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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 11 days ago

INTERACTIONSEmily, Britney, Auri @Punished GN

Lila couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping her lips as she watched Emily break down in tears. Something felt good about seeing her like this, seeing her sad, covered in wine, and crying her fake tears. This was the best day ever. She saw Emily’s eyes linger on her hands for a second and Lila looked down. This was the worst day ever. Feathers? Claws? Why was her hand so long now? She should be panicking, she should be afraid, yet the only thing she could feel in that moment was power. She felt strong, and she felt comfortable in that feeling. Her eyes slowly slid up from them and she looked at Emily once more. She laughed again. This time louder and more direct. “My, my, my,” The Maiden whispered to Lila, “I’ve been waiting for you to welcome me back”. Lila shuddered visibly at the whisper. Fuck. The Maiden was never gone, and all it took was one transphobic comment to fucking welcome her back. Great. Great. She saw that the red wine had really soaked into the dragon onesie and this broke her internal conversation causing her to laugh really hard.

“Emily,” Lila spoke in between the laughter, her voice was mostly her own but there was a dual tone to it now, and a whispered voice spoke alongside Lila “Are you crying crocodile tears, Lila paused as she took three quick steps around Luca and towards Emily. She stopped halfway between them, as a rush of realization swept over her. She had just punched Emily Reed, of the 8th street, their leader. If there was ever a risky mistake, this was it. Lila thought for a second, mulled it over, before she said fuck it. The bitch had it coming, and Lila wanted to remind her of it. “keep that name out of your mouth,or this crazy bitch will do it again.”

Lila felt her anger surge as she finished. The crows reflected this, they began to fly closer and closer to Emily, jumping within reach to caw before they flapped their wings flying back out of range. What was it with the fucking sycamore tree coven, and its former members, playing the victim? And why did Emily think anyone would take her side? Sure, Britney was to blame for so many problems. Actually Britney was to blame for whatever the fuck was going on. That realization made her even angrier, not just because she fucked up the sealing but because by doing so it made Lila agree with Emily. She will hold that cunt accountable. She wasn’t going to talk for Luca, however, so she turned her attention back down to her hands. She noticed that the claws looked sharp, really sharp, and The Maiden let Lila see her want for them to cut across Emily’s chest. An image that was strangely alluring. The more the maiden made her desire known the more Lila wanted to turn it into reality. She looked back towards Emily and chuckled under her breath.

“Do you like them?” The Maiden whispered to Lila. “You’ll be getting more gifts soon.”

Lynn stood back, her eyes locked onto Lila’s arms. What.. the..fuck. Her eyes shifted to Emily, and back to Lila. She was going to keep her distance, Luca did not have to tell her twice. Her phone was up, and she had a message typed and ready to send. She added one more contact to the message. She deleted the message, watching Lila carefully, before she retyped it entirely.

Hi Britney, Auri…Sooo Emily said some transphobic shit to Lila, Lila punched her, Emily’s making a scene, and Lila is…here look at her hands.

She tapped send, before she took a photo, and sent that as well.

Britney, what the fuck happened with the sealing.

She looked up from her phone to see Jasper arrive in costume. Her eyes shifted from Jasper, to Luca, before back to Jasper. They were totally rocking those fits. Finally, Lynn saw perfection in person and the group Halloween costume night was a success, and Emily getting rocked was just the icing on the cake. She looked around the area again and saw that no other 8th street had showed up yet. That was good. She worried that would change before long.

Jasper felt his stomach drop as the crows erupted nearby. It seemed Luca had the same reaction as he took off immediately towards the source. Jasper tried his best to follow but the crowded area, combined with his large frame, meant that he was slow to arrive. When he did, he saw that Lila was ready to fight.

Jasper wanted to get involved, but he was taken aback by the sheer number of crows jumping around Emily, Luca standing his ground in such a strong way, and the feathered hands of Lila. Jasper gulped. His suspicion was correct. The sealing did not work, something went wrong. That thought would have to wait. His time in St. Portwell has taught him much about the magical world, and chief among them was to not piss off Emily Reed. He just saw the twins, so they were lucky. But he knew that the night just got a little more dangerous now that this fight started.

He reached into his bag and grabbed his paint brush. He needed to be ready. And he needed a canvas.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interactions: Mentions Drake @Punished GN
Ferry. The Halloween Festival

Sloane became one with the crowd as she was herded onto the ferry, just a Carmen Sandiego caught in a sea of Barbies, pirates, and superheroes. Soon she had faded from sight, her eye-catching red hat countered by her short stature, before suddenly reappearing at the bow of the ferry as she stepped upon a ledge. Normally she found the sea calming. Being around boats reminded her of the handful of times her family had actually felt like one, and the open water served as the greatest barrier there was to separate someone from their stressors. However, sailing lost all of its charm and mystique when it was aboard what was essentially a public bus on floaties, the smell of the salt and the whisper of the wind replaced by the stench of body odor and the shouting of children. Sloane was like a princess who had been dumped out of her palanquin while taking a tour of the market to be amongst the common people—immediately full of regret. Next time she’d take the yacht or, better yet, take Jack up on his services, even if a step through the shadows left her feeling queasy.

Sloane leaned against the railing, impatience wearing upon her as the ferry chugged across the harbor towards Cracker Island. Jinhai and Linqian’s situation weighed heavily upon her mind. She would uphold her end of the deal. Jinhai would have a memorial service and a burial. Even if everybody else was as financially irresponsible as Linqian and unable to contribute or as unbelievably callous as Linqian (fuck off, give the woman a break)and refused to contribute it would happen. She would make it happen. Sloane wanted to be able to visit him, even if “him” was just a slab of carved marble where ashes had been scattered. She sighed. The people she cared about kept being taken from her and she felt as if she was powerless to stop it. Hell, she couldn’t even get Emily’s cronies to let her have a conversation with the leader of 8th Street.

She couldn’t even let herself enjoy the Halloween Festival. Sloane shook her head. Emily, Jinhai, Father Wolf—none of those problems could be solved tonight. She’d have a drink or two, eat some funnel cake, critique the stands of the other vendors with Anya, and make Jack give her a lift home so she didn’t have to bother with public transportation ever again. The Halloween Festival was Sloane’s night and she was going to enjoy herself. Absolutely nobody would be able to ruin it.

A man’s voice cut through the murmur of the crowd and the second loop of the Monster Mash as he shouted, ”I’m goin as ZOOOOOOOOOS!

Sloane immediately recognized the voice, the realization hitting her like a punch to the nose. Her eyes snapped in the direction of the shout as she pulled her hat down to cover her face and tucked her chin into her yellow scarf, becoming little more than a pair of dark eyes and a crooked, still healing nose. Drake was on the ferry with his sisters and his cousin, dressed in a toga, a white wig, and a fake beard. The blood hummed in her ears. He had an entire week to apologize, to come crawling back to her on his hands and knees, to beg for forgiveness and kiss the ring but instead there had been silence. No text, no call, no gifts or letters. She had assumed he had been rightfully hiding away in his room, staring at the wall, realizing how much he had screwed up. To see him out here having fun with his family was like an icicle to the heart. Jade was dead and he was prancing around half-naked dressed (and looking like) a Greek god.

Sloane hopped off of the ledge and disappeared back into the crowd, hopefully vanishing before Drake would notice her. She was ever so grateful for the common folk as her loyal, royal subjects used their bodies as barriers to protect their princess from the Blackmore barbarians.

Interactions: Britney@Punished GN & Layla @Estylwen
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival

Hey, be cool okay?

Bright lights spun like a carnival wheel in kaleidoscope eyes. Arms swung and head bobbed to music nobody else heard. So many colors, some without names. Campfire smoke and wet leaves; the scent of the season. Everyone showing skin or in someone else’s. Bodies, pushing, being pushed, rushing to the next attraction. Cackling witches and booing spirits. Caramel apples and the elevated acceptance that the fun in fun-sized is being able to justify another candybar. Yet another justifiable excuse to paint a face like a cat. Smoke pouring from pumpkins that hid fog machines; smoke pouring from port-a-potties that hide giggling teens. Spaghetti for brains and peeled grapes for eyes, oh how spooky-ooky.

Don’t freak out dude.

Picture this: a crocodile cutting in a queue by pretending to know the ninja near the front. A crocodile getting scared by a bloody clown and grabbing the arm of a stranger. A crocodile chugging a bottle of water and tossing it on the ground: hydration was important, but fuck the world. A crocodile staring down at a row of festival games, paralyzed by the options. A crocodile sitting at a booth spraying a water gun, making the little horsey race faster,yah yah bitch yah yah. A crocodile hugging a massive bear, ignorant of the upset children and angry parents around it. A crocodile nodding its head up and down as it learned that calling six year old little bitches is frowned upon (even if they were little bitches), using its crocodile hands to make mister bear nod along in agreement. A crocodile and mister bear sharing a funnel cake on a bench, powder on mister bear’s snout.

See, the bear knows how to party.

So much more to do. So much more to do. What’s next? What’s next? Hay ride, corn maze, get a pumpkin beer in a glass boot? No, no, no. Gotta be something better, gotta be something bigger. Oh, welcome to the coven mister bear. Let’s find the rest of 8th street. No fuck them they’d just slow the night down. New friends? Find new friends. Anyone could be a new friend. Nah, friends suck. So what’s next? What’s next? What’s up? What’s going on? Oh right. Right, right, right. Gotta show mister bear the haunted house. “Haunted house, haunted hoooouse.” Okay mister bear maybe in a less annoying voice. Put a little bass in it. Haunted house, haunted house. Let’s, —go!”

A crocodile and a large, six-foot tall stuffed bear stopped in front of a beekeeper and two bees.

“Oh!” Vashti pointed at Britney and pushed up the snout on her crocodile onesie as if to confirm that she had the right person. Her heavily dilated eyes widened and shined like the high beams of an oncoming semi suddenly and swiftly rounding the bend on a winding mountain road moments before a wrecked car would be launched over the cliff. The darkening of the sky was no longer just courtesy of the murder of crows flying in front of the setting sun. A single raindrop splashed off the top of Britney’s costume as Vashti let go of the stuffed animal, the oversized bear slumping forward on its face. Vashti smiled a sharp little shark smile that only grew wider as she envisioned popping Britney’s eyeballs like grapes and squishing her brains in her hands like wet noodles.

“Hey bro! It’s been so long. Am I happy to see that you’re well!” shouted Vashti, her words coming out with a rapid fire ra-ta-ta-tat. Dark clouds gathered over a small portion of Cracker Island as a light localized drizzle began, a collective groan coming out of the mouths of nearby festival goers who had been lied to by the forecast. Vashti began to close the distance between herself and Britney, squashing down the head of the stuffed animal as she stepped on it. It was hard to see, but the rain parted around Vashti as she walked, with the only part of her costume getting wet being the crocodile tail that dragged behind her.

“So, so happy! So happy. Emily’s gonna be thrilled to hear that you’re here. Love the hazmat suit, super fucking fitting. Everything around you always turns toxic real fast. You know,” Vashti lowered her voice as she stared up at the much taller Britney, “I am really, really happy to see you, man. I—OY, WE’RE HAVING A FUCKING PRIVATE CONVERSATION HERE, BRO! SHIT!" Vashti swatted at the air between her and Layla, not even recognizing the former Coven member. “Give me some air, dude! Buzz off, bees! Buzz buzz!”

Vashti made shooing motion with her hands at Sabrina and Layla.

“God some fucking people, bro. Some fucking people. So rude,” said Vashti , lowering her voice but not slowing down her pace as she leaned back towards Britney. “I don’t even remember what I was saying so it’s probably not—oh yeah! I don’t have to tell Emily. You know how she tends to just make everything me, me, me. We should go before one of her little cronies sees ya. Get outta the rain. Catch up.” Vashti loudly popped her knuckles. “Talk. Come on."

"Come on, let's go."




Interactions: Anya @Fernstone & Jack @Blizz
Cracker Island, Outside Cracker Town, USA. The Halloween Festival

“Come on, let’s go,” said Sloane with an uncommon urgency in her voice as she slipped between Jack and Anya and readjusted her hat. Sloane had escaped from the ferry as quickly as she could without actually running, burying her face in her phone to appear busy and resist the urge to look over her shoulder at the Blackmores. It hadn’t been too difficult to spot Anya or Jack waiting for her at the entrance of one of the large, sprawling displays of merchant booths that someone on a committee somewhere had either cheekily or absentmindedly named Cracker Town.

“Shopping can wait. I need a drink,” said Sloane. “Not from one of the stalls. It’s all run-of-the-mill IPAs and cheap, unpalatable wine. You might as well be drinking spoiled grape juice. I can get us into the private party being held at the resort's bar across the island.”

It was a party hosted by the yacht club. She had gone a few years prior in hopes of doing some business and it had been an absolute nightmare. Nothing but stodgy codgers smoking cigars, drinking whiskey, and being too “friendly” with the waitstaff. Sloane couldn’t decide what had been worse about the experience: how she kept getting asked what her husband did, or the sudden spike in their interest when she mentioned she didn’t have one. Still, Jack's presence, or really the presence of any other man in general, was typically enough to keep them at bay. Anything was better than having to deal with Drake or, worse, being completely and utterly ignored by him.

“First round is on me.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Edict @AtomicEmperor, also her brother
The Harbour, Ferry Docks

With Sloane out of sight, Linqian pulled the cigarette butt out of her mouth and dropped it on the ground. She stomped on it much more aggressively than normal. As she finished destroying what little remained of her cigarette she caught sight of Edict, immediately regretting it when her eyes were assaulted by some of the flashiest clothing she’d ever seen. Very funny, dressing up as an exaggerated gangster. She almost regretted suggesting they go together. Doubly so when she was assaulted by the most grating accent. Fuck.

”Huh?” Linqian narrowed her eyes and shifted right into Edict's personal space, practically leaning against him to look at his phone... And was assaulted by the image of Leon dressed like a fucking grandma werewolf. Had her eyes not suffered enough?! She wished she'd worn another outfit. Maybe she should just rip up her cloak, tie it around her head and pretend she’d been dressed as a pirate all along.

Unfortunately she didn’t get a chance to say she wasn’t purposefully matching Leon, because Edict noticed that something was up. Of course. She knew he hadn't poked, because she would've felt it, and she hadn't had enough time to collect herself after Sloane left. It wasn't like after an argument when she could just brush it aside, anger forgotten nearly as quickly as it had appeared.

”Had to talk to fucking Sloane,” Linqian scowled. She was tempted to snatch his cigar, just for a drag or two before giving it back. No, she was going to quit, and smoking something fancier wouldn't help with that. Her gaze lingered on his cigar (or it could have been his lips, it would be difficult to tell) for a few moments before sliding away and towards the harbour. There was also the temptation to suggest they just skip the festival and have a repeat of last week- but no. She'd gone through all this effort, and she was going to have a good fucking time. ”She was a condescending bitch like normal, and said some shitty stuff about my little brother.”

It was partly the truth - what Sloane had said about Henri having nobody left if Linqian was killed still played on her mind. She wasn't going to get into how she'd accepted money from Sloane for a funeral she couldn't afford herself. All the feelings that came with it were too much. Would it be nice to offload some of it onto Edict? Sure. Did she actually want to talk about this with anyone? No. She'd already shared the fact Jinhai wasn't buried yet it with too many people.

”She talked a whole bunch of shit about taking responsibility as if I haven't been doing that my entire life. Yeah I get it, Jinhai was perfect and everyone liked him, I'm not, as if he could've made it through his fucking degree without me working my ass off to keep a roof over his head. My lack of money is all my fault. I'd like to see her try to support a family of three without a high school degree.”

Just ranting about the surface level irritations that covered the deeply buried issues helped to clear her mind. The emotionless veil across her eyes faded, fiery spark that was typical of her returning. The strange, numb state she'd gone into to deal with Sloane and everything to do with Jinhai's funeral was gone. She really didn't want to dwell on it.

”I'm fine. Not gonna let it ruin my night... It's just started, after all. I heard things get a lot more exciting after dark.” One corner of her lips twitched up towards a half smile, and her eyebrows rose up and down a couple of times. She hadn't actually been since she was younger, but the rumours were abundant. It was exactly what she needed. Hopefully Sully was around so she didn't have to buy any booze after she got through the cans she'd taken from work. Thinking about it, might as well crack open one now. She twisted round to access her bag, pulling out two random cans from inside.

”Want one?” she held out the Stella she’d luckily pulled out, remembering it was what he’d ordered at the bar last night. If he didn’t take it she’d put it back in her bag before opening her own can of bud light. ”I stole them from work.”

Her phone buzzed in her skirt pocket and she fished it out with one hand to check. She didn't seem all that bothered that she was close enough to Edict for him to see her phone screen if he so much as glanced over - she didn't have much to hide, and her phone language was set to Chinese anyway. Her lock screen revealed a picture of her and her brothers - Henri standing in the middle in a highschool graduation gown, laughing while Linqian rolled her eyes at him and Jinhai smirked over at her. The buzz was just a text from her brother asking if he could have one drink before he left, cause Andre wouldn't allow it unless she gave permission. She snorted, typing a quick yes in English. Then she swiped to her Chinese keyboard and typed out a bit more. As she replied another notification popped up on her phone - the guy she'd hooked up with on Saturday asking if she was going to the festival with an obnoxious winking emoji. She rolled her eyes and just straight up blocked him.

Her general rule was to never see the people she slept with again... With very few exceptions.

She shoved her phone back in her pocket, returning her attention to Edict. She pretended that she was only just getting a chance to properly look at his outfit, stepping back and looking him up and down. Once again she felt assaulted by... Everything. The fedora was the worst. It was a literal crime against humanity, and most importantly her eyes. Hopefully a gust of wind would mysteriously blow it off his head. And she didn't even want to consider what was in the guitar case. She highly doubted it was actually a guitar. She'd just ignore it.

"You look… incredibly gaudy. What the fuck? What made you think this was a good costume? Fuck, I thought with all your money you might dress up as something classier! You could’ve bought some kinda brand name costume or something, I don’t know.” Linqian said mockingly, lips curving up into a teasing smile. The clothes he was wearing probably were brand name, but that didn’t make it look any better. Let's get going so we look less fucking out of place."

She gestured towards the now docked ferry. As much as she didn't want to bump into Sloane on it, it was stupid to wait around another half an hour or so for the next one. ”We can probably make this one if we cut the queue.”

Interactions: Emily @Punished GN, Lila@NoriWasHere
Drink Line, The Halloween Festival

Emily started crying, and it was shocking enough for Luca to lose sight of the situation and just stare in shock for a moment. In that time Lila moved around him and... Shit. He had to get in between them again. He didn't have time to acknowledge Stormy with more than a nod.

Wincing, he pushed his way back in between Lila and Emily. He was close enough to them both now to feel the rotting aura, a lightly prickling pain that would grow the longer he was near them. He couldn’t keep the decaying touch of his skin under control, either, gloves on his hands starting to fray along with his socks where they touched his knees. Where he stood Lila would have to push him out of the way to get to Emily - he hoped she wouldn’t do that.

Emily wasn’t entirely lying. Lila had hit her. Was it unjustified? Probably not. Luca didn’t know what had led to this but he trusted Lila. And he couldn’t just ignore what Emily was saying.

”Do you think I can just forget?” Luca asked. Emily knew what the rot was doing to him. If she'd cared, she wouldn't have changed their direction from learning to plundering. At the start they'd been making progress, then it all stopped. ”I destroy everything I touch. Britney made my life a living hell. You know exactly what happened. I told you when I left.”

He grimaced. Every word she said stabbed into him, deeper and deeper, twisting guilt and anger into his heart. He did feel bad about leaving 8th Street. He’d cared about them. He still cared about them. But he was also angry that Emily had taken that away from him. 8th Street had been his home for years. He just couldn’t hurt people like that. His own twistedly positive morality had caused him to abandon them.

