I like reading as much as I can to give me an idea of what structures are in place for me to use, the theme/atmosphere the GM's going for, and to help inspire ideas within the setting for whatever character I'm making. Also, I just like details, so mostly those first reasons are just very good excuses for me to read more... >.>
In my excitement, I believe I overstretched my capabilities as a GM. While I will continue to accept all Character Sheet applications until Friday, I, however, will be instead sticking with the original intention and only accepting 11 players.
Apologies for the confusion, however upon meditating upon it further, I do believe sticking with the original design is best for the RP and its longevity.
I just wanted to say this RP sounds, pardon an overused word, Epic! If I weren't already committed to other things, I could see myself totally jumping in - I can already FEEL the world with all the work you've put into it! SO cool. LOVE that's it Canadian. : ) Have a great time, all!
I just wanted to say this RP sounds, pardon an overused word, Epic! If I weren't already committed to other things, I could see myself totally jumping in - I can already FEEL the world with all the work you've put into it! SO cool. LOVE that's it Canadian. : ) Have a great time, all!
Thank you! Figured as the resident X-Men fan, this RP would jump out at you.
@Lord Wraith Is there an exact time when sheets are supposed to be finished? I know you mentioned tomorrow, but a time/time zone might help people realize how much time they still have left to finish their sheets.
@Lord Wraith Is there an exact time when sheets are supposed to be finished? I know you mentioned tomorrow, but a time/time zone might help people realize how much time they still have left to finish their sheets.
I finish work on Fridays at 1 pm EST. So we shall say that will be the cut-off time tomorrow.
EDIT: The initial announcement has been updated to reflect the cut-off time. I'll pick up some lunch and then post the accepted characters once I get home.
Thank you to everyone who has submitted a sheet thus far, I wish I could have you all! Lots of great sheets and this will not be an easy task to sort through.
Been thinking of getting back into RPing for a very long while now and this RP was exactly what I've been waiting for! I had been holding off on writing a CS since the join status said it was full, but I figured I'd give it a shot now anyway with the announcement that CSes would still be accepted until later today.
So here I go, at the last possible moment... hehe.
"Don’t you know it’s impolite to ask a lady about her weight?"
â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… Y E A R B O O K P H O T O â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… Y E A R B O O K P H O T O â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… â–…â–…â–…â–…â–… S T U D E N T S U M M A R Y â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
Katja Kruger _________________________________________________________ March20,2004 | 19 | Caucasian _________________________________________________________ Single | ♀ Female | Bisexual _________________________________________________________ Bloemfontein | Vrijstaat | South Africa
â–… P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E â–… P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
P H Y S I C A L T R A I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ B U I L D || Muscular ◼ H A I R C O L O U R || Blonde ◼ E Y E C O L O U R || Blue ◼ H E I G H T || 6’3" ◼ W E I G H T || 220 lbs ◼ S K I N T O N E || Afrikaner -
â–… M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S â–… M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
M O T I V A T I O N S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Katja’s primary motivation is to learn about her powers and if possible develop them further. The prospect of openly using her abilities excites her a lot, because ever since her Hypeabilities manifested she’s had to hide suppress them so as to not attract too much attention to her or her remaining family. This also leads to the second motivation, as she wants to give her uncle and sister some freedom from the prying and judgemental eyes of the people of High Point. G O A L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Katja’s life goal is to make sure no Hyperhuman has to ever again fear persecution for being born with the Hype gene. While some might consider this wishful thinking, it’s something Katja has been determined to achieve ever since she lost her parents. Besides this lofty goal she also has some more, less grand, goals. The primary one is to finally make some friends that are around her age. Living with her Uncle in a community fairly isolated from Hyperhumans, Katja was mostly shunned by the other kids. So the prospect of friends her age excites her greatly. -
â–… N O T E S â–… N O T E S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Usually Katja’s South African accent is barely noticeable, but when she gets excited it really shines through. Sometimes she’ll even yell out stuff in Afrikaans. ►Struggling a bit with trauma, Katja has developed some tics that become noticeable when she’s nervous or under other sorts of stress. The most notable tics are her chewing on the inside of her cheeks or her biting on her hand. ►Katja loves all sorts of sports. She used to play soccer before her powers became obvious to her team, after which she was kicked out. After team sports were ruled out Katja became what you could call a gym rat. She’s an avid fan of the Springboks, Real Madrid, the Buffalo Bills and Badr Hari. ►While not musically gifted herself, Katja loves hard rock and metal. She has a particular soft spot for the 70s and 80s variants of these genres. ►Colorcode: ff7514 -
â–… S T U D E N T S Y N O P S I S â–… S T U D E N T S Y N O P S I S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
Hailing from Bloemfontein, South Africa, Katja Kruger was the second born of two Hyperhuman parents. While not exorbitantly rich, her family was still reasonably wealthy by South African standards. Katja can’t recall a whole lot about her time in South Africa before the riots, but she remembers being happy and never left wanting. This however changed during the Hyperriots of 2010. Following a massive corruption scandal which left millions destitute, the government tried to shift the blame towards the Hyperhumans. What followed was several weeks of riots, culminating in the Bloemfontein Massacre. Chanting “Kill the Hypie”, thousands of mundane humans went to the streets and killed whichever Hyperhuman, real or suspected, they could find, even going so far as to break into homes of known Hyperhumans. This is exactly what happened to the Kruger family. Katja watched in horror as her parents were killed in front of her. Her sister would get badly crippled as she was left for dead by the attackers, never able to walk again. Katja was only spared because her sister managed to hide her away in time.
