"Just trying to find my place"
![]() _______________________________________________ Finn Holmes Reid He/Him | 26 | Caucasian(looks the part) | 6'0 | 175 _______________________________________________ Loyalty _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "What I know may surprise you" ___________________________________ Melee Fighting ⫻ Finn is skilled at hand-to-hand and using a melee weapon when fighting after limited training with his parents, which continued after their deaths. Driving ⫻ After years on the road, Finn has become a good driver. Cooking ⫻ Something he picked up from Bella when he lived with her. Astronomer ⫻ A hobby he picked up while hanging out with Bella, and he is knowledgeable about constellations and other celestial topics. Well Traveled ⫻ Since traveling throughout America to understand humans more. Finn has been across the states and picked up some things from his travels and is used to traveling on the open road. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "Nothing fancy" Finn stands at 6'0 foot and has an above-average build. He has brown hair and a stubble beard. Finn has fair skin and has some scars. Mainly on his arms and the most prominent being on his right hand. The most notable about his appearance is that he has heterochromia, or having two different colored eyes. His left eye is green, and his right eye is blue. Other than that, Finn carries himself like someone who still has some sadness in him. Like a subtle or hidden sadness, and yet Finn keeps going. At times, he acts like a confident person who lives a normal life and at other times, he carries himself like a wanderer in that he tries to fit in where he travels to but rarely feels like he does fit in. But having two different colored eyes probably does not help in that regard. |
"She was my family after I lost my parents, and now she is gone too."
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Finn's main goal is to find his place in the world and to find someplace where he can fit in. Not an easy task but one where Finn is determined to do. However, he is not sure when he will find his place and fit in after years on the road. But he is still certain that he still can and it is possbile for him to fit in somewhere. He just needs to find it. But with the death of Bella, Finn current goal is to find out who Father Wolf is and end him. For revenge for taking Bella from him and end his reign of terror.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ For years, Finn felt like an outcast for not being human, even if his peers did not treat him as such. But he feels that everyone has a place in the world and he just needs to find his place and where he can truly fit in and be happy. Maybe even feel like he is human rather than a Abominable. Still, he is hopeful and determined even after losing his parents and Bella.
SECRETS ⫻ Finn, despite how he seems, he has not quite gotten over how his parents died. A lingering sadness in his soul as he remembers their last battle and the sounds of it. Sometimes, he has nightmares about it and it always ends with him looking at their dead bodies. He has not told a soul, even Bella how he feels about it truly. Along with hating himself for not being there for Bella and not protecting her from Father Wolf. Making his hate for Father Wolf sometimes turn inward against himself for failing to save Bella.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Straight, but Finn has only been in two relationships when growing up and has not been in one since.
FEARS ⫻ Not being able to find his place in the world and living as an inhuman outcast for the rest of his life. Never truly fitting in or finding someone who treats him like a normal person besides Bella.
REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻ Finn while with the Coven, was on somewhat good terms with most of the members and was helpful to them. But for the most part, they barely treated him like a person, more like a thing due to him being a Abominable. Only Bella treating him right and he did not make any friends within the Coven but no enemies.
ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻ Finn served in a frontline support role during the battle. Tanking magic attacks from the serpent and his minions while buffing his fellow coven members. It was a great strain on his Emotional-Field, and he nearly lost unconscious during the battle after getting several times from Abominables when his Emotional-Field was weak.
FLAWS ⫻ Knowing that he is an Abominable and not human makes it hard for him to connect with a human. Mainly how his parents raised and since growing up. He has only made one connection with a human and has not made one since. Which has been made difficult with him traveling alot and not settling down in a place. Though if one insults him for being a Abominable or treats him like a thing to be commanded. Then he will get angry and will be cold to that person.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ For years, Finn felt like an outcast for not being human, even if his peers did not treat him as such. But he feels that everyone has a place in the world and he just needs to find his place and where he can truly fit in and be happy. Maybe even feel like he is human rather than a Abominable. Still, he is hopeful and determined even after losing his parents and Bella.
