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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird
Skills: Perception, Engineering Design, Electronics and Computers, Problem Solving
~Fit Check~

"How about the power to never lose?" Guin suggested sarcastically to Jaclyn. There were a million power sets that would be helpful right now, but at the end of the day, Guin was confident they'd win. Sure, they seemed to do horribly in 1x1s - but fighting as a team, they'd win. They had to win. There wasn't another option. Plus, they had the freaking Phoenix on their side. No one else could have better odds.

"These suits... are basically exactly the same quality," Guin said, raising an eyebrow. She knew she should've been focusing more on maintaining the telepathic connection, but she couldn't help herself. Suits were kinda the family business. The only difference she really saw between Max's suits and the ones they previously had was the fact that Lance's seemed to basically incorporate a neck brace into the design. "Except for you seem to weirdly be planning for someone to snap Lando's neck, which, weird." But also not the weirdest thing that had ever happened to them.

"And no offense, but RE your plan - Carolina doesn't know shit about hacking into things. So that isn't going to work unless I telepathically coach her. X always said I should be able to just download information into people's heads, but I've never tried it before, so no guarantee I don't scramble your brain in the process." She then pressed a few buttons, activating the stealth functions of the Blackbird. "We're now invisible to radar, so no need to drift without power. Unfortunately, if Magnet Brain just reaches out, he will be able to notice a giant floating chunk of metal."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil liked hearing about Annie's adventures, at least at first. It reminded him of a campaign setting almost, the intergalactic space prison that they had ended up in. But as Annie narrated more about what had happened, it turned from a fun thought exercise into a grim tragedy... He didn't want to know either what the other Annie had been like. He couldn't imagine Annie being anyone other than herself. But he could imagine a monster wearing her skin. "Did you run into another version of me? Were they...." Neil trailed off, before realizing that he was scared to ask the question. He knew he was on the verge of understanding something fundamental about himself, something that would re-contextualize everything, but he was scared.

So he asked a different question. "Did they look like me? Or... like how I used to?"

He fell quiet again. Part of him did wish that he had been braver to ask the other question. "Um, yeah, let's go catch up to Bethany. Maybe she found something interesting. But at the very least, we shouldn't split the Party... more." He didn't want to leave her alone. He didn't want something bad to happen to her when they were just walking around... talking.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Heading to Space!

"Going to be rather blunt if we end up having to do an actual fight while there this suit you made is going to get destroyed really really quickly, and I don't mean by others, because if it comes to dying or something probably the last person in this ship right now who would die, unless it is from magic or Asgardian weaponry and such, so you better not attack me with your magic then," Lance said towards Max, but he was wondering why the hell there was a neck brace on his when no one else did. Then Guin had to go and make the comment about getting his neck snapped. "Can we not talk about that? I already had a counterpart that had that happen to them and it screwed him up."

"That is not going to happen, at least if it did it wouldn't be caused by me like what happened in that reality, plus pretty sure it'd be kind of hard to do that sort of thing to you in this reality anyway, so it is not going to happen."

"How about we stop this line of conversation about me dying from some neck injury and our so far track record with finding anything in space otherwise I might punch someone, at least with the track record of finding things we are getting a bit better at that. Sort of."

Well he seems to be bugged by this entire situation and these suits or whatever that Max made with the weird neck brace only for him is probably not really helping that. So yay. I do agree with his previous statement though that after all of this space chaos a vacation sounds like a good thing. Pietro said mentally to Guin, before he listened more to what Max was saying with regards to an idea of a plan. Personally, he didn't think that he should be on that station racing around alone. Especially considering that he wouldn't be sitting there right now if he hadn't been with Guin and Lance before. "Splitting up so only one or two people are left on the ship floating around out here in space is maybe not exactly a good idea. They'd basically be sitting ducks for the most part it would be better to maybe try to find a spot to land. And who knows if teleporting or taking a portal in might not work, especially when it's been mentioned that telepathy and such is messed with, whose to say that the same won't apply to someone potentially trying to sort of teleport into the area? Like it might work once your there but there might be things preventing it and all."

"...I know it likely isn't helpful but if you need someone else so there is more than one person here who knows a thing or two about computers I can probably help at least a little. I'm likely not as proficient with hacking as she is, and maybe not keep up as quickly, but I'm an engineer too, I know my way around machinery and computers in general..." Miranda eventually spoke up from where she was.

Lance was still focused a bit more on flying the ship, but since they were going into stealth, he slowed down the Blackbird a little bit in order to allow them to potentially be less detectable from Magneto's powers. The asteroid was fairly close now, and they'd be able to see just how massive the entire structure was. "...Well I'd still say Galactus' ship would count as a bigger structure, so this isn't the worst place possible to try to find a few people in... We can see if we find a place to land or we can try to portal in or whatever it is that Max over there was wanting to try..."

Pietro glanced at Jaclyn as she asked for what sort of powers they had currently with them and what might be helpful for her to try and manifest sort of thing. Ummm... Well... We have the speedster, that's me, two people who can essentially take control of someone's body, those being Guina and Carolina, with Guina being a telepath too, Max is a wizard magic person, Miranda can essentially create illusions and look into the past and basically pull forth memories other people have too that sort of thing if I remember correctly. Then we've got Lance over there who can control light and takes after other members of his family where he can turn into a big green really strong and hard to injure sort of person. So already we kind of have all over the spectrum really here. You probably would be fine with just about anything honestly. The group here is surprisingly balanced out a bit in what we can do..."

"As state make a choice of how we get onto the station or whatever it is so we can actually do something soon."

Asteroid M

To say that she wasn't shocked by how the interactions were going to go. Tensions were high and all with the other group, and their own group also kind of was a bit since they very much didn't want to be here was no unnoticed to her. A fight is going to ensue, the small voice in the back of her head said rather calmly, and she knew that was exactly what was going to happen if they weren't careful.

"Right, whatever you say, why couldn't you have just lost or something? Then you wouldn't be here and things would be waaaaaay better if you weren't," she commented, before without warning she lashed out against them. Seemed like her powers were naturally that of a water bender type of person except creating it out of thin air as a wave of water lashed out against them. Mary was glad that she still had plant seeds in her pockets since she very much didn't want to rely on the Phoenix powers if she didn't have to. Unfortunately though she only was able to create a shield in that split second for her and Ed, which meant Flynn and Perry were going to get hit.

