The woman had a pleasant handshake, strong, but he could feel how soft her palm was. Indicating that the woman might not have found herself in physical labor. She was a mayor's assistant after all. He would be slightly surprised if her hands were too beat up. “Aah did. Aah appreciate your praise,” The acknowledgments and thanks for the things he did felt good though he didn’t know if it should be considered hard work… Rubbing the back of his neck at the thought. Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Already knowing he made himself look somewhat dumb or at least dumb in his eyes. Thomas decided that he would keep his mouth shut about how the work wasn’t that hard.
Going over and helping Tim, Thomas continued to listen to the woman who was speaking to him. “Oh, aah can promise ya they-yur will be quite a few bags of ice. Ya can thank the po-leese department fo-wah that vote,” Ice was already put into the discussion and already voted on by the police department. It was going to be a nice day out and probably hot, so they all thought it would be a good idea to put ice in the tank. Keep ice in a cooler as well to re-ice the tank as the day goes by.
“It was a pleasure to become acquainted with ya! Aah will keep that en mind!” Thomas waved her off and almost dropped something doing so. Catching the item at the last moment and giving an awkward grin to Tim, who did not look amused and startled. The duo began to set everything quickly. This was going by way more smoothly with a partner than it was when Thomas was alone working on it. Getting the dunk tank up first, so Thomas could run a hose to begin filling it up.
Everything else was being set up while the dunk tank was filling with water. The food station and the K9 companion game were being set up as well. Everything for the police department booth was coming along smoothly at this point.
As he was checking out how the booth looked, Thomas ended up tripping backward on the hose and falling square on his ass while catching himself on his elbows. Luckily he wore a long-sleeve shirt that protected his skin. “Ophf!” The man let out a noise as he lay there on the ground for a few seconds before sitting up. Slowly rising to his feet while he began to pat the dirt and dust from him.
Location Festival - Police Department Booth
Time Morning
Mood content with his embarrassment
Interaction(s) ended interaction with Jewel