Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"I didn't know it was either, I was just really really hoping it was. So take it as a good thing or we'd really really be dead right now," Lance said as the group was now sort of just floating there in an empty corridor. Now they really needed to figure out something to do to fix this situation, since he had no idea how much air their actually was in the bubble that they were in. Apparently Guin did eventually manage to switch with Exodus, but that did now mean that Exodus was in Guin's body and was clearly not happy about that.

Exodus’ eyes widened. “Whore of Babylon!” He snarled. “The Messiah will slay you like the demon harlot you are!” Before he proceeded to try and injure Guin (well, her body at least). Though didn't seem to be succeeding in that regard for the most part, so that was a good thing at least.

When the ball of light they were in jolted to the side and they were suddenly seemingly getting thrown out farther into space, Lance was about to try and get it to go back, but Guin seemed to already be doing that as they got closer. Her next comment resulted in him shaking his head a bit, "That is a last resort, not to mention you kind of need the bubble currently to live, and not sure I'd be able to keep it if I shifted so nope. Plus pretty sure your husband would probably kill me."

Of course, that didn't seem to be the biggest potential issue that they had, as without Guin seemingly doing anything, the metal shards and everything around them were shifting around. All of them sort of got thrown back into the corridor as the wall was seemingly patched up and repaired. There was a sound coming from somewhere that seemed to be resulting in the entire corridor recovering and regaining oxygen so that it was seemingly habitable again. Lance didn't drop the bubble though, not yet anyway. He wasn't entirely sure whether or not to trust it. Then he glanced to see exactly who it was that had repaired everything.

And floating into the hallway was none other then Magneto himself.

This was not a good thing, though Lance partially wondered how it was that he got there so quickly, but then again, he could literally bend and create doors out of the rest of the place and corridors if he wanted to. So he could do just about anything. Magneto didn't say anything, at least not initially, but Guin eventually after another few moments would feel her hold slip, and she ended up switching back into her own body. Which was still insanely sore as before.

See bottom of update for the rest

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

She was trying to figure out how best to potentially figure out where that explosion had come from. Pulling out the map she had downloaded wondering if it was still connected in anyway to the mainframe system and hoping that maybe they'd find out at least what direction the blast had come from. Since that would make it so that they could avoid it as they headed for the hangar. Of course the continuing to run away thing seemed to be working out well enough so far.

Luck seemed to be on their side a bit with this one, as the map was connected into a few of the other systems. Including one thing, a sensor that showed where accidents seemed to occur. There was a big blinking dot on the map showing where the explosion was. Unfortunately for them, it was still a ways away to get to that potential place. "We lucked out, the map is still slightly connected to one of the sensors a little bit, so I can tell you roughly where that explosion was. Here's the thing, we have to go through the hangar and past it down a long sort of hallway area and a few turns to get there. Maybe we can meet up with some people and then head that way?" Mira suggested to the others.

Then she heard what Neil was saying, and she tilted her head to the side. How could he possibly be able to tell that sort of thing? Then again, because of his necromancy sort of powers he probably could sense stuff like that. "...Are you positive?" she asked him, unsure of what else to say aside from asking if he was a hundred percent certain of that. Since that would not spell anything good for the team at the moment.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Mary was not doing okay. Not at all. The voice in the back of her head was starting to just get louder and louder, almost shouting really. She had to stop herself from physically covering her ears, since that definitely wouldn't help the situation at all. They were still surrounded by the ghosts, Cortez was most definitely not being helpful, and she was trying to figure out where to go from here. Everything was just so loud right now, and she was trying to calm down enough to fix it. And shove the voice in the back of her head back into the box that Fabian had unfortunately opened up.

Suddenly though for her, a calm seemed to surround her after a few moments, as she did end up responding to Guin's comment to her, Oh no worries, I'll just be over here without so much of a concern. Guessing the explosion was you guys?

"Sure, we'll keep going like this, but honestly we probably should think of a better solution then this," Flynn said as he knocked over the next one.

"Let's try heading out of here then. Oh, also sounds like the explosion was over where Guin and whoever she's with is, in case anyone was wondering. Figuring that considering I was talking to her and suddenly got a bit interrupted with it," she said to the others.

"Well, we were heading to meet up with the anyway," Flynn said, before turning his attention to Ed's suggestion as to how to get away from the ghosts, "I'm all for moving along and hoping that they don't follow us."

Speaking of which, the aliens seemed to have taken Ed's comment to them being considered incompetent to heart, as the decided to be much better in combat suddenly. On slammed a punch across Ed's face with a really loud crack that sent him down to the ground. Definitely seemed like the alien broke Ed's nose when it hit him and he'd just barely manage to prevent his head from hitting the ground to cause more damage. The next one turned their attention to Perry since she seemed to be at least in part, responsible for freezing the others that were gone, and it managed to knock her the wind out of her and off her feet. The third one decided to try and attack Mary, and to say that didn't seemingly end well would be an understatement.

