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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SirStriker


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Name: Samuel “Rex” Aggregate

Age: 66

Nationality: American

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Rex Lucis

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee/Ranged, Light Element

Noble Arm Abilities:
Fury of the Sun: Rex Lucis spins in front of Samuel, increasing in speed rapidly as the older man grimaces from the effort. Light begins to shine from the weapon, increasing in amount quickly as it becomes blinding. At this point, Victor lets out a satisfied grunt and a beam of light as tall and wide as a semi truck bursts forth from the spinning weapon. Sweat beads down his forehead as he keeps the beam going at his old age, the attack burning, melting, and evaporating almost everything it touches.

Angel Rays: Like light that shines through a dark cloud, dozens of bolts of pure sunlight the size of a baseball bat burst forth towards Victor's foes as he raises Rex Lucis above his head and points with it. Dozens more come forth after the originals strike their targets down, leaving scorched and charred bodies behind. Like his other abilities, Angel Rays does best against non metal and stone objects, repeated strikes against most metals like steel will see the metal and stone sundered. Naked flesh, clothing, and anything living cannot be expected to put up ant resistance when struck.

Echos of Lucis: Victor takes Rex Lucis in both hands and light envelopes the blade, elongating it to double its size. Solid flesh is immediately cauterized, metals give some resistance but all give way with enough effort, leaving a melted line through whatever was cut.

Superhuman Strength and Durability: Light floods through his whole body, enhancing his strength and toughening his flesh and bones.

Shield of Light: Light erupts into being, seeming to emanate directly from Rexs body. While this ability is being used, Rex is impervious to almost all attacks (Though the most powerful of attacks can break through) and cannot use any other ability,

Lightspeed: Like the light he wields, Rex can be fast. Perhaps not as fast as light itself, Rex mind works at near triple that of a normal person when he uses this ability, all so he can properly utilize the speed of his ability. Like Shield of Light, Lightspeed cannot be used with any other ability, instead having to return to normal speeds of movement and thought to attack.

Bright Embrace (Passive): While Rex Lucis is visible, a constant light emanates from the spear. All those that the light touches and are friendly to the wielder of Rex Lucis find their morale boosted. They can’t help but look on the bright side of things, why would they do otherwise when Rex has come to their aid after all.

Guiding Light: A beam of gentle light erupts from the end of Rex Lucis and towards the targets of its wielder. Instead of hurting them in any way however, instead those it touches now see the world as if it was daytime as long as Rex Lucis is active. This ability is of course only useful during the night time however and those who have the ability granted to them have their eyes encased in light as if they were glowing.

Everything the Light Touches (passive): Rex is King of the Light, master of Rex Lucis and so everything the light touches, he knows of. While light from the sun, even that reflected off the moon, is touching a person who means to do harm in some fashion to the wielder of Rex Lucis, the wielder is aware and can sense them. Through years of testing the ability, Rex knows that the effective distance of this sense is about a 500 mile radius. This ability also has a secondary part to it. As light is made to drive out shadow, so was Rex Lucis. The darker a person's soul, the heavier their burdens, the more the light seeks them out, and the more Rex Lucis wishes to drive away that shadow that darkens them. The more a person has killed, the more they want to kill, the greater their hatred towards Rex Lucis, the more Rex Lucis wants to destroy that foe. On the other hand, the more guilt one feels at doing evil, at killing a person, harming another, or even losing one’s innocence, the more a person succumbs to that shadow within them, the greater help Rex Lucis can do. All of Rex Lucis abilities are increased when directed at these beings.

Misc Abilities: Fluent in english and spanish, good sailor, black belt in Judo.

Personality: A humble, kind, and wise older man with much that he wishes to teach those younger than him and much that haunts his past.

*Likes: The good and kind, those who are willing to fight for what is right, cheese

*Dislikes: Braggarts, those who mistreat others, pickles.

Fears: Losing his family, the loss of his home.

Bio: Victor was the first and remains the only member of his family to manifest a Noble Arm. When Victor manifested at the age of ten, the Korean war had just ended and the Vietnam war was beginning to take hold of the American public's attention. Victor was kept a secret from the American people, taken away from his family and made into a living weapon to win American conflicts.

It wasn’t until near the end of the Vietnam war that the public became aware of Victor, now codenamed as “Rex” by the military. This 17 year old weapon of mass destruction had burned much of Vietnam in strikes against communism, but with the war ending and with public support against the war, he was seen as a monster.

