What are instruments of destruction, if not tools for power plays?
-Doctor Nykannis
-Doctor Nykannis
As Nykannis’s myriad hyper advanced, ultramagitech data accumulators probed into the very deepest fibers of the Queen of Heart’s metaphysical makeup, a commandeered tank was racing across the battlefield…
“HAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS GREAT!!!” Primus-04 exulted in psychotic glee. “We’re slaughtering these fuckers and that royal bitch hasn’t even—HOLY FUCK, did she just decapitate that guy?!” the pyromanic exclaimed in shock as she watched Finn’s beheading through the tank’s forward viewport.
Oh. That wretch just decapitated her little project.
Jennifer was unphased by it. She knew Finn would be okay as long as he could get to a reinforcment user that can reattach his head and sword. No, he'll be okay. That wasn't what caught her attention. The way the Queen of Hearts talked, the way she seemed to predict and see through the others' attempts to attack her. And her eye...
Was the Queen like her?
Only one way to find out. Gritting her teeth, the false witch aimed the tank's gun at the Queen and prepared to fire soon as Mayra got Finn out of harm's way.
“FIRE THE CANNON AT THAT BITCH!!!” Primus-04 shouted, now sounding far more panicked than elated. “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!!!”
As soon as Mayra rocketed away, the (false) Witch of Time did just that. Unfortunately, no sooner had the enchanted shell left the main cannon’s barrel, then the Queen of Hearts turned to fix it with her baleful gaze. In one smooth motion, she leapt into a somersault, using her reality-defying blade to slice both the shell and the tank that fired it completely in twain. Tumbling out of the wrecked vehicle, Primus-04 was left utterly speechless as the Wonderland Monarch turned away, apparently finding them beneath her interest.
Jennifer had to launch herself out of her seat before the Queen had sliced their vehicle in half. She landed next to 04. "You alright, dear?" She asked, going back to her real voice for the moment.
“Uh, y-yeah…” 04 replied after a moment. “But, uh, I think we should probably get the fuck outta here,” she added in a low whisper. “‘Cause Doc’s plannin’ somethin’ big…”
“Can’t say that was unexpected…” Nykannis muttered as she watched the captured tank get bisected.
What was unexpected, however, was the Queen deciding to address her directly…
“To show everyone how amazing I am, obviously,” Nykannis replied with a smirk.
However, it was then that her intrusive investigations into the Queen of Heart’s true nature finally reached their climactic culmination, and the numinous knowledge gleaned was startling enough to give even the Monarch of Mad Science herself pause…
For all of 0.0000000000042 seconds.
So, that’s how you wanna play things, is it, Magistrate? Fine, then let’s have some FUN…
“Wow you’ve sure got some fancy toys,” she told the Wonderland Monarch in a snide tone of utter disinterest, even as thousands of additional enemy reinforcements spilled from a plethora of newly-opened portals and the panicked voice of Tertiarius-01 informed her of how they were about to be overrun. “As it happens, so do I.”
While she was still speaking, Nykannis had also been giving instructions to Phase Two over their secure mental communications link.
Primus, Secundus, fall back to the deployment zone. Tertiarius, Quaternarius, cover their retreat. And Pentius? Commence attack.
The next instant, the Queen of Hearts would feel her connection to her magic be completely severed, her mana being drained away with all the ravenous force of a quantum singularity, and all her various weapons, powers, and perks being rendered utterly useless. Indeed, in mere moments, she would find herself being forcibly reverted to her mundane form (whatever that might be), as Pentius-03’s gifted focused amplified nullification field fully enveloped her. A nanosecond after that, the real attack began…
By this point, Pentius-01 had configured her OMAG-17 into a superheavy turbo-tachyonic hyper-hellbore polyphasic penetrator lance, while Pentius-02, 05, and 06 powered up their neutrino-plasmatic multi-spectrum molecular disintegrator lightning cannon, ultra-aetheric ecto-quantum mega-macro transwarp wave projector, and omni-phasic hyper-toxic biomechanical matter/energy hybrid self-replicating insectoid swarm discharger beam blaster, respectively, to max level in a swirling blur of orbiting energy prong conjurations, power core enlargements, barrel extensions, and a deluge of other nanotechnoenchantic weapon upgrades. Finally, using the data gained by Nykannis’s comprehensive analysis of the Queen of Heart’s complete metaphysical makeup, Pentius-07 had overcharged all the various aspects of her omni-sonic hyper-harmonic electro-magnetic polyphasic frequency flux pulse array to utterly shatter the Wonderland Monarch’s bones, organs, and very soul, all while bombarding her with the enhanced, weaponized sound of Magical Dream Princess’s voice. And now, having locked onto their target for 100% accuracy, and with their ultra-overcharged esoteric armaments threatening to burst with pent-up power, Team Pentius unleashed them upon their helpless foe. In an instant, the fabric of reality was rent asunder as the ruinous beams of starkly inconceivable destructive energies converged on the ruler of Wonderland in all their world-shattering majesty…
Well, Magistrate?! Whadya think?! I know a single Killing Blow can easily be dodged (unless the person firing it is named Sakura, of course), but how about FIVE KILLING BLOWS FIRED SIMULTANEOUSLY?!!! (No quotation marks are employed here to denote that none of this is being said out loud.) “NYAHAHAHAHA!!!” (This, however, is.)
”Not bad.”

