Cold Comfort: A Single Step
Sleep is difficult outside of normal comforts, yet for working men, far easier than for others. Men who dedicate themselves to crafts, more so. So for Marz who has slept on an anvil, sleeping within the confines of solitary confinement, it was not pleasant, yet he could. His time within solitary confinment was just that, solitary. It was quiet and he had nothing to do, it left him with just thoughts, and all he could think was why was he here. What brought him to this place, what reason he accepted the request from the school. He had no clue, all he could think was that the reason him being here is idiotic at best.
In the morning, he had his answer, if not for why he accepted the request, but for why he stayed, it was for this. For a promise he made, to a child, to bring his father home. As the loud screeching of metal scraping against metal resounded within the hole Marz was in, leaving him slightly disorientated before he saw a ladder unceremoniously drop as the voice above him yelled, "Get up here already".
Marz was brought to the dining hall as here he saw everyone eating, many of them noticing him and nodding, giving confirmation that what he did was good. Choran even gave a light wave to Marz, telling him to come over, yet for Marz, he was looking for someone else. His eyes landed on Venna, who was eating alone like always. Marz took his food and began walking to her, as he sat down and looked to her.
His eyes were unwavering, unmoving as he looked to Venna, she looked up, sheepishly at first as she seemed to be in her own thoughts. But as she looked up to Marz, she realized that his eyes told everything, the overwhelming and unwavering look Marz gave her nearly seemed to tell everything, yet when no word came out as he began to eat, it left a near deafening silence.
"Uh, 'ey Marz", Venna tried to break the ice, yet nothing responded.
"Uh, yer okay, I 'eard solitary is bad", Marz did not as much made a sound just eating as he looked to her.
Sweat began to bead on Venna's head, "Is ev'rythin' okay? You seem to be starin' hard".
Marz broke his silence, "Rats".
Venna's eyes widened yet she kept her composure, "Rats? That's terrible".
Marz spoke quietly then, letting the sounds of everythign else nearly drown him out, enough so only one could hear, "Aye, a rat is terrible, especially if you trust it".
Venna nearly stiffened as she could see on Marz, his inflections, reactions, everything, even if the words only partially reached her ears, she could read what was on his face. He knew, he knows she was the reason these things happened.
Venna leaned in, "Please", as Venna seems to now almost be begging Mar.
"They have my father".
"I know"
"And my brother, he came here with my father to find me"
Marz looked to her strangely for a moment as he then asked, "Who's your father?"
"His name is Argor Halghivan, why?"
Marz sighed as he set his spoon into his bowl finishing up his meal, "Because I met your brother". Then he rose up and began to walk away.
Venna began to look around in confusion as she began to try and quickly go after him, "You did? How is he?"
"Fine, worried, missing his father", Marz then set his bowl onto the table, as a bell rang, telling everyone it was time to head off for work.
Venna tried to follow Marz, however as the general population moved, he was surrounded by those who had gathered to talk about the device, leaving her again alone, and now possibly about to be outed as a rat, and she remembered what happened last time when they found one.
Marz left with the others to begin talking about the device in the short bit of time they had. The device was almost done, all that needed to be done was last touches then testing. Marz nodded his head as he listened, letting them speak, as one finally asked, "Do you think this is it? Is this our way out?"
"It's our only way, we're stuck forever otherwise". Marz broke his silence once more, confirming with all around him what everyone knew, the monks would never let them leave. Not alive.
During work everyone seemed to be nose to the grindstone, everyone was working hard, it was only when Marz heard a voice cut through the working did he stop. "Did you tell'em?"
Venna looked utterly confused, almost shocked at what she just heard, "Why?"
"Then I can't keep the promise I made to yer brother".
"He wanted me to find yer father, if you get ratted out, not only are you in danger, yer father is, and yer brother".
Venna sat there, astonished, "Uh…okay".
Marz continued working, silence had fallen between the 2 for a moment before he said one last thing, "You can still help. That is your one choice 'ere. If not, then stay, and hope that they keep their word. You know the ones who are making us weapon, when telling us we are trying to help get magic back".
Venna was left with the choice, the option, hope the monks keep their word, or work with her people to become free. She looked down to her cart as Marz continued to work. Marz too his hammer and set it down, getting ready to punch out to leave. Venna grabbed onto his arm as said between tears, "Let me help".
Marz nodded as he said, "Tell everyone, be ready".