”People like us?” Luca's voice shook, growing hoarser. Flecks of rotting green swirling around his eyes as they focused on Emily. The normal Luca wouldn't react like this - he'd brush it off with a laugh, and say that it wasn't so bad for him. But the Rot had pushed its festering tendrils through the cracks, burrowing in and corroding his thoughts. His sanity was unravelling and he struggled to gather the loose strings held together by his crumbling optimism. ”You chose to stay attached to Babylon. Vashti sealed hers. Only Carol and I are still living with the consequences of it, and what have you done to help either of us? Why is Carol still living with that after ten years?! Why the fuck are you spending more time plundering than helping her?!”

If only you would stop being such a coward. Kill her, then the other one that hurt you. It would be easier.

”We were in this together! I didn't want to leave 8th Street! But you wouldn't listen when I asked you to stop making everyone go around stealing and hurting people.” Luca shook his head, arms trembling at his side. It was like all the rottenness inside of him was threatening to burst out and he could barely suppress it. Everything Emily said increased the guilt he’d pretended wasn’t there. He didn’t care about her, he couldn’t give less of a fuck about her, but the others? Carol, who he still saw as a friend? She was right. After everything Britney had done, why was he in a group that had allowed her back? Why? ”I loved 8th Street, and I'd still help most of them in a heartbeat. But not you- fuck, Lila’s my friend. She’s not Britney… And honestly, Emily? You’re just as bad as her.”

There was something unnatural in his eyes when he narrowed them at her, putrid yellow almost equal to dark brown. Emily had unknowingly struck his weak point, forming a crack in his already fragile walls. "I'm only holding back because of Carol and your sisters."

Over Emily’s shoulder he caught sight of Jasper, who’d caught up and pulled out his paintbrush. His heart jolted. It was enough to shake him out of whatever that had been and bring him a little bit closer to being himself. He turned back to look at Lila, yellow and green retreating from his eyes as tears pooled in the corner of them. His lips pulling up into a pleading smile. ”Please don’t hit her again, Lila. Let’s not take this any further.”

Interactions: Jack @Blizz & Sloane @Atrophy
Cracker Island, Halloween Festival

Anya wasn’t too bothered by having to wait. In the time she’d been standing around she managed to sell good dream stones to unwitting tourists who seemed terrified at the most basic of ghost costumes. She’d talked up the local legends to them before selling her wares and business. Another few cards had been given out to people more into the whole halloween thing - blinds with a bit too much of an interest in the occult. It would only end badly for them, but Anya didn’t care as long as she made some money from it.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she checked it. A text from Jack. She gave it a cursory scan and didn’t bother replying. He would be back in a few minutes anyway.

Just like he said, he was back after doing the rounds to make sure no one was killing each other or themselves.

”They are? Colour me surprised.” Anya raised an eyebrow, surprised that Sloane and Linqian could be near each other without devolving into attempted murder, nevermind a conversation. Of course, Jinhai’s parasite often came for her too but Anya rarely gave her the pleasure of a response. She wondered what they could be talking about to not be fighting. Were her talks with Sloane about how cold politeness was another weapon working?

She quite frankly didn't care if Emily and Lila were fighting. It was on them if they caused a mess and she wasn't inclined to clean it up. But she had to keep up the pretence that she did, in fact, care. Her lips twitching up into a pretend smile as if she too was pleased with what Jack had done. She actually didn’t think it was all that impressive, in fact she thought it was incredibly childish, but she did a very good job at faking it. Jack would have to be a pink lux user to know otherwise. ”If you think the situation is under control, I’m sure it will be fine. If there’s one thing Emily dislikes, it’s looking bad in front of other people.”

She was about to say they should wait for Sloane when the woman herself appeared - in an incredible rush. It didn’t take a Sloane expression reading genius like Anya to tell that she’d been upset by something. Linqian? Someone else she’d seen? Anya wasn’t going to press until they were a safe distance away from whatever it was.

”Yes, let’s get a drink,” Anya smiled, quickly glancing over Sloane’s face to make sure there was no burn mark on it. Thankfully not. ”Somewhere with higher quality alcohol sounds perfect. We won’t have to risk running into our peers while discussing anything we might not want them to know.”

And there were things she wanted to discuss with them both after her meeting with the worst PRA agent to ever exist. Though tonight might not be the right time, and she certainly couldn’t do it sober. A few drinks were in order before she considered sharing a single detail of that harrowing night.

”Well, if you’re offering to get the first round, I won’t decline.” Anya’s lips curved up into a more genuine smile, though there was a hint of concern in her gaze as she glanced over Sloane. Still, no sense asking now. Sloane would tell them if she wanted to when they got to the private party. Anya turned to Jack. ”Let’s get somewhere more hidden, and you can teleport us there. It’s easier than making our way through the crowd.”

Anya didn’t wait for Jack’s response, assuming he would be happy to offer his teleportation services again, before leading them both over to a slightly more secluded, shadowed spot.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
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Member Seen 10 days ago

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), & Luca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. Cracker Island.

“keep that name out of your mouth,or this crazy bitch will do it again.”


Emily hopped behind Jacqueline, pointing at her as she dramatically shrieked. Tears still soaking her face as she looked at the huge crowd. "Look, he's threatening me again!" Emily said to the crowd of people. "He's dangerous! Put him away!"

"EMILY!" Miranda shouted as she tugged on Emily's sleeve. "That's enough. Let's just go."

"And run from these sluts? Never." Emily seethed before going back to tears.

”You chose to stay attached to Babylon. Vashti sealed hers. Only Carol and I are still living with the consequences of it, and what have you done to help either of us? Why is Carol still living with that after ten years?! Why the fuck are you spending more time plundering than helping her?!”

Emily raised a shaky finger with an equally shaky hand as she used her opposite hand to wipe away tears. Before she could say anything, she had her mouth open...

"... Well, do you believe in fate, poor Luca?" Babylon faded into existence, floating in mid-air as if she were lounging forward. With her hands up against her face. "You see, deep down, Emil-"

"Babylon!" Emily's tears briefly disappeared as she hissed, "Remember..."

"Oh, right!" Babylon's head went straight as she stood upright (as much as a floating ghost could). "MUHAHA! Do you think I'd ever leave a host like this? I'm going to bleed her dry just like the Rot will do to you, and then I'm going to move on to the next one!" Babylon laughed like a maniac.

"Maybe it'll be one of your Coven sisters! Some of them are gorgeous!" Babylon traced her hands across her cheeks.

"See! You forgot, Luca! I've been trying to get rid of Babylon for YEARS, and she won't go away! No matter how hard I try!" Emily said as she cried.

”We were in this together! I didn't want to leave 8th Street! But you wouldn't listen when I asked you to stop making everyone go around stealing and hurting people. I loved 8th Street, and I'd still help most of them in a heartbeat. But not you- fuck, Lila’s my friend. She’s not Britney… And honestly, Emily? You’re just as bad as her.”

"Bad as her?!" Emily cried. "You're saying I'm bad as that rapist-adjacent bitch?! What is wrong with you, Luca!?"

Tears (and shitty wine) had soaked this stupid onesie she was forced to wear as she put her hands on her chest and said, "And made people go steal things?! The audacity, Luca!"

She couldn't resist the sly grin as she made one little point...

"... They do as I say of their own accord!" Emily started as she pointed at Luca and said, "YOU are proof of that!"

She let the words hang in the air as she added on, "Do you know just what lurks in this city, Luca?! You're acting like the city isn't full of monsters that do worse to innocents! I was just trying to fight fire with fire!"

However, sneaking up behind Lila and Luca was the monstrously tall George, who held a comically large mug of beer. He had a devious grin on his face as he sauntered over...

... And poured the beer directly on Lila's head.

He broke out laughing as he said,

"Oops, sorry pal!" George shouted, "You looked a little angry, so I thought I'd help cool you off!"
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AtomicEmperor
Avatar of AtomicEmperor

AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 4 days ago


Mentions: Leon Richoux Direct Dialogue: Linqian Han/@FernStone, Britney Williams/@Punished GN, Layla Hyacinthus/@Estylwen, Vashti Nour/@Atrophy
Location: Cracker Island Ferry Docks > Festival Grounds, Cracker Island

Edict was happy to crack the Stella open, stuffing the bottle cap into his pocket and clearing the beer in a matter of a few seconds. He was so thirsty, after all, as the ganja core of his cigar was giving him terrible cottonmouth... While he chugged, he listened to Linqian bash his choice of costume with as much of a smile as one could have with a bottle hanging from it.
"Woah, ayy!-" he threw his hands up like a true Italian caricature, "-Unless I went to some fashion designer ahead of time, or... I don't know, some magical tailor, whatever I was gonna get would be cheaper than rocking vintage Giorgio Armani and fuckin' Prada wingtips. This is my Dad's suit from his hayday, the belt alone was like six cartons in those days."

Pocketing the bottle as well, he was now on the lookout for a trashcan; but as Linqian mentioned the idea of having to cut in line at a ferry to be shoulder to shoulder with the masses of mouth breathers, he simply couldn't bear it. His arm dipped down, scooping up his black and gold leather guitar case by the handle and moving his body to gesticulate a different direction than the ferry. Toward his car, in fact.
"Well, you're not in any rush really, are you? I say fuck the Ferry, lets go catch my family's boat. It'll be more comfortable than whatever that shit is." he offered, waving his hand vaguely at the loading ramp for the ferry.

”This isn't some roundabout way of tossing me in the sea, is it?” Linqian joked, momentarily glancing at the guitar case before looking back at Edict with a slight smirk. ”Sure, I'm perfectly fucking happy with not being packed in with a bunch of horny teens and pissed adults- and Sloane. Fuck that, let's go.”

It was another forty-five or so minutes before Edict and Linqian were anywhere as close to Cracker Island as they were at the Ferry Dock. City traffic was bad enough, but now daytime revelers and weekend block parties were constant roadblocks. In the meanwhile, the two conversed casually about nothing in particular. He did end up explaining the roof was down because he was smoking, and offered some to Linqian after disclosing that there was, in fact, marijuana in it, as well as his own jacket in case she got cold. As he took it off and put it on the middle of the wide bench seat, Linqian could see the holster around his shoulders and the butt of his pistol hanging from it underneath his left armpit. His sleeves were rolled up, and his forearm tattoos were on full display along with his rigid, muscular forearms.

Eventually they ended up in the South End. The neighborhoods at the south part of the Bay were well insulated by a chain of thickets that formed a wooded privacy barrier for the rich gated communities. They were actually going to his Father's home, the place he'd lived in as a baby. He didn't bother sharing with Linqian, figuring that she wouldn't really want to hear it. Nor would she want to hear that he was upset, for yet another year, that his Father couldn't be assed to come up from Portland. Even while his own half siblings would be there. After all, someone had to live in that big house if his Dad wasn't.

Dad... Weird fucking word.

In the time it took them to drive, he was pressed to make a phone call which was clearly about him being flip-floppy with plans. From Linqian's seat, it seemed like he said one thing to them, and was now going back on it. Pulling it out of him, the sense was correct. He'd planned on taking the Ferry, but redirected the ultimate blame on Sloane, who he figured was going to be occupying the same Ferry. Making it seem like he cared much about Linqian's comfort.
"For your own comfort, we don't need to walk around like there's tension. Lets just have fun."

But the ensuing family experience and boat ride were anything but comfortable, and Edict ended up having to admit to himself that he'd have rather just dealt with the crowds at the Ferry.
First his older brother was busting his balls over making the rest of the family wait. He was a handsome man in his own right, and Linqian was able to see the similarities between the two men despite the elder brother having a bit more of a "dad bod". But, ultimately he was introduced as Eljay, short for Luigi Junior, and his wife Kaitlyn was quick to introduce herself as well with the immediately uncomfortable white person question.

"Oh my Lord you are so gorgeous Lin-shan. Where are you from?"
Eljay was quick to snap at his wife.
"St. Portwell you fucking duck, where do you think she's from?

Like Edict's Uncle, Eljay was aware that Edict was in fact a magical son of some voodoo priestess, and did his best to tiptoe around his brother after a time where he got a heavy dose of the stuff. Not that things were much less awkward after that. It seemed like Edict's "Family" was more than just close people like Linqian's experience. This was THE Family. Linqian would be able to recognize faces that she'd only seen on the news in courtroom footage, happily interspliced into a warm picture of family living with dozens of kids and teenagers and wives chatting away.
As much as he didn't want to play the introduction game, Edict couldn't really find a place for them to stand on the eighty something foot yacht. So, after at least a dozen introductions and his cutesy family name being spilled by his Grandmother, "Gemmi" figured it'd be best to get where people understood that he was just trying to get a ride... He brought Linqian up to the deck where his Uncle was actually driving the boat. There were four or five older men chatting back and forth; no costumes to speak of between them. When they heard Edict and Linqian coming up, one turned and caused the whole group to spin like the duo had found the vampire convent's hideout.

What ensued was a bit of a conflict between Edict and his fellow Captains. While Linqian didn't have all the details, Edict was considered a Captain of the Devola Family, and as such had certain inalienable rights that were respected by the other Made Men around him. This did not make him immune to the long lived tradition of Italian-American machismo bullshit, as much as he tried to hide in the relative haven of the Twin City metropolitan area. There was a comment about Oreo cookies, dunking in milk, something said by one of the other men near the Uncle. A pretty awful thing to say concerning both of the duo's mixed heritages.
The Uncle, who would later politely introduce himself to Linqian as Vito, nearly cuffed the other man in the face, shouting at him and grabbing him by the collar. Edict's first reaction was to join in the beating, but instead he quickly flicked his glasses onto his face and Linqian would've been able to feel the disturbance as Edict began to cast a spell across the room. Immediately, all the men were stiff as boards and silent. Rather than speak to them gently, Edict made very vocal demands that they be left alone, and to tell the others not to mess with Edict and his guest anymore.

It was very effective, and only the Uncle seemed permitted to stay. He had, after all, defended the two of them out of basic principle... But also because Vito Devola was Consigliere and Edict respected him enough to never actually use his abilities against him. Knowing what his nephew could do, Vito didn't even want to consider what the girl was capable of, and was just as happy to play it cool as he smelled the wafting scent of shit from the guilty man as he uncomfortably left the cabin. Edict gave Linqian a knowing nod as the deck cleared off and they were finally permitted to sit and relax in peace.

For a thirty minute boat ride, it was a lot more trouble than it was worth. Edict had Vito pull into one of the public launches to let them out early, a decision unquestioned by the Old Man who simply did what he was asked. On departure, there was a cold goodbye to the duo without even anchoring the boat. It was like a drive by deposit, and Edict had it no other way. Clearing his throat as they walked down the dock toward the festival grounds through a virtual back entrance, Edict rustled his guitar case while apologizing to Linqian for the entire situation.
It wasn't like Greyson to admit when he fucked up, but here Edict was doing just that. He was probably more annoyed about the how things turned out as she was. Regardless, they had made it to their destination. The island was big enough that they couldn't chain it all off, and people with their own boats were usually trusted to stop at the admission area near the main pier. The Devola Family never did. Not for the amount of money and resources they dumped into it every year. People like the Van Burens weren't remotely interested... But the Temple was, which was always interesting. Fuckers were always burning some effigy or rolling up some pagan ritual to fascinate the Blinds.

But as the duo walked on into the fairgrounds, the rain began to trickle down. Edict's eyes narrowed at the sudden perspiration, his head spinning to check the horizons and finding that the storm clouds were isolated low over this part of the island. It was instantly relaxing, as he hadn't put his roof back up on the car. But it was only a brief respite before the realization bashed his head like a bell. Sudden isolated rain? Wizards were afoot. While they were still in the relative isolation of the rear grounds, Edict stopped himself and took a deep breath.
"Hey, you feeling this? I don't think this rain's natural..."
He reached across his chest, unclipping the pistol from his holster alongside the two magazines. The bullets gave off a vague hum to those Third Eyes who perceived them; Orange Lux enhanced ammunition, with little crosses carved into the lead slugs. Supposedly they were charged for twice the powder that was actually in the cartridge, which in turn made the pistol heavier as he'd had it made to withstand the tremendous amount of pressure coming from the quad-plus ten millimeter ammunition.
"Take this. I know you probably don't want it, but take it. I'd rather if we get split up you have something you can use... I ran into a pretty serious character yesterday, so... Just be safe.

”Yeah, it ain’t,” Linqian held out a hand to feel the rain, raising her body temperature so it evaporated as soon as it touched her skin. She tucked her hair into her hood with a scowl. Fucking typical- Edict was handing her a gun. What the fuck. ”Where the fuck am I meant to put this? I can’t- you know what, fuck, okay.”
He clearly wasn’t going to take no for an answer so Linqian took the pistol, putting it in her bag which just had room. She was pretty sure the last time she’d used a ‘gun’ was during paintball for her brother’s birthday, and that really wasn’t the same thing. ”If I shoot myself you’re paying the medical bills.”

"Lets get to the bottom of it: I don't think I like anyone we know who can make rain..."
Not that they had to go very far. There were some pretty tall ladies nearby being accosted by a Crocodile, and as Edict made it closer to the Beekeeper, he realized his intuition was spot on.
"Britney? Brit!"

The Day Prior

The meeting was to be held at a neutral location. Obviously, the Elder Lamb was the most suitable option. A time had been set. Now, all there was to do was wait.

Only a few details had been dropped in the correspondence House of Cards left for the Devola family, mainly that the money in this particular job would be good for them. It was enough to entice a representative to meet with them. But House of Cards didn't want just anyone. They wanted Edict Devola specifically.

Phantasia Vorpal sat alone at the bar, idly stirring the olive in a James Bond martini. This particular drink made her smile, reminding her of a lonely, lonely little girl that wandered into her parlor the other night. She wore a simple black dress, wide brim hat covering her eyes.

She sat there waiting, but she wasn't unguarded. At least 5-6 men were dispersed in the crowd of happy patrons, dressed in their suits and idly sipping or smoking as they watched the doors and windows carefully. One couldn't say that the leader of the House of Cards wasn't well protected.

Why she came herself, though, remained to be seen…

As Edict made his way out to that oh so distant part of town, he had a nostalgic memory about riding in his Father’s car. Him, his Uncle, and a couple of his Father’s other close associates. There was a country club out in this part of town, and while the four men were mostly there to play Golf, Luigi Devola always made sure to bring Edict.

Those were warm memories; watching the men play golf, sitting on the cart, lugging around heavy bags of clubs, the grilled hot dog lunch at the end of the road. He never figured out what his Father’s actual play was, bringing him all those times. If it was just getting him used to working, or if there was some sort of scam they were playing with, he’d probably never know.

Well, I could know. But life needs some mysteries.

Now, as a kid, the Lamb Club was one of the places his Dad would go to without him. Occasionally after those days golfing, Luigi would have Edict trucked back to St. Portwell proper and go on about his business from the Lamb Club. Edict had only been once, and only outside while his Father made some collections.

But since then, the place had become far less desirable. In an attempt to make up for lost profit, the owners put up for a spot deeper in the city, naming it the Lamb Club while the old location became something more like an old man’s hangout. The Elder Lamb. A little on the nose for Edict, but it still made him chuckle to think of the two places as a “chain”.

The young Captain rarely rolled about with backup; but this was a random meeting out in the styx. He didn’t feel like being Father Wolf’s next victim without at least giving the fucker something to think about, so today the car was full. And so was the SUV behind them. All in all, they totaled eight individuals with concealed firearms.

Edict requisitioned his Father’s working Cadillac, and felt safe behind the armored door and window as they arrived at the Elder Lamb. He’d arrived under the pretense of a luncheon, which he’d called to reserve prior to the meeting itself. The eight men, parking their vehicles closer to the exits than they were probably allowed to, poured into the club in a short burst with their suit coats and their hats in their hands.

The man himself hung in the middle of the pack, the gentle weight of his ten millimeter brushing against his pelvis as the holster rocked back and forth on his belt. He was the only person in the group with any kind of supernatural inclination, and he let his powers loose upon the room without a second thought.