Saved by their uncle and with the aid of H.E.L.P., the Kruger siblings would move with him away from South Africa to High Point, NC in the United States. While the States wasn’t much better than South Africa when it came to Hyperhuman persecution, it was at least safer than waiting for another possible riot. Here the Hyperhuman status of the Krugers was kept under wraps for a little while, as Katja’s uncle wasn’t a Hyperhuman while her sister’s Hype-gene either never triggered or the ability was barely noticeable. This all changed when Katja would get a physical exam at high school. While looking perfectly average, perhaps a bit taller and beefier than most, she somehow still weighed in at 400 lbs. It turned out that something as mundane as her excitement for an upcoming high school soccer game later that day had triggered her Hype-gene. While it was requested to keep the information underwraps, rumors did eventually come out. And whether they were true or not, Katja’s social life in High Point was over.
Despite the newfound adversity and discrimination Katja persevered through high school. Passing with middling grades and with no real social connections, her academic future looked very grim. That is, until her uncle used his contacts within H.E.L.P. to ask for a possible application to PRCU. Katja was ecstatic when she heard about this. Seeing it as her one shot at an academic education, but more importantly a return to acceptance from peer students, she would eagerly take the opportunity if it arrived with both hands.
â–… D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E â–… D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
Coming in at 6’3, saying that Katja stands out amongst a crowd would be an understatement. Not just is she very tall for a girl, she also sports a very strong and muscular body. While her physical presence and intense blue eyes might be intimidating to some, her joyful demeanor and energetic smile almost always manages to disarm anyone who’s anxious about her. Her light blonde hair reaches down to just below her shoulder blades if she has it hanging loosely, which she rarely does as it’s usually tied in a ponytail or a bun. Usually when Katja isn’t in uniform she wears clothes that emphasize her physique, like sleeveless tops, short sleeved shirts, shorts or short skirts. Often these clothes are from sports brands like Adidas and Nike. Katja does sometimes like to wear cargo pants and hoodies though. In terms of footwear she either wears sneakers or heavy duty boots.
While her body is mostly free from blemishes, she does have a scar on her right hand in the form of teeth marks.
â–… P E R S O N A L I T Y â–… P E R S O N A L I T Y â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
Outgoing and impulsive, Katja is a ball of positive energy wherever she goes. Her lack of people skills is on full display as she doesn’t have any sense of personal space. She is very optimistic, to the point of naivety according to some. Katja is very protective of those she cares about, be they friends or family, and also has a weak spot for the weak and outcasts of society. Overall Katja is a happy go lucky kind of gal, always looking for the positive side of things and looking to have a fun time. Having said that, she can be quite temperamental, especially when she considers herself or any loved ones slighted. If the slight is judged extreme enough Katja might hold a grudge for the rest of her life.
â–… A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S â–… A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
The HZE ions in Katja’s body are able to convert themselves into particles which bind themselves with the already existing particles in Katjas cells or consume said particles. This has the result that her density of substance can basically be increased or decreased at will. In practical terms this means that Katja can change her mass and resilience. This might give some the impression that she has super strength because she can hit like a truck. But that’s not necessarily true, it’s just that she weighs as much as a truck, so you might as well be hit by a literal truck.
The increased density also makes her flesh, organs and bones more resilient. If she for instance takes on the density of Iron, her body becomes as resilient as Iron. This increased toughness makes her not just able to receive more blows to herself, it also means that she can actually keep up with her own mass. She’s often imagined what’d happen if she suddenly became as heavy as a car yet her bones would refuse to change. Needless to say, it wouldn’t be a pretty picture.
Katja’s sister likened her to a battletank; Heavy, can take a punch and can dish out a load of hurt.
L I M I T A T I O N S ||Velocity, Consumption, Training
Luckily for Katja her abilities seem to be an all or nothing kind of deal. Whenever she uses her Hyperhuman powers it gets applied to her entire body. So this means she isn’t able to for example increase the density of her knuckles to cheat at a boxing event or something like that. Having her entire body basically consume her hazies does mean that it’s quite an exhausting power to trigger and so she is unable to quickly switch between different density properties. Usually she sticks to just one unless the situation immediately demands a change (with a glass floor for instance). The rapid consumption of hazies also gives her quite an appetite.
And to emphasize an earlier point; While her power might look from the outside as superstrength, given how she could punch cars away, she can not pick said cars up or lift them above her head. She has to be able to generate force behind her mass in order for it to have any effect. Fluids that leave her body, be they saliva, sweat, blood or whatever, revert back to their mundane state. So there won’t be any spit flying around with the mass of tungsten any time soon.
