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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked between both Max and Guin the two of them would probably end up butting heads or something quiet a lot if Max did choose to stay here permanently that is anyway. She wasn't sure where Max was coming from when he said that none of them liked him, she only had met Max really once in Wanda's reality and that was it. All she remembered was that he tried to hit on Pietro back at that ball if she remembered right back in that other reality to. When they finally landed Carolina stood up and stretched slightly as she listened to Guin as she gave the team instructions and what to do.

"Don't engage unless we are engaged got it." Carolina said as she started to follow shortly behind Pietro and Jaclyn off of the Blackbird and onto the hangar of the massive asteroid. She looked back at Max for a moment putting her hands into her pockets. "Also for the record I never said I disliked you or anything like that we only met once briefly before and thats about it really so we can start off fresh or something now if you'd like." Carolina said as she decided to walk forward towards the closest door to try and search for their friends.

Bethany Bell

Skills: Shadow, Manipulation, Shadow Stealth, Shadow Travel.

Bethany was still holding and maintaining their cover as she looked over towards the door seeing that the people weren't leaving yet really either which wasn't a good thing then as she concentrated. She looked at the map that Mira managed to pull up and was glad that she had a little reference for them to travel hopefully out of the room. "Annie if you can make a distraction if it fails would be nice so something big that would scare them would be good to." Bethany suggested.

"But yeah I can try and shadow travel us somewhere closer just further away from this group of people." Bethany said, she really didn't want to engage in a fight if they had to. "If I acidentally shadow travel ourselves into a group of people on the other side just get ready for a fight just in case." Bethany told them as she tried to concentrate once more.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed bolted after Mary. He did not want to be left alone. Once the others had caught up with where the wall of smoke ended he quickly put up a shield. Instead of shaping it like a bubble, as he normally did, he stretched it across the hallway. Anyone running through the wall of smoke would essentially run into a force field.

"Where do we need to meet up with the others?" Ed was so done with this place and just wanted to get out of there. He had had his fill with space travel for the time being.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird - Asteroid M Docking Bay
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

I don't want to be with Max. If he annoys you too much, knock him out and put him in the back of the Blackbird, Guin proposed to Pietro. Besides, she wanted Pietro on the opposite team to her - the mental link between the two of them made communication even easier. And if something happened to her group that made Guin unable to telepathically warn the others, Pietro would know. If it hadn't been for that advantage, Guin would've put him in a group with her. He wasn't as incredibly overprotective as he used to be, but still overprotective enough.

Her eye twitched at Max's reply. She started the day not even really remembering who he was - and now, she hated him. She wanted to punch him. But she thought better of it. Xavier was always telling her she needed to stretch her powers more. And before she even really thought about what she was doing, she went inside of Max's mind. She made a few key edits. Well, really just one. Every time Max said the word plan, he'd forget how to move in any manner other than skipping. No running, no jumping, no crawling, no walking. Only skipping. It'd be a short effect - just a minute or so - but Guin didn't care.

She felt a little guilty, but what was done was done.

"Alright, let's go," Guin said, taking the opposite exit to Carolina's group.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"Could you maybe make an illusion of Magneto?" Neil whispered. Maybe it was Magneto through that door, and if that was the case, nothing they'd make an illusion of would be likely to scare him away. But if it wasn't Magneto, then Magneto was one of the scariest people that Neil could think of - especially here, on this metal space station. Annie knew who Magneto was too, so her illusion of him would hopefully be more accurate.

But ideally, Bethany's powers would work and would get them to the hangar where the others were - waiting with their ride to get out of this place. Then they could all get back to the mansion and Neil could go back to plotting D&D campaigns and anxiously trying not to think about what was bothering him. He gave a small encouraging smile to Bethany. He trusted her. And he trusted Mira. And he trusted Annie.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry gave Flynn some bombastic side-eye. "A literal space rock filled with people who want us dead and competing in some weird contest isn't the weirdest thing you've experienced? We need to sit down and swap stories man because that's wild to me. When we aren't running for our lives, of course." Perry ran along with the others, leaving the attackers to slip in the ice Detective Ed set down.

