Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Io at Terauchi Temple

Fire. Io was never much of a fan of it, though she conceded its importance in the cycles of both nature and magic. It was truly an antithesis to what she desired, being chaotic, spontaneous, and short-lived. Whether or not she liked it, Io was used to it being used as a wanton tool of destruction. She had no trouble deflecting the fireball away from her into the air, where it burned away in a mimicry of a falling star. It only took a simple, precise magical barrier - elegant and controlled, unlike the fire that was clumsily cast towards her.

Unfortunately the effects of the fire extended beyond Io. The village itself was also being targeted with the attack. "I will handle the fires." Io quickly signaled to the task force members. It would only take a moment - they would be able to hold the line for the time being. She hoped.

Io did not have time to make a particularly neat spell to combat the fires. She could only maintain so many things at once, after all, and the wall holding back some of the Varjan force needed to stay. She thrust out her arms, quickly calling forth a heavy mist using an incantation in her secret language. A dense fog condensed around the wooden buildings, coating them with water and snuffing any fires that may have started from the attack. A mist was easier on her to summon than a full-blown wave of water, especially to cover multiple buildings, and it had a similar effect. She would need to be efficient - she couldn't afford to run out of magical energy so early into the battle.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 5 hrs ago



The sound of the deep and aggressive barks of the vicious canines quickly drew the Oni’s attention as they came into sight. Knowing immediately that they would be a major threat too the refugees. Having the size, speed and aggression to get past the main lines of battle mostly unhindered and to cause mass chaos amongst the back lines. They would be able to injury and kill a great number of the defenseless refugees if they where not taken care of immediately.

When four of them approached Yuki and Lunatea, she could only look upon them in utter disgust and contempt. Such vile creatures need not exist to cause harm and death, they would soon learn fear in their hearts and minds. Her crimson eyes peering a sharp gaze into them as she knew what must be done. “You picked the wrong time to challenge me…..I have little time for playing games little pups.....” Her voice cold and serious. Her lightning crackling around her more aggressively and intensely scorching the area and air around her. She knew she had to take this as seriously as possible as there was life's on the line.

She had no time to linger here amongst these four pups, she had to take care of them and do so quickly. She was not concerned for her own well being or safety. But instead for the well being and safety of the refugees that had become the focus of the other canines of the pack. The sooner she could dispose of the ones that came after her, the faster she could deal with the ones going for the defenseless.

Her lightning crackling around her body as she planted her left foot before her. Channeling a stream of her lightning to send it from her fingers straight towards the closest of the canines. Before pushing off her right foot to go after a second canine with her claws. Bringing around her right hand in a wide sweeping motion towards the beast’s head and neck. Trying to take on two of them at once as quickly as possible. Knowing that the longer it took the two of them to deal with the canines, they risked great danger and harm to the refugees that they must protect no matter what.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

[@Nakushita] [@PaulHaynek] [@Crowvette][@Rezod92] [@AzureKnight] [@Hammerman]

Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Gringor huffed and decided it was enough, intervening the moment a straight path was established between his quarry as he stepped in sight.

Minimal strength. He recalled most of Shizuka style of fighting.

He dug his axe into the ground, and with a flick of his wrist, threw back enough dirt and soil the intercept the fireball. Sending them into a wave of explosions as it buffeted the air.

Then as Losia view was obscured, Gringor wordless charged through the air, axe in both hands and swung it crashing down.

The head of it crashed right above the shield, combined with weight and strength, it forced her shield downwards before Gringor tore it away from her with sheer strength with the backhead of the axe, sending it away alongside the unfortunate corpse that hung from the front of it.

Distasteful. Gringor fury build and boiled but he let it flow through his entire body and maintained an iron focus on his head.

Going forward, he shoulder-checked Losia and followthrough with another strike to the waist. This time, the stolen armor giving far more weight to his push.


Skarsneek of the Redhill

There! He spotted new interlopers, and worse, it was deep in their lines. A scan reveal that there was no villagers at least.

Bad part, was that their prisoners was now freed and talking to them.

“They’re freeing the prisoners! Mages too!” Skarsneek hollered to whoever was listening, if they joined in the fight, it’ll create a wave that they can’t stop.

Looking to their own, he had a choice, stay here or get the prisoner.

Snarling, he had no other choice considering just how heavily undermanned they are in this.

Quickly descending down from his position, he saw the current tide and the battle here.

Damn that High Orc! Skarsneek didn’t hesitate as he took a deep breath and moved forward into her blind spots. In this chaotic battle, there was plentiful of them as weaved into the shadows and nary a sound.

Once he was past the two combatants, still unaware, he rounded back straight into Losia unaware back before snapping his quarterstaff for a sneak attack right of her knees.

He had no time to play around, they had to take this champion down, turn the flow of battle so they can focus on the prison break.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


In the heat of the fighting, Eula couldn't keep up with the Varjan onslaught. She did what she could to preserve as many lives as possible while fighting her way through, but a one-armed machine could only do so much against a tide of arrows and steel. The barriers at her back would at least stop the Varjans from advancing any farther, but there was no chance for many to retreat before their time would be up.

