Janelle Gauger

Location: Lotus Hotel and Casino
Skills: N/A
She wasn't entirely sure what to expect when they entered the casino. The sounds hit her really quickly as she walked in petting the cat in her arms. Sunshine seemed like a fitting name even though she couldn't see the cat from what she gathered with the cat. Though she wasn't going to really acknowledge Zeke's presence on that entire thing. Ignoring him made her life a whole lot easier right now, especially since she was focusing on being able to tell what everything around her was like. Though she did instantly hear the voice that asked about if anyone wanted a cookie.
Then there was the sound of Nancy's voice and the sound of two people hitting the ground.
Stop Zeke? Wait did he do something stupid? She wasn't sure, as everyone else hadn't said much, but if Nancy asked for something like that, she wasn't going to stand by and do nothing.
"I'm on it," she said instantly as she let Sunshine go down to the ground and pulled out a glasses case, slipping the lenses on. The first thing she noticed was how bright everything was. It took a moment for her to adjust to it, considering the fact that she was used to there just being darkness instead. The noise and sights around her was a bit dizzying and overwhelming, but she had something more important to do.
Janelle didn't even look to see anyone else, since she was likely not going to be able to easily pick out who was who of everyone, plus to them they'd all be able to tell that she seemed to actually be looking around at her surroundings, and she spotted Zeke's retreating back to the rest of the group.
"Comb ahn Sunshine, let's go," she said as the cat took off after him, and she took off after the cat. Eventually she was able to catch up to Zeke and put a hand on his shoulder and spun him around to face her, and now she was looking at him directly in the eye, the cat nearby still.
"Zeke you just ded sahmethin dat you weren't suppahsed to and Nancy is right now really wahrried about you, so we need to get back to everyahne else alright? Ahr I'll put you to sleep and drag you back," she said directly to him, not sure what caused him to wander off or anything like that.
Jason Gauger

Location: Taxi
Skills: N/A
Facing giants. Sounded lovely really, and hearing about all of the things that had moved in since the fall of New Rome was totally a big reassurance as to what they were doing. They still didn't have any idea how close to their goal they were, or anything like that. All they knew was that they were almost to their destination, or at least part of it to actually accomplish anything. Things were seeming further and further away, though this did seem to explain why Persephone was there, to at least help somewhat with the giants.
Jason was still staying relatively quiet since Stella was more openly talking with Persephone, and Niah had a few questions of her own. As of right now, he didn't exactly have a lot to say or even questions of his own to ask. She had answered the main one he had, which was why she was there, so right now she didn't have anything else to say. He was starting to wonder just how far from their destination they were, but figured to not ask the age old question of "Are we there yet?".
Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A
Things were going wrong, very very wrong, and this wasn't going to end well. Everyone was getting tired, and they'd only be able to out run them for so long before the monsters would be able to easily catch up to them and then they'd all be dead. Madalyne was lagging behind a little, and the cry of pain caused her to glance back and see her turn it into dust, but what was more concerning was when Madalyne caught up to her and handed her a gem to give to Nancy and Niah if something happened to her.
Which meant to her that Madalyne was going to do something to result in her maybe not making it back.
Mary took if from her but shook her head slightly,
"Well, you'll be able to give it to them yourself, but I'll hold onto it for you right now, okay?" she said to her, though she had a feeling not all of them were going to get out of here alive. She lead the way with the map after slipping the gem into her pocket, and they would enter a room with a large bridge across the gap, with steps at the other end that seemed to be the way out,
"We're almost there, that looks to be the exit over there," she said, pointing towards the stairs.