She still felt bad about shocking Mary, but the girl seemed okay. She kept an eye on her just in case. It occurred to her that they were still on this rock with no way of knowing where to go. Even Ed had it figured out. "Yeah, where are we going? As much as I enjoy getting my steps in, I doubt those jokers will be subdued for long. Though, you gotta admit, invisible ice is a nice touch. Up top!' She held her hand up to no one in particular to give her a high five.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Lab
Skills: N/A

Annie didn't say anything immediately, but odds were that she was up to make an illusion of Magneto, given she'd suggested making the illusion in the first place. Mira was hoping they'd end up far enough down the hallway to avoid this conflict entirely, but their luck never panned out that way. Hence when Bethany mentioned being prepared for a fight, she was doing just that. She just needed to remember not to overdo it. There wasn't exactly an easy way to find a bottle of water around if her throat started to go hoarse or something like that.

"Here's hoping this works out," she said softly, before Bethany's powers took off and they seemingly teleported out of the room. They landed in the hallway further down away from the room they had just been in. Seemed like quite a bit of distance, to the point that now they couldn't hear the voices that had been nearby. Plus they didn't land in a group of people or anything like that! It was kind of the best case scenario for them, after getting directly into the hanger of sorts of course, though Bethany would feel a little tired from it, she wasn't fully exhausted or anything like that at least though.

"Well, think we just landed with the best case of what could happen..." she said, pulling out her phone to look at the map again. "Okay, well, looks like this hallway can get us part of the way there, but we'll have to go into a few other ones once we get farther along. Meaning we should be prepared to run into anymore trouble."

Lance Banner

Location: Docking Bay
Skills: N/A

Fiiiiiiine, but at this rate I'm probably going to go rant at him in order to maybe get him to shut up about everything... Pietro's voice echoed through Guin's head.

"Uh yeah, well doubt anyone can actually fix this headache," Lance said towards Max, before he walked away following after Guin now. He wasn't entirely sure what they were supposed to do now to find everyone else, since them walking around blindly wasn't exactly the smartest decision in the world. Since currently they were working on finding everyone else and trying to avoid Magneto and his followers. The current situation was a bit odd, and he couldn't help but wonder what sort of things the group would get into.

His attention turned towards Jaclyn as they went along and he decided to say something, "Just a heads up, this sort of dysfunctionality is kind of a given. It happens a lot more often then not, so get used to it," he said to her, before turning his attention to Guin. Since she was in charge of this little mission to find everyone, which he definitely agreed with despite how Max seemed to be acting. "So Guin... Do we know what sort of direction we're aiming to go or anything? Your call and all..."

Marygold Isley

Location: Open Central Area
Skills: N/A

"Try on the moon, with velociraptors with wings, a red tabby cat on one of their backs and who the raptors listened to for some weird reason, leading the charge into a fight. That also is not the only weird thing that cat did," Flynn said to Perry now that they were away from the chaos that was behind them and a bit further away.

The question though now remained to where they were supposed to go now. Mary had only a rough idea of how the place was laid out, which wasn't exactly helpful to them at the moment since they had just gone down a random hallway within the base. Which meant they could be just about anywhere right now in order to get there. And if she had to guess, odds were the other group was splitting up a bit to try to find them. That's kind of what she'd do with the facility this big, just like back on Galactus' ship.

"Well that's the thing, I'm not entirely sure where they are. The hanger is far away on the opposite side of this place from where we are, along the out edge of the place. Where we are more in a central area. I can maybe message Guin and ask where they are, otherwise we should try to find the outer edge of the base, since that will likely help us out..." Mary said to the others. She was really out of ideas at this point, and she wasn't entirely sure there was much she could do to help their situation. She new everyone else was wanting to get off this space rock, but right now there wasn't much she could do about it.

Hey Guin, where are you guys at or where to meet up with you? This place is huge and we need to find a place to meet up to see about getting out of here, she messaged to Guin, and now the message seemed to be going through clearly, as if whatever was dampening the effect was only meant to block messaging from inside the asteroid to the outside or vice versa.

Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
Pietro and Miranda both followed along after the group they both had ended up with. Pietro was still somewhat annoyed that he got stuck with Max, and was not too thrilled with his comment about the whole everyone hating him thing. Once the other group had gone out of sight, he turned to look at Max. "Ok, let's get a few things straight here, I can't speak for anyone else, but can speak definitely for me. You're right, I don't like you, our interactions in the reality my sister created weren't the best, then add onto the fact that you show up and that's when all hell breaks loose coincidentally, and then you sit there and act like you are in charge. I did ask for ideas sure, but then you took that, and made it seemingly go a bit overboard by seemingly acting like you were the one to make all of the final calls. As for Guin, she doesn't like you for most of the same reasons as me, and you also seem just as annoyed as literally everyone else that we weren't there for Genosha when most of us were trying to help out someone else already."

