Private Collab - Noel and Regil
Edit: This was before Noel's Age got Retconed to 18 from 16.
@Letter Bee @MagusDream
Edit: This was before Noel's Age got Retconed to 18 from 16.
Hansel’s Bread and Breakfast, Municipality of Lingayen - 9/30/2022, 8:15 UTC+8
Hansel’s Bread and Breakfast was founded by two German expatriates who retired to the Philippines to enjoy the good life and fulfil their dreams of running a bed and breakfast. These dreams, though interrupted by war, were nevertheless not shattered as the small house of stone, wood, and thatch that they had converted into their establishment after gaining Filipino Citizenship had survived the battle thanks to Nil and her Anti-Aircraft Noble Arm. And so Noel had decided to invite Regil, his fellow child soldier, to that quaint place in order to eat, get to know him better, and yes, to see if the latter was boyfriend material.
Note that as the Philippines was an… old-fashioned country and so were the people in it, even the expats, that last part was best not spoken about.
But hey, the food was at least good! As he waited for Regil to arrive, making sure to text the location to him plus a picture as he did so, Noel ordered some bacon, eggs, and the typical Filipino staple, rice.
BGM: Satellite Cafe Terrace (Magical Astronomy)
Soon, Regil arrived at the place and looked around. As he saw Noel sitting alone at the table, he walked over there and made himself comfortable.
"Good evening, Lieutenant. I’m sorry if I’m showing up late, I don’t know Lingayen that well." He spoke.
“That’s all right,” Noel said, “I’m glad you came.”
He then handed him a menu, before saying, “I’m paying, by the way. Also, I recommend the Chorizo - It’s a type of sausage - with rice, plus some scrambled eggs and hot chocolate.”
Once Regil had decided what to order - It could be something else, for all he knew; this place did serve American and British Breakfasts - Noel prepared to ask, and finally spoke again, “So, tell me more about yourself? As far as your orders allow, of course - And no, I’m not ordering anything; I’m just genuinely curious.”
"I don’t exactly have any orders to follow. To be perfectly honest, I’m… not a regular soldier like Regina. I’m a common citizen who was called by her to help with something on her behalf." Regil answered.
He was still indecisive about what should he order. While the restaurant served British breakfast, he wasn’t actually interested in anything too heavy. In fact, he was actively searching for healthy food, like salads, and tea for beverages. Meat was something he didn’t eat in the morning, he never liked it much. In the meantime, he decided to fill Noel with other information.
As he spoke about the situation, Regil called one of the waitresses and asked for a simple English garden salad with chamomile tea. He then awaited Noel’s response in order to see what he would say about a civilian intruding into war.
There was no waitress; it was manned entirely by the old couple who owned the bed and breakfast; Hans and Greta. Greta, however, was the one who served Regil his salad and tea in record time, even as Noel sighed and said, “Thought as much; you have that look on your face that says you didn’t fully expect to be here.”
He sighed and said, “I’ll record you as a ‘Volunteer’, but we need to talk with your Government later on, all right? The United Kingdom takes a dim view of people volunteering for foreign conflicts, although the Ukraine War has lightened it up somewhat. Then again, Arms Masters offering themselves for various causes is something some politicians see as a threat to national security despite the circumstances. All I can say is, be wary.”
Do not reveal what you know, what Willard has told you. However, what you should let Regil know is that this is very irregular and that he might get in trouble despite the circumstances.
Then he sighed and said, “Just to make sure, you’re not from a Spartan Training Program, right? Those things don’t work often enough to be practical, but people keep turning to fringe cases to say that they can work… Even though the cost is too high to be justifiable to all but the most unhinged of people.”
There, Noel made a judgement, though not of Regil. Of course, this also meant that no, Noel was further away from asking Regil if he thought he was cute…
Regil understood every single risk that this whole ordeal would take him. That, and the questions Noel was asking him. There wasn’t much for him to do, other than sincerely answer his question.
"No, I’m not. I came here of my own volition, as well as by Regina’s request. I also understand the implications and, as I said before, am ready for the consequences." Regil answered.