Or at least it seemed like that at first, since Flynn was paying attention to things to. He managed to sort of step in front of Perry before he lit himself on fire, his body completely engulfed and he sent a blast of flame in front of him. The stream of fire met the wave and suddenly a large puff of steam was created, as the two forces weren't able to get past the other. The flames died down in a second and he went back to normal, "Definitely glad we had it so the clothes I have are fireproof..." he muttered under his breath.

There was a slight crackle of electricity, and one of the others in the group sent out a bolt of lightning from his hand, but the shot went wide missing the group. So that was something. And also would make anyone glad that they managed to avoid getting doused in the water first, since that likely would have ended badly for them.

Mira nodded her head a bit, since splitting the group up even more might not be the best as Neil said. Especially since they were only a group of four as is, so going separate ways even more might not end too well. She headed down the direction that Bethany had gone in, listening to what Annie had said about the space adventures. "Wait a talking raccoon obsessed with limbs or whatever? Now that is a bit weird in general, but also kind of funny to hear about," she said with a small laugh as they walked along.

Eventually they'd find Bethany in the room that she had gone, and Mira walked over to see what she was doing by the computer, "So found anything interesting?" she asked her, sort of looking over her shoulder seeing what it was that she was looking at. Though an idea popped into her head a bit, "...Actually I wonder if these computers are hooked into the main overall system and maybe even an internet sort of network where everything is interconnected... Because if they are... This might be helpful..." she mused, before booting up another computer not that far away.

She started typing up a few things before pulling up a few different programs that were on the computer system. "...This might take me a little bit to see if this will work, but we might not have to go find the main security system at all, we might be fine with just this depending on a few things I'd need to maybe look into..." she spoke up to them, before stopping as the entire group would hear footsteps coming down the hallway getting closer to them.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jaclyn Chreyz

Location: X-Jet - Space: nearing Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry

Admittedly, Jaclyn had her doubts about the Quicksilver plan Max suggested, but she waited to give comment. Bad plans could lead to good, that was something brainstorming was for, and she felt Max was putting thought in regardless. It was interesting to note he could portal or teleport and good to learn of the downsides to the latter.

She watched his magic then, and had to smile at what it was used for. She had just turned her brain to the question of if she could manifest any sort of shielding when Guin spoke up. Her response to Jaclyn wasn't very helpful, although Jaclyn had heard of a mutant with luck-favouring powers.

Then came the deflation of what faith Jaclyn had in Max's suits, as Guin stated they were apparently not much better than the low-grade ones they already had, besides something to do with Lance's? Jaclyn felt uneasy by his and Pietro's following exchange.

Guin then countered the main part of Max's plan and Pietro added his opinion, making Jaclyn feel bad about the two cents she was about to tack-on: "Making use of Pietro's powers sounds good for covering objectives, but it's been mentioned how unwell he's received in the family. It's reasonable there could be speed traps. Maybe we should see how it goes extracting the others first and table the data gathering part of the plan," she finished, moving her gaze to Carolina who had brought up that part of things. Jaclyn then reverted to Max: "As for shielding, I'm thinking on that."

She turned to Pietro as he answered her question next. He had some helpful and eye-opening new information; Jaclyn hadn't known all that about her new teammates' powers. Although the body-swapping was something to learn....

She definitely had options to pull from.

Her attention then shifted to Lance. "We're trying, Lance," she wasn't snappy, just level,"better to take time up front to be as solid as we can, than later holing up cracks. I understand the anxiety, but I think we have that time, at least." An idea suddenly came to her. "Max, what's the most you've ever transmutated? Maybe if I copied that and we worked together, we could change the jet's metal into some other alloy Magneto can't detect or interfere with? Then we could check off the how we're getting there box."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked over her shoulder at Max mentioning her trying to hack into things, it was slightly entertaining but she was shitty whenever it came to computers. The most she can do was probably install The Sims onto a computer and maybe a few mods for the game and thats about it. "Yeah kinda what Guin said, i'm not much of a techy thats defintely more Guin and Mira's area." Carolina said towards Max, she knew a lot about art but nothing like that was useful really right now in this situation really. "My power is astral projection I can basically possess people and control them, so it's more useful for infiltration honestly." Carolina said letting Max and Jaclyn know about her powers.

She felt the spacesuit appearing onto her as she looked over at Max once more. "Thanks for the suit Max." Carolina said as she picked up the helmet and started to look it over. She noticed that Lance's had extra neck protection, which she thought was really weird why did he give Lance that and not the other suits for them. Carolina shifted in her seat slightly as she looked out at the massive asteroid as it started to get a lot closer now.

Bethany Bell

Skills: Shadow, Manipulation, Shadow Stealth

Bethany continued to look through the computer as she studied the other's powers that they had in file, she turned when she heard some footsteps approaching and quickly turned around and let out a slight sigh of relief. It was just Mira and the others as Bethany gestured towards the computer. "Just found some files on some of the people here. Juggernaut, Sabertooth, Exodus, Nekra and Frenzy are on the station right now." Bethany said they had encountered them all once before in the past. "Then there's a few other people here I don't really recognize, there's a Marco Delgato, he can change size, and super strength, then there's Fatale who's another light manipulator like Lance is. Then there's someone named Chrome who has transmutation powers." Bethany told the group as Mira made her way towards another computer nearby.

"Hopefully we can do that then from here." Bethany said she hoped that Mira could do that and they can get the rescue team down here to get them off of this floating space rock. Then Bethany started to hear footsteps approaching, she wasn't really hoping for another fight really as she thought for a moment. "I'm going to try something." Bethany said to them as she started to try and concentrate on her powers to make the other's hide into the shadow's like she could.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Againā€¦

The others werenā€™t comfortable splitting the group up further. Antoinette didnā€™t mind and happily followed her friends down the hallway. She looked over at Neil when he asked about the alternate reality. She smiled a little, sensing his concern about his counterpart. She rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed gently.
ā€None of us encountered your counterpart,ā€ she assured him. Antoinette thought Edus might have known something or his counterpart, but Antoinette and the people she was with never saw alternate Neil.

