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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Kitti

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Primitive | Location: High Desert, Torragon

With the group doing their best to hold off the Royal Sand Wyrm, Ayla had one trick up her sleeve, and a friendly rodent covering her back.

She drew her hands as she gestured, using her flute to play. The unnatural sounds emanated from the VOID. The waves of the VOID start to seep into the surroundings, reflecting as they converge upon the Sand Wyrm.

The creature… the creature was unable to resist the VOID.

The eerie music corrupting its very soul, twisting it’s emotions as now it started to become…


Extinguishing all anger, fear, sadness, the Sand Wyrm is now begun experiencing the very pleasant and warm fussy feeling when one is truly happy.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 7 days ago

Primitive: Into the Fire

Desmond felt himself get thrown through space and time with great force. However falling through the air hasn't been something too strange to Desmond, as Desmond began to manipulate the energies around him. Using kinetic magnetic magic around him and on himself to manipulate himself to slow his fall, and then his own physical finesse to flip himself through the air and allowed him to land gracefully on his feet.

Desmond took a solid step forward and then a lighter step before he now found himself meeting the eyes of Yalen and Isabella as they were told it was a Sand wyrm. Tku seemed worried Jocasta facing the Sand Wyrm, and Benedetto seemed to take notice of Ayla and Zarina being gone as well.

Desmond nodded as he began to check his items and thought, Why would it be here?

Desmond thought why that Sand wyrm could be here, they are dangerous creatures, he knew that much, but why did they show up next to one? Was this on purpose? Is someone trying to spook them? Desmond thinks it might be since they maybe near that area Harrachora spoke of, which should have been made by the Sirrahi. From what Desmond remembered they found a hungry Sand Wyrm in a tunnel attached to what Desmond had speculated to be a Sirrahi ruin.

Maybe they were very near the Sirrahi area that the group would be speculated to perish in. Maybe this was the warning to leave. Or, they were teleporting nearby and producing one of those same portals he first saw from the Disskas, either way, they were close.

Once Desmond had finished his weapons checks he says to the others making a light notice towards Benedetto, "Let's go to them, we need to make sure they are okay. if this thing is anywhere near as strong as the one we faced before we will need to have all hands to take it down".
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

At last, Callanast

Not just one Hegelan city but two in a single day. Even if the Perrenchmen did not look that amused on the surface, however in his mind were all sorts of joyous thoughts roaming. What a wondrous city.

Hearing the merchant rabble in the mercantile district had no effect on him as he was at this point still admiring the infrastructure and the city as a whole. He scarcely picked up what their guide was telling them.

A bunkhouse? Perhaps they were not expecting a man of such high standing as himself because otherwise they would have had a less smelly abode, would they not?

Yvain was so absorbed with his own thoughts that he did not notice her cousin was already away, a shame. Guess I’ll be out on my own then. With that the Perrenchman set off. Looking around, he soon became rather hesitant to buy anything. What do I want?.. A smirk appeared on his face. One of his wishes finally came true and he does not know what to do or get. Perhaps it might be best to just wander around.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Kitti

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Castle Mandelein | Location: Mandelein, Kerremand

“Home, Sweet Home”.

Jamboi leaned down as he picked at the dirt, rubbing it between his fingers. The Yanii tended to prefer the wet path and the Yasoi tended to prefer the trees.

He moved to swing up into the trees as he perched upon the top as he took in the sights, scouting as he attempted to make out key figures of the geography to get his bearings, making sure to avoid any tree octopus or tree crocs, or the stranger Kerreman tree variants of climbing animals that tend to inhabit these parts.

Furthermore, he called down instructions below as they moved, the ragtag group making good time. He was able to make out the fringes of civilization as he guided them towards that direction.

The unnatural roar was particularly interesting. Ashon started to hop between the tree tops, he aimed to narrow down its location. Searching for signs and tracks.

It was when they approached something more familiar when things heated up.

“Yanii’s ahead.”.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cold Comfort I
Interacting with @jasbraq

It was rather dizzying, being warped from the clearing to his room, back again, then through a portal through to yet another Hegelan city. The nasuea it gave him seemed more than enough punishment for his outburst- if it could even be called that. Far as he saw it, Silas had simply asked a question after being dragged around for some nonsense game half the night. Harrachora had more in store for him through. He'd been brought back for a thorough scolding, only to be sent along anyway.

"Nothin', but a waste of everyone's time." He grumbled to himself, not paying nearly enough attention to their guide as they were taken through the city.

After their tour, Silas followed the others in splitting up; using his most basic of knowledge in the Hegelan language learned from his short time in Hogh Munkhelad to navigate the city. He managed to barter himself three prime shots and four brews, only to find himself quite lost three turns later.

The main road forked into two direction from where he stood- and a colossal statue lay at the split's apex. A perfectly round sphere. Even to Silas's vision, it was strikingly precise, if not totally smooth. He reached out to inspect- and found the surface to be etched in unfamiliar symbols. He opted to remain in the area for a time- in part due to curiosity, part in fear of further losing himself.

It was nearly a relief with the stuffy Perrench noble of the group rounded into range. "Yvain!" Silas rushed to the boy, dragging him quickly to the monument. "What do you make of this?"

If the Perrench was to follow the blind boy, he would have a chance to inspect the monument's markings; the strange language still foreign he would at least estimate that they were names, but underneath the sphere lay an unusual symbol; a circle, surrounded by a diamond with a line striked through.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

& Esmii'nesta'tawaar

The men and women were given separate rooms, of course, not that Sven expected to spend very much time in his. He’d been to Hogh Munkhelad before, but never to Hoch Dorumvir! It was all of a minute before he’d pestered Esmii into coming with him to explore.

After Sven 'asked' Esmii if she wanted to do some exploring with him, she happily agreed to his offer, since she wanted to spend some time with him too. Upon meeting up with him, she gave him a little kiss on his cheek, having to stand on her tiptoes for it. "So where do you want to go?" She smiled, taking hold of his arm.

“Well…” Sven trailed off. There were so many options, but he had one, in particular, in mind. “Maybe we could go shee shome of the animalsh? If they don’t have a menagerie, maybe the shtablesh?”

