of the caravan.
Overcome his trauma and make a decision as to whether to seek revenge or not.
Skills, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Tools:
Skills and Strengths: An athletic man who is proficient in the use of shields and swords as well as maces, and able to bear the weight of armor. A good singer and bard who is well-read in history and metaphysical theory as well as philosophy. Not just that, but he knows first aid and anatomy and is generally knowledgeable in general.
Magic: Roter is proficient in conjuring and controlling flames up to a few meters' distance, and is resistant to hot temperatures due to both magical and mundane training. However, where he truly shines is 'White Magic', namely conjuring up barrriers of Holy Light which can cover up to six closely-packed folk and casting waves of healing energy (which also take the form of Holy Light) which heal those they touch.
Weaknesses: Aside from his trauma and current indecision, Roter has a well of paranoia due to not knowing if he'll be betrayed by the person he talks to. He is also bad at lying, although he can shade the truth or omit various details or convince himself of his own words if he really needed to. He also has a well of self-hate due to how he feels he betrayed the men and women under him by allowing them to be captured. And finally, despite all that, Roter is easily taken in by a pretty face (both male or female) and the promise of romance and a shoulder to cry on...
- Civilian Clothes.
- Armor.
- Shield.
- Dagger.
- A pouch of gold coins.
Galatine - A blade of Starmetal and Mythril which glows brightly when drawn, and allows Roter to send out waves of fiery energy which can burn through metal or waves of healing energy which can close the wounds and replenish the blood of a dozen people at once.
<Snipped quote by Katakuri>
I vote that Cricket rides an actual cricket.
But to answer your question: you don't need to fill out a sheet or anything to give your character a mount. You can just say, IC, that your dudette is riding on one. Most of the writing and worldbuilding here will be done IC- I'm not the type of GM to make you fill out sheets for everything you wanna do. You can just give her a mount.