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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Baker could be found sitting at one of the guest's tables in the middle of the room, reading some books with a snicker on his face, not because the book was an exciting read, but because of the whimsical attitude his patron showed. On the terrace, he had his former boss who refused to enter. On another, he has a hungry bear who seemed all too eager to raid his entire establishment, but commendably decided to be a gentleman and knocked politely.

The Bakery owner closed his book and approached the door. "Yes? Please come in, what can I do for you? And where are the others?"
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well uh.... Uhm.. Mebbe not come in. I's radder durty. Bit o' a mishap wit da weader 'n all...." stammered the bear, motioning at the dirt literally clinging to him in angry pointed spikes where it had dried.

"Ain't got time fer a bath firs... so, dis'll have ta do." He made a plaintive gesture at his appearance. "Dun wanna track all 'at in."

He flicked his ears, huffed a sigh, then continued.

"Well, I dun think dey gunna be askin' fer rooms tunight. Jus' stoppin ta rest da horses, git a drink, and such. Me? I's hopin' fer kitch'n & tab'l scraps. Anuthin' ya was gonna jus' toss out--s'long as i' aint moldy er gone rancid. 'work' tuhday really took it outta me."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"That's very thoughtful of you. Most folk here won't even bother to use doormat to scrub their soles I am pretty used to it. Are you sure that's all? We have more good bread than the stale ones."

Baker looked at the bear tentatively. and shrugged. "You are my guests so it's outrageous for me to serve table scraps. How about this, I give you some of yesterday's loaves and a pot of stew, and a jug of water to wash it down. Or perhaps you would like a beer? I have a half barrel on the counter. Call your friends. You all can sit on the terrace if you like. The floor is always swept clean."

Not far from there, Jazdia could be seen as if she had been slumped deeper into the bench she was sitting on. Baker's words had become a discordant noise that was slowly gnawing away coins in her wallet.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Aww... 'ats right kind a ya, buht I cain't ask 'at a ya.. I ain't got much coin, an' nuttin' wort' keepin' come free. An' really naow, I's used ta eatin' stuff mos' folk wouldna even think could be. Tabl' scraps 's jus' fine. ... An' I still dun wanna mess up ya floor. Fur hol' more gunk 'an ya realize. imagin' de bigges' dog ya ev'r sawr all covered up in mud, an' make it as leas' five times dirtier, an 'ats what it like. Gots ta clean up af'er muh own self a' home, and knows how right shit it be ta clean up, so I'll kindly stay ou'side. I won't c'nsidr' it no offense gittin scraps either-- S'long as it a favor tuh yeh tuh be gittin' rid o' it-- Work out fine fer us both."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The two siblings entered the bakery. It is a young woman who is around fifteen to sixteen years old, has a short blonde hair and a pair of blue eyes, wearing casual clothing with a cloak. Follow up with a handsome looking blond man with the same color of the young woman's hair and eyes,also wearing with a casual clothes. Local knows them so the owner of the elf.

"Good evening, Mister Baker." The young woman warmly greeted the elf owner. Likewise, the man who is behind her also greeted the elf owner. The young woman seemed confused about the bear but it ended with a curiosity on the eyes. She heard him talking which is made her attract on the bear.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Oh--- Uh-- I didn' see ya 'dere." stammered the bearman, confused where the two had come in from. "If ya got business wit' da baker, by ull means, go'on 'head! 'ere, lemme move aside."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"Good evening. Please come in. I will have your order shortly after this gentleman."

He then shifted back to Cedar again.

"I understand, but I will insist you take the pot, And I will take no for an answer. I am not a fan of what you call Hunter's stew, but folks liked it. The older it gets the better they say. But I have a strict expiration date policy in my establishment and I say the current one has been sitting there longer than what I deem acceptable.

Pausing, Baker realized that his new female patron had been staring intensely at them for a while now.

"I will get your bread, please wait here."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

Solomon mostly kept to himself the entire ride back, engaging in some small talk with Yvonne, mainly about the lengths Cedar went to ensure reinforcements would have a difficult time arriving at Fanghorn. There was plenty of evidence of the damage he caused, much of the remnants looking like those from the keep where August had given the planets a head start.

