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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette’s hair wiped around her head as she struggled to remain upright. Arnold remained huddled under Antoinette’s jacket, deeming it the safer place for the time being. As they waited for Bethany, Guin, and Pietro to do something about whoever was causing this intense wind, Antoinette watched Neil with Max. She couldn’t help but smile at how cute the two of them looked. She didn’t know if there was some sort of intimate relationship there, but she hoped one might form for her friend.
Max’s voice invaded her daydreams, and Antoinette stumbled forward once the wind ceased around them. She lifted her hands, working her fingers through the knots in her hair, and nodded. Antoinette turned and ran in the direction Jaclyn was thrown. Once there, she knelt and used her first aide training to assess her.
”How are you feeling? Did you hit your head?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 32 min ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Perry could concede that it would not do well to face Cortez while Mary had the Phoenix Force behind her. If his powers amplified it, it could destroy the whole asteroid and them with it. But even then, they had to take care of him. He was too dangerous to let loose. Who knows what trouble he could cause later of not?

"Perhaps we can knock him out someway? Or find a way to bind his powers? Either way, he needs to be stopped. And we need to get off this rock, so finding the others should be first priority. Hopefully soon before the explosions and water and electricity take us all down. They really didn't think this place through." Perry knew who created this facility and she wanted the words to sting.

As she moved forward, movement caught her eye. She glanced and saw a woman's figure. Curious, Perry strode forward. "Hold on guys..."

The woman looked to be in her 30's with blonde hair. She was wearing a jumpsuit that Perry clocked as something an astronaut would wear. The woman turned to look at her. "You can see me? I have to admit, I didn't think anyone would." Perry took this to mean this was a new spirit. Perhaps one that manifested when Cortez amplified her powers or maybe she had been moving around since they all got here. Either way, Perry was happy to see a fresh face.

"Hi, yes. I can see you. Name's Peregrine, but you can call me Perry. Or Peregrine. Whatever you are comfortable with. So I am guessing since you know people can't see you you know that you are....?" The woman chuckled. "Yes, I know I am dead. Have been for....I guess a few years now? I was on a space station that blew up. I managed to get my crew on board an escape vessel before it happened. Have been floating around in space since."

Perry wondered if she had heard about the space station explosion, but it wouldn't surprise her if the news suppressed it. It would cause panic. "Well, I am glad I found you. If you would like, you can commit to traveling with me. I could use more help." The woman appeared to think about it before responding. "Yes, I would like that. It's been a while since I was back on Earth. I will like to help. My name is Mary Elizabeth. Pleasure to meet you Peregrine." Once it was done and sealed, Perry felt herself surge in energy. She always liked that feeling of connecting with a new spirit. It made her feel whole.

Once that was done she turned to continue following the others. It probably still looked weird to see her talking to herself, but since thee incident, she hoped they understood her powers better now.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

Robert was really getting on her nerves a bit and trying to order her around. Not to mention, you'd think if you were seemingly scared of something, you wouldn't see there and insult openly whatever it was you were afraid of if it was a sentient thing. "Look genius that's not going to happen. There are a lot of people on board this place, and with what Cortez is doing I'd be more concerned about him killing everyone then me. So how about you can it and stop trying to order people you just met around." she didn't usually get like that with people, but she was really at the end of her rope. There were a million problems going on right now and someone they just met trying to basically get her kicked out and off somewhere else was not something she wanted to deal with at the moment.

Hearing Ed's comment, she couldn't help but laugh a little, "Sorry Ed, I've got nothing."

Thankfully she was able to be distracted by someone knocking out the person throwing electricity around, and smiled slightly when she saw Guin, Pietro and Bethany there. "Hey there," she said with a slight wave towards the group before heading over to the three of them. "Definitely a lot of fun here isn't it?" Mary said with a shrug. "Haven't seen Cortez since we ran into him a while ago, and last we had seen him was down this way..." she said, looking at the hallway area. There was one more branching path nearby, so she was just sort of assuming that he likely had gone down that path.

"Will say this has definitely been an interesting sort of adventure hasn't it? Anyway he probably went down that path over there if we're going off of the direction we had last seen him in," she continued, pointing towards the other hall, "He could be just about anywhere wrecking havoc since he had a bit of a head start."

Lance Banner

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: N/A

"Well guess that solves the issue of the whole situation with regards to the tornado," Lance commented, watching the tornado disperse. That made their lives a whole lot easier now. The winds dying down had indicated that Guin, Bethany and Pietro had managed to deal with the person causing them. Whereas now Neil had manage to get rid of the remaining tornado entirely. So now they could go on ahead.

Mira just sort of shrugged upon this whole situation, and she was all for seeing about getting the hell off this space rock. "All for going onwards, since we seem to be continuing a trend of bad luck wherever the hell we go..." she said, as she started walking along in the direction that they were needing to go.

He walked over to where Jaclyn was, "Seems like you keep getting the short end of the stick with injuries and getting thrown around huh?" Lance said to her, unsure of what else to say. "Hopefully we meet up with the others and then Ed can maybe patch up your injuries then... We should be meeting up with them again soon, I'd think."