"Pietro perhaps you should calm down a little bit." Miranda said towards him rather calmly, at least he wasn't overly seeming to shout or anything.

"Nope, I'm going to say this out loud to mister high and mighty who clearly thinks he's better then everyone else. If you looked at the bigger picture, the reason Lance kind of is in a bad mood, and why very much doesn't want to be here is because if you actually paid attention to the rest of the world you'd notice the giant Hulk shaped hole missing on the Avengers lineup that is currently being filled by Banner's cousin. His dad, disappeared almost a year ago and has been missing with no traces since. No one fully knows what happened, but we figured out that somehow he wound up somewhere in space so we were kind of trying to track down where he went and failed miserably at it, so sorry if it seems like most everyone hates you, it has been a really crappy few months, and we come back and everyone hates us when we didn't even know this whole situation was happening. So hooray for us. Sounds great. Ok, rant done, now on to actually trying to find everyone else and avoid running into my dad at all costs."

"...I agree with the avoiding Erik if possible, though he likely isn't the one to truly cause problems for us while we're here..." She ended up saying as the group went along. They didn't seem to be running into anyone else currently.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Againā€¦

Antoinette fell into a bit of a meditative silence as she thought about what illusion she could cast and where she should cast it in the hallway. Of course, her plan was the backup plan. She felt pretty good about it, and Neilā€™s belief only fueled that fire. She smiled at him and shut her eyes, ready to project an illusion of Magneto if things went south. Luckily, Bethany pulled through, and they shadowed travel a decent amount. When she opened her eyes, she couldnā€™t see or hear the other group. Antoinette walked over and squeezed Bethanyā€™s shoulders. ā€Amazing, Bethany,ā€ she complimented before looking around.
There didnā€™t seem to be any immediate threat in the area, but there were a lot of doors. Antoinette glanced at the map and noticed they were still far away. At least they were headed in the right direction. ā€I suppose we should keep going while we can.ā€
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 26 min ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry
Weapon-on-Hand: Bo Staff

Hearing the phrasing of a life that never was with a past that didn't exist had the odd quality of being both confusing and amusing. When Max later said maybe they could have proper introductions after all this, Jaclyn smiled. Thinking to herself she wouldn't mind if those proper intros involved a little history on that other stuff, though she'd understand if it wasn't a comfortable subject to talk about.
She wondered what Max had been going to say before when he'd said "nevermind", and that was the last she lingered on that portion of things. She was shifting her mind in the direction she was moving -forward- and towards the members of the team that would be making up the subteam of which she was a part.

That being said, she still picked up Max's attempt to relieve Lance's headache and Lance's response. That was curious....did Lance have some underlying condition? Something else for another time.

Jaclyn appreciated Carolina's response to Max before the teams went their separate ways proper.

As they went along, Jaclyn was trying to dial into all her senses. Take in not only visually what was around them, but also audibly what could be coming etc. and not ignore any "bad feelings" she might suddenly feel; the kind like when you know you're being watched, or just have this sense about something. Jaclyn believed in intuition.

A little ways on and the first thing that drew Jaclyn's attention turned out to be Lance. Her expression remained neutral as his heads up came to a close. It was good to know, although she had her own opinions about it. Which she would've articulated though he posed a question to Guin, then. The way he ended it with "your call and all" sounded to Jaclyn like a light, maybe shy way of affirming his faith in Guin's leadership after it had been called into question.

Jaclyn listened for Guin's response while still keeping aware of their surroundings, which were pretty interesting even devoid of any other noticeable activity as yet; it wasn't everyday you got to walk around an asteroid base.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina listened to Pietro as he started to lay into Max a little bit as she sighed slightly Miranda tried to calm the situation down but Pietro continued to explain what had happened. She did feel bad that she wasn't there and able to help out at Genosha as well to, however she was helping Neil and Mira with a family issue with Neil's family with some sort of zombie issue. She followed alongside Pietro and into the next hallway as she looked at Max.

"I wasn't with the rest of the team with their space adventures I was helping Neil out with a personal family problem along with Mira, if I was able I would have been there on Genosha as well to." Carolina explained hopefully if that was the reason why Max seemed to have some sort of issue with the team, they were off planet or were preoccupied with other things. She did feel bad for all of the mutants that were lost on Genosha and if she could she would have been there to help out.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany concentrated on shadow traveling the group, as she closed her eyes and then a few seconds later she opened them again to see that they were now in a completely new area of the asteroid. However she was feeling very tired and drained after that as she dropped the cover around the group, they were now visible again she gave Annie a slight smile and nodded. "Glad that it actually worked then, I never really tried doing a massive shadow travel like that before." She said as she started to walk forward and started to look around luckily there wasn't anyone here yet anyway that is.