Travel to Hdur was left mainly in silence. Long ago, the shadows from Pesti had arrived and Solomon spent the remainder of the time compiling the information they had. The mercenary group left Pesti, found Silas, and then went on their way. The lord was too busy dealing with the worries of his people. Many were frightened by the explosion, though thankfully nothing else came up from it. He suspected that news of Fanghorn’s demise would soon reach them and then similarly another envoy sent to the king, suspecting a terrorist attack. At least the party had a head start to inform the king of the events that actually transpired.

As time passed, the shadows cast by the sun slowly covered the path, casting the party in shade. Eventually even the distinct shadows blended as the sunlight disappeared entirely, leaving only the moon and stars to light the sky. With Hdur fast approaching, perhaps it was time for a break. After several hours, surely the riders would be stiff.

Sure enough, they stopped by the inn where they had first reconvened since Kindeance. Solomon dismounted the horse, letting it lap up water from a near trough. Solomon noticed that neither Silas or his men were present. Perhaps they continued forward rather than stop. Cedar went to the inn, and Jazdia seemed content waiting outside. It looks as though a proper break was in order. Petra landed near the cart, staying close to it to avoid as few eyes as possible. It was a good choice given moments later a couple had entered the inn. Curious was their nonreaction to Baker conversing with Cedar.

They were half way home now, and beyond the moment Kirsten met up with Jazdia, there hasn’t been any disturbances or note worthy obstacles. Still though, Solomon was wary. If Silas was to do something, his opportunities were quickly decreasing. Now that the cover of darkness blanketed most of the town, Solomon had each of his shadows accompany his colleagues without revealing themselves and without disturbance. One already was with the prince since Fanghorn. The others went to Yvonne, Cedar, Kaito, Matilda, and Jazdia. Capable Solomon’s allies were, and unlikely something were to happen, but at least now they had another level of sentry. A last resort of sorts to seek help.

With that done, Solomon gave some greeting to Petra, then wandered near Jazdia, “Are not not famished?” he asked, noticing how Jazdia seemed to shy away from Baker’s invitation, “I would recommend a warm meal and water. You’re still recovering and need as much energy as you can get. While we are here, perhaps I can also change your bandages. The inn would offer considerable privacy.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Ah. We are dinning here, Mister Baker. Father wouldn't mind about it.

Additional beside the bread. I would like to have a hunter stew and a soup for my sister."
The blonde handsome man spoke to Baker.

"My apology cutting the line. You must be tired from the long ventured, Mister Bear. You guys should be the priority" He said with apologetic tone as he shifted to Cedar. His hand gently hand landed on his sister and continue. "My sister is a bit enthusiastic for your appearance. I too was surprised from encounter like you in the first time.

I'm Gepard York. What is your name, Mister Bear?"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

In a business with a very busy queue, silence mean yes, and thus Baker strode back into the room and invited the two other patrons to take their seat.

"Come on, kids, Stop bothering him and sit down, will ya."

Then he shouted to the balcony above them. "Nina! We have guests here!"

Not long after, a girl hurriedly descended the stairs, both hands securing a knot of her apron. He freckled face immediately sported a frown when she glanced at the siblings. "Oh, the usual York guppies. Don't worry I will take their order."

"Be easy on them. I am counting on you. " Quipped the elf before leaving the two at the mercy of his daughter. God knows since when did she inherit his sense of sarcasm despite being unrelated by blood?

"So, what can I get you? No, don't request something weird like polyjus, and no, we don't want to buy your awful recipe. Gentleman, Lady, this is a bakery, not an alchemy laboratory, thank you very much.


Outside, Jazdia stood up from her seating and stretched her arm. It was not like she was intentionally being rude to Baker or anything, she only felt rather unwell after dismounting from her horse, like an overwhelming sensation of dizziness assaulted her head. But now the nausea had been suppressed and she shook her head one more time to get rid of it.

"Yeah, you are right. I think my body is confused," she said, rubbing her temple in a pained expression. I don't think Matilda would appreciate us taking a lengthy break though."

