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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Kyouko), @The Irish Tree (Vivian)
"As long as you are trustworthy as our Boss, we have no issue with following your lead," Ripcord says, "That said, that courtesy only falls to you, Boss. This prissy walking ice cream cone is another matter."

"Grrr..." Umami narrowed her eyes, not looking at Lady Kyouko, but Vivian with the possessed fervor of a scorned dog. "Yeah! We follow you, Boss! But, anyone else... they ain't made no bones or broke bread with us yet..."

Lady Kyouko could sense their mob affiliation would be both a boon and bane, as it would help her "control" their movements and actions by establishing a hierarchical structure to follow, overall, but their interpersonal relationships with those inside that "mob" would be another thing...

But, for now, they'd pledged their support to her. That would have to do.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


@Enkryption(UMI/RCD), @PaulHaynek

"It seems the mutt didn't enjoy the dance," Vivian thought to herself as Umami glowered at her, the Glacies not seeming to be surprised. A diva was used to scorn, after all. Roses had thorns, and this one was simply baring her own. She'd have to be careful around her though...not for her own safety mind, but because licking a creature made of solid ice was a good way to lose your tongue. The mutt's sister barked something about courtesies not extending to her, but it wasn't as if the dancer was here to socialize. Still, best to get off on the right foot.

"No harm done, Lady Kyokou. I was simply worried the poor thing would lose her tongue," Vivian said, confident that her apology absolutely wouldn't be taken the wrong way, as a threat perhaps. "And, I'm used to the scorn of others. Whether it be Man or Monster, I don't mind a few boos as long as I get my show to its climax." In a similar way to how Kyouko may imagine the twins to be a handful, Vivian's pride was showing through here.

With her oath informally sworn, Vivian would take a place next to a nearby wall. "I should also mention, Lady Kyouko, we Glacies feed off of heat. Particularly, that of living things. Would you object to me "feeding" off of Varjans or bandits while I serve under you? I could just drain fire, but that's nowhere near as filling." Vivian would steal a glance towards Umami once more, as if expecting her to understand that "stealing heat" and "tongue touching" meant "you will freeze if you lick me".
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kirei, Vară, & Lavinia

Janus' Campsite


Kirei nodded his head, listening intently at Takeshi's explanation of the situation. "We, hopefully they're willing to lend their aid to us, on top of not being hard to find." He said.

”I noticed that Vară-chan seemed to be troubled by somethin', Lavi-chan probably noticed too. I'm sure they'll be able to sort it out.” Kirei said, answering his question. He guess would turn out to be correct, as Lavinia had appeared back with the group. A little bit after, Vară appeared back as well. ”See, there they a-” Kirei stopped midsentence, as he noticed that Vară had tear marks under her eyes. ”Oh dear, what happened between you two? Did you pick on her, Lavi-chan?” He said, making a sarcastic nod at Lavinia.

”How rude!” Lavinia snapped. ”We were just having a little girl talk. Would you rather I tease you instead, captain?~” She said, returned his snarky remark with some snide of her own.

Vară quickly wiped her eyes to be rid of the marks. ”Oh! I wasn't upset or anything!” She retorted. ”I just got exposed to some exotic plants and my eyes got irritated, that's all...”


Having packed up all of their belongings, the party was led by Janus toward their next destination - Terauchi Temple.

Lavinia giggled at Janus' joke. ”That's no worry, I'd just make the captain carry all of by belongings anyway.”

Kirei shot the Umbra Witch a look, before smirking himself. ”Sure, if you don't mind forking over your rations my way.”

Vară had walked so that she was beside Janus, she seemed like she was attempting to work up the courage to speak with the man, yesterday's events still weighing heavily on her mind. ”Um, Sir Janus?” She uttered. ”I'm sorry, about Sidonus. He...he seemed like a good man.” Lavi's words echoed in her mind, she knew that blaming herself for what happened would only disrespect his memory. ”I...I promise to do everything I can to ensure that his death isn't in vain!” Although, a small part of the heiress wondered how Janus felt about her: Did he blame her for what happened, holding to some resentment. Was he disappoint in her weakness? Her insecurities slowly began to whirl up inside of her.

Eventually, their guide let them to a cliff face, with a wave of his hand he revealed the entrance of a small cave. In it were some horses and a small, beat up wagon. Vară blinked a few times, as if attempting to process way she was laying her eyes on. ”Are we all going to seriously ride in that?” She said, pointing at the wagon.

The group was surprised to see a large black stallion revealed itself from the bushes, the affection it displayed quickly answered the question of who its master was. Kirei went up to the horse, gently rubbing its head. "My, that's a fine horse, Takeshi-san." He said. "Looks like you don't have to worry about riding in that tiny cart, lucky!"

Takeshi offered to let Nyla ride Shiro with him, Kirei then turned to Lavinia and Vară. "I don't suppose either of you know how to ride a horse?" Both of the girls shook their heads no. He chuckled. "Well, thankfully I do. One of you ladies could ride with me, although that would still leave one of you having to ride in that wagon... Unless Janus doesn't mind having a riding partner?" He said, turning to the armored warrior.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker
Janus' Campsite

Getting the rest of the campsite packed up was easy enough. Many tentacles make for short work, as they say. At least, that was what she thought the saying was anyways. Things stored, packed, food cooked for some mid journey snacking. It was thankfully uneventful, though Nyla herself couldn't help but to feel slightly restless after speaking with Lord Oja. She almost felt like pouting and childishly just running back to Lady Kyouko.