It went to try and punch her, but with her hands seemingly wrapped in flames, she caught the arm as they went to attack her. The flames jumped from her hands and seemingly engulfed the ghost in flames, "Don't touch me," she said rather coldly, before the flames dispersed and the ghost was gone. "Let's go, and hope they disappear if we go along, you okay Ed? Do you need help healing or do you think you've got it?" she asked seeing the blood. She could try to use her powers to heal him if need be, and there only seemed to be two aliens left at the moment, but there could be more.

Robert, Carolina, Max, Pietro and Miranda
Well, Robert didn't seem to be getting anything for a response, however Pietro froze and very much didn't say anything as his eyes went wide. Of course the speedster didn't say anything, however there was a rather loud boom sound as the speedster took off in a rather large gust of wind. He hadn't said anything about where he was going or what was going on, he just took off and left, leaving the rest of the group there currently by themselves. No one seemed to be coming down their corridor currently, so there was that at least.

"I'm going to guess he's heading for whatever caused the explosion..." Miranda commented, "We might want to maybe head that way too. Especially since things could go rather poorly for him if he runs into anyone else... Plus we could see then what caused that explosion, and hope that no one got seriously injured..." she was a bit concerned as to what had happened to cause that explosion, and much like what Robert was saying, she also was insanely concerned about how that could cause issues throughout the rest of the place. They were in the middle of space, so a hole in the side of it was not exactly a welcoming thought. Though based on how quickly Pietro had left, she had a feeling which group was at the center of the explosion.

Lance, Guin and Jaclyn (again) but this time with Pietro there too
Well things definitely seemed to be going well for them, "What seems to have occurred here Exodus?" Magneto eventually said, turning his attention towards him.

"My lord! These heavens are responsible for the damage - how would you like them dealt with?" Exodus instantly said, pointing towards the trio before seemingly trying to restrain them. Luckily for them, at least at the moment, Exodus wasn't able to, partially because Lance was still keeping the bubble of light around them as at least a thin layer of protection.

Before Magneto could answer or give a response, there was a loud boom farther down the hallway accompanied by a gust of wind. Which meant the entrance of a certain speedster. Pietro skidded to a halt right in front of the trio (complete with leaving black skid marks on the ground) and looked right at the other two, "Uh... Hi dad," Pietro said a bit awkwardly, trying very hard to not make it apparent that he was really freaking out over everything. Guin would instantly be able to tell that he was trying really hard not to panic considering he was in front of his father and his attempted murderer.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)
Skills: Healing

Ed held his hands up to his face and covered his nose. He snapped it back into place and orange light emanated from his hands healing him. He grunted then nodded. "I'm good, thank you, Mary." He stood up.

It was as good idea as any to just walk away from this. Hopefully, by getting Perry away from the ghost aliens they'd disappear. This whole thing was frustrating and annoying. He was ready to go as soon as the group moved.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 15 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…
Skills: Enhanced Intuition;

Running was working. It was getting them closer to the hanger and when Mira spoke, closer to the source of the explosion. The only downside would be them having to run through the hangar to get to the explosion. There was the very real possibility that their friends were at risk and needed saving. On the other hand, if they didn’t have a way out, none of them would be saved. Then Neil spoke.
Antoinette stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face Neil. ”What do you mean Lance is… No, are you sure?” Mira had already asked, but Antoinette had to ask herself. Lance wasn’t invincible necessary, but he was pretty darn close, what with having gamma rays running through him.
No. Lance couldn’t be dead. Antoinette squeezed her hands shut, and her blue eye started to sparkle as she searched her soul and Lance’s to ensure he was still alive. A wave of comfort and peace surrounded Antoinette. She looked at Neil, concerned now for him.
”Lance is still alive. Our Lance is, maybe it’s another world’s Lance.” Antoinette looked at the others. Of course, intuition wasn’t a science, but Antoinette was confident in her feelings. ”Let’s just go. We won’t know unless we keep going,” she said and continued towards the hanger and the source of the explosion.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

Suddenly Guin was occupying Exodus' body and trying to repair the hole. OfAll inhaled a breath of relief but the exhale came of shock. The end result was the same as when Exodus had tried himself; bigger hole. And now they were drifting further out, as well with Exodus in Guin's body trapped in the light bubble with them, seeming to be struggling to cause some damage to the body that wasn't his own.

OfAll tried to concentrate through the insanity -- soon it was her turn to be on the receiving end of a power suggestion, but to teleport? She wasn't about to try that. Trying to portal away their enemy had resulted in all this. That was just one person. What other chaos might she cause if she essentially tried the same thing -movement magic- with three?