Jazdia unbuttoned the cufflink of the navy coat she was wearing and rolled up its sleeves. Not the kind of fashion she preferred, but admittedly helped her to conserve her energy and body heat during the trip.

"Say, do you think two hours is enough to replace them and have a proper tea break?"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Two hours should be plenty of time.” said Solomon. The night was still young and people were still about finalizing their day. A two hour break felt warranted even thought some of them might of rejected the idea. The Prince’s safety was important, but so was his and everyone else’s comfort. Enduring so much bouncing from the horses for the rest of the trip would not do without a substantial break. Solomon made a small sidestep and faced the carriage once again.

“Petra. Would you procure me some more bandages? Some antiseptics as well if you can find them.” Asked Solomon. Petra crossed her arm, leaning on one leg, a stance if displeasure.

“I am not your courier.” She said exasperated. After a bit she turned and walked away. She waved her right hand up and down loosely as she did so. “Fine.”

“My thanks.” Solomon returned. His attention back with Jazdia, Solomon extended his own hand towards the entrance of the inn. “Shall we?”
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gepard crossed arms and made a scolding glare at his sister. The young woman was in trouble and made a guilty face, a sweat on her cheek and tapping both of her finger together. He then turned to Nina and said, "It seems that Lynx is trying to help our Father. She witnessed and experienced our family fall. My apologies if she bothered you guys with her creation." He said with an apologetic face to Nina

"Bread, hunter stew and soup for our dinner. Please, Miss Nina." He continued.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
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Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Nina shook her head helplessly.

Both were always this weird, and she couldn't get used to it. In one corner you have the younger sister and her obsession with her magic studies. On the other, you have an apologetic older brother named Gepard who was clearly strange to the concept of loose lips ship sinks. Seriously! Now clearly ain't the time and place for you to blabber about your family's downfall.

"Yes, yes. May I know what you want now?

"Bread, hunter stew and soup for our dinner. Please, Miss Nina." answered Gepard.

"Finally... Daaa, a bowl of soup and stew! Table number three!"

"I hear you! A bowl of soup and stew coming in hot!"

Nina returned to them again with one of her trained smiles. "Please wait, yeah?"


Matilda was still staying at the wagon with the prince, with the window being kept open for an obvious reason. Jazdia didn't inform her about the two hours break and decided it would be a less (or more, but still hilarious) hassle for the orc captain to find it out herself.

Before walking into the store with the old doctor following, she looked back and said to him.

"It's actually not needed, Baker has an ample stock of medical supplies I can use generously. But well, what's done is done. I hope your spectral servant won't stumble into any trouble, or inflict one on somebody..."

On their way, they met Baker, who teetered about bringing a pot of stew in one hand, and a vegetable sack full of yesterday's and imperfect loaves on his shoulder. The load was heavy, but it didn't mean his trademark smirk would go away.

"Oh, glad to see you Ma'am," he said before playfully shaking his head. "Nice coat, by the way! Barely a day and your friendship with our neighbor Delving has been this symbolic I am afraid the press would have a wrong idea when they see it."

"Oh, shut up Baker... our stop-off will be brief, so spare me your sarcasm. I'd like to have a reservation, the usual place, and the usual servings. Thank you."

"Sure...sure. Feel free to toss more wood into it though. I left the fireplace cold because I thought you are not stopping by. Enjoy yourself, ma'am."

Leaving Jazdia to do her own business, Baker continued to hover around. First, at the table where the York siblings were, he placed two bowls and ladled out two equal portions of greasy stew into them.

"Hello there, Little miss Lynx. Pretty as usual. And Young Master Gepard, how is it going? Thanks for waiting, but so sorry, we are running out of soup, not even the bones, nor a strand of cabbage left, so I guess stew will do? Feel free to ask Nina to take it away if you don't like it. It's on the house!"

Swiftly, he then dashed toward the bear. The pot landed smoothly in some corner of his terrace and he immediately handed the sack to the bear.