But no.

She had a job.

And she was a good maid who served faithfully, even if Lady Kyouko...

No. She wasn't like her previous employer.

It was Lord Oja's hand being offered that pulled her out of these nihilistic thoughts.

"...eh? My lord are you sure?" A slight bit of red colored her cheeks as she'd accept the hand, compacting her gooey body down to form legs. "Thank you, young master though I assure you I can walk just fine." Well this was dangerous. Exceedingly dangerous. She'd have to practice the utmost restraint.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago

Janus' Campsite

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV) ~

”Um, Sir Janus? I'm sorry, about Sidonus. He...he seemed like a good man. I...I promise to do everything I can to ensure that his death isn't in vain!”
Vară Riemsianne

Janus smiled at the Flame Demon. "I'm sure you will, madam."

"But please, do not beat yourself up too much about his death. He, as much as I, have sworn to uphold justice and to battle the enemies of mankind with our lives. Specifically your kind, madam." The spellcaster casually revealed. "But... complications happened and now those who we once called brothers are now our enemies, and those who we swore to be our eternal enemies are now our allies."

"All I'm saying is, Sidonus was ready to die. He, and I suppose I, had been ready to die for a very long time. So please, no need for regrets. Simply honor him by helping this beleaguered island." Janus finished.

"Thank you, young master though I assure you I can walk just fine."

"I'm sure you can, but we're on a tight schedule here so unless you're faster than my horse..." Takeshi pulled Nyla up with surprising strength and the Shoggoth was embarked on the horse behind his main rider. "Now, hold on tight."

"Well, thankfully I do. One of you ladies could ride with me, although that would still leave one of you having to ride in that wagon... Unless Janus doesn't mind having a riding partner?"
Kirei Kannazuki

"I'm afraid I'll need both horses to pull the cart, Sir Kirei." Janus replied. "Forgive me, but we have no time to bicker about this. We need to get to Terauchi Temple as soon as possible. So hop on and let's get moving."

The taskforce group then set out, finding a road to follow all the way to the Onrai region.

Act 1: Will Of The Oja


Lady Kyouko's Estate

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

"As long as you are trustworthy as our Boss, we have no issue with following your lead, That said, that courtesy only falls to you, Boss. This prissy walking ice cream cone is another matter."
Ripcord Claremont

"Grrr...Yeah! We follow you, Boss! But, anyone else... they ain't made no bones or broke bread with us yet..."
Umami Claremont

The Ryu sighed. "...As long as you serve the members of Clan Oja and don't cause trouble for them or the mission, then I suppose you need not like your teammates." Lady Kyouko then smiled at them.. "And never forget, keep yourselves alive in all this. Okay?"

"I should also mention, Lady Kyouko, we Glacies feed off of heat. Particularly, that of living things. Would you object to me "feeding" off of Varjans or bandits while I serve under you? I could just drain fire, but that's nowhere near as filling."

"I would be fine with it if your 'feeding' did not leave men with feelings of loneliness, feelings they might take out on the people of Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko responded. "If need be, there is a man amongst the taskforce whom I'm sure will be able you out in that regard. Although, the best scenario would be if you find a... special someone to help you." The Ryu had a serious look when she spoke, but finished with a wink.

"Well then, I guess we're all ready. Follow me." Lady Kyouko then led the trio atop the stone platform. "I will be teleporting you all to Terauchi Temple in Shizuyama. That's the base of operations of my human spies there. The head spy is named Ayu, a dependable girl if a bit irritable." The Ryu briefed the outgoing group. "Your job is to rendezvous with the rest of the taskforce. They are technically led by Kirei Kannazuki and should be joined by a spellcaster named Janus. Ayu can explain the finer details to you. Just ask."

The Claremont sisters and Vivian stood on the middle of the platform. Lady Kyouko then closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. The engraved markings on the platform began to glow, and the visions of the monsters were soon engulfed by a white light.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV), @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @The Irish Tree ~

Takeshi and his group rode for Terauchi Temple in the Onrai region from Saikoten. The latter region's wide, urban roads soon gave way to the plain dirt roads of the former. They did not encounter anything of note in the road, merely peasant travelers who only caught a glimpse of the speeding taskforce. Some noticed that passing group wasn't local, but their minds were too occupied by the coming Varjan invasion to investigate further.

Soon, the taskforce finally reached Terauchi Temple: a sizeable temple consisting of multiple pagodas surrounded by trees with yellow leaves. A stone stairwell needed to be ascended to reach the temple grounds. "Here is where we must part temporarily, taskforce." Janus said, allowing the members on his cart a moment disembark. "I will go and hide this cart and join you later. Up the stairs is Terauchi Temple. Take Lord Takeshi and meet with a black-haired girl in green clothes. That would be Ayu."

After Janus left with the cart, the taskforce and Takeshi entered the temple grounds. Terauchi Temple seemed your normal temple but the monks inside were helping peasants unload their belongings in some of the corners. This place of peace clearly disturbed by outside forces.

"Hey, you! You're the taskforce, right? Must be. There hasn't been a yokai in Shizuyama until you guys." A woman with long, black hair and green clothes approached. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Ayu. Now then, peasants calling themselves refugees have been coming from Saikoten. What's the deal with that? Have the Varjans invaded or something?" Ayu then noticed the black-armored human amongst the taskforce. "L-Lord Takeshi Oja?"