Ethereal pink tendrils slowly expanded across the room, hunting and prodding for active Emotional Fields. Targets became illuminated by the cursory resistance to such a naturally weak spell, with Edict feeling the severance of those doomed strands as the miniscule wisps of Pink Lux shattered across the surface of some seriously busy barricades.

As the ethereal threads moved across the room, Edict would notice that out of the House of Cards men she brought with her, none activated the threads save for her. It appeared she brought mundane protection with her today. Mundane protection with sharp eyes, as they watched slyly as their waited guests arrived.

He picked the woman out at the bar right away; her reaction being a particularly strong one that batted away his influence with an especially cruel swipe. He imagined her trailing back to him, and before he could get much further, he pulled the spell back. The group of men took their table, and after a moment of settling in, Edict was back up and headed toward the bar.

He wore a black lounge suit with gold accents, cufflinks and a patterned gold tie matched his newly repaired sunglasses that dangled from the coat’s breast pocket. Approaching the bar, his frame and stance as he walked marked him as a man of sheer confidence. He had been given a code to use, something innocuous to say to the bartender as a signal for his newest potential business partner to hear.
”Bartender? I hear that bottle services are table only on Tuesdays, is that correct?”

A smile appeared under that wide brim hat of hers, and she gave a gentle tap of her cigarette holder on an ashtray as she addressed the bartender.

“A drink for my friend. Top shelf, anything he likes.”

The hand holding the cigarette holder gestured to the seat beside her, as the lady’s bowed head turned to him.

“Please, be my guest.”

She took a puff of her cigarette, turning her half-hidden face to blow the smoke into the center of the room.

“I trust you haven't brought any trouble with you?” She said softly, “The spear has been on the move recently… But I imagine you know that better than I.”

There was a soft crack of a smile as her statement hovered in the air.

”If you mean individuals who, themselves, would cause some sort of ruckus? No. Just some close Devola associates, looking for some good food and alcohol.” he replied, his head tilting backward toward the table full of mafiosos.

With a slickness, he ordered a rum and coke and took the seat next to the enigmatic woman. He’d never met her, never seen her, didn’t know what her goals were; but there was no mistaking that she wasn’t normal. Hat aside, her Emotional Field was thick and robust, and didn’t turn him away so much as let him get lost in the distance between its outer edge and the inner flesh.

Taking a sip of the drink as it hit the bar, he mulled over what she meant by spear, not exactly sure himself. Giving it the few seconds to process gave him a bit of clarity, enough that he could take a wild guess and probably be right.

”As far as our badge friends are concerned, I’m not worried.-” Edict intoned as he took his cigarette case from his breast pocket and proceeded to light up with a fairly cheap lighter.
”But, is that the business we really want to be discussing?”

By ‘spear’, she was of course referring to the enigmatic PRA. As mysterious as they were, ‘loose lips sank ships’, and her spies had picked up scraps of intel from their more simple-minded members over the years. With the attack on the Sycamore recently, it was a wise move to be extra conscious of the badges.

Satisfied with Edict's response, the woman gave a knowing nod.

“Of course… the House of Cards has come across a bit of a snag, you see.” She said, tapping her cigarette holder against the ashtray once.

“We have need of your family's cunning and strength. But more importantly, we have need of your trust. The target… trusts you. You specifically.”

She let the words linger in the air for a moment, taking a sip of her martini.

“The job itself is simple enough for a man of your skillset.” Her voice dropped to a low note. “We need you to… procure someone for us. A kidnapping, if you will. You'll be compensated handsomely, of course.”

Edict’s interest was piqued, the idea of kidnapping someone who he knew being something he wasn’t unfamiliar with. Sometimes people just had to disappear. A grave smile crossed his lips, and he swigged back the rest of his drink.
”My fair Lady… I hesitate to question if you’re aware of what my particular status is among the rabble. I’d not consider myself well liked by my peers; so either you’re overestimating this individual’s closeness to me, or you’re certainly asking a heavy thing of a man to do. So, I’d beg your price…”

“Even a momentary hesitation while you greet them is enough, isn't it?” She said with a sly smile. “Instead of trust, perhaps them being acquainted with you is more accurate.”

She ashed her cigarette, setting the holder across on the tray while she chose her next words. Negotiations were an art, and she had learned it was always a good move to let the other party open with an initial bid.

“Price is such a… fickle thing, isn't it? I understand there are certain expenses involved, men to pay and cops to avoid. Bribe off if you play that way-” She took a breath, swirling her martini nonchalantly, “-So it's better to ask what a fair price is for a job such as this. Especially since your target is ‘special’, much like yourself.”

”You understand, things get complicated between individuals such as ourselves. My particular brand of coercion is best suited to dealing with those outside our world…”

Edict paused, thinking about what he'd been told about the House of Cards. Not a whole lot, frankly. Business associates, occasionally request protection and security for high stakes games, eclectic individuals. Not exactly social, but they managed to be earners for themselves with an internal security crew that Blinds generally don't mess with.

”Long story short, and unfortunately for you, I can't even begin to muster a price for you unless I know specifics on the target. Now, I consider this Family business, so understand that even if I refuse this outright, I will happily assist in facilitating a meetup with someone else who may in turn follow through. So, how about we spill the beans: Who are you looking for?”

The woman’s smile seemed more predatory for the briefest moment, relishing. This was the crux, where everything hinged, where she's see if Edict or the Devola family would be willing to involve themselves. If they'd risk it all for a special, special job.

She finished her martini, and gestured to the bartender. The glasses were removed, and a new rum and coke and martini were set on the bar. She swirled this one slowly, before her bowed face turned to Edict.

“How's your relation with Britney Williams?”

Edict couldn't hide the recoil the question caused. It could have been anyone else: Literally any other member of the Coven. It would've been easy to toss them under the rolling train of the Mafia.

So why did it have to be his Britney? They called him for this. There's no way this woman sitting in front of him didn't know their history. She was toying with him. His eyes narrowed, and he leaned in to make sure his lowered voice would reach the woman loud and clear.

”Are you busting my balls right now?” Edict asked, his voice not wavering as he went from calm and collected to teetering on the verge of violence.
”You've got some serious stones asking me to kidnap my girl for you. You better have a good fucking answer for what you want with her…”

Almost immediately, six heads whipped in their direction, hands pressed into inner coat pockets and waistbands where firearms were hidden.

A subtle gesture of her head, and the men relaxed. Slightly.

Her face turned towards Edict, black laced hands softly gestured in a visible recoil, palms up, as if she had just touched a hot coal. There was a slight lick of her lips. She relished moments like these.

“Now, now, no need to get all tense.”

She leaned forward, a hand cupping her cheek with sick intrigue. “This is why, Mr. Devola, you are the perfect fit for the job. No one knows her like you.”

A pause, before a sweet smile played across her glossed lips. “You can either take the job, or watch her get swept away. Your choice.”

It was none of his business, after all, what the House of Cards wanted with Britney. Phantasia sat there, adrenaline spiking in her veins as she tried to keep a perfectly calm facade. Her smile wavering between sweet and predatorial.

Edicts first instinct was to go for the gun at his waist, but good sense made him think twice about it. Whoever this woman was, whatever she wanted with Britney, it didn't matter to him anymore. All he knew was that he had the chance to save the only woman he'd ever had the choice to love.

He thought about her, about the last arguments they had, about how he'd been wrong for using her. The only regret he had was that he wasn't more honest and forthcoming with her. He always thought it was macho to protect the woman, that she should never have any place in his manly business.
Remnant thoughts of his upbringing.

But it was overwhelming love for Britney that welled inside him. The Pink Lotus unfurled, whose thick and serpentine roots all lifted in defense of their master. Edict's hand casually reached for his sunglasses to stop the pain as it crept up his brainstem. The pain of raw casting was nothing compared to being shot, at least not in small bursts.

”Look, Miss… Whatever the fuck your name is… Your beef with Britney ain't founded. She's a good girl, she's legit, and frankly I don't like you insinuating that you plan on kidnapping her.”

His fingertips pressed against the newly repaired frames, and he slid the sunglasses from his pocket for them to rest in his hand. Edict had developed his spells with the assistance of his Mother, and it emphasized wordless casting and somatic manipulation; typical gesticulations triggered internal imagery, quite literally the past casting spells far into the future.

Edict flicked one of the temples of the sunglasses, and in an instant he was no longer hovering. His magical roots dug into Phantasia's emotional field. At first they were subtle, potentially offering a false sense of security as he tunneled his influence straight toward her brain.

”Normally I don't get worked up, but… You invite me out here to this shitbum part of town with your fucking stupid hat, then you ask me to kidnap Britney Williams like I'm some spiteful, hateful ex boyfriend. And, what? Expect me to just go with it?”

The intensity of the probing was ever intensifying as Edict leaned in closer to her. Whatever happened next, he was simultaneously shoring up his own barrier in the hopes that if she retaliated, he'd be able to make it out of the deadlock.

”But now I'm going to have to make you forget all about it.-” Edict grunted, straining himself as he tried to brute force his way into Phantasia's mind. ”-And you're going to go home to whoever your fucking Boss is, and you're going to tell them that Britney Williams is off limits…”

A lick of the lips as Phantasia felt the pressure of a particular abstraction. This was exactly what she was looking for.

With a sly, slightly tight snicker from the pressure, her head lifted. Harrowing, coal black eyes stared hard at Edict, like the river Styx was begging for him to drown in despair in its depths.

She pressed hard, feeling a battle of wills as invisible pressures washed over her own will. Kicking it into a higher gear, she bared her teeth in a predatory smile as she pressed him with a haunting gaze. He'd feel it. The coldness. The sickness of despair, crawling at the edges of his will. Sharp, like the cold blade of a mafioso.

As she pressed, she observed how he moved. How he touched his glasses. How the pressures increased, looking for any weakness in her defense. It was, well, fascinating. Phantasia was already idly piecing together what she would say to Isabella when she returned to the Casino.


Her men grew restless at the words of Edict, some half standing, some taking steps towards the bar. Phantasia simply smiled, and raised a hand, not breaking eye contact with Edict. The men stared, then seemed to hold their positions.

“If you really think you can change my mind, be my guest.” Phantasia said, an arrogance in her tone as her black eyes narrowed.

”C-c-curfl… Whudu wizh frrrr…”
Edict wasn't an offensive spell slinger. He was acutely aware of pushing his abilities to their limits and what he could do at the outer edges of his own spells. Currently, he was just as busy protecting himself as he was drilling a hole in the woman's E-Field, half a dozen Power Words sticking themselves to his brain in order to shut down key centers that would otherwise be left somewhat exposed to counter attack.

Hence the slurring. He had the belief that ”Numb and Dumb are targets for None.”
Or, in other words, you can shoot all you want. If there's nothing worth hitting, why waste the ammo? He was slowly, surely, slumping over in his chair as his motor skills dulled to the most basic functions. His movements were slowed to a crawl, only the emotional center of the brain left running on hot. Its where the casting really came from.

Feeling safe, he let the Lotus unfurl completely. A thousand points pressured Phantasia like countless diodes hooked to her mind directly. The stage was set for his latest Spell: A high-powered lance meant to break through Emotional Fields and directly damage the brain underneath.

Everything was so slow. He could only see Britney's face smiling at him… It was the day they went out of town to the Farm, to that dark part of the forest where he didn't have to be Greyson Devola. A place where he could relax and forget about everything and give the most basic parts of himself to her.

And right now, all he could do was protect that smile.

An echo projected itself through Phantasia's ears.
”Pink Lotus’ Subtle Drift: Let Me In.”
Like a mine cave-in, the E-Field protecting Phantasia's gray matter shifted before falling in on itself entirely. A thousand spikes drove into the softness, their illusory nature causing no direct pain. Having no access to his eyes or ears, Edict couldn't tell if it was working or not.

She was, indeed, hooked, sitting there motionless, helpless.

Edict didn't waste any time formulating a Command String of different power words, uncaring as to the intensity of his carvings or the depths that they were being carved at.
”Pink Lotus’ Guiding Principle: Power Word Cease. Assess. Cease. Bullshit. Flee. Return.”

And then, like nothing ever happened, Edict broke the connection he'd forced open. As his senses slowly came back to him, his arm moved to wipe the drool off of his chin and neck as fuzzy eyes focused on the Witch he had assailed.
He thought about the intended Commands and if they'd be carried out properly or if breaking the E-Field like he had would just render her comatose entirely. He'd never tested, but he knew what the string was meant to do.

Cease: Refrain from immediate violence. He'd found the sensation of an urge to fight back, and immediately squashed it before it was active.
Assess: Essentially an unlocking for him, allowing him to discover more subtle impulses and targeting them directly.
Cease: The second iteration directly targeted the dark bands where he saw Britney's name held. He assumed these were either targets or enemies in the woman's mind, and he did his best to scrub Britney from the consideration.
Bullshit: A classic, he targeted their current situation, isolating the memories forming currently in Phantasia's mind and preventing her from speaking about their meeting truthfully. If anyone asked, she'd lie about what happened. It didn't matter to him what the lie was, only that it wasn't the truth.
Flee: Not in a scared fashion. The type of fleeing one does when they want to avoid someone at the grocery store. Embarrassed and hurried avoidance, and he hoped she'd bring her men with her.
Return: It wasn't the last time he wanted to see this woman. Return was directed toward him in her mind, ensuring that after a period of time, she'd actively seek him out again.

Edict looked at her closely as he regained his full vision, and as he returned to a fully upright position he tucked his glasses back into his pocket.
”I hope that was everything you were asking for… If you continue your pursuit, next time you won't leave on your feet.” he punctuated by hocking up a loogie and spitting it at her feet.

‘Assess’ brought forth some interesting subtleties. Edict uncovered a bloodlust first and foremost for the head of Britney, and a desire to make her suffer. Hidden underneath that was raw pain. Grief. Phantasia was grieving over someone, and using her bloodlust as a goal, as a cover-up to hide from the emotional pain. There was a list of names, yes. The only other name that had equal or more bloodlust surrounding it was the name ‘Andrade Salamante.’

Phantasia, after the influence left her, felt feverish and cold. Like reactive pain from after waking up from the sting of an anesthetic needle, her breath came in hyperventilated gasps. Reacting to a pain she couldn't feel.

Her skin was hot to the touch, yet she had a cold sweat. Her head was already lowered, and her eyes returned to a normal pink, squeezed shut before she dared to open them again.

Everything felt… terrible. Strange. Like she had suffered a type of Chinese torture. The headache was evident of that. There was only one thing she knew as she woozily rose to her feet.

She wouldn't harm Britney.

“Please excuse me.” She said with as much grace as she could muster, feeling the desire to escape from the presence of the man before her. Instantly, hands were on her as her men supported and escorted Phantasia from the vicinity.

And just like that, they were gone. Edict was left sitting at the bar with drool on his shirt and a burning question.
Who the fuck is Andrade Salamante to them?
The Temple Restaurateur? Edict had been to Le’ Sanc the night he got into town, but hadn’t considered speaking to the chef at all; Leon had simply told him to go there if he was ever back in town and he followed the recommendation.

He’d have to warn the Big Guy too then… Maybe. Maybe he’d just watch it play out? Hell, maybe when she came back, she’d want help with Andrade? He’d happily oblige that. Smugly, Edict smiled to himself as he finished his drink before cockily joining his fellows at their table to have a big lunch, all the while ruminating on the situation at hand.

As Greyson got a bit closer to the situation playing out in front of him, he recognized the scent of the Ozone heavy on the location. He didn't recognize her companions, but as the Crocodile turned in his and Linqian's direction he immediately knew that face.
"Woah! Woooooah, God Damn, I guess you really embraced life as Emily's pet lizard!? Clear the fuck off, Nashty Hoor, before someone calls animal control."
Jokes aside, this wasn't good. Vashti Nour was not only someone on his list, but a very dangerous someone with a lot of power and unpredictability. She was liable to do anything, so Edict was already looking for places to duck in cover when the heavy claws came out. His finger slipped to the latch trigger for his case, the feeling of his best pal bristling within just waiting to get out.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by NoriWasHere
Avatar of NoriWasHere


Member Seen 11 days ago

The Festival

Interactions: Luca,@FernStone,Emily/George @Punished GN, Stormy @Blizz

Lila heard Luca speak clearly for the first time and it shook her. He sounded angry. He was angry. And he had moved in between the two. Lila’s expression softened as much as her black eyes would allow. She did not want to risk hurting Luca when Emily eventually said some more shit. All she wanted right now were her normal hands, and several beers to forget that she had heard her dead name. “Don’t push me out so soon,” The Maiden whispered, “I’m just starting to enjoy this” Lila winced as her voice tried to push her back towards the anger. Lila did not let it stay for long. Instead she turned her head and watched Luca passionately stand up to Emily, her eyes turned slightly and saw Jasper also watching Luca do the same thing. She shifted them back to Luca, and smiled when he called her his friend. The more he talked, the more the rage pulled away from her mind, the more quiet the maiden got, and the more herself she felt.

And then Luca said to not hit her again. To not take this any further. Lila smiled a little wider. As she smiled the feathered claws retreated and soon she was left with her normal hands. As this feeling, this power of friendship, enveloped her The Maiden chuckled. “You’ve let me in once, I’ll be back soon.”. A few seconds later her eyes returned to normal and she felt all of The Maidens rage fall away with her. She took a deep breath. It felt like she hadn’t taken a full breathe since the maiden returned to her. “Me and you are on break again. You do not play with my emotions like that.. Emily may have had it coming but Jesus fuck this could’ve been bad,” she thought to herself.

Lila turned and saw Stormy. She remembered he had complimented her swing, and asked what was going on. “I don’t usually punch people, Emily is a fucking transphobic cunt though.”. Lila turned her head towards Lynn, and saw that she had several beers in hand. She was placing them down gently on a table. The two locked eyes, Lynn quickly shifted hers down to Lila’s hand before a smile spread across her face. Lila turned her head and spotted Jasper who was still staring at Luca. Lila tilted her head. That was strange, he has been staring at Luca for a couple of minutes now. Lila turned her eyes back to Luca and flashed a quick smile.

“Thank you. You’re right Luca, that bitch is not-“” Lila paused as an ice cold liquid was poured on her head. The smell of cheap beer quickly overwhelmed her senses. In an instant that anger returned, this time ten fold. Whoever was doing this would pay. And then she heard George talk. In an instant her feathered hands shot outward, and this was soon followed by her eyes returning to their void like color. Her hand quickly moved to her throat and she ripped her choaker off. She then reached into her bag and pulled out a variety of cheap rings and other worthless jewelry she simply had on hand. She did not expect to make an offering and she’d need to find some tacky shop selling jewelry and fast . “My, my that was not long. Shall I give you your next gifts, or will you do better suffering through some adversity to teach you respect?” Lila’s anger became visible on her face as she thought “go fuck yourself” as she she dropped her offerings to the ground in front of her.

Shit all over Emily and George, aim for their mouths.

The crows swarmed the offering before they took to the skies. Immediately they began to do just as instructed. Lila turned to Luca with a devious smile. She felt herself slipping away, being pulled towards a distant, dangerous place. The more she met the maiden in, the more it pulled her away from being a hundred percent present in her body. It was like she was in two places at the same time. She could see Luca, clear as day, but she could also see a forest, and a green glow coming from within it. The forest seemed familiar. She focused her vision on Luca instead, pushing the forest to the corner of her vision. Lila’s eyes seemed a little more devoid of life than before. Her smile a little more wicked. Her presence a little less Lila.

What fun!, Lila paused as she laughed, Shall we, Rot?

Lynn watched as George poured the beer over Lila’s head. Lynn turned her head and waited for Jasper to react yet his attention was firmly on Luca. Lynn turned her head back towards the fight. She was less surprised that George would do something like that and more so surprised that someone so tall and big was able to sneak up on Lila like that. Lynn grabbed one of her own beers and simply drank, and drank, and drank it until it was empty. She placed the empty bottle down and grabbed a second one and did the same. As she finished the second one she saw the feathered hand of Lila return and watched as she began to prepare an offering. A few seconds later Emily and George were being peppered by bird shit, and the way Lila was talking and looking make Lynn nervous.