"Here you go, pal. I know you are not very comfortable with handouts, but I'd still say you don't need to worry about the expense, I will gladly be rid of all for twenty coppers, excluding the empty pot of course! Hahahaha! Put it whenever you like when you are done. Enjoy your meal!"
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Is that right? Well then, I hope Baker does not mind.” Said Solomon. “Then I will have supplies enough on hand as needed.” Baker walked out of the inn nearly the same time as they entered. The interior of the inn was warm, homey even. The server girl, Nina was waiting on the couple that entered earlier. Jazdia went to the fire place, setting it up to burn.

Once Nina was away from the other table, Solomon called her over.

“Could I have a roll of bandages, some clean water, and cloth?” Solomon requested.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
Avatar of Mas Bagus

Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"He wouldn't mind," said Jazdia before kneeling in front of the fireplace and breathing out a stream of fire to light it up. "We are not here to rob him, nor to ask for a charity. Every bread will be paid, and every roll will be compensated properly."

“Then I will have supplies enough on hand as needed.” said the doctor solemnly, walking back to the common room and addressing his request to Nina.

The girl returned not long after to fulfill the order; clean and dry bandages in a satchel bag, and water in a metal bucket. On her shoulder was an old shirt that seemed too small for anyone in the room to wear. She thanked them for their patience after placing the bandage on the table.

"Is there anything else?" Though a trace of sleepiness could be heard in her voice, Nina maintained her professional demeanor by smiling earnestly. Their order was a bit strange today, but this elven lady paid generously, so it was no problem.

"Of course. I'd like to have tea, and the pastries, what do you have left?"

'That would be the pirozhki I made with that Maid this noon. And the usual garlic bread."

"Splendid! Please bring some with the tea, sweetheart. Thank you!"

As the girl left, Jazdia turned to Solomon again and offered him a weary smile. "I can patch myself this time," she said as she picked up the bandage for herself. "Then again, if not for sanitary reasons, it's improper to perform a medical procedure in a dining room. Baker has other patrons at table three... I will be back shortly. Feel free to order something for you."

And thus, she excused herself and walked into Baker's personal chamber next to the kitchen.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
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Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

First, at the table where the York siblings were, he placed two bowls and ladled out two equal portions of greasy stew into them.

"Hello there, Little miss Lynx. Pretty as usual. And Young Master Gepard, how is it going? Thanks for waiting, but so sorry, we are running out of soup, not even the bones, nor a strand of cabbage left, so I guess stew will do? Feel free to ask Nina to take it away if you don't like it. It's on the house!"

"It's okay Mister Baker. I'll take the stew. Lynx gave the elf owner a smile.

The elf appreciated it and left their table to take his job and others. Lynx nodded on Gepard, so he did the same. She put her two hands together to start a prayer that meant for thanking the grace they have on the table. The siblings later ended the prayer with synchronized hand movements by the two. The siblings went silent as they don't talk while eating, their dinning etiquette is recognizable to be a noble way. As they ended, they thanked the grace once more and cleaned their table and sort the bowls, plates and utensils properly.

"Nina." Gepard called out the waitress to pay their tab. "Everytime I go to this facility and keep seeing you a hard working one. It always makes me joy. Please, take this with you." Give her a tip and a warm smile. Not too overboard with or it will ended up like a charming spell due to his looks.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Mas Bagus
Avatar of Mas Bagus

Mas Bagus Storyteller

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Baker had retreated behind the counter, busying himself with cutting vegetables and preparing leftover minced meat. Nina. after fulfilling the last order from the elven lady sauntered into the kitchen, bringing a new pot full of water and having it boiled immediately.

Sweeping sweat from her forehead, the girl heaved. "I swear the pot was full last time I checked. What happened to it?"

"The old one? I thought they were made last week. The pot looked grisly."

The young lady looked like she was ready to sweat bullet this time.

"So you tossed it out?!! Daa I made it just yesterday! Remember that small lady? She downed almost the entire serving, I made a new batch after that. The pot looked dirty because I kept being asked for more."