"That would be me." Takeshi nodded. "And yes, the Varjans have invaded and defeated our army assembled in Sanjo Beach. The yokai taskforce rescued me from the battle... and I was told that Terauchi Temple was the base for humans spying for yokai. Do you mind telling me about that?"

"Oh, uhh..." Ayu scratched the back of her head, clearly thinking it was a bother by the son of the Island Lord red-handed. "Well, that's all true... but I assure you, Lord Takeshi, we are your allies. Especially against the Varjans." The head spy then wracked her brain for something else to tell the young lord. "We-We even have a way to get reinforcements to help us. Follow me!"

Ayu then showed Takeshi and the taskforce one of the seemingly unremarkable pagodas in the temple. "This pagoda has a magic circle that can teleport in people Lady Kyouko sends us. You know, reinforcements." A bright, white light then flashed inside the building. "Oh, speak of the devil..."

When the visions of Vivian and the Claremont sisters returned, they found themselves in an empty wooden chamber with four pillars supporting the ceiling. On one side of the room was a simple shrine with candles and nondescript statues. On the opposite side were a set of sliding doors that were the only exit of the chamber.

Exiting the room, the newcomer monsters were greeted by a sight of a Zipanguese temple grounds, presumably Terauchi Temple. In front of them were a group of monsters and humans with the latter being two males and one female. "Hey there! You all must be sent by Lady Kyouko. Welcome to Shizuyama and come say hello to Takeshi Oja, son and heir to the Island Lord, as well as the rest of the taskforce." Ayu greeted the newcomers with forced enthusiasm.

"Uhh, hi?" The young lord awkwardly waved.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kirei, Vară, & Lavinia

Janus' Campsite


Vară, after hearing Janus's thoughts, was perhaps filled with a closure of sorts. As Lavinia said, feeling guilty on Sidonus's death would do nothing but dishonor it. It was best to ensure that he will was carried on by those who were still here, her included of course. However, just as soon as her spirits were lifted, they were just as soon shot down again. Apparently, the only ones riding on a horse was Lord Takeshi with Nyla being his riding partner. Vară, Lavinia, and Kirei, would have to ride in the wagon with Janus as the driver. The fire demon made a face, which was accompanied by a groan as she load up with the others.

"Aw, don't be upset, sweetie. At least we get to ride with two fine specimens of the opposite sex~" Lavi mused to her fiery teammate, which caused her to blush suddenly.

"Wahh! You can't just say things like that! I'm a noble lady, y'know?! I have to approach these things with a more dignified demeanor! even if what you're saying is true..."

Kirei did little except laugh at their exchange. "Fair enough, Janus-san. Just lead the way." He responded to his fellow warrior. It was a tight fit, and Vară and Lavinia blushed a bit during the ride, but the group eventually made their way toward their destination.

Terauchi Temple

@Enkryption@The Irish Tree

The trip to the temple was uneventful for the most part, mainly just consisting of taking in the countryside and seeing the occasional group of locals onlooking from the roads. Kirei, having not been in Zipangu for quite sometime, couldn't help but be absorbed in the scenery of his homeland. Though, he'd never been to Shizuyama before. Eventually, they arrived on the temple grounds, marked by numerous native structures and golden leaves. Vară seemed to be quite fascinated with the scenery, whereas Lavi maintained a cool air about her. It was hard to tell what she was feeling sometimes, due to that mask she never took off.

The group was greeted by a young woman wearing bandages and a green robes that gave her the appearance of a ninja or some other fighter.

"Ohayo!" Kirei said. "Name's Kannazuki Kirei, nice to meet ya! Then again, I'm pretty sure you already knew that. Kyouko-san seems to have much respect for you. You're good at what you do, yeah?"

The group had there attention arrested by a flash of light from one of the pagodas. From it, emerged three individuals. Three mamono appeared from the flash, obvious new members of the taskforce. Kirei and Lavi bade a friendly wave.

Vară, flustered over her appearance, quickly wiped off any dirt or grim that accumulated on her dress and hair. She then gave a proper greeting to the trio.

"Greetings new members, before you stands Vară Riemsianne, a demon noble whose name shall soon be known far and wide. Umm, please pay no mind to any dirt or spots you see on my person. The elements certainly aren't know for their mercy..."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


@Enkryption(UMI/RCD), @AzureKnight(VRA/KIR/LAV), @Rune_Alchemist

It seemed that Kyouko thought that Vivian might find a more..."permanent" food source, though she doubted it. She'd likely have to rely on the food source she mentioned, though she had no idea what sort of man would let himself be almost frozen. She'd drained a few Varjan soldiers of their heat from the battle she'd partaken in, so she was full for a few days at the least. Vivian, the mutt, and her sister would stand in the teleportation circle, with Vivian keeping a careful eye on Umami...not out of concern for violence, but expecting that she might try to lick her once again.

Once they arrived in a flash of light, Vivian would walk forward out of the temple, folding her arms as she took in the slightly humid air and general squalor of the place. For someone used to ice palaces, glass streets, and ice rinks, everything here was very...dull. Wood was for peasants. This green-robed person seemed to be getting their attention, and focusing it on the young lord. Vivian had no idea how important this man actually was, but would show due courtesy with a graceful bow. "Vivian of Lyonesse. Feel free to ask for me by name if you wish to see Lyonesse's famous royal ballet performances."