She had no idea if confidence played a part and she had had more before. She was just too shaken now...besides, Guin's telekinesis almost had them back in. Though OfAll knew that was only half the solution, and if Guin couldn't hold them they'd be out into space again.

Whatever she wanted Lance to do he didn't seem to feel confident about, either.

OfAll had to do something. If she did even try when she could, then whatever happened...But she couldn't. Not that. But her mind hit on something else; a different solution. She felt a little spark of certainty at the idea when suddenly they were thrust back into the corridor -- the hole getting legitimately repaired, a sound like air permeating the area.

OfAll looked over at Guin, but it didn't seem like any of that had been by her hand. Then, looking down the hall, the sight she witnessed had a suspense thriller quality to it: Magneto, floating their way.

He seemed then to be taking the scene in wordlessly, waiting knowledgeably, perhaps, as in another few moments it didn't escape OfAll's awareness that Guin was back in her own body. Magneto spoke then, to Exodus, and by the time the exchange came back to the leader, OfAll's pained, anxious breathing steadied in an alert manner: How would they be dealt with?

And then Pietro appeared, as only he could. OfAll's spirit lifted somewhat -- being a speedster his sudden appearance meant nothing in terms of how close anyone else was, but a speedster knowing where you were in trouble was a pretty good asset to have.

Except for the fact he was practically an outlaw, here. OfAll's mind shifted attention from the impending drama to responding to it. She had to flex her brain again and decide what she could do with the powers she had. A part of her wanted to speak to Magneto, respectfully, explaining they meant no damage. Explaining what they were here for - not infiltration-minded. But the words weren't coming, and she didn't know what would make any difference to Magneto.

They still didn't know if selection of the "winners" were some automatic thing. Maybe his hope were for all the X-Men to be crushed in the contests and if they weren't, he'd finish the job himself.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina shifted awkwardly as she looked between Max and Robert as the man wheeled himself over towards a comms station and yelled for someone to give out some information. Unfortunately he didn't get a reply either she was about to suggest heading out and to see where it was coming from when Pietro suddenly sped off leaving them all alone. Carolina sighed slightly as she rubbed her eyes slightly and looked at the others.

[color=cyan["Lets head out then."[/color] Carolina said as she turned to look at Robert who mentioned he had a schematic of the place and they could follow it which was in his room now. "Mind getting that then?" Carolina asked him, then she quickly started to make a run down the hallway the way that Pietro had gone down to try and catch up to him and the others.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany stopped and looked at Neil saying that Lance was dead, that she wasn't sure if that was correct or not as far as she was concerned if she didn't see him physically die then there was a chance that he was still alive. That and Lance was pretty much a tank when he was hulking out. Annie seemed to quickly confirm that he was still alive, but they still needed to continue forward and catch up to the others and help them all out.

Mira luckily knew where they were going and they needed to go through the hangar which was where they probably needed to go anyway to where the others had landed in. "Lets keep going the others should probably be there when we get to the location." Bethany said as she quickly followed alongside Mira.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max rolled his eyes at the man. That wasn't even close to the same sort of thing. Every hideout he'd been in was essentially rubble piled together safely enough to be called a roof, but even still he could recall the different cracks and bends of the various hideouts he'd spent time in while with the Underground. It was like driving through an old neighborhood, and being able to tell where you were not just by street names but the trees and pieces around you. You could see a still of a field and recall that was where your first kiss was, or perhaps where you'd made a best friend. It was clear that this Linden character wasn't enamored with his work.

Neil's words cut through Max like a familiar friend. He stood there, dumbstruck as the wind whirled around him from Pietros speedy exit. No doubt he was heading towards the scene of the explosion, towards Neil's death. He didn't have time to think, only act. Max looked at the floor, noting the marks caused by Pietro's sudden burst in speed. "Follow him!" he yelled as he took to steps before he was engulfed in an orb of black and appeared back at the hangar. He'd closed the distance, but there was still so much to go. He sprinted, running as fast as he could until he saw the shadow of Magento, past him was Guin, Jaclyn, and…Lance?! "You're alive?!" Max managed to croak out in between gasps for breath. He looked towards Magneto, a man he'd worked under twice now. "Let them go. You can't force people into paradise. We need a safe haven, but it must also be a safe space. No kidnapping." His words were tired as he spoke, panting, exhausted.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 17 min ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Mediumship
Fit Of The Day

Perry hadn't considered just....moving away. "I am not sure. Spirits exist even if I am not around to see them. But since douchebag over there amplified my powers, it's hard to say if I move away that they will just disappear." As she spoke, Barry attempted to attack one of the ghosts, only for his shot to miss and hit Perry instead. She felt a jolt, but it only stung a bit. Her hair began to stand up though, which irritated her more. "Yah! Not cool Barry!"

