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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

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Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Outside of the Academic Quadrangle - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.85 Great Minds Think Alike

Interaction(s): Respective Team Members

Calliope was in a haze.

Her mind was still reeling from her talk with Banjo and Elle. Hyperion intended to come back. It was likely the faculty knew or had an idea. The secrecy made sense, even if she was against it. No need to panic the entire student populace given the attack was still pretty recent. Still, she hated walking around knowing it and not telling the others.

She bumbled her way through her Community Placement. She had been assisting one of the professors but managed to almost ruin some papers he had in her absentmindedness. She managed to collect it and get the work done, but she could tell the professor was upset with her. She would likely not be placed with him if she did this again.

Now her mind wandered as she walked across a calming sitting area outside the Academic Quadrangle. Calliope hadn't noticed someone in front of her until she collided and fell.

Harlowe, to her credit, was also deep in thought with her ear pods in. She hadn't gotten a tour of the school when she had first arrived and as trusted into events. Now she was even more lost. She was supposed to go to her community placement, but she had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Where was the mess hall? Surely that was close to the academic buildings?

Harlowe stopped and, as she looked up, saw a blur of blonde before she was knocked into.

Calliope rubbed her forehead and saw who she ran into. She recognized the girl from the opening ceremony, though she had never spoken to her. And now her first interaction was colliding into her. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I was so lost in thought. Let me help you up!" Calliope quickly stood up, offering a hand to Harlowe, who took it and got up. Harlowe brushed herself off, "It's fine. Nothing broken. Though..." Harlowe reached up to her ear and felt nothing, "Looks like one of my ear pods fell out." Harlowe looked down. Calliope, embarrassment running up her neck to her cheeks, also looked. Calliope scooped down and picked up the pod and handed it to Harlowe.

Harlowe took it and took her remaining one out before putting them away. "Thanks. And don't worry about it. This campus is so big it's easy to get distracted." Harlowe also figured recent events were weighing on Calli's mind.

"Yeah, I still don't know where most things are. I only just got settled in my dorm."

"Same. What house did you pick?"

"House Ursus. Made the most sense in the moment. You?"

"House Lynx. I think I was also offered Ursus. Could have been in the same dorm. I don't get this house stuff anyway. Is it for sports, like team pride? Or just another way to separate those of us already separate from society?"

Calliope chuckled, more for awkwardness than actual mirth, "I think the latter, probably. Though I believe I heard about some sport thing here. Not my wheelhouse so I plan on giving it a wide berth. Oh, sorry, my name's Calliope. I've seen you around but never introduced myself." Calli offered a hand.

Harlowe took it and shook. "Harlowe Dupointe. Makes sense though. You're team Blackjack. I'm Firebird. Not like we'd get much interaction, especially in different houses." Harlowe wanted to bring up what happened at the campsite, but felt it was too much.

Calli, good at reading people, sensed Harlowe was eager to ask. There were few things the girl would be interested in. Calli hadn't mentioned her last name for fear that Harlowe would pin her to her father and instantly hate her. "I'm doing fine. I'm sure my team is also, though the loss is still fresh. I didn't know Cass too well, though I think I was the one who interacted with him the most. Still, seeing someone die in front of you is no picnic. And Banjo got hurt..."

Harlowe remembered the other guy being tossed like a ragdoll. That must be Banjo. "How is he?"

"He's doing better. I just saw him a bit ago. The healers should be working on him and he can return to class. Which, I believe, is starting soon."

Harlowe cursed inwardly. She was messing things up. "I don't suppose you know where the mess hall is? That's my community placement and I wanted to go and get checked in with them before class.

"Oh that's right outside this building. Head out the front and make a left. Should be the first building you see."

Harlowe grinned, "Thanks Calliope. Maybe I'll see you around?"

Calli nodded. "I am sure you will. Also, call me Calli."

Harlowe nodded in return and, with a wave, walked over to the entrance. She glanced back and noticed Calliope was still facing the direction she was walking toward. The girl was clearly thinking through things. If Harlowe had a guess, it was due to the drama that seemed to surround Blackjack. She liked Calli. Hopefully, the girl was okay.

Calli clenched her fist and unclenched. She counted to 50 before she walked forward. She had to make her way to class.

Harlowe arrived first, checking in with one of the mess hall workers. After settling up, she went to her team faculty representative, Miranda.

Calli followed shortly after. Calli glanced at Haleigh and gave the girl a wave, happy to see a friendly face. She was excited for her first class since it was right in her main interest at the academy.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Wei Wuxian
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Wei Wuxian Xianxia Lover

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Outside the Mess Hall - Southern Plateau, Dundas Island
First Class:#2:86: Yay for classes…

Interaction(s): Team 78 - Firebird
Previously: Once a Firebird, ALWAYS a Firebird

The excitement that filled him after being accepted into Myotis trumped being accepted into PRCU. He was determined to make his mark in this world and this was the start that he needed. After the ceremony, they were led to their respective house dorms. Yuri made a mental note of which way to go in case he ever wanted to wander around campus. He was silent for most of the tour, understanding that this would be his home from here on out. When he entered his dorm, he couldn't believe how spacious it was. He walked around the room, noticing the beautiful decor. The wall art drew him in, and the freshly made bed called to him, but he resisted. He approached the bed and noticed the uniforms for Myotis stretched across the bed. He quickly picked them up and carried them over to the closet. He noticed books and supplies on a desk in the corner of the room. This was truly remarkable and he couldn't help but to look over each book before noticing a rather large envelope out of the corner of his eye, on the bed where the uniforms had been. How had he missed it?

Approaching slowly, not sure what it contained, he picked it up and examined it. There was nothing on the envelope to indicate what it was for and that concerned him, but he was certain it wasn't any type of bomb. It felt like a letter or something light. He slowly tore the very edge hoping that he didn't rip whatever was inside of it. Observing the letter, he read it softly. It was an invitation to join a secret house. Was this a joke? Was this really something he should do? He remembered vowing to get answers about Hyperion and maybe this could help him. He memorized the time and sat down on the bed. This was his room now. This beautiful luxurious dorm room was his. He plopped onto the bed and giddily flicked his feet before stretching out. Today was a good day. Despite everything, it was a good day.

It had been two days since he had received the mysterious invitation, and yet he was still confused. Who was it? What did they want? Should he bring it up to one of the school representatives or keep quiet about it? He couldn't think about it now he had a schedule to keep. For now, he got up from the bed, took a shower, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and proceeded to get dressed in his uniform. From what he understood, Team Firebird was set to be escorted to their first class of the day and were to meet in front of the Mess Hall. It was training time, and he was rather pleased. Practical Ability Training. He felt as if this would just be a way for them to gauge how much they already knew about their abilities, or rather how strong each of them were when using their gifts. Nonetheless, he found his way and waited for further instruction.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Adrianna started to unpack and load up her closet, segregating space for her orange lined school uniforms, before racking the most likely rotation of clothes. She'd brought a lot, and the closet was fast filling.

The television was on some weekend day time viewing soft piece as she moved around the room unpacking and making it her own. She'd already paid for and set up several streaming services on the television already, but was looking for something that wouldn't distract her too much from the task at hand.

She glanced up at the television from one corner of her room and winced. 'That wouldn't do.'

The television was mounted on a moveable bracket that could swivel and face any point in the room. But it was static. Fine for if you wanted to sit in a set corner and watch, as optimally as in an opposing corner. But it required constant adjustment if one were to move around the floor.

She temporarily stopped packing and removed some machinery from a box. She started to fiddle with it, feeling out the humm. Pressing it into place, until she was satisfied. She took each device and slid them down one to each side of the bracket. She then rotated her head and pressed her earlobe to activate the implant she had set there.

She then walked from one side of the room to the other, watching as the television followed her around the room. 'Better.' She walked to the television. It was maybe an inch or two askew, since it was calibrated and aligned with the singular implant. 'Better, but still enough to drive you nuts.' She activated the second implant in her other earlobe and felt out to the humm, adjusting the commands, a simple algorithm, splitting the two messages from the implants and aligning accordingly. She turned her head side to side and the television turned a mild amount. She then faced it front on and leant left and right and the television moved further with each movement. She stepped away and walked back and forward, it followed her in perfect alignment. 'Much better.'

She reached out to the humm and slightly adjusted the volume more to her liking before getting back to the task of making the room more 'her'.

A space was left in pride of place at the desk. That would be coming tomorrow. She smiled at the thought.

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class: # 2.87 Failing the Bechtel Test Miserably

Interaction(s): Makenna
Previously: FileName# 'Lutra' Not Found. Try Again? Y or N?

"Ugh! Adie exclaimed in horrified disgust as she opened the door to her dorm.

"What is it, Adie?" Makenna asked sweetly from across the room, their relationship having already carried from 'Makenna and Adrianna' to 'Makenna and Adie' overnight. Adie of course oblivious to the subliminal shift in power that only one of their names seemed to be open to the informal.

"You wouldn't believe it! There was THE MOST obnoxious Australian guy out there. Completely unbelievable. He actually thought I was hitting on him. Yecch. As... if..."

"Australian guy?" 'Surely not'. Makenna thought to herself, wondering what to make of this. The last that she'd seen of that one was when she caught an unfortunate glimpse of him when he was a discoloured unrecognisable mess in the Intensive Care Unit.

"Yeah, he, like, picked up a package for me downstairs, and I thought he was just being nice. And then it's all. 'Where they keepin' a lovely sheila like you? Which room are ya in?' I told him to just put the box down outside, so he knows this is the floor unfortunately, but at least he doesn't know the room. I mean, stalker much?"

"Well, the only Australian guy I know at this school was in Blackjack when I was there. You know, the one Hyperion threw that night. Banjo? He's been getting talked about all around the school at the moment. God only knows why."

"He's been getting talked about around the school? He was the guy who was in a crumpled heap, who I managed to rush to the infirmary?" She asked, not hiding her surprise. Her hand fell to her cheek, then to her hair. "Why..? What are they saying?"

Makenna tried to hide her glee. She seemed to have just found one of 'the Adrianna Dahl's' weak points. Possibly what had cost her a multi-billion dollar company. For someone who worked so brilliantly in the information age, she seemed to lack a finger on the pulse of public sentiment and divining truth from gossip. Further to the point, there seemed to be more to this story with the 'obnoxious Australian' than she seemed to first let on. If not just the Australian lunatic, perhaps she had a soft spot for trying to find a guy in general. But right now, this was even better. The night by the fireplace. She had valuable information to trade on this one.

She could ingratiate herself further with 'the Adrianna Dahl'. She could use this to cause major disruption between two rival teams in Blackjack and Firebird. She could stoke flames and strike at that blonde bitch over on Blackjack and her little boytoy. Perhaps even - if she could dare to hope - manouever a way that Adrianna Dahl could actually take the crazy Australian from her... she could hold the age difference over her forever. She'd 'OWN' her. Imagine owning one of the wealthiest, most brilliant metahuman businesswomen in the world. Sure, a man in the executive sphere could find a way to sneak away from taking an underaged lover, but a woman? The possibilities...

"Oh, ever since that night he's kind of become 'Big Man on Campus', or whatever. People impressed by childish things, just because he stood up to a hyperhuman terrorist."

"He did..?" Adrianna hadn't noticed at all what he had done that night. She was too busy trying to make a difference. Reaching into the humm to try and find a way to stop him that night. She hadn't noticed who else had made an effort to stand up to him.

"Oh, well, he just ran his mouth at him when he'd depowered the area. You know, when Hyperion was trying to convince those other kids, like the ones who left Eclipse, to go and join him. Just because he was willing to say a lot of coarse stuff to him when he was basically powerless. They all talk about him like he's some kind of hero."

Makenna kept hitting the same buttons. 'Big Man on Campus', 'school hero', 'Mr Popular'. Painting the picture of him as this ultimate prize, what she had missed out on in her earlier school days, 'Oh of course you could do much better than him, Adie', 'He's just what these Young impressionable kids see as being cool'.

Adie felt cared for. Her friend was saying all the right things. 'You're too good for him', 'He wouldn't deserve you' is what she was hearing, but these notions rang like hollow platitudes inside her head. She started to wonder. She tried to remember what she thought of him from that night, but was coming up with nothing. Her memory for regular social interaction and events had never been great. She could remember every line of coding from her first jobs - but this kind of thing seldom stuck in her head. Fortunately she came up with workarounds that meant she didn't HAVE to rely on that memory. Her drone. It was still in her room. She'd recorded everything from that night.

"Really? He was powerless? And he still did what he did? Did HE know that he was powerless?"

"Well, from what he told me about his powers. He couldn't NOT know." Makenna replied. Leaving just the right trail of breadcrumbs.

"Wait... He spoke to you?" Of course he did. Adie thought to herself. The sociable, affable Makenna. Dependable Makenna. She probably tried to get to know everyone. Hold that volatile team together despite themselves.

"Well, yes. His powers, he feeds off the sun and warmth. It was night, Hyperion used cloud cover, the cold rain. He would have known. He's... kind of impulsive." Makenna slowly trickled out what she knew. She'd make Adrianna hang on every word. Watching Adie's expression she could tell she had her well on the hook.

"Yes, he spoke to me. You know, I kind of had to show him the ring a few times, and then drop the fact that I was engaged. Once I did that, he took the hint. I don't think he really connected the ring with that - in hindsight, it was almost like he just thought it was some fancy ring I was proud of. See he never really--" She stopped as if realizing that she was telling too much. "Oh, but it's probably not my place to tell." She hung Adie out on an excruciating point.

"What?" Adie asked. Makenna had pulled up as if she was sharing too much. She knew more about him? Private things, sensitive things? "What, 'Kenna--" She pulled back as if too informal. "What, Makenna, oh please? You can tell me. You know me, I wouldn't tell a soul."

Makenna felt warmth surge through her. The power. She had her, she was almost sure. The excitement, she could feel it. She knew she wouldn't tell a soul. 'The Adrianna Dahl', she scoffed in her own head. After all, who could she tell? As far as she could tell, she was relying on her for almost all of her information and social interaction at this school.

"Well... She dragged it out just a little more. Just that excruciatingly small beat, and enjoyed every fraction of a second of it. "Only because it's you, Adie..." Internally she was almost laughing. He had been more than willing to part with this prime piece of information that night to anyone who'd listen, and she was clinging to it like a precious gem.