“The War Criminal Kid” is what he was called when American forces returned home. If the troops were treated like criminals, he was ten times worse. No one seemed to care that this was not his choice, that he had a choice at all.

Things got better for him over the years however as he used his powers more openly. He becomes one of America's ultimate weapons, if not its ultimate weapons. By 2000, with the millenia turning, the mere mention of his name by American diplomats brought a chill to the enemies of the USA. It was at the same time however, that he announced his retirement from the military. The cold war was over, he was not needed.

So Rex retired to a small house in Southern Georgia where he could live with his widowed sister, her children, and his dogs. Finally at peace, for now.

*Current Goal: See the Chinese thrown back, keep the younger members alive and try to shield them from the depravities of war.

Military or Civilian Rank: Retired Colonel
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

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Senhara No Thoughts, Head Empty / (she/they)

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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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5'6|140 Pounds

Name: Special Agent Myron Makaraig

Age: 22

Nationality: Filipino-American.

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:

Insert NA Rank Here:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Support/Ranged, Element of Data/Information

Noble Arm Abilities:

Data Conversion - Can convert objects and people touched by the Shield into raw data/information who are then contained in the Noble Arm; the larger the object or person, the longer it takes to convert, although an average human adult can be turned to data in a full second, while an automobile takes five minutes. This power works only through direct contact with the shield and people converted to data are knocked unconscious by said conversion. Not just that, but objects converted to data can be turned back into their material forms by a mental command alone; smaller objects become physical again instantly while larger objects, such as people take time to reappear (same pace as conversion to data).

He can store up to an entire luxury yacht's worth of matter in his shield if given 12 hours, and can theoretically store twice that if given 48 hours of constant concentration, but it is not recommended.

Data Transmission - Myron can 'connect' to a mundane electronic device, such as a radio, telephone, or internet-capable gadget and transfer the data he stores in the shield to said device, allowing objects and people to be transported at high speeds. The drawback to this is that this process is affected by anything that can jam communications IRL, such as electronic jamming, firewalls, and antivirus, or just the destruction of the corresponding device before it 'downloads' the data. Living beings (people) who had been converted to data and failed to transfer reappear at the location of Myron's shield, physically damaged depending on the measures taken to stop them. This is also why Myron's Noble Arm has (S) in Range, because this can theoretically allow him to exceed the dreaded A-rank by using the IRL internet (still not recommended due to antivirus programs, though).

Misc Abilities: Myron fights like a Normal person most of the time, being adept in guns, unarmed combat, and melee, with his forte being hacking and cyberwarfare, also poisons and antidotes. He has, in the past, also been trained to look cute and adorable so that he can treacherously stab, gun down, and poison Arms Masters. This is because he used to be a member of the Disablers, an Anti-Arms Master terrorist organization, and he keeps using many of their techniques despite his new allegiance.

Personality: Myron is resentful of the world, resentful of the system, resentful of factions, and is working for the Philippine Government of National Salvation because they guarantee him his revenge against the members of the Hammer of Masters and Disablers, as well as pay him in cold hard cash plus confiscated haciendas (estates/plantations) from the discredited members of the previous Government. Though he has a side that wishes the best for people, he prefers to bury it with a hedonistic attitude where he appreciates the finer things in life a bit too much. And by that, he is the type to give most of the land he's given to the tenant farmers already farming it but keeping enough to ensure a comfortable life for himself.

*Likes: Coffee, Cash, Sports Cars.

*Dislikes: The Hammer of Masters, Disablers, and being forced to kill children.

Fears: The Former Head of the Hammer of Masters, [Identity is a Spoiler].

Bio: Myron was born to an American Businessman and a Filipino 'bar girl' who sought to marry him for money, but was deceived and thrown away. Raised in poverty and bearing the brunt of his mother's abuse, Myron was sold to the 'Spartan Training Program' overseas in Singapore at the age of six by people who promised that he would come back as an Arms Master. Instead, at the age of 12, he escaped with several other students and joined the Disablers, a group of Anti-Arms Master terrorists who killed Arms Masters through ambush, assassination, and bombings. Myron was thus trained further, taught to lure in Arms Masters into wanting to protect him so that he can literally stab them in the back.