"That did take a lot out of me, so I don't know if i'll be able to do that again just so you guys know." Bethany said to the group, they got a good distance away from where they originally were which was good then. Though if she did try it again anytime soon the results might not be a good thing and end up out in space or inside of a wall or something like that.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Flynn said something sounded like an acid trip. Ed blinked. Could he believe the guy? He sounded serious. And why make something like that up? How would you even make something like that up? It sounded so ridiculous it could only be true.

"Yeah, fair." Ed said to Mary. Choosing to sort of ignore the insanity of what Flynn had said. Splitting up had given them the chance to cover more ground, but now they'd have to find the others on the Astroid before they could leave if getting to the rescue team was straightforward.

Ed rubbed his temples. This whole thing was chaotic. He literally couldn't understand why they had been brought here if everyone was going to hate them and basically attack on sight.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

A strange feeling came over Max as Lance spoke about his incurable headache. It was both what he'd said and the way he said it that made him worry about Lance. Watching as he walked away without saying so much as another word before exiting the spacecraft. It left him alone with Carolina, another one of his current team, and someone from his past as well but in more ways than one. He wasn't quite sure how to react to her statement. For one he was glad she didn't dislike him, for another it felt strange to need to reforge bonds with someone who he'd previously shared trauma with. It felt as though it was only yesterday that they stood before a being of death as they traversed across Limbo, and now it was as if she was seeing him for the first time. "Right. Later thenā€¦" He found himself saying as she left him there alone for a moment.

Max waited, staring out at the expanse of space before moving his sights back onto those before him. He was the odd man out. It made him yearn for the days of the Mutant Underground. Made him miss his time with Dr. Strange. At least in those places he knew where he stood. Max made his way down, joining his party before Pietro decided to tear him a new one. Clearly he was going through some things, and although he appreciated Miranda's attempt to calm him down, Max felt as though this was something Pietro needed to get off his chest. He tried his best not to talk back, to just listen as the speedster ranted towards him, venting frustrations that had clearly begun well before he ever came into the picture. When he finally finished he had a clear thought. These fuckers needed therapy.

"I never said I thought I was better than anyone else. And it's clear I had missed out on the issues happening back here while I was both cryogenically frozen for a long period of time as well as dealing with several issues that popped up around Genosha. I had no idea Lance's father had gone missingā€¦though I find it strange that Strange hadn't offered to help with a spellā€¦unlessā€¦" Max stopped himself, not wishing to think aloud what had come to mind. What if this had all occurred during his death, while Max was stuck in Limbo. That would explain the absence for sure. "Unless it happened during my time in Limbo. Either way I can try and implore what spells I have at my disposal to help. Both here and in search for the Hulk. And for what it's worthā€¦I'm sorry you guys have had a crappy time lately. " Max said as he attempted to cast a locating spell for Neil and Ed.

He followed the gestures as best as he could recall, but not an ounce of magic even poured out of him. Max froze for a moment. He'd never not had spell energy come forth even with a failure. "Don't suppose anyone has a mirror? Or something reflective? Much easier to cast the spell on an object like that than to create a disc out of thin air." Max said, looking towards the group. He'd decided not to answer towards Carolina for now, though it appeared the X-men had a lot of family issues and drama that needed to be resolved.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Truly it was wild to think that the lot of them have done and been through so many things. Velociraptors on the moon? Granted, they were running on an asteroid. Still, when she had decided to join the X-men, she didn't figure she would be going on wild adventures like this. She didn't regret it though. This was helping her grow.

She wondered how Detective Ed and Barry were feeling. She hadn't checked in on them in a while, but it was still awkward having conversations with people only she and a few others saw. Though it was probably not the weirdest thing this group has seen if their stories were any indication.

She hoped Mary could connect with Guin and the others soon. If they had any hope of getting through this, they needed to all be together.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose āœØKrakoan PrincessāœØ

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird - Asteroid M Docking Bay
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

"Hold that thought, Mary's coming on through cleanly now," Guin said, putting a finger to the side of her head. It was much easier to hear Mary's thoughts than it had been before - Guin wouldn't have been surprised if the metal exterior of the base was made out of a similar material to Magneto's helmets. Thoughts were cleanly received inside of it, but going from the interior to the exterior had been a static nightmare. This was much more like what Guin was used to when she was hanging around the Mansion - a constant underlying chatter of thoughts, worries, anxieties, hopes, and dreams. It was enough to drive someone mad if they let it.