"I don't know that he really 'got' that it wasn't just an expensive fancy ring, to him. You see, hee kind of had to grow up without much. He confided in me-- he never even knew his parents. He grew up in foster care facilities and boarding houses. I think that might be why he-- well, perhaps he struggles to come to terms with own emotions and how he feels. Might even explain how he was with you out there. If someone had abandonment issues... and then is interested in a girl. Maybe he gets some kind of 'sour grapes' about him when she doesn't just roll over and throw herself at his feet. Like I said... you deserve better. It doesn't excuse his behaviour. Just, maybe explains it a little."

Adie thought back to the elevator. She'd called him out. I mean, he WAS interested in her, right? Her radar wasn't that far off, surely? Maybe he didn't have a phone, and maybe-- MAAAAYBE he really didn't know who she was. I mean Makenna didn't and he was all the way from Australia and didn't even have a phone. That's no crime to not know who she was. Maybe he just liked what he saw, and was making a move. There's no crime in that-- it's actually kind of sweet. She'd called him out on it, and, damaged his ego maybe? Huh. She thought to herself. Men's egos could absolutely be that sensitive. Makenna's theory absolutely rang true to her.

"There is another thing though..." Getting ready for the necessary gear change.

"What's that?" Adie asked.

"Well, that night..." She subtly paused to check Adrianna was still hanging on every word. "He had been getting very close and touchy-feely with one... Calliope DeLeon. I'm sure you noticed, she's also on Team Blackjack. And I'm sure the name there hasn't exactly been lost on you."

Adrianna secretly donated to many hyperhuman causes both politically, and in terms of charity, but she'd never really paid much mind to the families surrounding the political figures. This one was different though. An anti-hyperhuman senator who's daughter very publicly was outed as one herself in an emphatic display of public damage. She hadn't previously made the connection by her appearance, at any of the ceremonies. But now that the name DeLeon was mentioned...

"DeLeon? As in Garcia DeLeon?" She gasped.

"Exactly. His daughter. Very close. Veeeeeery cosy. Of course... it was only that night and he's been in hospital until... well, presumably just now, if we're talking about the same Australian."

"Ohmigosh! She exclaimed. Barely able to believe it. "Does he know?"

A wry smile crossed Makenna's face. Yes. She had her. She was certain of it. The final stabbing blow.

"Well... I wasn't privvy to ALL of their whispered conversations, but if you were a young girl looking to sink your claws into a guy like that, would you advertise that fact?"

Adrianna gasped in awe. Makenna's smile thinned and she shrugged as if that was all there was to be said on the matter.

"Wow. Unbelievable. Well-- My setup's here now, and I really shouldn't leave it in the box outside."

"That's fine. If you need any help, you just ask." Makenna said sweetly, knowing full well the request would never come. It was, after all, Adrianna's natural element. She made herself a cup of tea from the boiling water of the dorm's coffee machine, and watched as Adie carried the equipment for her new computer build through their dormitory, closing the door when she'd brought the last of it in.

The television followed her around the room, as if begging the question.

'Well...' She thought. 'Maybe just while I work.'

She reached into the humm and connected the drone's video archive to the television and started playing that night. Despite the drone having to keep its distance, the high quality camera and microphones kept the video and audio pristine, despite the weather condiotions and zoom.

“Do you not see, this is how Hyperhumans should be treating one another. Together we are immortal, invincible, we could be gods to this world.” The hooded figure placed a hand on the traitor Tad’s shoulder, “I am Hyperion, and you are my children. Come to your sire’s side as your advisor has.”

Suddenly the masked assailant multiplied, spreading out around the students and faculty alike, fencing them in. The original Hyperion made a subtle swipe through the air, pushing the staff aside, their copies aiding in parting the crowd until the original was looking directly at a pale student.

“You my dear, you represent the best of us, the purest of us. Your gifts have transformed you into a new standard of beauty, these students with their mundane appearance, barely distinguishable from humans, they should worship the very ground you grace.”

“Did the Hindus not worship Shiva? Why should you settle for less?”

“Did the Egyptians not worship Anubis and Horus? Why should you let ants belittle you into hiding your true nature?”
Adie found herself sickened at his rhetoric.

“And you!”

“You let them bind you to a metal chair. Can you not hear the very soil beneath your feet crying for your touch, their mother Gaia, taken from them, forced to into that metal torture chair and that abomination of a device on your temple.”

Raising their hands toward the sky, Hyperion continued.

“Under my tutelage, you will walk, nay you will run atop of mountains and raise entire nations.”

With an open palm, Hyperion pulled Rory into the forefront.

“You have so much untapped potential, if you had the stomach for it, you could stand on my left, I could give you anything you desire, power, wealth, endless comfort?”

Dropping one of the Blackjack teammembers, Hyperion telekinetically plucked Lucas out of the crowd, suspending the boy with one hand, and their plush dinosaur with another. Adie gasped. She wasn't even aware that had happened at the time.

“Don’t you get tired of living in the past? Seeing echoes of things that already happened?”

“If you come home, I will unfold your future. It doesn’t lie here, in this military academy. This is built to appease those who are beneath you. To restrain and limit you, I give you a world with no limitations, I will unfold your future.”

"Alright, settle down Squid Game. We've got enough bloody fun and games on the itinerary already... Red Light!" Adie smirked at the line.

Okay. That was a little hokey. A little 'Action Movie cliche', but it was still funny. Making fun of his mask which kind of looked like the one from the Netflix TV series. She could see why it struck such a chord with the young student base.

The drone panned to take both speakers into frame. It was this 'Banjo' - the one in the elevator. But he looked... much more. He was bigger than the leaner version she had seen minutes earlier. When she saw him he was less muscular. But she supposed that was understandable, he'd been in the infirmary all week.

“Don’t you get tired of feeling alone, having to always wear that armour you lug around? You have so many looking for you,”

“I’ve met them, your parents that is. Don’t you get tired of running? Have you ever wondered if he truly has your best interests at heart or if you’re just a burden of obligation? Stand with me instead, I assure you I want you by my side and there will be no more running.”

"Yeeeeeeah... the kind of dynamic I suspect you would want you and I to have..? I'm pretty bloody sure I'm gonna clash... sorry, correction, don't want to give you the wrong idea... I WOULD MAKE IT MY BUSINESS to ensure that I clash."

She gasped. Makenna was right. He HAD to know what was in store for him. Powerless. Surrounded by scared powerless people. He was offered his own family. Surely everything he'd never had and always wanted. And he didn't even flinch. He was defiant even when he knew had everything to lose and could have had everything to gain. He was principled in a way that-- almost reminded her of her own father.

With a twist of his wrist, Hyperion lifted Banjo into the air. Holding Banjo briefly, the masked figure pulled the suspended teen closer, inspecting the boy.

“I’ll give you one more chance to answer.”

"Go fuck yourself." Banjo smirked.

The threat wasn't even just implicit. He'd shown his power, and he still leant in harder with defiance.

It actually-- it was actually kind of sexy.
"Lady, I'm seventeen."

The memory jolted her back again. Her with her palms out in the hallway outside of her room. As if trying to hold back a torrent.

If she had to reach for a remote, maybe she would have had a second's thought. Realised how ridiculous she was for following this path.

But with barely a thought she reached into the humm and played it back.

"Alright, settle down Squid Game. We've got enough bloody fun and games on the itinerary already..." Adie bit her lip.

Outside of the door, Makenna leant against it listening in. Her tea in her hands, ready to call out to Adrianna to ask her if she wanted a cup, should she get caught. She smiled.

"... Red light!"

Adrianna woke up from her best night's sleep in a while. Makenna would have left early for her shift of Community Contribution at the Infirmary, and their two roommates weren't up themselves yet.

Adie had her own Community Contribution to perform before her first class. Practical training at the A.R.C. She was buzzing with excitement. The A.R.C was a technological masterpiece she was yet to experience. But first... the drudge.

Her community contribution was performing I.T duties for the school in the internal department.

A task well beneath her skills, but at least it gave her time to think of things as it wasn't overly taxing.

The most taxing part was having to deal with the people behind the machines.

The stupid people, who on occasion were dumb enough to have porn playing in the background WHEN THEY CALL IT FOR AN ISSUE THAT REQUIRES SCREEN MIRRORING. Ugh. The people were 95% of the causes of the problems she dealt with.

Still, with the excitement of today's first classes on her mind, and the occasional fluttering through of the video footage from her drone she'd watched the afternoon before, the morning's shift passed quickly.

She picked up her laptop and hurried off to the Mess Hall - the meeting place for the First class.

By the time she got there a few others had congregated. Adie kept her distance, since she recognised one of them, thanks to Makenna's help yesterday.

That blonde girl who'd ingratiated herself with Banjo that night. She was looking to do it again with another of the student's. Adrianna gave a disgusted look as she waved at another blonde girl, who was sitting with Efraim. Or maybe she was trying to put the feelers out to see how up for it Efraim would be, and was using how 'nice' she could be to the other students as a lure. Ugh. She hoped she wouldn't say anything to her and force her to pretend to be nice back.

She couldn't stand fake people.

So instead she waited towards the back and hoped Makenna would get here soon.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Mess Hall - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University Campus
First Class #2.90: Nuance or Nuisance?
Interaction(s): Suzanna Poots - @Kuro
Previously: She's A Bit Much

"Though, I can't imagine needing a practical environment to talk to animals. I already hear plenty of dirty secrets from them on the regular. Some of it is absolutely bewildering, you know?"

"Oh so you're a regular Dr. Dolittle!" Alyssa responded, oblivious to any teasing that Suz might have implied, "I'm actually surprised that you opted to join H.E.A.T. then instead of using your abilities in the veterinary sciences. But I suppose we shouldn't have to be defined simply by our abilities, we were people with hopes, dreams and ambitions before they developed."

Alyssa paused, her brow furrowing slightly before she locked eyes with Suz, Alyssa's blue eyes staring intently into Suz's own brown.

"I'm sorry you have to bear the burden of all those secrets, I'm sure the animals don't actually understand the nuance of human society and why some things should remain private. You should teach them so they don't fall into the trap that is gossip."

Her body language relaxed once again from sincerity and back into the upbeat all too cheery morning demeanour.

"So according to the Lehrer Classification system, that would mean you're an Esoteric Psionic right? Since I assume it's your brain that works differently allowing you to translate the countless different languages of animals. How does that work with those who communicate via pheromones or body language? Is the subtlety lost in translation, or do you have perfect comprehension?" Alyssa stopped suddenly, blinking twice before apologizing.

"I get carried away when I'm excited," She dismissively laughed at herself, "It's just that you have such an interesting ability, Suzie Poots. I could ask you questions all day. But I suppose it's only fair since you 'showed me yours'..." Alyssa's voice trailed off before clearing her throat and continuing.

"Sorry, I just don't have the greatest relationship with my Hyperhuman abilities. I'm still working through accepting myself as even being a Hyperhuman, let alone really embracing my ability." She explained, "My abilities stem from an Esoteric Expulsive mutation, my body produces and expels a bio-metallic liquid which can seemingly harden or remain fluid as dictated. Although so far, I'm not really able to control it and it tends to react more on instinct than by command which really makes it seem like it has a mind of its own. It scared me for a couple of years, scared a lot of people really. Led to some interesting conversations with my more extended family..."

Her voice trailed off again.

"But probably not as interesting as those conversations with the local fauna!" Alyssa exclaimed, her body language suddenly shifting as three other members of their team approached. Eden Sherwood was the first to reach the pair, followed quickly by Zebulun Michaels and lastly, Robert James Scott whom Alyssa smiled at giddily before returning to her conversation with Suz.

"Did you get a chance to meet Eden Sherwood, Zebulun Michaels and Robert Scott yet?" Alyssa asked, introducing the three to Suz. "This is Suzie Poots!" She explained to the three new arrivals.

"RJ," Robert corrected extending a hand towards Suz, "Nice to meet you."
- -|◄ FIRST---
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

There wasn't much left to do other than endure the celebratory cheers from above til it was time to leave for the dormitories. And there wasn't anything to say about the new housemates. Iñigo chose to remain quiet for a while, at least until the rooms were assigned. One of the roommates made his discontent clear enough with a cold, hard stare. While the others were better at hiding their disdain toward the newbie. Iñigo was too tired to do anything really and went straight to bed for some much-needed rest. But upon tossing his House uniform over to the desk, a well-hidden small black envelope caught his attention. Although the message was short and sweet, Iñigo was immensely intrigued by the invitation and made sure to memorize the time before hiding it.

Location: Mess Hall (Outside), PRCU - Western Canada
The Homecoming Trials #2.91: Another Monday

Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: More Consequences

Today was the first day of classes, which was strangely comforting to a former university student before the incident. Iñigo made his way over to the mess hall, crowded with seemingly the entire student body either eating breakfast, chatting with others, or doing both. He got his simple breakfast burrito and opted to be alone rather than deal with both his team and housemates. Plus, it was too early to endure another snide remark. Fortunately, it wasn't long before everyone had to get together with their assigned team outside. But that just meant Iñigo had to tolerate his teammates for seemingly the entire day. He hoped the classes were intriguing enough to make up for being confined to what was essentially a prison island.

Suzanne was busy chatting with... one of the team members who Iñigo couldn't remember their name. Then, someone from another team joined in the conversation about god knows what. The redhead, still struggling with her name, was quite a chatterbox, to say the least. Iñigo did not fully listen to what she had to say other than the tidbits about her power. Something he immediately realized was never going to make sense to him unless she showed it off. And even then, that alone might not have been enough. By the time she was done talking, he didn't notice that more of the team had arrived until one of them introduced themselves. Iñigo was admittedly interested in the new arrivals but not enough to insert himself rather rudely into the discussion.

So instead, he found himself something to lean against while keeping an eye (and an ear out) on the team.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

The obnoxious sound of grinding beans at a foolish hour of the morning.

Banjo stood, half cut, over the coffee machine whilst he watched its first attempt at a cappuccino under his supervision.

He'd had the worst night's sleep in a long time. Even with his body finally not crying out at him through the night.

The queen sized bed was too big for him.

He'd slept top and tail, horizontal across the bottom, diagonally across the whole bed. Nothing worked. It was too much since he was only ever used to sleeping in his own warmth of a single bed, sleeping bag or swag.

