Runa the Grey

Character Summary
Name: Runa Baldurdattir
Alias Queen Runa, Runa the Grey, Gullveig, She Who Walks in Flames, the Seeress, Baldur's Daughter, the Goddess of Lies and Darkness, the Goddess of Rebirth and Resurrection, They Who Never Died, Runa Blake, Runa Banner, the Exile, Nanna's Joy
Pronouns: She/They
Age: The stars have long since died, Surtur's flame has turned the Nine Realms to ash, and yet she remains
Birthday: August 26th, 1332
Birth Place: Breiðblikk, Asgard
Source: Asgardian Divinity
Domain: Burning Rebirth and Resurrection

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 80 pounds
Build: Frail, bony
Eyes: N/A
Hair: Grey
Skin Tone: Lightly Tanned
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: She has no eyes. The piercings in her ears have long since healed, only small scars remaining. There is a scar over where their heart should be, yet no one has glimpsed their naked form in millennia, and they are not going to tell a soul it is there.
Personal Style: A life time ago, they had been taken with pretty, fanciful dresses. She was a different person back then. Now, Runa wears grey robes, hooded so as to obscure her eyes - or the sockets where they had once been. Her hair is kept in braids, ones that she hopes are at least somewhat neat, even though it has been eons since she has seen another soul.

Compassionate * Ruthless * Dedicated * Self Hating * Wise * Lonely
Runa the Grey is a tragic figure, although she does not see herself that way. They have always been a being of warring natures, of a duality that others could not comprehend. The light that burns within them cannot be without the cold embrace of the darkness. They are compassionate to those in need, yet cruel to the wicked and unthankful. She dances in the dying rays of an ancient star, just as she clings to the cool shadows of a cave, breathing in the hearty scent of moss and decay. Although it has been quite some time since she has really spoken with another living soul, she does not attempt to put people at ease. Let them think that she is strange. That is one thing that has been a constant throughout her long, long life.
Runa the Grey is a hopeless romantic. Her love drives her actions and decisions, and to her, the world would be nothing without it. She would gladly burn for a millennia than see anyone she cares for suffer. They could not and still cannot bear such a thought. This hopeless romanticism plays into somewhat of an aura of wistful sorrow, as they yearn deeply for what they know they can never have again. Just as Orpheus cannot look back upon his beloved or else lose her forever, Runa the Grey cannot look for their loved ones. But that pain eats at them constantly, and some days, as much as Runa believes they no longer are at the mercy of their mental illness, it comes back on all of the sudden with violent intensity.
Some might describe Runa as an Uncle Iroh type - or perhaps a cryptid. The truth is somewhere in the middle. They are an elderly person, an old version of a young witch who had her eyes opened to the possibilities of the world for the first time, and then to save those they held dear had to lose them forever. They are a breaker of cycles, a destroyer of chains. Everything dies. And everything should die.
Runa the Grey is a hopeless romantic. Her love drives her actions and decisions, and to her, the world would be nothing without it. She would gladly burn for a millennia than see anyone she cares for suffer. They could not and still cannot bear such a thought. This hopeless romanticism plays into somewhat of an aura of wistful sorrow, as they yearn deeply for what they know they can never have again. Just as Orpheus cannot look back upon his beloved or else lose her forever, Runa the Grey cannot look for their loved ones. But that pain eats at them constantly, and some days, as much as Runa believes they no longer are at the mercy of their mental illness, it comes back on all of the sudden with violent intensity.
Some might describe Runa as an Uncle Iroh type - or perhaps a cryptid. The truth is somewhere in the middle. They are an elderly person, an old version of a young witch who had her eyes opened to the possibilities of the world for the first time, and then to save those they held dear had to lose them forever. They are a breaker of cycles, a destroyer of chains. Everything dies. And everything should die.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Fatal Flaw: Self Hatred
Inner Demon: Deicide
Habits: sighing when they think someone is being stupid, biting their lip
Hobbies: taking long walks at dusk
- the Dominion they created
- The return of Ragnarok
- Possession, body and soul
- The warmth of the rays of a star on her face
- Brewing potions
- Singing
- Weaving and sewing
- Reminiscing on bygone eras
- Puppies
- The crisp breeze of the ocean
- Running with wolves
- Hot springs
- A calming cup of tea
- Crows
- Sunflowers
- Sudden, loud noises
- Time travelers - and the necessity to kill them
- Cycles
- Amateur magicians
- Denim
- Bubble Tea
- IDs
- Crowds
- Cows

Cards On The Table
- Daggers
- Staff Combat
- Singing
- Astronomy
- Weaving
- Runology
- Stamina
- Herbalism
- Intuition
- Agility
Medical Issues/Injuries:
- No eyes
- No heart
- History of anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation
- A staff carved from bone
- A bag of stone runes
- A ritual dagger