“Stormy… It might be time for the monsters to go to sleep,” she paused as she took another deep drink from her beer.

She did not think Emily would do anything, nor did she think Emily would allow George to do anything. The problem was everything that they did to Emily now would be returned twice as vicious down the road. Punching her was one going, but humiliating her? In front of the entire town and tourist? At the Halloween festival? Lynn did not need the future to see that trouble would come their way, and Lynn might make it even worse if she was allowed to continue. She could always blame Britney, it was her fault that the maiden was still here. Would Emily listen? Would she care? Lynn turned her head back to Jasper, hoping he would be moving towards the fight to dosomething but his attention was firmly on Luca still. How strange?
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 6 days ago

Cracker Island, Halloween Festival
Interactions: @Punished GN, @Atrophy, @AtomicEmperor, @FernStone


“It's your lucky day, sweetheart.”

Almost immediately, Layla was torn between letting Britney get taken away into what couldn't possibly be a good situation, and stepping in.

No, bad thoughts. Everything is fine, remember?

Layla's lips pursed. These two had history. Bad history. Nowadays, if Layla was correct, Vashti ran the 8th Street with Emily. bad news was as bad as it gets.

Nothing compares to my last week.

“Some way to greet an old friend, Vashti.”

Near immediately, she flexed a hand, and… nothing. No phantom hand. No easy power in her complete control and grasp.

No Void.

Layla swallowed, feeling the weight in her heart, before she placed a hand behind her back. The rain couldn't be a good sign. It never was, when it came to Vashti. If push came to shove, she could offer Vashti a gift. Surely no one would miss her…

Still, Layla hated to rely on an unstable power, and she suddenly felt… a lacking of Void. In the sense of having a second pair of eyes on her, watching, playing the role of bodyguard. She had relaxed in his eyes, after they fought.

Now? She was alone, Britney didn't have the Noble Vow, and Layla couldn't even rely on her own curse.

She gritted her teeth, hating her helplessness.

"Clear the fuck off, Nashty Hoor, before someone calls animal control."
Mr. Devola

That's when Red Riding Hood and a mafia boss joined the crocodile, beekeeper and two bees.

Layla felt a bit of reassurance, seeing neutral coven members coming to their rescue. Neutral as in they knew nothing about what happened last week. At least… She was fairly certain. How fast did word travel around the coven…?

A queasy feeling seeped into her gut, one that wasn't easy to shake.

”Focus, sweetheart.”

Layla took a breath before giving a wave and smile. “Mr. Devola, Linqian. You have uh, good timing.”

She paused, before she held onto the sleeve of Britney, frowning at Vashti.

“Go away.” She said, eyes narrowed.

Her gaze turned up to Britney. “Let's just go, Britney. I wanna see the haunted house…”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Edict @AtomicEmperor, Britney @Punished GN, Vashti @Atrophy
The Halloween Festival

Linqian really regretted accepting getting Edicts family boat rather than just biting the bullet that was another possible Sloane encounter and getting the ferry. The whole journey was just fucking uncomfortable. Between the slight racism (overt in one case), the many introductions she really hadn’t been prepared for (discovering a hilarious nickname she'd save for later) and just the general feeling incredibly out of place for multiple reasons… Yeah. Never again. It was the drive by meet the family of her boss slash friend (?) that she hadn’t wanted. At least he’d very swiftly used his abstraction to deal with the worst offender, which left her just having to sit uncomfortably with him and his Uncle (who’d seemed pretty alright).

But once they got on the island, Linqian had been in a good mood! She was three cans of beer in, having knocked back another two to cope with the boat journey, and a little bit high. It had all gone a bit to her head since she’d last eaten before going to work... Once again drinking on an empty stomach, which was becoming a bad habit. She’d planned to eat on the ferry, but she wasn’t exactly going to pull out tupperwares of home cooked food on a mob boat.

The tipsiness wasn’t so good when faced with this situation. Her rare good mood instantly plummeted.

She wasn’t going to get her night of fun, was she?

The crocodile, who Linqian recognised as Vashti after squinting a bit, was all up in Britney’s face. She hadn’t heard any of what had been said, but it was pretty obvious why Vashti would be coming after her. Just, could she not have done it on another day?

She glanced over at Edict. His energy was noticeably different after spotting Britney. Calmer, less exaggerated. She’d already known this from the first meeting, but he was so not over her. It was even easier to see for her with the whole… Also not being over her ex thing. Which was delightful. But seriously, tonight?

There went the possibility of getting laid too. Not that it had been her main goal, would’ve just been a nice thing to round everything off. Well, actually, no need to write it off. It wouldn’t be too hard to find someone if she still felt like it later.

That wasn’t important. It was difficult to stay focused after the three beers on a near empty stomach, her thoughts flying to all sorts of unimportant places. Snap out of it. Edict was clearly planning to get involved - and already verbally doing so. She was sure Vashti would totally fuck off after being told to.

The thing was, Vashti was crazy. Linqian really didn’t want to get involved. It wasn’t like she was a target, why should she put her neck on the line… But Britney had helped her a week ago. She’d been close to Jinhai. And if she walked away right now she’d probably at best lose her second job, at worst be thrown into the sea by a vengeful Edict after she didn’t help protect the ex he clearly wasn’t over.

Weighing up the risks quickly, she decided to go with taking on a pissed off crocodile over a possible bullet to the head and less money.

”This is not how I wanted to spend my fucking night,” Linqian complained, mostly directed at Edict as if it was his fault (kind of was). Her hand went to her bag, before very quickly dropping. She was not going to pull out a gun in this situation. She didn’t even really know how to use a gun! She’d just do things the way she was used to. ”You owe me so much booze after this.”

The temperature in the area dropped to just below freezing. The rain turned into snow around Linqian. Everyone would feel the cold - Edict, Britney, Sabrina, Layla and Vashti. It didn’t discriminate. It wasn’t low enough to be dangerous, but it was uncomfortable. Especially if you were cold-blooded.

”Hey Britney, we keep meeting in these shitty situations when we should be having fun, huh?” Linqian’s words were drawn out as she closed the distance between her and the other group. She completely ignored Layla and got right up close to Britney and Vashti. Her body temperature plummeted to deadly levels, her warm brown skin paling. The tips of her fingers turned a more purplish tone. She suppressed a shiver herself, the combination of her own body temperature and the air temperature dropping not something she could completely resist.

Britney and Vashti would be able to feel the cold radiating off her close as she was to them, water droplets on her outfit turning to ice.

”Fucking back off, Vashti,” Linqian reached out to try and grab Vashti’s wrist. If she managed to, Vashti would first feel an intense pain and freezing cold. The longer Linqian holds on the more damage her freezing cold would do to Vashti's wrist. ”You try fuck with one of us, you gotta fuck all of us.”

Wait, that wasn’t quite right. Whatever.

”Fuck right off before I shove my knee up your fucking crocodile ass.”

Interactions: Emily @Punished GN, Lila / The Maiden / Jasper @NoriWasHere
The Halloween Festival

Luca winced as Emily misgendered Lila, which explained the whole situation. He’d totally understood punching someone over that.

And Lila started becoming more herself again. It helped him calm down, positivity creeping back in and starting to patch up the cracks in his mental walls. It would be fine. They could still have a good night. He only half paid attention to what Babylon was saying. They could still have a lovely night! They could-

"... They do as I say of their own accord! YOU are proof of that!"
Queen Bitch

Just like that, Emily’s words ripped off the tape that had barely covered the fractured barrier between his mind and the rot.

She was right. He’d left because of what she was doing, and the rest had stayed. They could have left like him. They had that choice. If he could do it, when he was literally dying with no other options to save him, they could too. They chose to stay. They chose to help Emily. No, no. They had no choice, people like Carol had no choice, she was stuck in that body- of course she’d go along with it. He’d accepted he was dying, but why should anyone else? And maybe what Emily said was right too - it was justified because there were others doing worse! They were just trying to protect everyone. But no, how did that work… He couldn’t…

Oh, poor Luca. You’re just a coward that can’t see beyond your clouded judgement. You give excuses for people so that you can pretend that they have no choice, so you can feel better about caring for them. You lie to yourself so that you can pretend everything you do is good… that you’re oh so moral...

No, shut up. I’m not lying to myself. I don’t think that way. I don’t. I just want everyone to be safe and happy. That’s all.

Ah, imposing yourself on them all, how valiant. Always has to be positive, doesn’t it, Luca? But you can’t hide yourself from me. You can hide all those feelings from everyone else, even yourself, but not me.

I’m not hiding anything-

You’re resentful. You don’t want to die. You hurt everyone around you, yet expect them to not. Ah, so hypocritical.

I’m not-

But Luca, Luca, you can’t ignore what you really are… deep down… you’re…

I’m not.

...truly rotten

Luca’s emotional protection shattered, and the Rot pushed itself into his mind. It had always been inside of him, lurking and waiting and occasionally surfacing, but it had never been able to share control like this. Luca had been to mentally strong, too positive to give in to its constant prodding. But after ten years of corroding his mind, it had managed.

Intense pain seized Luca as the rotting of his body intensified. It was like his skin was being peeled off bit by bit as burning torches were pressed into his sensitive flesh. His heartbeat slowed, thudding loudly in his ears as it struggled to function. Each breath felt like glass scraping down his throat. Spots of skin started to peel across his arms, blood sluggishly dripping down towards his hands. The edges of the wounds were a rotting yellow, slowly increasing in size. He felt so weak, but like he could take on anything. Destroy before he was destroyed. There was a freedom in actively dying, pain and decay so blinding he became almost numb.

Luca’s knees buckled underneath him as he struggled to keep control of his own body. He caught himself on one knee before he completely collapsed, fingers curling into the ground underneath him. Any plants that hadn’t already been trodden on disintegrated away.

”Stay away, I’m fine,” Luca gasped, holding up the hand he wasn’t supporting. It was directed towards everyone, but his gaze was on Jasper. Rotten yellow and green spilled into his eyes, writhing across it like mycelium. He struggled to stop the agony he was feeling from being written all across his face. But he- nobody could come near. If they tried to touch him... He couldn't control it. ”I’m fine. Don’t worry.

Ah, but you should be worried.

Luca winced, head twisting round to meet Lila’s pitch black eyes. His left iris turned completely yellow-green, blood red veins surrounding it. He was in agony, the pressure to his head intensifying. His expression grew more and more pained, yet more and more devoid of emotion. Both Luca and the Rot coexisted, and it hurt him much more than he did it.

"Ahhhh, how nice." Luca slowly, steadily stood up. He expressionlessly turned to Lila. "Yes, let's. It's been too long, Maiden, you're looking especially lovely- We need to remind them who's in control."

Luca’s hand shot out, grabbing a table for support. It instantly began to rot away beneath his fingers, cheap wood darkening and flaking away. The wood splintered into his fingers before it turned to dust. He struggled to regain a semblance of control before the Rot decided to use his body to destroy everything. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He wasn't going to destroy everything like the rot wanted to. It was still his body, this was still him. It would be fine, it would be fine, he wouldn't hurt anyone who hadn't already hurt him-

Like Emily. There was one thing they were aligned on. Emily was the source of the problems.

"You take George. We'll take her."

Luca unsteadily lunged towards Emily and Babylon, trying to get around the twin to grab either one of them with rotting hands.

Trisha Vanburen

Interactions: Adora @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

So far the Halloween Festival had been an absolute drag for Trisha so far.

She didn’t exactly have many friends in St Portwell. Most of her actual friends were from college, and they lived all over the country now. She’d invited them to the festival but no one had been able to come… Which fucking sucked. She wasn’t exactly going to go with anyone in her family either. She’d rather die.

So she was skulking around near the exit hoping to find someone she knew - it didn’t particularly matter how close they were, or whether it was someone she disliked. She just needed some entertainment. Ah. Wasn’t Sycamore Tree back in town? Perhaps she’d bump into a couple of them… that could be fun. Trisha had essentially burnt all bridges when it ended, lashing out when the thing closest to a home was destroyed. It still stung and she certainly wasn’t rejoining after Auri put out the call. After all, her brother’s money would be better at keeping her safe than any shitty coven.

Her narrowed eyes spotted a familiar face - shockingly. Dressed up in a cute little blue dress. Trisha had thought Adora had shut herself in a room and died there! Hah! Now this would be fun.

“Hey! Adora!” Trisha pushed her way through the crowd, shouting loud enough to be heard. She was wearing a somewhat stupid looking bee onesie, with the hood down and her hair tied back into a messy bun. A faint buzzing could be heard from underneath it to anyone who listened hard enough. “It’s been so long- wow! I did not expect to see you here. I can’t believe you’d come to something like this… You seemed like a complete loser ten years ago. Glad you’ve gotten better, really.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mention: @FernStone

Tayla shook her head. "I'm not sitting through that. Not much of a play person. He wouldn't understand anything that's going on anyway. He's got enough attention span for Disney movies, because of the songs, story time, and eating his favorite food. Other than that, he's telling me to tell him what something is, always moving on to the next thing before I finish explaining."

She pointed at the crafts table. There were coloring pages and crayons. "That's where we're going next. He liked to color. We have his coloring pages everywhere in the house. I have my favorites at work in my locker. We'll do that for a little bit, then I'm taking him on the Ferris Wheel. I hope he doesn't cry from being so high up." It's a chance she's willing to take. She told they'd go. He doesn't remember her saying anything about it, but she promised him and she never wants to be a mother that doesn't keep her word.

"I'll be happy if he rebels and doesn't want me joining for story time when he's nine. Saves me the embarrassment of sitting with a child too old to be there," she said candidly. "Nine's so far away. I can't even imagine what he'll be like in a year. Walking and talking better that's for sure, and I know he'll be the tallest kid in class for the rest of his life, but everything else is blank." She got more relaxed, propped her knee up on the bench and facing more towards Lihn.

"What's it been like for you raising a child for nine years? Doing it for eighteen months is hard, even with him being a relatively easy child."

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A Necromancer, a Butterfly Witch, and a Ringbearer Walk Into a Bar

Interaction/s: @Punished GN, @Skai

Location/s: PRA Raid Ground > Kari Wilson’s Place of Rest

One week ago...

Handsome coughed awkwardly when he looked Lyss's way, but he didn't shrug her off. Lyss would have smiled at him if she wasn't cuffed and kneeling in front of him. Although, when she thought about it for a little too long, she realized it wasn't that bad of a position in front of him. It was a good day to wear a v-neck shirt.

Unfortunately for her dry throat, his attention was soon pulled elsewhere. She watched him float through the air towards Agent Meife-Liao, whose name she heard from the woman cradling Luca in her arms. What's with these feds? Her now decaying arms. It seemed like handsome had quite an abstraction. Who is this guy? What did Agent Mommy mean when she said you-know-what? Agent Liao had said that the PRA ran St. Portwell, so what else was happening in this city that she should be aware of?

She listened to handsome speak, noting that he was a special agent. Just my luck to lust after PRA's top dog. Especially someone that said "clout" unironically. She let that slide easily, as it seemed the two agents' arguments got through to their leader. When she heard the words "uncuff them" out of Agent Liao's mouth, Lyss silently thanked the Hound under her breath.

As obedient as the rest of the PRA, handsome was soon coming towards her. Lyss slowly got to her feet and turned her back towards him so he could get the damned cuffs off of her. "Thanks for the water, by the way." Goosebumps rose on her skin when his fingers brushed her wrist, and soon her hands were free. She pulled her arms forward and began to rub her wrists.

"I hope next time we meet isn't under these circumstances." She said as she turned to look at him, but stopped short when she realized he wasn't next to her. The bottle of water was set on the grass where he stood. When she looked around for him, he was holding back an enraged Linqian. Lyss frowned lightly, but shrugged and picked up the bottle. She stood facing the cat-fight, chugging half of the bottle's contents as she thought about how impressive his speed and strength was. Especially his durability. Linqian's hand had left a nasty mark on Lynn's face. How come he wasn't hurt by touching her?

Sloane had approached Agent Liao with her phone out like an offering. It looked like she was willing to work with the feds, even after this disastrous encounter with them. Lyss didn't mind the idea, as long as they stayed out of her business. Jack had left Auri with Agent Mommy, and she was soon being tended to by the PRA's nerdy healer. Lyss moved in their direction. It had been so long since she'd seen Auri, and she was just as worried about her current state as she was curious about how she'd gotten so hurt. Jack and the white haired girl had left before the raid started, and he returned with Auri instead. She'd get some answers after she made sure her old friend was alright.

Lyss slowly approached where Auri laid, and watched as they brought her back to consciousness. Fully healed, despite some dried blood where her injuries had been. Auri jerked upright, her head whipping around her.

"... Did we win?"

Lyss's brows furrowed, looking just as confused as the agents around her. "I can't tell." She said as she moved closer to Auri. "It looked like Jack had to port you out of a warzone." Lyss knelt down next to her and handed Auri the rest of her water, unable to resist a small smirk of amusement. "We have a lot of catching up to do, Auri."

Auri grasped her head as she looked around, “I… you can say that.” She continued to look around before she took in a deep sniff… And then she looked up at the burning church.

Yet, she could only smile.

She wiped a bead of sweat off her forehead and said, “... I’m so glad that wasn’t my store!”

Lyss smiled at her. ”It was smart of you to keep everyone out of there. Greyson is to blame for the fire, though.” WIth a sigh, she offered Auri a hand as she rose to her feet, which Auri took.

”Let’s get out of here before the feds change their mind.” She offered the nerdy healer a glance as she cleared her throat. ”Thanks for healing her, though.”

“Don’t mention it!” Trevor said with a toothy grin, before he turned to Adora before he hobbled over to her, knelt down and placed his forearm against Adora’s face. It wasn't long until his healing aura wrapped around her and her head injury was healed. Her eyes shot open, as she looked at Trevor… and he pulled back as she rubbed her head.

“Ugh! My head’s killin me!” Adora shouted.

Auri looked around, “… Alyssa… Lyss… what happened here? Where is Stormy, Britney and Jack?”

Lyss gestured towards where Jack was standing.

”Jack’s over there. He’s the one that got you here. I haven’t seen Britney or Stormy yet.” She glanced towards handsome and Agent Liao’s way. ”The feds raided us, thinking we murdered one of their own last night. It was, uh… Kali. I didn’t know he joined the PRA.” She frowned. ”They told us a wolf carving was found at the crime scene.”

“… K-Kali is dead?!” Auri shouted, “I… can’t believe it.”

Then Auri turned her head towards Jack and called to him, “Jack!”

After Trevor had dealt with his gunshot wound, Jack walked over to their now-awake leader. ”The next time I take you to a place outside the All-Verse, you’re wearing protection for your skull, and everything inside,” he said, jokingly.

Auri shook her head.

“… Where are the others?” Auri asked. “Are they okay?”

”They left, and went to seal the Void Heart at the Temple. It wasn’t a wasted effort, after all. Apparently, this happened just after we stepped out,” he said, waving in the church’s direction.

”They’re fortunate I let them walk away,” he whispered, quietly, so only they could hear it.

“… The Temple?” Auri raised an eyebrow as she whispered, “The Charming and Graceful whatevers?”

”The glorified cult that worships apparitions, yes. Honestly, I should’ve torn them limb from limb the moment they shot me. But Britney and Stormy accompanied them. Britney has the Noble Vow- I kept it all these years- So I’m sure there won’t be any trouble.”

Auri grasped her head, “I would have done so myself if they hadn’t taken me out of commission.”

Lyss crossed her arms where she stood, her brows furrowing. ”You really got yourself into trouble with that. How long has this cult been around? Do we need to watch our backs with them, too?”

“This is my first time hearing about them,” Auri turned to Jack for the answer.