Zimmerman staggered out of his new bedroom, with a goofy smile across his face. A door slammed. He grabbed his own mug and waited in line, as his eyes gradually adjusted to the light. His cheerfulness this morning ate at Banjo, and his envy that he seemed to actually get sleep.

"Umm... One other thing... Not your fault. We didn't mention it."

"Don't tell me... no coffee machine before seven..?"

"What..? No. God no. Why no coffee when you need it most..? No. You might want to wear some pants. Umm... there's another roommate." Zimmerman hooked a thumb back to where the sound of the slamming door came from.

"You won't hear from her much..."

"'Her'? Oh for fucks sake!" Banjo thought to himself. Wishing he'd at least worn boxers instead of the form fitting trunks.

"She doesn't leave her room very often. But yeah. Especially in the mornings and when she's likely to get back. Sorry, man."

"Thanks, mate." He growled sarcastically. "Cheers for that. Fuck."

"Oh... I know what you're thinking. 'I'll get dressed and apologise.' Yeah, I wouldn't do that either. Just let it go. She doesn't want you in her space. Trust me."

The machine finished coating the top of his coffee with milk froth, and Banjo hit it with two shakes from a chocolate shaker off to the side and carried it back to his room.

Back to the library, and first classes. I guess. Banjo couldn't remember what the lesson schedule was, but he knew after his Community garbage he had to head on down to the Mess Hall to be escorted there.

He worked away at his coffee, and slowly got dressed for the daily grind.

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class: # 2.92 Oh... Um... Shit... Title. TitleTitleTitle... uh... First Class. Heh-he-heh. Nailed it.

Interaction(s):Alex Zimmerman, Mary Tyler - Rory's NPC, Jim
Previously: Telephone

Banjo sat at the Circulation desk of the Collegiate library, bored, half cut and wishing he'd fired down another coffee or two. He'd been assigned with re-shelving the returned books and the task had only taken him a few minutes.

He was noticing a worrying trend that didn't bode well for how these Community Contribution sessions would go in the future.

First there were a few young girls, standing off at a distance. Then joined by a few more. When he came in he hoped his time away in the Infirmary had rattled their interest in the library and would see him get left alone.

And it did.

Until they realised he was back.

And now it was far worse. They seemed to multiply. After the first half of the session there were as many as before. By three quarters of the way through, there was twice as many. And the giggling. Only worsened by the occasional whispering.

This was going to get old fast. He had to try SOMETHING. He drummed his fingers on the desk considering his options. "Well, this is either going to go VERY well or VERY bad, with not much wiggleroom in the middle." He thought to himself.

"Yup. Sounds like a classic Banjo decision." His mind was made up. He slapped the desktop with his palms and got to his feet.

"So... girls?" He said approaching them, the first turned her head with an "Ohmygod!" expression on her face. "How can we help you today? Do you need any help with borrowing books? Internet research? Or would some of you girls want to hear about why libraries are REALLY COOL places to be?" He spread an arm out, as if to show off the whole vista. Fake smile plastered firmly across his face.

The smile fell off of two or three of their faces, some noses crinkled in disgust at the lame marginally older guy. Not all, a few were only more spellbound that he was talking to them, others were so shy they peeled out as soon as he addressed them.

Two thirds to three quarters of the crowd peeled away for one reason or another. Banjo gave them a few seconds, before addressing the remainder.

"Well, if any of you DO need me for anything. I'll be right over there, and I'm only too willing to help. That's what I'm here for."

One of the few remaining girls who could muster speech giggled and offered stuttered thanks.

His plastered fake smile gave way to a more comfortable genuine grin as he made his way back to the circulation desk.

Okay. Sure. The few who remained had only become more hardened. But he'd managed to peel off the vast majority in one fell swoop. Not too shabby.

"That was really cruel."

"Hmm..?" He mumbled back. Someone was talking to him.

He looked down across the circulation desk to the shorter girl.

"What's that..?"

"What you did. It's cruel. All they wanted to do was admire you from afar, sure, maybe its a little silly. But they weren't hurting you, or meaning you any harm."

"And what exactly did I do?" He rocked back and crossed his arms defensively.

"You know exactly what you did. You acknowledged them. Broke the fourth wall. Let them know you were aware of them this entire time."

"THAT'S a crime? So let me get this straight... They are allowed to gawk at me, giggle, whisper... who knows what... amongst themselves, and I'm supposed to, what? Carry on like I'm in the Banjo exhibit at the zoo and not acknowledge anyone's there... pretty long thread."

"I didn't say it's a crime and I didn't come to debate you, or get into some stupid mock trial or whatever. I said it's cruel. You knew exactly what you were doing and what the effect would be, and you still did it."

"Who are you anyway? What do you want?"

"I'm Mary Tyler."

"Mary Tyler, Mary Tyler..." that meant something, he was sure of it. He'd meant to remember something like this for an actual purpose. Not cast this name directly out of his mind like so many others.

"Oh Tyler! Rory's kid sister! Yeah, yeah, he mentioned you!"

"Well, that doesn't surprise me. Because my brother's a good guy, and we look out for one another."

"What's that supposed to mean?" "Are you insinuating I'm not..? What the Hell..." He thought to himself.

"I came here, because one of those girls is a friend of mine, and I got included in an excited group text message saying you were back." Mary said. "I don't really have any way of seeing most of Rory's team or classmates. But I AM able to see you. And he thinks-- Well... he thinks you're confusing, but he trusts that you're actually a compassionate, good and caring guy. That's not what I just saw then. And he is-- Well. He IS actually all of those things."

"Yeah-- yeah, I know. I mean we're in the same bloody team. From what I can tell, yeah, that's him. Straight shooter." He was waffling. She didn't care for any of what he had to say. Only to deliver her own message.

"Look, just-- Just don't screw him over. Okay?" She walked away leaving him wondering if every day working in this place was going to be like this.

Banjo ambled slowly towards the Mess Hall without a care in the world for the time. He'd left the Collegiate library early under the auspices that it was his first class and he shouldn't be late, but at the pace he set that was still a possibility.

He walked through and saw a photo of Cassander's face still adorning the countertop by the serving counter.

"Well, shit... I'm gonna be graced with that every bloody time I want some grub, am I? I'm sure that'll help folks shrug off the bloody trauma, and we won't be unloading these memories the next time they try to gather us all 'round a fire..."

He pointed vaguely at some food item or another in the window. If it was bloody awful he could always just bin it, cut out of whatever this class was for five or ten, and go get juiced somewhere real quick on the sly.

Everyone seemed to already be there by the time he got back with his food and it looked like they were about to make a move to first class. Then Banjo finally copped an eyeful of Jim. The man looked even more half-cut than he did that morning. Unable to help himself, his mouth started running.

"Bloody Hell, Slot Machine. You look thoroughly rooted there, mate. Normally takes a teacher about a month, month and a half of my shit to get to that stage. Wearin' you down already, eh?"

- - -

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mess Hall - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.93 Suzoology

Interaction(s): Eden, Zebulun & Alyssa @Lord Wraith
Previously: On An All-New Episode of Gossip Goose...

What enthusiasm Suzie once had was quickly beginning to fade. She wanted to groan, disappointed that she had been talking to someone who was rather obtuse. Her teasing had flown right over Alyssa's head, having been taken quite literal yet with no worry to her own "secrets". Then there had been the Dr. Doolittle comparison, as if Suzie hadn't heard that one before a million times already. People were so unoriginal with their comparisons these days, and truthfully it was annoying to constantly hear such a comparison. She didn't go around telling people with superspeed that they were like the Flash or those with ice powers that they were like Bobby Drake, so why was she cursed to suffer through it herself?

"It.. it was a joke, Alyssa." Suzie replied, growing ever so weary from Alyssa's nonstop onslaught of words. "But to answer your question, my ability only relates to sound. So if barks, roars, moos, quacks or really makes any sort of vocal call, I can translate it. However, if there are multiple animal 'speaking', then things can get jumbled up for me, just like if you were trying to listen to two people speaking at the same time."

As Alyssa continued speaking, Suzie couldn't help but to feel a little intrigued by her classmate's power. Being able to create your own bio-metal armor or whatever as needed sounded interesting. But as Alyssa spoke of being scared, the conversation struck an all too familiar cord in Suzie. Perhaps she couldn't truly compare her own experience with Alyssa's, but she could at least partially understand how her teammate had felt.

"Hey, don't let it get you down." Suzie replied, offering hopeful reassurance. "I thought I was going insane when I first started hearing animals speak. Sometimes things take time getting used to, you know?"

Suzie hadn't been sure what Alyssa would think of her words of encouragement. She had tried being helpful, or otherwise a team player previously with these people, but by the reactions Suzie had received it hadn't gone over so well. Thankfully, Alyssa didn't seem to be borderline psychotic, like a certain someone who had just arrived, so maybe this time she'd be better received.

Before she could get an answer, however, the long-winded girl shifted the conversation to some of their teammates who had just arrived to their meeting place.

"I'm afraid not. I've been rather preoccupied, so I hadn't had the time to stop by while you all settled into your dorms."

Turning to RJ, Suzie shook his hand.

"Likewise, RJ." Suzie spoke, before glancing in the direction of Eden and Zebulun. "And you two as well, of course."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Outside the Mess Hall - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.92 Roommates

Interaction(s): Haleigh@Kuro

"Nice," Efraim said happily as he listened to what Haleigh had to say. He was curious since he had spoken little with him over the weekend, and he knows she is friends with Rory. So there is that.

"I liked breakfast. I have never tried that before, and I was wondering what else you know what to make." If breakfast was a indicator, then Haleigh knows how to make some good food. Granted, it is campfire food, but still good then the less. So it sounds like she used to camp alot then and him. He only went camping once and was here, and well, everyone knows how that went down. Efraim tried not to think about it since why ruin his first day of classes? Though maybe he could truly camp one day.

"About cooking, that might be the best since the only thing I know how to make are quesadillas." Efraim saying it plainly, If the others are okay with it, of course." Who knows, maybe the other two know how to make something really good, or apparently, in Rory's case. Being on a special diet or something. He was never one for being an exercise nut, but he does some exercise when he feels like it. Just enough so he does not get fat, and he has enough problems as it is for being a hyperhuman. Having a health problem is something he does not need.

"So Haleigh, are you nervous about your first classes? I am, and I know we have different teams and all. So yours will be different since we are not on the same team, but I am wondering what they will have us do at the augmented reality center. Who knows what to expect, given his time at the academy so far, but hopefully, it will be okay. It is not like they will try anything hard on the first day.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Elle was up at the first sounds of movement from the dorm's living areas. About five minutes before her alarm was set to wake her. She rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. The weekend had gone by quietly. Thankfully. Which gave her plenty of time to prep for her first week of classes... and maybe a few weeks after that. Schoolwork had always been an escape for her. She could have graduated highschool a year early while sitting in a hospital room.

Shaking that thought out of her head, Elle rolled out of bed and quickly went through her morning routine. She was in the kitchen area within ten minutes. While coffee brewed, enough that the late risers in the apartment could have a cup of their own, she hummed softly while placing her notebooks and textbooks into her bag. She was humming the same melody minutes later as she headed towards the infirmary.

Banjo was no longer a patient. She'd gotten a brief rundown about his appointment with the specialist from one of the nurses. While she was glad to hear Banjo was pretty much healed, a shiver went down her spine as she imagined absorbing another person's pain into her own body. It was an effective treatment, she had no doubt, but it seemed like it laid in an ethically grey area.

She sat in a small office typing up reports and cataloging calls between the offices. While she didn't mind office work, she found herself growing bored just sitting there. She sighed and sat back in the chair, taking her final sip of coffee before she chuckled to herself. She had just realized that she missed the plucky Australian.

Why the students had to meet with their team faculty members before class, Elle had no idea. She could have easily made her way to class on her own. Perhaps they were going to give some first day of class inspirational speech to the students. Elle wouldn't mind that, yet somehow she had to believe that there was some other motive behind the escort to class. Hopefully that feeling was just first day jitters.

Elle noticed the group of gathering students first, and then noticed the faculty next. Her pace slowed as she approached. The students were chatting together, some standing at a distance and waiting patiently. She noted Alyssa, her new roomie, speaking to the girl that swapped in from the collegiate studies here. Something about Blackjack's advisor, her advisor, O'Neil seemed... off. Sure, he stood the same way as before. He was dressed the same. Yet the small details, like his stubble, and the way his mouth turned down at the corners, gave Elle the impression that he'd had a terrible weekend.

"Bloody Hell, Slot Machine. You look thoroughly rooted there, mate. Normally takes a teacher about a month, month and a half of my shit to get to that stage. Wearin' you down already, eh?"

Elle hadn't even noticed Banjo arrive. She looked his way, her jaw dropping a fraction of an inch in distaste. As glad as she was to see him looking right as rain in the flesh, although still a little infirm looking, she couldn't believe how brusque his first words to his advisor after a week had been. Set on correcting him before O'Neil had the chance to process, Elle made her way over to Banjo to give him what appeared to be a humorous jab to his arm. "Did the concussion make you forget your manners, Banjo?" She murmured, placing a teasing smile on her face. The force behind her punch told Banjo that it wasn't 100% genuine. "I'm glad to see you're doing better, otherwise." She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and gave Jim O'Neil a polite smile. "Good morning to you as well, sir."

Elle was banking on Banjo getting the hint... and, hopefully, O'Neil had a humorous side to him as well.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

| 2041

The airlock exploded off the side of the downed Albatross as the pair emerged from inside. Unscathed and surrounded by a glowing field of energy, they didn't hesitate before running from the wreckage deep into the snow-laden woods. Holding tightly to the young girl's hand with his original arm, James 'Jim' Christopher O'Neil raised the prosthetic one as he smashed a path through the thick underbrush.

"Hurry Cass!" Jim ordered, pushing the thirteen-year-old girl to run as fast as her small legs would carry. While Jim had yet to get a bearing on where they had crash-landed exactly, he'd be damned if he gave Hyperion and his goons a chance to close the gap. They had already claimed so many lives of those he cared about, Cassander, Tad, and even Banjo.

Banjo went down the same way he had gone about everything, with that stupid smirk on his face.