Detective Ed managed to freeze another ghost alien, but Flynn was right. There had to be a better way. "We can give it a go, but something's gotta give here." She attempted to flatten her hair and organize it better, but they had to do something. Reunite with the others, that should be their main goal.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was flung back into her body, opening her own eyes again to throbbing pain in her head. Miraculously, they weren't dead. The damage from the explosion had been repaired, thanks to the mutant master of magnetism - the world's greatest supervillain - and her father-in-law. Magneto. Even in her wounded state, Guin managed to narrow her eyes at him. She didn't have much of a relationship with her father-in-law, given that he was Magneto and she was a member of the X-Men, and that he had been abusive to her husband. The last time she'd seen Magneto had been at her wedding, when he had rudely shown up - with Miranda, actually.

Exodus, of course, was being a whiny little bitch. "God, enough with the fucking Bible cosplay," Guin snapped. "We get it, you saw Life of Brian once and it changed your life." She hated his guts. It hadn't even been twenty four hours since he had attempted to kill her husband. And she intended to return the favor. With extreme prejudice.

Then, her husband turned up in a gust of wind. Guin didn't need to be able to read his mind to know that Pietro was terrified - both of his father and of Exodus. Deep breaths, it's okay. I won't let them hurt you, she whispered into his mind. She was holding one hand to her head wound, doing her best to stymy the flow of blood. And then not too long later, Max came onto the scene, panting and telling Magneto that he had to let them go.

She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes at Max. He was breathless and sweaty for his dramatic entrance? "Despite what this fuckwad said, we aren't here to destroy anything," she said, nodding towards Exodus. "We're just here to pick up our friends, then you're free to live your Death Star fantasy up here, Erik."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: Necromancy
~Fit Check~

Neil had felt the death. He was sure of it. Lance's life force had been extinguished. It was a weird sort of sixth sense, the ability to hear the death scream... but he had it all the same. Neil nodded, before focusing again, reaching out with his abilities. At first, he was uncertain. But then he tried again, and this time, he could feel the pulse of life.

"...Maybe it was another world's Lance..." Neil said, feeling uncertain - and ashamed. Next time he sensed a death like that... he wouldn't say anything. He didn't want to be wrong again. Being wrong about something like math or a D&D rule was one thing - but telling people someone they knew had died, and being wrong about that? That was a wound. That was something that couldn't be brushed aside easily.

He continued on with the others, hoping that they'd run into more of their companions along the way.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Robert continued trying the button "C&C? C&C PLEASE respond..." then turned around upon hearing the whoosh of Pietro running off. "Blast it" He looked at Carolina as she told him to get the map. "Who died and left you in charge..." He saw her run off down the hallway after Pietro, along with the others. He tried to call out something, but it fell on deaf ears. "Damn and blast it all to hell..." He growled, wheeling himself into the lab again, he looked around "I'll go to the foot of my stairs..." he cursed, realizing this was an emergency situation, he didn't know what was going to happen in the next hour... This may be a mistake, but he'd have to take it. Concentrating, he slowly sank down to the ground as the wheelchair sank into his body. He concentrated on putting the right elements in the right places, the Adamantium into his spine to reattach the nerve endings, finally his legs sprang to life, he pulled himself to his feet, before running over to grab the blueprint map, he was about to leave when he looked at the wardrobe he kept his spare labcoats in... He sighed, before running over to it and pressing the door to open. He grabbed the leather costume, as well as grabbing a long metal pipe he kept in there for emergencies and a respirator, just in case they were venting atmosphere. He set off at a run down the hallway, absorbing both the items into himself, focussing on reorganizing the molocules to keep them together. He then slowly began absorbing his outer clothing as he continued running, for about 10 seconds, he was running completely naked, before finally, the blue and yellow costume seeped out of his skin around himself. It had been TOO long since he had charged towards impending doom in his costume... He didn't get the mask out, though, he liked to think he had moved past it. He simply kept running towards where the blast had come from.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Perception

“My lord, surely you cannot tolerate this - this filth to sully this holy land?” Exodus instantly said to Magneto.

Before Magneto of course could address the entire situation himself, Pietro instantly rolled his eyes a bit, "Says the guy who straight up tried to murder me like 8 hours ago. So if anyone shouldn't be around other people it's you."

Exodus narrowed his eyes. “That was a righteous challenge.”

"No one else was seemingly actually trying to murder anyone! You from what I've gathered aside from maybe Sabretooth didn't actually try to kill anyone."

Magneto spoke up though, and looked at those gathered, "What exactly are you all talking about, what events transpired?" he ended up saying, though he was sort of looking at everyone and not just at one person.

"What? Don't tell me you are literally pretending you didn't know that a bunch of your inner circle group decided to attack us, and him trying to kill me," Pietro seemed to decide to ramble almost and all in his slightly panicked state of being by Exodus and Magneto both right now.