Esmii smiled at Sven’s suggestion. "That sounds like fun. As long as we are together, I dont mind where we go." She held onto his hand, "Hopefully the others will have some luck in their searches as well."

Sven did not waste anymore time, and soon the couple were headed towards the stables, taking in the city’s early evening sights along the way. The tall Eskandish boy - even taller now after another year of growth - had to duck more than once and still managed to bump into a hanging sign and momentarily daze himself. Then, they were there…
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by pantothenic
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pantothenic bored part-timer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Event: Primitive

Yalen was reluctant to stay behind while Jocasta charged in on her own, but logic dictated that tethered stay far away from the fighting whenever possible. He felt reassured by the fact that Zarina and Ayla had her back. There were few he could trust as much as those two. Since he couldn’t be there in body, he would send his spirit; his armored colleague received as much strength as he could possibly give her by manipulating her body’s chemistry, deadening her nerves to pain and filling her blood with oxygen and adrenaline.

When he sensed a temporal disturbance directly adjacent to his position Yalen turned his head. The portal this time was not the enemy’s, thankfully, and the reinforcements that came out of the portal were faces that the Somnian recognized fairly well. He’d known Desmond since the beginning of his adventures, and Evander was an effective ally during the battle of the Trials. Others he knew from their fatal misadventure in the cliffs of Revidia, or elsewhere besides.

We needed help to beat a sand wyrm last time as well. Yalen reminisced. Would his magusjaeger colleague land the killing blow yet again? It was unfortunate that there was no deer golem around to ride them into the fight this time. Jocasta and company would have to hold out as long as possible until the second team got there.

”Jocasta, Zarina and Ayla are currently in the middle of rescuing our rangers. That way.“ Yalen pointed his finger to where he could sense the maelstrom of energy that was the royal sand wyrm. ”I don’t think Jocasta would appreciate getting pinched during the fight of her life. I’m sorry, but you must make your way there on your own. Isabella and I will help hinder the dragon as best as we can from here.“

Before the five men departed for battle, Yalen patted Desmond on the shoulder.

”You are the only one who was there with us the last time we fought one of these beasts. If something goes wrong, I’m trusting you to get our girls back to safety.“ He pressed the Scepter of Ahn-Shune lightly against his chest and whispered a single, barely audible word. Commune. For a fraction of a second, Desmond’s entire body tingled as his cells responded to Yalen’s sacred command. Whether he liked it or not, the marksman’s manas would no longer listen to a single master, at least for as long as the bond persisted. Yalen was inwardly apologetic, but he saw it as a necessary measure, for borrowing control of his friend’s magic was the only way the young priest could bestow the greatest of his gifts.


With how much he loved his mana shots, Desmond would undoubtedly recognize the feeling of great power welling up inside of his body. His magic capacity was now rising at an alarming rate. However, rather than temporarily aligning itself with a mass of wild manas, his own colony was the one growing beyond its natural born limit. Within a few minutes, they would have reproduced enough for him to stand on the same level as powerhouses like Benedetto and Jocasta, at least for a short time. He would be tired and starving at the end of the day, but that was surely a small price to pay.

”It would be a blessing if I could help all of you... but there is a limit to everything. Do what you have to do to keep our friends alive, okay?“
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Artist arrives!... In the desert?...

Fiske followed suit of the others as he was thrown out of the portal although he was not one to make an ungraceful entrance. The boy used his kinetic magic to redirect his momentum into a flip, landing gracefully on his feet soon after as he took a pose akin to having finished a dance. “Opa!~” Bowing towards his nonexistent audience

He soon enough got to realize that his normal attire was not suited for this arid.. Hot.. Horrid place. A desert. Quickly drawing and casting to keep his body from potentially overheating. “Why do people choose to even live here?!” He grabbed onto his collar of his vest.

Seeing the others prepare to fight got him rather hesitant to stand out any further. A shiver appeared on the poor lad’s expression as he spotted Benedetto’s grin. “A way to get there?..” The boy was on his toes, prepared to move out of the way if the Revidian wanted to show off his brawn like usual.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The forests of West Kerremand were little different from those of his home region, Manfred decided. Walking along, he listened to the familiar calls of the echobirds, and the rustle of the great salamanders as they woke from their Hundrian torpor. He took Dory's hand out of habit a couple of times and made conversation. In fact, he almost let himself relax as people examined the pitcher plants, disturbed the animals, gabbed relentlessly and, most amusing of all, touched the mushrooms. Manfred shot a little side-eyed smirk Dory's way. You never touched the mushrooms around here, unless they were Perrench Food. Of course, it wasn't as if anything too severe would result, and most of those foolhardy enough to do it were yasoi... not of much use anyhow.

Things continued in this manner as the sun started to inch towards the tops of the trees, growing fat, lazy, and golden as it sunk. A different group of animals began to make itself heard now, and he recognized the chittering cries of Bat Dragons and the deep croaking calls of Coal Toads among them. Then came the distorted screech of... something, and an involuntary shiver ran down the back of Manfred's neck. Glances were exchanged within the group of nine and he counseled himself that it was just the echobirds. What had they picked up on, though!? That's what was worrisome. Nervous chuckles issued from a couple of the others. "Well," Manfred remarked, "I guess that's a good reminder of why we're here, no?" Casually, he swung his rifle from his shoulder and continued on with it in his hands, just in case...
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Suicharte
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Location: Hoch Dorumvir // Characters: Yuli, Penny @Force and Fury, @Tackytaff

It was hard for the girl to contain her excitement. She was going home! It was under tenuous circumstances, sure, but this was a break from it all. The stupidly hot weather, the all too annoying avincean grammar lessons, the drama, having to run the business, it was a brief respite. And all the while, she got to visit a hegelan city. Three out of five was a pretty good tourist checklist, and it felt all too fitting that she was in Hoch Dorumvir, the 'City of Wind'. Her hegelan wasn't seamless, but it was better spoken than her Avincean, and the small linguistic differences between the cities didn't seem to trip her up as much. For the first couple hours in arrival, she opted to explore the city, and regroup with Penny later for a bit of shopping. That way, she could act as a tour guide twice over.