But his sacrifice hadn't been in vain. Banjo's death had given Jim and Cassandra a chance to get the Albatross in the air and escape the island, the island that once held Pacific Royal Collegiate & University. Now it was Hyperion's personal fortress. Hyperion had gotten far too close to getting to Cassandra, and had they been able to get their hands on her abilities, it would end the war.

In fact, there never would have been a war.

As far as Jim and Miranda had been able to ascertain, Cassandra's ability allowed her to not only fold space but also warp time, even travel through it. Unfortunately, she had exhausted her abilities during their breakout from the former Alpha Base leading to their current need to travel by foot.

If Jim was able to get Cass back to Haleigh they might be safe for a while. Haleigh was still leading the resistance despite an encounter with Hyperion seemingly stripping her of her abilities. But she was resilient and no one knew more about Hyperion and his 'Children' than Haleigh.

The mission was more personal to her than any of the rest of the resistance. Two decades was a long time to develop a grudge over. Banjo's death wasn't going to be easy to break to her, let alone Elle, Banjo's wife.

Lights appeared on the horizon. Jim had begun to ascertain they likely crashed somewhere in the Yukon. That was nowhere near far enough away from the Island. Hopefully, the right people were picking up Jim's distress beacon.

A beam in the sky told Jim that one of Hyperion’s was coming for them. He could have killed Adie and Belle for having ever cooked up that infernal machine. The day the instantaneous transportation device was finished was the day that Pacific Royal fell. What was supposed to protect the student body in the event of another attack created a backdoor for Hyperion to waltz right in, behind the defenses meant to keep them out.

Hyperion themselves had always been able to seemingly travel near instantaneously, but thanks to that device, squads of their followers could be dropped nearly anywhere in the world in a moment’s notice.

“Why run, James? Where to? There is nowhere we cannot find you.”

The voice came like sand pouring through a hole in hessian. It chilled Jim to the bone, recognized instantly. There was no mistaking the owner of that voice.

“Or that naïve little girl of yours.”

The hand appeared quickly - far too quickly - crashing through the foliage that surrounded them, blackened fingers reaching through toward Cass. Jim reacted with moments to spare, yanking the girl away from the charred grasp of Malcolm Withers, one of Hyperion’s top lieutenants, and an overall vicious, vindictive man, gleeful for the opportunity to practice his own evil under Hyperion’s protection.

Withers stepped through the brush proper, a last few flecks of light drifting off him from the teleporter. He was a phantom-in-flesh, gaunt to the point of caricature, his skin leathery and pitted and clinging to his bones so tightly it seemed that one wrong move would tear it open from sheer lack of give. His hands and feet were blackened from the digits, almost comparable to frostbite, and where he trod the snow receded before giving way to flowers and vines that sprung up about him. The flora flourished for but an instant before wilting and rotting in the same spot. His face gave no emotion, just the impression of old canvas stretched thin over a cadaver’s skull. He didn’t even look capable of smiling, and yet when he spoke in that terrible, horrible, raspy voice, there was an undeniable tone of sadistic glee.

“Why do you protect her, James? Nobility? Some misplaced sense of righteousness?”

Withers stepped forward, reaching out again, and Jim pushed Cass behind him as she shrieked. Pure reaction drove Jim to lift his prosthetic arm; Withers seized it in his grasp and the artificial arm began to crack and peel beneath his palm. Withers leaned over, the corners of his mouth stretching back into his cheeks. Ghastly. Inhuman.

“Give us the girl, and this will all go away. All this struggle. All this death. All this pointless, futile fighting. We will be standing together, as we should have from the start. We will always have been standing together.”

The bubbling on the prosthetic reached the end, and Jim and Cass stumbled away as Jim unhooked it from the stump of his arm. Withers let out a low growl as he crushed the rusted, brittle metal between his hands, decaying the splinters of what was left beneath his feet as they flaked to the ground.

“Give us the girl, and you’ll even have your arm back. Won’t that be better?”

“Y’all can keep it, I never needed it anyway.”

Jim pushed Cass away as he stepped forward, the air beneath his stump shimmering purple as he focused his powers and a psionic replacement formed, solid and strong - and then, in a well-practiced movement, took a single step forwards, pushing the psionic arm out towards Withers in a single, forceful push; with it went a barrier, and the effect was like punching an old man with a brick wall attached to a hydraulic piston.

Withers flew back, crashing through brush and trees before finally coming to a stop in a plume of dirt and dust, and Jim stood straight, fists still clenched, but his face set with a firm smile of grim satisfaction. He’d put his all into the assault, nearly everything he had left in the tank - there were maybe two or three hypes he knew could withstand such a blow, and even then one of them would be in the roughest shape of her life.

So Jim was stunned when the dust cleared, and revealed an upright and walking Withers, seemingly unfazed by the attack. Jim remained stunned when, in a matter of blinks, Withers appeared before him, faster than Jim could even visually process. He didn’t even feel any pain until Cass screamed behind him.

Jim looked down. Wither’s blackened hand, fingernails sharp and ragged, was piercing his abdomen up to the first knuckle. The flesh around the wound was already turning black and necrotic, and Jim couldn’t speak for the agony as he felt Withers wiggle his fingers between his ribs, literally rotting Jim from the inside out. He could only look Withers in the eye, that ghastly expression that passed as close as he could manage to a grin plastered across his grim visage.

“Hyperion has been very good to me, James. Why won’t you let him do the same for you?

“Because you look just terrible for your age, kiddo.”

From seemingly nowhere, a man in a crumpled cloth suit stepped forwards, delivering a forceful kick as he did so, separating Withers from Jim, who collapsed onto his rescuer’s waiting shoulder.

“I mean, you’re what, half my age? Less? And look how good I look.”

“H-Hemlocke…?” Jim stuttered out, his stump hooked around Hemlocke’s neck as the other hand pressed against his wound. “H…h-how did you f-find us…?”

Hemlock reached behind him with his free hand, proffering it to Cass with an urgency she found frightening; Jim only nodded slightly, and she reached out and took it.

“Kid, you won’t believe the kind of noise a guy like Withers makes in Limbo just by existing. Speaking of, hold onto your lunch.”

Withers screeched in fury, lunging forwards, but then seemed to freeze in place; there was a whooshing kind of pop - like when the pressure shifts on an airplane - and a brief, cloying, all-encompassing darkness, the likes of which neither Cass nor Jim could have even fathomed possible, and then the darkness receded and in its place was a landscape eerily close to the forest they had just left, sans Withers or any of the snow-laden evergreens that had previously surrounded them.

The previously vibrant forest had been transplanted with trunk after trunk of petrified, barren trees, devoid of leaves or the healthy deep brown of living bark. The ground beneath them held no foliage or floral debris; it was closer to the consistency of baked clay or mud, dry and flaky and cracking audibly under their footsteps. Everything as far as the eye could see was the same washed-out, under-saturated, muted palette, like the colour was slowly draining away, and beyond that, this strange copy of the world Jim and Cass had known was draped in a thick, obscuring fog. You couldn’t see further than ten, twelve feet maybe. The air was cold, and breathing felt more like the atmosphere sucking itself out of you than you sucking oxygen in; like with every exhale a little bit more of you was sapped away.

Hemlocke helped Jim stand by himself - an act which felt far easier for Jim than he supposed it should do - and tended to the frightened Cass, helping her calm down. Jim moved his stump to help, only to stop confused when he noticed the psionic arm he’d held there mere moments ago was no longer present. He frowned as he concentrated, frustrated as said arm flatly refused to reappear. Hemlocke stood up and noticed Jim’s furrowed brow, staring at the empty air where he expected his arm to be instead.

“Ah, yes. When you get as old as I am, the science of it all gets trickier to keep up with, but as far as I know it, those fancy particles you kids use for all your gimmicks don’t permeate through to here. So. No gimmicks, I’m afraid.”

Hemlocke looked between Cass and Jim as he explained, making sure they both understood him. Jim lowered his stump, shaking his head in frustration.

To Hemlocke’s dismay, Jim looked particularly wan. The blood from the wound on his abdomen trickled up and out from him in a scattering of crimson lines, like threads drifting in the breeze. Jim followed Hemlocke’s gaze and looked at his own wound, then back up to meet eyes. Hemlocke shut his and nodded. Jim set his jaw and nodded back. It was so brief, so innately understood between them, that the whole exchange was completely imperceptible.

“Where is ‘Here’? And who are you?” Cass questioned, impatient and brazen. Her voice was ladened with the tone of someone who had learned to trust very few people, and Hemlocke was summarily not on that list. He turned and gave his best smile under the circumstances.

“My name is Hemlocke Valentine Frey, and I’ve long sympathized with the Hyperhuman cause and long disagreed with Hyperion’s approach to it. And I’m a good friend of Jim. I think. And this is Limbo.”

He said it all so matter-of-factly that Cass felt like he was deliberately understating the gravity of the situation, or even trying to make light of it.

“What is Limbo?”

Hemlocke tried another smile.

“It’s where dead people go when they can’t move on, and it’s where I can go because I’m a little bit special like that. We shouldn’t dawdle; we need to get going. Jim, can you move?”

The matter was settled; Hemlocke certainly wasn’t inviting any further questions from Cass with that tone of voice. Jim nodded grimly. It was getting easier and easier to ignore his wound. Hemlocke nodded back.

“Alright then. Let’s make tracks.”

| Present

"Bloody Hell, Slot Machine. You look thoroughly rooted there, mate. Normally takes a teacher about a month, month and a half of my shit to get to that stage. Wearin' you down already, eh?"

Jim felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. At that moment, he wanted to unload the past month on Banjo. He wanted the child in front of him to bear the full brunt of the consequence of once again running his mouth. Apparently, a week in the infirmary hadn't been enough. Jim should have advised them to leave him to heal naturally. The way Banjo carried on, it wouldn't have been detrimental to his education. Jim could already hear the excuses for every late assignment, laden with ridiculous euphemisms in that obnoxious accent.

A sharp inhale from flared nostrils allowed Jim the moment he needed to take a sobering breath. Banjo wasn't to blame for everything going hell around Jim. Definitely, quite the coincidence that it all started after Banjo came to the school, but even Jim knew it was just that, a coincidence.

"At least you're becoming self-aware there, Dingo." Jim smartly saluted Banjo with his remaining hand before doing a quick head count. Flicking his eyes towards a nearby clock and then back to the gathered teens, Jim decided enough had shown up that the remainder could be victims of their own tardiness.

"Listen up folks, no doubt some of y'all are wondering why you have babysitters watching over your shoulder. You've been on campus long enough you no doubt have an idea of where you're going. As your faculty representatives, Aaron, Miranda and I are responsible for your actions as long as you attend this school. It's in our own best interests to ensure each of you gets off to class."

Departing from the Mess Hall, the three teams fell into line behind their respective representatives. While both Blackjack and Eclipse ventured North West toward the Academic Quadrangle, Miranda led Team Firebird due South towards the Augmented Reality Center.

“I know many of you were disappointed that you didn’t get a chance to show off during the Homecoming Trials,” Miranda began, “Time to put that enthusiasm into class, you’re the first of this year’s Hyperhuman Enforcement Accelerated Training program to use the Augmented Reality Center.”

She pointed ahead towards a large dome-shaped building.

“All students completing H.E.A.T. have to learn to use control and use their abilities in practical situations. Leaving Pacific Royal, each of you will be eligible to work with one of the many branches within the Enforcement and Response Division of H.E.L.P. I myself used to be a Hyperhuman Emergency Response Operative. In the field, you need to be able to use your abilities effectively, and efficiently. That’s the goal of Practical Ability Training.”

“The A.R.C. a form of neural transmitter linked with a feedback suit and artificial environment to create a convincing simulation that you are using your abilities, when in reality we’ve merely tapped into the part of your brain and are redirecting those signals through an emulator. This only works within the A.R.C. and can’t function outside of these walls. It’s not a replacement for an inhibitor, despite in many ways acting similar to one.”

Miranda paused to smile at the group,

“Albeit without the side effects.”

Opening the door to the Augmented Reality Center, she ushered the team inside before turning to introduce the man waiting for their arrival.

“Team, this is Aiden Roth. Aiden oversees the A.R.C. and is one of the first students to enroll at Pacific Royal, having been part of Jonas’ pilot program in Crestwood Hollow.” Miranda turned to Aiden before continuing.

“Why don’t you tell the Team a bit more about yourself? I think you’ve got it from here.”

“Alright Team 78, my name, as Miranda already stated, is Aiden Roth. I was one of Jonas’ first students and after my time at Pacific Royal where I met my wife Victoria whom you’ll all meet later today, I ended up working with H.E.L.P. in an early iteration of the Hyperhuman Investigative Tactical unit.” Aiden paused to clear his throat.

“Back in those days, we didn’t have quite the same division of responsibility and H.I.T. was essentially the entire Enforcement division. Over the years I’ve helped develop the curriculum at P.R.C.U. along with working with H.E.L.P. to optimize the Enforcement division. Along the way I discovered my passion for teaching and upon some further accreditation, Jonas finally allowed me to run the Practical Ability training.”

He smiled, clearly proud of his journey. Slapping his hands together, Aiden eagerly rubbed them before motioning for Firebird to follow him further into the Augmented Reality Center.

"Some of you might be aware of how your abilities work. To others, this might be new, but all Hyperhuman abilities rely on the manipulation of high-energy particles, particles which are driven by Earth's electromagnetic spheres. These high-energy particles, or hazies as they’re colloquially referred to, exist all around us, not unlike an active energy field. But there is a finite limit to them at any given time and the more Hyperhumans localized in one sphere, the weaker they become as there are fewer hazies available to each of them to manipulate. For some of you with abilities normally beyond your control, this makes P.R.C.U. the safest place for you to be.” Aiden explained from the center of the Augmented Reality Center.

“Relatively speaking,” He reluctantly added. There was no need to explain the underlying message. Hyperion’s attack, while unprecedented, had a ripple effect on Pacific Royal’s reputation and the faith of not only the students but also the staff.

“Normally, we don’t start with this lesson, but given what each and every one of you experienced at the Southern Plateau, there’s a need to update the curriculum.” Aiden continued to explain.

“All Hyperhumans are able to suppress the abilities of others by exerting control over the immediate hazies around them. Yes, that includes the stored ions belonging to the Esoteric among you.” He took a moment to pause.