He began to eat the salad, giving away that he was no soldier, but some refined and pampered noble. As he calmly ate away his food, he decided to go on another tangent with Noel before returning to the main topic
"Now that I think about it, I haven’t properly introduced myself. All of the conversations back at the beach were so quick because of the situation." Regil stopped eating for a moment before extending his hand to Noel. "My name is Regil Meitner. I’m Regina’s younger brother, and the Meitner family’s self-taught Noble Arm scholar… in-training. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lieutenant."
Noel shook Regil’s hand, delighting in how it was so soft and smooth while his own had some calluses, though much less than expected.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Meitner. I must say, you take good care of your looks.”
There, a hint. Hopefully it was not too blatant.
"Oh, thank you. I'm not too good with self-care, but I do try to keep myself presentable." He thanked him and continued. "And you don't have to be so formal with me. Just call me Regil."
Regil felt Noel's friendliness and ease to approach. Though he still kept the formal tone, considering their positions, so he wouldn't step out of line.
*BGM fades*
... But as much as the meeting was quite friendly-paced, Regil decided to ask something related to the war.
"Lieutenant, I'm sorry to ask this right now, but… do you have any idea why China decided to wage war against the world?"
Noel nodded and said, “Antipathy, hatred, a refusal to accept second-place when it’s been the center of the world for millenia. A belief that its system is superior to others’ own. And finally… The influence of the Downward Descent corrupting the above-mentioned impulses, making them believe that it can overcome all opposition simply because it is China and willing to do ‘what it takes to win’ and the ‘hard decsions needed to make itself strong’.”
His eyes glinted with reflected light, his good mood gone now, “It’s a seductive logic for the prideful and the egotistic.”
BGM: Suspicion (Persona 5)
As Noel explained to him how things started with China, Regil somewhat got the idea behind their reasons, but still had questions.
"So the Downward Descent has been moving within China and spiraled it to start everything… not that they don’t have the volition to do this of their own accord. But still… even with the power of Noble Arms, don’t they think it’s sort of suicidal to wage war against the world. With other big potent countries like Russia and the United States, declaring such a thing is asking for their own destruction. Or am I wrong in my statement?" Regil asked.
Noel sighed - a gesture he regretted right away - and said, “Russia is on China’s side. It claims its own ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine is a ‘parallel movement’, but no one is deceived; they’re both planning to tear down the world order and replace it with themselves.”
"An alliance between countries to overthrow the world order… But this is…" Regil said and continued. "They’re helping each other right now, but the moment their plan carves out successfully, then it’s one against the other. And with their military force and their, well, expansive land, I’m sure Russia has nothing to lose while China’s being played around. I might be diverging and imagining things, but it’s what I can amount to right now."
To Regil, there was no benefit for China to ally itself with Russia, especially knowing the rather vast difference between each country’s military power. Sure, Russia may have lost wars in the past, but history is no longer the same as back then. And China has no way of standing any chance to defeat them if combat were to fall right at their lands.
"This feels such an illogical and risky move… they’re basically acting like some playthings to test grounds." Regil sighed.
Noel nodded and said as he sipped his coffee, “You might be onto something. Playthings to test grounds…”
Then he changed the subject, “So, umm, how do you keep your hair that way? Silver, I mean? Is it dyed, or is a Noble Arm power used?”
Okay, that was a sterotypically gay - well, bi - question.
BGM: Joy (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)
The serious mood got cut off by Noel’s sudden question.
"My hair…? Oh, it’s from my mother’s. Her hair’s silver, so both me and Regina were born with silver hair. Though I can’t tell if it’s the genetics of it’s because of her own Noble Arm." Regil answered.
Noel stepped up his game, or tried to, saying, “You know… Your sister is very pretty; girls would say that you are, too…”
"Do you think so? Well, I’ve never been courted by any girl friends that I know. And Regina wouldn’t actually care much, she doesn’t think about romance or marriage." Regil said, innocently.
“Hmm…” Noel’s voice lowered into a whisper, “I know this is a foolish thing to ask in a Majority-Catholic country, albeit more lenient than most, but what about boys?”
"None that I recall. I don’t think that I actually have been courted by someone in my life." Regil answered, not knowing the second intention behind the question.
Noel blinked and said, “You really don’t get what I’m saying, don’t you? All right, I’ll be up-front with it. I like you, enough to want to court you, but it’s hard to know if you’d let me or just be disgusted or be scared off by how up-front I am. Is that okay?”