A sizeable entourage followed the young lord, including a slimy looking woman, a bald buff man, a masked monster, some fetching white-robed human, and a woman with a rather...delectable looking aura about her. Vivian was quick to approach Vară and hum, smiling softly. "Such an avant garde fashion sense. Is this how people accessorize above sea level?" she asked, seeming to assume the dirt was part of the ensemble. In truth, Vivian just wanted to siphon some free heat off of the demon noble.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Ayu & Takeshi)

Taking in the sights of Terauchi Temple, the former mafioso, ex-cleaners, would evaluate everything, and, as they did, the collective would start to introduce themselves...

However, there was no established hierarchy, beyond Lady Kyouko being The Boss, and their assigned mission to rendezvous with the Taskforce was accomplished, and without orders to stay put, and with only Takeshi and this Vară character - both of who reeked of bureaucrat, and not warrior - introduced, the Claremont Sisters decided to to take a self-guided tour of sorts.

Dropping to all fours, Umami took off like a bolt, while Ripcord, rather easily, followed her lead - or rather, her nose. The first stop on their tour was the kitchen.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker

And hold on tight Nyla did.

Her chest, very obviously squishing against the mans back as she'd try and think happy, non-lewd, non invasive thoughts through the entirety of the trip like the wholesome, pure, demure maiden she was most definitely. Thankfully, all she had to do was imagine giving Lady Kyouko a bath back home to prevent any immediate shenanigans with wandering slippery appendages. He'd probably notice some occasional light giggling coming from her, though.

The rest of the trip would pass without incident from the Shoggoth. Once at the temple, Nyla hopped off, helping Lord Oja off his steed as well before quietly playing the part of dutiful maid. She had no thoughts to give on the subject at had, nor any input to give regarding the refugees. Her priority, was to Lord Oja after all.

She was interested in the reinforcements, however. That meant if she tried really hard she could probably use the circle to immediately go back to Lady Kyouko.

If she wasn't a loyal little shog she would. Ah, she wondered how Lady Kyouko was doing...perhaps she should ask?

A glacies and two girls...one which...seemed incredibly...

Nyla's lower body returned to its gooey state, her multitude of eyes peering carefully at Ripcord as they'd leave. Instead of pursuing that thought, though, Nyla approached the Glacies.

"A pleasure, miss. I am Nyla. Correct me If I'm wrong, but if I understand correctly, you came from Lady Kyouko's estate? If I may make a small inquiry as I used to be her maid before she sent me over here, how is she doing?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
Avatar of The Irish Tree

The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago



Well, someone had a modicum of manners! Upon being treated with cordiality, Vivian was inclined to respond just the same. "From what I saw of my visit, Lady Kyouko is in good health. She has a good eye for people it seems, as she was willing to send me here," The Glacies said with confidence, looking from Nyla to the obvious noble accompanying her, then to the other male that seemed to be a warrior of some type, given his powerful presence, and the general feeling of strength he gave off. Then, there was the masked woman with icy hair beside Vară, who gave off a somewhat...familiar feeling, Vivian thought.

Overall, a fine assemblage of warriors, with the Glacies and the two mobling sisters seeming to round their numbers out. ...Still not a very large number, though. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this place seems rather...ill-fit to be a base for a war," Vivian said, while not so subtly inching her way back towards Vară to feed off her ambient heat.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago


Otomo Port

Zeka and Matsuri arrived at the location where they were told Lady Kyouko was currently residing, the port of Otomo in Akamagaseki island. The morning sun illuminated the port, which was very clearly preparing for battle if not outright war. Huge ships were docked while crates full of weapons and supplies littered the corners as sailors, soldiers and other staff took stock of them and loaded them to the vessels.

"Well, hello there." A gentle, female voice greeted the two monsters from behind. It was a beautiful Ryu with bluish hair and golden eyes: Lady Kyouko herself. "Ah, Miss Zeka Willows. I'm glad that you have arrived. A little late, if I am to be honest, but better late than never. My taskforce will need any help they can get."

"Hmm?" Lady Kyouko turned to Matsuri. "And who might you be, little one?"

Terauchi Temple

~ @Rune_Alchemist, @AzureKnight (KIR, VRA & LAV), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

When Umami and Ripcord took off in search of the kitchen without even responding to the greetings, Ayu pinched the bridge of her nose. "And I requested Lady Ayu not to send weirdoes..."

"Where are they going?" Takeshi watched the sisters leave. He would have chased after them to make sure they didn't cause trouble... if this was part of his clan's domain. The young lord remembered this temple was but a front for yokai spies.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but this place seems rather...ill-fit to be a base for a war,"

"That's because it's not a base for war." Ayu returned to her true, dry-witted self. "This is a base for Lady Kyouko's spies masquerading as a temple. So no, we don't have armories filled with weapons or tall walls and watchtowers." She finished. "Although, if what Lord Takeshi is true, that the Shizuyaman army was destroyed just recently, then we could certainly use those right about now."

"It goes against my code to do this but... I must ask for your aid, yokai." Takeshi reluctantly spoke up. "Without an ally nearby to help us, we all knew this Varjan invasion would be the end of us. But now that you're here, we can have a chance to drive the Varjans off Shizuyama. It's a big risk, but I'm choosing to put my trust in you. For now, at least."