"Where would a good meetup point be..." she pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. Let me put you on hold for a quick sec, she said to Mary telepathically. Her powers were working well, so Guin figured the easiest way to find a meet-up point - as well as just get a general lay of the land - would be to telepathically dive into the minds of others.

"Looks like we're still a bit away from everyone else. But there's a large room - seems like a computer room of sorts, a main console sort of area - that's in the middle. I think we should rendez vous there," Guin told Jaclyn and Lance. She then relayed the same information to Mary. Okay, there's a giant computer control room sorta thingy, can you find it? Scan my mind for an image of it, I grabbed it off of a rando...

Guin then started heading in the rough direction of that room.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

A little bit of tension left Neil's body as they teleported, appearing in a quiet hallway. But some part of him had almost wished that they would've run into others. It felt somewhat like a horror movie, knowing that the murderer was lurking around some corner. It wasn't that he wished that they'd run into a fight - it was more that he wanted to get the inevitable fight over with. He couldn't think of a single time when the X-Men had faced Magneto and it hadn't come to blows. Maybe at Quicksilver and Iron Star's wedding? Although, from what he remembered, things had been pretty tense even then...

He hoped the others were okay.

"Maybe Annie, you could try to disguise us as other people as we walk about?" Neil suggested. "As Magneto, or... Just as some random people that don't matter. Not X-Men at least," he added. Annie's illusion power he figured ought to be perfect for this sort of application. If they ran into other people but they weren't interesting, then they could just pass them by like ships in the night without a fight. Hopefully though, they'd be able to make it to the others - Mira was guiding them at the moment, and it sounded like they were getting somewhat close.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, you probably should keep from doing anything super tiring... At least until we actually could need it. Since on a space rock with a bunch of people with powers when what you've got is limited is a really big hassle... Take that from someone whose powers are useless if they have a sore throat which can happen from overusing their powers," Mira said to Bethany with a smile, as they walked along. She wasn't entirely sure what they could say or do at this point to potentially fix things in general.

Hearing Neil's idea, she nodded her head a bit, "It'd be a more minor illusion... So maybe you could Annie? Would make things go a bit easier if you were able to..." she said towards her. Up ahead they were about to enter a large central sort of room, and it was the one that they needed to go through in order to potentially see about getting towards the hangar area (which was still a little ways away from where they were on the map) and they could hear a few voices. It was hard to determine the voices of most of those ahead of them, but one stuck out like a sore thumb. The voice of Magneto himself, being ahead of them in that room that they needed to go through.

"...So Annie, about that illusion to make us not super easily recognizable? That would be a good thing I think... Like right now..."

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Lance nodded his head, before continuing to follow along after her. Well hopefully there wasn't too much in the ways of difficulty around them, nothing too specific anyway. He trusted Guin, and as for Jaclyn, well she was a bit of a wild card. He didn't exactly have much of an opinion about her, and she at the moment was being fairly quiet, so he was wondering a bit what was going through her head. But he wasn't going to straight up ask that sort of thing or anything.

"Hopefully we can find everyone and get out of here..." he commented, as the corridor started to wind around a bit as they walked. That is, until much farther down, there was someone else coming around a corner. One who both Lance and Guin would easily recognize on site. That being Exodus, the guy who very nearly had killed Pietro earlier that day resulting in them having to make do with what they could find to do a blood transfusion. This was definitely one the list of things that were not good, especially since Pietro had earlier very bluntly stated they should avoid Exodus.

And it was just their luck, the hallway they were in didn't have any exits or doors to slip into to avoid him.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Her head was pounding from a number of things at the moment. The entire situation was crazy, constantly trying to maintain the connection with Guin, and despite not saying anything about it, she was still feeling the after effects of Perry accidentally electrocuting her. I have a vague idea of a map I got, but we'll head there, hopefully we'll see you soon, or something like that. She responded to her, figuring it was as good a place as any to meet up.

It wasn't that hard for her to essentially read the room, as Ed seemed, at least to her, be getting as frustrated about everything as she was. She was not sure what to do and everything was going insanely poorly. They just needed to get off the station and back to Earth. "There is a room we're going to meet up with Guin at, then we can get the hell out of here..." she ended up eventually saying to the rest of the group, before deciding to message Guin one last thing This whole situation is giving me a massive headache...