Eula would be blind to the archer that had her dead to rights, her attention only caught as she heard the arrow he fired deflected by swift steel, Takeshi himself had rode out to engage in the fighting, and had saved the automaton from an early end. "Thank you, Takeshi!" she would call out, before facing off against the two Varjans approaching her. Being forced to nonlethality was its own sort of curse, given that Eula had 0 actual options to permanently deal with these soldiers. The warrior approaching with a horizontal axe sweep would find Eula had ducked low under his axe, far lower than a human normally could by laying her legs completely flat into a split to narrowly dodge the attack. The automaton would then firmly plant her one good fist into the soldier's armor, putting a dent in it while also sending him flying into his sword-bearing compatriot.

Once the varjans were on the ground, Eula would run over and use her one functioning stun gun to neutralize them both, then grabbing the sword-bearers weapon. She couldn't kill with it, but it made fighting against armed soldiers much more manageable. Her technique was clumsy, and in all likelihood her raw reckless strength would simply break the sword, but it was a better defense than nothing at all. With how thick the fighting had grown, she could only fight at Takeshi's side and hope that there was a way to break this siege...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

"...But now the tide has changed with your attack. Give us arms and let us eradicate these monsters before they become a really big problem."

"Fully agreed, Sir Telmar. It's just that... I sense the taint of the monsters on you."

"Me and the prisoners have spent days here, so I admit that we may have a stain of Demon Energy on us. But rest assured, we are not changed and this miniscule energy will dissipate in time."

"Very good points, I must say. Alas, I am under strict orders not to tolerate even a drop of Demon Energy. You know what it can do, Sir Telmar. Nothing personal..."

"Wait--! Gyaaaaarrrrrhhh!"

Terauchi Temple


“They’re freeing the prisoners! Mages too!”

After putting out the fires and protecting the buildings from any further flames with some summoned mists, Io would hear these words from Skarsneek as the male Goblin passed by.

He went to join Gringor in fighting the mad Losia while the other taskforce members and their Shizuyaman allies were still battling the Varjan attackers. However, Io noticed that the Varjans were beginning to be repelled, albeit with tremendous cost to the defenders. But according to Skarsneek, this was not the whole force, a detachment was behind the lines.

Skarsneek appeared to be helping Gringor to finish that fight so they could focus on the hidden Varjan detachment. However, Losia seemed far from being defeated yet. Should Io help them out? Or should she go confront the detachment before they do any more damage?

~ @Restalaan (GRI & SKA) ~

Gringor managed to tear away Losia's corpse-decorated shield from her but the World Hound narrowly sidestepped the High Orc's shoulder. She was about to retaliate with a sword strike when Skarsneek, with a surprise attack, hit her square in the knees with the male Goblin's staff.

But despite the successful maneuver, Losia was only hurt and was still far from falling down. "RRAAAAAAAUUGGGHHH!" She responded by grabbing hold of Skarsneek and hurling him at Gringor. The throw was powerful, but not enough to make the High Orc stumble back. But then Losia dropkicked the two male monsters to the ground.

Losia leapt to the air to bring down her sword on the two monsters.


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

After felling her two attackers, Eula grabbed hold of the Varjan Brigand's sword to use as a weapon but non-lethally.

She joined Takeshi in fighting off more of the Varjans but while Eula did not kill her opponents, the young lord showed absolute no mercy to the invaders of his island. Eula bore witness to Takeshi's mastery of his sword and of combat. She saw him parry one attack after another, evading spear thrusts by the thinnest margin and retaliating with one well-placed thrust of his blade. The way Takeshi fought seemed inhuman, but Eula noticed that he seemed to have a bit of trouble if he fought more than two enemies.

After finishing off his last enemy, some of the Varjans saw that their attack was being repulsed and decided not to fight another day. "Well fought, ma'am. Clumsy, but I can show you a few techniques to make you really amazing. Haha!" Takeshi patted Eula on the back, the two of them safe for now after clearing their area of hostiles.

There were still Varjans fighting, but their momentum was quickly turning. "No... that can't be it. I haven't even seen their leader yet." Takeshi remarked to Eula. "...There must be more. We need to check."

"You help the others finish off these Varjans, while I head back and see if everything's alright." Takeshi suggested to the Automaton. "Or, do you wanna switch places?"


"This is your only warning.... Get off the catapults and withdraw.....or else some of you won't be getting up....Period."
Kerry Maros

The Varjan Footmen smiled at Kerry ominously. "We wanna see you try, bug!" They taunted the Hornet.

Should Kerry summon her wind magic to show these fools who they were messing with, she would find her calls go unanswered. Try as she might, she could no longer command the winds nor cast any sort of magic. Kerry realized something was suppressing the magic, at least hers. And that was when she noticed the obelisk again, what else could it be? The catapults' protection just in case someone like Kerry showed up.

Destroying the obelisk would be the key. But it might not be easy, a whole group of eight Footmen with swords, spears and heater shields charged at Kerry. She could still feel her wings to fly, though. Whether to escape or use it as an advantage, it would be up to her.