Magneto was still staying by them, though he did look over at Miranda, and decided to ask a question with regards to a certain situation. "So, have you told her yet? I know at one point you had been contemplating it, but tell me, have you actually said anything about it?" he asked her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she said, but one thing was obvious, and that was she was very much purposefully not looking at him, or well, anyone really.

"She'll find out eventually, perhaps if you won't I will. Could be an interesting conversation."

"Don't you dare do that!" she said rather quickly, "Not exactly something easy to discuss. I will, just needs to wait a little bit for it... There are more pressing issues to be concerned about anyway."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

With the tornado generating mutant and the electric mutant also out she started to relax a little bit, she looked over at Guin. "Nice job there." She said giving Guin a slight smile, she didn't knock out her target and just sent him somewhere else on the station. Bethany just hoped that he was somewhere else and nowhere near to wherever they were going next. She ran a hand through her hair as she thought about the others who were behind.

A few seconds later she heard familiar voices and saw that it was Mary, Perry Ed and a new face she didn't recognize at all really. "Glad to see you guys are all alright." Bethany said hearing Mary mentioning Cortez, she wasn't thrilled with the idea of having to hunt him down really. "The others aren't to far behind we can just up and leave." Bethany suggested they were kidnapped by Magneto's people and brought up here against their will they didn't have any obligations really to these people.

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Feeling the wind suddenly stopping Carolina started to relax as she watched Neil using his powers and managed to dissipate the tornado that was going down the hallway. Carolina gently patted Neil on the shoulder and gave him a smile. [color=cyan["Nice job there Neil."[/color] Carolina said to Neil they could continue and move forward without to much of an issue really.

Carolina couldn't help but overhear the conversation between Miranda and Magneto, she didn't know Miranda all that well, other than meeting her in Wanda's reality. She knew who they were talking about, when she privately talked with Miranda back then at the time, and she told her not to say anything. She hated keeping it a secret but Carolina had made a promise not to say anything. "We should keep moving." Carolina suggested as she started to head forward.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Was a little taken aback by the sudden outburst, falling on his backside as his body reacted, his skin turning to steel, with the adamantium keeping his spine together all flooding to his face in some kind of instinctual attempt to protect himself from the inevitable vaporization. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making him conductive again and writhed around, rather ungracefully in pain, until someone managed to stop the guy generating it. He at least managed to hold back the indignity of screaming. He grunted as he regained control of his power back from his instincts and the pain, shifting the molocules back, his adamantium once again reattaching his spinal chord. He slowly managed to wobble back to his feet, before seeing the others who had showed up. He panted heavily. He had been holding his spine together for 20 minutes, 20 minutes of near constant use. He was starting to feel the strain, it didn't hurt yet, but he could feel it was gonna start soon. Like tensing a muscle.

Personally, he didn't understand what part of "I'll follow your lead, but i'm just trying to help!" was trying to order people around, but again, the galactic god of genocide was not exactly known for allowing its hosts to think clearly. Frankly, the fact that his atoms weren't disassembled and then splattered across the hall was something anyone should consider a win at this point. He slowly jogged towards the group as they met back up. "Magneto Jr, i know you." He managed to pant out, pointing at Pietro, clearly a little winded from the few zillion volts that had danced across him "You and you i don't know-" He pointed at Guin and Bethany. "Robert Patrick Linden, A.K.A. Upgrade, Xavier Institute Gold Squad class of 2007, at your service" He stopped again to catch his breath as he extended a hand to the 3 of them, even if he had already met Pietro, he still believed in good manners. "I think bidding a hasty retreat is probably for the best. Again, leave Magneto and his people up here to think their smug, superior thoughts without bringing the rest of us into it." He sighed. Honestly, anything to get the X-Men off the station. While they were here, the chances of a fight that punctured the outer layer of the asteroid base was high and he rather didn't like the idea of ANYONE getting turned inside out via explosive decompression.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX Writing=Gravity / The Whole Spectrum of The Stuff

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll thought she caught the sound of her name, and in short time Antoinette was right beside her, asking if she was alright and where she hit. ". . .more my back," OfAll responded uncomfortably. "But it's fine," she pushed herself up onto her all-fours, "I'm fine, I mean. Thanks," she smiled. Antoinette was one of the few members of the team Jaclyn had some interaction with prior to joining them. A positive acquaintance, to be sure, and it was good to be reunited with her, Bethany and Neil. Just half more of the group to go.

OfAll looked up as Lance spoke then, having also come over. "Yeah," OfAll kind of laughed, embarrassed, as she now, carefully, got to her feet. "Thanks for checking on me. That sounds real good," she said of meeting up with the others soon; the smile already faded from her face and a low-key bothered exhale now escaping from her lips.

This was enough.

She'd seen magic go wrong, and she'd seen it work.

She would stay away from portals -and mutant circuits- but it couldn't be all bad and they needed her,
she needed herself -as in, she knew she was more capable than this.

She concentrated again, taking a deep, steadying breath as she did so. Pushing from her mind the calamity that happened before, decidedly shelving that away as, again, "just portals", and she made an attempt to transmutate her space suit into some kind of suit of armour.

Without really thinking about it she had closed her eyes. The feeling of magic did follow -decidedly a different feel than Max's mutant circuit. Much less otherworldly, out-of-body, and more like a tingling sensation that flowed from her mind, to her hands, then spread both across and away from her body.

