Hidden 8 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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The Thousand-Faced God was slain by the Perishing Star, and with their death, their divinity spilled out to the world, granting unto mortals the gift of magic. At the same time, the lance that slew such a deity pierced into the very heart of the planet, rotting it from within. From that hole, that Abyss, monsters rose, wrecking havoc throughout the lands.

Thus, the Godless Era began.

Civilization became patchwork as monsters infested the lands, cities and villages connected only by adventurers and merchants’ guilds. Few nations can boast a dominion over anything beyond what the eye can see, and with the fall of the divine came the end of divine mandates. Revolutions sparked by the arcane gift ended dynasties or caused the tyrant’s fist to tighten into a chokehold. Meanwhile, the city-state of Oratorio stands at the forefront of the Abyss, having built great walls around the giant hole to block off any monsters that may climb out from the labyrinthian structure that remained after the lance’s exterior had crumbled away.

Explorers plunge into its depths in search of great treasures, or to simply hunt the monsters within for their body parts, dense as monstrous flesh is in arcane power. It is this double-edged sword that had made Oratorio the powerhouse of a city-state that it currently is. But the monsters of the deeper layers can only be driven back, not slain, and the capability of the mortals remain limited still.

You, however, are different.

You possess a Spark within you. A single aspect of the Thousand-Faced God has been grafted upon your soul by fortune and fate, and it is in following the pull of the Spark that you’ve ended up in Oratorio. For within the Abyss, there is one more thing that can be found: Ichor, the radiance that kindles the Spark, that furthers your divine power.

Your blessing grants Divine Protection upon those who pledge to follow you.

Your favour grants Grace upon those whom you see fit to become your champions, allowing them to surpass the limits of their mortal forms.

Your presence grants Miracles subtle and overt, expressing a supernatural influence over the world in the absence of its God.

Through this sublime capability, gather followers and allies, capital and Ichor. Extend your domain and plunge into the depths. Be the guiding hand that grants glory and immortality to your paladins. Until the Spark becomes an Inferno and you claim that empty Throne. Until the End comes once more, and the Perishing Star arrives to claim the heart of another Divine.

But know too, that until you Ascend, you remain mortal.

And the Spark within your soul can be stolen by another still.

Trying something outta the norm for me this time around, inspired by Danmachi, Honkai Star Rail, and a touch of Revue Starlight.

Basically, players will play as Ichor-Blessed individuals for the purposes of starting up factions, gathering power and Paladins, before using that power to explore the Abyss and/or deepen your Divinity. At the start, you'll basically be not all that different from a common mortal, outside of having access to strange powers that do not stem from magic as other mortals understand it. So ya gotta scheme and strategize your way to the top, while either managing alliances with other players or trying to subvert and consume them. There'll definitely be the possibility of PvP as a result, but it'd be good if none of y'all starting griefing off the bat.

There will be a dice system in place, and a buncha resources to manage. I'll be doing the calculations in private most of the time, so don't worry about having to learn it. What I will need of you, though, is to be relatively active on Discord, which will serve as the OOC, and to post at least once a week in the IC (unless I give you an exemption). Discord participation is particularly important, because IC negotiations will probably be handled via collabs, or it'll take way too long.

If you've got questions, hit me up. If you want to immediate claim a Domain, feel free to slap it down here as well. I personally prefer interesting Domains rather than the usual shenanigans of War, Storms, etc. The Thousand-Faced God has a thousand faces, so why pick the basic ones?

Also, I guess character creation will be kinda involved too, and you'll end up at least doing a mini-CS for every Paladin your Ichor-Blessed promotes, so, ya know. Don't join if you don't like thinking up characters.
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

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Oh hey, this looks cool, sounds cool, overall very cool.

Regarding Domains, on a scale from War to Table Corners, how hipster is the Domain of Stars / Celestial Bodies?
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by Theyra
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I am very interested in this and how does having a Domain of Souls sound?
Hidden 8 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Oh hey, this looks cool, sounds cool, overall very cool.

Regarding Domains, on a scale from War to Table Corners, how hipster is the Domain of Stars / Celestial Bodies?

Treat the Stars as specks of light in the night sky rather than Suns from unfashionable distances away, and it works out for me. Extra funny to be star-aligned when God was killed by one huhuhu.

I am very interested in this and how does having a Domain of Souls sound?

