Mirembe Adebayo

Location: The mall
Skills: Sonic Shriek
"Were would the fun in that be though? It wouldn't be enjoyable to just not fight or try to kill you in general," Mortis responded to Perry. She was not super thrilled with the jokes that Perry was seemingly trying to do or something like that. In response to that, and the clear attempt to throw a chair at her of sorts, Mortis instantly sent another blast directly at Perry. This time she did have a bit of power behind her blast. Or maybe it was her annoyance with Peregrine that caused the blast to have more power, as this time she'd be sent flying backwards and slamming into the ground hard. Perry's head would hit the ground with a loud crack, and blood would start coming from her head at this point.
Mastermind rolled his eyes a bit seemingly at Annie. He was known more for using his powers over the mind in general, but his illusions and mental powers could cause others to actually feel the injuries they sustained from them. Which included what it was that he was about to do. A spike seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and he sent it directly at Annie, stabbing her in the leg with it straight through. The spike seemed to pin her leg down, and pain would shoot through her body from the injury, and it didn't seem to be going away anytime soon at this point.
Amanda shook her head when Carolina seemingly asked why they were attacking them. "Now give me one good reason to actually tell you why we're here. Since you know, that would involve a monologue and most people hate monologues," she ended up responding to her, before she swung around to send a few more punches and such towards Carolina. This time her attacks definitely hurt a whole lot more in general. There was enough force behind them to easily knock Carolina over, and she was seemingly getting a little bored with this fight in general at this point.
Mira was looking at Lorelei, sort of glad that she wasn't even really using her powers or something like that in general. Then again, her opponent also wasn't even seemingly able to do a whole lot to attack her, it made her wonder if Lorelei actually was good at combat or something like that. Her powers were literally her essentially being a bit of a siren and controlling those around her with her voice. While Mira's own powers were more along the lines of doing more damage in general with her own voice.
Speaking of which, she then proceeded to let out another rather loud shriek, though this time Lorelei managed to keep her footing and actually managed to get close enough to slam her foot into her, and caused Mira to fall to the ground, but she rather easily flipped back up onto her feet again, not really one to stay down for very long. This was not a good situation to end up in at the moment, since no one around here seemed to be having an easy time to defeat their own opponents.
Lance Banner

Location: The mall
Skills: Controlled Hulk Form, Advanced First Aid, Light Manipulation
Pietro's vision was starting to go blurry as he heard Guin's voice in his head.
Guina, I don't think I'll make it to the mansion, I might just pass out in the middle of the road or something like that, Pietro responded to her, though she'd be able to hear the shakiness in his words, and he likely was going to go down very soon. Whether it be from blood loss or from Exodus punching or throwing him again.
This was when he came up with what was probably going to end poorly for him, but still, he had to do something since he figured if he didn't do anything Exodus was going to continue to try and kill him at this rate.
"Guess what Exodus, I still think you're crazy," he said, before he once more raced part way up the wall and when he jumped at Exodus. This time though, he managed to land a very solid hit on the floating Exodus. He managed to hit him in the side of the face with enough force to send him falling to the ground.
Of course, Exodus was not happy about this development as he got back up off the ground. "You dare to put your hands on me, unclean one?!" he snapped, before he used his telekinesis. The speedster having to deal with a whole bunch of other things currently, wasn't able to fight back or avoid it at all. He got sent flying directly into a trashcan, well not really into it, more of through it. There was a loud crack as the metal broke, and several bits of metal ended up stabbing into Pietro, and now he was very much not moving from there, though the amount of blood starting to pool around was not a very pretty sight.
"I would say that I would see you again in the afterlife, Pietro - but I will not be joining you in the fiery pits of damnation. Perhaps you and your whore will burn together, if you are so lucky." Exodus commented as he seemingly headed back and away, towards the orb contraptions that they had initially arrived in.
"I don't even believe in hell," Pietro muttered in response, though he didn't manage to say anything else as he seemingly passed out completely.
"I can do this all day, kid - but I ain't wanna hurt ya, Cain just needs to be with his lover, something you'll understand when ya get older, pipsqueak!" Juggernaut said, before he tried to punch Lance again, though he didn't seem to deal too much damage and only succeeded to knock him back a moment.
Lance though had taken notice to the issue with Pietro, namely the fact that Pietro was at this point passing out from both just overall damage and blood loss. Not to mention the internal injuries that he likely had from Exodus. There were so many issues with this situation and Pietro even with his accelerated healing was probably going to die real quick if he didn't do something to help him now. Since out of the three of them there, he was the one who was more easily able to provide some medical aid in some way.
After a moment, he shifted back to his normal self and looked straight at Juggernaut.
"You just said you don't want to hurt me fine, I don't want to fight and give up, because I'm more concerned with your pal there having just tried to kill someone and he needs help right now," he said to him, really hoping that Juggernaut wasn't going to attack him again, and he raced over to deal with the speedster's injuries in general.
“Yeah, Im sorry about him he’s… he’s fucking insane,” Juggernaut said, somewhat abashedly. “I hope your friend is okay.”
"Yeah well we agree on him being insane that's for sure," he commented before more or less glancing over Pietro to assess his injuries. The obvious issues were his wrists and ankles, since that was where the veins got hit and was the main thing that was causing the blood loss. He didn't even notice the pods or whatever that Juggernaut and Exodus had both gotten into and shot off back through the roof of the mall. He was more focused on Pietro's injuries, and he first needed to at least slow down or stop the bleeding. The most he was used to doing was cauterizing the injuries, even though he likely could actually heal if he tried. Right now before trying to do that, he needed to stop some of the bleeding.
"Well at least your unconscious because otherwise this would hurt like hell," he muttered under his breath, before his hand started glowing and he essentially was starting to burn the holes in his wrists and ankles to cauterize the injuries to try and slow down the bleeding.
Phantazia seemed annoyed at a few different things. One thing being that Guin had knocked her to the ground, the second thing being that the other two had taken off already having won their fights. Well, to her Juggernaut didn't really
win his opponent chose not to fight. She instantly jumped back up onto her feet, "And people think I'm the dramatic one," she commented, before she knocked Guin backwards, kicking her in the stomach enough to cause her to stumble. She tried to use her powers on Guin again, but they didn't seem to really be working to cause her pain or anything, though she was still managing to disrupt her powers a little bit.
Marygold Isley