“If you’re not aware, each of you has a classification based on your abilities. If you’re not aware of your classification, please see me before you change into your A.R. Suit.”

“As I was saying,” He continued, “You’re able to suppress the abilities of another in order to prioritize your own. That’s how Hyperion was able to prevent you from retaliating and rendered you seemingly powerless. The flip side to this ability is that you’re also able to redirect your own hazies to another to boost or bolster their abilities. Today we’re going to work on those two techniques.” Aiden stopped to point towards a set of doors off to the side of the large domed room.

“Through there are the changing areas. Find an A.R. Suit in your size, change and return out here. We’ll break into pairs and then work through some exercises. I’ll be going around to each set of partners to ensure you understand the basics of the techniques. Don’t worry if it doesn’t happen right away, Exoteric Hyperhumans have more of a natural aptitude towards this sort of exercise, so don’t let it discourage you if some of your peers are having a much easier go at it.”

■ Suit Up
■ Grab a Partner
■ Start practicing cancelling and boosting each other’s abilities
| Team Eclipse - Managing Conflict & Intervention Strategy

Meanwhile, Aaron Matthews led Eclipse in the opposite direction, back towards the bulk of the campus and the academic buildings.

“Been a tough couple weeks for you kids, eh?” Aaron said as they walked, trying to loosen up the atmosphere and break the ice. “But now you’ll see us at our best - as teachers and mentors. We’re here for you, after all.”

He recalled his own time at the academy, smiling as he dipped a toe in nostalgia.

“And you’ve got one of the best for your first class. Victoria’s A-class. Top student when she was here and then top everything else after that, too. And hey, if you’re lucky, maybe Aiden will pop in, and you’ll get to see Tori get all bubbly and giggly. Adorable, those two.”

Aaron mused on - mostly to himself - as they approached the academic buildings, classrooms lining the halls within. He spearheaded the group through the main doors, before guiding them through the winding corridors and eventually to the door of the Team’s first class. Aaron smiled wildly, opening the door and ushering Eclipse inside.

One by one, each pupil filed into the classroom, carefully picking seats and quietly settling in to what would be their first class of semester. At the front of the classroom, leant against the desk, stood Victoria Roth, who was to be their professor for the class. She nodded to Aaron after the last of the team had taken their seats, and then Aaron closed the door behind him, and quietly took a seat in the back corner of the room, gesturing to Victoria to take it away.

“Good morning, class. Welcome to your first class of the year.”

Victoria paused, letting the students murmur back their own greetings in a wary, monotone chorus.

“Now, I understand that the start of your tenure with us at the academy has been…” she stalled momentarily, searching for the right word, “...turbulent. I understand there are lots of unanswered questions, lots of high emotions, and for some of you, the director’s response - and that of the academy at large - has been called into question.”

More murmurs rippled through the class, which Tori allowed to bubble and burst before summarily quelling entirely by merely standing straight and bringing her palms together.

“I understand. But that is not what this class - or indeed any class - is meant to discuss, and to allow such discussions to misguide us away from your proper studies is a disservice to you, as students, to us, as teachers, and to the academy, as an institution of learning and self-betterment. So, on behalf of the academy, I want to be the first to acknowledge the tragedies of the last few weeks, and I want to be the first to state, categorically, that we cannot let it interfere with our purpose here. I hope you can all agree when I say that the priority of this academy is to help you, in all the ways available to us. And we absolutely intend on fulfilling our promise to our students.”

Tori’s speech seemed to be well-received; the incident was, of course, incapable of being forgotten, an irrevocable stain on the legacy of P.R.C.U.: but the students were students; the teachers, teachers; and the academy an institution of education. No one could forget the reason they came here, either.

Tori turned to the digital display board at the front of the class, picking up an e-pen that hung beneath it and quickly writing the subject of the day in large, bold lettering:


“Now,” Tori restarted, turning back to face the class, “I’m sure you’ve all had your own experience with conflict recently, what with the differences in opinion flying around campus - but it’s one thing to engage in conflict, and another to intervene. Outside this academy, you will face conflict every day of your lives - it’s simply the nature of society. But you all - each and every one - have a responsibility to de-escalate and manage any situation you’re in. The world is always looking for an excuse to go to war - do not think you are exempt. One Hyperhuman is all it takes to turn the public court against every Hyperhuman. You cannot let yourselves become that one Hyperhuman.”

She breathed, giving her words the space to digest and for the meaning to settle in her pupils’ heads.

“But the best place to start - is from within. We can’t be our best selves for the world, if we can’t be our best selves for each other. If society wants to group us together to put us down, then we need to be a group. So what I want you to do is be open about the recent incident on campus - hear each opinion, every conflicting viewpoint - and then accept that opinion. And then move on. No counterpoint. No arguing back. Just let it sit in you. Ruminate on it. Empathise with it. And then, within your groups, figure out how to reconcile those opinions. Because when you accept your differences - you inhibit others from using those differences against you.”

From the back of class, Aaron beamed a wide smile and gave Tori a thumbs-up. Tori returned a distinctly tighter smile and a distinctly smaller thumbs-up, before clapping her hands, startling the class.

“Alright. Break into groups. Share your opinions. Accept others’ opinions. Be empathetic - be constructive - be open. I’ll be joining each conversation to monitor how you’re getting on and provide guidance.”

■ Break into three groups (two of three and one of four)
■ Open up honestly and genuinely about a recent conflict, incident or struggle on campus
■ Listen to others from your group and their perspectives
| Team Blackjack - Introduction to Law

Elias Onassis had a presence that dominated the room. From the moment that Blackjack had entered the Introduction to Law classroom, not a single one of them had taken an eye off of the large man writing on the archaic chalkboard. The chalkboard in and of itself was a conversation piece, nearly every classroom across campus was fitted with a state-of-the-art ‘smart board’, but Onassis himself had specifically requested a retrofit with a sliding chalkboard placed overtop of the modern fixture.

Despite the green slate from the fifties, Onassis still picked up a sleek, modern, tablet, before adjusting a pair of reading glasses and glancing down on it.

“When I say your name, please raise a hand.” He instructed in a booming baritone.

“Cooper,” A deliberate pause followed by a quick glance, “Crawford,” Onassis continued, exhibiting the same behaviour as he read off the surname of each member of Blackjack’s roster, working down the list before coming to the final name.

“Tyler.” His voice seemed to echo in the confines of the classroom as he finished taking attendance. Satisfied, he put the tablet down and moved to the front of his desk. Standing before the classroom, Elias addressed Team 21.

“Welcome to Introduction to Law. As future members of H.EL.P., you’ll need to have an extensive comprehension of the current laws, bills, active proceedings and all manner of legal concepts. It may be your job to enforce these laws, while for some of you, you may work on changing them. Neither of these can be done without understanding the system, its history and where it’s going. It’s my job to start you on that journey.”

He reached toward the desk behind him, picking up a still steaming mug before taking a loud sip and placing it down on the student desk directly in front of where he had chosen to stand.

“The past sixty years have seen an unprecedented amount of laws being passed, repealed and passed again. Many of which have had to do with social issues and equality; in no small part due to the emergence of Hyperhumans.”

Onassis gestured towards the notes written on the chalkboard behind him.

“To summarize, Hyperhumans have had their natural - some might even argue God-given - abilities suppressed, controlled, and even registered. Hyperhumans have been banned from work and performance in several sectors, and even their marriage has been outlawed at times, especially between a Hyperhuman and a ‘normal’ human. All of this has been in the name of security and safety for the greater public.” Elias paused to look each of the students in the eye, studying for that gut-driven reaction of disgust.

“And that’s not even touching on the pandemic in recent years that targeted Hyperhumans.”

Out of the corner of the room, Jim winced at the mention of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. While the Hyperhuman community knew the very real reality of the situation, there was no doubt several of the students would have been sheltered from the fact that it only affected Hyperhumans and had killed off seven million across the globe while rendering countless others sterile.

“Most of us would call it a prime example of inequality, fear-driven bias. But then we have Hyperion-”

It felt like a bullet to the chest. Jim had no idea how Hyperion factored into this lesson but depending on where Onassis took this line of thought, there was a chance for the first time in his time at P.R.C.U. that Jim would have to interrupt a lesson.

“A Hyperhuman who explicitly operates outside of the law. Many of you are probably asking what good the law does if a terrorist manages to constantly evade it? Why should you worry about living until its constraint if you too could be powerful enough to live above it. But it is only because we have these laws that we can deem a person like Hyperion to be lawless. Our laws allow us to distinguish between a good method of integrating into society and those who refuse to integrate themselves and thus alienate themselves, falling outside of the social contract. That is to refer to the contract in which we surrender certain freedoms in exchange for security.”

Onassis pointed to a quote from Thomas Hobbes on the chalkboard before returning to his train of thought.

“An extremist like Hyperion creates a rallying cry for both those who support and oppose him. Especially if they are left unchallenged. If all of us were to act in this manner we would descend into a state of self-involved anarchy. The law creates accountability in the interest of security. I do not believe that any form of civilization exists without a form of law. The governing interests of self can not be allowed to flourish if a society is to persist.”

Gesturing over the class, Elias turned the floor to Team Blackjack.

“So I ask of you, separating into two groups, is taking the law into one's own hands ever truly justifiable? Cooper, you will lead de León, Miller, Olyphant and Schade in arguing for taking the law into one’s own hands. Crawford, you’ll be leading Kruger, Musgrave, Richards and Tyler in arguing against your teammates about why the law should be upheld in every circumstance. Shall we hear your opposing arguments in twenty minutes?”

■ Break into two groups
■ Discuss why or why not taking the law into one’s own hands could ever be justifiable
■ With your group, prepare to present your argument.
- -|◄ FIRST---
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Onassis' Classroom - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.95 Law & Order

Interaction(s): Rory @webboysurf, Katja @Zoldyck, Trevor @Jarl Coolgruuf & Simone @Lord Wraith
Previously: Chef Haleigh?

Taking a seat among the row of desks, it would be a lie to say Haleigh hadn't been initially surprised upon first entering Onassis' classroom. With how technologically advanced the school was, Haleigh hadn't expected one of the classrooms to still be outfitted with a chalkboard. Regardless, she didn't think much more of it. Everyone had their preferences, after all. Perhaps Onassis just hated using new-fangled tech for whatever reasons he might've had.

“When I say your name, please raise a hand.”

Picking up a tablet from his desk, Onassis began to go down the list of Blackjack members by last name.


A glance, and a hand raised.


Following suit, Haleigh raised her hand to signal to Onassis that she was in class.

Once Onassis had confirmed that Haleigh had been in attendance, he continued down the attendance chart and announced each of the remaining names until all of the students were spoken for. With attendance finished, he placed the tablet down on his desk and stood up from his chair to address the class as a whole.

“Welcome to Introduction to Law. As future members of H.E.L.P., you’ll need to have an extensive comprehension of the current laws, bills, active proceedings and all manner of legal concepts. It may be your job to enforce these laws, while for some of you, you may work on changing them. Neither of these can be done without understanding the system, its history and where it’s going. It’s my job to start you on that journey.”

Picking up a steaming mug, Onassis took a sip of the liquid before placing it down on Haleigh's desk.

“The past sixty years have seen an unprecedented amount of laws being passed, repealed and passed again. Many of which have had to do with social issues and equality; in no small part due to the emergence of Hyperhumans.”

“To summarize, Hyperhumans have had their natural - some might even argue God-given - abilities suppressed, controlled, and even registered. Hyperhumans have been banned from work and performance in several sectors, and even their marriage has been outlawed at times, especially between a Hyperhuman and a ‘normal’ human. All of this has been in the name of security and safety for the greater public.”

What Onassis spoke of hadn't been entirely unfamiliar ground to Haleigh, who bit her lip in response. After all, Haleigh was not only a hyperhuman, but a homosexual hyperhuman. She was "slated for hell" by preferring women over men, and on top of that she was also "going to hell" for being a hyperhuman. The perfect boogeyman, all things considered, to some people in the world who were more than willing to try and eradicate her very existence.

Too bad for them, however. She had no plans on going anywhere just yet.

“And that’s not even touching on the pandemic in recent years that targeted Hyperhumans.”

Her look of disgust soon turned puzzled. Wait, the recent pandemic had targeted only hyperhumans? That certainly didn't sound right. At least, in relation to what they were told by the government and media. Numerous questions began to swirl into her head. What was Onassis talking about? Had the school known something that no one else knew?

Unfortunately, before any clarification could've been asked, their professor continued on with his lesson. She would have to get her answers from Onassis later, perhaps at the end of class or whenever she had free time to ask him.

“Most of us would call it a prime example of inequality, fear-driven bias. But then we have Hyperion-a Hyperhuman who explicitly operates outside of the law. Many of you are probably asking what good the law does if a terrorist manages to constantly evade it? Why should you worry about living within its constraint if you too could be powerful enough to live above it. But it is only because we have these laws that we can deem a person like Hyperion to be lawless. Our laws allow us to distinguish between a good method of integrating into society and those who refuse to integrate themselves and thus alienate themselves, falling outside of the social contract. That is to refer to the contract in which we surrender certain freedoms in exchange for security.”

“An extremist like Hyperion creates a rallying cry for both those who support and oppose him. Especially if they are left unchallenged. If all of us were to act in this manner we would descend into a state of self-involved anarchy. The law creates accountability in the interest of security. I do not believe that any form of civilization exists without a form of law. The governing interests of self can not be allowed to flourish if a society is to persist.”

Of course. It had only been the first day into her "new" self and someone had to remind her of Hyperion.

Despite her attempts to move on for the better, Hyperion was still nonetheless an open wound within her soul. However, past all the anger and uncertainty she had attempted to squash in her heart, Haleigh truly did believe in what Onassis had to say in regards to upholding the law. She was well aware that what was legal wasn't always right and that what was right wasn't always legal, but trading blood for blood ultimately solved nothing. It had just taken Haleigh a moment of clarity amidst the hate-fueled rage she had experienced to remember that.

Thanks, Rory.

“So I ask of you, separating into two groups, is taking the law into one's own hands ever truly justifiable? Cooper, you will lead de León, Miller, Olyphant and Schade in arguing for taking the law into one’s own hands. Crawford, you’ll be leading Kruger, Musgrave, Richards and Tyler in arguing against your teammates about why the law should be upheld in every circumstance. Shall we hear your opposing arguments in twenty minutes?”