They reached Bethany, and Antoinette walked the perimeter of the room. It was something Guin told her to do. It made a lot of sense, too. One must know all the potential threats, tools, and escape routes. This particular room only had one way in. That was both good and bad. When footsteps could be heard down the hall, the one-way in and out turned problematic.
Antoinette walked over to stand in front of Bethany and Mira to protect them from the potential threat coming down the hall. Bethany attempted to cloak them, and she sincerely hoped it worked so Mira could crack the computer. If they could get access to the whole system from here, it would be a tremendous win.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

"Sure, next time I get attacked unprovoked and without explanation I'll just let myself lose in the hope I don't get kidnapped." Ed replied annoyed. And of course, they were then attacked.

"We didn't ask to be here!" He snapped. He wasn't certain why his cool had been shattered but he was really done with this whole thing. It hadn't even been that long. However, since arriving they had been told they weren't wanted. That was fine with Ed, he didn't want to be here either.

He flicked his hands a few times sending blasts of force at the water-bending woman.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max raised an eyebrow towards Guinā€™s comments on his suits. His mouth opened, closed, then opened again as he attempted to figure out how best to approach this. ā€These are astronaut grade space suits, from my understanding the ones mentioned before were emergency suits to help survive space momentarily so I assumedā€¦well honestly I wasnā€™t sure what to assume. Iā€™m not exactly a space kid, so I don't really know what a better suit would look like than our own regulated government suits.ā€ He elected to ignore the comment about Lanceā€™s suit. Getting his neck snapped would be the least of his issues if he couldnā€™t keep his head on his shoulders. He was surprised to hear that Carolina had no real tech no how. Heā€™d assumed she might have given her commentary and advice on stealth and the ship as they approached Magnetoā€™s grasp. He supposed that was more learned behavior to combat him than it was her technical intelligence. A part of him wanted to suggest uploading the mental schematics of how to achieve this into Pietroā€™s brain, after all if the worst outcome was a scrambled brain then he wouldnā€™t be any worse off then where he was now.

Lance and Piet began to bicker back and forth as Max quickly ignored anything they were saying, instead focusing on Miranda and what it was she had to say. While the idea of her helping to hack was a novel one, he needed her powers on the rescue front. Her illusions could save lives if they were caught. He tried to wait until everyone had said their piece before finally speaking up again. ā€I need you on rescue Miranda. Your illusory powers could help divert the attention of any attackers, especially in split hallways. Misdirection is an amazing asset to have.ā€ He was about to mention something about how well it served those like Loki and the Goddess of Lies, but his eyes caught Lanceā€™s and his speech halted in his throat. He didnā€™t know where he stood with Runa at the moment, but she wasnā€™t here and he hadnā€™t answered any of Maxā€™s calls. So Max didnā€™t need to bring up someone who could have easily just abandoned Lance recently. ā€I havenā€™t transmuted something larger than a person before, typically just focus on clothing really but that's neither here nor there. Though iā€™ve created large structures beforeā€¦I'd sooner attempt to replicate the blackbird with a new material from Guins suggestions of what would work than actually try and change the one ship we have to leave..you know in case it doesn't go as planned. Speaking of, Carolina could you possess the heavy hitters like Saber and Exodus?And Jaclynā€¦Iā€™d hate to say it but I actually think you have no powers right now is the best outcome. Youā€™re our wild card and capable of shifting the tide without them even knowing it, save your powers for when you see a weakness in our defense or offense. Till thenā€¦are you any good with any weapons?ā€
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin snorted somewhat derisively at Max's admission that he had just assumed. "Well, I'm billing you for those suits. Maybe next time just have your new rags appear in a box right by us, instead of disappearing suits that were specifically designed for us and didn't feature patriotic propaganda. Besides, I thought you'd consider yourself to be Genoshan." She probably shouldn't have said the next bit, but she was feeling irritated with him. Irritated with everyone, really. And stressed. "Or did that end when the island did?"

I'm getting cranky. I'm gonna be a huge bitch. So distract me somewhat. Where is it you wanted to go on vacation? Guin telepathically whispered back to Pietro. Only she didn't use the word bitch - she used the c word.

Most of the people on the ship seemed to want to continue just chatting about strategy for once they were inside. She got the impulse, but she was feeling antsy as well. The longer the ship hovered there, the more likely that Magneto would detect it - and with just one thought, he could kill them all. She had to hope that if he noticed them, he'd choose to be more dramatic about things and give them a fighting chance. "Look, we can chat more about what powers people can use once we're on the station. Every second we sit here is another second that Magneto can crush and kill us with a thought. I'm going to contact Mare, see if she can get to the docking bay. Either we dock the ship there or we use the escape pods."

Guin then put a hand to her temple, and she concentrated, hoping it'd be easier to cut through and reach Mary now. Mare, you there? We need an assist. Can you get to the docking bay and lower the shields or doors or whatever the fuck they're using to seal it off? We gotta land the ship - or jettison ourselves out in the pods.

The other option would be to try to space walk over to the station, but that still likely would require some help from the inside to board.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil appreciated the comfort Annie offered him, but he was sad at the same time to know that they hadn't met his other self. As much as the realization he was on the cusp of terrified him... he knew he wanted it all the same. He just hadn't found the courage to admit it, to himself more than to others.

They caught up with Bethany, finding themselves in a room that had a few computers in it. Neil naively thought for a moment that this might've been the main security room, before Mira mentioned that it wasn't. But that it could still be useful. He wasn't a techie himself, so he trusted her explanation and didn't think about it too hard. It was right. It had to be. Mira said it. But just as Mira got to work, the sound of footsteps were approaching. Nothing could ever be easy. At least Bethany had already figured out who was and wasn't on the station.

"If your thing doesn't work, we have to make sure Mira has the time she needs," Neil whispered. "Even if it means a fight."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Spirit Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

It seemed their team was getting their heckles up, which led Perry to believe this was a normal thing. Before she could be the obvious voice of reason, the steps were filled in by bodies, those of which did not take kindly to them, shooting water and electricity at them. The water nearly hit her before Flynn stepped in front of her, shielding her with his hot body (literally!). "Thanks!"