At the age of sixteen, he fought against the Hammer of Masters in Northern Iraq, where their leader had established 'The Malikate', a nation for Arms Masters to rule over Non-Arms Masters, and two years of hard fighting followed, where he killed several Arms Masters simply by posing as an enslaved 'Normal Person' and poisoning their water supplies, setting up IEDs and traps, or even - And this haunts him to no end - kidnapping their children, even those who had not manifested a Noble Arm, and using them to lure their Arms Master parents to buildings filled to the brim with explosives.

When he turned eighteen, in the final siege of the Malikate's base on the Syrian - Iraqi border, Myron was captured by the Hammer of Master's 'Malik', [NAME REDACTED], who had him thrown into the dungeons in order to... He refuses to speak of it, only saying that he was busted out by the Malik's second-in-command himself. However, as he trekked back to the Disablers' battle lines, he realized this: That the Hammer and the Disablers had become mirror images of each other, fueled by hate. And as he realized this, he grew a Noble Arm, realized that he cannot go back to the Disablers, and as the world was thrown into chaos by the announcement that three groups had emerged that can give Noble Arms to ordinary people, sought asylum with the UN and returned to the Philippines.

He next emerged four years later, as a mercenary working with the coup plotters who set up the Government of National Salvation when it turned out the newly-elected President of the Philippines was planning to traffick his own voters to China to be used as slaves and human sacrifices by the Downward Descent. During the new Government's takeover, he and another Arms Master, Noel Alonso, led the Storming of Malacañang Palace, where the two put down all resistance and arrested the President and all adult members of his family, before moving on to arresting the Old Government's supporters in the countryside, where he was granted several hundred hectares of land confiscated from those corrupt oligarchs, most of which he gave to the tenant farmers who farmed them.

Now, he has been sent to aid the newly-formed Task Force Obsidian (composed of most of the PCs) relieve the Philippines' new allies in the Pacific...

*Current Goal: Hold on to the estates he had been granted by the Government of National Salvation and give them over to their tenant farmers as smallholdings.

Military or Civilian Rank: Special Inspector with powers equivalent to a First Lieutenant.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by QJT
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QJT The Charmless Romantic

Member Seen 24 days ago


Name: Iker Orozco

Age: 27

Nationality: Mexican (Tlaxcalan)

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Campeón Champiñón

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Ranged, but requires Melee/Close-Range

Noble Arm Abilities: Clavado: Iker physically lodges his axe and moves or manipulates one object at a time within roughly a kilometer of similar composition as any or all of the materials through which the axe is lodged, including the host itself, within the limitations of said materials.

The harder to dislodge the axe, the further control he has. He does not have to hold the axe, but the axe acts as a conduit. He must know what the target object is and in which direction it lies (with 30 degrees' room for error). When the axe is dislodged, he may choose to reverse the damage to the original host.

Materials must match physical properties. For example, wood that becomes burnt and metal that is melted would be rendered inoperable. Living organisms of the same species count as having the same material composition, but living organisms and dead organisms don't. Live trees are the exception, counting both as lumber and as living organisms. Non-sapient target organisms can also be matured or reverted.

Misc Abilities: Expert marksman with regards to firearms and archery; can use a bola effectively.

Personality: Believes himself no better or worse than anyone else, and so maintains a baseline level of respect from strangers to bosses. He will just as readily bop the nose of a president as clean up after a janitor's meal. He takes efforts to ensure that his acts of kindness go unnoticed but that his words of wisdom are heeded. He will make distasteful jokes in the most inappropriate times if he thinks they'd be humorous, and he's not afraid to voice his honest opinion.

*Likes: Smart humor, good steak, humbling the mighty

*Dislikes: Minors, fanfare, personal recognition, arrogant people, cynics

Fears: Mobs and mob mentality, obscurity, ants

Bio: Affinity against radicals runs in Iker's blood. His oldest traceable ancestor, a minor don, lost his land and fortune during Mexico's War for Independence. Another of his ancestors fell to the Zapatistas. His mother never knew her father, as the Partido de las Pobres murdered him. The family tree's collection of pruned branches were jokingly considered a curse in Iker's lineage. His father's fatal mining incident only added to the superstition.

The paternal figure in Iker's life was replaced by the comfort of his extended family, the glorious profiles of Iker's heritage, and the sovereignty of his God. His childhood fantasies were of brave soldiery, not for Mexico but for Spain, destined for failure yet resolute. His uncle (thrice removed) pitied the desperado and took him hunting in Texas on several occasions, where Iker refined his marksmanship outside the Institutional Revolutionary Party's confines.