On her travels, Yuliya notices two of her school companions near a peculiar statue, on the other end of the street however, a commotion demands her attention. A pair of magnificently bearded hegelans were arguing about matters of inventory and humans being a problem in that regard, but her presence on the scene clear stirred them into more of a fervour. The slightly taller of the two pointed at her as he continued to shout with enough force to send spittle flying. The other, whom had appeared more calm at first, ended that assumption by hammering his partner square in the forehead with a fist. The first spat on the ground then, and made a gesture in Yuliya's direction that made the rest of the spectators gasp, then look away. When things had quieted down enough the shorter of the arguing men approached Yuliya with a polite smile.

"Sorry," He began in terribly accented Vossoriyan. "Bad manners, you south move? You take?" Yuliya would look down to see a paper in the small man's hand, sealed with a wax seal bearing a set of initials in her own language's alphabet. "Please," The man remembered to add, lifting the paper still higher for Yuliya to take. She would look in moderate confusion at the man. She took no notice of his poor accent, as she was all too familiar with being on the receiving end of scrutiny in that regard. Instead, she would regard him in Hegelan, looking down at the paper and the man with scrutiny. "No need for apology, you weren't the rude one. You need help?" The mans eyes bugged out for a moment, and as quickly as he'd procured the paper, it disappeared again somewhere behind the mass of beard that reached nearly to his knees. "You speak well!" He appears overjoyed, if a bit nervous. "Zoldur is a stupid old git with more hair on his ass that sense in his head. Shopping around? I'll offer you a deal, best in town, three prime shots only 3 of your little hats." There was a brief discourse by Yuli in order to attempt to retrieve the contents of the letter, but he seemed adamant in not handing it over to her. Alas, she relented and took the all too juicy deal of some prime shots. After all, they may be useful in the coming missions. She was more than aware of how effective they could be going forward.

Following this, Yuliya went to find Penny. The two enjoyed the trip around the city, buying clothes, mana brews and various supplies from around the city. She was half-tempted to convince Penny to commission herself a hegelan item, seeing as Yuliya already had a couple in her possession, but she did not insist upon the matter. What she did insist upon, was a night of drinking and revelry. The two danced, sung and partied throughout the night, with Yuli eyeing up several potential marks for a drink before their departure. Penny soon retired and gave Yuli a wave, and she found her hunger stirring. There were a few people out on the night, but she settled for a well dressed gentleman who sauntered into a nearby alleyway, sensing the man had sufficient mana to quench it. What followed was a more than quick affair. As the man 'emptied the tank', she had more than enough time to close the gap and sneak up behind him, completely unawares as the man was in a drunken state. And for once, a hunt went off without a hitch. She silenced him almost as soon as she came upon him, the drink was swift and filling, and the man was left sitting in a puddle of his own urine. She left satisfied and filled from the night, and went to conduct her final activity before the morrow was upon them.

That man who held the note - she'd marked his address. The hour was late, and there was little chance of her being spotted, and even if she were, she was more than empowered by her recent drink of both blood and manabrews. She quickly found an entrance to the home through an open shutter window, and was able to rifle through the mans belongings, finding the note without much effort. She quickly left, as to not allow herself to be caught in the thievery, and went back to her room for the night, in which she read the note both to confusion and worry. It did not keep her long however, as sleep found the girl with a full belly and a night of good experience. She only hoped the rest of this expedition would go as planned.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ziegenkonig


Member Seen 1 yr ago


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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 7 days ago

Cold Comfort

Upon stepping through the portal, Marz was mostly equipped for travel, little did he know they arrived in a new city. Upon meeting the two lovely women, he noticed something about their accents, as Marz' face seemed to scrunch as he looked around, realizing where they were, Hoch Dorumvir. "As always, never a sight of-".

In that moment Marz felt someone fall onto him, he stood firm like a wall against the wind as he barked out, "Oi! Why ya pushin'?!" Marz finally turned to see, multiple people nearly pushed over by their teammate returning to them, and all Marz said was, "Damn, didn't expect to see you so soon".

During their time being guided by the Hegelan ambassadors, Marz noticed many things, and called much of it out. Many shops seemed to be selling items and goods, some of moderate quality, most were shoddy at best, yet worst of these sellers was what they asked for their poor quality items, "40?! I could crap out one for 13! Are you really regulated? I'm pretty sure this was something you had your child make and now you are trying to offload onto some sap!" Marz couldn't even make it through the mercantile district without nearly a fight breaking out, as someone tried to call him a fake craftsman. Which lead them to head to the bunkhouse that was for outsiders.

"Dat's awful, it's like we're right next to the stables-oh so we are". Marz was covering his nose as he was looking around. He shook his head once the talking seemed done and he decided to leave to investigate the city, he was always curious about some of the city's architecture, but more importantly, he was curious about the crafting within the city. So he turns back to the mercantile district ready to either see some of the works there, or get into a fight.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

At first, Kaureerah had tried to remember the names. She had tried to connect with the people, but there were too many, there was not enough time to get to know them, and - to her great embarrassment - she could not pronounce most of them anyhow. It was all government pageantry, and she was ashamed to admit that she had checked out before long.

She'd noticed something, though, as she'd stood there waiting, and it had been cast into stark relief when Wu Long had used magic to leap atop his horse before departing: Nobody was using magic, or at least very few. It had taken some time to adjust as she'd first come to human lands - they seemed to divide class by magic use and there was just so much less among them than there was among eeaiko - but this was unusual, even by human standards. And now we have a second mystery to solve...

As Blossom and Kai led them through the streets of the ReTanese capital, Kaureerah found herself unable to maintain any sort of paranoia level and she soon succumbed to the sights and sounds of an idyllic fall evening in this strange land. She was, to be certain, an object of immense curiosity, but less of one than she'd imagined, in some ways. Many of the people living here had seen 'sea people' (Hǎi rén) before, but had never seen an Easterner. Guess who's not the only freak in the sideshow, she thought amusedly to herself. Eventually, she began to strum at her guitar when a melody took her and it was all so idyllic until...