It also felt. . .incomplete. Or. . .ill charged. Like a device where the batteries were running low and the sound effects played wonky.

In this case, the feeling of the magic was sort of . . .crackly. Like a dull, Pop Rocks sensation.

When OfAll opened her eyes, she found her spacesuit had changed.
For the worse.

OfAll sighed. This, this was almost amusing. The term "rag lady" popped into her head although her suit didn't look that bad. More like one that had been tagged for the decommission pile, used too much to be useful, yet possibly still salvageable with some work.

Deciding that "work" was not to be done by her hands, OfAll shelved her idea. Perhaps the type of armour she had in her mind was just too complicated, or -Holo could've done that she thought to herself. Magic seemed like part visualization, and OfAll was not the visual thinker of the family.

But as her attempt didn't result in the blowing up of her suit, nor any calamity of any sort, OfAll actually could smile at this failure; some of her fear towards magic having been settled through it.

Shifting her mind with another breath, OfAll decided to try and do something about her arms. Yes, maybe it wouldn't be long now before they reunited with the others, with Edus, but who knew what could still be encountered along the way, what wrenches could still be thrown into the works.

Besides that, healing was always a useful thing and likewise, it was magic practice.
OfAll liked the idea that she could practice one thing by doing different things. Well, she didn't know if that's exactly how it worked here. Perhaps magic was more akin to different muscles in the body and flexing one wouldn't really contribute to the strength across the board.

Either way.

Her first attempt she was feeling something again. That Pop Rocks sensation, a little "brighter". But then it stopped. Did it fizzle out or had OfAll balked? She had suddenly had the thought, as the sensation spread over the damaged part of her arms, what if she made it worse?

Shaking her head, OfAll was determined to try again. How can you make things worse healing? she thought to herself in way of calming, not berating. That little back-of-the-mind voice everyone has, however, was starting to speak up well, maybe repairing tissue is one misstep away from- A stronger shake of her head. Focus, OfAll. You can do anything, just set your mind.

Positive self-talk.

And, a positive result did follow -feeling the tingling, fizzy sensation spreading like a tide coming in and going out across her injuries.

The winds had really ramped the pain back up to the point of feeling like they were reburning a little. Not only had OfAll calmed that, but she managed to dial the pain down lower than before them. Surveying the look of her arms, she thought they appeared a little less red than they had been.

It wasn't perfect, but it was an improvement.
In itself that added another layer of relief.

OfAll smiled, turning then to join the others.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

The winds had managed to die down, and Carolina was still present with them. Max couldn't help but wonder if somehow the three who sped off had managed to calm down the wind guy, that or the others they were trying to meet up with did. Either way it eliminated one of the biggest obstacles in their way, even if the tornado remained in the hallway. Before Max could even answer Carolina, Neil had held out his hand. It was clear some magic had been used, dispelling the tornado before them as it showed off Neil's immense talent. Max had been trying to use his magic this whole time and the most he'd managed was to halt it in place, yet here was Neil, the young Necromancer that had managed to fell the winds. Max gave him a smile as he gently tapped Neil's shoulder with a fist. ”Amazing work there Neil.”

”Maybe don't call out the bad luck? It will only attract more of it.” He said as he began to turn his attention towards Jaclyn, Antoinette, and Lance. He'd charged them with making sure she was ok, but in the end he wanted to check himself. She manifested his powers, and he felt partially responsible for anything that would come of it. As he made his way closer to her, he could see her suit beginning to deteriorate. Instantly making him wonder if his magic was somehow decaying right before his eyes. He'd never had something he made vanish, at least not without his intent to do so, yet this suit was clearly moving towards the end of its life. ”Those burns don't look too good. I'm not exactly an expert healer but I'm sure we can catch up to Ed no issue. Just try and take it slow ok?”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid (Group: Mary, Flynn, and Perry + Robert, now with special guests of Guin, Peitro and Bethany)

Ed nodded at Mary when she told him she didn't have any. That was fine. It was probably the better situation. He had quit, he might as well stick with it. That didn't stop him from wanting one though. Some tension that had been building in his stomach released a bit when they met up with Guin, Peitro, and Bethany.

He smiled. "Good to see you. Where are the others?" He had hoped they'd be all together, there had been more with them on the cameras. He glanced at Robert when he called Peitro 'Magneto Jr' and considered punching him. Sure, he wasn't Peitro's biggest fan, but that didn't mean calling him that was appropriate.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette smiled at Jaclyn and nodded. She stepped back to give Jaclyn space to stand on her own. She kept her arms loose at her sides, ready to reach out and stabilize Jaclyn if needed. With watching Jaclyn so closely, Antoinette was able to see Jaclyn’s suit shift form and the burns on her arms heal a bit more. Antoinette smiled encouragingly at Jaclyn. ”There’s a first aid kit on the ship. We can wrap your burns once we get there. Unless we get to Ed first, and you want him to try his hand at healing. Just lean on me if you need an extra hand walking, okay?” They weren’t out of the woods yet.
Antoinette smiled at Lance and Max when they joined to check on Jaclyn. That was one of the things Antoinette loved about her team. They were always looking out for each other. The group started to move forward now that the tornado was gone. Antoinette remained next to Jaclyn’s side in case she needed Antoinette or wanted to talk.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 32 min ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Once back with the others, including Bethany, Guin, and Pietro, Perry felt a bit better. They just needed to get the others and get off this stupid rock. Robert spoke up referring to Pietro as Magneto Jr. She wanted to deck him then and there. What was it with some people feeling like children were just extensions of their parents? They were their own person with their own feelings and wants and quirks.