“You picked the wrong time to challenge me…..I have little time for playing games little pups.....”
Yuki Akamata

The beasts after Yuki made audible whimpers when they were struck down by the Oni's lightning and sharp claws. They crashed into the ground, and made no moves to get up. They were finished. Meanwhile, Lunatea seem to be holding off her Wardog attackers pretty well with her wind magic so Yuki need not worry about her.

Some of the Wardogs were still harassing some fleeing refugees but before Yuki could go after them, a whole pack of the rabid canines blocked her way. Sauntering into view behind the snarling and growling Wardogs, a Varjan Warrior with animal pelts over his armor and armed with a large knife and a long whip laughed at Yuki. "Where do you think you're going, little monster? My little pups have yet to taste the flesh of monsters! Kill her!"

The Wardog pack all lunged at Yuki, but they were suddenly blasted away by a powerful bolt of lightning. From behind the Oni, a spellcaster with dark red armor similar to a Varjan Warlock's arrived. His head was bare and his face clean-shaven while his eyes glowed light blue with magic. His gauntlets crackled with lightning as he joined Yuki in the fight against the Varjans.

"That's the old armor of the Scarce Legion." The Wardog handler remarked. "A legionnaire fighting alongside monsters? You bring shame to your legion brothers here!"

"I may be of the Scarce Legion..." The newcomer caster replied. "...but I am no longer their brother!" He raised his arms to shoot more thunder at the Varjan handler's position, scattering him and his hounds. He shot more bolts at the evading Wardogs, displaying his arcane might.

Suddenly, Yuki found herself choking. A whip had circled on her neck, courtesy of the Varjan handler. He was trying to pull the Oni down for a stab from his knife.

Varjan Ship


(Currently in collab)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek@Nakushita

“Help! Help! Please help!”

When the dogs entered the temple grounds, they immediately went after the nearest refugees. The wererabbit quickly rushed into position. Without hesitation, she leaped towards the nearest dog, landing a powerful kick to its midsection, sending it flying.

"Go inside!" She yelled at the refugees. "We'll handle them!"

There were still three dogs left. Thankfully, Yuki was there to handle two of them.

The remaining one, well, it went straight after her with a ferocity that took the wererabbit completely by surprise. She knew dogs could act feral and barbaric like this but it was as if it was taught to bite anyone it saw.

"Wind Wall!"

The animal crashed into her barrier, only for it to circle around her, attempting to attack from behind. She gritted her teeth, jumping away from its bite, using wind magic to boost her height.

And then, like a rabbit would, she performed a powerful double kick from mid-air.

The dog yelped, its skull shattered by the powerful force.

With just that single blow, it stopped moving completely.

Two down by her hand. And two others --- Yuki already took care of them.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of it. A fresh new pack of rabid canines entered the ground, led by a Varjan Warrior acting as their beastmaster.

She gritted her teeth, readying herself for another round of combat.

Only for a new fighter to join the fray, blasting the beastmaster with a powerful bolt of lightning.

She stood in awe of his magical prowess.

Causing her to miss the whip grabbing Yuki's neck.

"Yuki!" She yelled. "Release her at once, you vile human!"

She conjured a wind blade with her magic, sending it straight towards the outstretched whip, aiming to cut it into two.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


Takeshi offered two options to Eula: To go back and check on the others, or to keep on pressing the assault with the other warriors of Shizuyama. To her, the only option was to ensure that someone as significant to the region as Takeshi was for him to go and check on the situation. "You're more tactically minded than I am, Takeshi. I will make sure to break through the Varjans here," the automaton said, taking a few steps past Takeshi to rejoin the fighting.

"Oh, and..." Eula would turn back, smiling slightly at Takeshi. "I wouldn't mind learning from you, after this battle. I still have a lot to learn about humans...and I have heard people understand one another when they exchange blows. I look forward to it," the automaton said, before running off with sword in hand, wasting no time as she did what Takeshi asked of her. Her mission was to protect as many soldiers as she could, even if she herself was forbidden from lethally dispatching of any Varjans.

"Laguna? Can you hear me?"

"Of course I can, silly. We didn't give up our audio processors. Those were easy to salvage for her."

Humans were fundamentally flawed creatures. Arrogant, prideful, violent, hypocritical, cowardly, contradictory...so why?

Why was she born to love them so much?

Why did this world love humanity enough to have Monsters love them too?

Eula couldn't think of an answer, as she intercepted a lethal blow for a soldier, her stout arm parrying a Varjan axe, before a blast from her arm stunned the attacker long enough for him to be finished by another. But, even the person she just defended wasn't safe, as an arrow hit him through the eye. Again and again, Eula would save two, lose one, advance three, be knocked down, and have to stand again. It was a game of attrition, one wherein Eula was a Queen that could never take any piece on the board.

She could only bear with the reality of war. She couldn't save anybody. She couldn't kill anybody. She couldn't do anything but hope for victory from others, all while her hands were forced to remain clean of blood.