Now it was her turn, she sent both of her spirit boys after the water lady that nearly hit her. Barry shot his taser at her, missing and swearing under his breath. Detective Ed tried to freeze her, but only chilled her so. Perry cursed. "Gotta do everything myself."

Perry had been wanting to punch someone in the face since that douchebag introduced himself and now was a perfect opportunity. She ran up and unleashed hell.

Or she would have had she not overstepped and grazed the water user. Still, better than nothing. "What they said, we don't want to be here nearly as much, if not more, than you all want us here! So how about letting us off this rock?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Asteroid M

Mary was still trying to figure out what the best way to do things was, or how to deal with them being attacked, when she got Guin's message playing through her head. Well this was not a good thing at all as she understood the basics of it even though she was catching every other word. Give me a minute little busy but might be able to find someone to do that. This was not good, however she decided to try to do something else real quick before she messaged anyone else. That was attempting to scan the minds of those attacking them in an attempt to figure out where the docking bay was since they'd be the more likely ones to know.

She was not having the easiest of times with it, she still wasn't even close to be used to doing that sort of thing since she preferred to not have to do it. However it took several tries to even remotely find the information that might prove useful to them. Looking through their minds, she knew where the docking bay was, and she managed to get a brief idea of the layout on how to get there. There was just one problem, it was really really far away from where they were. She also was no where near a computer system to even begin trying to take down shielding. But there was someone who likely could on the station right now, and hopefully she'd be able to hear her. There still was the possibility that it wouldn't work.

Of course they still had to deal with this group who seemed a bit pissed off that they were even there. "Doesn't seem like this group has enough brain cells to understand that we aren't here voluntarily or anything like that," Flynn commented to the others, though he wasn't sure how best to actually deal with this situation all things considering.

"Yeah, well the others are here outside this place right now, we just kind of need to find them but considering how big this place is, that might be an issue but then again one step at a time with this whole thing right?"

Another of the members of the group, a teenaged girl by the looks of it, instantly started replicating, to the point where there were now 5 of her, to go along with the other 4 that were already there. The group was clearly not in the mood to continue the arguing or conversation as they attacked the group. Though not before Ed would manage to land a strong few hits, as he sent the water manipulator flying backwards and into the ground with his magic, and it looked like it was taking her a little bit to get back fully on her feet.

One of the remaining guys seemed to be able to create and throw small explosives, as he instantly threw a bunch of them in the direction of the group, though all of his shots went wide as he did so. All of them missing and explosions sounding off all around them instead. A bit anticlimactic really. The girl who replicated herself went forward instantly, and seemed to want to target Perry for some reason.

She managed to land a hit to knock Perry backwards, but once again since Flynn was still by her, he instantly got in the way, not so much getting injured by their attempts at attacks, but he was more of deflecting the blows from them for the most part. Though not before he got hit in the head by one and Perry took another blow that wasn't really damaging to her.

There was a gust of wind by Ed though, as the remaining guy who hadn't used his powers yet decided to showcase his own, and he wasn't too thrilled with Ed knocking the other girl around. There was a large blast of wind that lifted Ed off the ground and threw him backwards slamming into a wall.

Mary was very much still wanting not to use the powers of a space chicken, so instead she was focusing more on the plant life she created from the seeds that she (thankfully) still had with her. Vines started appearing around her using the ones she had used as a shield before, she sent them flying at their opponents in an attempt to tie them up a little bit. She managed to tie up the electrical manipulator who was having a bit of an issue breaking free from them now, "Either we fight and knock them out or we take off out of here, any votes on it? I'm up for any of them. I'm going to try and get in contact with the other group to see if they can do something about getting the ship to land..."

Meanwhile back over with the others, Mira was busy working on the computer system, though she also had her phone hooked up to the computer in an attempt to potentially have access to it without being at a computer. The footsteps were getting closer and closer to where they were, and while Bethany was attempting to hide the entire group, it ended up being a very close call, as she managed to cloak everyone right when she'd see a few people in the hallway outside. They didn't seem to see the group, however as of right now they did not seem to want to move from the hallway and were still standing there. That was going to be a problem trying to leave the room.

However, there was the sound of a voice they'd recognize as Mary going through all of their minds at the moment, Sorry for the kind of mental intrusion, but the others are literally outside of this place in a ship. We are not in any way able to get to the docking bay, or anywhere that might be remotely helpful considering a group decided to try and attack us while we're here... So maybe you all are having better luck? And hoping that since I'm not trying to mentally go through space it might be easier for you to understand the message then the kind of bad static between Guin and I... the group would be able to hear her fairly easily, no problems mentally going through it while on the base itself apparently.

"Well that just told me what system I'm more specifically looking for so maybe we'll be able to do something about that..." Mira whispered under her breath so hopefully only the others with them would be able to hear her. She was currently going through things in the computer trying to find something helpful. Eventually she managed to find a way into the main system, and looking through it she found a way to get into the docking bay area's system. "Ok... Found it time to see about lowering things so hopefully they can land... And now hoping that there isn't anybody in there to question what's going on..."

Eventually she was able to succeed in her goal, before mentally responding to the message that Mary had sent out. It should be lowered, they might want to hurry before people question what happened...

Her attention then turned towards the others, before glancing back at the door as she unplugged her phone from everything. "...Well now we have another problem... Getting out of here..."

Outside the Asteroid

I don't know, maybe someplace warm or something? We could go just about anywhere what do you think would be a fun place to race around and explore? he responded mentally to Guin's question. Tensions in the ship were really going haywire between various people. The quicker they'd get off the ship and onto the floating space rock the better. Because at least then they'd be able to take out their anger on those there who might be itching to get into another fight.

"Knowing our luck all hell is going to break loose. Namely with the way our luck has been going today anyway... What we do know for certain is we might as well be walking into a trap since this idea of a plan is great, but we also don't know for certain what things look like when we land... Well if we land at this rate... Since we still aren't super certain how long it'll take us to land there," Lance was only really half paying attention to the conversation as he had the Blackbird circle around the asteroid. The place was massive and it was hard to determine what area they were aiming for.

Guin, sounds like Mira might have been able to do something to help you land, the docking bay is pretty far from where we are, not sure where you are in comparison to the others... Mary's voice would be heard, once again almost sounding like a bad radio, but the static was definitely lessened and it was easier for her to hear her now.