Once Onassis had dismissed his class, Haleigh got up with the others, and took a seat with the rest of her group. Taking a deep breath, Haleigh began to lead her group into discussion about their assigned piece.

"Some of you may remember my comments at the funeral. I was ready to bury Hyperion so completely that the Earth would turn over a thousand times before their body was dug up."

Haleigh momentarily glanced at Rory. This was going to be a difficult, touchy subject for her to discuss.

"I am still very much angry over it. However, I... I've been thinking. Yes, Hyperion needs to be stopped. That hasn't changed, nor has it for anyone else like them. But if we were to take matters outside the confines of the law and directly into our own hands, all we accomplish is continuing the cycle. The cycle of hatred. The cycle of who personally decides what is wrong or right."

A brief pause was had before she continued.

"There are many examples, but the point is: while you have the right to think a certain way or protest against something, once you take that first descent into vigilantism, you've muddled your message. It's kind of like that quote, I suppose. You know, 'an eye for an eye makes the world blind'. What we do unto others could easily be reciprocated by those who see us in the wrong. By acting as the law, rather than following the law, at least in this particular scenario, you have done nothing to change things for the better; instead, you have done the complete opposite."

With her piece said, Haleigh looked once more at the others, opening the floor to whoever wished to speak next.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lawful Newtral
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Lawful Newtral Black Leg

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Hi! Hello. Again. We're bears now." Pleased with this turn of events, Lucas made his way over to Ariel with a wide grin on his face as the Ceremony ended and the Houses gathered in their groups to lead the way to the dorms. He was glad that there were people he knew in both his Team and his House, and feeling vaguely proud of himself for stepping up and making decisions, even if, at most, the Team one could only really be called half a decision... “Switching beds was hard. It's good now, right?"

Ariel, meanwhile, shared in the comfortable glee of familiarity. The first friend they had made on Dundas Island, and he was back again like a boomerang. Sure, they could swim and survive in unfamiliar waters, but they weren't so obnoxious as to complain when life tossed a lifeboat at them. Their smile was not as wide as Lucas', but it shone truly enough to compensate.

"Dominik! I'm glad we are both bears, even if you're no longer a fiery bird." Clearly not willing to let the stupid nickname from the camping trip die out, Ariel went to Lucas and wrapped their arm around his shoulder. As his warmth set in, the realization thawed out of them, that the past few hours have been more touchy-feely than Ariel had ever been since the day they had left Truth or Consequences. Contrasting heats between them defrosted a question: had they always been this cold?

Ariel preferred not to think about it. At least not with Lucas around.

"I was surprised, to be honest, when you made the decision to switch teams," they said matter-of-factly. "Getting to know a whole other clique gets scary at times, so it was brave of you. Good job." The hand on his shoulder went for a friendly pat. A gesture and a statement—"You're safe with me." And yet it still felt like Ariel was holding back, like a bundle of eggshells was in their arms.

"Enough about that, though. Let's go find our rooms!"

“All right, thanks. Thank you. Surprised. Yeah. Let’s go.” Giving their hand on his shoulder a pat in return, Lucas didn’t mind the odd disquiet hanging between them. He just gave them a calmer grin as he worked through the echoes of their words and after another moment of patting their fingers, he set his own arm around their shoulders as they headed off for the dorms. Everyone needed a hug, he thought, but that would make things weird. And he didn’t actually want to hug anyone. This much was all right though. And if it made him feel better, then it might make them feel better, too.

His enthusiasm and grin had faded by the time they arrived, walking separately again but having bounced back to an earlier discussion, Lucas was asking Ariel more questions, and possibly several similar ones, about professional wrestling. He remembered how easily that subject got them talking—the running joke about his name had certainly helped—and was just getting around to asking if there was something they could watch later when they arrived. Staring up at the buildings and already knowing what was coming after the Intake House, Lucas only grimaced and trailed off as he heard someone else mentioning rooms.

“Rooms again… Do we know them? I’m not listening inside, okay?”

That kind of worrying was what made Lucas really endearing. Like a doe in distress. Ariel just smiled in that toothy, lopsided way of theirs and grasped his hand, giving him something to ground on before the worrying got worse.

"And you won't have to," Ariel said, gripping his hand tighter to reassure him. "Watch this." They then turned to the assembled Ursus students and made the call.

"Hey, Bears! Me and Lucas are going to be rooming together!" Ariel called out. This may be the loudest they've ever spoken on this Island, but they had to be loud to get the point across. And to get the attention away from Lucas. "Just making it easier for all of us, okaythanksbye!" And that was that. Ariel went back to Lucas, with another reassuring smile. A wordless "told you".

"Now, I don't know about you, Dominik, but I think today has been very exhausting. Let's find our rooms, shall we?


Modest lodgings were what the two got, as modest as a repurposed mansion in a Canadian island could be. This room was already bigger than their entire living room back at T-and-C. Ariel and Lucas wasted no time settling in after what had been a long day, yet something caught the former's eye before they fell asleep. An envelope, pitch black, nestled in the assigned uniforms placed in the room earlier. Hidden enough to be passed over but just visible enough to be noticed. Its color and make reminded them of the House invitation envelopes, but they had already found a House, what else could this be?

Curiosity got the better of Ariel, and they opened up the invitation.

Orcinus? Southern Plateau? The Pod? Had Ariel been selected as part of a secret society? Wasn't this school secret enough as a society? The very idea troubled them, as there were so many unknowns. Who were House Orcinus? What qualities made Ariel qualify for the House? Why all the secrecy? Were they the only one? Ariel needed to be careful. If anything could be a trap for over-ambitious hypes, this was it...

...And yet they could not stop the excitement boiling under their skin. They stuffed the letter into their backpack and set two phone reminders. One for the morning and one for the next full moon.

Location: Augmented Reality Center - PRCU, Dundas Island
First Class #2.96: A Place for Everything

Interaction(s): Lucas in the prelude @Nemaisare, Adie@Hound55
Previously: Meet the New Team, Same as the Old Team

So much had transpired within the confines of Dundas Island that Ariel kind of forgot that they were assigned here in the context of academia. They were supposed to be a student, something they never thought would happen again past high school (first for monetary reasons, then for 'wanted for murder' reasons). The realization came as they were carrying out Community Placement, cleaning out the numerous ponds and fountains that completed the PRCU grounds' old world old money aesthetic. It was hard labor, but the good kind of hard labor. The kind that didn't involve insufferable tourists.

Thus far, each and everyone of their peers were sufferable.

Ariel was finished before they could fully appreciate the work. The ponds were flowing clear and free of scum, but the one that made it so was too deep in their thoughts. The day had just begun and they were already tired. Oh, well. At least there was class to look forward to. Shame it had to be the most physically intensive class up first. Practical Ability. A bunch of stressed and unstable young adults with world-changing powers flinging those powers at each other. Joy. Fatigue melted into excitement, stirred well and topped with a peel of dread. Start the day off with an anxiety cocktail!

After lightly washing up in the bathroom, Ariel wasted no time convening in the Mess Hall and congregating with the rest of Firebird. They couldn't much read how excited or reluctant their teammates were in displaying their powers. Come to think of it, there were some among Firebird that had really heavy-duty and even destructive powers, Ariel's among them. How were they supposed to practice them in an enclosed environment without collateral, physical, and/or mental damage?

"—you’re the first of this year’s Hyperhuman Enforcement Accelerated Training program to use the Augmented Reality Center.” Oh, never mind. Tricking their brains into unsafe situations in a safe situation. That'll do it.

A man awaited Team Firebird's arrival in the Augmented Reality Center. He was introduced as Aiden Roth, one of the PRCU's originals and part of the batch that made the shoes Ariel and the others were walking a long mile on. Pride twinkled in his eyes as he spoke to the young ones before him. Ariel could hardly fault him for that; they'd be damn proud too if they could survive that long babysitting baby hyperhumans.

"Some of you might be aware of how your abilities work. To others, this might be new, but all Hyperhuman abilities rely on the manipulation of high-energy particles, particles which are driven by Earth's electromagnetic spheres. These high-energy particles, or hazies as they’re colloquially referred to, exist all around us, not unlike an active energy field." Wait, really? That was how their powers work? The same way gravity works? No way. It was a strange hill to die on, but Ariel felt like there was a more...fantastic explanation in there somewhere. Divine intervention. Anomalies in the fabric of reality. The influence of eldritch powers, anything more exciting than just particles.

"But there is a finite limit to them at any given time and the more Hyperhumans localized in one sphere, the weaker they become as there are fewer hazies available to each of them to manipulate. For some of you with abilities normally beyond your control, this makes P.R.C.U. the safest place for you to be.” That was a good joke. After everything that had happened in the past week, safety was out the window. An orderly and controlled environment, still applicable, but safe? That was a good joke. Ariel almost didn't realize that a laugh escaped their lips. No way that wasn't going unnoticed, but in their defense, it was a really good joke.

"Sorry," Ariel said, not looking sorry in the slightest. They turned their attention back to the lecture.

“All Hyperhumans are able to suppress the abilities of others by exerting control over the immediate hazies around them. Yes, that includes the stored ions belonging to the Esoteric among you.” So every hyperhuman had a degree of influence over every other hyperhuman. Interesting. Ariel wondered how much that influence was predicated on the imbalance of power levels, as it were, between two hyperhumans in conflict. Hyperion had so thoroughly suppressed everyone back then, but was that a sign of how powerful the man was or how powerful the man's power was? Was there even a difference?

The itinerary was simple. Know your powers before getting into the ARC. Ariel went up to Mr. Roth and asked what kind of class their water powers fell into. Exoteric, Elemental. They got their answer in a very terse manner. Maybe he wasn't amused by their giggle back there. They simply shrugged and thanked the ARC's caretaker before suiting up to enter it.

Exoteric. Exo-, outside. To influence the 'without'. Elemental. Dominion over forces of nature. Putting on an ARC suit that accommodated their height, Ariel thought about the theory that came to mind previously. Imbalance of power. It would be ideal to pair up with someone with greater or lesser control over their powers than themself. Yuri, the weather-controlling pretty boy, came to mind almost immediately, as did Tista, who could literally bend gravity. But they instead focused on the techno-wizard, Adie. Judging by the stick up her ass and her self-assured bravado, she'd likely have some sort of confidence in her powers to back that up. Uncertain until they saw her in action. What was certain, though, was that Ariel would have so much fun trying to find which buttons set her off. A reflection of their empathetic affinity to the endearing Lucas. This was like a mad scientist pushing envelopes for nothing beyond insane curiosity.

Ariel walked up to Adrianna, almost shadowing her with the height difference.

"Pair up?" they asked innocently. It wasn't hard to sound clueless, but they knew it'd push her to read between the lines. Ariel wanted to see the gears turn in her head. Adie looked like an overthinker. She and them both. "We're both exoteric, right? I think? Kind of? This is all new to me, so let's just see how this works for day one."

- -|◄ FIRST---
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Augmented Reality Center - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class #2.97 Suit up time

Interaction(s): Anyone nearby

So it looks like the chat with Haleigh will have to wait. As they were talking, did things kick off, and he had to head to the augmented reality center with his team. One of these days, he can actually have a conversation with someone. But at least he has gotten some words in with Haleigh today at least. So here goes seeing what exactly they will be doing at the augmented reality center.

So he followed Miranda and listen to her as she spoke.

“The A.R.C. a form of neural transmitter linked with a feedback suit and artificial environment to create a convincing simulation that you are using your abilities, when in reality we’ve merely tapped into the part of your brain and are redirecting those signals through an emulator. This only works within the A.R.C. and can’t function outside of these walls. It’s not a replacement for an inhibitor, despite in many ways acting similar to one.”

Okay so it is just practice but simulated, and he does not have to worry about messing up his clothes. He thought as he entered the augmented reality center and saw a familiar face waiting for them. Aiden Roth, the House Canis rep, and he also listened to what he said.

"Some of you might be aware of how your abilities work. To others, this might be new, but all Hyperhuman abilities rely on the manipulation of high-energy particles, particles which are driven by Earth's electromagnetic spheres. These high-energy particles, or hazies as they’re colloquially referred to, exist all around us, not unlike an active energy field."

Really? That is how their powers work? Efraim was surprised by that and thought that something else was behind it. Like a mutation or something that is not just manipulating particles. So him being able to manipulate his bones is because of particles that just exist on earth?

But there is a finite limit to them at any given time and the more Hyperhumans localized in one sphere, the weaker they become as there are fewer hazies available to each of them to manipulate. For some of you with abilities normally beyond your control, this makes P.R.C.U. the safest place for you to be.”

Okay, that is also new. The more hypers in one place, the weaker they are. So that night when they were camping, they were at their weakest since everyone was there? He did not feel weak that night, and this place being the safest place for them. Well, considering what has happened, that may no longer be true, but he will have to see if any more incidents happened.

“You’re able to suppress the abilities of another in order to prioritize your own. That’s how Hyperion was able to prevent you from retaliating and rendered you seemingly powerless. The flip side to this ability is that you’re also able to redirect your own hazies to another to boost or bolster their abilities. Today we’re going to work on those two techniques.”

That is why no one did anything that night? He suppressed everyone? That, at least, is some explanation than just being a coward or something. Still, every hyper can both suppress or boost another hyper. More stuff he did not know, and yeah. It is practicing but practicing something else than he thought.

Either way, he was ready. He just needs to get into a suit and find someone to practice with. The last time he checked, he is an esoteric, something hyper, and so should he get with another esoteric or an exoteric? It probably does not matter, but it does not hurt to think who is the best one to pair up with.

So Efraim went into the changing rooms and, after finding the right suit and putting it on, which felt comfortable to him. He left the changing room, and now came the hard part. Finding someone to partner with, looked around the room. He saw that two girls looked like they were pairing up, so not either of them. So after a moment of deciding, Efraim took a deep breath and walked over to someone. Sounding friendly when he spoke, "Hey, and would you like to pair up with me?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Hi there! I think we're new dormies! How exciting is this?!"

Luce could feel her whole body clenching as she stood awkwardly, mug in one hand, dorm room handle in the other, on foot cocked and carefully balancing on the ball of her toes. This felt, to her, not dissimilar to sleep paralysis; although she was very much awake, and very much aware of it. Her eyes, fixed like a hawk on the rich wood-grain of the door mere inches in front of her, flicked across her hands, each knuckle bone-white from the subconscious force of her grip.