*BGM stops*.
But he didn’t get a yes. Not even a no. Regil just simply tilted his head, in utter confusion. Not shock from the blunt way Noel decided to expose himself, no. He genuinely didn’t understand.
"Umm… I don’t actually follow. Hmm…" Regil closed his eyes. "Oh!" And then came to an answer.
BGM: Oh, I’m a Flamelet! (Secret of Mana 2/Trials of Mana)
"This is a test! I see it now… you’re testing me to see how I’d react to a really blunt assumption thrown at me! Aaaaaah, I almost failed it! Hahaha, I can’t believe this!"
This narrator would like to remember everyone that Regil Meitner is a sheltered, logical, bookworm kid that has never experienced romance in his life. Thus, to him, this was a way for Noel to actually test his reactions to the bluntness of war, considering he never stepped in the battlefield before, with the battle from some days ago being his first one.
"Don’t worry, Lieutenant! I may be a battle novice, but I’m ready to go and help everyone. Again, I’m sorry that I made you worry, but I shall not disappoint! I’ll get the hang of things and be an impressive ally!" He said, proud that he didn’t fail the test.
“I…” Noel was speechless, seeing someone so sheltered and naive in front of him. And so he just stopped eating and drinking and bowed down his head, hiding his eyes, although his glum frown was easily visible anyway. He was going to stop doing anything at all until Regil actually got what he was saying.
If the other boy wanted a test, he’s getting one!
"In any case, you are really direct about things. That’s something I like in people! Oh, but I’m hoping that you can chase the man you’re after! I know we just met each other a few days ago, but I’m rooting for your happiness." Regil said, cheering him up. Whether or not he was sort of giving him a chance for Noel to pursue him, it was up for the Lieutenant to decide.
"Oh, but to answer your question properly about boys and girls… hmm, I never thought about it. I guess I’d be fine with both…? I’ve never gone through the proper steps of romance, though I did read something or two about it. I think I have to study a little bit more to actually decide."
Noel blinked at that, lifted his head up, and said, “Hmm, maybe I can help study? I haven’t romanced anyone myself, but I do know that sometimes, holding hands is both an innocent form of physical contact yet enough to awaken… feelings. So why don’t we try that, and if you feel nothing, we can safely say you might not be into boys…”
The idea seemed wonderful… but bookworms aren’t satisfied with just one route. No, no, just that wasn’t enough for Regil at all.
"Just that? No, no, that’s way too few steps to conduct a proper experiment. I won’t reach an answer with just that! I have to build a study plan, some field practices, gather enough information with my peers, see what I can find on the internet… so much to do in order to discover this! Hehe, I’m getting excited just thinking about doing some intensive studying again!" He said, giddy. "I’ll have to properly plan that with my continued research about Noble Arms… and then there’s my business with my sister… I think I can put that here and there and make some space in my research agenda… I just have to put that down somewhere so that I won’t forget."
Noel might have been expecting something, but Regil deviated from some romantic experience to actual academic research about love, romance, and his preferences. It was like seeing a professor build an entire field trip and even some scientific analysis to find the answer to love… if this professor was just some naive and innocent kid from the United Kingdom.
Noel decided to up his game and said, “I already paid for the food up-front. If we leave now, find a ‘make-out spot’, and I kissed you full on the mouth, will that help you in your experiment?”
*BGM stops*
But before Regil could answer, the door rang as someone got in.
BGM: Hora theae (Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Portable)
”Oh-ho, there you two are!" A voice called from afar.
When Regil looked back, Willard was at the door, waving at them. Regil called him over to sit down with them.
"I didn’t know you were in the area, Mr. Willard." Regil asked.
”Ah, I was passing by and felt hungry so I decided to stop by. And coincidentally, I bumped into you two." Willard answered. Though not exactly truthful. It wasn’t a coincidence, but both he and Regina wondered where they were and why they were taking that long. So he sort of followed them.
"I see. In any case, we were talking about making a love study!" Regil said.
”A what now?" Willard asked.
"A study about love, romance and those things! I need to discover so much and I know so little, so Lieutenant Alonso has given me this idea!" Regil answered, happy.
”Uh… huh. Lieutenant Alonso proposed that…" Willard said, looking at Noel.