"Mm. I think...if she thinks like that...maybe the world will be kind to her. Don't you think?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Nakushita
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Nakushita Number 1 Ranked Bucket Fighter

Member Seen 5 hrs ago



Just as Yuki thought she would be free to help out the other refugees from the rabid canines. She came to a stop as a Varjan warrior blocked her path with another pack of beasts by their side. The growling and snarling war dogs before her as she narrowed her eyes both in frustration and anger. Not wanting to be delayed any longer as she knew the longer it took to deal with these beasts, the graver the danger was to the defenseless.

“They won’t ever get a taste of my flesh, they will have to settle for the taste of electricity, as you will soon experience for yourself….”Snarling back almost nearly as wild as the rabid beasts. Her lightning crackling in the palms of her hands as she readied herself for action. But before she could act or make a move, a new arrival interrupted the stand off.

A powerful bolt of lightning, not one of her own, hitting the lunging beasts and blowing them back with a great amount of force. Yuki glancing over her shoulder at the source of this attack, as it wasn’t a man, she was familiar with herself. She wasn’t about to complain about receiving some assistance however, she’d take all the help she could get if it meant rescuing the refugees.

“Thanks….lets get rid of the rest of these beasts and then I can help the rest of the refugees to safety….” Yuki had begun to say only to get cut off mid speech by the whip that circled around her neck. Choking the breath out of her as the handler tried to tug her down for a stab of his knife.

Instinctively she reached both of her clawed hands up to the whip as she put every bit of electricity that she could into the whip hoping it would conduct it back to the handler and help to free her. A grimace on her face as she tried to keep her base intact and remain on her feet. Lunatea’s magical wind blade also being aimed for the length of outstretched whip as Yuki tried to hang on as long as she could.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 19 hrs ago



Io nearly clicked her tongue in annoyance - an ancient reflex that must have been drudged up from such an unpredictable situation progressing as it did. She attributed it to having to run on instinct from moment to moment - something unthinkable for a lich, but necessary to prevent inaction.

Io turned her attention to the Varjans moving after the prisoners. The last thing the defense needed was an unexpected flank to upset the precarious balanced that was currently achieved. "I will see to the Varjans in the backline." She called out, before taking off towards the prisoner's area.

The pages of her grimoire whirled as she called to mind offensive spells. She would need something to decisively handle a group - ideally before they could gain the upper hand. As she ran, the accumulating mist cooled her skin - and Io nearly smiled as she came up with a plan. 'Ah. Perhaps some repurposing is in order.' The mist swirled as she mouthed an amendment to her initial spell, following her in a cloud. The mist itself was harmless... But if the spell was altered with an electric charge it became anything but. It could happen with a single word from Io's mouth, and it was more efficient than a flashy spell of lightning.

Io finished her preparations as she neared where she knew the Varjan prisoners were. She would take a moment to let the mist creep in, as well as examine the force. Io planned to hold the mist until the right moment - or for when others may wise up to what was occurring, whichever came first.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@Nakushita @PaulHaynek @Crowvette@Rezod92 @AzureKnight @Hammerman

Gringor & Skarsneek


"Shut it, hog!"

They argued even as Skarsneek sailed into Gringors arm, the latter aborting his attack and forced to catch the goblin by reflex.

Then when the dropkick came, Skarsneek raised his staff and took the full brunt of the attack. That, unfortunately, transferred to Gringor, sending him tumbling down with the goblin as his back met the ground.

Skarsneek then saw it, that crazy woman was already jumping high in the air and sword in hand.

"Get 'er!"

They didn't know who shouted it first, but both reacted simultaneously.

Skarsneek swerved to the sides, his club already in mid-swing ready smack Lorain right in the knee.

Gringor brought his legs upwards and its momentum sent him rolling backwards, and onto his feet in a smooth instant before he followed it up with a thrust right into Lorain, his axe having the far greater reach.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago


"We wanna see you try, bug!"

"Your funeral, asswipe.", Kerry replied as she began to channel....her......

The fuck?

Try as she might, the winds were no longer answering her call. She couldn't even feel the mana in her own body. Something was actively suppressing her magic. But what could possibly be.....!

Kerry snapped her gaze back toward the obelisk. The glowing obelisk.

The dots connected. Hell, now that she's getting a good look at it, she remembered what this obelisk was as she had seen this before.

"A Null Pillar!? Fuck me!", cursed the hornet, the realization now putting her on backfoot as the situation turned even more dangerous. Being outnumbered already made this hard, but being silenced as well made this endeavor a near death trap. By all means, the wiser call was to retreat......But.....

Kerry gave a quick glance back toward the temple, seeing Io's barrier still standing....but for how much longer? If Kerry went back for help, would the catapults be able to break through during that time?

No, she couldn't risk that. Right now, she was the only one here to do something about their enemies' backline. That left just one option...

"Let's get it on, assholes!", Kerry cried out as she dashed forward. The Varjan Footmen charged as well, willing to meet her head on. When one of their own swung their sword first, however....


Kerry deflected the attack with Dusk before jumping into the air, wings buzzing, and proceeded to use her enemies' heads as stepping stones toward her real objective: The obelisk.