But on the day Loki presented their husband's head to her, sneering at the cruel joke, Runa realized they had not been prepared at all. They let out a primal scream, cosmic flames warping around them, as they magicked themselves to Hel's domain. They pled with Hel for their lover's life, only to be told that they could reclaim their husband, should they raise him under their own power. They did. The thing that came back from the grave was a mindless beast. It was not their husband.
The greatest trauma of Runa's life was when she then re-severed his head.
The Mother - a Mad Truth: Runa the Grey wants nothing more than freedom from the chains of Ragnarok. They have defeated the cycle, saving their people by having them ascend to become a new Dominion, a collective god-entity that exists outside of time and space. The price was grave; she could not go with them. She remains at the end of the world, frail and in the queendom of her power, sucking dry the dead magic of a dead universe. Yet they stay vigilant. Time travelers have appeared before, intent on returning to their time and finding a different way to kill the gods. Runa kills them without pity. Even as the Dominion cannot be undone, a version of her family could still be plunged back into that horrific cycle of death, and Runa will not allow that. They will do whatever it takes to ensure that the people of Asgard remain beyond the touch of Ragnarok. They will burn a universe and construct something new from the ashes if it was needed. Such is the strength of their will.
The Crone - a Grim Future: In this tale, Runa the Grey walks alone. Her people have ascended and cast her aside. Her dead heart beats with the power of a destroyed universe. There is little magic left. Yet she can still go to other realms, realms outside time and space, ones where magic has not yet been depleted. They arrive as a conquerer. They bring Limbo to its knees. They conquer the Mojoverse. They move to Otherworld and capture the Starlight Citadel, where she ritually sacrifices Saturnyne, Roma, and Morgan Le Fay. Brimming with power, she consumes Yggdrasil, becoming one with all existence, and then, she ends it. She snuffs out every life without a thought.
Runa the Grey is still alone. But now, no one has what they lack.
The Lore: This Runa, like many others, was born in the gleaming hall of Baldur on Asgard to the God of Love and his wife, the joyous Nanna. She was the second and youngest child, after her brother Forseti, the God of Justice. By the time she could crawl, her brother was already running Asgard's courts, delivering the All-Father's justice to those who would seek it out. Subsequently, she grew up like siblings with her cousin, Klara Thordottir. The two of them laughed and played and danced throughout the gleaming meadows of Nanna.
But not everything was so idealistic and happy for them. Runa had a terrible power. With a whisper, they could change lies into truth. This horrified the citizens of Asgard, seeing another in the house of Odin with a power they decried as demonic. They were Loki come again, just as monstrous as the other children Angrboda had bore him. The fear and terror and revulsion was like poison, turning Runa's happy days into ones of bone chilling sorrow.
For centuries, she was trapped in a deep depression.
Yet it was not forever. Like a butterfly bursting from a chrysalis, Runa came into themselves. They came into their power. They learned to love and accept themselves. They proclaimed themselves the Goddess of Burning Rebirth, finding that they could now heal with flames, turning to ash what would not live and renewing it, much like the Entity of Eternal Flame, the Phoenix. The witch found love and companionship, and bore several children, adoring each more than the stars in the skies.
She was truly happy and content. She thought that her story was over.
But then Ragnarok began. Her father Baldur was slain by the hands of a blind god. Loki was freed from his bonds. The dead sailed with him for Asgard, the giants revolted, the Midgard Serpent emerged from the waves, the world was at its end. Runa sacrificed her eyes to drink from Mimir's well, to learn how to save her family - to save the Nine Realms from Surtur's flames.
The price was grave. But they paid it. Their loved ones ascended, freed from the cycle of Ragnarok. And Runa remained behind, burdened to walk through the ashes of a dead world, of which she is both queen and sorceress supreme.

Character Quote: "I am the only me that ever was."
Song: The Saints I by Dirt Poor Robins
Anything Else: Marvel's first lesbian, Victoria Montesi; Percy's Audition
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The Grimoire
Runa the Grey
Sorceress Supreme of a Dying Realm
- Type: Divination
- Description: A mystical practice from Norse Myth, where the user can predict and shape the future. The user astrally leaves their body during this process, leaving them vulnerable.
- Notes: Runa gained the title Seeress and the name Gullveig when they perfected this technique. The name Gullveig previously belonged to Freya, who instructed her in this art.
- Type: Conjuration
- Description: The art of traveling through flames. The user can use pre-existing flames, or simply engulf themselves in flames of their own making.
- Notes: Runa gained the title She Who Walks in Flames when they perfected this technique.
- Type: Evocation
- Description: This is a practice where that which no longer works is burned away, leaving something viable behind. It can be used to heal wounds, physical or mental. The larger the wound that is healed, the greater the change that is demanded. For example, healing a shattered psyche will not restore the person who once was - instead, someone new will inhabit that body.
- Type: Necromancy
- Description: The restoration of life to a dead vessel. The soul is not drawn back. This spell is imperfect.
- Notes: This is the spell Runa attempted to use to bring back her husband. They have not been able to identify a way to recapture the soul. What once was cannot be what will be.
Kosmisk Ild
- Type: Evocation
- Description: Fireball. Runa can summon and shape flames, commanding it to burn what they wish.
- Type: Necromancy
- Description: The use of magical relics or beings to fuel to ascension of a person or group of people to Dominionhood. The cost is great.
- Notes: Runa has used this spell once before. They are still paying the price.
Elder Futhark Runes
- Type: Divination, Conjuration
- Description: The Elder Futhark runes are used both as a language, but also as symbols for various concepts. Per Asgardian magic, runes have a metaphysical and magical quality, able to be used for protection, spells, and communication with the supernatural.
- Runes and Associations:
- fehu - Cattle, Wealth
- ūruz - Wild Ox, Water
- þurisaz - Giant
- ansuz - God
- raidō - Ride, Journey
- kaunan - Ulcer
- gebō - Gift
- wunjō - Joy
- hagalaz - Hail (precipitation)
- naudiz - Need
- īsaz - Ice
- jēra - Year, Good Year, Harvest
- īhwaz - Yew Tree
- perþ - Pear Tree
- algiz - Elk, Protection, Defense
- sōwilō - Sun
- tīwaz - Tyr
- berkanan - Birch
- ehwaz - Horse
- mannaz - Man
- laguz - Water, Lake
- ingwaz - Frey
- ōþila - Heritage, Estate, Possession
- dagaz - Day
- Notes: Raidō is the rune she has the deepest connection with and typically gives Runa the best results.
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