"Oh, I forgot that I finished my plate already and my tea! Give me a moment, I’ll be right back!"
Regil picked up his plate and cup and went to place them at the counter. Willard looked at Noel and gave him a smile… though that meant something else.
”Well then Lieutenant… why don’t you tell me what were you actually planning to do with Regil as part of your… ahem, “love study”, eh?" Willard asked.
“I have a crush on him,” Noel was blunt. “And he’s dense and thinks this is all a test or something. So I decided to play along until he finally gets it.”
”Mmhmm, I see, I see…" Willard spoke and continued. ”You’re jumping some steps right there, my guy. Like, really good steps, let me tell you."
“Oh,” was all Noel can say about that. “Yeah… I’m inexperienced too. What steps need to be taken?”
”Ah, to be young and innocent. How cute." Willard said, sounding like an old man. ”Well, first of all, you can’t be that blunt. You have to feel the terrain, to see if you really want to grow some crops. Planting seeds on ruined soil won’t get you any good results, will it?"
Willard laughed before he continued. ”What I mean to say is… you barely know him. You just developed a crush on him, like that’s enough to convince you that Regil’s the perfect man for you. You got lucky that he doesn’t know any better, otherwise he would’ve rejected you on the spot."
Noel’s eyes opened wide, and he said, “Oh. Oh no. I… I genuinely didn’t know. I feel like a fool now…”
”Bluntness can be translated to aggressiveness, that can be translated further to desperation, that can be translated even further to “anyone works for me”. But like I said, Regil’s so pure he didn’t get that at all.” Willard said. ”So you did start with your left foot, true. But there’s still plenty of time to make it work. Let’s see…"
As a casanova himself (though only in the line of work), Willard has experience with this. Especially with a first romance such as this one. He thought well about what Noel could do with Regil.
”Well, instead of just screaming out “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE DATE ME!!" to the poor boy, why don’t you start just as friends? Instead of leading him off with his idea, get yourself to know him better naturally. Work together, chat, and just be friendly with him. If you mislead him with this whole “study”, that’s going to bite you in the ass so hard that he might get offended, to be blunt with you.
Noel nodded and said to himself, “Be friends. Just be friends for now. No ‘love study’. Yeah, that works, but how do we pull out of this?”
Then he thanked Willard by saying, “You know, it was best that you intercepted me; it could have been Regina.”
”Be real glad, that woman would’ve seriously killed you right on the spot." Willard said. ”And about Regil, I’ll do you this favor. As your new “bro”, I suppose, haha!”
Just as he finished laughing, Regil returned to the table.
"Sorry I took so much time! Anyway, about the study, I have some ideas." Regil said, sitting down.
”Ah, but you see, we actually don’t have that much time on our hands to do that. War’s going to be very consuming and you will need to focus on that." Willard spoke.
"Aww, but I thought about we make a holding hands experiment with everyone else!" Regil said, a little frustrated.
”Regil, that’s not how that works, little guy. Love comes as a natural feeling, not some scientific result. You’ll feel it when you’ll feel it." Willard spoke, reassuring him.
"You don’t know until you try! Imagine if we could produce love that easily!" Regil answered.
”Hahaha! Oh Regil… that won’t happen. Believe me, people tried and it didn’t work.” Willard laughed and lied.
"Really? Fiddlesticks… and here I thought it would…" Regil pouted.
”Well now, why don’t we head back to the base? We still got some stuff to do there. Right, Lieutenant?” Willard asked Noel.
“Right!” Noel said, before saying to Regil, “So, had fun? I hope you at least managed to relax…”
"Oh! Yes, most certainly! This was a wonderful outing! Thank you very much!" Regil answered.
”I’m glad you two managed to take a break. Shall we go then?” Willard asked.
"You just arrived here! Don’t you want to eat something?” Regil asked him.
”I can just eat something on the way back. I’m not that hungry anyway, I’ll be fine.” Willard answered.
"If you say so. I’ll wait for you two outside!” Regil said, leaving the table.
He left them and went outside to wait for them. Taking the few seconds left before leaving, Willard talked to Noel once more.
”There, you’re saved. Now remember, don’t be desperate to get into Regil’s heart. Go slow, and then you can go steady, especially with such a cinnamon roll as our little guy is, alright?" Willard spoke.