Lance was still only half paying attention, however he did manage to spot the opening that had popped up for what he assumed was the docking area. "Well hold on, we're going to land, at least probably unless we get attacked in the process..." he managed to say to the others as he started flying along towards the docking bay.

Miranda looked at Max when he responded towards what she had said. "True, however remember I've never been much of a combatant, misdirection is all I do have, and something I'm fairly good at, but sometimes it might be best to do more then expect people to do one thing. Perhaps be prepared for others to use all of their skill sets in order to achieve your goal, just a suggestion," she said, though it was truthfully sounding like more of just a thought not an actual order or anything like that.

The jet would get closer and closer to the base facility, before they managed to get in through the docking area and landing on the ground. "So... We're here and hooray for not getting overly attacked the instant that we get here, now what?"

"This place is a lot bigger then I thought honestly, it probably would take me a while to go through the entire facility to find anything. That being assuming I don't run into trouble or anything like that. Which considering this place? It likely wouldn't be that surprising if I did get spotted while racing around here... But if you want me to scout at least the more nearby area I can."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jaclyn Chreyz

Location: X-Jet - Asteroid M: Docking station
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn's brows went up at Max's response to her transmutation idea. Replicating the entire jet? This was something....though not for now. The way Max answered made Jaclyn realize how foolish her idea had been. She also realized something about Max.

Previously, Jaclyn thought the suggestions or statements he made sounded like a contributing teammate. But with his wording of "I need you on rescue" to Miranda, he was sounding like he'd very much appointed himself as a leader. Or he just naturally leaned way, or felt somebody had to step up. Having no preconceived notions or bias, Jaclyn didn't feel put off by this, it was just something interesting for her to note and keep aware of. After all, the team's actual leader, Marygold, wasn't with them, and if the team had a designated second-in-command, Jaclyn didn't know if they were here either. That being said, Max being one of the new hires, like herself, it was rather presumptuous of him to assume such a position. But that being said, Jaclyn was more the type to go with a flow than worry about protocols. If something was working, why muddy it up with "that's just not the way things are done"?

Trouble was, there was a palpable sense of this "arrangement" not working, especially if Guin had anything to say about it -she seemed the most put off by Max. Jaclyn found Guin's response to him unnecessarily sharp and counterproductive. She was feeling more positive this was Guin-under-stress. At least neither's reactive manner had proved itself derailing, so far, so Jaclyn wasn't yet concerned a shouting match was about to ensue that would set things more off kilter.

Honestly, all these nerves relating to them just floating out here in space was making Jaclyn question to herself why they hadn't gotten a plan ironed out before they came up here? It was definitely true waiting around essentially right outside the enemy's base was a foolish thing to do, but flying up into the unknown to complete a rescue mission of some "paradise chosen" with little more than a plan beyond that seemed like starting off on the wrong foot, especially as they weren't 100% in the dark on things they could expect.

But, at least there were a couple points of soundness amidst the noise.
1. was Max's suggestion to her coming prepared simply as their wild card. Of course! Why hadn't Jaclyn thought of that herself? Especially as they were likely to come up against a variety of power sets once in-base. That was her whole talent. Why had she been so set on locking and boxing herself in?

2. was Miranda's wisdom of expecting more from a person than one thing.

And on the subject of all of a person's skill sets, Jaclyn answered Max's question about weapons: "I've never trained with any weapons. I could manage something blunt force, like a bo staff or a bat," she didn't feel confident wielding around a sword or having to work in close-combat with a smaller blade. "Beside that I can do basic hand-to-hand.

They were docking now. Jaclyn turned her attention to her space helmet but before she put it on, she wound a strand of her hair around her finger until it was taut, then pulled it out. She then slipped this coil of hair into one of the suit's Velcro pockets, and picked up her helmet. Before applying it, however, she had a thought in response to Pietro. While he didn't seem too concerned about speed traps, something Carolina had said put altogether another idea in Jaclyn's mind.

"Can you scout with your astral projection?" she asked Carolina.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

As they started to get closer Carolina was getting a little bit antsy she wanted to get out and search for their friends and then get out of here. She looked at Max for a moment as he tried to come up with a plan, like he was the leader all of a sudden. Which rubbed her the wrong way really whenever Mary was gone or incapacitated Guin was usually the one to step up as leader. "Although it's a good plan it really should be Guin's call to come up with a plan once we get there." Carolina said as they started to now dock with the asteroid station and looked out the window.

It seemed like there wasn't anyone there yet really which was good then they weren't expecting them however that could end pretty quickly as well to. Then her attention was turned towards Jacylyn as she spoke to her and nodded. "I use it for scouting ahead a lot of the time or to infiltrate as well to. How I don't move at super speed like Pietro does so covering ground won't be as quick but it's still possible however when I astral project it leaves my body vulnerable." Carolina said, she'd either have to leave her body here alone on the Blackbird, or someone would have to carry her body around.

Bethany Bell

Skills: Shadow, Manipulation, Shadow Stealth.

Bethany was surprised that she was able to cloak everyone around her as Mira finished up with her computer thing and managed to get the job done which was good then. The footsteps seemed to have stopped in front of the room itself as Bethany continued to hold and concentrate on keeping the group stealthed. "Hopefully they leave soon." Bethany said as she looked at Neil she didn't want to startup a fight unless they actually need to. When she heard Mary's voice in their heads again which was really weird still she wasn't super used to having someone in her head really.

"Lets see if we can try and meet the others at the hangar, you didn't happen to download a map on there did you?" Bethany asked Mira quietly as she thought of an idea on what to do. "If you did I can try and shadow travel us there. If not we'll have to make our way down there ourselves." Bethany suggested hoping that the others would agree with her idea.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max bit his tongue at Guinā€™s initial comment. The idea of billing him for anything was laughable as he neither had any money, nor was he above just conjuring some up to placate her at the moment. Her mention of Genosha however hit him hard. It wasnā€™t that he no longer thought of himself as a Genoshan, more so that Genosha was its people, and ideal that persisted across mutantkind that understood what it was to be a part of it. She used the word like venom, and a massive part of him wanted her to wash out her mouth as she didnā€™t deserve to even speak its name at the moment. He thought back to what Neckra had said to Neil, asking him where he was when Genosha fell, and Max couldnā€™t help but wonder once more where any of them were when mutantkind truly needed them. The question burned inside of him as the conversation continued on past the point while Lance circled around the structure and Max couldnā€™t help but take it all in in awe. The place was huge, and even Pietro had to admit it would take him a bit longer than originally thought to make a clean sweep of the place.