As the group would eventually head along, they'd walk by a doorway that was open, however immediately there was the sound of some footsteps after they had passed it, and eventually they'd all hear a familiar voice behind them. "Well now, what are you all doing? Found what you were looking for?" came the voice of Fabian Cortez, and they'd see him now stepping out into the hallway behind them.

"...Ok, I'm totally on team maybe punch the guy but that's just me, since why is he popping up now?" Flynn muttered under his breath.

"Looks like you all were in a fight I assume? I thought I had heard a very faint sound of something like that, but figured it was just the place being mostly empty that gave me that sort of feeling."

"Well right now we are very much working on leaving."

Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
Pietro seemed to almost laugh at what Max had said about Strange, "Honestly Strange cares more about himself at most of the time then others, he's been absolutely no help. Stark's been trying to find out what the hell happened to even have caused that to have happened. Wouldn't be surprised if Strange thinks that the Hulk was a big enough threat to not care about whether or not he gets found," Pietro said to Max, "He's been MIA since last May."

Miranda seemed to be paying more attention to the actual task at hand, like how Max had asked for something, before she instantly turned to look at Pietro. "Pietro, you are still a bit of a kleptomaniac at times aren't you?"

"...Yeah? So what if I am? To be fair I have tried to tone that sort of thing down a little bit, but yeah... Thought that was obvious."

"Well if anyone has a mirror of sorts like what Max is asking it would be you so maybe you should check the many pockets you have and look to see if you have something... And it will be a don't ask don't tell thing if you do have something."

Pietro let out a bit of a sigh before he started going through the pockets on his jacket, and at first it would appear like he mainly had random bits of food in the pockets, mostly Twinkies really. However after a moment there would be a few random bits of wiring and some tools as well. What looked to be a few souvenirs from around the world, things like that. Eventually, he managed to open one last pocket, and he pulled out what looked to be a very nice hand held mirror that looked like he'd wrapped it in some form of covering to protect it while he was moving. The padding was actually fairly well thought out, so it wasn't super surprising that the mirror was fine. "Here you go," he said a little annoyed, unwrapping the mirror and handing it over to Max.

He'd be in one of the many rooms of the asteroid. This room was an engineering lab of sorts (likely one of many) and the door of said room was wide open. He'd hear voices farther along the corridor, but one would likely be easily recognized since it was a bit louder and sounding a bit annoyed. That being the voice of Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver, Magneto's son, the guy who was considered a traitor more so at times then the X-Men themselves were (even as he was a member of the team) by many of the non-Brotherhood members on the Asteroid. Though some of them also had that sort of view. So it was a bit odd for him to be there somehow.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Robert had more or less finished up his current work for the day. Currently, he was trying to develop some new actuators for the space suits to allow for easier moving of materials for when they inevitably expanded the place. After all, if there was one thing he had learned about packing a bunch of mutants into one building, no matter how large it was, there was going to be a LOT of hanky-panky, meaning that replenishing or growing the population he doubted would be any kind of problem. The main problem would be making room for them, growing food, keeping up with the energy demands. Face facts, if Asteroids were meant to sustain life, they would already do so. This was like fitting wings to a car. Yes technically it can do something that it couldn't before, but that doesn't mean it would be any good at that something. Why oh why did he listen to a damn word Asari had said? "Yes i promise i will help a mad terrorist complete his mad vision." were not the exact words out of his mouth, but they may as well have been. At least Genosha was an actual island capable of sustaining life. Plus, it was the middle of the Mediterranean, could catch some rays down at the beach... Then again, his pasty celtic skin had never really browned too well. He smiled as he remembered him and his wife's adventures across southern Italy and how many days he had had to lay down and let her rub ointment onto all of his sun-burns.