Souls are viable, though obviously on the strong end of things once you get up there in terms of advancement. I’m good with it though. Lotsa scamming material with that. This world probably functions more with cycles of reincarnation than with afterlives n all.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

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<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Treat the Stars as specks of light in the night sky rather than Suns from unfashionable distances away, and it works out for me. Extra funny to be star-aligned when God was killed by one huhuhu.

In that case, then I already have the perfect faceclaim for such a PC. 😎 Just waiting on that CS template.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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Sounds good. I'll probably get the basic template up after a few more interested folks poke their head in while debating the pros and cons of learning some Google Sheets wizardry.

Which reminds me.

If this interests you and y'all got the time for it, it'll be nice to have more opportunities to RP with y'all.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Sanity43217
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I’m thinking Hunger as a domain. Not sure if I want that as physically eating things, tearing the energy from things to feed a metaphysical hole within him or like the drive to do better and want more. Got a bit to work out.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Theyra>

Souls are viable, though obviously on the strong end of things once you get up there in terms of advancement. I’m good with it though. Lotsa scamming material with that. This world probably functions more with cycles of reincarnation than with afterlives n all.

Okay and so that will be my pick unless I think of something else.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Shovel
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Shovel A Shovel is typing!

Member Seen 17 days ago

Hello, I'm interested in this and would like to reserve ancestral reverence if that is good with you.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Hello, hello.

I am, predictably, here for the Domain of Wealth. Then again, there are other potentials. Domain of Servants. Domain of Ichor-- well, the other kind.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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I’m thinking Hunger as a domain. Not sure if I want that as physically eating things, tearing the energy from things to feed a metaphysical hole within him or like the drive to do better and want more. Got a bit to work out.

Ah, one letter away from being a little girl. That's fine with me. A cruel god for a cruel age huhuhu.

Hello, I'm interested in this and would like to reserve ancestral reverence if that is good with you.

Seems both a bit specific and a bit vague. If you revere your ancestors, wouldn't it just be like...the Domain of Praying to X? What kind of passive bonus would one receive for being a follower of Ancestral Reverence?

Hello, hello.

I am, predictably, here for the Domain of Wealth. Then again, there are other potentials. Domain of Servants. Domain of Ichor-- well, the other kind.

Domain of Simps.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 days ago

I'm thinking aspect of Law. Would you allow "soft magic" or "geas"-type magic like magically binding contracts or "party magic"?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Click This
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Click This Part-time Kaiserin

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Domain of Simps.

Domain of Wealth with extra steps.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by OwO
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OwO what's this?

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

i may be alive for this
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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I'm thinking aspect of Law. Would you allow "soft magic" or "geas"-type magic like magically binding contracts or "party magic"?

Dunno what you mean by party magic, but yeah, I'm fine with contract magic being a thing. It'll probably be less a spell that you cast and more of an item that you create though.

@OwO@Click This@Shovel@Theyra@Sanity43217@Izurich
That's enough people for me to get up the CS template for. So thar.

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 37 min ago

Interested! Thanks for the mention.

I don't do Discord, but organizing collaboration through PMs and docs works alright for me, is that alright?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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I can work with that, ye. Will just mean less OOC planning between other players and you, which may not be too big of a problem depending on how things shake out.
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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Sanity43217
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The sheet mentions races. Is it just human? What races live in this land?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 days ago

Dunno what you mean by party magic, but yeah, I'm fine with contract magic being a thing. It'll probably be less a spell that you cast and more of an item that you create though.

Ok cool. By party magic, I mean magic that boosts like an adventuring party, magical synergy, etc., since a big part of what makes the Law work is organization and the assignment of specific roles and responsibilities. So real RPG mechanic stuff, but in magic form.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

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The sheet mentions races. Is it just human? What races live in this land?

Any kind of anime humanoid race, basically. I generally don’t mind whatever you go for, so long as you don’t go for something like β€œRed Adult Dragon” just for the purposes of gaming.

Ok cool. By party magic, I mean magic that boosts like an adventuring party, magical synergy, etc., since a big part of what makes the Law work is organization and the assignment of specific roles and responsibilities. So real RPG mechanic stuff, but in magic form.

Party-wide buffs work fine for magic. Something that benefits people if they stay in a delegated role seems like a meaningful Divine Protection down the road. Also feels less Law and more Order though, the way you’re talking about it.
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