Her plan was simple, really.

Destroy the pillar.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Terauchi Temple


With the summoned mist following her, Io reached the part of the temple where the Varjan prisoners were kept. She was greeted by a sight she probably did not expect.

A pile of bodies on fire, the corpses burned black to be unrecognizable. Refugees slaughtered mercilessly by the Varjans... but there were no groups of hiding villagers near here. There was a small group of three Varjans watching the flames before noticing Io's arrival. Two of them wore the elite armors of the Varjan Elite and armed with halberds, while the last one wore blue armor with robes over it and held a staff with a golden beetle at the top end. His fancy helmet signifying him of importance, the Varjan Warlock leading this assault.

Unlike what Skarsneek said, this group of flanking Varjans didn't have the prisoners with them. Could it be... that the pile of burning bodies were the prisoners instead? "And what have we here? A lost, little Lich?" The Warlock remarked as he sized up Io. "Your magics may be formidable, but you will find mine to be more so. Kill her!"

The two Varjan Elites charged Io with their halberds, but two kunai flew from behind the Lich and hit the Varjans and stopped them in their tracks. Takeshi Oja then ran past Io to do battle with the Varjan Elites, but his appearance caught the Warlock's attention. "Takeshi Oja...? I will have his head!" The Warlock then channeled magic from his staff toward his gauntlet. Intending to blast Takeshi Oja with magic while the young lord was busy with the Elites.


~ @Restalaan (GRI & SKA) ~

Losia's diving attack was stopped with Skarsneek's club to the knee, throwing her momentum off. Then, Gringor recovered quick enough to deliver a swing from his axe to the interrupted World Hound.

The axe swing sent Losia flying towards a burning pagoda, crashing through a pillar. She tried to get up, but that section of the pagoda was badly-burnt and the support beams have been weakened. Losia's crash was the last straw and that section of the building collapsed on the World Hound. The amount of debris that landed on her was enough to completely bury her. Moments passed and there was no movement from the rubble, Losia was done for.

The battle was winding down, but was still raging somewhat. Skarsneek still knew that there was a Varjan detachment which Io left to handle. Meanwhile, catapult fire was still coming and hitting the magic barrier despite Kerry leaving to take care of it. Could something have happened to the Hornet?


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Trying her best to defend and keep the dwindling warriors of Shizuyama alive, Eula continued to fight nonlethally but also take blows meant for her human allies.

But one blow was a little too much for Eula, an upward swing from a two-handed mace sent her to the ground. The Varjan Warrior was about to swing downward, but was slashed in the back by a white-haired warrior in white and red clothes. "You know, you confuse me, yokai." Kazenosuke remarked to the Automaton on the ground. "You know we hate you, yet you come here trying to keep us all alive. Is that how you won Takeshi over? I gotta say, it's pretty effective."

"Although, Takeshi's a softie so stuff like that will work on him. Not sure about the others, though." Kazenosuke gestured to a fighting Kikyo, who continued to dispatch her foes with lightning-like speed. "So why do you do it? You can spill to me. I won't tell anyone, I promise."


The Footmen were left dumbfounded when Kerry engaged them by flying and using their heads to hop towards the magic-nullifying obelisk. "Don't let her destroy the suppression device!"

Kerry reached the obelisk without trouble but when she swung Dusk at it, the obelisk's stone was chipped significantly but remained standing. It was sturdier than it looked and the Footmen arrived to drive off the Hornet. Kerry will need several hits at the obelisk to break it, and the catapults continued to launch burning boulders at Terauchi Temple.

Indeed, the catapult crew used some emplaced fire pits near the artillery pieces to set their catapult ammunition on fire. So perhaps, Kerry did not need her wind magic to stop the catapults. Just some clever thinking and maneuvers. Of course, it was ultimately her choice.


Lunatea managed to cut off the Varjan handler's whip, freeing Yuki who managed to stay on her feet. The handler then tried to charge Yuki with his knife, but a bolt of lightning from the allied spellcaster blasted him away. He then tried to get up, but his weakened state allowed the spellcaster to lift him up to the air and hurl him at the trees outside Terauchi Temple.

"Now, only the mutts remain..." The spellcaster remarked as he, Yuki and Lunatea faced the last of the Varjan Wardogs, whom gathered together to avenge their handler, ignoring and dropping everything else. They bared their teeth and growled, circling the trio and looking for an opening to strike.

Then they struck, several came at once. The spellcaster shot out his lightning bolts while three Wardogs attacked Lunatea and another three at Yuki. The hounds went for the legs, trying to immobilize the two monsters so they were more easily overwhelmed.

But as mentioned, these were the last Wardogs. Yuki and Lunatea can end this fight, here and now!

Varjan Ship


(Currently in collab)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mentions: @PaulHaynek

With Yuki freed, the wererabbit could concentrate fully on her fight. She readied her stance, praying to her magic panties that they would carry her to victory. They responded with a light breeze lifting the skirt of her short dress, almost as if the panties were taunting the hounds to attack.