Play time~! Play time~! Magical Dream Princess wuvs play time~! (giggle!)
MDP giggled with innocent glee as she caught pillow after pillow, with the occasional sugary treat for variety. “Mmmm~! Magical Dream Princess just wuvs this yummy wummy candy wandy~! (giggle!)” She was having so much fun, but sadly, that was about to come to an abrupt end…
While up until now the pillows she caught had simply thanked her and then been content to be piled up on the ground, her latest catch had a bit more to convey than just gratitude. “What’s thatsie whatsie, Mister Wister Pillow Willow~?!” MDP asked happily as she brought the fluffy pillow up to her ear, while smiling in eager excitement. “You wanna tell Magical Dream Princess something womething super duper important wortant~?!” after listening intently for a few seconds, the whimsical girl’s brilliant smile began to spread even wider. “Ooooohh~!” she squealed in delight. “More people weple are coming to play~?! YAY~!!!” she cheered, tossing her newest pillow pal up in the air while jumping up and down. However, her childish display of joy was brought to a crashing halt an instant later, when an explosion erupted nearby, causing the whimsical girl to wince as she was showered with debris. Looking behind her, she saw to her horror that additional Wonderland troops and vehicles had managed to circumvent her whimsical wall, and were now attacking from every side.
“HEY!!! That’s no fairsie wairsie!” MDP pouted, placing her hands on her hips and stomping a foot on the ground as she glared at the newly arrived Wonderland reinforcements. Then she remembered her now-falling pillow pal and held out her arms to catch it. However, all that landed in her hands were smoldering bits of cloth… “M-Mister Wister Pillow Willow…?” she asked in a quavering voice, her eyes beginning to rapidly fill with tears. “Mister Wister Pillow Willow?!” she cried as her whole body began to shake. “YOU KILLED HIM!!!” she screeched, before sending a shower of rainbow-tailed shooting stars to rain down upon the new arrivals with an enraged sweep of her whimsical wand. “YOU MEANIE WEANIE HEADS KILLED MAGICAL DREAM PRINCESS’S FRIENDY WENDY!!! SHE HATES YOU!!! SHE HATES YOU, HATES YOU, HATES YOU!!!” As her tantrum continued, the petulant Princess of Dreams sent still more mystical missiles to pummel the targets of her ire, with each soldier or vehicle struck by the hail of hearts, stars, and frowny faces being instantly transmuted into goopy play-dough or silly putty. “MAGICAL DREAM PRINCESS IS GONNA MAKEY WAKEY YOU ALL GO BYE BYE, RIGHT NOWIE!!!”

“Eeek!” Connie yelped in alarm as enemy fire began wizzing by her. Then she heard MDP’s anguished cry. “M-Magical D-Dream Princess…?” she asked, her voice a confused and frightened whimper as she pressed her trembling hands against her pounding heart.
“Come on, little sister,” Gaia instructed, while placing an arm around her panicking friend’s shoulder. “I believe her highness can take care of this on her own,” she added. “We need to head back to the teleporter.”
And just when I was thinking this was all over with…

Back at the teleporter, the Angel of Hope found herself being swiftly forgotten in the midst of the surrounding chaos…
Fuck… It’s like I’m not even a fucking afterthought… Damn it! I’m so fucking sick of Beacon and these other losers hogging the spotlight! And then there’s this asshole… I mean, hello! I just reinforced your stupid fucking barrier! The least you could do is say—
Snapping her head in Alexander’s direction, she saw the magical boy dash off to where his girlfriend’s bruised body had fallen to the ground, minus half of one leg…
“Oh, good heavens!” the Angel cried, placing her hands over her mouth in horror. “The poor thing! Please, most valiant champion!” she begged Alexander, while pointing the glowing tip of her staff at his swiftly departing form. “Accept this humble servant’s blessing of swiftness and hasten to your soulmate’s side!”
Serves the stupid bitch right for trying to take all those fuckers on solo… And who does this bitch think she is with her lame-ass battle cry, fucking Joan of Arc?
Turning to face the Paladin-Seraph, she said, “Well said, most noble bringer-of-light! Truly, this humble servant stands in the presence of a leader-born!”
Born to run our chances of actually surviving this shitstorm into the fucking ground…