SECRETS ⫻ Finn, despite how he seems, he has not quite gotten over how his parents died. A lingering sadness in his soul as he remembers their last battle and the sounds of it. Sometimes, he has nightmares about it and it always ends with him looking at their dead bodies. He has not told a soul, even Bella how he feels about it truly. Along with hating himself for not being there for Bella and not protecting her from Father Wolf. Making his hate for Father Wolf sometimes turn inward against himself for failing to save Bella.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Straight, but Finn has only been in two relationships when growing up and has not been in one since.
FEARS ⫻ Not being able to find his place in the world and living as an inhuman outcast for the rest of his life. Never truly fitting in or finding someone who treats him like a normal person besides Bella.
REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻ Finn while with the Coven, was on somewhat good terms with most of the members and was helpful to them. But for the most part, they barely treated him like a person, more like a thing due to him being a Abominable. Only Bella treating him right and he did not make any friends within the Coven but no enemies.
ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻ Finn served in a frontline support role during the battle. Tanking magic attacks from the serpent and his minions while buffing his fellow coven members. It was a great strain on his Emotional-Field, and he nearly lost unconscious during the battle after getting several times from Abominables when his Emotional-Field was weak.
FLAWS ⫻ Knowing that he is an Abominable and not human makes it hard for him to connect with a human. Mainly how his parents raised and since growing up. He has only made one connection with a human and has not made one since. Which has been made difficult with him traveling alot and not settling down in a place. Though if one insults him for being a Abominable or treats him like a thing to be commanded. Then he will get angry and will be cold to that person.
"I am grateful for her after what that man did to my family."
Finn did not have a normal childhood, nor was he destined for one. For he is an abominable, but rather created, he was born to a pair of abominables. His parents were created by a warlock named Sebastian Koin. His parents were created as bodyguards/assassins and while they did this well, both of them wished to be freed of Sebastian. Which the pair made to free themselves of Sebastian after they managed to apparently kill him. After this, the pair fled to the West Coast of the United States, where they would make new identities for themselves.
Now free and able to live their lives to how they want. The pair settled in St. Portwell, Oregon, took the family name Holmes, and had a child named Finn. Finn, from a young age, was taught about who he is and how to blend in with humans. A task that, while he did kinda good in, it made him feel like an outcast since, while he looked human, he is not human and could never be one despite how much he tries.
Things were looking good for Finn and his family. This changed when he was ten when as Sebastian would make an unexpected return, and his parents hid Finn before they fought with Sebastian. In the end, his parents were killed by Sebastian, and their house was ruined. Leaving Finn devastated and unsure of what to do.
Now, on his own, Finn would find himself wandering around St. Portwell, where after a chance meeting with a young witch named Bella Reid after she dealt with an apparition. She discovered who he is and after Theo told her his story. She took pity on him and decided on taking the young abominable in after convincing her family to adopt him. Now Finn Reid to better hide himself from Sebastian if he ever returns. Theo was unsure of his life with Bella for a time, but the young witch would treat him like a member of her family. Like a fellow human, that is something that Finn would never forget.
When the Stygian Snake arrived in town, it brought with it chaos. Finn and Bella, would join the Sycamore Tree Coven after contacting one of its members and Finn would work alongside Bella battling the sepent's minions. Which it did feel weird to him, battling fellow abominables, but Bella helped him to get through it. When the final battle between the coven and the Stygian Snake happened. Finn was on the front lines doing what he could, and the snake was sealed away. He agreed to have his memories erased to where the Stygian Snake was sealed.
Now Finn had his own problems with the Coven, like them barely treating him like a person, and had other issues he had with them. But when Bella left the Coven for her own reasons, Finn left with her. He did not feel that bad when over it, and after leaving the coven. Both he and Bella would focus on their mundane lives, and when Bella moved out. He went with her, and he started to explore humanity. While he is not human, that does not mean he can not try to understand them.
