Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

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This interest check is mainly for those from the recent P.R.C.U. game; due to major life events, the consensus has determined that the game will, sadly, come to a premature end. However, we've formed a close-knit group and writing together has been extremely fun, so let's keep that going!

With that in mind, the key objective for this thread is to take a poll on a number of premises from the P.R.C.U. group, and find the most popular setting to re-launch a new game.
Those people, in no particular order, are:
@Lord Wraith✓ // @Hound55✓ // @Tackytaff // @Mao Mao✓ // @Junkmail // @Kuro✓ // @psych0pomp✓ // @PatientBean✓ // @Zoldyck✓ // @Skai✓ // @Jarl Coolgruuf // @webboysurf✓ // @earthtogab // @Wei Wuxian✓ // @Pirouette✓ // @Theyra // @Lawful Newtral✓ // @Nemaisare✓ // @Hillan

However, I don't want to dissuade further interest from those who weren't in that game - but please, if you're coming in fresh, understand that you may get overridden on your choice of game if the majority of P.R.C.U. players want something else. Votes are weighted differently, basically. That said, if there's extreme interest in multiple settings we might see what we can swing.

With no further ado, please find below a list of 'elevator pitches', for free voting/discussion/brainstorming/what-have-you.
Based on the results of this thread, @Hound55 and I will take the most popular concept(s?) away and expand them out for a full game.

1. Post-Apocalyptic Superpowers ||||\ |
A virus has ravaged the human race, leaving only those with a specific gene mutation behind; in the same incident, this virus caused the gene mutation to warp the very biology of its bearers, granting them wild and powerful metahuman abilities.
In the wreckage of the old world, the survivors are forced to band together, but when some begin hearing voices and seeing strange visions - not always from the same sources - it begins to look like the soul of humanity is at risk just as much as the species itself.

2. Ju-V ||||\ ||||\ ||||\ |||
Juvenile Vigilante System/Program

In a world of great tension between superpowered people and regular humans, Ju-V is a last ditch effort by a desperate society to prevent the cataclysmic results of more superpowered "villains" being created by a society which all too often sees an "Us and Them" divide between those with powers and those without.

Not a superpowered Academy/School, but a "rehabilition system" to instil morality and allow identified powered "Persons of Interest" (either from criminal act, wonton destruction, or a scenario primed for retaliation which would exacerbate the superhuman/human divide) the opportunity to learn how to control their powers and either not use them in the future, or display a newly gained sense of morality over when to use them. It's a place designed to prevent the worst case scenarios of superpowered villainy from being unleashed on society as a whole, with a focus on personal control and self-restraint.

3. Post-Apocalyptic Modern Fantasy ||||\
In a world where a cataclysmic event has destroyed the ability for people to route between major settlements without getting lost, ending up where they came from, or being utterly desecrated in mind and body, a select caste of people - ‘Navigators’ - have become the only remaining links between pockets of civilisation, able to depart from one city and arrive at another, completing the journey to their intended destination.

A select few of the select few have been able to charter their journeys and make rudimentary maps - ‘Cartography’ has become a type of pseudo-magic skill, the maps making travel possible for non-Navigators perhaps once or twice before the map loses its efficacy; but there are rumours of an Atlas, a definitive map, permanently effective that would allow humanity to guide itself across the globe once more.

4. Inter-Apocalyptic Dark Fantasy ||||\ ||
Premise + Setting info

5. Wild-card Zelda RP ||
Premise + Setting info

6. Wild-card American Gods/The Wicked and the Divine-style RP ||||\ |||
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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Hello nerds!

So stoked to continue writing with you all.

For settings, I like all of them EXCEPT the Zelda one. Crucify me if you want but I am not a Zelda fan. Never was, never will be.

That being said, I would say my top pick is the Juv-V, I think that is a fantastic setting. A close second is the American Gods one, if for no other reason than I read that book recently.

Regardless, I am down for playing in any of them except Zelda.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

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Crucify me if you want but I am not a Zelda fan. Never was, never will be.

Put 'im on the cart, boys.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

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Not sure how included I am in this since the conditions of my departure, but 2 does seem the closest in tone and aesthetic. Wouldn't mind getting to RP with the group proper again (outside of those that decided to join Shelter), so I'll just say my preferences are 2, 5, with the rest of numbers in a frank neutral area. I've got a lot going on outside of RPG so take that how you will.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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I've gotta level...

Full disclosure, I have NEVER played any of the Legend of Zelda games, ever. And have the barest, most rudimentary knowledge of them at all. So I'd very much be behind the 8 ball lorewise on that one.

But I'd trust Roman, whilst I'd play catch up lorewise if that were chosen.

P.S. Please God don't do that to me.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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They crucified Jesus too. Just saying.....
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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Oh, don't read that as a "we can't pick Zelda, because Hound will be an absent father to the RP"...

I churned through Wraith's P.R.C.U lore tome and had that locked down tight as a drum.