Robert did have a point though, mainly in leaving Magneto and the rest of those idiots to their fate on here. "We still have some friends to find first. Once we get everyone together, then we can be rid of this place." This meant continuing forward though and possibly running into more people who would attack them. Possibly even Cortez. And considering the powersets of their team as a whole, it would be very bad should they get amplified.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks
~Fit Check~

Guin was glad to see that everyone was in one piece, more or less. Mary explained where she thought Cortez had gone off to, and Guin was about to do a quick psychic sweep to confirm his location (and ideally take him out remotely, if at all possible) when the stranger with Mary and the rest opened his mouth - and began with pointing at her husband and calling him by the name of his abuser. He then pointed at Guin and Bethany, before explaining that he didn't know them, and then introduced himself like they were at the board meeting of some investment firm. Why the full name? Why the class year at Xavier's? It reeked to her of desperation and had it been a better day, maybe Guin would've been more mature.

But Bob had insulted her husband. And she had been having a bad day. A very bad day.

So without even thinking about it, Guin breeched Bob's defenses. It wasn't hard. She made a simple edit to his mind, not bothering to look through his memories or anything like that. No, she installed a simple trigger, with a simple punishment - every time Bob'd say Magneto, he'd be compelled to do ten jumping jacks. He seemed old - his knees were probably shit, anyways. "You can go fuck yourself, just an FYI, Bob," Guin said, before turning her attention to the other's questions. "The others aren't too far behind us. But I think we should sort this mess out anyways. I'm in the mood to take out some anger on someone else and Cortez sounds like a fucking exceptional candidate."

The new asshole taken care of, Guin then returned to the task she had at mind - scouting ahead telepathically. Mary was correct - Cortez was indeed down that hallway, not too far from where they were now. "Alright, once we've all caught up, let's go nail his ass. I think the easiest strategy is if we all hit him at once, y'know, gang shit. If we all use our powers at the same time, he probably can't fuck with all of us, and he'll go down easy."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil gave Carolina a grateful smile, as she patted them on the shoulder, telling them that they had done a good job. From others, it would have felt patronizing - but from Carolina, it was heartfelt. And perhaps they were a bit swept up in the moment, but Neil put their hand on hers, and gave her an affectionate squeeze. They weren't the only ones doing good right now. Before they could say as much, they received more praise, this time coming from Max. Their face burned in embarrassment, but it felt good. A centuries old mage was impressed with them. For now, at least.

The looming shadow of their family still hovered over them - what would Max think?

Would Max try to hunt their family down, to make them pay for their immoral ways?

They were lost in thought for a moment, as Max headed over to Jaclyn and the others, checking in on her and her injuries. Neil didn't want to press forward without the entire group, and they noted that Magneto was having an odd conversation with Miranda, but it wasn't any of their business. "Are you good to move forward?" they asked Jaclyn.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Ok, how about not refer to anyone like that, it's not exactly a nice thing to do if you want to stick around by us," Mary instantly said directly to Robert, continuing to get annoyed. Pietro was clearly getting annoyed by that statement, and looked like he was about ready to go over and punch the guy across the face.

"How about you shut your mouth, call me that again and you're going to wish you hadn't," Pietro grumbled, shooting daggers of a glare in Robert's direction.

She understood why others were saying that maybe they should leave right now as soon as they were able to, but she just couldn't. There were still some people on this station, and no one deserved to basically have someone trying to mess with their powers and kill them for no reason. Or if there was a reason, it hadn't been shared with them why that was. "I agree with Guin, we didn't exactly ask to be up here, but we can't just leave. Cortez can cause a lot of damage, and imagine if he eventually decides to try and cause mayhem on Earth too, then he'd be even more of a headache for us. So we might as well deal with this here and now while we're here."

As if right on cue, there was the sound of another rumble and the entire facility seemed to shake under their feet. "Well definitely sounds like we might want to hurry up then..." Flynn commented, looking at everyone else who had gotten there.

"That plan sounds solid Guin, but part of the issue is that he can use his powers as more of a ray effect, he doesn't have to touch anyone to do it, so we're going to have to be really quick about it. Since in theory depending on things, all he'd need is to get a hold of one person with his powers to make things a hell of a lot harder."

The others were still back a ways away from everyone else, but figuring things had calmed down slightly (aside from the random rumbling and sounds of explosions or something farther along) they'd be able to see about heading onwards. Lance looked over at Jaclyn now, "Guessing since the others haven't decided to head back down this way, they might have run into the others. Hopefully anyway, which means that Ed might be over there and we can see about getting you some better healing, since I don't have anything I'd be able to use to help you out with, since my patching up skills aren't power based, unless it's to stop bleeding in a pinch... Which is about the best my powers right now can do. Let's get going and see what's going on up ahead."