Iker tasted the wider world, and he wanted a fuller meal. He briefly bade his loved ones farewell and departed, not to return. He was abandoned in memory because none dared to follow. He toured South America, taking various short-term employments, few lasting beyond three months. He learned new skills and expanded his repertoire. He traversed Peru, mined in Chile, herded cattle in Argentina, and finally trimmed Brazil's rainforest.

The Brazilian mechanical equipment once experienced temporary breakdowns. Out of options, Iker and his compatriots charged the trees with axes. Iker imagined himself tearing the lumber apart as he chopped it. Cries came from down the line, as a wholly separate tree splintered into pieces. Iker dropped his assigned axe to find in his hands an alternate, luminous battle-axe. Needless to say, the crew met their quota for the day even before the machinery was repaired.

Over the next year or so, Iker would test his newfound abilities across all manner of flora and fauna, separating the possible from the impossible. Iker had doubtless more to learn but stood alone in his expertise. Soon, WWIII broke out. China in Iker's eyes embodied the stagnant radicalism he so despised. He made his journey to the Philippines and offered his services as a contracted Noble Arm. Perhaps he would succeed where his predecessors had failed, and break the curse of revolution.

*Current Goal: For now, to earn his daily bread. In retirement, to own a large ranch and proclaim himself a Don.

Military or Civilian Rank: N/A

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sniblet
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Sniblet drinking problem

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Ryik
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Ryik Wandering Phantasm

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Digmata


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


5'6|140 Pounds

Name: Amadeo Balagtas

Age: 18

Nationality: Filipino

Noble Arm Name & Appearance:

Noble Arm Rank:

Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Melee + Support, Wind, and Close Range.

Noble Arm Abilities:

Wind Manipulation - Amadeo can move the air around him, allowing him to manipulate minor weather patterns and to fly at subsonic speeds.

Misc Abilities: A well-read youth who is also athletic; he likes track and field and fencing and is also a good painter and a reasonable photographer.

Personality: Amadeo fantasizes about the war ending tomorrow so he can continue on with his life, a sentiment that makes him look lazy and unmotivated; he prefers to present himself as someone with no purpose in life, although he values his 'Inheritance', the Noble Arm that had been 'grown' from his Grandfather's soul and found a new home in him after the latter's death. His Grandfather, Michael Balagtas (not actually related to the Filipino Poet), was the person he most admired, being a poet of exceptional merit. He fancies himself an artist, dedicated to showing people the beauty of the world even at these times, and wants to make a work that speaks to both mind and heart, although it frustrates him that he is no good as a poet while he has very few chances to practice his painting at wartime.

He feels inadequate due to having acquired a Noble Arm not by personal development but through his soul's resemblance to his Grandfather's, which attracted his Noble Arm to him. This inadequacy fuels sloth in him, but being called that entrenches him in his (presented) purposelessness and inferiority complex. Nevertheless, he is patriotic enough to want to protect the country that was dear to his Grandfather, and so despite complaints, he struggles to do his part; he is a reluctant patriot but a patriot nonetheless.

*Likes: Beautiful things, tasteful decor, poetry.

*Dislikes: Bad poetry, tacky and gaudy decorations, actual work.

Fears: What would be worse? Capture by the enemy, or Death?

Bio: A graduate of Manila's infamous 'Trinidad Academy', Amadeo embodies the stereotype of that place; a lazy bum coasting by on his family's wealth and reputation.

This reputation was built during the days of his Grandfather, Michael Balagtas, who grew his own Noble Arm from his own soul through personal development and wielded him against the country's foes, which included its own Government during darker days. After the restoration of Philippine Democracy in the 80s', Michael reconnected with his children and grandchildren, and he encouraged Amadeo to be a painter and an athlete while tasting the joys of life without excess.

But it all ended in tragedy after Michael's death, as Amadeo inherited his Grandfather's Noble Arm, the Sword of the Wind, and his parents promptly transferred him out of his previous school and into Trinidad Academy to be trained as an Arms Master, where he, in an act of rebellion, purposefully held himself back to the minimum required to pass.

While he was glad that he resembled his Grandfather enough for the latter's Noble Arm to be drawn to his soul, he also couldn't but feel that he had been cheated out of his own development. Either way, his reputation as a lazy, somewhat depressed lout did not save him from being called to war when China struck, and so he is now at the war front, trying to make sure that the country his Grandfather valued still stood, that its beauty was preserved as much as possible, that its people finally had a chance at raising themselves up.