“I was cleansing the stain from your lineage, my lord,” Exodus huffed.

Lance was currently focusing slightly on the chaos surrounding them. One thing stuck out to him though about the current interactions. And that was what seemed (at least to him) to be actual confusion on Magneto's face. As if he had no idea that they were there for whatever reason as to why or how they had gotten there. Which struck him as odd. If he was more or less in charge of everyone here. How could he not have known? What sort of excuse could they have created to go down to Earth for whatever reason? This wasn't making sense, but he was fairly certain that Magneto was legitimately confused as to what Exodus and Pietro were talking about.

"...Guin, I don't think Magneto's lying, I think his confusion is fully genuine..." he said under his breath so only really her and Jaclyn could hear him. "I don't know what happened or who decided to go a bit off the deep end with it, but Magneto looks just as confused as us..." Then again, Lance wasn't entirely sure that Guin would fully listen to him, it also didn't mean he was going to drop his guard, so the bubble of light around them stayed right where it was.

"Exodus you are not to be killing any mutants, least of all my son," Magneto eventually said towards him.

Wait... Did my dad just sort of defend me and tell Exodus off for trying to murder me???? Then again Exodus did kind of happily admit to attempted murder... Pietro said mentally to Guin.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Their current location was a bit odd, however they would run into the faces of a few familiar people after another few minutes. They'd show up at the end of the hallway just in time to see Max teleport and Carolina start racing back the way that they had initially come from. "Well, think we found the others sort of," Mira commented, though she didn't recognize a few of the people who were there too.

Miranda looked at Robert when he made the comment and shrugged a bit, "They are the current members of the team, as for a potential map would probably be useful just in general, but you don't have to get anything like that if you don't want to," she said to him with a slight nod. Though it sounded a bit to her that he was one of those sort of people who couldn't really take orders of any sorts from those younger then him. Which was going to be a bit of a problem if he chose to stick with them for a little while since from what she knows most of the current team lineup is under the age of 30.

Her attention shifted now towards the others as they eventually came down the hall, seeing Annie, Bethany, Neil and Mira heading their way. "They went to head back the way we came to find the source of the explosion that sort of thing. I'd suggest though we all head that way," she added as she started heading down the pathway that Carolina and the others had seemingly gone down.

"Well guess we're going to continue on our path of running along then right? Great..." she was starting to get a bit tired of all the running around that they were seemingly doing. First they were racing to try and avoid Magneto and his goons, and now that they had finally caught up with the rest of their group, they were off running again to go find the source of the explosion. Which too be fair was kind of what they were planning on doing anyway.

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Well, the headache that she had was not going away any time soon it seemed like. Guin had gone radio silent without so much as telling her what seemed to be going on. Which meant that they had no idea what situation they might be walking into, which was not exactly the ideal way to have everything go. They were still a ways away from where she could tell that Guin was. However, the area they were planning on meeting up in was a lot closer, and an area that they hopefully won't have too many issues in.

"Let's go, the place we were initially going to meet up with Guin and them in is close by, so hopefully we can wait out there, away from any unsuspecting ghosts, and meet up with everyone," she said, before she instantly started moving along down the hallway. Hoping that the aliens would just sort of, go away.

They did seem to luck out though, as whatever super charged Perry's powers seemed to be dying down, almost like her getting injured actually drew the extra energy away from it. So the ghosts around them were starting to slowly sort of fade away. However after they started moving along further and further away, none of the ghosts reappeared, and no more popped up. Soon, every ghost was gone, back to being invisible, and the only ghosts around Perry were her usual two, Barry and the detective.

Eventually going down the hall, Mary stopped by what looked to be a rather large door, "In here," she said to the others as she opened up the door and they stepped inside. The room was completely empty of any other person, so it was just them. There was what looked almost like a large super computer or something along one entire wall,, and what looked almost like a table with a hologram projector to show people 3d images of things. And there was other computers scattered around the room as well. "Well, maybe we can find something useful now that we're in an actual place that might have something, I'm going to ask Guin where they are..."

Hey Guin, know you said you're busy, but where are you or what's going on? We managed to reach the room we agreed on and well, obviously you guys aren't exactly here...
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

Before anything else transpired Magneto-wise, a voice reached OfAll's ears from down the hall -- Max! She drew a relieved breath from seeing a familiar face. Curiously he only seemed surprised to see Lance alive. Or maybe OfAll was just misreading his attention.

He also seemed to have run full tilt here, or been in some altercation recently himself, as he was out of breath.
Yet he found exactly the words OfAll had wanted to say to Magneto herself.

Following on them were Guin's words, which returned concern to the surface of OfAll's feelings. Did Guin have to be inciting towards Magneto, on his territory, when they weren't in excellent condition and he had one of his Brotherhood they were concerned enough about, right beside him?