"You and I both know odds are you are likely looking for an excuse not to. Reason why you haven't mentioned it or anything."

"I am not just looking for excuses."

"Yes, you are, hence why you also never told your son about anything either."

"To be fair that one actually turned out to be a good choice, better off without me and it worked out. Pretty sure he was also better off without you too," she responded, muttering the last sentence under her breath and Magneto didn't seem to hear her, or if he did he didn't respond to it.

"You have until the end of this little endeavor, otherwise I will tell her," Magneto said, before he headed down the hallway after the others.

"Why can't things be a lot easier," she mumbled, heading that way too.

The group would be able to reach the others this round heading that way, and Lance was a bit glad to see that everyone was now back together and they just needed to figure out their next move. Glancing around, he eventually saw Ed was there, "Hey Ed, mind maybe healing someone? Jaclyn has a few bad burns still that kind of need it..." he said to him.

Mary was a little surprised to see that Magneto was with the group still currently, but she decided it best not to focus too much on that. They had to still head down the hall to hopefully find Cortez, even though a few people seemed to think that they all should leave, and currently her and Guin were the two openly saying they should stay and deal with this issue now. Otherwise they likely were going to later anyway.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Robert Linden

Rob immediately got a bunch of threats to punch him in the face. Probably not the most compelling threat, considering that his face was made of solid steel at the moment. Thing is, these kids may know this guy now as another glorious and brave member of the team, but Rob hadn't had the luxury of growing content with the kid. Considering every single time he had heard about this kid, it was because he was committing terrorist attacks with his Brotherhood allies, those hypersonic punches of his had put quite a few of his friends from the main X-Men as well as Gold Squad into the infirmary. Was he being an asshole? Maybe... Definitely... He did live by the rule of "If you're the only one in the room saying that you're not being an asshole, you're DEFINITELY being an asshole. At the same time, a simple "But he's changed" isn't enough to undo years of resentment. That being said, Rob could easily tell his position here was becoming a little untenable. He was stressed to all hell, his spine was starting to get that dull, tiny throb that was his bodies way of saying "T-Minus 30 Minutes until body shut-down." Being that when that happened, he had 2 choices, rely on these kids to protect him or throw himself on the mercy of Magneto and his Merry Murderers... Then again, if someone likened him to his own father, they would definitely be likened to equal threats of face punching. He put his hands up "Alright, that was uncalled for, i apologize." It was a half hearted apology to Pietro. One that they'd both be able to tell was really saying "I'm not willing to forgive however many years of terrorism because a bunch of people i don't know told me you're very sorry for hospitalizing my friends, but right now, the situation calls for everyone to be happy-families. So let's just draw a line under this and move on. Who knows, you may prove them right later on"

He stood and watched Guin explain her "Madly rush in and hope for the best" (What was known in the Historical community as the "Operation Barbarosa" strategy. And everyone knows how well that one ended.) Mary explain in great detail why allowing her to be in the same room as Cortez was probably the single worst move they could make right now, punctuated with her insistance on still going and he couldn't help but scrunch his lips, but then reminded himself of what the creature had turned Professor Grey into and then the terrible reasoning all made sense again. And being that he was content to leave his atoms in the current configuration as they were instead of disassembled and made to orbit the sun, he decided to let this one go... Nope, it was either his atoms splayed across deep space now or when Cortez made the Phoenix go nuts. At least right now he might be able to save someone else. "Look, before anyone has a go at me for "Trying to take over" I'm not, i'm just trying to make sure as many of us as possible survive, as well as this station." He brought his hands up and scrunched them into fists as he tried to get his train of thought past the minor pain in his spine, but then gave up. The Steel was re-absorbed into his skin and suddenly a wheelchair started to appear out of the back of his legs before he sat down. "Oh me mother tilly..." He gasped in relief as he sat down. "Anyway, Cortez is SMART. He didn't get where he was today just by allowing any old group of people to bum-rush him. Plus, the massive cavernous hole in your plan is that, whereas you are right, he probably can't get all of us if we bum rush him, he only needs to get 1 or 2 of us." He pointed at Mary "If he makes the Phoenix's power go ape-shit, we're all gonna be dust in seconds." He then pointed to Pietro "You're fast enough to beat us all up in the blink of an eye. If you get even faster, then the sheer force of kinetic-energy of your speed when you move past us would probably ignite the atmosphere by accident. And with any of the rest of us, frankly, we have NO idea how our powers will react to him pumping us full of his juice, any one of us could kill all of us depending on how our powers react. For all i know, i might start absorbing everyone around me's skeletons without even touching them. No, we need to outsmart him before we can out-muscle him..." He thought for a second. "Either we need to figure out how to make us immune to his power, or figure out how to control it when one of us inevitably does get hit." He continued to think as the party started moving on. He rolled along in his chair, trying to think his way around this. He was a scientist now, not a punk like his old days. Phoenix's power didn't melt Professor Logan's claws when she tried to kill him, so Adamantium must be able to resist it, but that only covers a small part of my body and i can't walk if i do that, also, that helps absolutely nobody else. Maybe generate some kind of electromagnetic field to screw with the targetting of his powers? Enough Radiation has been known to disrupt- No, it'd screw with us too, plus we don't even know if it'll do anything, too big a risk to bet everything on... Maybe use some of the Jeffreys Tubes to sneak around and ambush him... We'd need to get him into the right position, plus most of them are located close to the floor and not enough of them close enough together for us to all burst out and ambush him... We need a way to hold him, kinda like- It was at that point that the group ran into the other party He waved over at the people he recognized from before as well as...