After a while, he moved out of Bella's place and started this journey to understanding humanity, but he would keep in contact with Bella. For years, he traveled America and doing odd jobs to get by. But, one day, that all came to an end when he learned of Bella's death. Heartbroken, Finn did not take Bella's death well, and when he learned the details of her death, combined with the call to return to the Sycamore Tree Coven. He answered the call mainly to find Father Wolf and get his revenge. Finn has lost his family twice, and he will not give up until Father Wolf is in the ground.
Now free and able to live their lives to how they want. The pair settled in St. Portwell, Oregon, took the family name Holmes, and had a child named Finn. Finn, from a young age, was taught about who he is and how to blend in with humans. A task that, while he did kinda good in, it made him feel like an outcast since, while he looked human, he is not human and could never be one despite how much he tries.
Things were looking good for Finn and his family. This changed when he was ten when as Sebastian would make an unexpected return, and his parents hid Finn before they fought with Sebastian. In the end, his parents were killed by Sebastian, and their house was ruined. Leaving Finn devastated and unsure of what to do.
Now, on his own, Finn would find himself wandering around St. Portwell, where after a chance meeting with a young witch named Bella Reid after she dealt with an apparition. She discovered who he is and after Theo told her his story. She took pity on him and decided on taking the young abominable in after convincing her family to adopt him. Now Finn Reid to better hide himself from Sebastian if he ever returns. Theo was unsure of his life with Bella for a time, but the young witch would treat him like a member of her family. Like a fellow human, that is something that Finn would never forget.
When the Stygian Snake arrived in town, it brought with it chaos. Finn and Bella, would join the Sycamore Tree Coven after contacting one of its members and Finn would work alongside Bella battling the sepent's minions. Which it did feel weird to him, battling fellow abominables, but Bella helped him to get through it. When the final battle between the coven and the Stygian Snake happened. Finn was on the front lines doing what he could, and the snake was sealed away. He agreed to have his memories erased to where the Stygian Snake was sealed.
Now Finn had his own problems with the Coven, like them barely treating him like a person, and had other issues he had with them. But when Bella left the Coven for her own reasons, Finn left with her. He did not feel that bad when over it, and after leaving the coven. Both he and Bella would focus on their mundane lives, and when Bella moved out. He went with her, and he started to explore humanity. While he is not human, that does not mean he can not try to understand them.
After a while, he moved out of Bella's place and started this journey to understanding humanity, but he would keep in contact with Bella. For years, he traveled America and doing odd jobs to get by. But, one day, that all came to an end when he learned of Bella's death. Heartbroken, Finn did not take Bella's death well, and when he learned the details of her death, combined with the call to return to the Sycamore Tree Coven. He answered the call mainly to find Father Wolf and get his revenge. Finn has lost his family twice, and he will not give up until Father Wolf is in the ground.
"I can take a hit"
TYPE ⫻ Aberration(Abominable)
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Finn has a overcharged Emotional-Field giving him an inherent resistance to all magical attacks but is harder for healing and other positive magic to work on him.
Boosting ⫻ Finn is able to boost another person's Emotional-Field temporarily at the expense of his own.
Extend ⫻ Finn is able to extend his Emotional-Field to include two others, giving them added protection for a limited time but not as strong as boosting, and it even works on the Blind.
Supercharge ⫻ Finn can temporarily increase the strength of his Emotional-Field even futher, making him more resistance to magical attacks, but once it is over. His Emotional-Field is temporarily weakened, and it will time before it will recover and leaving him exposed to magical attacks.
LIMITS ⫻ Finn's abstraction is limited by how strong his Emotional-Field at any moment. Using it to boost someone's Emotional-Field will make his weaker for the duration of the boost. While he can extend his Emotional-Field to cover others, it can only reach two people who are close to him, and he is not boosting anyone's Emotional-Field during this. Simply extending his stronger Emotional-Field over two others. When Supercharging, while it makes his Emotional-Field stronger for a time, once it is over, his Emotional-Field is weakened before it can recover, leaving him exposed to attacks. Which while he does have a stronger Emotional-Field by default, attacks can still get through, and if they can get through, that means the attack will be more damaging to him. Especially if it gets past while in supercharge mode. Plus, due to his Emotional-Field being stronger then normal, positive magic like healing magic is harder to work on him.