He pressed his back against a wall, thinking, listening to Miranda as she spoke. She wasnā€™t wrong. Every skill needed to be at play here if they wanted to pull of a successful rescue, but the issue was he didnā€™t know what everyones skill was, nor did anyone seem too keen to talk about themselves. This group seemed to think plans came second and actions first, each one pushing the idea of coming up with something further and further back as if a plan would magically appear out of thin air for them as they paraded around Magnetoā€™s newest toy. Thankfully Jaclyn gave Max something to do, having chosen a weapon he was actually very well acquainted with. It was enough to keep him from snapping all together towards Carolina and Guin both. He pushed himself off of the wall, looking towards Jaclyn as he took her height and build into question before a swirl of magic danced across the air. A long strand of mystical energy floated between the pair before Max grasped it and it fully formed into a bo staff. ā€Iā€™ve actually always favored this weapon myself. This ones made for your height, so it should feel natural to you.ā€ He said as he offered it towards Jaclyn.

After that he was quiet for a moment. Taking in a deep breath before exhaling it out slowly. He didn't bother to look at Carolina, trying hard not to cause a fight. ā€Listen. I get that a bulk of you dislike me, and the rest don't even know me, but I opened the floor for anyone to make any sort of plan and no one said much. We needed something, and Guinā€™s clearly busy trying to keep a strenuous connection through space towards your active leader. So someone had to make some semblance of a plan so that we arenā€™t just running in there with no sense of direction. If Guin has a better plan, I'd love to hear it, really. But till thenā€¦I dunnoā€ Max had no real polite way to say shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. So he ended it at that with a shrug of his shoulders. ā€Either way weā€™re here. Follow a plan, don't follow a plan, do as you wish. Iā€™m just here to help with the search and rescue.ā€ He knew now wasn't Edā€™s time, and Carolina had come from somewhere amongst this future, but he didnā€™t know exactly where. What he did know was that he wanted to ensure the safety of Neil and Ed by any means necessary.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Skills: Force

Ed let himself relax as he flew into the wall. He probably should have bubbled himself but he hadn't had time. He really needed to get the shield into a pendant or something so he didn't have to constantly reach for it. He assessed his wounds, mostly bruising. Nothing felt broken. He was pissed.

Ed realized why he was so angry. It was Max's fault. Max was a portent of doom. Ed had wanted to let it slide, but the reaction...It had been so strong. And of course the tombstone with his name on it. Ed knew what all of that meant. He was going to die, and probably soon. There was a whole lot he had wanted to do that he likely would never be able to do. This whole kidnapped into space thing was not helping that.

He stood up, noting what was happening, and saw that Perry was surrounded by the same person. He didn't know how well she could actually throw a punch, but he suspected being surrounded wasn't her usual fighting style. He flicked his wrist knocking back one of the duplicates. Satisfied he moved to a second, flicking his wrist again. This one only stumbled, but it'd give Perry an advantage. So he flicked his hand at a third. This one seemed to disappear as it collapsed.

"I agree, we need to get moving. I don't particularly want to keep this nonsense up."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Againā€¦

Other than the footsteps headed in their direction, things seemed to be going their way. Antoinette watched the people stop outside the room, and she held her breath for a moment until she realized they were cloaked. She relaxed slightly, not moving so it would be easier for Bethany to keep them all cloaked.
It was good to hear Maryā€™s voice, even in her head. The group from Earth had made it. They were halfway to getting out of there.
ā€I could try and project an illusion of myself in the hallway in hopes the group will follow that, and we can head out in the opposite direction,ā€ Antoinette suggested. She didnā€™t want to go ahead and do it, encase one of the others had an alternative idea. Bethanyā€™s idea was good, but she had already used her power to cloak them. Travelling them all could run her thin.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird - Asteroid M Docking Bay
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"Goddamn, do you love the sound of your own voice," Guin snapped at Max. "I'm so terribly sorry that we don't have a plethora of information to work-off of right now. I know it definitely isn't up to your amazingly high standards. I guess what we already chatted about - how the group already on the station was taking care of security systems and that they were going to open up the docking bay for us - I guess that wasn't enough for you. We aren't here to steal data. Whoever suggested that, we aren't doing it. If you're really as onboard with Magneto and his nations as you claim to be, I don't even see why you'd be interested in that. In fact, why would you even want a plan then? From your perspective, there's no reason that we can't just go pick up our friends and take them home. We aren't here to blow up the asteroid or anything. As far as we know, no one is being hurt. Magneto can run his space island up here all he wants."

"Now, you really want a fucking plan? Here's the plan. We got off of our ship before Magneto crushes us alive. We split into two groups and we find our friends. Don't attack unless you're attacked first. We're friendly. When you find them, send up a telepathic flare - or I'll send one up - and everyone will regroup. If you want more of a plan then that, well, make sure to remember to breathe. And if you go too long without blinking, your eyes are going to water. Happy now, O Grand Sorcerer?"

"We're X-Men, we figure things out and we improvise. That's what we're good at. We don't have time to blow the whistle for a time-out or a group huddle every time someone stubs a toe." She paused. She knew this wasn't amazing leadership qualities she was demonstrating at the moment. "And for the record? You seem to fucking hate us too. Maybe I should take a look inside your brain and make it so you forget how to walk."

They had landed at least. Finally. Guin was somewhat convinced that she might strangle Max if she had to hear him whine for another second about how things weren't perfect. She'd have to thank Mira for the assist later... although Guin didn't particularly know how to really talk to Mira without feeling INCREDIBLY guilty these days. She closed her eyes. "Our general vicinity is clear. I think the groups should be myself, Lance, and Jaclyn. And the other group Pietro, Miranda, Carolina, and Max. Any objections?" she asked, though she looked at Max.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil frowned, seeing the people stop outside of the room in the hallway. It was so incredibly annoying and frustrating that they would just stay there. His video game senses told him that if they didn't leave soon, they'd probably have to fight them. It'd be a forced encounter basically. They could heal up and take their potions and whatnot for attack modifiers in here, but the boss fight was going to happen one way or another... A mini boss fight, probably. Unless one of the people outside happened to be Magneto, chatting about the weather in space.