Noel smiled and said, “Cinnamon Rolls… They’re awesome.”
And with that, he went to follow Regil.
Hansel’s Bread and Breakfast was founded by two German expatriates who retired to the Philippines to enjoy the good life and fulfil their dreams of running a bed and breakfast. These dreams, though interrupted by war, were nevertheless not shattered as the small house of stone, wood, and thatch that they had converted into their establishment after gaining Filipino Citizenship had survived the battle thanks to Nil and her Anti-Aircraft Noble Arm. And so Noel had decided to invite Regil, his fellow child soldier, to that quaint place in order to eat, get to know him better, and yes, to see if the latter was boyfriend material.
Note that as the Philippines was an… old-fashioned country and so were the people in it, even the expats, that last part was best not spoken about.
But hey, the food was at least good! As he waited for Regil to arrive, making sure to text the location to him plus a picture as he did so, Noel ordered some bacon, eggs, and the typical Filipino staple, rice.
BGM: Satellite Cafe Terrace (Magical Astronomy)
Soon, Regil arrived at the place and looked around. As he saw Noel sitting alone at the table, he walked over there and made himself comfortable.
"Good evening, Lieutenant. I’m sorry if I’m showing up late, I don’t know Lingayen that well." He spoke.
“That’s all right,” Noel said, “I’m glad you came.”
He then handed him a menu, before saying, “I’m paying, by the way. Also, I recommend the Chorizo - It’s a type of sausage - with rice, plus some scrambled eggs and hot chocolate.”
Once Regil had decided what to order - It could be something else, for all he knew; this place did serve American and British Breakfasts - Noel prepared to ask, and finally spoke again, “So, tell me more about yourself? As far as your orders allow, of course - And no, I’m not ordering anything; I’m just genuinely curious.”
"I don’t exactly have any orders to follow. To be perfectly honest, I’m… not a regular soldier like Regina. I’m a common citizen who was called by her to help with something on her behalf." Regil answered.
He was still indecisive about what should he order. While the restaurant served British breakfast, he wasn’t actually interested in anything too heavy. In fact, he was actively searching for healthy food, like salads, and tea for beverages. Meat was something he didn’t eat in the morning, he never liked it much. In the meantime, he decided to fill Noel with other information.
As he spoke about the situation, Regil called one of the waitresses and asked for a simple English garden salad with chamomile tea. He then awaited Noel’s response in order to see what he would say about a civilian intruding into war.
There was no waitress; it was manned entirely by the old couple who owned the bed and breakfast; Hans and Greta. Greta, however, was the one who served Regil his salad and tea in record time, even as Noel sighed and said, “Thought as much; you have that look on your face that says you didn’t fully expect to be here.”
He sighed and said, “I’ll record you as a ‘Volunteer’, but we need to talk with your Government later on, all right? The United Kingdom takes a dim view of people volunteering for foreign conflicts, although the Ukraine War has lightened it up somewhat. Then again, Arms Masters offering themselves for various causes is something some politicians see as a threat to national security despite the circumstances. All I can say is, be wary.”
Do not reveal what you know, what Willard has told you. However, what you should let Regil know is that this is very irregular and that he might get in trouble despite the circumstances.
Then he sighed and said, “Just to make sure, you’re not from a Spartan Training Program, right? Those things don’t work often enough to be practical, but people keep turning to fringe cases to say that they can work… Even though the cost is too high to be justifiable to all but the most unhinged of people.”
There, Noel made a judgement, though not of Regil. Of course, this also meant that no, Noel was further away from asking Regil if he thought he was cute…
Regil understood every single risk that this whole ordeal would take him. That, and the questions Noel was asking him. There wasn’t much for him to do, other than sincerely answer his question.
"No, I’m not. I came here of my own volition, as well as by Regina’s request. I also understand the implications and, as I said before, am ready for the consequences." Regil answered.
He began to eat the salad, giving away that he was no soldier, but some refined and pampered noble. As he calmly ate away his food, he decided to go on another tangent with Noel before returning to the main topic
"Now that I think about it, I haven’t properly introduced myself. All of the conversations back at the beach were so quick because of the situation." Regil stopped eating for a moment before extending his hand to Noel. "My name is Regil Meitner. I’m Regina’s younger brother, and the Meitner family’s self-taught Noble Arm scholar… in-training. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lieutenant."