The warhounds snarled as they rushed towards Lunatea, drool flying from their jaws. As the first hound leapt at her, she summoned a gust of wind, blowing it off course and sending it crashing into two other hounds behind it. They quickly recovered, however, now circling her cautiously, sniffing the air. Lunatea concentrated and spun in a circle, unleashing a small cyclone that pummeled the hounds with leaves and debris. Two of the hounds whined and backed away but another hound lunged at Lunatea from behind, nearly snapping her legs into two with its strong jaws. Grunting, the wererabbit fell forward into a roll, kicking the hound’s belly as she came up in a crouch. The hound yelped and retreated.

The other two hounds then charged all at once, thinking she was showing a weakness that they could exploit. Lunatea, however, summoned her magic and monstrous might and met their charge head-on. Roundhouse kicks conjuring gusts of wind sent hounds crashing into trees. A side kick to the jaw lifted a hound off its paws. A swift upward kick under the chin stunned another.

And then, the fight was over. The two hounds were pretty much immobilized while the other one ran away from its prey.

Lunatea dropped to her knees, exhausted from summoning so much magic through her small body. Her leg muscles were awfully strained as well. This was definitely the hardest she had fought in a long, long while.

The humans, peeking out from behind the walls of the temple, were impressed by what they just saw.

“That girl, she really is fighting for us… even though she’s a youkai…” An old man said as he brushed his beard.

“That was… that was awesome! She took care of those dogs like they’re nothing!” A young kid said, his eyes shining with excitement.

“N-now that I got a better look at her, don’t you think she’s kinda cute?” A young man said to his friend. “The way she fought with all those high kicks… I can see her panties, you know.”

“If you want to be eaten by a youkai, then go ahead and ask her out! See if I care!” His (female) friend replied with a huff, jealous as she had a bit of a crush on him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight (Shizuka), & @The Irish Tree (Liliana)

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 9 hrs ago



Tch, of course. Shit can't be easy.

Kerry quickly hopped to the side to avoid a sword swing, the Footmen regaining their bearings to now protect the Null Pillar. Obviously, the obelisk's durability would not allow it to go down to a single swipe of her spears. By the time she actually dealt with it, the catapults would have broken through the barrier. Time was of the essence, so the hornet would have to utilize something else.

That's when she noticed the fire pits stationed near the catapults. Naturally used to enhance the destructive capability of the Varjan's ammunition.

A smirk bloomed on her lips.

Okay, then. Let's get creative!

After deflecting another sword strike and kicking the combatant in the jaw for all of his troubles, Kerry made a bee-line toward one of the pits. Stashing Mort on her back, she thrusted Dusk underneath the pit with two hands before, with great heave, tossed the fiery contents up and outward...

....toward a catapult!
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 1 day ago

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @Hammerman @Restalaan @Crowvette @Nakushita @Rezod92 @Enkryption

Pre-emptive Strike

"Hinami!!" Atsuha called out to her sister, who had been bludgeoned by the Varjan warrior Losia's shield, having been sent flying back several feet. The jiangshi's strike had connected, but it managed to do was anger the woman, forcing her to spit out a tooth. She then turned to the where Atsuha had been standing with Io, apparently this crazed brute had it out for spellcasters. Charging at them with a battle cry, Atsuha readied her talismans to meet their aggressor. Thankfully, Skarsneek and Gringor managed to avert her attention and start their own battle with her. Skarsneek had warned them that a squad of enemies had managed their way further into the temple grounds and were freeing prisoners. Atsuha winced, as if the situation couldn't get any worse.

Atusha was about to go over to were Hinami was, but she saw that the undead was already on her feet. Being somewhat relieved, she motioned for Hinami to follow her. The two looked to where Skarsneek and Gringor were still fighting Losia. The two, while bickering among themselves, still put up a sizable effort against the lady berserker. Eventually, she managed to down both of them, and attempted to finish the fight with a swing from above. "No!!" Both the sisters exclaimed. Atusha readied a spell while Hinami summoned a a large spike ball with chain. Thankfully, both male monsters managed to evade her strike, and retaliated with blows of their own. The exchange ended with Losia being knocked into a small pagoda, with most of the structure crashing down on her. After a few moments of silence, it seemed the victor had been decided.

The sisters rushed over to the High Orc and Goblin. "Are you two alright?!" Atsuha said. "I'm sorry guys, my blow wasn't enough to slow her down. I...just ended up getting in the way..." Hinami said after. Looking around, the fighting was still going on. Io had left to deal with the squad of attackers further in, while another force was bombarding the barrier Atsuha and Io had made.

"Skarsneek, my love, our strength is yours. Tell us what you have us do, and we shall follow."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago


@Enkryption, @AzureKnight

After getting her eyeballs properly cleaned by some very sanitary salt-water, Liliana was still rolling around in the boat screeching about her eye pain when they arrived. Teary-eyed and squinting, she would roll off of the boat and onto the shoreline, noticing some seriously ominous laughter coming from Alice's direction.