”They were here when we were children. While we were saving the world, the Temple was bickering with, and fighting back against others in the background to take power for themselves. Leon’s family doesn’t typically attack people the way they attacked us, but I wasn’t exaggerating when I said they worship apparitions. One of them being the Void Heart.”

“So that’s why they attacked us? To protect Voidy? But why would they be sealing him if they worship him?” Auri asked a barrage of questions before another one popped into her head as something was missing.

“… And where’s my staff?!?!”

”Your staff is safe in the Void,” he assured her. ”Your concussion was more important, so I left it there. As for the sealing, they have a strange way of doing things. And we had him dead to rights by the time they arrived, so he surrendered.”

Auri sighed in relief, before she asked a question, “… And do you trust them?” She started, “Will Britney and Stormy be safe?”

”I don’t trust them to not make sudden moves when one of their holy ghosts is about to be sealed. But I trust Britney to use the sword to its fullest potential, and I trust Stormy to make them all powerless.” He would have preferred going there himself, and absolutely would have if they didn’t bring out guns and concussions.

“… Do you think the Temple will be a problem in the future?” Auri asked.

”It’s a possibility. But they expect me at Alizee’s funeral, and they won’t be stupid enough to think they can kill me quietly.”

”They won’t be a problem if I have anything to say about it.” Lyss muttered before giving Jack a nod. ”Let me know if they cause any more trouble.” She looked at Auri, a bit cautious with her next words. ”I was hoping to get caught up on what you know about these wolf carvings… before all of this. Do you feel well enough?”

Auri grimaced.

“I do… but I honestly don’t have a wealth of information on the wolf carvings.”

Lyss nodded. ”I guess it’s time to put myself to use, then.”

”It’s time to summon one of our fallen.”

“… I can’t believe ya’ll!” Adora shouted, feigning anger before she cracked a half-grin. “Having a top secret pow-wow without your girl Adora!”

She slapped her knee before turning towards Lyss. “… Why didn’t you tell me you were back in town?”

Then she thought about it.

“Actually, don’t answer that,” She said as she opened her arms and hugged Lyss.

Lyss blinked in shock, before her arms slowly rose to pat Adora on the back. Her voice was surprisingly soft when she spoke. ”Hey, Adora. I hope you’ve been well. I don’t have many phone numbers from the past.”

Adora was briefly silent.

“I’m hanging on,” She said. “So, I take it you’re after the same thing we are?”

Lyss nodded with a grim expression. ”I’m here to help. I was just about to ask for some help with a summoning.”

[color=6644ff]”What are we summoning? Or should I ask [i]who?”[/color]

“God damn it,” Adora started, “Don’t tell me you’re going to summon demons like that crazy-ass Britney used to do!”

Lyss shook her head, her eyes darting towards the departing PRA. ”I thought it would be best to summon the most recent victim. Which, unfortunately for our PRA friends and fortunately for us, would be Kali. He might know fed information, and could give us an ID on the killer.” She didn’t look thrilled, but it was obvious that she was confident in her decision.

”Mm. Where is his body now? A federal agent isn’t likely to be buried in a local cemetery, when he was paranormal in life.”

“… I was thinking we summon Ashley, Kari Wilson, or Lionel Hunter,” Auri said, then noted. “He’s likely in a federal morgue, and that is not one tree I want to bark up.” Auri chuckled, raising a finger.

”True. We can’t reach him, and unfortunately, there is no scarcity of victims. I don’t enjoy the idea of waking them from death, but we don’t have many options.”

Lyss looked between the two girls before nodding. ”We’ll summon all three if we need to.” She pursed her lips for a moment. ”Kari should be first. I think she would be the most willing to speak with us.”

Auri smiled at Lyss as Adora crossed her arms and then shrugged.

“So what? Can you do it right here, or do we have to dig up their body or something?” Adora asked. “… Because that’s just a LITTLE fucked up. Just a little.” She pinched her fingers.

”I can summon anywhere I need, but I’d prefer to do it at her grave and under the cover of darkness.”

The distant sound of sirens caught Lyss’s attention. She pulled her burner out of her back pocket and handed it to Adora. ”Give me your number. I’ll find where she’s buried and let you know when to meet me tonight. In the meantime…” She looked at Auri. ”I think you should get some rest. You deserve it.”

Adora quickly punched in her phone number, and said, “Alright, text me girl!” After returning the phone, Adora took off as if she intended to beat the sirens.

Auri nodded her head at Lyss, before she walked over to Jack, and calmly said,

“Could you open one of those little portals to the Void?” Auri asked, “I’d appreciate it if I had my staff back, but no rush.”

She smiled.

”Just a moment,” Jack reached up and literally punched a hole through the boundary between Shimmer and the Void, and reached around for something.

”Where did I put it… There.” He pulled his hand free, along with the staff and handed it to Auri as the hole closed.

“Thank you!” Auri said, “I presume you’re heading back to the Void? I’ll gladly help you clean up in there if you need any help.”

”Not now. I need to talk to Anya and Sloane about this… Disaster. I likely won’t be returning to the Void any time soon.”

Auri nodded. “Let me know if you need anything… you have my number, but otherwise this is where we part ways, yes?”

Jack nodded. ”For now. Don’t get yourself almost killed again, alright?”

“... No promises.” Auri deviously grinned.

Jack turned around and walked into the trees, and then teleported away. That was when Auri marched over to her car before Emergency Services arrived.

Lyss stood leaning against her sportster at the entrance to St. Portwell’s smallest cemetery hours later. With her head tilted down, the only sound that could be heard was the click of a lighter as she held a zippo to a cigarette. She took a deep pull and then leaned her head back to exhale as she surveyed the graveyard before her. She really wasn’t a smoker, but this event called for a vice. It seemed that this particular vice was becoming a regular habit for her lately. Drinking was out of the question when she needed to keep her wits about her at all times.

The cigarette was almost through by the time she heard an approaching vehicle. Lyss turned her head towards it, her free hand dropping to rest on her seat in perfect reaching distance for her aluminum slugger. She hadn’t seen any of the Sycamore’s cars yet, and she wasn’t about to take any chances with a stranger. Lyss continued to watch the car as it rolled to a stop. She took another drag of her cigarette and slowly exhaled as she waited to see who would step out.

A red Nissan Altima quickly sped in and came to a stop… the lights were off as Adora Prescott came in. Wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. She wore a medical facemask as she looked to the left and the right… and then pulled out her phone to call Lyss.

Lyss recognized her immediately, even with the mask. She threw the cig to the ground and pressed her foot into it before reaching for her buzzing phone. ”I’m at the entrance to the graveyard,” she said as soon as the phone was up to her ear. When Adora eventually looked her way, Lyss waved from where she stood. She stayed resting on her bike as she watched Adora make her way towards her. ”You think Auri will make it?” She asked once Adora was close by.

Adora shrugged.

“Beats me,” Adora started, “I can not get a read on that goofy ass girl for li-”

That was when Auri floated beside Lyss, two butterfly wings hanging off her back, holding the staff in her hands. She had a warming smile on her face as she wore black leggings, and a tan trench coat and some black dress shoes.

The corner of Lyss’s lips twitched as if she was going to smile, but she quickly regained composure to save Adora from any embarrassment. ”Alright, then. Let’s get to it.”

WIthout another word, Lyss led the girls into the graveyard with confidence. The look on her face was solemn, as if she knew the ethical crime she was about to commit. She could only hope Kari would forgive her for bringing her back.

Lyss stopped directly in front of Kari Wilson’s grave, positioned about five feet from the headstone. She looked over the marker once, before looking towards Adora and Auri. ”Ready?”

Adora crossed her arms.

“I’m ready if you are.”

“Is this going to be like the Sixth Sense?” Auri chuckled.

Lyss didn’t understand the reference, so she decided to explain it instead. ”Communicating with the dead can be done with and without a body. If I only summon her spirit, she will appear as a stereotypical ghost. If she has chosen to repress her murder in the afterlife, she will have a hard time recalling details that may be important to us.” Lyss took a deep breath and knelt to the ground, pressing her hand into the dirt before her. ”If I reanimate her body, and summon her spirit into it, it will seem like she is alive once more. She will not need to breathe, nor will she physically feel anything, but she will remember what it felt like to live again.” Lyss glanced towards the girls, as if she expected them to protest what she was about to do. ”It’s the only option we have if we want to know who murdered her or how it was done.”

“Lyss…” Adora trailed off, “Disturbing her rest is one thing, but…”

She looked off to the side before looking down and shaking her head.

“... Animating her body is too much. Just too much.” Adora shuddered.

“Summon her spirit,” Auri said. “That is the most respectful way to go about this.”

”I will only be able to hold her here for ten minutes, if she allows it. So we have to make this time count. If you have anything you want to say to her, it has to be done quickly.”

“I need to offer an apology, first and foremost,” Auri raised a finger.

“... I mean, I don't think we should be hanging around a graveyard anyway…” Adora started, “Let's get this over with.”

Lyss only nodded before she bowed her head. Instead of using the ground to summon Kari’s body from its grave, Lyss instead used it to spread her emotional-field into the area beneath her. Lyss was easily able to find Kari’s soul signature this close to her body. Her lips began to move, and if they listened closely, they would hear her praying to The Hound under her breath. She was asking for permission, and at the end, she asked for forgiveness. Once the prayer finished, Lyss opened her eyes toward the dark sky and began to call for Kari.

”Kari Wilson, will you answer my call?” Lyss murmured. ”We seek answers, and forgiveness. We wish to find justice for your death.”

There was a silence…

The sky went dark…

… Then her spirit appeared. She was standing above her grave with her hands behind her back, staring at them. Auri smiled as she took a step forward, being the first to speak,

“Kari!” Auri started, “It’s been a while… friend. I have to apologize to you, first and foremost, for not picking up on the signs sooner. That… was my fault, friend.”

Auri sighed.

“I know we are short on time, but do you have it in you to forgive me?” A tear ran down Auri’s face.

Kari tilted her head as her face contorted into one of confusion,

“... Who are you?” Kari’s spirit asked.

Auri’s face turned equally confused.

“... It’s your friend, Auri? We were in the Coven together? We fought the Stygian Snake. Your best friend, Elsa, was also in it…?” Auri tried to remind Kari.

“I’ve… never seen you before, nor do I know what you’re talking about.”

Adora spoke, jamming her thumb in her chest, “Does Adora Phoenix-Prescott ring a bell? What about Clementine and Vanessa Washington? We helped save your ass.”

Kari shook her head.

“... I don’t know you people.”

Lyss slowly stood, watching Kari carefully with a small frown.

”Do you remember anything from your time with the living, Kari?” She asked cautiously.

“Plenty,” Kari said. “But, I don’t know who you all are…”

Adora and Auri looked at each other as Adora asked Lyss, “... You sure this is the right Kari? You didn’t pull one from a different dimension or something?”

Lyss furrowed her brows for a moment, before shaking her head. ”I don’t think that’s possible.” She looked at Kari for a moment, before something in her demeanor changed and she abruptly asked her a question. ”Do you remember your death?”

“Sort of…” Kari tilted her head. “I was… at my computer at my house. Someone came in… and they slashed my throat.”

“Do you remember the details of who did it, Kari?” Auri asked.

Kari shook her head.

“... No, unfortunately,” Kari answered.

“... There’s something off here,” Adora turned her head towards Lyss. “Ain’t sure what.”

”This Kari… the body buried here isn’t our Kari.” Lyss murmured before looking towards her two friends. ”Whoever is behind this can hop realities.” She turned her head back towards the spirit quickly. ”Were the footsteps soft or heavy, Kari?” She asked, hoping to get some kind of information from the summoning.

“Heavy,” Kari answered.

Adora took a step back, raising an eyebrow as she asked, “Then which fuckin Kari is it, then? Why the fuck is it some other Kari? Where is our Kari?” She pointed a hand at Kari’s spirit.

Lyss frowned, but continued. ”Did you happen to catch a glimpse of them in your computer’s reflection?”

Kari shook her head. “I did not… I just resigned to my fate…” She took in a deep breath.

“Um, Lyss…” Auri took a step towards her. “This is going nowhere… let’s summon Ashley or Lionel.”

Lyss glanced Auri’s way with a look of disappointment in her eyes. She nodded once before taking a step towards Kari. ”I am sorry your life ended so soon. I hope you continue to find peace in the afterlife.”

“Thank you,” Kari nodded, before she disappeared.

Adora facepalmed.

“Okay… how in the world did we get a different Kari? Where in the nine hells is our Kari?]” Adora began. “None of this is making any sense.”

Auri rubbed her chin before she shrugged, “Summon Ashley or Lionel’s spirits… maybe we’re onto something here…”

Lyss sighed, pushing her hair back from her face. ”Okay.” Without a body to connect to, Lyss simply held out her hands before her. Same as before, she closed her eyes and recited the prayer as her emotional field spread out around her. Her ring began to glow a black aura, enhancing her emotional field so that she could summon without the need for the traces of soul. ”Ashley Stone… Lionel Hunter… Will you answer my call?”

Fading into existence was the spirit of Ashley Stone… who stood there wearing the same exact clothes she wore the day she died: a blue hoodie, some black leggings, and some Adidas slides. She still had her hair long, combed down one side, as she looked up at the group.

Auri awkwardly coughed as she stepped forward and said, “... Hello ol-”

Fuck off,” Ashley said the literal second she laid eyes upon Auri.

Then Ashley disappeared.

Despite her previous confusion, Adora couldn’t help but break out laughing. She ran off to the nearest tombstone and was cracking up as she leaned against it and pounded her fist against it. “Oh my good lord…” Adora trailed off. “What the fuck did you do to that poor girl?!”

Auri’s mouth was still agape with shock.

Even Lyss’s solemn expression cracked, an awkward grin appearing before she cleared her throat. ”Adora, don’t hit the tombstone.”

Adora hopped up.

“Oh, sorry!”

Auri massaged her temples with her free hand and then sighed,

“... So I guess that leaves, Lionel,”

Lyss sent an appreciative nod Adora’s way before returning to the task at hand. Her ring began to glow once more. ”I’ll summon Ashley alone next time, Auri. Sorry.” She cleared her throat. ”Lionel Hunter? Will you speak with us?”

Adora crossed her arms as she said, “... Hopefully this one won’t tell us to fuck off,”

That was when Lionel Hunter’s spirit appeared… wearing a black trench coat, jeans, combat boots, and a black hat. Probably his detective attire.

Auri coughed as she took a step forward,

“Lionel… I am sorry I didn’t pick up on the signs sooner and do more to save you,” Auri apologized.

“There is no need to be sorry,” Lionel started, “I should have done more to save myself.”

He looked at the gathering before him before he asked,

“What can I help you all with?”

”You grew up too quickly, Lionel.” Lyss murmured. ”We’re here to ask about your murder. The killer is targeting our coven.”

“I know,” Lionel said, “I was investigating him… or her… However, I think he figured out I was on his trail and axed me.” He sighed, as he looked off to the side.

“Maybe I could have saved the others if I wasn’t so cocky…”

Lyss frowned. ”Tell us what you learned and you will have your retribution. I’m sure you were doing all you could.”

“I’ve… learned not a whole lot, I admit,” Lionel said and both Auri and Adora hung their heads. “The killer, he’s a crafty one. He disappears as quickly as he appears. But, before my death at his hand… I tracked him somewhere downtown. To one of the clubs. I just can’t remember where…” Lionel rubbed his chin.

”Is it three words that all start with the letter V?”

“... I can’t recall,” Lionel said.
“That club wasn’t downtown, Lyss,” Auri noted.

Lyss shrugged. ”Is there anything else that may be important, Lionel? Their description, their abstraction?” Even with this information, Lyss still felt like they were grasping at straws. ”I’m sorry to keep you for long, but you’re the best lead we have at the moment.”

Lionel laughed.

“I unfortunately don’t have any information myself,” He began, “However, Father Wolf… whoever he is, has to have some form of teleportation. Because how else could he appear and disappear at will?“

”What would you think if I told you they can hop between realities? We summoned Kari before you, and… she wasn’t from this reality. We’re not sure if our Kari has passed, really.”

“Hmmm… that would make sense, but...” Lionel hung his head, before he asked the golden question. “... Why would our Kari be different?”

Lyss sighed softly, looking towards Auri and Adora like they might have the answer - and they both shrugged. ”We may need more time before we can answer that question.”

Lyss suddenly cringed, her hand moving towards her head. ”We’re running out of time, as it is.” She murmured.

”May I summon you again, Lionel? Perhaps we can work together, even if our souls are separated by death.”

“Gladly,” Lionel said, as he faded away. “Death does get pretty boring…”

Adora crossed her arms, “... That was a good question, y’know?”

Lyss frowned, slowly regaining her composure. ”I’d like to believe her abstraction gave her an advantage… otherwise… she might be working with Father Wolf.” She shrugged. ”He could have planted this Kari,” Lyss gestured to the grave before her, ”so that we wouldn’t suspect her.”

“Kari was my friend, and I talked to her to this day…” Auri trailed off, “I don’t think she would be working with Father Wolf.”

“But, you gotta realize that people changed a lot in the last ten years,” Adora shook her head. “Maybe we should look into Kari, just in case.”
“Later,” Auri said, “We really should lay low all things considered....”

“I mean, I don’t think I’m getting tear gas out of that hoodie…” Adora shook her head. “I still can’t believe I got tear-gassed over some shit I had nothing to do with!” She chuckled.

”If we follow Lionel’s investigations, we might see something he missed. We’ll have to be careful about it. Father Wolf can’t know that we’re digging deeper, or else he’ll target one of us next. Neither can the PRA know. I don’t want to be on their radar either.”

”I need some rest, and then I’ll summon Ashley again. Maybe she’ll talk to me alone.”

Auri awkwardly laughed, “Maybe I should have noted we fell out. Hard.”

“Never liked Ashley… great to see that, ten years later, beyond the grave…” Adora trailed off, “... She’s still a damn child.”

”So I’ll make sure you aren’t with me either, Adora.” Lyss teased with a smirk. ”I’ll meet up with you afterwards, then. I should be able to summon her tomorrow morning.”

Adora yawned,

“You gonna be at the Halloween festival next week?” Adora asked.

Lyss raised an eyebrow as she began to walk with them out of the graveyard. ”I haven’t heard of it, yet. Are you going?”

“Well, I ain’t doing anything better with my evening… So yeah,” Adora answered. “Let’s match, sister. I’m going as a carhop!” She chuckled, putting her hands behind her head.

”I haven’t worn a costume in years.” Lyss said, chuckling. She thought for a few moments before looking towards Adora. ”What decade carhop? Can I wear black?”

Adora laughed as she waved her hand, “Don’t know the decade. All I know is that I got this cute little cyan dress. Use your discretion, sis!”

Lyss smiled. ”Alright. Text me what time it starts and where I need to be. I’ll come for the company and the drinks.”

The three girls stepped out of the graveyard, and Lyss turned to them as they reached her bike. ”Be safe, alright? We’ll meet up again tomorrow.”

They both nodded.

“Don’t be a stranger,” Adora put her hand on her hip and smiled.

Lyss straddled her sportster, kicking it to life. She gave Adora a smile as she reached for her helmet. ”Of course not. We’ve been strangers for far too long as it is.” She pulled on her helmet then, and soon was pulling off.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: A few apparitions that thought they would misbehave
Isle of Cracks

Luca being soaked like Emily was entirely overshadowed by the way the argument heated up. Lila explained why she hit Emily, and Stormy wondered why she didn’t punch her again. And then the apparitions present started getting… Antsy. Right before his eyes, Stormy could see the mental battle that Luca was going through, only to lose and collapse to the floor. And of course, Lila’s was only stoking the flames while Babylon at least had the common sense to keep quiet.

”Luca-“ The Rot was taking over. It was eating its way out and taking him over like a parasite. Like watching a swarm of maggots burst from a corpse, Stormy felt a twist of fear inside himself. It would kill Luca is this didn’t wasn’t stopped immediately.