Noel shook Regil’s hand, delighting in how it was so soft and smooth while his own had some calluses, though much less than expected.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Meitner. I must say, you take good care of your looks.”
There, a hint. Hopefully it was not too blatant.
"Oh, thank you. I'm not too good with self-care, but I do try to keep myself presentable." He thanked him and continued. "And you don't have to be so formal with me. Just call me Regil."
Regil felt Noel's friendliness and ease to approach. Though he still kept the formal tone, considering their positions, so he wouldn't step out of line.
*BGM fades*
... But as much as the meeting was quite friendly-paced, Regil decided to ask something related to the war.
"Lieutenant, I'm sorry to ask this right now, but… do you have any idea why China decided to wage war against the world?"
Noel nodded and said, “Antipathy, hatred, a refusal to accept second-place when it’s been the center of the world for millenia. A belief that its system is superior to others’ own. And finally… The influence of the Downward Descent corrupting the above-mentioned impulses, making them believe that it can overcome all opposition simply because it is China and willing to do ‘what it takes to win’ and the ‘hard decsions needed to make itself strong’.”
His eyes glinted with reflected light, his good mood gone now, “It’s a seductive logic for the prideful and the egotistic.”
BGM: Suspicion (Persona 5)
As Noel explained to him how things started with China, Regil somewhat got the idea behind their reasons, but still had questions.
"So the Downward Descent has been moving within China and spiraled it to start everything… not that they don’t have the volition to do this of their own accord. But still… even with the power of Noble Arms, don’t they think it’s sort of suicidal to wage war against the world. With other big potent countries like Russia and the United States, declaring such a thing is asking for their own destruction. Or am I wrong in my statement?" Regil asked.
Noel sighed - a gesture he regretted right away - and said, “Russia is on China’s side. It claims its own ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine is a ‘parallel movement’, but no one is deceived; they’re both planning to tear down the world order and replace it with themselves.”
"An alliance between countries to overthrow the world order… But this is…" Regil said and continued. "They’re helping each other right now, but the moment their plan carves out successfully, then it’s one against the other. And with their military force and their, well, expansive land, I’m sure Russia has nothing to lose while China’s being played around. I might be diverging and imagining things, but it’s what I can amount to right now."
To Regil, there was no benefit for China to ally itself with Russia, especially knowing the rather vast difference between each country’s military power. Sure, Russia may have lost wars in the past, but history is no longer the same as back then. And China has no way of standing any chance to defeat them if combat were to fall right at their lands.
"This feels such an illogical and risky move… they’re basically acting like some playthings to test grounds." Regil sighed.
Noel nodded and said as he sipped his coffee, “You might be onto something. Playthings to test grounds…”
Then he changed the subject, “So, umm, how do you keep your hair that way? Silver, I mean? Is it dyed, or is a Noble Arm power used?”
Okay, that was a sterotypically gay - well, bi - question.
BGM: Joy (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3)
The serious mood got cut off by Noel’s sudden question.
"My hair…? Oh, it’s from my mother’s. Her hair’s silver, so both me and Regina were born with silver hair. Though I can’t tell if it’s the genetics of it’s because of her own Noble Arm." Regil answered.
Noel stepped up his game, or tried to, saying, “You know… Your sister is very pretty; girls would say that you are, too…”
"Do you think so? Well, I’ve never been courted by any girl friends that I know. And Regina wouldn’t actually care much, she doesn’t think about romance or marriage." Regil said, innocently.
“Hmm…” Noel’s voice lowered into a whisper, “I know this is a foolish thing to ask in a Majority-Catholic country, albeit more lenient than most, but what about boys?”
"None that I recall. I don’t think that I actually have been courted by someone in my life." Regil answered, not knowing the second intention behind the question.
Noel blinked and said, “You really don’t get what I’m saying, don’t you? All right, I’ll be up-front with it. I like you, enough to want to court you, but it’s hard to know if you’d let me or just be disgusted or be scared off by how up-front I am. Is that okay?”
*BGM stops*.
But he didn’t get a yes. Not even a no. Regil just simply tilted his head, in utter confusion. Not shock from the blunt way Noel decided to expose himself, no. He genuinely didn’t understand.