"Really now?" the Baker shrugged, his expression was nonchalant as he walked toward the boiling cauldron and poured gunk of minced meat and fats unfit for pastry filling into the pot."Whoops, guess who sold the entire batch to our hungry beastman outside!"

'Definitely not me..." said Nina, pouting as she poured salt and other seasonings into it. To think Father would send the entire batch away on a whim was definitely upsetting. Not only it would mean the batch was sold at a huge loss, but it also means she would have to stay late to stir the stew until it was safe to be left alone.

Baker, after downing an entire basket of minced cabbage and carrots into the mixture, shook his head in a playful chuckle. It took him a while until he spoke again.

"All right, Young Miss. Enough with the faultfindings already! I tell you what, leave the dishes to me. You can sleep early--"

Before Nina could ponder whether the deal was satisfactory enough, the York Siblings called her.

No longer bothered showing her professional facade, the girl stomped out of the kitchen and approached them. "Yes? What is it?"

"Every time I go to this facility and keep seeing you a hard working one. It always makes me joy." Said the elder brother. And right upon hearing that, Nina almost rolled her eyes in. Not her first time dealing with Gepard, but, seriously! what's the deal with the guy and his long-winded talk? like everyone has the time for a fancy preamble.

"Was your brother always blathering like this?" she interrupted, eying at the younger sister. A foolish question and the answer was equally foolish as well. The girl named Lynx shrugged, yet the beam in her eyes signaled that she enjoyed the entire show.

"What I mean... Please, take this with you." Continued Gepard, placing two silver coins in addition to his overall bill.

Nina looked at him, seeking confirmation. It was surprising, but not sure a welcomed one, though. They have been regulars, but paying extra was never customary. What was the deal this time? Was it linked to the long-winded speech earlier? Was he trying to---"

The more she thought about it, the more Nina realized her brain would sooner be boiling like that new stew currently simmering in their kitchen. Rebuilding her composure, she picked the payment politely.

"You sure two silver is not a bit too much? I won't turn it down, though. Thanks!"

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Randomness
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Randomness Of Ridiculous Awesomeness

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Solomon Sparrow

Location: Hdur, Kindeance

“Take care now. Your skin will be fragile after such burns” said Solomon softly enough as Jazdia left as to not inform the others in the room. He spoke just loud enough that Jazdia may have heard him as she disappeared behind the counter through the door. Solomon had no intention of treating her in the dining room, instead recommending a proper room with a door. Still though, it was a good sign that Jazdia was able to take up her own care. He wondered how Yvonne fared in that matter. She remained by the carriage, which felt odd. But should she be resting, it would be best not to disturb her.

After the tea had arrived, the door into the inn opened once again. Petra waltzed in paying no mind to the other patrons along the other table, marching straight to the fireplace. In front of her she held several rolls of bandages and a labeled bottle of a clear liquid. When she reached Solomon, she looked at the empty chair near the building fire.

“Where is the elf?” she asked, placing the items down onto the table. The bottle fell over and rolled into the tea tray. She then took Jazdia’s chair, her body leaning over her knees letting Petra’s spectral upper half to almost appear to be leaning back.

“She is taking care of her wounds. Baker was kind enough to offer up some of his supplies.” said Solomon.

“Then I got all of this for nothing?” Petra asked insistently.

“No, I was in need of these anyway.” replied Solomon, he grabbed the items and put them away into his pack hidden beneath his robe. “I hope there wasn’t any trouble retrieving these.”

“No. the shop keep was too drunk to make any sense of it. If you’re asking, the biggest hurdle was getting in. Shop keep was too inebriated to unlock the door.”

“He was probably closed for the night, I do hope you compensated him for the trouble.”

Petra sighed, her head looking back towards the ceiling. “Yes, I left coin on the counter. Might be his only clue about what happened anyway.”

“That’s good. Thank you for doing that for me.” said Solomon. Solomon decided to wait by the fire place for Jazdia to return. He could see how exhausted Nina was becoming as the night waned on, and didn’t feel like adding more to her sudden evening workload. Besides, she seemed to be having a good time chatting with the siblings at the other table.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Soldat Elf
Avatar of Soldat Elf

Soldat Elf A Pee Noise

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After waitress happily left their table. A smug face has been seen from Lynx.