At the time of writing the maximum density that Katja can achieve is the equivalent of Iron, or 7 times the particle density of the regular human body and able to hold that continuously for 15 minutes. Increasing her maximum density as well as the longevity of her ability is like training any muscle in the human body. It takes lots of repeated practice and use to increase.
W E A K N E S S E S ||Elements, Containment
Besides the 15 minute time cap that she’s currently at, there’s not a whole lot to specifically mention. While the higher density might make her more resilient, she doesn’t become damage proof. At her current level a regular 9mm might barely penetrate her skin at her current max, but bigger calibers should still do the trick. The added resilience doesn’t do anything against fire, electricity or the like.
Being able to manipulate your mass also doesn’t help a lot when you’re restrained, be it by being buried under rubble or tied to a chair. Here the difference with super strength again becomes apparent as, once again, Katja needs to be able to exert some force on her mass in order for it to achieve something, else she might as well be a really heavy rock.
â–… S K I L L S & T A L E N T S â–… S K I L L S & T A L E N T S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
S K I L L ||Kickboxing
After being kicked from the high school soccer team, and any other team for that matter, Katja was left to practice in solo sports. She eventually ended up with kickboxing, specifically because one of her idols practiced it too. She’s quite good at it and it’s become the foundation of her fighting style.
S K I L L || Cooking
Katja is an excellent cook. As both her power and her training regimen require her to be well fed she has learned how to cook both nutritional as well as delicious meals.
T A L E N T ||Sports
From a young age Katja always seemed to be able to pick up and participate in any sport, even if she’d only learned the rules 5 minutes prior. Her powerful body and good genes for muscle retention and limberness have made her a force to be reckoned with in any contact sport. She is particularly gifted in soccer.
â–… P E R S O N A L P R O M P T S â–… P E R S O N A L P R O M P T S â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…â–…
Y O U A W A K E I N T H E D E A D O F N I G H T, W H A T W O K E Y O U?
Katja’s smile faltered as she heard the interviewer ask this question. It took a moment for her to respond as she mulled over the answer, nervously chewing on the inside of her cheek. “Well, that’s one way to kill the mood.” she said with a nervous chuckle. She looked up at the interviewer, biting her lip as to contain some of the pain she felt in having to formulate her answer. “Nightmares” she answered.
Every night, for as long as she can remember, Katja has dreamt about the day she saw her parents get killed. Everytime it is the exact same dream, with the exact same people, in the exact same room. She can see her father, gurgling on the floor as he was drawing in his own blood. Her mother’s lifeless body on the bed, her head caved in by a brick. And then her sister, who’s back was contorted in an unnatural way. And then Katja is there, as a small child hidden in the closet, biting her hand as hard as she can so as to not make any noise while tears stream down her cheeks.
A sad smirk formed on her lips. “I know you probably hear this a lot more but, yeah…” she said with a resigned sigh, “it’s nightmares.”
A D I S H E V E L E D S T R A N G E R A P P R O A C H E S Y O U A S K I N G F O R H E L P, H O W D O Y O U R E S P O N D?
”I’d help them of course!” Katja blurted out, almost upset at the notion that helping someone in need would be something to question. “Anyone who asks for help should be given it, especially by those who have the means to provide it! If it’s within my means to help this person, then why shouldn’t I offer to do so!?” Katja took a few seconds to calm down and clear her thoughts before she continued. “Of course, it does depend on what he asks of me. I’m not about to go help him on a quest for bloody vengeance or something like that.” she said with a chuckle.
A N I N T R U D E R A L A R M H A S B E E N S E T O F F O N C A M P U S, H O W D O Y O U R E A C T?
”So… ” Katja started off before leaving a few second long pause in her answer as a light shone in her eyes, “I would like to say that I’d follow the rules and go to whatever gathering point students are supposed to go…” again leaving a few seconds of pause. “But that’d be a lie.” Katja’s lips formed a sheepish smile. “Most likely I’d try to find out who or what caused the alarm to trigger, I’m kind of innately curious after all.” Realizing the incriminating nature of what she just admitted to, Katja quickly raised her hands up as if to profess innocence. “But I would run away at the first sign of trouble, I swear!”
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who applied. There were no characters submitted who couldn't have been accepted if the concept was broad enough, or if I could handle GMing all of you. I would have happily accepted everyone who applied to this roleplay. Each of you took the world I created and built a character around, winding lore through your sheets and even building onto it. This has been an exhilarating week watching the different character sheets be accepted but ultimately I did have to whittle down the sixteen outstanding applications to eleven accepted players. Without further ado, here are the 2023 Members of P.R.C.U.'s Team 21 'Blackjack':
While I would have liked to have had the In Character Thread available to launch at the same time as the cast list was posted, unfortunately, this is not the case. I'll be working on the opening post and aiming to have it up by tomorrow. Once the opening post is up, the In Character Thread will be live. In the meantime, feel free to add any additional flourishes or sections to your character sheets that you may have held off on during the application process. Likewise, you're welcome to discuss any pre-existing relationships or collaborate on opening posts. Remember, all characters are currently housed in the Intake House so you've likely at least seen each other if not previously interacted.