Marz left for the restroom, giving Choran a small nod before he left, as there stood 2 monks on either side of the bathroom. They both looked to Marz as their eyes nearly pierced through him. Once he entered, he reached into the toilet once more and retrieved the device. Seeing all it needed was one final piece, as small needle. Once he set the needle within the device, he waited, inspecting the device, as the moment he heard yelling he stood up and put the device under his belt line.
The moment that Marz left, both monks were yelling at Choran who had left too early to use the bathroom. Marz used the commotion to move, as Choran was being pushed back, Marz left to head back to the work floor, taking a bit of a detour to make it there by dodging those who were watching the bathroom. Marz took this time to do the one thing they needed to, he pressed a screw which shifted forward and he felt for a moment, his manas once more. He took a breath in, and then sighed, knowing it worked.
Now back on the floor everyone looked to Marz, wondering what was going on, as all he gave was a nod. Once they all began to work, hammering began to happen, as it became rhythmic, synchronized, and sometime in response. For those uninitiated, this seemed like smiths all following a similar pace, yet for those within this prison, it was a form of communication. It could take multiple minutes to get a response of a word, however it was a system made that could be replicated by those who were in the know. For Marz, he gave the signal to all, "It. Works."
A resounding slam of hammers happened the moment the news was spread, everyone understood, and everyone knew, be ready. Their freedom was at hand.
The Hegelans continued to work, now with Venna moving between the smiths, speaking amongst them, seeming to be passing off things to each, as eventually they noticed the multiple monks moving, seeming to almost be rushing somewhere. In the commotion, they even noticed a monk or 2 left the work floor. Something was happening, and everyone noticed , as once more the symphony of hammers began to fall. But it was Marz to go and break the noise, he slammed hard. As he continued to do so, telling everyone, "Shut". As he began to conversation saying, "Now", all the other Hegelans raised their hammers prepared to give a response.
In that moment, a loud boom occurred, blowing off the thick heavy doors to the work shop and sent smoke hurling through the tunnels. Roars and yells occurred from within, flames, lightning and light shot through out the workshop as one lone monk broke through the smoke, running out of the workshop and through the tunnels, with great force, yet he felt his feet sleep as the magic he was once using dissappeared and then a loud shot occurred taking his head from his shoulders. There, stood Marz, with one of the guns he partially finished in one hand, and in the other, a the anti-magic dampening device. From within the workshop, yelling began to occur calls of freedom rang out as Choran was the one to yell the loudest,
"Step 1!"
"Secure the keep!"
"Secure the keep!"
"Step 2"
"Ascend from darkness!"
"Ascend from darkness!"
The Hegelans began to chant as they moved through the tunnels, Marz was the one who led the charge, next to him was Choran who continued to chant the words. Calling each Hegelan to call out in unison. When the Hegelan were going through the tunnels, Marz used the device sparingly, using it to give them magic to move and fight, and then turn it off after first contact to give the monks no time to respond to the full aggression. Almost like a tidal wave of crazed men and women wielding weapons they were once working on to now gain their freedom.
"Step 3!"
"Spit Fire!"
"Spit Fire!"
Their first destination was to head to the armory that the monks had. Many knew they had one, but it was Venna who knew the location. It was a large stone door locked and kept sealed, near impossible without multiple people and someone with keys, however that mattered little to one with magic. Marz drew from the door, taking in the stone, the metal, everything and destroying it utterly, allowing for the Hegelans to become armed with real weapons.
Blades, armor, clubs, guns, everything a small waring band needed. Yet what was most important, a small supply of Mana shots and 2 prime shots. Choran looked to them, thought for a moment then tossed Mars a few and said, "You'll need these".
Marz nodded as he began to arm himself, he put himself into some of the smaller armor they had, and it fit well, little snug in some areas yet it worked. He grabbed himself then a shield and a club. Placing both to his side before taking the mana drinks and downing them. His eyes bulged for a moment before he let out a sigh, he could feel his body acclimating and then empowered.
Choran then yelled out to all within the armory:
"Step 4!"
"Unleash the horde"
"Unleash the horde"
The now enraged and empowered Hegelans began their rampage through the tunnels of the monastery. They were heading to free their other brothers and sisters from the other workshop, but first they needed to fend off the many beasts the monks had let loose within the tunnels. These smaller dragons who have a similar shape to a dog were normally used to control riots and find any items people tried to hide. They could cover themselves in fire and had heightened smell and sight.

The hegelans began to hear the many skittering feet of these dragons they knew this was to come, as Marz turned on the device as the others began to form a shield wall. Choran called out once more:
"Step 5!"