"There are people I know who weren't on the beach. Strong, capable warriors. If they're still alive, we can gather them to our side then we'll have a force large enough to take on a Varjan warband." The young lord explained. "If they are being smart which I'm sure they are, they'll be hiding here in Onrai. We'll need to comb the region for their whereabouts, and perhaps we can establish a foothold somewhere in Shizuyama."

"I advise taking a major port, my lord." Ayu suggested. "With a friendly dock, Lady Kyouko can land some of her troops here to serve as our reinforcements. Not to mention, needed supplies like food and medicine." The spymaster said. "And don't worry about her fleet's power, my lord. I assure she and her forces are capable of taking on the Varjan armada. Not a big fan of any kind of losses, though..."

Takeshi sighed deeply. This was unraveling his world faster than he thought. "...Very well. We'll do that." The young lord replied. "Oh, I almost forgot..."

The young lord addressed the taskforce members present. "Almost all of you are yokai so at best, my friends won't listen to you and at worst, they'll try to kill you." Takeshi closed his eyes and cupped his chin for a moment before letting out a deep sigh. "...Tell them that I sent you and that I couldn't come because I was still dressed up as a miko. They'll know what that means and should be all ears... I hope."

"I, myself, will be looking for Kikyo. She's the last of the exiled Kinkakuji Clan." Takeshi finished. "And... she's someone special to me. I'd go alone, but I suppose any of you can tag along."

"And if I may add, yokai..." Ayu stepped in. "It'll also be a huge step if you helped the locals with their problems. This island doesn't trust you right now and we'll need their trust if we want to really help them."


~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

The monks and refugees moved out of the way as Umami and Ripcord made their way to the temple's kitchen. Following the scent of rice, they find the temple's kitchen: A sizeable wooden shack with a cooking area that also functions as a storage space judging from the sacks and barrels of rice over to the side.

"You don't look like locals. Are you from the taskforce?" A male voice greeted the sisters from behind. "Hungry? I hope you like rice since I'm afraid recent events will limit the variety of dishes for the foreseeable future."

The man was bald with glowing light blue eyes. However, it likely stood out to Umami and Ripcord that he was wearing armor very reminiscent of their former Varjan masters.


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Ah, Miss Zeka Willows. I'm glad that you have arrived. A little late, if I am to be honest, but better late than never. My taskforce will need any help they can get."

"Uuuh, yeah. I can see that plainly.", Zeka responded as she took in her surroundings, noting the large ships receiving cargos of weapons and supplies, all of which were tended to by sailors and soldiers. "You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago



It had taken a lot of time for Matsuri to work up her courage to arrive at Lady Kyouko's domicile on Akamagaseki Island. With a heartfelt goodbye to the workers of her family's business and a truckload of packed lunches, the masked Inari would quietly work her courage up, still unused to her own monsterhood. Her vulpine tail swished to and fro, and her ears kept swiveling to every new sound around her. A fellow prospective freedom fighter seemed to also have just arrived, a mouse-like yokai that would be addressed first. Zeka Willows was her name it seemed, and even she was having doubts about being able to help. Once Lady Kyouko's attention was on Matsuri, she would clear her throat.

Lowering her mask and moving it over her heart, Matsuri would introduce herself. "I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you." Matsuri would then remove her bamboo cannon from her back and lay the flat end on the ground, taking a deep breath and laying her hands interlaced atop the barrel before making her request. "Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone," The fledgling Inari spoke, seeming determined to fight for her father's homeland.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Kitchen Staff)
This won't do at all," Ripcord says, looking around the... shack that was being excused as a kitchen. "This won't do at all..."

"Rippy, we have to clean this mess up..." Umami says, clenching her fists like a begging puppy, "Rice alone is no meal for Boss Kyouko!"

Ripcord nodded, snapping her finger, as her punkish attire morphed into the very atypical maid attired of a maid, and pushed Gnash into her chest, before retrieving a broom. "I'll start sweeping up. Mami, you start mapping the location, and restructuring the storage."

"Umu!" Umami nodded, as her hair grew out wild and a pair of thin, triangular ears erupted from her head, as she transformed into a Werebat. Thrusting herself into the air, Umami would sonically chirp at the ground, as she flew around in a few circles.

As Umami made her laps, Ripcord was speedily swept without a dustpan nor leaving a mess behind; her slime absorbing the biodegradable material into her through the broom. Humming, as finished, stowed her broom away, and Umami landed behind her - whispering something into her ear. Ripcord nodded alone, before punching her right fist into her left palm.

"Genius!" Ripcord says, before lifting her dress and running over to the head chef in her dainty heels. "Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu!"

"Umu!" Umami parrots, transformed into a Weredog, wagging her tail wildly. "We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises!"

Despite the fact that there were two Mamono standing before him, he could hardly help but see two young women with sparkling eyes in need of a meal and willing to earn it through hard work.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Nyla, your friendly neighborhood baker

Conflicted, was how Nyla felt.

On one hand, she was glad Lady Kyouko was doing well. On the other hand, she was doing well without her. The thought made her tentacles tense in apprehensive worry. Was she unneeded? No that was silly, lady Kyouko always told her how much she was needed and how good she was. Urgh, she was having trouble not just running back over and wrapping Lady Kyouko up in her tendrils and making her see just how useful and correct she was. The outside world was dangerous, there was no need for her out here. Lady Kyouko shouldn't be worried about this pathetic-

Through all of these thoughts, Nyla remained composed as she'd readjust her position slightly, folding her arms in front of her, sliding away from the Glacies and a bit behind Lord Oja.