So I know I'd do it.

...just, I have a family. Please don't do that to me.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

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...just, I have a family. Please don't do that to me.

I'll think about it. I am not known for sensible decisions or... mercy.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Hmm, I think I'd be most invested in 2, 3 or 4, but 1 is also up there. Honestly, I'm not actually sure what order of priority I'd give those four. It would probably depend on the character I might come up with and the interaction potential... Not sure I've got the energy for big and sweeping, which 3 and 4 seem more likely to turn into, but damn if I don't like the details there. And the possibilities of between-city strangeness. Hoo boy, they all sound fun.

I like Zelda games, but they're not exactly my cup of tea for writing in. And 6 sounds awesome but boggled my poor brain.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zoldyck
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My vote would go out to option #2. It's closest to what we all joined and allows most of us to re-use characters from PRCU, which seemed to be a thing people wanted.

I had already discussed this earlier with Hound, that I'd rather do just an X-men academy style RP like we had initially signed up for. But if others would rather do something else then I'd be down to join that as I really like this group!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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My vote would go out to option #2. It's closest to what we all joined and allows most of us to re-use characters from PRCU, which seemed to be a thing people wanted.

I had already discussed this earlier with Hound, that I'd rather do just an X-men academy style RP like we had initially signed up for. But if others would rather do something else then I'd be down to join that as I really like this group!

Conversation with you made me realise I needed to come up with something closer to the mark, which actually inspired me to come up with 2... so thanks.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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1 and 2 are certainly more closely tied to the previous scenario, though 2 does not seem like it’s geared towards characters that didn’t have as much of a traumatic power manifestation. Or that wouldn’t be happy to use their powers to get into trouble, but that might just be me misinterpreting it. (I also don’t have a problem with that, just pondering character porting potential. And snickering to myself at the thought of Lucas in scenario 1… pffft)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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I'll be honest, I don't know if I'd use Calliope for a new game.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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1 and 2 are certainly more closely tied to the previous scenario, though 2 does not seem like it’s geared towards characters that didn’t have as much of a traumatic power manifestation. Or that wouldn’t be happy to use their powers to get into trouble, but that might just be me misinterpreting it. (I also don’t have a problem with that, just pondering character porting potential. And snickering to myself at the thought of Lucas in scenario 1… pffft)

Ah crap, you're right... I missed Lucas.

Right, add "extra-sensory capabilities which may potentially add to the widening rift between the superpowered and humans".
Then that should pretty much cover everyone.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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I'll be honest, I don't know if I'd use Calliope for a new game.

And that would be perfectly fine too. I just wanted to try and come up with a viable alternative that would allow it to still be possible so that we're not denying people the choice to play someone they've put a lot of time and effort into.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by psych0pomp
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#2 Yeah I agree with Zoldyck. I'm a basic bitch person and would like to continue to play around with the idea of Coop. Though he's definitely not Ju-V material, it would only take some minor tweaking to get him there.

Yes, Trace would be perfect, but I will retire them as they belong to PCRU now. RIP. I guess I'll send them out on a boat Cass style and light them aflame.

If I can add a suggestion to the idea: what might spice it up from being too samey is some "community service" in the form of them having brief, highly supervised, stints as street-level heroes. Pretty much the superhero equivalent of "picking up the trash." Feel free to ignore it. It was a brain fart I emanated from deep within my brain... bowels. I got to come up with better analogies.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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For me, specifically, I just like Lucas, so if he fits, I'd be tempted, whether or not I'd end up going with him in the end would still depend on a variety of other factors. Including plot potential and character dynamics, and if I have any other ideas I like better. :P So, there is no special need to ensure he could fit, though I do appreciate any effort thereof. :)

I rather like that street-level heroes community service idea too. Kinda like... the daily Spiderman activities (supervised) as opposed to the main conflict of the movie Spiderman shenanigans... It would certainly fit with the attempt to raise public opinion of people with superpowers and avoid having superpowered individuals feel like they have to take matters into their own hands and then doing it wrong... >.>
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

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For me, specifically, I just like Lucas, so if he fits, I'd be tempted, whether or not I'd end up going with him in the end would still depend on a variety of other factors. Including plot potential and character dynamics, and if I have any other ideas I like better. :P So, there is no special need to ensure he could fit, though I do appreciate any effort thereof. :)

I rather like that street-level heroes community service idea too. Kinda like... the daily Spiderman activities (supervised) as opposed to the main conflict of the movie Spiderman shenanigans... It would certainly fit with the attempt to raise public opinion of people with superpowers and avoid having superpowered individuals feel like they have to take matters into their own hands and then doing it wrong... >.>

In some ways I think Lucas would fit even better in that environment. It's more difficult to imagine him being snapped up as a H.E.L.P agent, to me, than being marked as a person of interest by some Government program intending to pump morality into the superpowered and send him on his way.

At least to me.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

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Honestly, I am vibing more with number 6 than everything else (besides number 2).
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