"Not bad but still you suck at dealing with women, my dear big brother."


"Father will be lonely when we move to Rascade. You must give him a grand child so he won't be feel lonely!"

"Father will arrange marriage agreement for me, though."

"No! He is not the who decide. Love will be settled their feelings from each other . Your future will be boring if you follow that path. When we arrive on Rascade, you should start finding one! I wanted to have a big sister!


"Anyway. Thank you for spending time with me for a whole day. Soon or later, will be been busy once we move to Rascade."

After their conversation, the two siblings proceeded to leave. Lynx waved for the farewell while Gepard nodded to them. Lynx noticed the boy from the carriage once they went out from the inn. She gave him a sweet smile and waved for a farewell then proceed to their horse. The siblings shared for a one horse. Gepard helped Lynx to get into the saddle before him. Soon they departed from

"You know. Big brother. Those unusual guests are quite interesting line up. They have a bear who can talk, an beautiful elf at the terrace before, a creepy black robe deadman. Those on the carriage, I sensed an orcish signature, an adult and young human's just like my age and a vampire's. I wonder what they came from."

"Who knows. But I guess there chapter is going to end. They seemed went through a hard ventured."

The siblings left the area, proceeding to their thirty minutes walk home with a horse.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by wierdw


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cedar was still surprised about being gifted the entire pot of what was surely a fine stew that was only about a day old, tops, judging from smell and texture.

Slow cooked, but never allowed to just sit around and go rancid. The meat and vegetables might have a bit of a mushy texture, but there would be nothing at all wrong with it in terms of health complications. Some people preferred their stew this way in fact-- something his father had told him once. Something called "Braising."

(Not that he ever really had the patience. Getting it up to critical temperature and breaking down the vegetables enough to be tender was usually all he ever bothered with himself. -- In the times he bothered to cook the food anyway. Cooked food was more of a 'special events' thing. Raw wild vegetable, picked at the peak of ripeness, was his usual-- often fortified with insects and wild mushrooms. Depends on where he was in the forest that day, and what the day's itinerary was. He had been quite honest with the baker about not being picky. --HUMANS-- his own father included, some of the time-- were the ones that seemed needlessly picky on foodstuffs.)

He was ravenous, and was just about to simply cram his face into the pot, when a thought occurred to him. The old man, Reinhold-- He had no reason to stay any further with the group, and the man had been literally starving as well from the lack of good hunting. It would be almost criminal to send the man home to starve, while hoarding a free pot like this.

"HOY OL' TIMER!" he bellowed into the darkening hours near where the carriage should be. "YA STILL O'ER DERE?"

"What do you want, Bear?" came a bit of a surly answer. "I'm grabbing my shit and going home. I'm tired."

"Da baker feller lef'-us a big arsed pot o grub-- Wonder'd ifn' ya wanted some, at's all!"

"Baker huh.. For free? What, he didn't spit in it, did he?"

The question left him puzzled. Why would the baker spit in the soup? It was a thing he just couldn't wrap his head around. Why would you do that to perfectly good soup, and then give it to somebody? Was this one of those human rivalry things? Food is hard to get, and it clearly took a whole day to get the soup the way it was in this pot-- why would you? To the food?

He shook his head, then sniffed at it again, paying very careful attention, checking for traces from the baker, and coming up empty on the inquiry. There was no evidence of such an "Additive."

"Dun smell like it---" he drawled, as Reinhold sauntered up to the terrace, bow slung over his back for carry, and dusting the road dust off his trousers. "Why'd sumbuddy do summat' like 'at anuhoo? He lef' us sum bread tuh. Don' make no sense ta spit inna food like at, an' show'r us in so much. Hell, Dun make no sense ta spit inna food noway nohow. Ya sure at wizard didna zap ya in da head dere ol' timer?"

"Baker doesn't give ANYTHING away for free." the old man said flatly. "you've either impressed him, or somebody in your group has leverage on him somehow. If I were you, I'd be more careful with that one."