Location: The mansion
Skills: Plant Manipulation, Phoenix Force
"It's called Man Overboard, and you can find it at your local bookstore, mates! Under a pen name, so don't get too shocked when ya don't see St. John on the cover," Pyro informed Max gleefully. "It's actually my tenth book published - ya boy is a prolific romance author, I'm fascinated by like gothic bodice ripper stuff, nice and pulpy!" He instantly started to use his own powers to try and get the vines off of him. All he really managed to do was to get the fire to go out, so at least he now wasn't really being lit on fire or anything like that anymore.
"Well that doesn't answer any questions but at this point, I don't think any questions would actually help out in this situation, we'll figure out what's going on later that's all that matters," Mary said, more or less directing her comment towards Max. There wasn't really time in the middle of a fight to be sitting there asking a million questions with regards to what was going on. Though having conversations in the middle of a chaotic fight was the most idiotic thing someone could be doing right now.
She instantly looked at Pyro as he basically turned the fire off but stayed wrapped up in the vines themselves. With the flick of her wrist, Mary sent Pyro flying off to the side, causing him to hit a tree rather hard with a bit of a loud crack. He had landed pretty hard and was definitely injured during the entire fight so far, but he was still conscious and standing. Though Mary was getting a little annoyed with him at this point for the most part. This whole fight seemed a bit strange to her, but she didn't know what had caused this attack, but asking them before they dealt with it and in the middle of the fight was not a good thing.
"Where were you when Genosha was burning, boy?" Frenzy sneered at Neil as she managed to pick herself up off the ground, before full on charging at him. She managed to grab him around the neck, but wasn't really doing a whole lot of damage to him when it came to attempting to choke him, as by sheer dumb luck her grip wasn't overly strong, so it wasn't a whole lot of pain. He'd mainly have to worry about needing to catch his breath a little bit at this point.
"All's fair in love and war, my dear!" Black Tom retorted towards Bethany, before he used his glorified walking stick and sent a blast of energy from it. His first shot seemingly missed her in general, but his second shot did managed to hit her in the head, knocking her backwards and onto the ground. Then he sent his little plant minions out to try and fight her off, but they were still sort of tangled up with Bethany's own sort of shadow minions, meaning it was not exactly something he could go continue to hit her with or something.
Sabretooth was
not happy about being teleported around everywhere at this point. So he easily picked himself up off the ground from where he got sent, and once more, he charged at Max. Thing is, the speed and the charge just sort of added to the amount of strength behind his next attack. This time didn't have any sort of claw attacks or anything at this point. Nope, it was an old fashioned punch. Problem was of how strong Sabretooth is. Max would get sent flying backwards and there was a loud crack as hit the ground, having landed on his left arm, and that crack would likely explain why it was now at an odd angle, having clearly gotten broken from the landing.
Yeah, Toad was going to continue to be a pain in Ed's side, and will likely continue with that unless someone knocked him out at some point. Toad managed to yank Ed away, this time instead of hitting him in the head with his tongue, he instead wrapped it completely around Ed, and threw him. Managing to slam him a bit away from where the others were, causing a few bruises. "You think you can stop me and knock me out that easily?" he asked Ed, clearly annoyed that Ed was basically swatting him away like a fly or something.
Nekra seemed a bit annoyed at this point with Jaclyn having sprouted wings, and this was just fueling her powers at this point in general. Seeing Jaclyn sprout wings, she decided to shift tactics slightly and went racing forward, but before reaching Jaclyn, Nekra jumped up into the air, and came crashing down onto her, using the momentum and her strength to cause some damage, ending up slamming into Jaclyn and hitting her pretty hard. Creating a bit of a crater on the ground that they were currently in for the most part, and luckily though the damage wasn't overly severe, it did hurt a lot, but currently no bones were broken, but her body would be really really sore.