They stopped. Then, Kai was issuing orders to his soldiers and they were rushing off in the direction of where Kaureerah was sure she'd detected some chemical and binding magic. She'd been scanning passively, partly to help her solve her earlier mystery and partly for information. There was kinetic now, as well. Kinetic because they're running. Whatever it was, it was soon out of her sensing range, and she was tempted to put up an illusion and follow. Instead, Kaureerah searched her surroundings for landmarks, noted what she could, and began forming a plan...

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Present: Yalen Castel @pantothenic, Maura Mercador @Ti, Trypano Somia @A Lowly Wretch, Ingrid Penderson @dragonpiece, Niallus Saberhagen @McKennaJ71, and Abdel Varga @YummyYummy

They had been given assurances.

Moths and crane flies now swirled about the lanterns hanging in the courtyard and the remnants of a hearty dinner lay stacked in front of the group of students. Mr. Wei, who ran the inn, and his daughter Yin, who did much of the cooking, had simply kept bringing dishes full of food, and the students were of an age and constitution to continue eating as more arrived. The younger of the pair had already taken most of the mess away, always with a smile and some simple quip in Retanese, once she had learned that some of them understood a few words.

Captain Zhu dined with them only briefly, and he had little more than some appetizers and a drink. Xiulan explained that he was a good captain who cared about his men and he did not want to eat separately from them, especially until the four he had sent to deal with the earlier disturbance had returned safely. When Rikard inquired as to the nature of the disturbance, the group’s guide admitted to little knowledge of what it was. However, it would not be a serious problem else the Bái wèibīng (the white guard) would have been called instead, they were assured before the conversation was steered towards their preferred magics and aptitudes.

“So you are truly master of dragon?” Xiulan exclaimed, eyes widening in Abdel’s direction. She leaned in excitedly. “I love dragon!”

Yin, gathering plates, noticed her excitement. “说什么?” (said what?) she prodded and there was a quick response. “Whooooaa,” the innkeeper’s daughter replied, eyes floating Abdel’s way. “厉害!” (awesome/so cool) Xiulan giggled. “I sink I don’t have to translate this.”

Before the boy had the chance to boast, however, there was a thump on the front door and Yin scurried off to go and answer it. The four guardsmen returned and, with small waves and bows, were ushered up to the mezzanine, where Captain Zhu’s head briefly appeared out of a doorway. Bits and pieces of conversation drifted down, but then they were behind closed doors and the students and Xiulan were left to their own devices. All around them were the sounds of crickets, the soft crackle and warm glow of the outside hearth’s coals, and the lapping of water in a small pond by the garden. Fat lazy gold fish drifted along near its surface, their lips occasionally popping out in circles and little bubbles rising from them. “This is a nice place,” Blossom assured them. “Really, it is.” She yawned. “The little…” she trailed off, gesturing at the fishpond. “这个!” (this one) she sighed in some frustration. She’d had a bit to drink and her cheeks were rather rosy. She stifled a second yawn and, in one smooth motion, rose to her feet, stretched, and bowed. “I sink zat is ze sandman telling me somesing,” she admitted. “Go to sleep go to sleeeeep -”

Kaureerah picked it up, gently strumming on her guitar. “Go te sleeeeeeeep leetel Blaussem.”

“Hehe, I will, I will.” With her fingers, she playfully conducted Kaureerah like she was an orchestra. “You know, I like you have the accent like me. Make me less em…embrassed for my Avinci.” She bowed again and turned theatrically on her heel. “Goodnight! 晚安!” Then, Xiulan was headed upstairs and those who were still by the cooling heart found themselves - for the first time since they had arrived in this distant land - alone.

It may have struck them that they had received no explicit directions yet and discussions had been gently but persistently steered away from the topic of precisely what they would be doing over the next few days. They had merely been told to be ready in the lobby by 8:00 in the morning - time was measured differently in Retan - and they would be apprised of what to expect next. Everything that they needed would be found in or brought to the Golden Carp Inn. They had been given assurances.

Some, however, believed these more than others.

So it was that Rikard Ambrus sat on the mezzanine at a time the Retanese referred to as 24:00 and watched as Wei Yin trudged across the courtyard, sweeping. She had come from the direction of the stables, where the group’s larger animals were housed. Her footsteps were heavy and she yawned a couple of times as she swept but, gradually, she worked her way across the entire space and was in the process of emerging from a small shed with some wood for the morning when there was a small noise: faint and muffled, and almost like a… scream.

Immediately, the innkeeper’s daughter, moving about in a near-stupor, perked up. She set her bundle down and hurried off in the direction of a side wing. Rikard perked up immediately. He had gotten the distinct sense that they were ever to be respectful visitors here, but there had been a scream - a person’s scream - and it would be irresponsible of him not to investigate, for safety, of course. Pulling some heat from the dying coals, he leapt over the railing and landed gently - almost noiselessly - on the floor below, finding the girl’s energy signature and following it.

The old wooden door creaked softly as he pushed through and the boy avoided using magic to light his way. That was when, up ahead, he could hear voices, speaking just above a whisper and rapidly in Retanese.

“你可以使用你的魔法。帮助他。” (You can use your magic. Help him.” It was Mr. Wei.

“不,爸爸。我不能。警察正在监视外国人。他们也会抓住我们。” (No, dad. I can’t. The police are watching the foreigners. They’ll catch us too.)

“这就是为什么我们应该现在就做!他们只会认为是那些孩子。请,女儿。勇受苦了。” (That’s why we should do it now! They’ll just think it’s those kids. Please, daughter. Yong is suffering.)

“不,爸爸!想想看!州长让我们把他们留在这里,这样他就可以派士兵跟他们一起去。他们想抓我们!” (No, dad! Think about it! The governor told us to keep them here so he could send soldiers with them. They want to get us!) Rikard didn’t understand more than maybe a word or two, and he even doubted those, but he could tell that it was urgent just by the tone of their voices.

银.” (Please, Yin.) There was a long pause and then the voice of a young boy. Rikard could feel a small surge of magic: Chemical magic, and Yin’s voice continued to talk to him. Then, there were footsteps on the move. The visitor’s heart hammered and a cold rush coursed through his body. Drawing some more on the Gift to muffle his footsteps and boost his body, he rushed back through the hallway, bursting through a doorway just as he heard a door creak open somewhere well behind him. “谁在那儿?” (who’s there?) came Mr. Wei’s voice, anxious and still quiet enough not to wake the others. Rikard said nothing, however. Instead, he slipped down the hallway to the lavatories and disappeared into them. “Mr. Wei?” he called tentatively.