"Skewer the wicked beasts!"
"Skewer the wicked beasts!"
In that moment, the dragon dogs made contact as the moment they tried to use their magic to coat themselves in fire to charge through the shields, Marz turned off the device having the dogs slam into the shields before the Hegelans brought down their weapons. With brutal efficency, the hegelans wiped out the many Dragon dogs, clearing them more and more, until none were left.
The hegelans continued forward, wiping out the many monks that stood in their way, as the moment they neared the other workshop they began to see fire and smoke spew out from the doors. There they saw more Hegelans pour out roaring and yelling. They wielded their hammers like weapons as they rushed out and saw the other group. They were about to clash when Venna ran and called out, "Father!"
Venna ran forward as she tackled a taller Hegelan, thinner man now, but who still had quite a bit of muscle on him still. He took hold of Venna as he said, "Oh my darling, are you okay?" Venna nodded as they began to talk and reconnect, it was Marz who broke the conversation, "Argor Halghivan?"
The man who was holding Venna looked to Marz and said, "Aye".
"Good to meet you, I came here to get you to yer son".
The men shook each others hand as Argor looked to Marz with curiosity, "What is your name?"
"Marz. Marz Mohfolk".
"Mohfolk?", the man nodded his head as he realized something, "Mohfolk, hmm, then maybe".
Marz looked to the man as he said, "What do you mean?"
"There is a weapon here being made", the man began to head off back into the workshop, with most of the hegelans following in confusion. There they walked to the center of the workshop where there was a large metal plate, when moved there were 5 weapons within, "These are 5 of the only weapons we have been able to produce during this time".
Within was a large dark black tower shield that seems to be too large to be held by any normal man, a large rifle like weapon that seemed to be too unwieldy for any to trully use, a thin and sleek single edged blade that seemed to be cutting into the ground, a bow that seemed to be humming with energy, and in the center a hammer with a flaming head and handle that seems to hum with energy.
Marz marveled at each item, all of them seems to be so well crafted and formed
Argor then continued, "Each are quite strong, but this one is unique-", Argor pointed to the one in the center, "the Vossoriyans who took over this place had us making them weapons. With this one being specially made fer their protector. We had been forced to make this one fer countless months and finally we were able to finish it. None of us could wield it, but I think you could".
Marz looked to the items then to Argor, he then asked, "Yer sure?"
Argor nodded, as when Marz looked around he noticed many of the others seemed curious, wondering if he would take it. Marz then looked back to the weapons as he prepped himself. He took a deep breath in then out as he took hold of the handle, as he began to feel the immense weight of the weapon, such is the weight of a Chaos Marble. Yet it was in that moment Marz was finally able to lift it even slightly an unbelievable amount of power flowed from the weapon. As the head of the hammer began to super heat and become hotter as it began to heat up to unfathomable levels. Most of the hegelans were instantly forced back as Marz began to feel the energy become even greater. The head of the hammer became so hot it began to melt the stone around it and Marz as even the other weapons began to melt, slowly and surely they melted away as the hammer seemed to draw in the material, slowly forming was seemed to be a more solid hammer head, as more energy began to flow out. It took Marz time to finally fully draw in the energy the hammer was producing to become manageable for him, as he felt his energy stores filled to their maximum and then some.
Within Marz' hands, he wielded a 2 handed Warhammer with pitch black metal and incandescent white and red burning forming from the head of the hammer.

Once Marz was finally able to take control the weapon, he began to head beck to the others who were beginning to become sick near him from the sheer amount of energy flowing through him. Argor was the first to respond, "Seems like I was right. How does it feel?"
"Strange, yet good".
"Ya, this weapon was made to do a bunch of things, but most importantly, it feels like you have the heart of a volcano in yer hand".
Marz nod his head as he tosses the hammer in his hand and shifts it, "Yeah, I can feel that".
Choran patted Marz on the back as he called to everyone, "Step 6!"
But it was Marz to call out, "Wield a Fist of Iron!" As he held up the warhammer, all the hegelans roared out in excitement.
And so the group of hegelans continued their attack, it was Marz to lead the charge as he wielded the hammer that would not yield to no shield or wall.
"Step 7!"
"Raise Hell'
"Raise Hell'
The Hegelans continued their carnage, until finally they had neared the surface. They could feel the air become cooler, and air became fresher, and then finally, they could see the sun. For some, the first time in a few months, for Marz even for a few days, it felt like a lifetime.