Fortunately, Magneto seemed only to be task-focused -- and unexpectedly, confused. Which served to elucidate something in a slight way for OfAll: there were individual motives going on here. Someone had taken things upon themselves for...what reason? Those like Exodus, perhaps, looking for a reason to cleanse some filth didn't seem like a stretch of the imagination.

Were all the other "contestants" in on this thing, or had they been receiving an order from someone else?
Did they even know they weren't operating on Magneto's orders?

Magneto seemed also to care about Pietro's life and the attempt on it -that point being news to OfAll as well- negative as their relationship may otherwise be; it made some difference in OfAll's mind.

Magneto stating no mutants were to be killed certainly made another.

OfAll grunted, using only her legs to rise into a standing position within the light shield, so as not to put strain on her stinging arms. 'Maybe now that Max is here...' she thought to herself, mind on his healing magic. Which she vaguely registered was presently her magic...

Something for another moment. "It was a contest," OfAll explained to Magneto, "earning the right to 'Paradise'. Members of your Brotherhood showed up at the Mansion, and where they were," she indicated Guin, Lance and Pietro, "challenging us to one-on-ones. The winners were taken here without choice."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy
~Fit Check~

Guin was feeling a bit dizzy and lightheaded. She somewhat passively noted that was probably because of the blood loss. Her own hand wasn't an amazing stopgap to keep the head wound from gushing. Mary's voice intruded into her mind again, and Guin felt irritated for a second. She had told Mary she was busy. And Mary was a telepath now, thanks to the Phoenix Force - she could just figure out what was going on with Guin by reading her mind. It'd be rude as hell, but she could do it. Still busy. Almost died. Magneto's here. That was the extent of the message she thought back to Mary.

Of course, Pietro was also swimming around in her head, and Lance was telling her that she thought Magneto was genuinely confused. Jaclyn helpfully gave an answer, but Guin didn't buy it. There was no way that Magneto didn't know what was going on. If he didn't, then he was a more pathetic excuse for a supervillain than she'd previously thought. "Right, like you of all people don't fucking know!" Guin snapped.

Maybe he's been going to therapy - or it's a trap, so he can get you to go back to his side, Guin suggested to Pietro. She was already sitting down on the floor, but she felt like she needed to sit down still. Maybe lie down even. The floor looked nice and cool. It'd probably feel nice. "It's your shitty operation, it's like - it's like saying that Jen Shah was innocent, when everyone knew her ass was guilty!!"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

They ran into others they recognized - well, others that other people recognized. Carolina had already vanished from view by the time Neil got there, instead seeing a woman who reminded him a lot of Winona Ryder and a man who looked like just about every other white man on the planet. He wished Max had been there - he really felt they needed the advice of an old, sage wizard. But he wasn't anywhere in sight.

Instead, not-Winona Ryder mentioned that the others had gone off to find the source of the explosion. His lungs were burning slightly from just running. Despite being a member of the X-Men, Neil wasn't the most fit when it came to exercise or whatnot. In fact, he was almost certain that he had untreated asthma. He felt like he'd been trapped in an episode of Doctor Who. There really was an awful amount of running...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Coding
Fit Of The Day

After Perry got shocked, it seemed her pain was starting to diminish her powers as the ghost aliens began to flicker out of existence. "Not ideal, but if my pain can go to the greater good, so be it." Thankfully they did not have to wait much longer as they moved on from the hallway. Soon the ghosts were gone, leaving her two lovable so-and-so's left.

Still, this was not ideal. They needed to come together to get off this rock. Once safely inside a room, Mary went to go communicate with Guin, leaving them to their own devices. Perry noticed a big computer. She walked over and pushed a few buttons, but it went nowhere. Seemed the computer was password protected. God, people and their stupid need to keep information safe!

She cracked her knuckles and put on her best Hackers persona and began to use her coding know-how to get into the system. She tried some simple ones to no avail. Then she decided what would be the dumbest password for an egomaniac? and typed in MagnetoistheBest and got in.

"Ha, take that stupid space rock! I'm in! I have access to every system on here and more! There seem to be some files too. Totally hacked that!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry)

The group was able to move on. They got into the room Mary said they were supposed to meet the others. They weren't there. With the explosion that had happened, he was concerned that maybe they had lost some of their group. That was concerning. Who knew how many might have been lost and they wouldn't know for a while.