'Weren't e'zactly free-- Moars, 'whole lot fer a silv'r'-- But dey's plenty ta go 'round. It'd be criminal not ta ask if'n ya wanted sum afores ya head home-- As fer bein' careful....' Cedar leaned in close to Reinhold, and practically whispered at him "I'd be right scared ta jus' 'head home ta bed' ifn' I was you. People's as kin occupy a whole damn town like at bullshit at fanghorn an' pesti? Dey gots real strong opinions about gittin dey're plans fucked up, and lil' peoples like us tends ta git shit on. Like em poor barstards as had dere houses burned. I aint none tuh happy 'bout flattenin' their houses fer 'em on top-a-it all neither. Ifn' sumbody deserves ta git fucked o'er fer what happened, it be yours truly-- but em kinds? I might not be de oldes' an' wisest-- At's muh pappi's job-- but I dun noticed muh own self 'at 'at sort like ta gits revenge 'emselves, and dun' take tuh kindly ta havin' de're plans ruined. Ya needs a spot to disappear tuh, come track meh daown. I'll FIN' a spot fer ya. Caint stay awake fer many more weeks af'er dis, but hell, I'd put ya up in my own house while I sleeps off da winter downstairs, ifn' it come ta 'at. Ain't got no food at home, seein as I don' eat inna win'er, but I won' be usin' da fireplace nor da bed neither. Freeze up dere tryin' ta hibernate. Gots a nice cozy hole full a leaves un'er a trapdoor fer at. Nuh 'ere, have sum food wit' me."

Cedar extended a somewhat twisted and misshapen, but otherwise perfectly edible baguette style loaf to the man out of the bag the baker had deposited with the large cauldron of stew.

"Didn' leave meh no bowls 'douh." muttered the bear. "Mebbe ya fin' a loaf in 'ere ya kin use instead..."

It was a trick his dad had shown him. You bake an especially dry and crusty loaf in the shape of a ball, rather than a baguette or a slicing loaf, then you cut the top, and cut out a hunk of the inside with a knife before filling it up with a thick and heavy stew. The thick, dry crust keeps it from seeping all the way through, the soup softens the dry loaf, and you end up with a 'bowl' of soup that you simply just eat. If you are careful, you don't even need utensils. Out in the woods, and living with next to nothing like their family did, it was an inventive and useful trick.

He wished he hadn't left the kukri with his dirty robes in on the back of the carriage, but he figured Reinhold to be the prepared type, being another forest dweller, even if of a different persuasion, as he dug in the bag until he found what he was looking for, more or less, then handed it to the old man. "Dis'l hav ta do."

"I still dont know what to make of you bear." the man said with a bit of a wry smile, while accepting the bread loaf. "But you don't seem half bad. I STILL don't know how your dad didn't get eaten alive though."

Cedar chuckled, then dug around in the bag some more, looking for a similar loaf for himself, extracting it, before simply biting the top, and hollowing it out with his muzzle in lieu of having a knife. Humans he had found, had no conception of the idea of 'talking' to animals. If they did, they considered it a nonsensical aspect of a children's tale, not a practical aspect of life. Animals themselves usually lived a very 'inward' life, with vocalizations rather than words, and no conception that was even possible to share their feelings in ways other than outward action or simple utterances. The first few times you 'talked' with them, they were almost always terrified by the experience, no matter how gentle and calm you were about it. Humans -- and bears too-- were scary to most animals anyway, and the combination usually left them so rattled that they questioned what was real and what wasn't for days afterward. There was no easy way to explain the kind of 'slow growing' partnerships he and his dad forged with the other residents of their home to the old man. Even less of a way to explain how such a partnership could turn romantic. Humans, like the wild creatures he called his friends, had their own view on what things in the world were like. For humans, animals were dumb creatures without any comprehension of anything besides basic needs or wants. Many considered them incapable of feelings or desires, and thus a non-issue when it came to causing them harm. Such notions were simply unfounded, but explaining the truth to them was often impossible. Words lacked the... substance... that 'the connection' offered. You had to try and wrap up complex ideas like this in metaphors and analogies, and other abstractions, where with an animal, the core concept itself was what was presented, just as it was. (You just had to hope they could understand something that complex without blocking it out to protect themselves.)

