Kathryn Pyke Human, Battle Master, Level 03HP: 25 / 31 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Alley behind the silver smith --> Public House Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Kathryn booked it out of Mallard's Silver Smith. Though she was a bit of an oaf at times, she was able to place her steps well and keep things hushed. And as far as she could tell, the rest of the party was doing okay as well. The body she was carrying didn't help. Awake he was a problem, comatose, he was a liability. Kathryn had attempted to do the right thing and it was biting them in the ass. Though they would make good time getting back, she was finding it harder and harder to know just what the right thing was. Baronfjørd brought up a rather valid concern about keeping him covered. "We'll ditch and gag him for now. We can't risk taking him back with us, and he is too much of a problem on his own." If they wanted the best chances of winning this fight, she's take her sword and lob his head off. Then he couldn't rejoin the fight, he couldn't harm anyone else, and couldn't spill the beans on anything they were doing. Sure, it felt wrong to execute a prisoner, and sure if someone in town figured out what they had done it would be harder to explain their situation later. But it would make the mission as a whole a lot easier. That's not something she could bring herself to do. So she got to struggle with him instead.
But Baronfjørd was right, something needed to be done. As they ran Kathryn saw a few places they could try and stash the guard. She may not have had it in her to kill him, but she wanted him out of the way and not in a position to hurt anyone else. She spotted a few places she could try and hide him. Some more appealing than others, but the more she thought the more she wanted to make sure that no one would accidentally find him. She saw an abandoned cart, though worried that he may stumble out of it once he came too, and worried the owners may return to find him. She saw an ever so tempting refuse bin. It would be quick, easy, and out of sight. She may be able to hide him in such a way where no one would find him until after all was said and done. Then he could stand trial and face proper punishments for his crimes. "I'll be right back Blackberry. I wont be long." Kathryn spoke softly so more vengeful party members wouldn't hear or have their attention drawn to what she was doing. Kathryn broke off the tail end of the group, and made her way to the bin. Once she got close, she saw something that may serve a bit better for her needs. An empty barrel. He wouldn't be a perfect fit, but he would fit. Kathryn started by undoing his binds, and bringing his knees to his chest, and his feet above his head. Then using his arms to wrap around his legs, and then tied his hands behind his head. To make extra sure, she used what was left of her rope to tie up him up tightly and firmly. There would be no wiggling his way out of these binds. But, he could still wake up.
Kathryn looked down at her man-rat filled barrel after setting him in, and decided this wasn't enough. He had proven his mouth was almost as much of a problem as his spear. Which ironically would be some kids first weapon. Good for them. It's important the young know how to defend themselves and others by the time they grow up. As for this one? Kathryn took off both his boots, and wedged them in such a way where moving about wasn't an option. But what she was really after? His socks. She took both off, balled off one, and wrapped the other tightly around it cramming it into his mouth to wrap things up. She chuckled at the image. "Heh..., Put a sock in it." she jested before putting the lid tightly back on the barrel, and pushing it behind a few other items nearby. Attempting her best to make sure that no one would find it again. It did mean if she didn't come back for him there was no telling how long it would take for him to be found. But he proved himself to be too risky to keep.
Kathryn booked it and returned with the rest of the party at a soft sprint. Still working to not draw too much attention. And good thing, they were closing in on the public house. Looking at Robert and Lea, there was tension in the air. The patrons not seeming to notice the tension. But seeing the relief in Robert's face helped assure that they were doing the right thing. Kathryn gave a subtle nod to Robert's question as she walked up. She didn't personally have the box, but Marita did. She watched as Robert rushed the others out of the public house and he asked his question. "Lots, short version though. We got it, Cavendish was there as well, and things turned into a physical altercation where he fled. He's down a man as well." Kathryn spoke matter of factly. She knew they couldn't share everything with Robert. He was still under the effect of the Geas. But his life was on the line too, and she figured he deserved to know something. And it was all information that Cavendish already knew shy of why the party was there. She made no effort to hide the hammer resting on her belt. At least now it wouldn't be used as a tool for his bullying and petty abuses of power.