Ed looked around the room they were in. Perry had hacked...socially engineered her way into the main computer. Was this the room Guin had said to meet them in? "Can you get the cameras pulled up? If there are any. And find the others? And a map of the place. That would be useful." Ed was tired of wandering around uncertain of what hallway would lead to what. Splitting up might have been a bad idea. Mostly because finding each other was so difficult.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 15 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette watched the emotions cross Neil's face. Relief, realization, and then shame. It was present when he spoke. She touched his shoulder gently, hoping to empathize with him.
"If I learned anything about that other reality we fell into, it's that anything is possible. Always trust your gut. It'll keep you safe," she added.
Finally, they ran into another group. Antoinette smiled, motioning to wave at Carolina but she quickly disappeared. Taking a couple minutes to catch her breath, she looked around at the others in the group. They were heading to the explosion. Antoinette had quite the stamina for running, so she didn't mind that they were on the move again. She was sure the others would like longer of a rest, but the space station was pretty chaotic at the moment.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina was really annoyed when Max just up and decided to just teleport without the rest of them and going blindly into whatever shitshow that was going on over where that explosion had happened. If Max was injured or anything like that she wasn't going to help him at all, and splitting the group was never good at all either.

She was really tempted to just tell him off he could have at least helped transport Robert who didn't have as much mobility like the rest of the group had. Carolina was getting really tired as she kept on running trying to catch up with Max and hopefully she would be able to try and help anyone if they were injured or anything like that.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany could see Carolina rounding a corner as the rest of their group managed to catch up with them she didn't know the new person that they were with. She did remember Miranda who was at Guin's wedding as well to, as she managed to catch up with them and started to think for a moment. She was still really tired from the mass shadow travel earlier she could try again with everyone and teleport to where the source of the explosion was.

But she also didn't want to risk teleporting the group out into space or something due to her being pretty tired. "Glad to see that you guys are alright." Bethany said towards them their ride was actually here now and they just needed to make their way back to the Blackbird once they found everyone else in this massive station.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max allowed himself a moment to breathe. Between Magento's confusion, his words, and the seemingly growing gap between Exodus and his Master, it seemed he wouldn't need to intervene for a moment. He leaned against the metallic wall, feeling the cool metal siphon off some of the heat from him as his exhaustion slowly waned away. His breath was evening out, and he was able to function more clearly now that he was given a bit of a moment. He had hoped this Erik was the same one he'd seen back in Genosha, the one who coveted his family, who protected Andy, and whose heart seemed to break at the loss of mutant life. So far it seemed his gamble was correct. Which begged the question, who sent the orders?

Max had an idea or two as to how that might’ve come to be, but before he could speak he noticed something off about his uncanny allies. Guin seemed to keep her hand pressed against the back of her head, although Max could see no obvious injury, it was clear this wasn't a motion for comfort but necessity. She was injured. Ed wasn't around, Max had no link to him otherwise he'd ask Ed to use his sympathetic magic to heal her across distances. So it was up to him to do so, to help her, regardless of how happy she'd be about it. With Magneto's focus on Pietro and Exodus, Max decided to try some magic of his own behind his back, out of sight. The power danced across his fingers, as he felt its other half weaving a spell behind Guins head. The wound stitching closed as the bleeding stopped. Something was resisting him, he didn't know what, but his magic couldn't reach its full potential while it was blocking him. It hurt to say it, but this was the best he could do for now. "Unless Exodus acted on his own accord, rallied others to his cause in the false name of Magneto to give leverage to his words…if he even needed that much. The mutants we fought were craving a battle, not just for the rights to live here, but some seemed keen on killing. This sounds like an internal affair, so why don't we get our allies and leave this to them."
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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Robert Linden

As Robert continued to run... But he stopped, realizing he had no idea where any of them had gone to. He panted a little, again, he tried to keep his cardio up to prevent his legs from fully atrophying, but he wasn't exactly in the best shape of his life. "What the hell am i doing?" He panted. He looked around. "I can't let Magneto see me in this. He'll think i'm some kind of double agent." He sighed. Then again, it was the closest thing he had to a space suit. It was designed for harsh environments. He looked down the corridors. One led to the Hangar, the other led to C&C. Well, if nobody was answering from C&C, then he'd have to head over there anyway. This place needed someone at the helm. He set off at a run towards C&C.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Advanced First Aid

Riiiiiiiiiiight, him going to therapy? I'd lean more to the trap thing if he hadn't put together the hallway again so you didn't die... Also still weirded out by him defending me. Pietro responded to Guin. Still very much uneasy about the entire situation in front of them.

Magneto seemed to be thinking of what was being said, and looked around at the group. "That is not how anything is supposed to work unless someone has been giving out orders of sorts behind my back with regards to it. Potentially fighting for the right to be up here is correct, however, it was supposed to be a fully voluntary thing. The combats are meant to determine the strongest in order to ensure this place is well defended before it is even fully operational. Once it is defended it's meant to be able to house any mutant who wants to be here. However as mentioned, it is entirely volunteer based." he eventually explained, though he did look over at Exodus, since he did seem to know a bit more then what he had initially said about it.