He let out another sigh as he came back to his current present out in deep space before flicking the controls of his wheelchair and the motors whirred him towards the door. He needed to go check of little Jasmine. She was in the middle of class at the moment. With the lack of animals aboard, her powers would be difficult to train, but most importantly, difficult to go out of control. As he went towards the door, he heard a voice he hadn't heard in some time from out in the hallway. He sighed again as he wheeled out into the hall and looked Pietro and the other 2 with him up and down. "Pietro Maximoff..." He sighed in his Irish brogue. "Can't say as i'm totally shocked to see you come crawling back to your pappy. Lemme give you fair warning, there are a lot of your old Brotherhood buddies up here who are rightfully pissed at you jumping ship." He slowly wheeled towards him. "But mammy never raised a snitch, so I won't tell them if you don't. Anyway, your old buddies around here listen to everything your Ould Fella says, and he's pretty forgiving to mutants, so i'd say you zip on over to him, have your little heart-to-heart and you'll be good as gold." As he got close enough to the three of them, he extended a hand for Pietro to shake "Robert Linden, we never met in person, but i saw yer face on quite a few dart boards around here. And who may i ask are your buddies? New recruits for the-" He put on his best Magneto impression in a somewhat mocking tone "Glorious Cause for Mutant Self Determination Among the Stars!?" Not even remotely attempting to hide the distain for what he was also clearly working for.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Pietroā€™s words made no sense to Max at first. Strange didnā€™t care about himself. He cared about the cosmic good, about the wellbeing of their cosmoā€™s and all that affected it. Then again, those who didnā€™t know Strange, the ones whoā€™d only heard of him or met him in passing, theyā€™d see it differently. His calculations and priorities might seem cold or self centered much like how the mutants on Genosha felt about the X-men, perhaps the X-men felt that way about Strange. Each branch only focusing on a smaller scale than the next and incapable or unwilling to broaden their view to see why it was that the others refused to help. Max was seeing that now, how this team that he used to think was so well constructed and whom he looked up to, whom he later saw had flaws or morality, now were just others who were no different than himself or anyone from the Mutant Underground. Each of them had their flaws, and each of them had their own personal demons they were fighting in order to stay afloat. It didnā€™t excuse Xaviers actions, but at the very least it helped to shed some light on how any of them could show their face in public.

Miranda chimed in. Cutting off any train of thought that Max had had and launching him into a confused flurry of faces. Heā€™d know idea why she had brought up Pietroā€™s cleptomania, that is not until sheā€™d mentioned the mirror. If he was being honest, his comment before was just a throw away one, not meant to be taken seriously as he had doubted any of them would carry such a thing. But here was Pietro, pulling out a small ornate mirror that was meticulously wrapped before being handed to him. Max stared in disbelief for a moment, before finally he thanked the speedster with an elated laugh. He focused in on the mirror as a strange man rolled out from another room and made their way towards them. Maxā€™s initial instincts told him to fight, to run, but that wasnā€™t what they had spoken about. They were to avoid fighting unless attacked first. The man seemed nice enough. Max paid half attention to what it was that he was saying as he spoke to Pietro. He ran a finger along the outer rim of the mirror, tracing its reflective surface as he muttered some mystic words and the reflection was replaced with that of Neil. Max moved the image around a little, trying to see where it was that Neil was, though the hallway looked just like any other heā€™d seen in this place. They seemed to be heading in towards a larger room, and he had an idea as to who might know where they were, but first.

ā€Neil, it's Max. Weā€™ve landed and are searching for you guys. This place is huge. Weā€™re at the docking bay, can you get here?ā€ Max spoke the words though they never left his mouth. Silence took over as he mouthed each syllable before finally his spell was spoken and the words would appear inside of Neilā€™s head. Heā€™d be able to respond, though whether heā€™d get back the full length of his message was up to how well Neil handled it. Max turned the mirror towards the man before them, who claimed heā€™d keep his lips sealed. ā€Itā€™s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Lindan, and for my sake I hope you keep that no snitching policy. Iā€™m searching for my friend, do you recognize this location?ā€ To Max it may just look like any old hallway, but to someone who may have been spending some time up here, there may be some small differences Max couldnā€™t see. Places were funny like that. Like twins, they could be identical, but there were always some minor differences to tell them apart.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry followed the group, growing more anxious to get off this stupid rock. If she had known winning the fight would send her here, she'd have lost on purpose.

Who was she kidding? No she wouldn't!

Eventually they passed a doorway and heard footsteps. Perry prepared herself to fight back, only to see Mr. Douchebag himself again. She stayed ready though. "Thank you! That's what I've been saying!" she said in response to Flynn. The dude needed to be face punched.

They didn't seem any closer to finding a way off this asteroid though. "Yeah, ran into some people who were not happy to see us. Seems like a lot of people here aren't happy to see us and I can safely say the feeling's mutual, so how about instead of standing there like a grade-A, voted most likely to be eaten when we eat the rich, face-punchable chad and send us in the right direction or provide transport. Honestly, if this ends up being some ploy to get everyone together only to start in on some grand masterplan, I will blow this entire rock the fuck up."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

Ed was even on Team Punch the Guy. He hated this whole situation. If people were going to keep treating them like they didn't belong...Well it was a good thing in Ed's mind they were trying to leave. Why bring people you hated to a giant tin can in space? It made no sense to Ed. What was the motivation for even giving them a chance to get here?