Getting up, Liliana would approach with Whimsy on her back. "...Lady Alice? I'm um...I-I forgive you for choking me and I'm sorry about accidentally tripping you, so um...are you alright?" she asked. She'd never seen Alice like this.


Blow after blow was intercepted by Eula, until one with far more power knocked her off her feet. The killing blow was only stopped thanks to the swordsman in white and red, whom Eula had never seen before. Slowly getting up with her elbows, Eula felt as if something inside her had broken from the mace hit to her stomach. Some internals were leaking collant, some connections severed. Her internals were working to fix the damage, but that could take hours of rest to fully heal. Standing, Eula could feel her left eye growing a touch dim, some internal connection having been strained enough from her standing to make seeing difficult.

"...Why?" Eula asked to Kazenosuke's question, seeking the answer herself.

Why did she let herself be destroyed to intercept fatal blows for humans?

Why did she join a conflict, an actual war, where she would have to fight humans and protect humans?

...And why did thinking about that answer cause clear coolant to leak from behind her malfunctioning eye.

"...Mm. I think I understand myself now," Eula said, already turning back towards the fighting. Her lips curled into a slight smile as she looked back to Kazenosuke, her broken arm now dangling from the barest bits of internal wiring and cables.

"That's because I-"

"Well, its because we made her to-"

"Love humans too much to see them die."

Before she could say anything else, Eula was back in the fight as she had been, fighting to protect rather than destroying anything.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

@PaulHaynek @AzureKnight @Rezod92 @Crowvette @Nakushita

Skarsneek of the Red Hills

That went better than expected as Skarsneek rolled back to his feet, in sync with Gringor as the two looked at where that crazy woman had fallen.

Hearing his wife called out to him, he turned his head and waved to them despite their situation. After all, it raised his morale in that regard.

“Atsuha, Hinami, we’re going to capture the prisoners back. Otherwise, they’ll flank and hit us from the back.” He quickly turned to the priority target, this area fighting was dying down so they need to put out the other fires.

“Lug head, deal with those catapults. Not too hard for you to get, yeah?” He rapped Gringor by the arms with his club, drawing an annoyed grunt

“Bah, don’t let those prisoner escape. They're ours.” Gringor swiped at Skarsneek horns even as he turned around, loose a flick of his wrist towards a Varjan straggler and knock them flat before continuing onwards.

He turned towards the sisters and nodded. “Alright let’s go. Honey, you’re going to restrain them with your webs and charms, me and Hinami will pin them down.”

With that said, the trio quickly went to the scene. Just in time as well, with Takeshi himself and Io already holding them off.

Spotting the two Varjan Elites, Takeshi and that enemy mage further back, a plan leaped to his mind swiftly.

“Hinami, like what we plan. Help Takeshi pin them down.” Skarsneek gestured to the two halberd wielders before grinning to Atsuha. “And restrain them.”

“I’ll keep that fancy armor mage busy.” He said, already recognizing the insignia and emblems. Just like before, one of those warrior mages. It won’t be easy.

“Alright, let’s go!” Once he had the two drilled in the plan, Skarsneek took a deep breath and moved. His footstep turned silent as he snuck to the sides, using the buildings and shadows to keep himself hidden.

Fingers darted around to a broken stick and pocketed a stone.

A few feet away now, Skarsneek tossed the stick upwards to distract the mage's eyesight go upwards.

Twisting and turning, he tossed a stone directly toward the helmet from a low to high angle.

All of that, to set up for a thrust, not to the mage but the arms to distract the shot.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Grunting as he continued his path, noting the catapult's arc before making a beeline towards it.

Charging onwards like a bull, his eyes easily helped him navigate the dark alongside the strong scent of fire, oil, stone, and humans.

From far, he was rapidly approaching as the guards failed to notice him alongside the engineers preoccupied working the machine for the next shot.

Without a single word, he reached the line and slammed his axe towards the nearest people near the catapults, cut through them and their spirit energy. His feet skidded to halt his momentum before he turned toward the other engineers, arms moving like a piston. Axe blurring, giving him a bit more time to cut down more before the guards can notice him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Terauchi Temple


~ @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA), @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

Skarsneek and the Hangai sisters moved to join Io and Takeshi in fighting this small Varjan detachment. Their arrival was greeted by the smell of burning bodies nearby, a pile of charred corpses that didn't belong to the refugees... but rather, of the taskforce's prisoners.

Skarsneek distracted the Scarce Legion Warlock and hit the latter's helmet with a stone and hit the arms with the stuck to disrupt the magical blast. "Why you...!"

The Warlock started shooting smaller, but easier to cast, beams of magical destruction at the male Goblin from his staff, causing more damage to the structures of Terauchi Temple.

Meanwhile, Takeshi continued to fight off the two Varjan Elites. The young lord was having a hard time getting past their armor while the Elites were getting minor hits on him.


As Lunatea dispatched the Wardogs after her with powerful wind magics and mighty kicks, so did Yuki and their new ally in red armor. The hiding villagers could only watch in awe at the powerful beings fighting to protect them.