Somehow, miraculously, she managed a smile - although you'd be forgiven for calling it a rictus grin - and craned her head around like it was swiveling on a pike to look at who had burst in on her familiar solitude. A thin, blonde, bubbly girl was bouncing through the door, taking in the sights of the common area before flocking to each door, seeking her name. She squealed when she found it, a sound which pierced through Luce like cheese wire through a wheel of brie. Luce suppressed a shiver.

"I don't want to be insensitive - but - from your scars," Eden said, absently tracing a finger over her own face to mirror the one struck across Luce's, "and from what I remember of the attack, you must be Lucille, right?"
Luce nodded sharply, flinching subtly at her full name.
"Luce." She offered.
"Luce, I'm sorry. I'm Eden! You're with Blackjack, right? That motley cabal!" Eden put on a funny voice, to which Luce remained stone-faced. Eden smiled awkwardly. "I didn't see you at the team swap, though? Or the House ceremony."
"I wasn't there." Luce paused; that much was obvious. She decided to head off the obvious question with a half-truth. "I was doing my community contribution."
Eden nodded. "So you're sticking with Blackjack, then?"

Luce looked away, back at her mug at the cooling coffee within. When she and her escort had arrived back at the intake dorms, the three House invitation letters still laid unopened on her bed. Her escort had wasted little time in scooping them up and away from her; she hadn't been told which team she'd been assigned to until they'd arrived at the Myotis dorms, and the envelopes had then been left discarded on her desk for her to peruse meaninglessly. Eclipse was a mystery. Though, given the events of the team swap that she had not been privy to, Blackjack wasn't necessarily a known quantity either.
Eden was still looking at her.
"I moved to Eclipse." Luce answered, and Eden smiled.
"Samesies! I'm on Eclipse too! That's great, housemates and teammates!"
Luce smiled wanly. She hoped it looked more convincing than it felt.
"Oh, but I've got to get unpacked. But I'll see you later! We can hang out, watch a movie, I can show you my abilities, maybe have dinner! Oh, exciting, we're going to be such great friends!"
And then Eden disappeared into her dorm room, and Luce escaped into hers, her hand aching from clutching the mug of coffee so hard.

Location: P.R.C.U.
First Class #2.94: First Day Jitters

Interaction(s): Alyssa, @Lord Wraith // Inigo, @Mao Mao
Previously: All Too Familiar

Luce awoke sharply to the low buzzing of the alarm coming from her phone. It had been a few weeks since arriving at the academy and adjusting to the new routine, but while she'd always been a relatively early riser at home, she'd always been able (at least in the seasons with longer days) to rise gently with the cresting sun. She'd yet to get used to the sudden, artificial jerk of wakefulness that was an alarm clock.

Still, she dragged herself from her plush and cozy covers and trudged across the room to the bathroom, rubbing her eyes as the shower warmed up and steam began to pool around her feet. She washed with a striking efficiency, avoiding witnessing her own body as much as possible; the scars that had, initially, been easily hidden beneath a wrapped towel, now crept across her skin. The puncture wounds in her torso; the lacerations on her ankle and elbow; the unavoidable, forever-marked gash struck down her face. She had begun to avoid mirrors.

Clean and prepped, hair combed back for the lowest-maintenance style she could manage and dressed in day-to-day uniform - she noted the House Myotis accents on the usual finish - she picked up her bag and headed to the bedroom door, ready to step out and start the day. Greenhouse first, then a session with Dr. Mercia, then cla-

Absorbed in mentally cataloguing her day's agenda, Luce was head-down as she opened and stepped out of her dorm room, walking straight into the woman stood directly behind it, elbow cocked and hand poised to knock. The pair careened to the ground, tripping over each other's bodies as both tried to step around the other and ended up locking legs entirely. Luce was a flurry of apologies as she picked herself up and helped the woman off the floor, both re-adjusting their clothes and smoothing their hair back in place.

The woman put her hand out to Luce, who looked at it for a split-second before realizing it was proffered for a handshake. Luce took it in her own grasp and shook.
"Nice to meet you, Luce. I'm Kylie, Myotis House Captain.
Luce nodded. "Luce. Which you knew."
Kylie nodded back. There was an awkward pause; Luce had never been much of a conversationalist.
"Sorry. I need to get going."
"Of course. The greenhouse, right? For your community contribution? We've got plenty of time to get there; you seem to be quite the punctual person, ironically."
Luce's face flashed in concern, and eyebrow rising sharply as mild panic washed over her expression.
"W-we?" She said, stumbling over the intrusion to her day.
"No one told you, did they? I'm supposed to be your chaperone around campus. Temporary, of course. Until you're deemed 'trustworthy' by the powers-that-be again."
"S-so you're just going to...follow me?" Luce asked, her throat dry at the thought of spending her entire day tailed by some faculty-assigned stranger.
"Mmmm...more like a buddy-system, really. It's just to make sure you're going, y'know, where you're expected to go. Instead of further punishment. The academy likes to be as forgiving as possible."

Kylie smiled politely, clearly considering how such an allocation would impact her own day as much as Luce was considering the impact to hers.
"Right." Luce said eventually. "Well...greenhouse, then. Is where I'm going."
"Where we're going. And then Dr. Mercia's office?"
Luce's eye twitched. She felt like she'd inadvertently sacrificed some privacy.
Kylie stepped back, gesturing toward the dorm exit with her hand. She smiled warmly, which Luce did not return.
"After you!"

The greenhouse had been fine; Luce had spent some time there over the weekend finishing up the clean from the storm, and were it not for the handful of missing panes dotted across the roof, securely covered with tarp and tape, you wouldn't be able to tell any damage had ever visited upon the garden. The replanted stalks were flourishing under new compost and practiced watering, and the aubergine that had begun to fruit a few days ago was now fully purple and plump, the skin shiny. Luce would pick it this week, probably tomorrow or the next day, and it would represent the first successful growth since the attack.

Pride of place was the blue orchid in center-frame of the primary bed, though. It had thrived, and was bursting with blossoming flowers, every petal and brilliant and vibrant ultramarine. Over the weekend Luce had taken to quietly whispering to it while she worked around the greenhouse, offering what she could of the latest goings-on, of her own secrets and anxieties, of what she knew about her peers' day-to-day's; perhaps not the healthiest way to handle her lingering trauma around Cass' death, but better, she surmised, than bottling it up.

Dr. Mercia had asked her about it, of course, multiple times across their sessions, but Luce had declined to answer, or skirted around the issue, or thrown up old walls that they then had to spend the rest of their time re-dismantling. Slowly, Gila had tapered off with questions around Cassander and the night of the attack, and that sat just fine with Luce. Both silently agreed that Luce would talk about it when she was ready to talk about, not when Gila had poked and prodded her enough about it.

Kylie wandered through the doorway, giving a polite gentle knock on the glass panes next to the entrance to let Luce know she'd returned.
"Ah, good, you're still here."
Luce stood, taking off her gloves and wetting a towel to rub some dirt from her skirt. "Yep." She replied, matter-of-factly, completely expressionless. Kylie cleared her throat and checked her phone.
"We better head over to Dr. Mercia's office for your..." Kylie trailed off. Luce rolled her eyes.
"For my therapy session. Yes." She picked up her blazer and slung it over her shoulder while she unrolled her shirt sleeves, buttoning the cuffs before crossing her arms over her chest.
"It's not personal, Luce. It'll be a week, at most. I promise I'm not like, enjoying being made to babysit you."
Kylie sighed, shaking her head slightly. She had expected resistance.
"Forget I said anything. Let's just go, or we'll both be late."

Kylie gestured toward the door, and Luce - after a moment's more petulance - walked ahead of her, following her well-practiced path from the greenhouse to Dr. Mercia's office.

"So, Luce, it's been a week since our last session. How are you feeling?"

Luce sat across from Dr. Mercia in her familiar seat, her hands resting in her lap. It had indeed been a week since her outburst following the incident, and she felt a strange sense of guilt, sitting beneath Gila's gaze.
"I'm fine."
"Yes, fine. I feel...level."
Gila made a note on the pad in front of her, and then put down her pen and looked across at Luce. There was a moment of quiet, and Luce fidgeted.
"I think I should apologize for my outburst last week."
Gila made another note.
"You are entitled to your emotions, Luce. In fact, on reflection, I was proud that you were able to express yourself so...vibrantly. It seems like we may have lost some progress against your flattened emotions in the interim, however." Luce looked away, and Gila scribbled something else down before continuing. "What are your thoughts of the academy like today?"

Luce looked back. She had a lot of thoughts about the academy.
"I don't like my escort. It's embarrassing."
"You don't like your escort, or you don't like being escorted?"
Luce's eyes flicked to the closed door to their side, beyond which Kylie undoubtedly lurked.
"Either. Both. I'm not a child." She answered, pouting in a way that made her assertion unconvincing.
"Given your previous bout of truancy, do you agree that there's a compromise that must be accepted?"
Luce often felt frustrated at how reasonable Dr. Mercia was. She nodded, but didn't speak.
"Anything else?"

Luce knew what Gila was prodding at, and a spat of petulance made her reluctant to provide it. She set it aside; being honest was more a duty to herself than co-operation with Gila.
"I apologize for my behaviour; but I still feel the same. The academy is supposed to keep us safe, and they failed spectacularly. If P.R.C.U. are supposed to be our guardians...the students need to know what's being done about security. Hyperion's still out there. I- we're just living in fear."
Gila nodded slowly, but didn't reply. It was important Luce be able to express herself, and Gila was proud she was able to do so in such a collected manner. She changed tact.

"How do you feel about joining team Eclipse?"
"Nervous. It's hard to meet new people. It's my own fault, I know, but that doesn't make it easier."
"Would you have stayed on Blackjack, if you'd attended the ceremony?"
This actually gave Luce pause. Would she? There were plenty she'd alienated with her behaviour - Trace, Inigo - and a few that she'd not liked in the first place. But others - Calliope, Haleigh - she'd began to forge a common ground with. Was it all for naught?
"I'd have held back. Seen where others were going. Try and distance myself from some people - get closer with others. So I guess...I guess I was prepared to move."
Gila smiled.
"And it's that preparedness you need to remember and hold onto. If you were ready for a new environment then - then you're ready for a new environment now."
Luce nodded, turning her hands over in her lap. It was a solid argument - now she just had to believe it.

After therapy it was just a chain of escorts. Kylie walked with her to the Mess Hall where the teams were convening for the proper start of their semester, and then she followed Aaron and her team to the first class of the year, winding through the Academic Quadrangle with Blackjack - though not quite the Blackjack she’d known - closeby, heading toward their own destination. Eventually, Eclipse went one way and Blackjack went another, and before she knew it Luce was sitting in a classroom, feeling oddly nostalgic for her education in Houston, despite its subpar delivery and her subsequent subpar performance.

“Alright. Break into groups. Share your opinions. Accept others’ opinions. Be empathetic - be constructive - be open. I’ll be joining each conversation to monitor how you’re getting on and provide guidance.”

Well, that may prove a problem. Luce’s opinions hadn’t quite endeared her to the last set of people who’d heard them, a handful of which she found herself in this supposedly ‘new’ team with. Why Kenna? Why Inigo? Even Trace, who’s own reaction to Luce’s outburst was no less vitriolic, would have been a better classmate.

“Hi!” The redheaded girl who had been sitting in front of Luce suddenly exclaimed, spinning around energetically as she extended a hand, “Lucille Calder right? You look like you could use a group. I’m Alyssa Townsend, I don’t think we’ve had a chance to be properly introduced yet.”

Luce. Luce corrected. She was doing a lot of correcting today. ”Just Luce.” Luce took Alyssa’s hand in her own, giving it a single firm shake. She hesitated; perhaps best to let her classmate espouse her views first, lest Luce inadvertently offend yet another peer.
”So, Alyssa. What do you make of what happened?”

“It was honestly heart breaking, I’ve been struggling a lot with it lately,” Alyssa unloaded, “I keep picturing the boy, Cassander Charon, as my brother. They have a lot of similar features and I can only imagine what his family must be feeling right now.”

The redheaded girl paused for a moment.

“It seems no matter which institute I go to, some sort of incident is bound to follow. I was pulled out of the Alexandria Foundation because it was unsafe only to turn around and enroll at Pacific Royal only for Hyperion to show up. If anything, it almost normalized that Hyperhumans are doomed to be followed by tragedy. Power begets conflict kind of ideal I’d guess. Humans, or ‘mundanes’ as my Uncle calls them, not that he’s a Hyperhuman, he’s his own entire sort of deal, a lot of the family are. My grandmother was very disappointed that Oliver and I took after my mother’s side of the family and not my father’s. But anyways, mundanes, those without our abilities fear us because of a perceived imbalance of power, while those like Hyperion only hunger for more power and step over anyone in their way to achieve it. They clearly have a god-complex.”

Alyssa took a breath, something that surprised Luce because the rate at which the redhead spoke she was sure her indefinite lung capacity must have been her Hyperhuman ability.

“The worst part is how easily Hyperion was able to divide the campus and sow division among not only the student body but also the faculty. I see the way they look around at each other, wondering if they’ll turn coat or turn out to be Hyperion themselves. And then there’s the students either praising the boy who lived and turning him into some kind of hero and those who want to march on Hyperion’s door and kill them. While on the other side, you have those who have been so hurt by the conflict of the world and the conflict of being Hyperhuman that they sympathize, if not outright agree with Hyperiona and their mission to establish a dominance over the world.”

She surprisingly paused again.

“I guess, I just wish everyone would realize that we’re all here to share one planet and that we each have something to learn from each other. We’re all part of one body and while some of us might be toes while others are ears, having a different and complementary role doesn’t make any one less important than the other.”

Luce leant back subtly. Alyssa certainly had a lot to say on the matter, though Luce was confident in thinking Alyssa probably had a lot to say about any matter. She had no idea how to respond to the barrage she’d, admittedly, freely offered herself up to; eventually, she settled on: ”Toes. Ears. Sure.” And hoped that was enough to indicate she had actually paid attention. There was something specific in the diatribe that had tweaked Luce’s ears, though, and - uncharacteristically - she pried.
“Your uncle. You said… not ‘mundane’, but…his own thing?”