Stormy snapped his fingers, and lit himself up with the glow of his Phantombane aura. All of the Apparitions in the immediate vicinity would be affected- The Maiden, Babylon, but especially the Rot. Under no circumstances was he going to watch them kill each other without intervening. And it was for that reason that he stepped up and stuck an arm out to catch Luca before the Rot could grab someone. It was a conscious decision to make physical contact with him, pulling him away with just enough force that his frail body wouldn’t be able to anything about it. Even while his skin withered and peeled under the creature’s influence.

”Get back, all of you! Now!”

The Rot’s magic would be weakened, drained away the longer it was this close to Stormy. But even still, it was going to leave a mark on Stormy this soon after the spell was used.. Except Stormy didn’t care. Because in that moment, Stormy experiencing the barest fraction of what Luca had been through for so long was nothing. All that mattered was cutting this tantrum short, and knocking the wind out of the sails.

He held Luca close, and held a stare into those dead eyes. He would subject himself to this pain until Luca could pull himself together again, for as long as it took.

”I will drain every last scrap of your power until you are just a speck of dust in the wind, do you understand me? I’ll erase you from the earth before you can take him away- Before you get away with your tantrum.”

It was hard to ignore the conviction in his voice, rising up like a fire. The Rot could struggle for all he wanted, but Stormy would just bare it until Luca was stronger.

In his arms, Luca was safe. In his presence, the Rot’s days were numbered.

”Give up, you damn monster.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zombiedude101
Avatar of Zombiedude101

Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


For the first time in...

... he dreamt.

"I need to show you something."

"....figure out..."

"Where it ends."

"Raven Jones caused all your problems."

He blinked, suddenly cognizant of the cabin he was hunched in. Daylight spilled through the skylight overhead, almost blinding as it bore down upon him. He didn't understand; it had been dusk just moments ago, before...

Had he slept? Had he been dreaming?

Who was Raven Jones?

The name didn't match to anything he'd understood. Why was he dreaming? That, more than anything else, unsettled him.

He had never dreamed. Not since-...

As far back as his memories could go, dream and sleep were just one of many normal things that had eluded him. He understood the concept of it, and had vague impressions of what it meant, but not the familiarity that he should.

Much of the dream, he didn't understand. He felt no different from before, save that he was no longer a passenger watching someone else's memories.

A trial. Robed figures, wearing masks of bone. A girl searching for her mother, entering the Pit, the black liquid and the snakes bursting from the contorted bodies painted across a wall.

Was this what Ashley had faced all those years ago? A nightmare of her own?

The creatures devouring the girl, and the dark place he'd sighted invoked memories of cold shadow and pain beyond anything the boy could've ever imagined, once upon a time.

Raven Jones was a name that held no familiarity for him, but he felt a certain sense of sympathy at the girl's situation.

"Raven Jones is a monster." The words echoed in his head.

"We're all monsters," was his reply to that.

It meant something that he'd felt more power here, in this place, than he had at any other point in the existence he'd known.

His memory of the last week was ephemeral. He'd arrived in this city with hints of where to go, pointed at the asshole sporting the wolf motif. He'd found that asshole, Judas, and with some difficulty had managed to get a private audience. He'd persuaded Judas to talk, only for the man to die seconds later. Shayton, the 'carpet bagger' - as one of the Nazis he'd spoken with had called the man, among other impolite phrases - had been there, and all-but acknowledged responsibility for Judas' death. And then he'd disappeared, claiming he had to report to his 'bosses' - Clancy had suspicions who he associated with, although he hadn't shared those with the others nor come to any definite conclusion.

He'd needed answers, and Shayton had taken that from him before he was done. Taken his chance to find Ashley's killer, and finish what he came to St. Portwell to enact.

The thought drove him to anger, but the rational part of him knew that it was pointless at this moment. The 'Father Wolf' killer was still out there, and the baritone immigrant's warning had remained in his mind.

“... I would suggest you keep your head down. Whoever- whatever you are. These days, everyone is a target. They don’t know it yet.”

Clancy pushed the thought to one side, looking to the 'home' he'd carved out in this space; the interior cabin of an abandoned RV parked out on a junkyard half a mile from the urban sprawl, where the most attention he'd seen had been some local assholes stumbling down the road on a bender, hurling bottles and pissing against the fence. Sections of tarp had been cut and draped over the windows to shield from prying eyes. A few discarded belongings were spread about the place, including his old knapsack and the cellphones of varying value and technological generation. The decor was dated, at least twenty years out of fashion, with ragged couch cushions that probably pulled out into a bed spread, if he were so inclined.

What passed for a kitchen unit was bare of running water or any other provisions, but settled on the countertop was his dufflebag, still bearing the ornate axe with norse runes and motifs decorating both head and handle. He realised, in retrospect, that there was some power that sat within it that was bestowed upon its wielder. How else had the asshole he'd taken it from - Victor - been able to push the weight of a car, and drive the blade through stamped steel?

It seemed important somehow, Clancy knew, although he himself felt no different - no weaker, no stronger - from holding it in his hands. Maybe that was his problem rather than the axe's, although he felt no disappointment at that fact. Power and strength came with a price he knew, and it seemed better it remain in his hands for now, than anyone else's. His parents had taught him how irresponsible it was to leave dangerous things in the hands of children who didn't know better.

Besides, if nothing else, it was sharp, and made a cleaner cut of felling trees, meshwork and other stubborn obstacles than any other method he could've tried.

Shrugging the thought off, Clancy zipped up the bag and slung it back over his shoulder. Waiting around wasn't going to help him, and he was restless enough as-is. The 'festival', as he recalled the others talking about, was upon them, along with a good chance of catching up with the locals and Ashley's-...


He bared his teeth in a humourless grin as his thoughts invoked the word. The escapade at the cemetery a week ago, something he had observed from the shadows, had led him to question that assertion, but they were if nothing else a means to an end.

Approaching the exit, he twisted the door handle and pried open into the daylight; the locking mechanism barely functioned, and his original entry method had been through the skylight. Now that it was daylight, he didn't want to advertise himself as the metaphoric king of the scrapheap.

Outside, a layer of gravel, hardy grass and weeds awaited him, all partitioned off from the outside world by a chainlink fence crowned with barbed wire. The RV had been parked off at the far side of the lot, away from the main road or where most would've seen him. As he stepped out into the daylight, gravel crunching beneath his sneakers, he noted that the camper looked much sorrier in the dawn. ts tires had partially worn down to baldness, the alloys stripped off a long time ago.

Surprisingly, it still retained both windscreen and side windows, although the cracks in the glass suggested someone had, at some stage, attempted to hurl rocks and beer cans at it for fun. It was kind of old by the day's standards, dating somewhere between the late eighties and early noughts, with paintwork that had been bleached and rusted by at least a decade or two of exposure to the elements without due care and attention. Compared to this, the motel had been a penthouse, but the attention it drew was too much, the time he'd had left in the room too limited. Here, confined behind chainlink fencing with minimal oversight, was some privacy.

For him? It served. He'd seen worse places in his time; condemned buildings and shooting galleries where he'd stepped over the semi-conscious limbs of addicts enjoying their latest high. Sometimes, they bothered him, but never for long. He didn't need shelter, didn't need warmth. But as far as convenience went, less questions were asked if he had somewhere he could retreat without being bothered by people.Children wandering the woods at night so close to the city attracted questions, and he didn't want to become a lost child with his face plastered on posters and milk cartons all over town.

Been there, done that. The thought was a bitter one, but he pushed it out of mind.

Mind set on where he needed to go, Clancy paced over towards the fence. At the far end, he'd been able to cut a thin strip that he could peel back to slip underneath, circumventing both chainklink, front-gate and barbed wire. His clothes would thank him for that, no doubt; it was frustrating enough when he'd had to scavenge up a new set after the events at the club had ruined what had been an almost perfect fit, without dressing himself up as a baby.

Fingers gripped around the ringlets in the mesh and pulled, opening a space half a meter in width for him to slide through. Just as he was about to, however, it occurred to him; Halloween Festival.

His expression crinkled at the thought.

Was it essential to bring a costume?

Halloween Festival, Children's Paddock

Days of watching, waiting, following the metaphoric breadcrumbs left by the Persons of Interest that had once been a component of Ashley's old life, the 'cult' that had been dubbed the Sycamore Tree coven. Waters muddied by a dream he shouldn't have experienced, names floating through his mind.

A voice, brief as it was, that invoked a familiar longing.

A week of observation had been fruitless, for the most part since the graveside visit. His quarry had spent their time talking each other to death in diners and bars, shopping, and other meaningless exercises. All of it, to lead to where he was now.

And it had amounted to whispers so far, with nothing tangible to show for it. At least he hadn't wasted his time sitting idly. He'd learned things from watching. Had they played a part in Ashley's death? He wasn't sure, but the graveside visit suggested they were far from the good friends they'd pretended to be, although he didn't understand any of the teenage stupidity that was behind any of the bad blood, between them, Ashley or the differing factions - covens - that had fractured apart from one another. He'd confirmed what he had suspected for a long time, that there was a government agency out there, dedicated to finding the ghosts, ghoulies and other creatures of myth of which he had probably been due some credit. That the girl, Alizee, was dead and gone, and the parasitic shadow attached to her - the entity that had needled him so - seemed to have disappeared with her, into the 'Void'.

That they were still no closer to finding Father Wolf, despite the threads that connected it all together.

This world, what had he heard someone call it? 'Shimmer'? It made him think how small and insignificant they all were in the greater picture.

So was he, come to think of it. In more ways than one, he had realised.

"Comin' through kid-"

Someone in the crowd brushed past him, catching his shoulder hard enough that they'd have knocked him over if he didn't have a greater sense of core balance and dexterity, threw him off track. They were gone before he could really make out the culprit, the crowd ahead of him blending together like watercolours on a dull canvas. Now he was back on dry land having disembarked the ferrry to the Island Festival a short while before, and conscious of the hunger pangs nipping away at him. He'd taken sustenance of a kind before arriving, but the crush had only tightened his appetite.

Clancy scowled beneath the veil of his current garb, frustrated at it. He felt no joy from being here amidst people, packed onto one of the ferry boats like sardines and shuttled across the water. At one point as they'd disembarked, someone had patted him on the head in a gesture of almost-drunken giddiness, and it was a credit to his restraint and sheer resolve that he hadn't thrown the offender over the railings of the acces and into the water. Instead, he'd gently nudged the back of their ankle with the tip of foot, ending the matter with a yowl on their part.

Clancy wondered if that had been the only reason to attract a few stares his way. His chosen costume in particular left much to be desired.

A few holes had been haphazardly cut into some bleach-white tent canvas, salvaged from the junkyard. Holes for the eyes, awkwardly punched out to give himself a reasonable peripheral vision. Slits for his hands to fit through, so he had some dexterity and maneuverability. Long enough that it covered him to just below the knee, so it wouldn't snag on the ground and get caught in anything. It had been a long time since he'd wasted his time with something as childish as Halloween. He had vague memories, recollections of being dressed in a white sheet that someone - Judy - had cut out for him, and this served his purpose. Likewise, he was cloaked now, ostensibly passing as a traditional caricature of a ghost, a relic amidst the humanoid wildlife, gangsters and other grotesques and characters of fairy tale myth.

If only ghosts were so simple.

At least it afforded him some anonymity, and if all else failed, he could dump the thing to one side and walk around as he was without the need for a stupid costume. Beneath the canvas, he wore the same clothes; the green hoodie with the duck mascot and the oversized denim pants, both a little dirtier after days roaming the wilderness and chasing leads. Tightly slung to his back was the dufflebag and the artifact that lay within.

Maybe he'd been better off getting himself covered in blood? That would've been convincing enough, sure, but he'd taken some liking to his clothes, and didn't want to ruin them just yet. Another consideration, made after some delay; finding a willing donor would've been a small complication.

Clancy pushed the thought to one side. By nature of his stature, he'd found himself funnelled towards the children's sector of the island by one of the event's security guards, where the stalls, rides and activities were considered safe and sane for the under-twenty-ones. He bristled at that thought, keeping his distance from toddlers and tweens alike, maneuvering between scattered family units and single parents alike, either tending or neglecting their offspring. The presence of massed human bodies in varying states of excitement needled him, a level of agitation that had once driven him to walk apart from society.


That feeling was never truly apart from him, he knew. This wasn't good, he acknowledged , but self-control won out for the time being.

Nonetheless, he found himself instinctually scanning the crowds for outliers, briefly looking for anything that would excuse acting on that base need.

A man with a vaguely familiar face, walking with his wife and kid. With a scraggly beard and a shorn scalp, he resembled one of the assholes he'd watched breaking bread with the Nazi bikers, moments prior to an untimely industrial accident. What did it matter if the man's family were there? It just meant he was an asshole with baggage.

Clancy dismissed the thought. He wasn't familiar with the man's face, not realpy. But he, himself was in control of what he did right now. He reminded himself of the fact, and why he'd travelled to St. Portwell in the first place.

Remember why you're here...

... and for her.

Judy's name crossed his mind, and that was sustenance enough for now. The rest could wait until later.

Shaking it off, he moved away from the push to somewhere less crowded, walking past a witch conversing with a fellow mother as they watched a small boy in a pumpkin outfit. Clancy's head tilted upwards, gaze fixed upon the artificially generated fog that only amplified the localised weather phenomenon that seemed to be afflicting the island, working to tune out the crowds giggling teenagers picking through their buckets of candy, alcohol and other illicit materials being passed around.

Something rotting was close, a sensation worse than being immersed in carrion meat. His posture tightened, briefly, although he made no further movement. Overhead, his eyes remained locked on the black birds - crows circling where the adult entertainment had been settled.

It would, at least, explain some of the noise coming from that direction.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by NoriWasHere
Avatar of NoriWasHere


Member Seen 11 days ago

The Festival

INTERACTIONS: Luca@FernStoneStormy@Blizz

This whole situation had gotten out of hand fast and Jasper did not know what he could do to make it better. He watched as another fight of crows banked into the scene, leveling off for a second, before white glob bombs were released. Their aim was impeccable, and Jasper found it hard to not smile as they hit their target, Emily’s face, dead on. Emily was the only person on the planet who competed with Sloane for most hated, so seeing the aftermath of the punch, the wine pour, and now bird shit, was hard not to celebrate. Yet his eyes could not linger for long. There was something, someone much more important that he had to be sure did not get hurt. He shifted his focus onto Luca, and his mouth dropped open.

“Luca,” Jasper whispered as he took the steps forward. His eyes saw the flesh peeling, the destruction happening to his body, and he wanted nothing more than to try and help him, hold him; his own body be damned. He took another few steps forward but stopped as Luca looked at him and told him to not get any closer. To stay away. It took every bit of strength for Jasper to listen. To not run in to help. To not be there to protect the man who meant so much to him. His friend was in pain, his monster was pushing its way out, and Jasper could do nothing to help. Luca’s eyes changed color, and Jasper’s heart skipped a beat. He had to do something, he had to be there for Luca, to get through to bring him back. “Luca, don’t let it out, come back to me,” Jasper spoke to Luca, hoping his words would travel through the sound of flapping wings and caws.

Thankfully Jasper was not alone in this. Stormy had made his power known and had begun to send away the monsters that plagued his friends body, and he watched as Luca fell limp into his arms. Jealously brewed in his head, it should’ve been him to catch Luca. A totally straight, friendly, and normal kind of jealously. All Jasper wanted to do was hold Luca close in his arms and do everything he could to make him feel better. Jasper did not wait for the all clear from Stormy that Luca was safe, instead he took off as fast as his feet could carry him until he reached the side of the most important man in the world.

“Stormy,” Jasper paused as he slid to his knees and hit a wall of decay, he mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ to him as Jasper turned his attention towards Luca. The rot had begun to impact his body, but Jasper was no stranger to the sensation. He’d endure it for his friend, he’d endure it for the most important person in his life. “Luca, it’s Jasper. You need to push the rot out, I’m here for you, I got you.”

Jasper looked towards George, and then Emily. Anger began to swell in his eyes, these two were responsible for everything that was happening. They were the reason the rot broke free. And he wished that they were not in public, in front of the blind and otherwise. If Luca wasn’t in danger, if he wasn’t hurting, he’d make use of the apparition be gone to bring the fight back to fists. He turned his focus back down to Luca, ready to be here for him.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lihn Phan

Interactions: Tayla @silvermist1116, Clancy @Zombiedude101
The Halloween Festival, Kids Section

“Lucky for you then, getting to avoid the play,” Lihn said. “Colouring sounds like much more fun! And you get something to remember it by, rather than just a headache from bad acting…”

She shook her head and laughed. Tayla seemed to be getting more comfortable with her - which Lihn was glad about. It was a slow process she was used to at her job, but for once this was something she wanted to comfortably talk to as opposed to just a client. “You’re right, I am quite glad she didn’t want me to sit there. It might look worse than just her sitting by herself…” She shrugged. "It's hard to imagine how they'll grow up, but it happens much faster than you expect. I feel like it was just yesterday that I could easily carry her about everywhere, and now I can barely pick her up. Time really flies.”

Lihn considered Tayla’s question for a moment, thinking back. Where did she even begin? Well, with the truth, she supposed.

“I won’t sugarcoat it, it’s been tough,” Lihn replied honestly. “It’s just me, with a bit of help from my younger brother. The first few years were the hardest. I had no idea what I was doing, and was trying to take care of her and my younger brother while trying to make a living. I neglected myself a lot then. Still do. It's tough being a single mom. You never really get a break."

She laughed, gesturing to the dark bags under her eyes. "She's always been my priority over everything else, but there have been times when I almost regretted it. Sometimes I just felt like giving up. When she was three she went through a horribly fussy phase. She wouldn't sleep unless it was in my bed, she threw a tantrum whenever I took her to nursery and she wouldn't eat much. Those few months were the hardest. I felt like I'd failed as a parent. But we got through them. It does get easier as they get older, even if there's always new challenges. You get more used to it, they grow slightly more independent. I can't say it's ever actually been easy, though… and I've made loads of mistakes because I didn't know any better. I still don't know if I'm doing the right thing… but it's worth it to see her healthy and happy. I've really learned to cherish the time I have with her. Just seeing her smile makes all the difficulties worth it.” Lihn glanced over at her daughter again, still fervently listening to the story telling.

"Sorry, I got carried away," Lihn said. "I rarely have a chance to talk about myself. Most other parents judge me because of my age, and I don't have time to talk with-"

At that point a lone child walked past, completely distracting her because of his costume. Her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly in shock. It was... inappropriate, to say the least. It told Lihn he had parents that didn’t care at best. His height suggested maybe eleven or twelve - not old enough to be going around alone. She glanced around for any adult that was watching him. None. A parent could be nearby, or there could be none at all. With him acting strange, and dressed like that, she couldn’t just ignore it.

“Excuse me a moment, I’m just going to make sure that kid’s ok,” Lihn said to Tayla, gesturing to Clancy. She stood up and quickly approached the boy. It didn’t take her empathy to notice that he was agitated. Off. Not a child having fun at a festival.

“Hello, are you alright? You look a little lost.” Lihn said to Clancy with a reassuring smile. She didn’t ask where his parents were. If the boy had neglectful parents he’d either say they weren’t here, or in the worst case run away when faced with the question. It was better to be careful, and gentle. “Is something bothering you? Perhaps I can help.”

She then gestured to his outfit. “I take it you're a sheet ghost? It looks a little, hmm, like something else. People might take it the wrong way. I’d recommend taking off the hood at least.”

Lihn radiated a light, calming aura with her empathy. A precaution, just in case - she tried not to use her empathy too much on others without their consent. To those without emotional fields it would help them feel less agitated and make her appear more approachable and safe. It was like a warm blanket of comforting emotion. But to those with emotional fields, there would be no effect unless they allowed it - it was just a light, unobtrusive tap against them.

Interactions: Stormy @Blizz, Jasper @NoriWasHere
The Halloween Festival

Pain seared through the Rot as Luca was pulled against Stormy, body too weak to struggle. The Phantombane ate away at it just like it ate away at Luca. The wounds across Luca’s body stopped opening, the decay of his organs slowing down.