“Ree-car?” came the innkeeper’s reply.

“I’m in the…” he tried to remember the word he’d been taught. “厕所.” (cèsuǒ - bathroom)

He knew there was more than the innkeeper wanted to say. In truth, his insides were being clawed open by anxiety, but they could not communicate and so his reckoning might be saved for tomorrow. Fuck! he shouted in his head. You just couldn’t stay out of it! You just couldn’t mind your own business! So it was that Rikard hung around in a room that smelled like poop for half an hour, trying to calm himself and hoping that people would forget. They didn’t though. There were more voices speaking Retanese and they were Mr. Wei’s and Captain Zhu’s, quiet but intense. Eventually they, too, went away, and he dashed up to bed, locked himself in his room, and failed to sleep in more than fits and starts for the rest of the night.

It was the wee hours of the morning. A gentle rain had started and a cloaked figure slipped through the slumbering streets of Wánggǎng. More than once it seemed to pause, scan, and change course, almost as if it knew what it sought but not the way to reach it. In truth, it was not the first such figure, for there had been one similarly attired the night before and there would yet be one after it.

After a handful of missteps, it wandered its way over to a nondescript house not too far from the port district. The light of the moons peered briefly through the clouds. It sparkled off of the near-distant water, illuminating a paper nailed into the door. For a moment, the person in the cloak paused, as if perhaps reading or gathering the courage to follow through on something. Then, there was a tiny burst of magic and the simple lock mechanism popped open.

The cloaked interloper scanned the entranceway and the few simple rooms beyond, pulling back her hood once she found herself alone, to reveal the features of a fair young woman. It was all wreckage inside: the clear remnants of a violent struggle, uncleaned and uncleared for now. She had no idea if that would continue to be the case or if the people whose job it was to make messes disappear simply hadn’t gotten here yet. Quietly, on high alert the entire time, she made her way about the eerily empty home. Light spilled in long sharp lines through shuttered windows and her feet crunched softly across broken glass. Doors were busted open and furniture lay broken and scattered across the floor. Reaching out with her magic as gently as she could - for there had been not one iota of it the entire night - she searched the shapes and energies of her surroundings until she came upon a small figurine: a porcelain doll that had had its head broken open.

It was at about that moment that she felt it: someone very powerful headed her way, and quickly. She was not incapable in magic, but she was not a fighter either. She grabbed the ruined doll, flipped her hood up and, calling upon what she had of the Gift, made her escape with all due haste.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Present: Ashon’amar’loiyang @Ti, Cal’tuuro’jaros @Suicharte, Casii’fyret’alan @Pirouette, Dorothea Hohnstein @Jasbraq, Ismet’ych’lahiin’dichora @Force and Fury, Kaspar Elstrøm von Wentoft @Wolfieh, Edyta Łaska, Manfred Hohenfelter, Qasem Laghmani @Tackytaff, Ymiico’luun’yoru @Salsa Verde
Annette, Cristophe, Constable Leonhardt, Ines Baum, Viktor

Long was the trip through the seemingly endless path toward Mandelein. A walk would take them a good two hours at the very least, and going fast was risky without every party member knowing flight with the increased risk of Coal Toads locking in on stronger energy signatures. Needless to say, if they were smart, they wouldn’t rush things too much.

Jamboi was best fitted to scout things out using the environment with his monkey-like mannerisms and gravitational speciality, easily avoiding the parasitic vines on the trees he hanged from and withholding from making contact with more questionable looking plantlife. There wasn’t going to be any deadly ambush without him at least getting an inkling of what was wrong. And yet, when he tried to track that horrid sound they all heard, he drew a blank. The source was too far for him and the distortion that could be heard also applied to the soundwaves. It felt like it came from many places at once, but a general direction could be sensed: Straight ahead where they were going. It didn’t sound like anything Manfred had ever heard either despite coming from Kerremand and having been around himself.

Some were content with keeping their focus on what was straight ahead, others were easily distracted by the smaller encounters. Such was Qasem’s case with his experiment on the juvenile amphibian he had perturbed. When the plant was offered a potential, wiggling meal by the human, it seemed to lean ever so slightly toward the animal. However, the moment its thin mucus made contact with the critter’s own goo, it immediately closed and shrivelled up like it had experienced a gag reflex. It seemed as though it was a potent defence mechanism against threats. Qasem, having licked one, he’d find the taste to be mildly sour with a persisted aftertaste akin to hot beer, and he would have the runs in a few hours or so. Maybe it was worth it for the sake of science.

Others weren’t so lucky in their trek through the rain and mud - both Dorothea and Cal’tuuro’jaros ended up tangled in some vine-like weeds whilst taking a detour in the woods when they found a portion of their path flooded. These specific vines had a side-effect similar to poison ivy, with the skin irritation leaving after an hour but the redness would persist for a day or two.

Ymiico was unfortunate enough to end up in a similar position to Qasem, except it’d be an adult salamander emerging from its puddle and slapping her relentlessly with its tail. It packed a punch, but the ninja could get out of the mess fairly easily. Still, her rear would end with a few bruises from the tail whips.

Casii and Kaspar, the two botanists of the group, were taken by the variety of mushrooms that could be found in the damper seasons. One was a boomcap, a small, bright orange fungus with green specks spread around the cap. The young blood mage had little experience with that species as it rarely survived out of this biome, but Casii certainly did. When he came a little too close to it, the Yasoi intervened to try and stop him, only to accidentally cause the plant to pre-maturely burst and douse them with spores. Unless they were very quick at holding their breaths, they would end up with some nasty congestion tomorrow.

Then, came the ambush …

The encounter took no longer than twenty minutes, and by then the barely visible grey dusk turned into a darkened sky. Thunder became more frequent and the winds were picking up. Evidently, they couldn’t interrogate these people under these conditions and the decision to bring them to town was taken. Luckily for them, Mandelein was only a half-hour walk even with prisoners to drag along. They couldn’t arrive soon enough as the nocturnal fauna was beginning to make itself known.