No. Nyla had a job to do here. She'd look after Lord Oja. That was what Lady Kyouko wanted.

"Lord Oja." Nyla spoke up. "As Lady Kyouko requested me to ensure your saftey...I will be tagging along." There was a definite subtle tone of 'whether you want me to or not' in Nylas voice.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

S T E E L P E R F E C T I O N : S O V E R E I G N W I N D

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @Rune_Alchemist @The Irish Tree (Vivian)

Kirei got up from his sitting place and made his way over to Varã and Vivian, the latter violating the personal space of the demoness. ”My, my, I suppose it's good to see new members getting along so fast!” He said in a jovial tone. ”Apologies for not formally introducing myself. As the appointment captain of this force, it's quite unprofessional.” He removed his hood, revealing his snow white hair. ”My name is Kannazuki Kirei, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Vivian of...Lyonesse, was it? It seems the other two ladies decided to show themselves to the mess quarters, pity. As long as they don't cause a ruckus, I see no problems. In the meantime...”

Kirei then turned to Takeshi, who stated he would go looking for this Kikyo character - person of great importance to the young lord. A budding lover, perhaps? Nyla had quickly decided that she would accompany the lord on this task, as it would likely be too dangerous for him to go alone.

”Make that three.” He said to Takeshi, walking up to both him and Nyla. ”I would much like to continue discussing the situation of the island with the young lord, captain-ly duties and all that. Plus, I feel that he'd benefit greatly having my blade at his side.”

I C Y C R E E D : B E W I T C H I N G D A R K N E S S

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree(Vivian)

The Umbra Witch also introduced herself formally, but didn't deign to get up from where she sat. ”I suppose I should also set a better example, as a representative of the Witch Association. Greetings, my name is Lavinia Isabella, some know me by my moniker the Umbra Witch. Don't get too hung up on that though, as I'm sure we'll become fast friends. I'm familiar with your kind, Lady Lyonesse, though you may not have heard too much about mine. Nonetheless, welcome to the taskforce! Let's work well together, shall we?” At that point, she got up on her feet, making her way toward the southwest exit of the dojo.

”This Takamori fellow sounds interesting, perhaps my archery skills we'll be enough to win him over to our side. Of course, I have other methods of 'persuading' him if need be.” Lavinia understood very well the nature of the island, and the relationship it had with yokai. Perhaps it was her nature as a mamono, or her pride as a witch, but something about that made the challenge even more tantalizing. Beside, this seemed like it was going to be a treacherous job, so she might as well flirt with a strong male to lighten up the mood. Plus, a part of her was curious to find out if his eyes could see throuugh her darkness.

She then made her way toward the direction Takeshi mentioned his dojo would be located. Whether anyone followed her or not.

N O B L E S S E O B L I G E : S O U L O F F I R E

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree(Vivian)

"H-Hey! Just what is the meaning of this?!" Varã exclaimed, quite exasperated at Vivian's close inspection of her person. It was unknown to the fire noble that those of the Glacies species feed off of heat, so it was no wonder why Vivian fluttered around her like a butterfly on a flower. ”Dirt and gravel exist nowhere within the fashion of the Riemsianne household, I assure you! Now, please getting so close to me! It's rather uncomfortable and...people might start to get the wrong idea... I mean, I don't swing that way, but I've never actually tried it before...

Before she realized it, half of the taskforce was already preparing to leave the temple to do their part in aiding the natives, with the other two sisters having made their way into the mess hall. She attempted to recall Takeshi's description of all of the allies who didn't join the battle at Sanjo, but got stuck an a specific term.

”Umm...what's a ronin?” She ask, head tilted with an expression of confusion.

"A wandering samurai." Kirei answered. "More specially, it is a warrior who no longer pledges their blade to a master, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and let the winds take them wherever. Essentially, a vagabond fighter. Such a thing is rather frowned upon in society."

Kirei's explanation, while easy enough to follow, caused Varã to frown a bit herself. She imagined that must've meant that Kazenosuke had left the Oja family's service to live as a hermit in the woods. Why would anyone do such a thing, and it was especially frustrating in the island's time of need! At that moment, she had made up her mind.

"Such behavior will not be tolerated! I'm going to go find this Kazenosuke fellow and insist that he join us, even if I have to drag him back here by his ear!" She said, practically storming off down the river. While she wouldn't admit it, another reason why she chose to seek out the ronin was because Takeshi also stated that he lived closest to the temple. Unfortunately, in her tirade, she didn't even consider Takeshi's statement that he was an incredibly powerful swordsman. Her impulsivity may have led her to a rude awakening, if Takeshi's warning was to be taken seriously.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 4 days ago


Otomo Port

"You sure you need someone like me in your posse? A thief is kinda out of their element on a battlefield."
Zeka Willows

"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield." Lady Kyouko offered a counter opinion. "Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"

"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet." The Ryu continued. "Regardless, missions undertaken by the taskforce should be more covert in nature rather than direct fighting." She stated with confidence. Unfortunately, none of the people present right now knew the true situation in the island.

"Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this." Lady Kyouko said. "Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."