"Umm… I don’t actually follow. Hmm…" Regil closed his eyes. "Oh!" And then came to an answer.
BGM: Oh, I’m a Flamelet! (Secret of Mana 2/Trials of Mana)
"This is a test! I see it now… you’re testing me to see how I’d react to a really blunt assumption thrown at me! Aaaaaah, I almost failed it! Hahaha, I can’t believe this!"
This narrator would like to remember everyone that Regil Meitner is a sheltered, logical, bookworm kid that has never experienced romance in his life. Thus, to him, this was a way for Noel to actually test his reactions to the bluntness of war, considering he never stepped in the battlefield before, with the battle from some days ago being his first one.
"Don’t worry, Lieutenant! I may be a battle novice, but I’m ready to go and help everyone. Again, I’m sorry that I made you worry, but I shall not disappoint! I’ll get the hang of things and be an impressive ally!" He said, proud that he didn’t fail the test.
“I…” Noel was speechless, seeing someone so sheltered and naive in front of him. And so he just stopped eating and drinking and bowed down his head, hiding his eyes, although his glum frown was easily visible anyway. He was going to stop doing anything at all until Regil actually got what he was saying.
If the other boy wanted a test, he’s getting one!
"In any case, you are really direct about things. That’s something I like in people! Oh, but I’m hoping that you can chase the man you’re after! I know we just met each other a few days ago, but I’m rooting for your happiness." Regil said, cheering him up. Whether or not he was sort of giving him a chance for Noel to pursue him, it was up for the Lieutenant to decide.
"Oh, but to answer your question properly about boys and girls… hmm, I never thought about it. I guess I’d be fine with both…? I’ve never gone through the proper steps of romance, though I did read something or two about it. I think I have to study a little bit more to actually decide."
Noel blinked at that, lifted his head up, and said, “Hmm, maybe I can help study? I haven’t romanced anyone myself, but I do know that sometimes, holding hands is both an innocent form of physical contact yet enough to awaken… feelings. So why don’t we try that, and if you feel nothing, we can safely say you might not be into boys…”
The idea seemed wonderful… but bookworms aren’t satisfied with just one route. No, no, just that wasn’t enough for Regil at all.
"Just that? No, no, that’s way too few steps to conduct a proper experiment. I won’t reach an answer with just that! I have to build a study plan, some field practices, gather enough information with my peers, see what I can find on the internet… so much to do in order to discover this! Hehe, I’m getting excited just thinking about doing some intensive studying again!" He said, giddy. "I’ll have to properly plan that with my continued research about Noble Arms… and then there’s my business with my sister… I think I can put that here and there and make some space in my research agenda… I just have to put that down somewhere so that I won’t forget."
Noel might have been expecting something, but Regil deviated from some romantic experience to actual academic research about love, romance, and his preferences. It was like seeing a professor build an entire field trip and even some scientific analysis to find the answer to love… if this professor was just some naive and innocent kid from the United Kingdom.
Noel decided to up his game and said, “I already paid for the food up-front. If we leave now, find a ‘make-out spot’, and I kissed you full on the mouth, will that help you in your experiment?”
*BGM stops*
But before Regil could answer, the door rang as someone got in.
BGM: Hora theae (Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Portable)
”Oh-ho, there you two are!" A voice called from afar.
When Regil looked back, Willard was at the door, waving at them. Regil called him over to sit down with them.
"I didn’t know you were in the area, Mr. Willard." Regil asked.
”Ah, I was passing by and felt hungry so I decided to stop by. And coincidentally, I bumped into you two." Willard answered. Though not exactly truthful. It wasn’t a coincidence, but both he and Regina wondered where they were and why they were taking that long. So he sort of followed them.
"I see. In any case, we were talking about making a love study!" Regil said.
”A what now?" Willard asked.
"A study about love, romance and those things! I need to discover so much and I know so little, so Lieutenant Alonso has given me this idea!" Regil answered, happy.
”Uh… huh. Lieutenant Alonso proposed that…" Willard said, looking at Noel.
"Oh, I forgot that I finished my plate already and my tea! Give me a moment, I’ll be right back!"
Regil picked up his plate and cup and went to place them at the counter. Willard looked at Noel and gave him a smile… though that meant something else.