The terrible weather obscured most of their view, though the (in)famous Castle Mandelein stood in slight elevation to the town, making it stand out to all voyagers approaching. Halos of light projected out of the windows and lanterns on the few towers were brightly lit to show activity. Mandelein itself was also illuminated, serving as a beacon to the group within the thick fog of rain as they drew near. And as they entered its border, three orbs of light came closer to them. They were three individuals wearing impermeable cloaks and they had likely seen the visitors coming.

The one leading the pack shouted a phrase that none would really recognize. It did sound like Kerreman, but it was far too quick and the winds were not making it easier to understand. The figure came closer, revealing a bearded man in his forties bearing a lantern with two younger people, a boy and a girl around the students’ ages, at his side. Noticing a lack of understanding from the group, he reiterated.

“Wer bist du? Bist du in den Sturm geraten?” he uttered in a heavily accented Kerreman. But then he noticed the people that were bound with the group. Cristophe looked back at him and shrugged, prompting the cloaked man to squint, “Oder vielleicht sind Sie den falschen Leuten über den Weg gelaufen ...” he sighed whilst the youths giggled behind him.

An ear-piercing thunderous clap interrupted the brief moment of reflection the man was having. He gestured for them to follow, “Hans, bring die in die kaserne.” he ordered the boy to escort the prisoners elsewhere whilst turning his attention back to the group, most notably Manfred, “Der sturm wird schlimmer, wir werden dir ein zimmer für heute nacht besorgen.”

An Inn-Tavern awaited the group, with the innkeeper, a forty-something woman that reasonably got upset with the constable. Again, they spoke incredibly quickly and in a dialect that only a fluent Kerreman speaker could grasp some portions of could understand. Eventually, the jaded Inn owner seized some keys and tossed them on the counter before retiring. “Tut mir leid, sie hat andere Besucher erwartet.”

The keys gave access to three rooms, and each had a total of two beds. The Inn was dusty and hadn’t been renovated in some time, though there was clear maintenance going on in the halls and tavern. The storm would rage for the whole night and their rest would go noticeably unperturbed. Were they not expected here?

Dawn of Assani 16th - 1:00 HS

5 Days Remain

No rooster voiced the arrival of dawn, and instead it’d be the same, moody innkeeper speaking obnoxiously loudly at another male voice - different from the constable’s they had met the previous evening. The woman was standing behind her bar, preparing meals and drinks for the scarce visitors of the tavern whilst discussing what sounded like grievances in her mother tongue to one of the patrons.

Among these patrons was a blonde man in his late thirties, a complete stranger to all except Ymiico. His voice was familiar as well as the rifle he had leaning against his table where he drank coffee - something that isn’t actually served in the inn - and scribbled notes on a piece of paper. It was hard to notice his features without approaching him, though he displayed a friendly demeanour when replying with passive affirmations to the innkeeper’s blathering.

Then, she noticed the first of her guests, “Ah! Vu are avake, kood.” she nodded, looking jollier than she did the previous night, “Are vu hungry? Zis zeazon pears many kood muschrooms. Maype try pefore vu are on your vay, ja?” one of the patrons called out the woman by her name, ‘Ines’, and that called seemed to be the trigger for her to remember something, “Oh, ja, Herr Dubosque has called for vu in zee Church.” she reached for a used envelope and wrote something upon it. Although, instead of anything helpful, it was a bill. 2 incantors worth to be precise, but with the currency of Kerremand, “Pay py zee hour of Dami, ja? Talk to Leonhardt at zee parracks if vu haffe ein broblem. He's zee man zat prought vu here.”

What a start! Instead of being greeted in this town they were meant to help, they were summoned to a Church with little help in terms of getting leads. Mandelein was no city, but it wasn’t some small village either, being home to 673 people, making it a potentially daunting task to get information without carefully considering where one’s efforts are put. The weather did improve, but rainfall persisted with only mild winds and precipitation being nowhere near as intense as the previous day.

By speaking with Ines (and maybe greasing her palms a little), she would inform those that ask nicely of places of interest to visit, as she does love to talk about Mandelein, the only place she’s even lived in.

The Church - Where some of you are summoned. It is big enough to hold two-thirds of the town without being a Cathedral.
The Castle - Little is known about it and is a decent walk away from the village. Its gates appear to be closed.
The old Trade Guild - Defunct trade guild serving as a gathering hall for the citizens and other activities that the Church cannot house. Also serves as an archive.
The Barracks - Where Constable Leonhardt and his subordinates keep their weapons, goods and prisoners. Near the entrance of town with a small tower connected to it. The Highwaymen are kept there.
Müder Baum - The inn they are staying in with a few interesting patrons and an innkeeper that knows quite a bit about the town beyond just the sights. One has been seen in Ersand’Enise before.
The Square - Many commerces and homes surround the spacious square. An inactive fountain rests at its centre with a nearby well being the main source of the town’s water.
Webers-Tappisserie - A dyeing business. The storefront looks new but the building is old. Overall unnoticeable to those without a need for tapestry weaving and dyeing.
Spice seller - Want some unique spices and plants from the region? You come to the right place.
Herbalist - Local healer that can help with niche problems native to this land.

The Farms - At the outskirts where the land is more manageable. Supposedly there’s a beast roaming this land. If so, how does livestock fare? Farmers may have seen things most wouldn’t and clues would be abundant in feeding grounds.
Teufelssumpf - The surrounding woods of Mandelein. Massive thicket that is the most likely prowling grounds of a ferocious beast. A LOT of ground to cover with plenty of hostile fauna along with questionable flora. Not to mention all the mud.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Silas Rieger@Tackytaff, Yuliya Ilyanovich Vasilieva @Suicharte, Nazih Iqbal@Ziegenkonig, Esmi’nesta’tawaar@BlackRoseSiren, Yvain de Berbignon@jasbraq, Penelope 'Penny' Pellegrin@Force and Fury, Sven Bjørnsson

The Biro’s departure was as prompt and informal as their arrival had been. Except this time, rather than the rapid and novel transport of interdimensional magics, they were lent a more archaic means of movement.