”You can’t stop what’s already started,” Rot-Luca’s lips pulled up into a weak smile. Clouded, rotten yellow eyes met Stormy’s calmly. ”Try your hardest. Eventually everything will decay...”

It pulled back as it's power began to weaken, retreating from actively using Luca's body. What nice friends you have. It will be a shame when they lose you.

What. Luca’s fading consciousness started to wake back up, pushing back the rotten roots digging into his mind. His body was limp in Stormy’s arms as he fought off the Rot internally. Its physical decay weakened first, discarded in favour of the continued erosion of Luca’s mind. But Luca was pushing back now, regaining more and more control. No. I won’t let that happen.

You already know it’s too late. It's easier to accept it.

Luca gasped for air as his body started to recover, his rotting touch continually reducing until it completely stopped. His fingers curled into Stormy’s shirt, clinging to it weakly, and his other hand shot out to blindly find Jasper. It landed limp against his arm. He could hear his words, pushing their way through the prison the Rot had tried to form around his soul. He couldn’t let Jasper down. He had to come back. He had to. It wasn't so difficult now to push the Rot back out of the cracks, back to where it had been merely residing in his body as a passenger.

I do accept it. But I won’t let you take me like this. This is my body. It will never be yours, even when I die.

We’ll see.

I'll make sure of it.

The Rot just laughed lightly, as the Phantombane began to weaken the last of its power. The Rot wasn't stupid. It knew this wasn't a fight it could win. But that was fine. In such a short time it had made plenty of progress towards its goal. It was willing to retreat without much of a fight. Why expend so much energy on something so pointless? It was patient. It had already waited ten years, what was another one or two? It had been fun to take control of the body, but it ultimately wasn't needed. It would be the Rot's eventually. The body's days were numbered. Enjoy a brief reprieve.

Luca shuddered at the whisper in his mind, before its presence disappeared. Rotting green tendrils fled from his eyes, emotion spilling back across them. Relief flooded across his face, even as his lips twisted down in pain. His vision was blurry, slowly coming back - he could just about make out the shapes of Stormy holding him and Jasper beside them.

He turned his head slightly towards Jasper, previously limp hand finding Jasper’s and curling his fingers around it. Luca gave it a weak, but comforting, squeeze. For the first time in ten years his touch didn’t damage what it touched, effortlessly.

Everything still hurt. His whole body felt heavy. His arms burned and his insides felt as if nails were constantly raking across them. But the pain wasn’t as active. For once he was stable. Each breath became easier than the last. His vision cleared, and he could see Jasper’s worry- then he turned his head to see Stormy’s determination.

He could feel the damage that had been done by letting the rot take over. It was something he was always aware of, the deteriorating state of his body. Each day it got a little worse. Today it got a lot worse. He was never, ever going to let that happen again.

Luca didn’t want to lose anymore of the few years he had left.

”I'm so sorry,” Luca whispered, finally seeing Stormy’s rotting skin. Then Jasper’s. His heart sank, and guilt stabbed at him. The Rot was not there right now to take advantage of it, at least. ”Sorry. Normally I can keep it under control. It’s gone now.”

Though he felt incredibly bad about hurting them, it was nice coming back to himself in Stormy’s arms while holding Jasper’s hand. Really nice. Comforting after so many years without any physical contact.

”Thank you.” His voice was rough, but much brighter than before. He moved slightly to be more upright, still leaning heavily against Stormy. His limbs didn’t have the strength to hold himself up right now. It was slowly returning, and eventually he’d be fine. He’d gotten like this before where he was temporarily too weak to move. He always got better after a short while… Though he might need some support for the rest of the night while walking. ”I’ll be able to move in a bit. Might need a bit of help, though. I’m mostly fine just… a bit weak. It’ll improve with time, don’t worry!”

He winced as he tried to lean on one of his legs instead of Stormy, sharp pain shooting through them as it instantly buckled underneath him. Thankfully with Stormy’s arms still around him he didn’t fall, just leaning back against him. Deep, gnawing pain worked its way up his leg.

”I've got some painkillers in my backpack, do you mind getting them for me?” Luca grimaced, not caring whether it was Jasper or Stormy who did it. He wasn’t quite able to move enough to get to it and open it himself. ”The, uh, Codeine bottle.”

He didn’t like being so open about all of the painkillers he had, taking his long acting ones in his room so Jasper didn’t see. But he needed to take something extra to deal with the pain, so he could be alright enough to enjoy the rest of the evening. He really didn’t want to have to go home.

”Oh man,” Luca finally looked at his arms and saw the festering wounds they were riddled with. He smiled, tone turning more joking. ”I guess I'm a zombified manly Powerpuff girl now. Extra spooky.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Mixtape Ghost N
Avatar of Mixtape Ghost N


Member Seen 10 days ago

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: Vashti (@Atrophy), Linqian (@FernStone), Layla (@Estylwen), Edict (@AtomicEmperor), & Lynn (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Britney's phone buzzed; she reached down into her purse (which, to her admission, did not match her costume at all) and pulled out her phone. It was from Lyn... and she sighed when she saw it.

Britney sighed, then her eyes shot wide open when she realized that not only did the sealing not go as planned (to say the least), but Emily was here. At the very least, it was great to know that Emily had not grown or changed at all and was still as horrible as ever. But that also meant that it was a high probability that...

“Hey bro! It’s been so long. Am I happy to see that you’re well!”

... More of Emily's goons were here.

Britney looked up from her phone to see one of the people she had done wrong: Vashti Nour. The woman that she gave the Leviathan curse was just a little girl, but after the Stygian Snake went down, Ashley hit her with the Apparition Killer and got rid of the Leviathan. The idealistic part of Britney wants to say that meant that she was of no threat but given the sudden rainstorm... Vashti still had an abstraction. Britney stared Vashti down as she ranted on and on...

”... Great to see you're still unhinged as ever, Vashti,” Britney muttered under her breath as she narrowed her eyes at Vashti. There was that part of Britney that hoped that Vashti had the sense to realize that starting a fight here of all places was not the move. However, it seems ten years by Emily's side did not change Vashti for the better. She was probably worse. Far, far worse.

Britney had to weigh her options here... Talking Vashti down was not an option. She didn't have the Noble Vow on her - and then she regretted not dressing up as a knight to have the damn sword on her (she could cleave Vashti's head off in one blow), but it is what it is. Starting a fight here was not optimal with the amount of people nearby, but Britney was going to do anything to stay alive. Britney briefly glanced at Sabrina and Layla - especially after the latter grabbed her arm.

And she would ensure that her friends didn't get hurt in the confrontation.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Vashti," Britney began, not breaking eye contact with Vashti for a moment. "I'm not scared of you, either. In fact. I'll kill you here and now if that's what you want." She smiled at her...

"Britney? Brit!"

Britney heard Edict's voice and had to resist the urge to break eye contact with Vashti, as that could spell certain death.

"Woah! Woooooah, God Damn, I guess you embraced life as Emily's pet lizard!? Clear the fuck off, Nashty Hoor, before someone calls animal control."
”Fucking back off, Vashti. You try fuck with one of us, you gotta fuck all of us. Fuck right off before I shove my knee up your fucking crocodile ass.”

Edict and Linqian came alongside Edict and said something that would have made her facepalm otherwise - but she found it endearing. Britney seemed to have the superfriends at her side, not that it emboldened her. She crossed her arms as she said to Vashti,

"Your homegirl Emily is probably rightfully getting her ass kicked right now, and I wish I were there to see it..." She began. "So maybe you should help her, and have a great night with the rest of your goons. Go bob some apples. I don't know. Finally, do something constructive in your life for once. Because I don't think you came out here for me."

... Then Sabrina stepped in.

The Vanburen girl had stepped forward and said,

"Hi, Ms. Nour, I'm Sabrina VANBUREN," Sabrina put a suspicious amount of emphasis on her last name. "We have some mutual contacts. Maybe I can phone them, and we can all sit down and discuss this...?"

Britney noticed that, in her hands, Sabrina was creating a black cloth...

Interactions: Trisha (@FernStone).
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival.

Shayton remained standing at the boat's helm... or whatever the hell it was called, and Adora watched him.

She was suspicious of him, and right now, it paid to be suspicious of everything strange that happened to Adora: that dream, that man, and their conversation with Kari Wilson. Now, Adora believed that Lyss just made a little hiccup in summoning her due to the tear gas fucking her up, but at the same time... there was something odd about it all.

Also, they didn't have any leads at the moment.

Adora glanced downwards to her phone, then back to the man... Auri told Adora to keep it to herself, saying that she didn't want to tell the group just yet because she wanted everyone to lay low for a bit due to the raid. She also justified it by saying that weirdo Alizée Altieri rushed off by herself and got killed and put the Coven on the Wolfpack's radar. She wishes she fucking knew before she came here, but it is what it is. It is what it is...

The temptation to strike out on her own grew greater and greater.

For now, Adora was going to play along; at least (with her help), they finally have a lead. Because at this point, ANYTHING was a lead, and that was how the cookie crumbled. The boat finally docked, and Adora glanced at the stranger, Shayton, and saw him stand on the sides as he waited for everyone else to get off. Adora did the same and saw him calmly walk off the boat. It was go-time; Adora hopped to her wheels (?) and roller-skated off the side of the boat.

She glided on the boat's deck until she reached the ramp and gulped as she carefully used the railing to slide down. Adora tailed Shayton as the geriatric bastard had a stroll (Does he even need that damn cane?), and she stayed on the path; otherwise, she was going to fall on her ass. Where was he going...? Maybe she was just being a paranoid stalker, and Anya was right when she called her-

“Hey! Adora!”
This bitch

Adora instinctively whipped her head towards Trisha, then back to Shayton, and she saw Shayton turn over his shoulder to look at her. Adora grimaced.


Adora looked over to see Trisha Vanburen and sighed as she touched her hip. She barely remembered Trisha as she was one of the many that she suppressed the memory of.

For good reason...

“It’s been so long- wow! I did not expect to see you here. I can’t believe you’d come to something like this… You seemed like a complete loser ten years ago. Glad you’ve gotten better, really.”

... Trisha was a cunt.

Adora crossed her arms as she stared Trisha down... she could hear the bees that she probably hid underneath her shitty costume. That wasn't going to make Adora flee... while she knew that she was functionally just an ordinary person with an Emotional-Field, she wouldn't let anyone bully her. Even if she was outclassed. So, she smiled wide. She glanced in Shayton's direction - or where he was because the old bastard was long gone (Damn it!). She put her hands together by her face and began,

"... Oh, hello friend! It's great to see you again!" Adora began, then she felt a breeze and remembered that she typically covered herself up. This carhop outfit was meant to be cutesy, but she forgot it didn't cover much. Her well-toned thighs and arms were on full display (usually, she wasn't anyone's eye candy, but she made an exception for today) as she got assaulted by the late October, early November weather. She put a hand on her hip, "I was in the middle of something, thank you, but I'm more than happy to give you the attention your daddy never gave you!"

Adora chuckled as she did a little twirl; when she came full circle, she held both ends of her skirt by the tip.

"Oh! By the way, what do you think of my costume? Cute, ain't it? I know you're just salivating right now. Because why else would you come and bother me when there are other things you could be doing with your life? Maybe a lucky breeze will come by, and bless you! You'd LOVE that, wouldn't you, Triiiiiiiiiiisha?"

She narrowed her eyes as she smiled like a fool. This was so going to end in someone getting punched in the face and/or getting their feelings hurt.

And it sure as hell wasn't going to be Adora.

The PRA.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca/Bianca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival. Docks to the Drinkline. Cracker Island.

The ferry with the PRA Agents docked on Cracker Island, and they all assembled some distance away from the boat.

"Okay, enjoy yourselves, and officially you are all on duty, so you can't officially drink," Meifeng started, waving her feather duster around, "But, a few beers or some shots won't hurt anyone... except for you, Trevor. You can't drink anything."

"Awww..." Trevor slumped forward.

"I could use some shots," Samson put his hands behind his head, then glanced at Trevor and the others, "I guess we're sticking together because we're the Power Rangers."

"Of course!" Trevor did a fist pump.

"Let's go already; Momma needs some wine!" Cindy chuckled.

That was when the PRA Agents split up; Meifeng and Cindy went with the Power Rangers to the drink line... and the first thing that Meifeng noticed was the crows assembling and then screaming and shouting. The first thing that came to mind was that somebody was already throwing magic around... thankfully, it was already at the place that Meifeng was already heading. Hopefully, it was nothing or a problem she could wave her hand at and make disappear.

When Meifeng penetrated the assembled crowd, she couldn't help but sigh. It was Miss Reed's people... the second she noticed Emily there, she could pick out various members of 8th Street from the crowd. But, there were various members of the Sycamore Tree Coven, including that one girl who couldn't seem to control her emotions, the child that got bottle-fed by Cindy (and Meifeng refused to let her live that one down), and some of the others. There was some bizarre exorcism scene going on here, all out in the open.

For the love... if she had to return to that office, there would be hell to pay.

"... Good grief," Meifeng said as she walked over, Cindy by her side, feather duster slung over her shoulder. She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Maximilian (dressed as the Blue Power Ranger) had followed behind her; the rest of the PRA Rangers were on standby. Not that Meifeng needed them. Meifeng turned towards the group and said, "You lot are as subtle as those goddamn teenagers..."

Meifeng rolled her eyes as she glanced at Emily... who was thrashing about something, and Meifeng narrowed her eyes at her. "Can you go one day without causing some trouble, Ms. Reed?"

"Hey now! He hit me and then made hi-"

"Go," Meifeng commanded.


"I said go."

Emily and 8th Street dispersed afterward before she turned her attention to Stormy and Luca,

"So, I take it the situation is under control? I hope so, because I'm hoping all of us can..." Meifeng started... before the various members of the Coven looked at her funny. Her eyebrow furrowed as she stuck her hands out.

"... Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Fiona waved at Jasper from the crowd. He probably didn't notice, or have a clue who she was.

The 8th Street Coven.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Stormy (@Blizz), & Luca (@FernStone).
The Halloween Festival, The Drink line. Cracker Island.

Emily grinned as Lila let her pull her strings and Luca too. He didn't say it, but Emily knew her words cut deep into the boy... because as much of an idiot he is, even he could see that she was not wrong. It was enough to let The Rot take him over, and maybe it would finally abscise him, and she'd have a helpful minion... but then she forgot about Lila and her goddamn birds. The birds began shitting on Emily...

... And one drop was unfortunate enough to land in her mouth.

"AH!" Emily gagged as she desperately tried to get the bird feces out of her mouth, getting on her hands and knees as she tried to wipe it out with this stupid costume. The tears disappeared as it was replaced with pure rage. "You fucking bitch, Micheal! I swear to God-"

Emily didn't care; she was about to use Babylon and torch the birds and Lila - but then Stormy stepped in. Mr. Hero... she twisted her face up at him as he activated the Phantombane Aura. Babylon put her hands up as she screamed,


She disappeared as Emily wanted to burn Stormy anyway, as he seemed concerned with Luca, and nobody takes power away from Emily G. Reed. Not if they wanted to live. She created a fire in her hands...

"... Good grief,"

It was Meifeng Liao, that bitch... she came in shaking her flat ass as if she owned the goddamn place. Emily narrowed her eyes as Meifeng came in and told her to leave.

That was when Carol rolled in, spinning as her eyes landed on Luca and Stormy.

"... Thank you for helping that motherfucker, Stormy," Carol narrowed her eyes. "I appreciate it. I appreciate it a lot."

"... Let's just go!" Miranda shouted as she yanked Emily by her sleeve. "I gotta get bird shit off me now."

Emily sighed as she let her two sisters pull her away, but she had some parting words for Lila and the Coven.

"Don't worry, Micheal!" Emily shouted as she left, "I'm going to get you back! Don't you worry! And I fucking dare the rest of those sluts to get in my way!"

"Yeah, sleep easy, pal," George said as he walked away... covered in bird shit. Carol was behind them, and flipped everyone off as she rolled away.

They disappeared into the crowd.

Auri Auclair, Justin Haggar, & Odessa Maxwell.
Interactions: Lynn (@NoriWasHere).
Cracker Island, Auri's stand. The Halloween Festival.

Auri had her stand... selling flowers and paintings she had drawn. However, there was that part of her that wanted to be out there enjoying herself!

But the Halloween Festival was too lucrative of an opportunity to pass up.

Auri's Flower Stand was cheap, with just three foldable tables with some clothes on top of them and various colorful flowers stacked on top of them. She also had her best paintings on display behind her... and she sat down in her chair with her hands together... wearing a robot costume that she had made by hand. There wasn't a steady flow of business, but occasionally, someone came by. However, she was content with sitting here relaxing and not getting murdered.

"... Hey," She heard the voice of Justin Haggar, her boyfriend, who stood over her with his hand on the table before her. "Can I come in?"

He had regular clothes, a navy-blue sweater, some jeans, sometimes, but he had a facepaint of cybernetics on his face.

"Free country," Auri said as Justin walked behind her stand with all her different paintings and leaned against one of the tables with his arms crossed.

"So..." Justin asked, "A detective approached me yesterday..."

"... Oh boy," Auri said with a roll of her eyes as she turned around.

"He asked about where I was a week ago and all these other questions because four of your friends who came to your little book club last week were murdered..." Justin trailed off, "Naturally, I told him to fuck off, but.."

He narrowed his eyes, "... Four people who were in your flower shop turned up dead. Four." Justin raised four fingers. "Why didn't you tell me this? What is going on?"

Auri bit her nails as she looked to the left and right. "I mean, I was going to, but... how about we talk about this somewhere private? There are too many people here who could listen, and I'm working right now and..." She nervously continued, but that wasn't the crux of this.

As Auri spoke, Justin noticed a strange sight... a robed figure rising from the other side of the stand. Smiling wide as she possibly could, and breathing. Not just lightly but deeply breathing as if she was Darth Vader. She slowly rose, and Justin looked over Auri's shoulders with his eyebrows furrowed, looking as confused as he could as Odessa stood to her feet. Placing both hands on the side of the stands.

"Uhhh..." Justin's jaw dropped as, naturally, he was at a complete loss for words, then he pointed at Odessa and Auri turned around and said with a smile,

"Odessa! Friend!" Auri hopped around and grabbed Odessa's hands. "How have you been doing!?"

"Great!" Odessa said as she held hands with Auri, smiling back in a way I hope won't make this interaction sound gay, "I saw you looking sad and I thought you could use some cheering up, friend!"

"You have some weird ass friend, Auri..." Justin groaned as he narrowed his eyes at Odessa. "Yeah, I'm calling you weird."

"Weird?" Odessa tilted her head with that unhinged smile on her face. "I guess that could be used to define me. Possibly. To me, I'm normal. I am like an alien. It's not an incorrect assessment, but still! Am I weird because I am unnatural, or is it because I am something that you are not used to? It's all about perspective. And you could expand your own!" She smiled.

Justin was awestruck.

"... I've seen enough," Justin immediately left after seeing that. Odessa stared at him as he left... then rotated on her heel to face Auri.

"So now that he's gone..." Odessa said, "What would you like to talk about? I saw you looking a little bit sad... What is on your mind, Auri Aeriel Auclair? Could it be..." She laughed, holding a hand to her mouth.

"... Could it be what you told me about the other day with Kari? And friend Alyssa?" Odessa asked.

Auri put a finger to her mouth, shushing Odessa,

"Sssssssssh! Don't say that too loudly!" Auri said, "My... Coven sisters -and brothers- are everywhere. I don't want them to hear this!"

"Why hide things from them, Auri?" Odessa said, tilting her head. "Is a major breakthrough on the murders something you should hide from your friends? The people who love and trust you?" She laughed.

"I am not hiding things from them, well... I am, but I don't want them to know I'm telling you about this," Auri said. "And I don't want anyone to get anxious, jump the gun, and get into more trouble when we should really be laying low after the disaster that was last week. I would at least like to be with them this time so we can avoid incidents like last week."