"By looking for you mean a way to leave. If we had that would we be here?" While they technically had a way to leave, it was in a 'sort of, not quite' complete state. Since they needed to meet up with the rest of the group. Maybe they shouldn't have split up. Now they not only had to find Guin, but the other group too.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina continued to follow alongside the others as they continued to search for the rest of their teammates, her attention turned towards Max when he asked for a mirror. The only thing that she really had on her was a phone, but she was pretty sure that reception was definitely not going to work up here at all really. [color=cyan["So once we rescue everyone here and we get back does anyone have any kind of plans?"[/color] Carolina decided to ask, in order to make some small talk. Pietro for some reason had a handheld mirror on him and handed it towards Max, she wasn't sure what use that would really be.

Carolina's attention quickly turned towards a new voice who seemed to know Pietro for some reason as Carolina turned to stare at Robert, he didn't attack them which was a good thing then. "Hello there, we are just looking for our friends and we were going to head back home. I'm Carolina by the way." She said extending her hand towards Robert, being friendly as possible hopefully things won't turn violent.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

"Don't worry I won't try and do that then last thing I want to happen is shadow traveling us into space or something like that." Bethany said with a slight laugh, when she was tired either her shadow travel ability didn't work at all or she ended up traveling somewhere else that she didn't want to be. Bethany's eyes wondered up and down the hallway as she stuffed her hands into her pockets, so far there wasn't anyone hostile yet. Her attention turned towards a large atrium of sorts Bethany wasn't sure what to really expect as she could hear some voices in the distance.

However one voice did point out to her as she could hear Magneto's distinctive voice, she really wasn't looking forward to having an encounter with Magneto. "We should try and avoid him." Bethany said looking over at the others, she was pretty sure that he would attack them all if they did end up being in the sight of Magneto.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 26 min ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry
Weapon-on-Hand: Bo Staff

Of everyone in the group OfAll was with -the group at large, before they'd split up- Lance, to her, seemed the most anxious to get this over with. Not that she could blame him, it was just something she noted.

Following Guin in the direction of the just-described computer room, OfAll couldn't help thinking how in a room like that, they could also likely check off some kind of info-grabbing the likes of which Max had suggested before. She couldn't help thinking it, but she wasn't intending to follow through, necessarily. They were supposed to be pressing on without any secondary objective. Just, OfAll would keep it in mind if they knew they would be waiting there for an amount of time for the others to arrive; "might as well" sort of thing. Provided they could do it without raising the trouble bar.

Which lead to another thought, though: if they were waiting anywhere for the others to meet up with them, why hadn't they just waited at the jet? OfAll hadn't realized Guin could get a navigationally-sound lay of the land like this, however telepathically she did it. And, would the jet still be there for them when--

Just then somebody came into view a distance in front of them causing an instinctive pause. OfAll didn't know who this was, but a quick glance towards Guin and Lance informed her they definitely did, and the person down the hallway was certainly not a welcome face.

"Can you mind control them to not see us?" OfAll asked into Guin's ear, leery of what might be about to happen.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Againā€¦
Skills:Illusion Casting;

They didnā€™t get very far when voices reached them. Magnetoā€™s voice caught Antoinetteā€™s ear, and she hesitated. The group seemed adamant about Antoinette using an illusion. It warmed her soul that they trusted her, but it also worried her. Illusions could be so unpredictable.
ā€Well, I guess thereā€™s no way of working unless we try it. Any suggestions? I canā€™t do Magneto if he is just around the corner.ā€ That would draw the wrong kind of attention.

ā€œHow about Wanda?ā€ Neil suggested
ā€œOr Polaris,ā€ Bethany said.

Wanda seemed the better option to Antoinette. She remembered Wanda well from the alternate reality she created and this one. Polaris might be too much of a trigger for Magneto. Antoinette shut her eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out with a nod. ā€Manifest, and it shall be.ā€ Her purple eye started to glow brightly as she thought of the Scarlet Witch. The air began to shimmer a few feet away as Antoinette worked. Within a minute, Wanda appeared in the hallway, looking incredibly realistic as she walked to the next doorway. She turned, facing the group in the central hall and crossed her arms. Waiting.

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