A breakfast was provided: thick porridge of boiled grain, mixed with mushrooms and an unfamiliar purple ingredient reminiscent of a root vegetable, though much saltier and toothsome. It was offered to them in mugs, ladled from a large cauldron that was clearly meant to feed the entire bunkhouse. However meager and unceremonious, the first steaming fresh helpings were graciously offered to the foreign visitors before being brought to the usual residents.

Chorily awaited them in the stables, her partner from the day before nowhere to be seen. She gave them a brief guide to Marguhk care. Brief, for there was little too it apparently; it was a familiar route for the creatures, and they’d follow it without guidance. They’d fair much better foraging for food in the mountains than any of the group could hope to provide from their own lean rations demanded by the journey, and most importantly they would manage to guide themselves home without aid or obvious magic. No mention at all was made of the occurrence in the stables the day before, and Chorily gave the students no time to question it before hurrying to see them off at the city gates.

It took them three days time in total to move from the colossal mountains of central Callanast to the rocky plateau of Kyrguz. In their quiet wisdom, the Marguhk had led a path around the worst of the terrain so that their journey was far from perilous, if not a bit more uncomfortable.

Unfamiliar fauna and flora for the Constanian natives passed them on the journey, sparse though they were at high altitudes. Thin and twisting trees of grey bark with the occasional bunch of wide leaves broke through the stone along the way. The flora had no apparent regard for verticality, fertile soil, or keeping their roots hidden underground. Birds were plentiful, flying from the south to make nests within the mountain caves for the warmer months. During their second day, a herd of wild Marguhk was spotted some distance off, scaling a sheer cliff to feast on the leaves of one of the twisted trees. The last morning of their journey rudely awakened them with theft; burglary by one of the mountain's most infamous inhabitants, rock rats. The short-tailed rodents chewed into their packs and ate most of their rations in the night. It was a long and ill-tempered last day of travel as they descended from the last of the rocky hills into misty harbour of Tagayungri.

If they were expecting a warmer welcome in the human lands than the Hegelan city, they were left sorely disappointed. A boat awaited them along with two armed guards and a man in black robes. Their conversation in the local foreign language stopped as soon as the Biro’s were in view.

“Welcome friends,” Began the robed man in Avincian, accented but not nearly as halting as the Hegelans’. “My apologies for the inconvenience, but the Elder Ozodbek has granted you an audience; before your departure, if you may.” His smile was wide, but his eyes wandered and hands wrung themselves nervously; a silver ring could be seen flashing between his fingers every few seconds. The two men behind him snickered, and whispered something in Vissoriyan that made the mage flush.

“I am Nikolai Kozlov, graduate of St. Yuri’s and steward of Tagayungri. If you’ll follow me...”

He didn’t lead them far. The village leader’s residence was a house, differing from the others only in size; the walls high enough to accommodate a full loft above the main room. A rather wasteful display, given its owner.

Elder Ozodbek sat upon a large wooden chair in the centre of the lower floor. True to his title, the man appeared to be at least eighty, withered and barely moving, saved for the shaking tremble that came with each breath. His eyes were closed while he spoke, giving the impression of blindness in addition to his naturally perceived feebleness. He was speaking with a man; a local farmer named Dastan, they would later learn. Out of the members in the party, only Yuliya could follow the argument being spoken in their native tounge.

“You and yours survived the cold and more, our people have withstood worse.”

“Survival?” There wasn’t the respect you’d expect to see from a subject to their sovereign in the farmer’s tone. The man was angry, and shaken. “Five have died! More will follow - and our fields, our tools, the livestock - how are we meant to produce!?”

“I offered you aid before without request before. I know my role well enough, remember yours.”

“Three weeks and we have heard nothing. There will not be enough harvest to prepare for another year at this rate, we need -”

“Argue with me no more Dastan, help has arrived. Go home to your family and wait for the problem to be solved.” With one hand, the old man waved the other away, all while beckoning the group of Biro’s closer with the other. His eyes remained closed.

“Closer!” He shouted out in Vissoriyan towards the group of newcomers. Nikolai flinched, but moved past the farmer to stand in front of the elder.

“The mages we were told of have arrived,” He confirmed to his master, “Come far from the twin continents where Avincian-”

The elder brushed his councilor's explanation aside, before returning to his native tongue.

“The world has gotten too large for me to follow. You will translate for me, Nikolai, so these strangers might understand.”

Kozlov nodded obediently, and explained as much to the group.

“We had a late storm three weeks ago,” The elder began, his words repeated by their guide.
“Cold enough to freeze the harbour over again for three days. Bad omens to start a new year.” There was a solemnity to the elder’s voice that was not carried through by Nikolai, who seemed hesitant to even repeat the superstitions.

“Whatever southern curse has come and reached us - the storm was the first thing. Next, came the beast.”

“A Begemot was spotted two days later, it tore through a farm not long after. There have been four rampages so far. Five people killed, and the year's crops will have to be resown - if there is even time after rebuilding from the monster’s destruction.”

“I will pay you to take care of this problem for me.”

“Nikolai!” Their interpreter jumped at the sudden acknowledgement of his existence again. “Answer their questions and see to it that they’re taken care of for the night.” The ancient man made no motion to move or dismiss, but none was required to know the audience was over. Nioklai urged them back out the way they came until the smell of fish and boats from the docks surrounded them once more.

“You’ll excuse the elder, this place is… remote.” His hands twisted again, spinning the ring on his middle finger. “But the Begemot is a problem, curse or not, and I will aid you however I can in defeating it, so please, ask me anything.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Out of the frying pan and into the fire. The stray thought inserted itself into Jocasta's head and she couldn't help but think it, even as she drew desperately to nearly her full capacity before Zarina stepped through and took the rest. Ayla was through moments later and using some sort of sonic spell that - surprisingly - Jocasta was not familiar with.

They were on a rocky plateau in the middle of a wide canyon, surrounded by sand on all sides and there was a creature as big as a building in their faces. The lone tethered in the group had not landed evenly. She could feel her wheelchair dangerously askew, but she had come here for precisely one reason: to get Escarra and his people out.