Mary's voice echoed through his mind and he frowned again - they were cut off from the docking bay. But at least the others were here with a ship. He wanted to believe that they could just walk out of here, but... would it be that simple? They had been kidnapped by the X-Men's greatest foe, Magneto. Neil couldn't imagine a universe in which this ended without a fight. But he wanted to believe that there could be one. Annie's idea was good though. She could make an illusion and cause them to walk away. "I like that, but what'll the illusion be?" Neil whispered. "Or really, who, I guess - who did the files say were on the station? Maybe you could make it look like one of them..."

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Spirit Mediumship, Enhanced Empathy
Fit Of The Day

Perry took a few hits, understandable so since she did attempt to shock and freeze them. But her knight in shining armor protected her yet again. "Do you mind if I just stand near you going forward? For protection reasons, of course!" The fact he was eye candy was merely a bonus. The others had it right though, this was not a fight they could easily win. Not without the others. "Running is good. I like running."

But, Perry thought, perhaps she can slow them down. Using her empathy powers, she looked a the replicator girl. She might be able to replicate her body, but Perry doubted she could replicate her emotions. Sure enough, Perry locked on to the real one and sent Barry out with his taser. He shot it off, but it veered. The bolt hit Mary instead. Perry's jaw dropped. What a good way to build teamwork by frying your leader!

"Ohmygod Mary I am so sorry!" She ran up to Mary, checking to see if she was all right and offering her a hand up. Detective Ed took this time to dash forward and, laying a hand on the ground, froze up the path before them. "That will hopefully slow them down some, but we should really go." Perry stood by Mary to help the girl move, if need be.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Lab
Skills: N/A

"Well we don't know for certain if the people out there would race after or move upon seeing an illusion of you Annie... But an illusion of something or someone to sort of chase them away or something like that would probably work... Question is what would you create an illusion of... Well we could go with someone who could just scare them off by showing up without having to say anything so we wouldn't have to totally sell the illusion..." she said, as it was just their luck that it seemed like the group outside the door was not going anywhere anytime soon. They weren't blocking the doorway though, so they could potentially sneak by in a pinch and try to keep a low profile with stealth or something.

Mira heard Bethany ask about a map, and she glanced at her phone flipping through various things seeing if she had managed to download a map onto it. Luckily with the amount of data and such she had gotten from the computer, a map just so happened to be included. "Yeah I have one... Not sure though if you should try to travel that far... Since it looks like this place is even bigger then we initially thought... Which is saying something considering we already thought this place was huge." The map showed where they were, and upon closer examination, she found where the hanger was. That was the problem though was that it still was kind of far away from where they were, however it was apparent that it was at least on the same side of the facility as they were. Unlike the direction the other group had gone.

"Maybe you don't have to shadow travel us that far, have it so that we can at least get a little ways down the corridor before we book it out of here. It might make sense for Annie though to be prepared with an illusion as we head off in case we need it or something like that... And in the case that Bethany isn't able to get us far or something... Since I don't think having her try to transport us all that way is going to work out the best overall... Based on where we are we don't exactly want to tire everyone out so quickly which that might do..."

Lance Banner

Location: Docking Bay
Skills: N/A

"...Okay can we please try to not rip each other apart, you all are making the headache I already have worse by doing that..." Lance said as he shut off the engines entirely, lowering the ramp so they could all get going to explore the area.

Wait why am I with Max? I don't want to be with Max! I don't like him, he's kind of a control freak if it wasn't plainly obvious with all that's been going on.

Though Pietro did have to admit that the teams were kind of balanced out fairly well in the event that they run into any trouble. He just hoped that they didn't run into any trouble considering their current situation. Max seemed almost in denial about the idea that Magneto was a villain of sorts, which was kind of amusing. Clearly he had not met the same person that he had or anything like that. Pietro definitely wished that he could potentially find a problem with Guin's ideas for teams so he had an excuse to not be on the same one as Max, but he couldn't find one.

"Teams are fine with me, let's just get this over with as Guin said, try not to get into trouble if you can help it... And hopefully we can all get out of here quickly and back to Earth without any issues..." Lance added, before he walked off the ship and looked around the hanger that they were currently in. It was big, meaning odds were that they would take a while getting around everywhere.

Pietro zipped off board the ship, racing around the hanger for a moment, before he came to a halt back by the ship, "Yaaaaaaay for being able to move and not be cramped in a floating tin can. Definitely doing better then earlier that's for sure... So let's get going already then so we can see about getting out of here as soon as possible... Or does anyone object to us wandering around here or something and doing what we came here for which is getting everyone else back from here."

Marygold Isley

Location: Open Central Area
Skills: N/A

"Yeah sure, no problem. This isn't the craziest fight I've been in, well being on this station isn't the craziest place that I've been to either," Flynn said to Perry.

Well, the consensus seemed to be the getting out of there in order to get out of this sort of trouble. Of course, Mary didn't exactly have much to think as she ended up getting electrocuted and knocked to the ground. For a second, she thought it was the one guy who was shooting electricity that had hit her but then she noticed that it couldn't have easily happened without her noticing. It wasn't until Perry came over apologizing that she realized that it likely had been caused by her in some way.

"Don't worry, it's fine, been hit with worse things then that in my life don't worry," she responding, accepting her help back onto her feet. She was a little dizzy from the zap, but for the most part was okay. Glancing around, she saw the frozen ground that had been made to try and get slow them down so they could get out of there.

Looking around, she noticed a pathway not too far from them that led down another hallway away from the the group. "Stay close and follow me," she said instantly to the others, before pulling out a plant seed, which seemed to glow for a moment, before she threw it, aiming directly towards where Perry's ghost friend had made the ground of ice. There was a large smoke cloud that now appeared, blocking the attackers vision of them, and their vision of the ice. Mary instantly took off down the hallway, figuring the others would probably be right behind her.