ABSTRACTION ⫻ Finn has a overcharged Emotional-Field giving him an inherent resistance to all magical attacks but is harder for healing and other positive magic to work on him.
Boosting ⫻ Finn is able to boost another person's Emotional-Field temporarily at the expense of his own.
Extend ⫻ Finn is able to extend his Emotional-Field to include two others, giving them added protection for a limited time but not as strong as boosting, and it even works on the Blind.
Supercharge ⫻ Finn can temporarily increase the strength of his Emotional-Field even futher, making him more resistance to magical attacks, but once it is over. His Emotional-Field is temporarily weakened, and it will time before it will recover and leaving him exposed to magical attacks.
LIMITS ⫻ Finn's abstraction is limited by how strong his Emotional-Field at any moment. Using it to boost someone's Emotional-Field will make his weaker for the duration of the boost. While he can extend his Emotional-Field to cover others, it can only reach two people who are close to him, and he is not boosting anyone's Emotional-Field during this. Simply extending his stronger Emotional-Field over two others. When Supercharging, while it makes his Emotional-Field stronger for a time, once it is over, his Emotional-Field is weakened before it can recover, leaving him exposed to attacks. Which while he does have a stronger Emotional-Field by default, attacks can still get through, and if they can get through, that means the attack will be more damaging to him. Especially if it gets past while in supercharge mode. Plus, due to his Emotional-Field being stronger then normal, positive magic like healing magic is harder to work on him.
"I guess I am coming home"
Theme Song
He feels weird when fighting other Abominables since he is one.
He hates Gold Lux users as they remind him of Sebastian, a Gold Lux User who killed his parents.
He feels weird when fighting other Abominables since he is one.
He hates Gold Lux users as they remind him of Sebastian, a Gold Lux User who killed his parents.

28 | Bella Reid | She/Her
"For the last time, stop bullying him"
Bella was the only child of the Reid family and a native of St. Portwell. Bella, for the most part, was a social butterfly who was quick to make friends with people and was a compassionate person. But one thing about her was that she was a person who rarely gave up and tended to stick up for other people. Even when it came to fisticuffs. She had her Kindling Event at a young age when her parents revealed themselves to be magic users and taught her how to use her magic. Becoming a Orange Lux and becoming quite proficient with her magic.
When she was young, she was attacked by an apparition, and after the fight. She discovered the young Finn, who was in a bad state. After Finn told her who he was and what happened to him, she took pity on him and brought him back to her house. Which after a lengthy talk, she managed to convince them to adopt him. Seeing how a Abominable would be in better care with them than with the state. Beginning a friendship that would make the Finn and Bella close.
When the Stygian Snake arrived in town and killed her parents. She was set on battling the beast, and when learning of the Sycamore Tree Coven and their mission to defeat the serpent. She and Finn joined the Coven and would do battle several times before Stygian Snake was finally defeated. But, while she tried to stay in the coven but at one point, it became clear that being in the coven was not worth it, and she left with Finn in tow. Now, she and Finn focused on mundane life, with her going to college and studying criminology for a career in law enforcement. She and Finn always stayed in touch.
Bella was found murdered in her apartment after a big bust, with clear signs that she had fought back but failed to defeat her murderer. Finn was devastated over her death.
When she was young, she was attacked by an apparition, and after the fight. She discovered the young Finn, who was in a bad state. After Finn told her who he was and what happened to him, she took pity on him and brought him back to her house. Which after a lengthy talk, she managed to convince them to adopt him. Seeing how a Abominable would be in better care with them than with the state. Beginning a friendship that would make the Finn and Bella close.
