โ A p p e a r a n c e โWell-groomed and kempt, Ezekiel cuts no corners in maintaining a presentable appearance. His uniform is kept in good condition as wel, and he carries a few sentimental pieces of jewelry from his family.
"Yeah, I can skip this period. Nobody will mind me missing anyway" โ
โ N a m eEzekiel Seganal
โ S p e l l c a s t e r N a m eErebus
โ A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t14, 5'7", 125 lb
โ R a c eMystic
โ G e n d e rMale
โ S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o nHetero
โ Y e a r1st
โ P e tNone.
โ H o u s eHouse of Harold
โ I l l u m i n a i r eNo.
โ C l a s s e sAt least four, (no more than six for the REALLY ambitious students). *Please be mindful of certain class requirements based on your Year. For example, everyone must take Gifts, and 1st Years must take Sustained Flight.
โ Gifts
โ Time of Tears
โ Daemons
โ Apprenticeship and Support (Infirmary)
โ Sustained Flying
โ A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?No.
"What happened doesn't define who I am." โ
โ P e r s o n a l i t yReticentโ Stubbornโ Shrewd Loyalโ Defensive โ Self LoathingThe accident concerning his brother and ostracization of his family weighs heavily on Ezekiel's mind. And although he doesn't wish for it to trouble him forever, there comes a degree of quiet self-hate towards what happened.
A want to move on past it and shame leads him to be reclusive about what occured and spark him to get aggressive should he be pressed about it. He ultimately wants to be seen for what he could do, rather than his gift and his past which prompts him to remain by the sides of those who choose to associate with him.
Aforementioned disapproval from his family makes him defensive or even outright argumentative as well when caught doing something wrong, making it hard to budge him from his view.
โ H i s t o r yEzekiel Seganal began well-off and relatively stable. His family, lesser nobles had recovered from their destitution during the 72 Years Liberation War and the nation's subequent recovery afterward, holding good fortune. Guaranteed to inherit a legacy, have good education, and a strong standing amid being accompanied by his siblings it seemed nothing could go wrong.
The foundations of his world held strong until his adolescence, where they could come to fall apart. His gift manifested unbeknownst to him, and with it's growing demand for vitnesse. A ticking bomb that finally blew upon one day with one of his brothers. While what exactly happened was unclear at the time, the outcome was known. The Seganal family was left with one less child and the incident drew the attention of the Academy's Mystics.
Investigation led to the exact discovery of the vitnesse draining capabilities of Ezekiel's gift and with it came his family's subsequent shunning of him. His taking away of the Academy done to assure that his gift wouldn't be put to ill use, though it also served to further distance him from his family.
โ R e p u t a t i o nBeing a first year came with it's challenges fitting in. By some, he carried a stigma similar to psychiccers due to the nature of his gift, it being likened to those of the Ni-Serpahi due to it's nature on vitnesse, making it harder to find a solid group to stick with even among a few other new years. As a response he was pushed towards those of a trouble-making or delinquent nature to be accepted by. The effect of his nullification to make him unreadable to telepaths valued as someone who wasn't vulnerable to getting the others in trouble and seen as somewhat of a charm against them, doing well to keeping those breaking the rules anonymous. Though outside of this group, he remains reclusive.
Although the way his gift was viewed by those outside his group stuck with him in part it looks like, the boy spending a good amount of time in the infirmary in attempt to find merit in a more beneficial use of his gift.
โ G o a l sDespite his drawing towards less than savory crowds, Ezekiel holds a desire to find himself to be recognized in a more positive light and further acceptance. His attendance as an apprentice in the infirmary is an attempt to see if his gift can do more good than harm.
Although academically he aspires to achieve to show his worth in other fields, though his participation clashes at times with his want to be accepted by others and hang with those willing to be around him.
โ R e l a t i o n sEzekiel is estranged from his own family, the boy having received no communication from them since his enrollment from the school. Though occasionally he writes to them out of a small hope that they'll respond.
Aside from them, the only friends he has are troublemakers who he sticks around with occasionally due to their willingness to let him join in.
"Trust me, you're secret's safe with me. Not even a psychhie can crack me open!" โ
โ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n Astra
โ G i f t Vitesse Nullification
โ M y s t i c C o d eEzekiel's nullification involves the draining of vitnesse in it's many forms, from items to it's application in gifts that Mystics hold, and hypothetically even from Mystics directly. The control of vitnesse absorption however is in ways involuntary, and is strongest when direct physical contact is made. Those that touch him feeling a slight numbing sensation from the sapping of magic, although with concentrated effort on draining from his behalf can increase the intensity of the leeching. Due it's constant nature of the absorption on his being, certain gifts directed towards him are weakened or inert, such as those that heal using vitnesse or pesky telepaths.
The leeching of vitnesse can also be applied from a limited distance to gradually exhaust the vitnesse of a person or object with a conscious effort, although it's potency is less so than what it would be if he were touching his target physically.
โ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e sWhile Ezekiel can sap the effects of vitnesse may have on a spell, he cannot stop what has already been conjured. (Ex. An elementalist producing a projectile of rock. He may be able to make it take far more effort to make by the Mystic or eventually drain their vitnesse ot the point at which they couldn't effectively use their gift, but he wouldn't be capable of destroying the rock in anyway. However, if said rock held the capability to start petrifying someone it came into contact with, the vitnesse powering the petrification can be drained to stop the process.)
Physical draining cannot be fully controlled by him however, and while it's effects to others is usually at a minimum, it's potency grows in intensity the longer it has been since his last draining of vitnesse. However it is kept in check from reaching a dangerous potency from the regular draining of vitnesse imbued objects.