"I's complicat'd." muttered the bearman before swallowing the mouthful of bread. He snapped the long baguette in half, then used half of it to scoop stew out of the pot and into his "bowl", while holding the pot by the wire handle and tipping it forward. "Les' jus' say 'at wil' critters has more in em an what mos' people realizes-- Dey jus' sees an' un'erstan's da world diff'rent. Ya gots ta speak 'er language, sorta speak."

"Hey, I didn't say I wanted a lecture, I said I didn't understand it." rumbled the old hunter, who had produced a pocket knife, and had more eloquently cut his own loaf, much like his dad did, before extending it to him to be filled.

"Fair 'nuff." rumbled Cedar, once more using the baguette to spoon up soup into the old man's 'bowl'. "I jus' wann'd ta poin' out-- ain't no part a mamma and pappa be 'forced'. 'em two loves each odder. Ain't no reason ta eat each odder, no more an you an some country girl would." He took a generous bite out of his bowl, slurped the juice back, then swallowed hard. "Fer sum reason, people's has a hard time unnerstan'in dat part. Thinks a bear caint fall in love. I kin assure ya, at aint da case at all. Momma an poppa gots ways ta talk wit each odder, an' dey does. Respects each odder. Loves each odder. Simple as 'at."

The old man shuddered a moment, shook his head, then distracted himself with his own bite of soup-bowl. "It's definitely not something I have ever considered even remotely possible." he said flatly. "I cant help feeling unnerved looking at you."

"At's 'ow mos' people's sees it. Ya gits used ta it. Hell, half da time, dey waitin' fer ya to try an' eat em or sommat. Muhself? I only half-unnerstands half da stuff you humans gits upta." He sucked down another bite. "Mos'ly seem like a big arsed waste a time, ya asks me."

"what do you mean?"

"Well-- takes people as has real big fancy 'ouses--- Like at 'king' fellar, or at crazy big place packed all elbow-ta-asshole wit' peoples, Rascade..." He made a general motion with the baguette in the direction of the capital. "Why does you human-folk live like at? What ya really git from havin' a house like-at? Gotta fin' ways to convince odder humans ta live wit, and help ya keep a big arsed thang like at from fallin in on ya-- Got so many a ya all packed inta one spot, ya'all goes nuts, an' robs from each odder. Keels each odder. If ya listen ta what people says in da dark alleys and such, ain't none a ya happy 'ere-- so why does it? Make no damn sense at all." He slurped in another bite, then sucked it down. "Meh? I gots a roof o'er muh head ta keep da rain out, ain't got no nosy neighbors all up muh butt worried 'bout muh damn lawn, nor hatchin crazy idears 'bout what uh might nor might not be plannin on doin' to em --or hell, ta dere daughters-- suh many a ya human types wit' young girls think's I's gunna just grab some girl up an' drag er off wit me and has muh way wit' er or sommat-- aint like at 'tall-- Da hells wrong wit de lot a ya, thinkin' stuffs like 'at--- True, uh wants ta start a fam'ly muself sumday, but NOT LIKE 'AT! Make no damn sense at all, but ya's seem real keen I be plannin it like at-- Naw-- Insteads, I just sit at home, wonderin' how it e'en might be possible ta broach da subject wit' a girl three times muh age, and likely as not ta take offence at da mere suggestion. What a fellar ta do, eh? So, fer da mos' part, I just sticks ta muh own self-- Gots friends wit' da fores' critters an' fores' folk-- Pixies an such-- Helps muh pappi out wit' plantin' trees, and flow'rs. Nice, hones' livin."

"I had... Not even considered this." the man said, eating another bite of his soup bowl himself. "But I understand how you feel. I prefer my little shack on the end of town myself. Quiet, and cozy, and its all to myself, mostly. More so since ..." he trailed off a second. then resumed ".. Since they murdered my friend. Thank you for helping me put an end to his killers, by the way."

"Dun mention it."
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