"I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you. Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Oh my, a descendant of a Shizuyaman native." Lady Kyouko was genuinely surprised at Matsuri's words. "Hmm, I do recall someone coming to me for aid for their daughter but I was unable to help. Please forgive me, but I am glad that you gotten better." She bowed her head at the young Inari for a moment.

"But now that you have introduced yourself, I am now hesitant to actually send you to Shizuyama." Lady Kyouko frowned. "Your father has found a solution for your mortal sickness, so I doubt he'd want you in a potentially dangerous situation so soon. A sentiment I sympathize with. Where is your father anyway?"

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Lord Oja. As Lady Kyouko requested me to ensure your saftey...I will be tagging along."

”Make that three. I would much like to continue discussing the situation of the island with the young lord, captain-ly duties and all that. Plus, I feel that he'd benefit greatly having my blade at his side.”
Kirei Kannazuki

Takeshi nodded. "Very well. Let us be off immediately." Despite his words, the young lord still felt troubled about his decision. He realized he was probably too rash about it, and it would definitely be something his father and his colleagues would disapprove of. Thinking about his father, Takeshi remembered last seeing him surrounded by Varjans. He was probably dead, wasn't he?

Takeshi closed his eyes to bottle up the emotions. He can mourn later, Shizuyama still needed saving.


The trio trekked out of Terauchi Temple with Takeshi leading the group. They passed through the dirt roads of Onrai without incident, allowing them to take in the rural landscape of this fertile region. The Varjans probably have not reached this far yet, but it would only be a matter of time.

Takeshi was still quietly contemplating about deciding to request aid from the yokai taskforce. Was that really the right decision? If he didn't, then his home island was doomed. But perhaps, that was better than this...?

"So, Sir Kirei." Takeshi started to distract himself. "You said you wanted to know more about Shizuyama's situation. What do you want to know in particular?" The young lord asked the taskforce's sole human. "What about you, Miss Nyla? Curious about anything regarding your charge?" He also asked the Shoggoth.

Kazenosuke's House


~ @AzureKnight (VRA), @The Irish Tree (VIV) ~

Varã and Vivian followed the river per Takeshi's directions and soon found a humble peasant house nested in a depression in the forested land right beside the flowing river. The house was pretty unremarkable, but there were some simple fishing equipment laying about near the river. Although, what would catch the two taskforce members' eyes immediately was the group of men in front of the house.

A group of three Varjans, two were the typical Varjan Warrior kind while the third was unique... and familiar. He was the Varjan that Varã fought in Sanjo Beach. The one who killed Sidonus. Of course, this Varjan was unfamiliar to Vivian. But his apparel of an iron mask and armor of overlapping plates made him stand out as someone important.

There was a fourth individual standing in front of the masked Varjan. He was a young adult with silver hair wearing simple, but unique, clothes of white and red. This was probably Kazenosuke.


"Come now, there are already Shizuyamans joining us. Our peoples need not be enemies." The Varjan said. "We have confirmed reports that yokai have already reached and infiltrated the island. We should be together against them rather than each other, should we not?" After a few moments of silence, the Varjan continued. "Or maybe, you care little for those traditions. Perhaps, you covet Lord--"

"Leave. Please." Kazenosuke bluntly stated.

The Varjan snickered at the response. "I shall relay to my warriors not to cross you, so long as you do otherwise." He then turned to leave. "If you ever make up your mind, you know where to find me. Or Lord Serek'uar."

Kazenosuke was then left alone by the Varjan group. The warrior was deep in thought from the conversation with the Varjan, and could not sense the two monsters' presence hiding behind the trees.

Takamori's Dojo


~ @AzureKnight (LAV) ~

(Currently in collab)

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD) ~

"Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu!"
Ripcord Claremont

"We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises!"
Umami Claremont

Janus had to cover his ears a bit from Umami's sonic chirping. "A shapeshifting monster? Like a Doppelganger, but the race cannot do it to this extent." The spellcaster remarked about Umami. "And the maid appears to be another Shoggoth. Two Abyssal monsters in one island. I wonder where this path will lead..."

"Anyway, you two needn't work to eat. Well, not exactly like that but..." Janus started again for better clarity. "You can help yourselves to any supplies we have. All that is asked in return is to help the people of Shizuyama from the Varjan invasion. As long as you do that, you can eat as much as you want."

Janus then surveyed the newly-cleaned kitchen. "I suppose cleaning the kitchen counts as helping. A pretty good job, but I'd wager that aesthetics is the least of our problems right now. Why don't you two go talk to some villagers out there? If you can help them out, then I assure you that Lady Kyouko will be most pleased."



Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield. Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"

"Is the other half knowing?", said Zeka, snickering. She couldn't help herself.

"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet. Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this. Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."

"Nah, nah. If you need even a thief's help, then who am I to turn you down? Hopefully, we can resolve these issues before any actual fighting starts..."

Once again, Zeka glances over to the sailors and soldiers loading weapons and supplies onto numerous ships.

"....Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally hoping we're done before that happens."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek
Upon being told that Boss Kyouko would be pleased if they helped out around the place, Umami and Ripcord were off like excitable rockets; looking of anyone that needed any kind of help. For a while, they would only find people that needed help with basic chores - sweeping, laundry, and the like - or held transporting items via cart and by hand from place-to-place within the place they called home.