"Cover me!" Jocasta shouted, unable to move without using magic but already pulling on the threads of space and time to get a portal up and the rangers out. Yet, it seemed Ayla was already on the case. Whatever she had cast moments earlier seemed to have... distracted the colossal dragon.

The sand wyrm was going to eat, and it was happy! The weather was good, its prey seemed utterly unable to harm it or at least uninterested in doing so, and it was going to eat! On some level, the wrongness of the entire situation struck the creature's simple mind, but now it was here and... it was not actually hungry. It had been frightened by the dark thing and fled, but then there had been an easy snack, and now the snack was shooting at it and... wait. Why did it want to eat these little humans again? Humans weren't even that tasty!

The enormous beast paused and regarded the pesky things stinging it with bullets and magics. They were rather appealing and colourful, actually, and it could tell that one was from the strange red stone where they rolled instead of walked. It decided that it was rather fond of them, in fact. Now, the dark thing, it definitely wasn't. That was both paradoxically delicious-looking and terrifying. Perhaps these human-creatures were also not fond of the dark thing. So, only a couple feet in front of them, the Royal Sand Wyrm tilted its head to one side and issued a friendly greeting, seeing how the tiny animals would respond. They still looked somewhat tasty...

She was almost there. "Warden!" Jocasta called, "To me!" The wyrm was acting strangely but she didn't have the luxury of worrying too much about it unless it was attacking. Escarra and the others scrambled around the rock face, ready to dive through the moment that the portal was active. "Momento!" the warden called. "The dragon! He is -" Then, there was the flash of another portal and, from it, erupted Desmond, Tku, Fiske, Evander, and... Benedetto. The last of the group wasted no time whatsoever, ready to launch an atomic blast at the monster's face. "Eat shit, Worm! The cavalry is here!"

They had mere moments to gauge the situation and make a decision. Would it be fight or flight? Dragon breaks, dragon steaks, or how to tame your dragon?

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by YummyYummy
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YummyYummy Ayyyyy

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Present: Zarina, Ayla @Ti, Jocasta @Force and Fury, Yalen @Pantothenic, Benedetto, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Tku @dragonpiece, Evander @RezonanceV, Fiske @jasbraq, Isabella, Escarra, Rangers, Riesco, Nibbler, The Alpha Sand Wyrm.

Ayla had done it, the beast had been pacified - or at least its rampage had been put to an end. Then the little dance that followed left Zarina shaking her head in bewilderment. Was that thing actually performing a display of glee? This was completely surreal. Her greatshield lowered itself, steaming hot from the immense amount of energy it had to suck in and channel away, with the platinum-coated scales lingering orange.

“Shit, Ayla,” Zarina spoke behind her helm, distorting her voice, “Way to one-up me.” all the while Jocasta was evacuating the rangers, leaving the others to focus on the presumably calmed beast, “Well, if you tame it, anyway. You can follow my lead,” proposed Zazzy as her speciality in chemical magic began to reach out toward the towering beast, tracing its complex system in a more refined manner than she had with the Alpha Froabas she had tamed in this very desert the previous year. Now, with scholarly and practical experience, the Virangish beastmaster was confident she could do something grand.

However, as she began to prepare the rites of an animal handling, a temporal disturbance immediately caught her attention. Multiple signatures emerged, some familiar as she peered at their direction, others foreign. One in particular, however, was Benedetto and his destructive atomic magic. “Shit.” she sneered, “Keep the big guy happy.” she instructed Ayla before vanishing, leaving Riesco and Nibbler by her.

Right before Benny appeared the Platinum-clad warrior. The greatshield had morphed into a slightly larger mould around her arm, with a bucker-like dragon’s head on the pack of her hand. Zarina went to smack and disperse the charged energy with her transformed shield. It was swift with a powerful Kinetic shockwave following her movement to destabilize the blonde attacker, “It’s charmed,” she growled, “do not disturb it, lest you want to cause more casualties.” she stared down the shorter young man, drawing from the flow of time itself rather than the traditional energies surrounding them, “We’ve already lost one to its flames. So stand by.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ti
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Ti Kitti

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Event: Primitive | Location: High Desert, Torragon

Ayla did a flourish with her flute as her magic appeared to temporarily subdue the creature. It gave time enough for further steps to be taken, Jocasta opening portals to rescue the rangers and time to bring in reinforcements.

The Royal Sandwyrm seemed to create joyous noises, as it reared its head out of the sands and appeared to do what looked to be a little dance as it shook side-to-side before them, then appeared to peer down toward them what could be called curiosity.

Ayla responded as she played a trill upon her flute. Whilst it may not understand language, she knew it could sense vibrations and the use of magic, and the party looked rather appealing right now. The sound waves buffeted upon it in a gentle manner as she used the opportunity to call out to the others, including those coming through the portal.

“We only have one opportunity to do this right. So we need to work together, and quickly, or we are wyrm food. It is currently under my spell, but don’t know how long that will last” Ayla turned to them, including those that just came through the portal. “Benny! You and your friends are just the ones we need. Gather some of the local Halassa and hurl it into that Sand Wyrms giant hungry maw.”

“Zazzy, if you can work some of that chemical magic of yours, we need it to have a positive imprint on us. We’ll support you with my sound magic, it responds to vibrations.”

“Rangers, did you see anything we can use for food as this thing on the way here?”

“Jo, Yalen, Izzy, work together in scouting with your senses and point the others toward it. If it is far away, maybe Jo summon them in to make things easier.”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by jasbraq
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jasbraq The Youngest Elder

Member Seen 1 day ago

Of course Benedetto would resort to violence the first chance he gets, however it is too hot to argue too much with him and his ways. Why the hells do they all have to resort to violence that quickly? I mean I hate those people that always think peace is the best solution but hells, this is getting ridiculous!

Then this armored person… Really? In the desert? Is this person insane? ..To think someone that would probably be one of the highest ranked dumbasses in the Red Table Society would talk to Benedetto like this? Are they wishing for a swift death? I mean why such thick armor?... Talk about old fashioned..

Before this might get dirty or he gets tasked to do something he bent light to make himself unseeable to the human eye and scurried to a bit of a safer distance away from the Red Table Lady and Benedetto before he could be hit by any of the two’s attacks. Idioten, both of you…
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