“Oh, yeah sorry, I guess most people aren’t aware that Hyperhumans are far from the only oddity in the world.” Alyssa replied somewhat sheepishly, “Most people just dismiss what they can’t explain, as in the supernatural, as ghost stories and urban legends. And to be honest, they really shouldn’t. There’s an entire side to the world that has remained and still remains hidden to this day. I think Hyperhumans kind of pissed them off by throwing such an early coming out party for themselves.”

She cleared her throat, looking around the classroom to ensure Luce and Alyssa weren’t being explicitly eavesdropped on.

“They call themselves ‘Magni’, or rather it’s an umbrella term for a bunch of subsets of more or less human beings. Kind of similar to our Hyperhuman classifications except there’s so much more nuance to it. Entire societies built around these Magni, most of them have had a hand in guiding history since the pyramids were built. My Uncle, and indeed many members of my ancestral line have been Jägers. They’re a lot of the reason most people don’t know about the supernatural lurking around the corner. Creatures that would normally prey on the living, my Uncle refers to them as Hellions. It’s where our stories about vampires, wendigos, werewolves and the like come from.”

The redhead girl leaned back, a warmth coming to her cheeks causing them to match to her hair.

”It’s okay if you want to laugh, I’m pretty used to it. Explaining my family history tends to get a little weird and most people are more comfortable with writing me off as a little cuckoo than rationalizing that the things that go bump in the night are actually out there.”

Luce raised an eyebrow, sitting back in her chair. She was, admittedly, half-tempted to write Alyssa off as loony, but she spoke with such matter-of-fact conviction that Luce found herself feeling convinced. Still, she was already exhausted from the last couple weeks, and she feared internalizing such a revelation might just be the item to tip her over the edge. No, better to tuck that one away for now. That can go in the dark corner of her brain where her brothers lived. Still though, Alyssa’s grounded explanation gave way to an aura of authenticity, something Luce appreciated.
“I wouldn’t laugh.” She replied, remaining stone faced as ever as if to prove it. “That’s, um…a lot to take in. But -” Luce paused, feeling awkward. Alyssa had revealed a lot, and Luce hadn’t said a word. “-thank you. For your honesty.”

Tori wandered near, only catching the tail-end of Luce’s reply.
“That’s great, girls. Calm, measured responses are key; we must strive, whenever possible, not to instigate. We aren’t standing on an even playing field - and those who aren’t Hyperhuman are painfully aware of this. We can’t instigate, and we can’t talk down.”
Tori scanned the room, noticing some students weren’t quite yet engaging with the exercise.
“Inigo? I understand your opinion on recent circumstances were perhaps just as fiery as Miss Calder’s, here. Although perhaps not quite aligned with one another.”
Luce diverted her gaze, almost hanging her head in latent embarrassment.
“I think you’ll find Alyssa and Luce are more than appropriate partners. Come join them.”

It wasn’t so much an invite or polite suggestion as it was a teacher firmly advising an approach to the lesson. Tori pulled an empty chair out from a desk next to Luce and Alyssa, and gestured to the vacant seat, waiting for Inigo to move to discuss with the girls.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"Bloody Hell, Slot Machine. You look thoroughly rooted there, mate. Normally takes a teacher about a month, month and a half of my shit to get to that stage. Wearin' you down already, eh?"

Adrianna briefly looked shocked, as many of the students did, at the newcoming Banjo immediately made his presence known with a crass greeting to his supervising teacher.

The traitor Elle made her way over to Banjo to give him what appeared to be a humorous jab to his arm. "Did the concussion make you forget your manners, Banjo?" She murmured, placing a teasing smile on her face. The force behind her punch told Banjo that it wasn't 100% genuine.

"Eaaasy. Miss me that much you're tryin' ta put me back in the Hospital already, huh New York?" He quietly uttered to the girl who'd given him a seemingly playful shot in the arm.

He was just so effortless with his retorts, Adie noted. He really was just so popular with the other kids, even one of the older ones like Elle. And she'd been somewhat distant during their camping trip, from what Adie could remember. But already seemed friendly with Banjo. She snorted quietly, remembering the House selection process.

"At least you're becoming self aware there, Dingo." His teacher actually saluted his effort at a joke. Seeing the funny side. Everyone really did like him. She started to feel warm, and gently bit her lip thinking about how she'd spent her previous day.

His joke kind of reminded her about the sort of things she'd overheard men saying when she'd visited her father on worksites. Not from her father himself, of course. He would never. But often a lot of his workers. It just made him seem...

I don't know... manly..?

She felt relieved as their numerous teachers began to splinter the three teams off and take them to their individual classes.

She snuck one last peek at him walking away, before joining her group.

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class: # 2.95 Beginner's Guide to the Flow of HZEs

Interaction(s): Ariel - @Lawful Newtral
Previously: Failing the Bechtel Test Miserably

After following Miranda and the rest of her team to the Augmented Reality Center, Adie listened as Aiden Roth broke down the basic science behind how hyperhuman powers work on the HZE particulate level. She was already well familiar, but liked seeing the effortless grasp of the basics which her teacher possessed and was able to convey to the class.

She was reminded of an old Richard Feynman quote. If you can't explain something simply enough for an 8 year old, you don't understand it properly. She was already aware of the basics and her own classification. And reading between the lines, was able to discern that this was how Hyperion must have rendered so many of th others powerless. Her own abilities had been significantly dampened, but perhaps a greater familiarity with their use was why she was still able to reach out into the humm and pick up the numerous devices and vehicles that existed on the plain. However faint, and even if there was nothing of use there for her to combat the terrorist with.

So it looks like they'll be working less with applications for their own specific powers, and more on manipulating the HZE particles which provide them their powers themselves. Made sense. Nobody could claim this wasn't practical, given recent events.

She put on a form-fitting A.R. Suit and looked around the assembled group for a partner, considering who could potentially be a good match, when Ariel asked whether they should pair up.

She was an elemental, with power over the flow of water. Adie wondered if in many ways, her exerting that power felt similar to when she tapped in to the flow of the humm.

In Adie's mind it seemed to make sense as a quality pairing. Two women, who work with the flow of things, finding a way to basically control the flow of HZEs between them. They'd probably show the rest of these kids up.

"That sounds great. Yes. Exoteric-Electromagnetic. You're Elemental, right? Let's show the rest of them how it's done!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hound55
Avatar of Hound55

Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
First Class: # 2.96 Opening Arguments - Prompted or Otherwise

Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: Oh... Um... Shit... Title. TitleTitleTitle... uh... First Class. Heh-he-heh. Nailed it

The behemoth of a man took roll. "What did he say his name was again?" Banjo tried to remember, but it was already gone.

The large man was his teacher for Law, he should probably learn the guy's name, but it was already in one ear and out the other.

He probably would seem more respectful if he'd brought a pen. Some kind of writing materials. Paper. If he'd known this lesson was his first 'Introduction to Law' class, he probably would have at least made that effort, if only for appearances. Alright, maybe not 'probably' but he might have. Possibly.

He could use more coffee. And that thing he picked up before to eat didn't touch the sides.

He ran his hands through his hair, stretched back in his chair, rocking back with a yawn.

"Olyphant." Was called out. "Olyphant."

Banjo looked around. Another new classmate from team-swap? "Oly--"

"Oh shit, right, yeah. That's me. That's what I'm going by. Yeah, here. It'd probably make it easier if you just called me 'Banjo'."

The large man looked up, unimpressed by the needless delay in what should have been a quick formality. The look on his face making it abundantly clear that he would do no such thing.

“Welcome to Introduction to Law. As future members of H.EL.P., you’ll need to have an extensive comprehension of the current laws, bills, active proceedings and all manner of legal concepts. It may be your job to enforce these laws, while for some of you, you may work on changing them. Neither of these can be done without understanding the system, its history and where it’s going. It’s my job to start you on that journey.”

He reached toward the desk behind him, picking up a still steaming mug before taking a loud sip and placing it down on the student desk directly in front of where he had chosen to stand.

"He is a. Big. Bloody. Unit." Banjo thought to himself, as he watched how the large man carried himself in his classroom. "Commanding presence..? Is this all part of the 'show'? Is it making a further point?"

“The past sixty years have seen an unprecedented amount of laws being passed, repealed and passed again. Many of which have had to do with social issues and equality; in no small part due to the emergence of Hyperhumans.”

Onassis gestured towards the notes written on the chalkboard behind him.

Banjo tilted his head to run over his notes on the board. Rocking further back in his chair as he soaked them in. He was already familiar with the few examples because of his ample reading time in the infirmary. In fact, he could think of a half dozen others which weren't listed from the top of his head. And give a vague description of another half dozen, which he didn't have the citation numbers down for reference yet.

“To summarize, Hyperhumans have had their natural - some might even argue God-given - abilities suppressed, controlled, and even registered. Hyperhumans have been banned from work and performance in several sectors, and even their marriage has been outlawed at times, especially between a Hyperhuman and a ‘normal’ human. All of this has been in the name of security and safety for the greater public.” Elias paused to look each of the students in the eye, studying for that gut-driven reaction of disgust.

“And that’s not even touching on the pandemic in recent years that targeted Hyperhumans.”

Banjo had heard about the pandemic. News passed over Australia with barely a ripple though - it was mostly viewed as Foreign Affairs News. Far less Hyperhumans amongst the Australian population, saw it as a less relevant issue for the news to cover. It was a problem "over there" that "other nations" had to deal with. Not for one girt by sea with a fraction of the Hyperhuman population. Millions had died. But not at 'home'.

“Most of us would call it a prime example of inequality, fear-driven bias. But then we have Hyperion-”

That familiar smirk crossed Banjo's lips. OK. Now this is getting interesting. The guy's actually addressing the elephant in the room. A unique stance for the faculty to make, from his perspective. Most seemed to want to pretend nothing had happened, when his presence had carved a path of destruction through most everyone's lives.

“A Hyperhuman who explicitly operates outside of the law. Many of you are probably asking what good the law does if a terrorist manages to constantly evade it? Why should you worry about living under its constraint if you too could be powerful enough to live above it. But it is only because we have these laws that we can deem a person like Hyperion to be lawless. Our laws allow us to distinguish between a good method of integrating into society and those who refuse to integrate themselves and thus alienate themselves, falling outside of the social contract. That is to refer to the contract in which we surrender certain freedoms in exchange for security.”

The Big Man pointed to a quote from Hobbes on the chalkboard before returning to his train of thought.

“An extremist like Hyperion creates a rallying cry for both those who support and oppose him. Especially if they are left unchallenged. If all of us were to act in this manner we would descend into a state of self-involved anarchy. The law creates accountability in the interest of security. I do not believe that any form of civilization exists without a form of law. The governing interests of self can not be allowed to flourish if a society is to persist.”

Gesturing over the class, Elias turned the floor to Team Blackjack.

“So I ask of you, separating into two groups, is taking the law into one's own hands ever truly justifiable? Cooper, you will lead de León, Miller, Olyphant and Schade in arguing for taking the law into one’s own hands. Crawford, you’ll be leading Kruger, Musgrave, Richards and Tyler in arguing against your teammates about why the law should be upheld in every circumstance. Shall we hear your opposing arguments in twenty minutes?”

Banjo laughed obnoxiously, whilst he was still rocking back in his chair. "Well, of course it is. This is just ridiculously unfair."

"How so?" The Big Man lowered himself to ask the irritant.

"Well, first of all, you basically posed a tautology AND THEN you put me on the side that's clearly right. How are these jokers supposed to compete?"

"A tautology? Perhaps you would like to take your twenty minutes to consider your approach?"

"Nah mate. I'm not gonna be any more or less right in twenty minutes than I am right now. I'll just end it right here, I reckon, and save some time for Schade and Richards to introduce themselves to the class. G'Day, by the way." He offered the two newcomers a small, informal wave of a hand.

"So you want us to stand, or sit, or... ah screw it, I'm fine right here." He kept rocking back in his chair, occasionally turning to face different class members."

"The semantics of how he posed the question - 'taking the law into one's own hands EVER truly JUSTIFIABLE?' - THAT'S what makes this a stacked deck, and it's for a very basic systemic reason..."

He leaned forward and looked his teacher right in the eye. "Juries and jury nullification."

He went right on back to rocking in his chair. "See, whilst judges are the arbiters of law and representative of the finest legal minds appointed to their position based, well, presumably on competence, but let's face it... increasingly on partisan political basis... apologies, getting sidetracked, issue for another day. Juries, meanwhile, are the arbiters of fact and are representative of society as a whole. If society, through that lens of six or twelve people, decide they can't in good conscience convict, find proved, or rule against someone despite the law... well, they're not gonna. You want some examples? R v Morgentaler, which for those Americans present and people less familiar with Canadian caselaw, is basically the equivalent of the US's Roe v Wade..."

The Big Man opened his mouth to interject, before Banjo raised his hand in anticipation, cutting him off and continuing. "...obviously it's more closer to Doe v Bolton, sir, but in the absence of a more direct Roe v Wade parallel, I think you can grant me that it's still as close as Canada has to it. For those unfamiliar, basically this guy Morgentaler had been operating a private abortion clinic in violation of the criminal code - due to repeated jury nullifiation it kept getting appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court."

Still rocking in his chair he turned and addressed people behind him "Now as the question was phrased we're not looking for 'ALWAYS truly be RIGHT', we're looking for 'EVER truly be JUSTIFIABLE' and since we continue to use juries and allow jury nullification to be a thing, it's an acknowledgement to this as a truism. There are times when the law doesn't keep pace with what is just, and it's the responsibility of these juries, these finders of fact, these social peers, to ensure that justice takes place."

"Well, that was very..."

"Oh, and just because I don't really intend for settling and leaving this one up to a space for reasonable doubt... R v Krieger the Supreme Court's decision 'juries are not entitled as a matter of right to refuse to apply the law—but they do have the power to do so when their consciences permit of no other course' - which confirms EXPLICITLY everything that I just said. This isn't an opinion." He turned, whilst leaning waaaay back in his chair, to the assembled other side of the argument.

"He's expecting you people to basically argue against the very justice system itself as it presently exists. Now, does anybody else REALLY want to speak, or did I just win this thing. Because I've gotta be honest, it feels like I just won this thing..."

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