"Eric..." He tried to play this off as he saw the man who was technically his boss. He was with the rest of the group. And Rob was in his old X-Men outfit... "Eric, i can explain. There was explosions, i couldn't find a space suit so i grabbed the only thing with weather protection." At least he was confident that Eric wouldn't accuse him of being a traitor, being that Magneto seemed to be working with the other X-Men as well. "Were you over at the explosion? I heard it but your goons abandoned the command center and i wasn't able to reach them for a sitrep. How's M's structural integrity?" He asked. He knew Magneto had a weird connection to the asteroids natural electromagnetic field, he had used his powers to detect problems the computers couldn't before. if Asteroid M was still in one piece then they were golden, but that was the problem with Asteroid M to start with. Building a space station was hard enough, making it able to survive hundreds of pissed off beings with the ability to spout fire or brimstone or nuclear blasts from their finger tips was an entirely other thing... It was at times like this when he specifically was annoyed Magneto had vetoed his idea to have Power Dampeners in the holding cells. He could have stripped them out, installed them in a cargo bay and lured him in. Then it's as Guin said Gangland beat-down. He might be able to cook some up, but it would take time, not exactly a commodity at this juncture. Currently the only thing he was focused on right at this very second was continuing to make sure everyone kept breathing...

"Wait, breathing, that's it." He mumbled. "Someone needs to make a run to the infirmary." He looked at Quicksilver, seeing that the supersonic runner was the most obvious choice. "Grab as much of the anesthetics as you can, preferably chloroform because of it's low vaporization point. If we can distribute it into the right part of the life support system in the section he and his croneys are in, we can render them all unconscious. And even if it doesn't take them down, it's gonna knock them for a loop at the very least, make them a little easier to take down." He looked around as if to ask for approval. "I know i said i wasn't gonna give orders, but if anyone has a better idea that doesn't involve blindly charging at him and half of us trying to kill the other half, then for the love of the almighty, PLEASE tell us so we can do that instead." He asked. The plan had plenty of things that could go wrong, but at least it was a start and it was the least suicidal plan that didn't involve bugging out yet. Then again, Rob was the first to admit, he was a scientist, not a strategist.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Master EffeX
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Master EffeX Writing=Gravity / The Whole Spectrum of The Stuff

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: Power Mimicry - Active Power: Chaos Magic

OfAll smiled at Max and Antoinette.
"Thanks, guys."

She almost did need Antoinette's assistance as the base rumbled then, and OfAll lost her footing some -actually stumbling into Antoinette since she was closest, though not enough to bring them down. "I'm starting to think the X-Men were targeted so we could clandestinely help out with something," her remark was more offhand, not totally serious. Though it was curious -then again, when didn't something happen where ever the X-Men happened to be? "not everyone, of course," she added soberly, thinking of how vicious some of the face-offs had been.

Her attention shifted to Lance. "That's good to know, anyway," She said of what healing he could do, before she looked ahead to where Neil was clearly intent on not moving forward without them, and as she met their eyes, they asked if she was good to move forward. OfAll was beginning to feel a little. . .positively uncomfortable? at all this attention. Feeling better than she had several minutes ago in both body and spirit, it was an interesting thing to receive such now.

"Absolutely," she answered Neil, giving an appreciative smile all the same. "Really, I'm fine to manage now until we meet up with Edus, at least." The first-aid kit in the ship was a good option, but OfAll didn't expect they'd be returning to it that soon. Someone amping up mutants' powers as Cortez was, especially on a facility in space. . .what was his game? Definitely sounded like some other, unofficial face-off situation. Or naive mutants looking for a trip.

She became aware of Magneto and Miranda finishing an obviously private conversation -OfAll didn't catch any of it-

As they all went along then, she turned to Antoinette, appreciably by her side, and ahead of them meeting up with everyone else, OfAll asked her: "So how's the experience been for you guys, up here? What's been happening?"

When the others did come in sight, it was like reaching the end of part 1 of a mission objective, or the end of a chapter in a book.

Lance spoke up to Edus about healing her. OfAll had specifically put a lock of her hair in one of the pockets of her space suit before they left the ship, for this very encounter. It had been lost when the suits initially got damaged, so, OfAll wound another strand around her finger and pulled it out, then sliding it off her finger into her other hand, held it out to Edus: "You said before you'd need this?"

Her eyes shifted then to two faces she realized she didn't know -that wasn't right. One she did recognize, from Bonnie's holographic video. Flynn! Part 1 of mission objective completely indeed.

The other man, however, OfAll definitely didn't know. By his disposition he was clearly not in their or Flynn's boat -he sounded like he was on Magneto's side, though perhaps not so decidedly? And it was interesting he had an X-Men uniform. By that and his explanation, OfAll could guess he had been one once. If he had defected though, would he still have the uniform? What was his story?

