F O L DS U N I T A C H A U H A N ◼ September 06, 2004 ( 1 8 ) ◼ F E M A L E▼ A P P E A R A N C E://STATS:◼ HEIGHT | 5'1
◼ WEIGHT | 109 lbs
◼ BUILD | Scrawny
◼ HAIR COLOUR | Black-brown
◼ EYE COLOUR | Black-brown
◼ OTHER | Colour code: C1FF57▼ B I O G R A P H Y:
While clearly of South-Asian descent, no one from the Chauhan family has been to their ancestral home of northern India for over a decade. Sunita's parents met abroad while studying for their thesis at Oxford, where they would remain for eighteen years. Their family and portfolios both grew considerably. Sunita and her younger brother, Ishan, along with a long list of accredited research into the human genome. It was the latter that instigated their move across the Atlantic.
Dr. & Dr. Chauhan were offered positions at Stanford, and the family was uprooted and moved within a matter of months. Only 13 at the time, Sunita had little understanding or care for the move; seeing it only as a great opportunity to shake off her awkward adolescence and blossom into a mature American woman.
Instead, she found disappointment. The move had failed to either ease her parent's stereo-typically strict rules, or change her awkward and unpleasant demeanour towards her peers. Most of her time was spent the same was as in England; alone in her room, over-studying, playing music on a keyboard, or practising yoga. It was during one of her meditative exercises that Nitya walked in on her daughter melting into the floor.
Only after this discovery of Sunita's meta-human ability was she let in on the true purpose of her parent's research. Their specialization in the human genome went far deeper than she ever expected. The jobs at Stanford were far more important than simple research positions; a very generous grant had been given to them and a few other scientists with specific goals to goal: find a humane solution to the meta-human problem, or evidence to counter the grim projections found in government-run simulations. It didn't take long for the small team to fracture into pursuing different methods in their search for an answer. But Jaspreet and Nitya Chauhan never shifted from the same stringent value they'd ingrained in their children: there can be no fear where there is understanding. In their methodical search for understanding, what could be luckier than to have their very own daughter to learn from.
Starting at the age of 15, Sunita began assisting in her parent's work. Never more invasive than questioning and the occasional blood sample, it always felt a more wholesome family activity than a scientific endeavour. While she never fell into the same organic-based passions as her parents, she had found an interest in something greater: the magic of her father's preliminary calculations for what it was that her ability was. Thus, she was introduced to the concepts of higher mathematics and physics. Always a model student, Sunita excelled in theoretical concepts and following proofs. She had even begun to perform her father's calculations faster than he could keep up in the last few months before they were discovered.
While they had done their best to keep the source of their accelerated research and consistent findings a secret, it was inevitably discovered by their colleagues. With little recourse on how to punish the guilty parties without exposing the work done, the Chuahan doctors were stripped of their positions and their daughter was sent away to San Francisco.▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:Sunita considers herself a good person. It might be lost on some with her short way of speaking and impatient tone, but that only stems from poor people skills and hyper-focusing on her own goals. However she might come across to others, her motivations and intent are nearly always benevolent. She follows the same dream as her parents: to unite humanity and solve 'the meta-human problem', though her methods differ greatly from their own.▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S://ABILITIES:◼ Dimensional Folding | Sunita's meta human ability allows her to collapse and expand her body into multiple dimensions. Early in her power's development, she can only change between a 2-D or 3-D shape.
0th Dimension: ????
1st Dimension: Thus far only entered once by accident, this dimension leaves Sunita the most vulnerable. All of her mass is folded down into a perfectly straight line, capable of being extended long enough to reach the other side of the planet. In this state, any object colliding with her impossibly thin thread would be enough to physically shatter her. As such, it isn't a shape she is keen on trying again; though the potential use for teleportation-like movement (folding into a long line at one location, and then unfolding at a separate location along the line) is worth more investigation.
2nd Dimension: Her figure becomes a flat, micro-thin surface; the area of which is proportional to her body's total volume. While this shape can be quite massive, she has learned to fold this dimension further in order to make herself smaller. This results in the ability to transform into a flat surface of any size, incuding sizes to match an 8x8 meter wall or a standard sheet of letter paper. While in her two-dimensional form, Sunita finds it wise to attach herself to a surface, to prevent her from falling over from her own mass. Attaching to another object is also the only way she can achieve movement in a 3D space; otherwise she is limited to left and right, or as she sees them in this dimension: forwards and backwards.
3rd Dimension: In this form, Sunita is nothing more than a perfectly ordinary young woman.
4th Dimension: ????
//LIMITATIONS:◼ Novice | Thus far, Sunita has only managed to fold between the second and third dimensions. She's sure with more practice and study, she'll be able to get herself down to the first, becoming an atomically small point. The fourth dimension, on the other hand, is a fantasy nearly as tempting as it is terrifying.
While 'unfolding' into a larger dimension is almost instantaneous, collapsing into a lower dimension requires immense focus and concentration; something she has only achieved through deep meditation.
◼ Navigation | As one would expect, nothing looks the same when compressed completely flat. After a great deal of practice, Sunita has taught herself how to move in two dimensions, but still struggles with recognizing shapes from the flat perspective.▼ N O T E S://SUPPORTING CAST:▼ ALLIES◼ TBD | Test
//STOMPING GROUNDS◼ USA | Stanford, California
◼ England | Oxford (2004-2017)
Again, I know this character and ability set are a lot and have alternatives.
This is approved. If only to sate my curiosity.

1x Thank