The Wardogs have all been taken down, granting the two monsters and the spellcaster some reprieve. "...This fight is over, yet the battle still rages." The red-armored spellcaster remarked to Lunatea and Yuki. Indeed, the battles in both the temple entrances were still ongoing, but the attack has lost its momentum. The tide has changed and the attackers were being repulsed.

"You don't look like a warrior, Wererabbit, but you certainly move like one." The spellcaster then offered his hand to strained-leg Lunatea. "I am Revuel. Revuel Arvida. A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, taskforce member." The taskforce's newest ally finally introduced himself.

"I shall continue helping rout the Varjan attackers, but you look like you are at the end of your ropes." Revuel commented on Lunatea's condition. "I can take you to somewhere safe, but you are free to rejoin the fight if you think you are still able."


~ @Rezod92, @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Gringor charged through the Varjan lines unimpeded, for the attackers were retreating. They cared little, if any, at the charging male High Orc, more concerned with leaving the area alive.

Still, the back lines with the catapults were still holding. Gringor saw Kerry fling a fire pit into one of the catapult pieces, setting the wooden artillery on fire and routing the crew. Meanwhile, Kerry saw Gringor charge through the lines and attacking the other catapult's crew. The Varjans manning the artillery tried their best to defend themselves, but they all fell to the High Orc's attacks.

Gringor's rampage was interrupted, however, by a Varjan Elite who wielded an axe and a shield. He bashed the male High Orc away from the catapult and followed it with a mighty vertical swing.


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Love humans too much to see them die."

"...Hey, wait!" Kazenosuke reached out a hand to stop Eula, but was not able to. He could only watch as the Automaton rejoined the fray, unconcerned of her injuries.

Fortunately, Eula did not have to fight for long. After a few more seconds of fighting, the Varjans were retreating. But their backlines seemed still intact, considering that Eula saw Gringor charge out further into the Varjan lines. Before the Automaton could follow, she was stopped by a sudden katana blocking her way.

"Stand down, yokai. You are in no condition to fight any further." The beautiful warrior woman known as Kikyo Kinkakuji sternly told Eula. "I may not like your kind, but I must respect the conviction you have at serving your cause. Risking your life saving humans so we become indebted to you? A plan as deplorable as it is deceitful, but at least you're willing to die for it."

"Come now, Kikyo. She told me she does that because she loves humans." Kazenosuke caught up, offering a retort.

"And you would believe the words of a yokai? Creatures who lie and deceive all the time?" Kikyo countered. "...Although, I don't expect someone like you to understand, Kazenosuke."

Hama Island


After disembarking from the boat, the father immediately appeared. "Maki...?!"

"I'm here father!" The daughter responded after getting off the boat.

"Oh, thank the gods!" They embraced each other tightly for a moment, a reunion neither thought was going to happen this soon and in these circumstances.

"I was with them for days, father. Days."

"I should've come sooner."

"You two both need rest, and get to a survivor camp or a shelter once you have the strength." Ian interjected. "And not forget to say 'thank you' to your yokai saviors!"

The two villagers both formally bowed at the taskforce members. "Thank you."


Fukami Port

Ian rowed the taskforce back to Fukami Port while the father and daughter rest and recover back in the small island.

"All's well that ends well, as they say." The rainbow knight remarked once he and the taskforce were off the boat and well on land. "I'm guessing y'all tired from this little shindig so I'm not gonna occupy much of your time anymore. Still, it's kinda sad that y'all aren't getting much reward from all these adventures. Why don't we rectify that?"

"For your reward on this mission, you can ask me any question. Any question, no strings attached!" Ian told the taskforce. "Ask a question and get an answer! Well, as best an answer I can give you."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

ATTN: @The Irish Tree (Liliana)
"Am I alright," Alice asks, smirking, as her cracks sealed; mycelium repairing and disguising the critical failure of her prison. "I believe so, little Bladeflower, mine. I fear I must apologize for my display," she says, looking back.

Liliana could easily tell that everything was not a catnap on a rainy day good with Alice, as her skin was an olive tan and her hair was strawberry-blonde. It was like Alice, but decidedly not-Alice, too. However, she sounded like Alice, mostly. It was so confusing for the brainlet Fairy, that she likely didn't notice the earnest apology being leveled upon her, until...

"...so, can you find it in your heart to forgive me, my little Bladeflower?" Alice asks, tanned hand over her heart.
ATTN: @AzureKnight (Shizuka), @PaulHaynek (Ian)
Upon reaching the port they'd original departed from long ago, Carroll would find herself roused from passing out, and just in time to hear Ian offer himself up for an impromptu AMA, as if that was worth its weight in gold, and not a fat cloud of smoke and hot air.

...at least, for most of the gathered crowd.

For her, he had an action to answer for.

Shizuka would feel her shake and shift in his hand, recognizing it as her transformation into Human Form, and, likely, he expected the form and face of his dead lover, but received only her voice.

As she shifted, a human woman in bloodied, medieval garb would emerge, instead of the expected snake woman in a traditional Zipangu kimono.

"Then, answer me this," Carroll says, "What the hell did you do to me!?"
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