This day was getting full with "something for another time".

As they went along, this other man suddenly burst out with a plan to knock out "he and their cronies". OfAll could assume "he" was Cortez, or she wanted to. She hadn't realized he was working with others, however. The plan sounded, alright. . .OfAll did wonder about flooding a room of a construction in space with something like that, but didn't know enough about chloroform to wonder in any concrete sense.

By his next utterance and accompanying manner, however, OfAll had the distinct impression there had been some confrontation between him and the rest of the group they'd just reunited with. Was that whole "blindly charging" and "half trying to kill the other half" bit something that was actually, also on the table? Likely exaggerated wording aside, OfAll couldn't think so, yet her eyes did shift to Guin.

She had certainly shown herself to be the pugnacious type. Though now that they were all together, leadership would revert to Marygold.
OfAll hadn't experienced her brand yet (not that she expected it to be of the blind-charge-face-off type).
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Bethany Bell

Skills: N/A

Bethany looked over at the new guy. "I'm Bethany nice to meet you." She said, keeping the introduction pretty simple and quick she found it pretty rude when he called Pietro Magneto junior for no reason at all. Pietro was nothing at all like his father and as far as she was concerned he earned his place on the team. But she remained quiet for the most part as Bethany listened to Mary and she let out a quiet sigh. She really didn't want to be here any longer than she wanted to be really but Mary did have a point they couldn't let Cortez run rampant up here and harm anyone else either. Except for the members that all had attacked them Bethany really did hate them seeing as they forced here and the others up here.

She watched as the others now started to come and join them and gave them all a slight wave they all were alright which was a good thing then as Bethany started to think a little bit. [color==696969]"I could simply shadow travel him out into space, I just need a space suit just in case something goes wrong."[/color] Bethany suggested once they did find Cortez that was he wouldn't harm anyone else, unless they all wanted him to just be knocked out or something if they all simply chose to fight him.

Carolina Reed

Location: Blackbird
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked up at Neil and blushed slightly when he gently squeezed her hand she gently returned the gesture while looking over at him as she gave him a smile. She simply walked alongside Neil and the others as they continued to move forward down the hallway as they eventually made their way up to the others. Carolina was glad to see that everyone was alright for the most part as she looked at everyone standing there and listened to everyone talking.

They needed to deal with this Cortez person and soon since he was messing with everyone's powers and that wasn't really a good thing as she listened to Bethany and her suggestion. Though she didn't want to kill him and leave him out into space they just needed to hit him with everything that they had to try and take him down.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Space Station
Skills: Basic Spellcraft (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max smiled as Jaclyn was able to pick herself up, using some support from Antoinette ofcourse. Neil was waiting for them all, kind to a fault as his extremely handsome face peered back at them with equal parts posture and concern. Something was going on in his head, and Max wanted to find out. He left Jaclyn to Antoinette and Lance's care, figuring he didn't want to crowd her too much after she just got blasted away by winds. He made his way over to Neil, bumping his shoulder against his in a friendly manner moments before the ground began to quake. ”You seem to have something on your mind. Care to share? It doesn't have to be with the class, just…me” He punctuated the last word with a smile.

Max had ignored Miranda and Eric for the most part, having been used to their secret tiffs back on Genosha. Whatever it was would come to light if it affected the others, or would remain in shadows if it didn't. As they rounded the corner the air felt different. It was almost palpable how tense the team before him was. He could see Ed, which gave him more relief than he'd previously thought, there were others he recognized from earlier and some he'd never seen, and then there was Flynn. Max wondered if he'd remember him from the other reality, though a part of him hoped he wouldn't. He watched as Jaclyn gave Ed a lock of her hair, recalling it was something he needed from all of them to heal at a distance. Her suit looked worse up close, and if Cortez truly could bring their powers to a brink then perhaps it was best she had a new one.

Max snapped his fingers and the suit she was wearing began to fade into cosmic dust, swirling around her like a magical girl transformation before solidifying into a new space suit. ”I haven't heard of this Cortez before today, but if he's able to amplify our powers it's best he doesn't do mine. I've lost control before and not once has it ended particularly well, last time I did I killed half the room and then turned into a golden dragon that ate another third. I'd hate to see what would happen in space.” Max placed his hands upon his hips as he tried to think. ”Barring the lack of Chloroform, We have a decent setup here though. Assuming he can't affect what he can't see, Carolina is our Ace. Guin can try and attack or weaken him mentally, and Antoinette can conjure up illusions of us to distract and confuse so he won't know what's real and what's fake. The play is a deception long enough to gain control of him.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Asteroid
Skills: Magic (healing)

Ed was thankful for the distraction from the building tensions when Lance came up to him. He glanced over Jaclyn assessing her wounds.

"Ah yes, thank you." He said, carefully placing the strand of hair from Jaclyn into a vial. He would label it after he healed her. While it was clear she wouldn't drop dead in a moment if he didn't heal her, she was probably in a lot of pain.

Normally he would ask for permission, the first time he healed someone, but as she had just given him a strand of her hair that was permission as far as he was concerned. He cast his healing spell. Orange light eminated around Jaclyn healing her wounds.