When the Stygian Snake arrived in town and killed her parents. She was set on battling the beast, and when learning of the Sycamore Tree Coven and their mission to defeat the serpent. She and Finn joined the Coven and would do battle several times before Stygian Snake was finally defeated. But, while she tried to stay in the coven but at one point, it became clear that being in the coven was not worth it, and she left with Finn in tow. Now, she and Finn focused on mundane life, with her going to college and studying criminology for a career in law enforcement. She and Finn always stayed in touch.
Bella was found murdered in her apartment after a big bust, with clear signs that she had fought back but failed to defeat her murderer. Finn was devastated over her death.
Bella is an Adept Orange Lux user, and her Channeler is her mother's necklace.
Ashrune Bella could summon a magic sword that she named Ashrune and was able to hurt Paranormal Beings with it.
More Power Bella was able to boost the power of a person's magic, making it stronger for a limited time.
Stronger Bella was able to make any time she holds on to stronger and but the strength go away when she stops holding it.
Ashrune Bella could summon a magic sword that she named Ashrune and was able to hurt Paranormal Beings with it.
More Power Bella was able to boost the power of a person's magic, making it stronger for a limited time.
Stronger Bella was able to make any time she holds on to stronger and but the strength go away when she stops holding it.

45 | Sebastian Koin | He/Him
"No one is stopping me from reaching the top"
Sebastian Koin is a man who takes pride in his work and is an ambitious individual. For he comes from a long line of Gold Lux users, and his parents are pales shadows in comparison of his family's legacy despite being rich. As they were both severed their Lux and forbade themselves and Sebastian from using magic. Something that he did not agree with, and secretly triggered his Kindling-Event. Gaining his Golden Lux and learning spells. He is set to regaining his family prestige any way he can. Which he started by joining the Elite. While he did stay with the group for some time and discovered some ways to become more powerful. The whole thing just annoyed him with how the Elite was run and the constant arguing, and he realized how pointless the group was. So he had enough and left the Elite, wishing he had never joined it, and using his family's wealth, he started his own study of magic.
Which by the time he was thirty five, he had learned more spells and was making a name for himself in the magic community. Becoming less concerned with his family's prestige and more about his own. Becoming ruthless in his quest for power and gained enemies in the process. So he created two Abominable to serve as his bodyguards/assassins and treated them like they were his property and not even giving them proper names. Along with starting to use his minions to do his dirty work while he commanded from afar. Which worked smoothly for a while until said Abominables rebelled and almost killed him. After he recovered and tracked them down. He personally killed them after they were weakened by his minions and ruined what was left of the house.
Later, an "accident" killed his parents, and he inherited their wealth. He is still set on becoming more powerful despite some setbacks, and his next stop is St. Portwell for his quest while wearing his signature suit and hat.
Which by the time he was thirty five, he had learned more spells and was making a name for himself in the magic community. Becoming less concerned with his family's prestige and more about his own. Becoming ruthless in his quest for power and gained enemies in the process. So he created two Abominable to serve as his bodyguards/assassins and treated them like they were his property and not even giving them proper names. Along with starting to use his minions to do his dirty work while he commanded from afar. Which worked smoothly for a while until said Abominables rebelled and almost killed him. After he recovered and tracked them down. He personally killed them after they were weakened by his minions and ruined what was left of the house.
Later, an "accident" killed his parents, and he inherited their wealth. He is still set on becoming more powerful despite some setbacks, and his next stop is St. Portwell for his quest while wearing his signature suit and hat.
Sebastian is an Adept Gold Lux user, and his Channeler is his class's ring
Summunor Sebastian is able to summon apparitions that he defeated and has a catalog of different apparitions. It currently has seven that range from basic apparitions to some powerful ones.
Summunor Sebastian is able to summon apparitions that he defeated and has a catalog of different apparitions. It currently has seven that range from basic apparitions to some powerful ones.
Tell me if I need to change anything or tone down stuff.