”Well then Lieutenant… why don’t you tell me what were you actually planning to do with Regil as part of your… ahem, “love study”, eh?" Willard asked.
“I have a crush on him,” Noel was blunt. “And he’s dense and thinks this is all a test or something. So I decided to play along until he finally gets it.”
”Mmhmm, I see, I see…" Willard spoke and continued. ”You’re jumping some steps right there, my guy. Like, really good steps, let me tell you."
“Oh,” was all Noel can say about that. “Yeah… I’m inexperienced too. What steps need to be taken?”
”Ah, to be young and innocent. How cute." Willard said, sounding like an old man. ”Well, first of all, you can’t be that blunt. You have to feel the terrain, to see if you really want to grow some crops. Planting seeds on ruined soil won’t get you any good results, will it?"
Willard laughed before he continued. ”What I mean to say is… you barely know him. You just developed a crush on him, like that’s enough to convince you that Regil’s the perfect man for you. You got lucky that he doesn’t know any better, otherwise he would’ve rejected you on the spot."
Noel’s eyes opened wide, and he said, “Oh. Oh no. I… I genuinely didn’t know. I feel like a fool now…”
”Bluntness can be translated to aggressiveness, that can be translated further to desperation, that can be translated even further to “anyone works for me”. But like I said, Regil’s so pure he didn’t get that at all.” Willard said. ”So you did start with your left foot, true. But there’s still plenty of time to make it work. Let’s see…"
As a casanova himself (though only in the line of work), Willard has experience with this. Especially with a first romance such as this one. He thought well about what Noel could do with Regil.
”Well, instead of just screaming out “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE DATE ME!!" to the poor boy, why don’t you start just as friends? Instead of leading him off with his idea, get yourself to know him better naturally. Work together, chat, and just be friendly with him. If you mislead him with this whole “study”, that’s going to bite you in the ass so hard that he might get offended, to be blunt with you.
Noel nodded and said to himself, “Be friends. Just be friends for now. No ‘love study’. Yeah, that works, but how do we pull out of this?”
Then he thanked Willard by saying, “You know, it was best that you intercepted me; it could have been Regina.”
”Be real glad, that woman would’ve seriously killed you right on the spot." Willard said. ”And about Regil, I’ll do you this favor. As your new “bro”, I suppose, haha!”
Just as he finished laughing, Regil returned to the table.
"Sorry I took so much time! Anyway, about the study, I have some ideas." Regil said, sitting down.
”Ah, but you see, we actually don’t have that much time on our hands to do that. War’s going to be very consuming and you will need to focus on that." Willard spoke.
"Aww, but I thought about we make a holding hands experiment with everyone else!" Regil said, a little frustrated.
”Regil, that’s not how that works, little guy. Love comes as a natural feeling, not some scientific result. You’ll feel it when you’ll feel it." Willard spoke, reassuring him.
"You don’t know until you try! Imagine if we could produce love that easily!" Regil answered.
”Hahaha! Oh Regil… that won’t happen. Believe me, people tried and it didn’t work.” Willard laughed and lied.
"Really? Fiddlesticks… and here I thought it would…" Regil pouted.
”Well now, why don’t we head back to the base? We still got some stuff to do there. Right, Lieutenant?” Willard asked Noel.
“Right!” Noel said, before saying to Regil, “So, had fun? I hope you at least managed to relax…”
"Oh! Yes, most certainly! This was a wonderful outing! Thank you very much!" Regil answered.
”I’m glad you two managed to take a break. Shall we go then?” Willard asked.
"You just arrived here! Don’t you want to eat something?” Regil asked him.
”I can just eat something on the way back. I’m not that hungry anyway, I’ll be fine.” Willard answered.
"If you say so. I’ll wait for you two outside!” Regil said, leaving the table.
He left them and went outside to wait for them. Taking the few seconds left before leaving, Willard talked to Noel once more.
”There, you’re saved. Now remember, don’t be desperate to get into Regil’s heart. Go slow, and then you can go steady, especially with such a cinnamon roll as our little guy is, alright?" Willard spoke.
Noel smiled and said, “Cinnamon Rolls… They’re awesome.”
And with that, he went to follow Regil.
@Letter Bee @MagusDream
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