◈ P e r s o n a l i t y
Curious ◈ Impulsive ◈ Outdoorsy ◈ Approachable ◈ Stubborn
As a noble from birth, Lisa can be impulsive and rash to a fault, personality traits that she developed from a young age due to the easy access she had to everything she desired. Despite this, she isn’t a completely spoiled person. While she is stubborn, she is also one of the most curious people you’ll ever meet. While she is rash, she is also approachable and kind. And while she isn’t the most academically inclined student at the Academy, she is definitely one of the most social.
Her pride at her ancestry and status give her a near endless source of self-esteem and a complete lack of fear towards failure (which she thinks of as mere setbacks), and the financial backing she receives from her parents reinforces this facet of hers, as she can easily purchase anything she desires in order to try new hobbies or endear herself to new acquaintances.
In short, Lisa is a rash young noblewoman that somehow manages to capture the hearts of most of the people she meets due to the purity and transparency of her character.
◈ H i s t o r y
Lisa was born as the fifth child of Lucius and Esmeralda Goldheart, destined for a life of comfort and duty within the confines of Lekëan Nobility. Lisa. She was raised mostly by her mother’s handmaidens, and showed her curious spirit as soon as she could walk and talk. She’d ask questions about everything, often driving her mother and carers to annoyance before they sent her to play by herself, which usually ended up with her finding her way to the craziest spots in the Manor. Lisa always smiled whenever she remembered that time they had to get a Hatcher to cut a hole in her bedroom’s false ceiling after she somehow found her way into it.
As a young noble child, she was subject to private tutoring on Lekëan History, Etiquette, Noble Life, Numbers and Letters. She cared not for any of it except for whenever the tutor would bring up stories about Goldheart, their heroic ancestor, a noble man who had given everything up to become a scout and explorer in charge of an airship under the command of the Harold Arslan. His stories would brighten her day up without fault, and she would soon find herself exploring every nook and cranny of her family’s estate.
But despite how much she enjoyed her early years, time always marches forward. When she manifested her Gift for the first time at age 12, she was enrolled into the Academy, where she quickly made friends and enemies and learned more about the world than her noble family would’ve ever deemed fit to teach her. It was during her first year at the Academy that she found her love for all kinds of sports and practical commoner’s clothing. Her second and third years she built a reputation for herself and soon became both a trusted ally to the Illuminaires and an occasional thorn in their side.
◈ R e p u t a t i o n
Lisa is a popular figure at the school, not only because she is a true direct descendant from one of the many lesser heroes of the Time of Tears and a Noble herself, but also because she is simply fun to be around and a great source of inspiration to the younger kids. Her adventurous spirit coupled with her complete lack of reservations when it comes to being the first to try anything new helps people come out of their shell when around her, something that has helped her meet dozens of people she would gladly call friends, and several still that she would call close friends.
She is also known for being a troublemaker, because whenever something happens Lisa just so happens to have been involved in some manner, whether it be by chance or purposefully so, and being known to be on friendly terms with some of the school’s bullies doesn’t help that part of her reputation.
Overall, while most would agree that Lisa is a genuinely cool person to be around and is truly dedicated to being the best she can be, others would perceive her to be rash, academically unmotivated, and perhaps even a bully herself.
◈ G o a l s
In truth, while Lisa is proud of her ancestry and the achievements of her family and her country, all she’s really thought about since the end of her second year at the Academy has been Exploration. She wants to explore the primaeval oceans and the highest mountains of Lekë. She wants to delve into ruins of the past, discover ancient truths and secrets, and even find new worlds in the process. She is aware that her dream of becoming an explorer is likely to be just that – as the obligations of a noblewoman are too restrictive and her duties too heavy to justify throwing it all to the wind, but… What if? That question echoes in Lisa’s head every day just before she does something impulsive and dangerous in the name of keeping her explorer’s spirit alive, as a subtle sign of rebellion against the status quo her Family has fallen into.
◈ R e l a t i o n s
Siblings: Lisa’s the fifth child out of ten (with an eleventh on the way), and due to her behaviour is admired by her younger siblings and has over time become a headache for her older ones. Despite all the trouble she tends to cause however she has a good relationship overall with all her siblings and wouldn’t mind being trapped in a room with them. Her favourite sibling would be her oldest brother, Lanius, because of how knowledgeable he is about the human body and how much he seems to care about Lisa’s health, nutrition, and training programs.
Parents: Lisa loves her parents,Lucius and Esmeralda Goldheart dearly, but even she can tell that they don’t think much of her. Sure, they pay for whatever she wants and give her the bare minimum amount of attention a child needs, but they clearly favour their other children much more. She realises it’s because they are all more noble-like than her. Still, she loves them and tries to make them proud in her own way. Maybe someday she’ll actually become posh enough for their liking.
Ozzy Rogers: Lisa’s first friend at the Academy, a 16 year old boy hailing from a prestigious merchant family with a long history of dabbling in numerous crafts. Ozzy himself is a bit obsessed with the clothing industry and will use Lisa as a tester for all his new women’s clothing prototypes. Lisa doesn’t mind the attention and the free clothes, plus all the time he spends measuring her before any new project of his is time she can vent about her problems.
Takumi Hana: A girl hailing from a faraway land, Hana is one of Lisa’s many admirers, whom Lisa seeks to include in as many adventures as possible due to her cleverness and ability to find out more information about the spots they’re planning to explore.
‘Dog’: Lisa doesn’t remember his actual name, and she doesn’t care to learn it. Dog is one of the many school bullies, a guy who at one time got knocked out by Lisa and then became a bit of a puppy around her, hence the name. She is on friendly enough terms with him and will allow him to tag along for most of her adventures, mostly because she’s ignorant about the fact that he is still bullying the youngest students.
Li Arslan: No, not related to the Arslan, but might as well be because of how incredibly cool he is in Lisa’s eyes. He is a fifth year member of the Academy’s Explorer’s Club and the one person that has shown her the coolest spots around and the best ways to sneak out of the dormitories at night to have fun roaming around.

◈ "I'm heading to the boys' toilets tonight to see if there really is a ghost there, wanna come? " ◈
◈ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
◈ G i f t
Superhuman Physique
◈ M y s t i c C o d e
Lisa’s Gift of Superhuman Physique manifests in a straightforward way – All of her physical abilities are augmented to the absolute peak, with the one exception being her strength and constitution, which both surpass the peak by quite a lot. Her punches can dent metal, her body can survive diseases and injuries that would kill most others, she can run as fast as the fastest woman and move as gracefully as the most graceful woman.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s
Her metabolism is abnormally fast, resulting in her having to eat two to three times as much food as the average male, as well as having an abnormally high body temperature which results in her being uncomfortable in most clothes and climates which is why she is often seen underdressed and having cold drinks/snacks. This means she can overheat quite easily in stressful situations, which can result in all manner of symptoms ranging from dehydration to dizziness and ultimately loss of consciousness.