"Does that feel better?" He wanted to make sure she was totally okay before they went and dealt with Cortez. "And you Lance? How are you doing?" Healing Lance the way he had wasn't the best. He wanted to check that he was fully alright as well. Especially considering he had apparently broke his legs. Max's message had been completely garbled, so he hadn't been completely sure what had been asked of him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Asteroid M
Skills: S.H.I.E.L.D. protocols and Information, Battle Strategy, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
~Fit Check~

Edus wasn't the only one craving a cigarette. Guin desperately wanted one after listening to Bobby talk. A veritable tsunami came gushing from Bobby's mouth, bouncing from one point to the next. He was dismissive, he was rude, he was arrogant. And Guin just didn't have the patience for it. Maybe on another day, she would have. But not today. Too much was happening and she didn't have the time to combat him point by point, to reiterate that the best way to deal with someone like Cortez was to shut them down quickly with multiple simultaneous strikes. That had been the protocol at SHIELD for dealing with similar individuals, and it was the only one that made sense. Any argument otherwise, suggesting an individual, was simply ridiculous.

Her last nerve was shot when he mentioned CHCl3. "Are you fucking serious?" Guin asked, her eyes wide. "Do you have any idea how much CHCl3 you'd have to put into the life support system to knock someone out, especially in a station of this size? And it doesn't instantly vaporize either, it takes hours to just take care of a 4L drum! You'd need to find a way to vaporize quickly TONS - like thousands of liters - in order to make enough in that space to knock them out. It doesn't work like in the movies. When someone spills CHCl3 you get a headache, and if you're real fucking unlucky, cancer in a few decades."

She pinched her nose, wishing desperately again for a cigarette.

"The coordinated, simultaneous attack is our best bet. There won't be a plan that removes risk. And the more time we spend here talking about it, the worse our chances become. Max is right - Annie can create illusions to cover us, while the rest of us attack all at once. It'll be quick and efficient. And Bobby? Your vibes are fucking rancid, man. Try not be such an asshole if you want to be part of this."

Neil Spellman

Location: the Asteroid
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Neil hesitated for a moment, as Max asked them what was going on - that they didn't have to share with everyone else, that they could share with just him. Ordinarily, they wouldn't have shared this sort of information with someone they had just met. But Max was old and wise - an ancient being, someone so far removed from being human as to be eldritch. It was like confessing something about themself to a myth - it wasn't as scary as confessing it to someone else, like Annie or Carolina... Not that they were afraid to share with them, or with Mira even or Bethany. It just seemed easier.

"I'm a they," Neil said simply.

And then they continued on with the others, making it to where the rest of their group was assembled. Arguments were happening, as per usual, but thankfully Edus was able to heal Jaclyn so she'd be in better shape. Neil didn't know what would happen if Cortez amplified their powers, but they agreed with the plan Max came up with. A singular foe would go down quicker if the entire party contributed, after all - that was basic D&D 101.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 32 min ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Peregrine facepalmed as Robert continuously put his foot in his mouth. Truly a spectacle to see, but she figured the others handled it better than she did. Especially Guin. They had bigger problems too. Such as finding Cortez and punching him in the face so hard he couldn't use his powers.

Or what the others suggested. A group attack would surely work, right? Or it would cause further damage to an already crumbling space station. Either way, it was good vibes.

Perry moved to the others who joined them. She didn't know everyone fully but it was still nice to have the group back together. "Worse comes to worse I can punch him in the face again. That felt really good last time. Like, no joke guys, it was downright therapeutic." She moved her way over to Neil. She had gotten along with him the best thus far. She waved, happy to be reunited with him.

"Solid plan though. and look at us, all working together and shit. I'd call for a group selfie if it felt like people would join in or if I had my phone. Mainly the latter. Anywhoodle, shall we go Super Saiyan this mofo and get off this rock?'
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: SPACE! Again…

Antoinette quickly wrapped her arms around Jaclyn, being mindful of her injuries, and helped her to stand on her own after the ground shook again. Antoinette chuckled at Jaclyn’s comment and nodded. ”Could. We either end up falling into things or arriving to clean up a mess, it seems,” she noted as they started to walk again.
Antoinette pulled Arnold out of hiding and held the tribble in her palm, scratching him gently with her knuckles. She glanced at Jaclyn and smiled. ”It has been reasonably smooth, truth be told. We came across Magneto and, of course, found a control room of sorts and were nearly caught, but we managed to escape. How has it been for you?”
Once they joined the others, Lance beckoned Edus over to help Jaclyn. Antoinette beamed at the man after he helped Jaclyn. ”Wonderful as always, Edus. How have you all faired?” From the looks of things, their group looked to be the most frazzled. There also seemed to be an argument of some kind happening, which seemed to end once Max and Guin started forming a plan. Antoinette was mentioned twice for her ability to conjure illusions, and Antoinette couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride. She had been lacking in confidence since before the last mission, and although Antoinette wasn’t one to seek out praise, she had been working hard with Guin to hone her abilities. She was glad the others found value in her. It reminded Antoinette she had a lot to offer.
”Of course, I can combine it with my pyrokinetics to make it seem more real.”
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