Apparently the group weren't very smart, as they'd hear the sounds of them going into the smoke and what sounded like crashing as they were falling to the ground, slipping on the ice that they could no longer see. Flynn followed along after the direction that Mary had gone, glad that they might be able to slip away from this chaos without them hopefully following them.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry
Weapon-on-Hand: Bo Staff

Carolina's response to Max was diplomatic, but it struck Jaclyn as unusual. Certainly as the leader of their group, as Jaclyn now learned Guin was in the absence of Marygold, it would be up to her to say "Go" on a plan, but to have the coming up with a plan at all be Guin's domain alone. Not to mention the "when we get there" part. While planning ahead of time certainly wasn't a luxury every occasion afforded, Jaclyn thought this was a case where they did have the time at least not to be going in completely loose. The astral projection details were good to know.

Her attention was then taken by the swirl of magic emanating from Max, which soon formed into a bo staff he proffered her. Wrapping her fingers around it and shifting it around a little -keeping aware of all personal spaces- 'natural' was the word. "It does. Thanks."

Then came "the confrontation".

Max had a point. Guin was occupied with the patchy connection to Mary. It just made good team sense to lighten burdens, and abrasive to team dynamic a new hire positioning themselves as leader may be, it was initiative under the circumstances.

Now here that initiative was, potentially being quashed.

In Jaclyn's opinion, Guin's response at first didn't really address the matter. Disabling security systems and having the docking bay opened for them was an answer to how they would get in, not an answer to what the gameplan would be afterward.

They had had the whole trip up here.

But now things all came together. To be fair, Jaclyn could vibe Guin's stress. She probably felt rather harassed what with managing the telepathy amidst plan talk when Guin clearly had felt that wasn't an issue. Jaclyn could vibe Guin's stress, just not her stress management skills.

By Guin's own following insertion, X-Men figured things out and improvised.
Wasn't "figuring things out" what Max had been trying to do? Jaclyn wasn't going to get into the middle of this as that would just waste more time. But Guin's psychic threat was too much.

"Whoa! Whoa." Jaclyn spread her hands, one towards Guin, one towards Max, as if to say 'cool it between you two', regardless if their blood ran equally hot. "We don't need to start biting heads off. Whatever personal issues might be between anyone, we can shelve those."

Back to focus, she listened to Guin's division of the teams.
As herself and Max seemed to be getting on best, Jaclyn reflexively looked to him on hearing they would be split. And so far, experiencing Guin head-on was quite a bit different than overhearing her conversations in the Mansion every now and again. But, Guin knew the personalities and power sets at large, and teams needed to be able to work in any configuration. Jaclyn had no real objections. Silently, she met Guin's eyes, showing there was no debate here.

Jaclyn's thoughts drifted then to Lance who she'd heard mention a headache. So he wasn't feeling his best. No matter, in terms of what they had to do. Fighting at your best was another of those luxuries not every occasion afforded. Still, it was something Jaclyn would keep in mind.

In contrast, Pietro reported an improvement in his condition, and it was assuring to see him do a quick zip around the hanger, stretching the ol' superpowered legs. Jaclyn had to smile a little. She wasn't sure his closing comment needed to be said, but at least she felt like Guin and Max's exchange might've cleared the air a bit and the team was closer to being on a smoother page together.

OfAll disembarked and came to stand by Lance, ready to proceed forward with him and Guin.
"Stay safe, everyone," she said with a look to each of the other four; with a nod to Max and a second's lingering on Miranda.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Basic Spellcraft
Current Outfit: Header Image

Guin fully snapped. Max blinked as he watched basically everything sheā€™d seemed to be holding in since this whole ordeal started finally coming out and directed at him. Thatā€™s fine, he was used to it. Sunshine used him as a punching bag plenty of times, but if thatā€™s what it took to finally light a fire under her ass and act like the leader everyone seemed to think she was then so be it. At first he was worried that anything that came out would simply be useless or redundant. After all, knowing what the inside team was doing wasnā€™t a plan, it was knowledge to be used to help formulate a plan. One that, if Guin noticed or not, had finally been made. There was a small smirk tugging the corner of his lips as she went on. ā€Good. So weā€™re friendly and only attack if provoked. Don't go guns blazing and send up a flare once grouped up so that the other team can leave post haste. Improvise as needed and press forward without any secondary objectives. Now that's a plan.ā€ Max was genuinely pleased to see her taking her role more seriously. Sure they functioned differently back at the MU, but one thing was the same, a divided leader meant a divided team and that was how you lost people.

ā€Soooo do I blink now or later? Joking, but to be clear, I donā€™t hate any of you. Hell I barely know most of you and even then it was from a life that never was with a past that didnā€™t exist so I knew even less then. Iā€™m hoping we can just stroll in and help those taken, but Iā€™m not naive and I know Magneto will do what he feels is right to defend his ideals. Either way I'm notā€¦nevermindā€ Max wanted to say he wouldnā€™t fail Ed again, but as far as they knew he hadnā€™t yet. He only saw the future. He stayed relatively quiet after that, lost in thought as he watched Lance and Jaclyn try to calm the tension down that was created by him and Guin. The ramp finally lowered down and Pietro took no time in zipping out of there. If he knew any better heā€™d say that he was claustrophobic, then again it was like a pet in a small cage, he had nowhere to run on a ship. He began to make his way towards the ramp, catching a glimpse of Jaclynā€™s nod towards him after she told the others to stay safe. It was comforting to see someone who seemed to be caring amongst this group of mutants. ā€You too. Maybe after all this we can have proper introductions.ā€

Lanceā€™s complaint about a headache hadn't gone unnoticed though. Max felt a bit bad that heā€™d helped to exacerbate the issue. Heā€™d hardly healed people, and the need only really arrised when M-pox had broken out and Jameā€™s was being stretched thin as the only healing mutant alongside Sapphires medical know how. He made his way towards the Hulks kid, extending a hand out as a small portion of his magic swirled around Lanceā€™s head before it vanished. Being a mutant sorcerer, Max could tell when his spells landed or fiddled away. This was neither, it worked but not enough to relieve him of his symptoms only make them more tolerable. Max wrung the hem of his shirt as he looked towards Lance before glancing towards the station. ā€Sorry, my healing isn't as good as Edā€™s. I'm still new at that part of my magic, wish i could help more than that for your headache.ā€
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