*Current Goal: Overcome his inferiority complex to his Grandfather.

Military or Civilian Rank: Sergeant.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Name: Cristina Bernardino

Age: 17

Nationality: Filipino

Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Sinagtala(Starlight), a complete dark blade with multiple white spots that is comparable to the stars in a night sky.

Noble Arm Rank: C

Noble Arm Type: Melee
Element Space
Range: Close to Mid Range

Noble Arm Abilities:

Rip Space- Cristina can create a tear in spacetime by swinging her blade, allowing her to capture anything smaller than the size of a small truck that passed through into a pocket dimension she called the Imaginary Space. Her next swing would release everything she captured.
-Cross Space- Cristina can hide inside the tear instead allowing her to temporarily access the Imaginary space for herself and move across it for a maximum amount of 30 seconds. While inside this space she cannot interact with objects in the real world.

Addendum: If someone was partially captured inside the Imaginary Space like having a limb covered, they will automatically be sucked into it.

Shooting Star- Cristina can fire starlight projectiles from her sword. They have homing properties and explode on contact with force equal to a grenade.
-Blinding Star- A variant of the Shooting Star skill where instead of an explosive blast, a flash of blinding light was instead released.

Mirage Space- Cristina's greatest technique which allows her to indiscriminately trap everyone in a 30 meters long dome of the Imaginary Space . While inside Amelia has the ability to fly, fire sword beams and teleport in exchange for taking a huge strain in her body and inability to activate Rip Space due to being already inside the Imaginary Space. This ability can be canceled with overwhelming power, by defeating Amelia or voluntary deactivation.

Misc Abilities:

Swordsmanship- Cristina after the activation of her Noble Arm had sought to master the usage of her weapon, studying and practicing forms she could find until she completed a personal style.

Intrigue- Life as an mercenary had made Cristina naturally observant, allowing her to figure out the intent behind someone's words and determine if she's being swindled.

Pain Tolerance- Cristina's ability to make herself believe that she can endure more damage was far higher than the average. During her time in the facility, she will get her bones broken, muscles torn, body bleeding and tell herself to just 'finish the task'. This served her well when taking blows from other Arms Masters.

Personality: Straight to the point and doesn't mince her words. She will uphold her end of the bargain as long as the other side doesn't screw her over. Has a soft spot for children and silent bloodlust for combat.

*Likes: Night Sky watching, fighting people, children

*Dislikes: Torturers, Liars, beating around the bush

Fears: There was a silent possibility that her reunion with her sister won't be the heartfelt moment she thought it would be.

Bio: An orphan who doesn't know the identity of her parents, a young Cristina has always been aware of the struggles of life but always believes that with help of her wiser, clever older sister Basilia. This belief has persisted even when they are both sold by their orphanage to be trained in an STP program with the hopes of them developing their own Noble Arms.

It was hard, it was grueling and sometimes she wondered if she was in hell but with Basilia’s support she managed to push through the program despite failing to develop a Noble Arm unlike her sister. Things for a while are looking up for the two.

That was until one day, when the members of the Downward Descent suddenly attacked the facility, killing everyone in their path. Man, woman and children every single one of them was slain while some fled to the scene. Cristina was one of those who escaped from the attack while Basilia bought her time to escape.

Cristina ran until her legs gave out and she herself passed out. When she woke up, she learned that the facility was burned to ashes and she is one of the few survivors. She also learned their treatment of their students was actually illegal to the point of being considered torture.

When everything sank in and Cristina made a promise to herself under that night sky.

She knew her sister was alive and that she would find her.That was when Sinagtala appeared in her hands as if it was a silent gift.

From that moment forward she works as a freelancer for people, doing escort missions, espionage tasks and even extracting kidnapped children. That was until she received an offer from someone

*Current Goal: Find her sister or at least find out what happened to her.

Military or Civilian Rank: Freelancer
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Blitzyboi
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Let me know if this needs improvement.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Let me know if this needs improvement.

Post in the OOC first. Characters are for already-approved characters.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blitzyboi
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<Snipped quote by Blitzyboi>

Post in the OOC first. Characters are for already-approved characters.

Oh, whoops.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Nimbus
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Nimbus Eudaimonia Seeker

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