Despite apprehensions, the sisters looked Human enough to bypass consistent judgment - the residents were apprehensive of them, but could be swayed by their friendly charm and upbeat personalities.

...never to be wise to the dog and pony show they played to be fed.

In truth, they didn't care about anyone or their problems. They worked for Boss Kyouko, and she cared - that would be enough, surely.

They only cared about themselves.

They needed to eat.

They needed to drink.

They needed to sleep.

They needed a place to live.

That required a job, and that's all this was.

No different than before in Varjo.

They worked to live. They lived to work. The cycle was vicious, but they were veterans of surviving it...

However, odd jobs were nothing special, nothing worth promoting, and Boss Kyouko would surely never praise them for such insignificant tasks.

They needed to do something... big.

By time night was falling, and everyone was retiring to their beds, the only person around was a man at the foot of a bonfire, warming his hands.

"Need a hand getting inside, mister," Ripcord asks, approaching with her disarming air of kindness.

"Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force."
Peasant Man


Their old taskmasters.

So soon, it's come to this...

"Rippy! If we save the sake house, Boss Kyouko will be able to have sake with every meal! Breakfast! Lunch! Dinner!" Umami says, eyes sparkling, "Even dessert! Sake Sno Cones!"

Ripcord gasped, eyes wide as she imagined it:

"Boss Kyouko... we saved the sake house... and... well, ma'am, I'd like to present you with the fruit of our labors..." Ripcord says, done up in her Sunday Maid's Best, and holding a silver platter. "From the Ayane Sake House, I, Ripcord Claremont, present to you: Sake Sno Cones! Umu~!"

Ripcord unveiled the trio of cups, shaved ice with a soaking of sake, and fruit juice that stained it red, like the ribbons shared by her and Umami's ribbons.

"My, oh, my... how precious, Lady Ripcord..." Boss Kyouko cooed, as she admired the platter with a thoughtful finger, "But, there's three here. Surely, that's too many for me..."

Umami would splay her fingers apart before her, pressing her pointers and middle fingers together in a diamond, before wagging her hips like she had a tail. "Maybe, we could share them with you, Boss Kyouko..." she offered, innocently. "If you like that, umu~!"

"That sounds lovely, Lady Umami," Boss Kyouko smiled, a dazzling force of personality and praise. "Let's eat, then... together. Umu~"

Ripcord and Umami swooned, as they lean against each other in reality, "Boss Kyouko..."

"For praise!" Ripcord cheered.

"For praise!" Umami agreed.

"RIPCORD!" Ripcord threw her right fist forward.

"UMAMI!" Umami drove her right fist forward.

"CLAREMONT CLEAN-UP!" The sisters fist-bumped with right jabs, and created an actual impact SFX and small explosion of air pressure.

"LET'S GO!" The Claremont Sisters charged off in the indicated direction of the Ayane Brewery.

"MISSION START! UMU~!" Boss Kyouko cheered, waving twin paper fans like a MILFy Cheerleader.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


It seemed Varã had some sort of personal space issue, and was insisting she didn't swing "that way". Pah. Vivian was mainly just taking her side to suck up her ambient hot air. Then came the time for those in the task force to take on jobs and make themselves useful. "I'll travel with Varã to meet this Kazenosuke. A blademaster's aid would at least be better than a gaggle of peasants," the glacies said, feeling that, Varã's pomp and huffing would mean she'd quickly meet her end if the blademaster turned his sword upon her.

The duo didn't have much trouble finding the hovel that Kazenosuke made his home, able to catch a bit of the conversation before the three soldiers left. Kazenosuke's services seemed to be in high demand, enough so that the iron warriors were even willing to declare neutrality against him. Interesting. Once they were cleared out and Kazenosuke was alone, Vivian would make their presence known. "Interesting. A swordsman without a cause. You didn't jump at the chance to slaughter for the Varjans, so I have to assume your services aren't something that can be bought with coin, or an appeal to a duty to your homeland. Otherwise, you would have already swayed one way or the other," Vivian said, slowly walking in a circle around Kazenosuke. "I don't suppose we could talk? That is, if you're not as vehemently against yokai as the Varjans."


Matsuri had a feeling that Lady Kyouko might have reservations, but...she wasn't expecting her to play the Dad card! The Inari was flustered enough after Kyouko bowed her head to her, reflexively doing the same before getting ready to verbally defend her position. "M-My father is...w-well...he's somewhere. I'm not sure. I woke up as an Inari and he was gone but...I'm sure that he's fine. He spent a long time trying to find a cure for me, so I ran things while he was gone."

With at least an explanation offered, Matsuri would suddenly bow down as low as one could go, the traditional Zipangu dogeza. "My father's not here right now, and...because of that, I want to go defend his home in his stead. He told me a bit about it but...any place that he's called home is somewhere important to me, too!" Raising her head to look Kyoko in the eyes, Matsuri wouldn't break her posture once, ears basically flat against the top of her head. "So, while he's gone...I'll defend any place important to him. Our fireworks are safe, so...now all I have left to protect is Shizuyama. A-And I'm gonna, even if I have to get in a boat and row myself there."

Matsuri would consider one last thing to say, before finally adding: "And...I wanted to repay the help you gave him a long time ago. If he hadn't known then...that Inari that saved me might have never been able to help. Please Lady Kyouko, let me fight! Or even just cook and clean...those people need help, and even an amateur fox is better than nothing."
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