Lance was a bit weirded out by the entire situation. Though right now he was getting a bit dizzy from his own head injury, plus his broken leg which he only now actually took a look at it. His leg was at a bit of an odd angle, and now looking at it he saw that a piece of bone was sticking out a bit. That was going to cause problems when it came to moving. Actually, he didn't know what would happen fully if he shifted and shifted back. Whether it would heal entirely or only heal when he was shifted and then not be when he shifted back.

"...Well this isn't going to be fun..." he muttered under his breath, before he put his hands on either side of his leg, and both Guin and Jaclyn would hear a bit of a crack as he basically just snapped his leg back into place.

Mira ended up being able to reach the area that they were in. Though she was a bit tired from the run, at least she had a bit of endurance to make it so she was less worn out. However the situation they were visibly in now definitely seemed interesting. This looked to be the place where the explosion had likely occurred, and everything seemed a bit weird in general for them. Magneto wasn't attacking them, though she wasn't sure if Exodus was going to try something soon. That guy was insanely unpredictable, and kind of dangerous from what she knew. They had no real way to successfully fight him off easily if they had to. But at least it just seemed to be a friendly, if awkward, conversation that was going on right now.

"Still find it hard to believe you had no knowledge of what your guys were doing when they decided to attack us, and we had no idea what was going on with it or why."

"You might think that, but it is the truth Pietro."

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Mary was not entirely sure what to do at this point, the others were still kind of preoccupied with everything else. Though at least Perry seemed to be able to get into the computer system. Her mind was wandering and having a bit of a hard time focusing on what was going on around her. There wasn't much more in a response from Guin aside from her explaining the whole situation. Well kind of explaining the whole situation, was still kind of vague, but it was being made apparent that Guin and them likely weren't going to be catching up with them anytime soon.

Flynn walked over to the computer system that Perry had booted up and gotten into. "Well, how about we see what sort of files are on here... Actually wonder if there are files on people here that might be interesting to say the least," he commented as he went to another console that was part of the same computer, just with a different screen. He started flipping through various things, until he found some of the files on people on the asteroid, and he out of curiosity pulled up the one on Cortez.

"...So looks like you might have lucked out majorly so with what Cortez did. His powers? He basically can act as a battery for the powers of others. And in a way makes it seem like he's healing them since he boosts people in general... But there is one big downside where you very much want to be careful of. He can overcharge powers and make people burn out, essentially killing them... Just think, that could have probably been a whole lot worse, at least he seemed like he was somewhat "helping". Though as we know not really helping. That guy just gets a whole lot worse now doesn't he?"

"Well yeah things could have gotten worse... Like a lot worse. You do not want to see my powers go completely out of control. Any of the abilities I have really. Though at least some of them are kind of useless since we're in space and not on really any ground that can grow plant life," Mary ended up saying, though not fully stating all the other things she could do to potentially cause them problems. One thing would be a bit obvious though, namely that she seemed to almost be half paying attention to what even was going on at the moment.

Hearing what was being said about pulling up cameras, she just nodded her head, "I don't know exactly where the others are, but if there is a camera system I'd say yeah pull it up. Especially since from what little I got told Magneto's over there and they were kind of at the center of that explosion."

Sorry that I was asking for specifics, got a splitting headache because turns out there's a guy on this station who apparently kind of supercharges the powers of others, but if used too much he can basically burn you out and kill you, he used his powers briefly on us, that could have ended really badly...
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina managed to get to where the explosion had happened, and looks like that everything was resolved though she was on alert when she spotted Magneto himself there along with Exodus there to. But by the looks of it no one was really fighting at all which was good then, her attention quickly turned towards Max though who was just leaning up against a wall and glared at him. He just up and left them all alone with who knows who else that straight up hated the X-Men.

"What the hell Max, you just up and left the rest of us behind with who knows how many other people that hate us or want us dead. Why the hell didn't you just teleport all of us with you, have you ever heard the saying never split up the group?" Carolina said sounding really annoyed and pissed at him she was really tempted to just slap him right then and there. Carolina then turned to Magneto realizing that they were his people here as well to. "Are our people that were brought here free to go?" Carolina asked him when she looked over her shoulder seeing Bethany had caught up to them all now.

Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany managed to catch up to the others just in time to hear Carolina ranting about Max for some reason as she took a few deep breaths and leaned against a wall nearby. It seems that Magneto wasn't attacking the group which was a good thing then most likely they just needed to find Mary and the others and go home.

"Is everyone here okay?" Bethany asked looking at everyone else, Lance and Guin looked like that they were both injured. So far it looked like Magneto wasn't going to attack them all just yet but she was ready for a fight just in case things did end up turning into a fight. But for the most part things seem to be alright for now as she eyed the others.
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