"... That's not going to make them trust you, you know!" Odessa smiled at Auri. "I bet at least one person will ask you why you didn't tell them sooner..."

Auri was silent.

"But, let me stop here," Odessa rolled her eyes with that catty smile. "That's not what's on your mind... Unfortunately, I was blessed with this amazing body and personality but not the gift of telepathy..."

Odessa laughed, and Auri shook her head from underneath that robot mask.

"It's... It is Kari," Auri started as she leaned over her counter, sighing. "I just... I don't... none of it makes sense. Adora thinks that Lyss summoned the wrong spirit, but Lyss claims that it has to be Kari's soul that she summoned. But that leaves too many questions... why exactly would it be a different Kari? To my knowledge, Kari was a White-Adept. That can't change dimensions, can it?"

Odessa put a finger on her chin,

"Hmmmmmmm... well, there are infinite possibilities here," Odessa began, raising a finger in the air, "It's possible that Kari did something to erase her own memories - maybe she wanted to forget the horror of the Stygian Snake - but outside malfeasance is just as likely!"

Odessa began her explanation before she continued, "Someone could have kidnapped Kari; she certainly does seem like a super useful and powerful Adept I would love to have on my side - if I had a side! But, if what you told me is correct..."

Odessa trailed off, "... It's possible your killer, Father Wolf, kidnapped Kari to help him with his or her murders. It would make too much sense, wouldn't it? She had Spells that could remotely observe people! It would explain how he or she can come at the perfect time and vanish without a trace. Alternatively, it could be Kari... Could not be Kari at the same time!"

Odessa then shrugged.

"... Bottom line is that maybe the only way you can get to the bottom of this is to find your Kari," She smiled, laughing at how cheesy that line was.

"How do I find my Kari?" Auri asked.

"Well!" Odessa started, "Only you have the answer to that! Let me tell you something... Magic... it has a funny way of leading people to places, helping people find their destiny. Magic and fate are practically one and the same! You just need to find Kari's scent..."

Odessa smiled.

"... And then magic will do the rest."

"I..." Auri was at a loss for words before she nodded and said, "... I will find Kari Wilson."

"That's the spirit!" Odessa shouted, "Not like you have any other options! Or leads!"

"Will you help me, Odessa?" Auri asked.

"I wish I could..." Odessa trailed off, "... But, this is your battle, your destiny; it would be doing you a disservice to rob you of this! Your fate! But beeeeeeee careful, as it's possible this could go beyond mere murders! This could change the world itself! Regardless of where it starts or where it ends, I am rooting for you nonetheless, friend! You have no other option other than to win."

Auri smiled... then her phone buzzed. She pulled out her phone and read the text messages... Naturally, Emily was still as horrible as ever, and Auri was glad she wasn't a hellspawn in her flower shop and beyond. The issue was that something about sealing that involved Lila; her hand was a monstrous talon.

Auri Auclair did not know about this.

Naturally, Lynn didn't tell Auri where this was going on - however, even she could see the chaos the crows left in the distance. There was that part of her that just wished that the Coven could just chill for just one day. Auri didn't want to leave her flower stand, but... she dove underneath the counter, pulling out a triangle-shaped CLOSED sign and then the Butterfly Staff.

She ran towards the eye of the storm, unaware that Odessa was skipping after her.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Halloween Festival - Kid's Section

The rot in the air had pulled back, to the point he couldn't feel its proximity touching at him. Perhaps it was no coincidence that some of the raucous across the other side of the festival had died down a little, drowned out by the various speakers and other digital apparatus broadcasting their playlist of modern pop songs.

It was not to his taste, coming in as a watercolour of lighting, blended words and differing instruments, but he could admit that music was one of the few things he might still find relatable in this world, that he could still briefly find a level of inner-balance with when the right track came along.

It was how he'd centered himself, once - with the help of a walkman and the cassette left on a fallen oak tree, one tiny little moment of warmth and familiarity out in the wilderness some thousand miles back east. He wasn't sure why he was recalling that bit of personal history, until he realised someone was talking to him.

"You look a little lost.” A dull, buzzing noise in his ears, that had manifested as words. Clancy he ignored it for a moment, thoughts elsewhere. “Is somthing bothering you? Perhaps I can help.”

Clancy pivoted on the spot, ready to tell the next passer-by to mind their own business, fingers closing beneath the bleached canvas cowl that formed his garb. This time he pivoted, his eyes like dull, flinty chips of ice peering out through the holes he'd cut into the 'hood' of the costume. The passer-by in question, they - to be specific, she - was the asian woman dressed as a witch, or more specifically, the child's rendition of a witch, not dissimilar to those he'd seen when he was a little boy.

She was pointing at his outfit.

“I take it you're a sheet ghost? It looks a little, hmm, like something else. People might take it the wrong way. I’d recommend taking off the hood at least.”

For a moment, it dawned on him to tell the lady to mind her own business, or something else, but at the same moment something unusual had briefly touched against him that he couldn't parse. A strange, almost alien sensation. Warmth? Lihn's aura had touched at the guarded walls of his inner psyche, like warm oven gloves pressed against frozen metal - that was enough to give him some pause, even if she barely scratched the surface.

"No," he answered, "I'm actually just Pinnochio, can't you tell?" The dry edge of sarcasm was present in his tone, but only just - that momentary warmth sanding it down to a more rounded point. He hadn't caught on to her meaning, wondering if it was just some moral guardian trying to protect the children from the scary ghost costume while everyone else around them dressed like it was the monster mash.

"It's just a stupid costume, why do you care?"

It wasn't a challenge or an act of aggression, but a genuine question that had sprung to mind by her well-intentioned intrusion, only marginally underlined by the irritation he felt with people in general.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Halloween Festival

INTERACTIONSEmily, Meifeng, Fiona @Punished GN Stormy@Blizz Luca @FernStone

Lynn opened another drink as the 8th street fuckers began to leave. She had stopped paying attention to them Stormy stepped in, and was instead focused on the more important task of getting hammered. She did enjoy watching Emily and George, however, she was saddened that she could not turn the twins into new drinking friends. The threat from Emily and George did not fall on deaf ears. Lila, and Luca, were targets for Emily’s revenge now. And if she was anything like she was back in the day, she would not take kindly to this embarrassments she endured. Lynn was smart enough to take the threat seriously and began to think of the different options they would have to protect themselves. Staying at Lila’s would not be an option, at least not alone. They would either need to find someplace to lay low for a while, or find someone strong enough to stay with them.

As well, Lynn would need to figure out what happened to Lila. Luca and rot was well known to her, and she knew he would need time to recover. But what toll did the Maiden bring? Would Lila need time to get better, would she get better, and will the Maiden come out to play once again? All it took was one transphobic comment for Lila to let her back in again, and Lynn knew this world was a terrible place. She’d need to work with Lila to find answers. Her expression dropped for a moment. She hated this. She hated seeing her friends hurt.

She became so engrossed into these thoughts she almost missed the PRA arrival. Lynn tried to not pay attention to them. What were they going to do? Tear gas them again? In public? Lynn did not think to much into it. Of course they would tear gas then again, in public, in front of these crowds. They were a wild organization, with no accountability, and they made themselves very clear after the church. Lynn took another drink of her beer. Lynn knew that they would be led by the bitch Meifeng. Lynn needed a distraction, Lynn needed to be more drunk this time. She took another drink from her beer as she side eyed the Feds. Yet there was no distracting force strong enough to keep Lynn away from the sight before her. Lynn nearly did a spit take as she spotted the French maid outfit on Meifeng and her eyes lingered far too long as her mouth dropped. Heaven was real and it took the form of a beautiful woman.

“I love women,” Lynn choked out, grinning as she did, as she leaned back into her chair. She took another drink from the beer. Suddenly playing nice with the Feds was back in her possible future. Especially if Meifeng could commit to wearing that outfit all the time.

What was this feeling? Jasper looked down at Luca’s hand as it squeezed his gently. His breathing became quick, his heart skipped a beat before it surged to twice its normal speed, and it felt like his core had suddenly come alive and became warm. His face became a shade redder, and it soon became almost as red as the dress that he wore. Here he was, a straight man that had come to the festival with his newly refound best friend, feeling a feeling he never felt before. At least, never felt before for a man. Jasper had dabbled before with men, and he knew he would dabble again before long, but he never felt this sensation. This was new. This scared him, this excited him, and this confused him.

Jasper breathing quickened even more. What did this mean? Did this mean he liked Luca? Of course he liked Luca, Luca was a good friend. He was a very good friend. A very good and a very cute friend. The two have been through so much together, they’ve fought side by side against the Snake and it’s minions, fought side by side against the skeleton monster that has ruined their life, and now here they sit, side by side, holding hands. What did this mean, these feelings? What did this mean for his future? Should he panic? Was he already panicking? He should panic. He should not stop panicking, he should scream.

Jasper heard Luca talking about his medicine, and Jasper reached with his free hand. He pulled the bag close and reached around until he found a pill bottle shaped object and pulled it out. He put the bottle in between his thighs, holding it tight, and he opened the top with his free hand. He passed the open bottle to Luca. Why didn’t he use his other hand to open it? Why did he have to keep his hand on Luca’s? And why couldn’t he get him off his mind? The 8th street just threatened Lila, he should be focused on making sure she was okay and would be protected. His eyes shifted down to Luca as he made his joke about his appearance, and he couldn’t help but force a smile across his face.

“At least we still match,” Jasper chuckled as he looked down at his own zombified frame. He caught Meifeng walking up, and he caught the pink power ranger out in the crowd waving to him. Jasper tilted his head and waved back with his free hand. How strange. He didn’t linger long on the strange sight, as he caught Lynn fawning over the maid outfit Meifeng wore. That, at least, was not strange and made perfect sense for Lynn. He pushed these thoughts out of his mind. He pushed the thoughts of the fight with 8th street, the threats that they made, and Lila’s strange new powers out. He pushed the waves of doubt, insecurity, and fear over whatever he was feeling out. He pushed the worries he had for the future, for Luca, and for his coven out. He pushed everything out, except for the thought that he needed to be here for his friend. At least for now, he would need to confront these thoughts, feelings, and wants soon. He smiled as he looked back down to Luca. He squeezed his hand to reassure him that he was here for him, holding the squeeze for a comfortable duration, and he hoped that Luca would know that he would not leave his side.

As the Rot came out of Luca Lila felt the strange forest return and overwhelm her vision. It felt like Luca, her friends, and the fight was suddenly a tiny screen a thousand feet away from her present vision. She could still see, but it felt like any action she took in her body was delayed, fought against. Lila looked around the forest and felt like she was in a strange place, but there was something familiar about it. Something that she’d seen before but in a different lens. Lila could tell that there was a clearing ahead of her, and she began to make her way towards it. That was, before the area erupted with a screeching bird like sound. She felt herself pulled back away from the forest as her vision of the outside world grew larger once again. Soon enough she was back in the present world, body back to normal, and brain clear of the maiden.

“Thank you, Stormy,” Lila choked out as she nearly fell over at the sudden change in perspective. She gritted her teeth as Emily deadnamed her again and again, and she wanted to lunge at her when she made her threat. Yet watching her walk away covered in bird shit, wine, and embarrassed that it was lowly Lila who caused all this made her laugh. “Byeeeee,” Lila did a little wave as they walked further out of view. A smile as wide as it could be grew across her face. Her head turned to Luca and the smile quickly dropped. How did the rot know the maiden, and was it flirting? What..the..fuck? The more important thing was that it looked like Luca was as okay as he could be, and he had two big strong men talking care of him. She spotted Luca and Jasper holding a hand and she raised an eyebrow. A curious development.

That threat did not fall on deaf ears. They would come for her, eventually. And she needed to be ready. Would she get ready by working with her coven, and having them help make sure that when Emily did come for her revenge she had friends to help, or was there some strength in embracing the maiden? Lila never felt stronger personally as she just did. She never felt as impactful, nor did she ever feel as complete. It was like some long lost part of her had returned home to roost? Lila never felt stronger totally like she did when she fought with her coven. When everyone fought together , for a common cause, Lila knew the answer was obvious. She would bed to put faith in her friends. The maiden scared her, and she’d need to find a way to address that problem before long.

Then, the situation got worse. Meifeng’s voice filled the air, and Lila could not help but groan. “Oh fuck-” Lila lost the ability to speak as she saw what Meifeng wore. Lila stumbled backwards, her eyes going wide, as she forced a swallow as she quickly composed herself. She fanned her head for a quick second. “Oh fuck off,” her voice softer, more diminutive. Lila lost the ability to look at Meifeng directly, but she did her best by looking at the ground off to her side.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 1 day ago

Interactions: Britney@Punished GN Layla@Estylwen Edict@AtomicEmperor & Linqian @Fernstone
Cracker Island. The Halloween Festival

“Some way to greet an old friend, Vashti.”

Vashti's neck snapped towards the buzzing. Her face was frozen in a horrific expression like the paintings of a paranoid schizophrenic done on acid: her bottom lip curled out and mouth still hung and twisted from her latest “c’mon”, her noses wrinkled and upturned, her eyes buggy and wide as she gave the littlest of the bees a bleary once over, all of which was trying to escape out from the gullet of a toothy crocodile. Her lips unfroze and mouthed “old friend” as if it was the most perplexing thing someone has ever said to her. A reel of old film spun through and played her fuzzy memory, footage of a familiar bee standing in the background like an extra, before the film caught flame and spun loose. Then her mind went oh, oh, oh oh oh as she realized the truth: this bee was obviously just a no good goddamn liar. They weren’t friends.

What kind of psychopath lied about being friends with someone?

“Oh my bad, bro, I didn’t recognize you. Now buzz, buzz, Layla, buzz, buzz. I gotta talk to my friend Britney,” said Vashti as she gave Layla a friendly flashing of fangs. Her smile stretched the limits of her mouth as she fantasized about finding a tall building or a cliff and testing the baby bee’s ability to fly after she tore off its wings.

"I'm not scared of you, either. In fact. I'll kill you here and now if that's what you want," said Britney.

“See?” Vashti gestured to the bees. “Toxic.”

"Woah! Woooooah, God Damn, I guess you really embraced life as Emily's pet lizard!? Vashti twisted her body so that she could see the approaching dead man without turning her back on Britney’s hive. “Clear the fuck off, Nashty Hoor, before someone calls animal control."

“Good one,” Vashti laughed fakely at Greyson’s joke and held her hands up as if she were under arrest. She took a small step back, but the storm continued to expand.
What, were they having a reunion here or something? Linqian was here too. Her laugh shifted and became a genuine cackle as she noted their costumes, “Bro, that’s an amazing costume! You look just like the guy who doesn’t get laid after his senior prom.”Vashti squinted and, hands still held in surrender, pinched her right thumb and forefinger together until they were just separated by a hair. She began speaking at the same time as Linqian, “Is that why you’re with little dick riding h—”

Linqian was coming in hot, yelling fuck this fuck that like some fucking ignorant bitch, or perhaps it was more accurate to say that she was coming in cold. Vashti found herself the centerpiece in a snowglobe for the Florida Gators. What the heck was even happening? All she had wanted was one simple private conversation and everybody was acting like she was an absolute sociopath for it. Meanwhile, they’re behaving monstrously like they were complete and total animals. She felt adrenaline surge through her system as her fight or flight system kicked in. A quick headcount, factor in the witnesses, multiple by how much Emily would yell at her, and divided by how many fucks Vashti gave at the moment. Sadly, she was becoming far too coherent for how she had intended to be this evening.


So when Linqian misspoke and made it sound like Vashti was getting invited to an impromptu orgy she got fully distracted by the false promise, noting that the hottie versus nottie ratio was unusually favorable. In that moment of excitement, she didn't notice what Linqian was moving to do.

WAH!! screamed Vashti in surprise as Linqian grabbed her wrist. The immediate shock of the cold was replaced by the searing heat of pain as the left sleeve of her costume began to stiffen as Linqian’s grip threatened to inflict Vashti’s hand with frostbite. Rationally, in this moment a person would want to get away from their source of pain as quickly as possible. However, in this moment, as with most any other moment, rationality wasn’t really something in Vashti’s kit. Thunder rumbled as the rain picked up, the storm continuing to expand and begin to threaten to encroach on the rest of the festival area. No, she had little to no rationality, but what she did have was instinct.

”Fuck right off before I shove my knee up your fucking crocodile ass.”

And instinct told her that those words would be Linqian’s last.

Linqian was close enough to feel the shift in Vashti’s body as her muscles tightened like a coil, getting ready to strike. The murderous intent was clear in Vashti’s eyes. There was the presence of something else too as her pupils momentarily became elongated and narrow as her eyes shifted to a putrid yellow-green before returning back to their normal bloodshot brown. She grinned, more a baring of teeth really, her tongue licking her canines hungrily. Linqian would see that her magic was hurting Vashti; she would also see that the woman did not care. Vashti couldn’t be to blame for anything that happened next. Linqian had just put her hand in the mouth of a crocodile.

Britney’s words bounced off of Vashti’s ears—if Emily was getting her ass kicked, then that just meant she was weak and unworthy. This was so, so, so much more vital than anything else in the world. Her free hand shot back and twitched in anticipation, overwhelmed by the bountiful buffet of options: even frozen meat was still meat. Snapping in her knee would’ve been poetic, while slicing open her stomach until her blouse matched the red of her hood would be beautifully artistic. No, no, no, both were too intense too quickly. For hurting Vashti it was clear that Linqian wanted the long, personalized experience, but there simply wasn’t time! Like bobbing for apples she would have to be quick if she wanted the prize, and there were just so many other juicy McIntoshes around that she couldn’t savor a sour Granny Smith like Linqian.

A simple tracheotomy then. The snow danced around her nails as they flashed through the air towards Linqian’s throat. Just moments prior Sabrina had stepped forward, her last name leaving her mouth at the same time Vashti took her swing. The intensity faded from Vashti’s eyes as her trajectory slowed down and diverted. If Linqian had made the mistake of standing her ground instead of backing down the hit would connect. However, it was no longer a lethal, spine-severing slash, but a mere painless and playful pat-pat of the cheek followed by Vashti wrenching her wrist free of Linqian’s grip with ease. She backed away from Linqian, smiling, her hand rubbing her wrist and trying to warm it.

“No need, Ms. Vanburen, no need! We're just fooling around,” said Vashti, chipper as ever, to Sabrina. Then she turned to the remnants of Sycamore.

“But god, you all are so fucking lame now. Lighten up, lighten up. It’s Halloween! I was just joking around with you, Britney. It was a prank, bro, a prank,” said Vashti with a little witch cackle, backstepping, body still tensed and ready to strike if anybody tried anything. She grabbed the massive stuffed bear off of the ground, its fur heavy with snow and rain, and slung it over her shoulders as if she were carrying a wounded soldier. “I know when I’m not welcome. Which reminds me, if you see Sloane tell her to drop by the manor again tomorrow. Emily should finally be free.”

Vashti smiled at a private joke and took a few more steps back into the darkness of the bad weather.

“Love your costumes by the way. Very cool. Very, very recognizable. Real easy to spot even in this weather. Anyway, I hope you all have fun tonight. I know I will. Party like there’s no tomorrow, bros,” she said, her voice falling flat. She became little more than a crowd surfing stuffed bear as she slipped back into the safety of a group of festival goers. A voice rumbled from the crowd like distant thunder as the rain continued, showing no sign of giving up just yet. It said, ''Be seeing you. Be seeing you real soon.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Edict @AtomicEmperor, Britney @Punished GN, Layla @Estylwen
The Halloween Festival

Linqian realised she’d made a very big mistake getting herself involved.

Her cold touch was doing nothing to Vashti. Not nothing- she was just ignoring it. Ignoring it and preparing to strike. She froze. Maybe if she went for the pistol in her bag she could-

That momentary hesitation would have cost Linqian her life, losing her the time needed to back away from a deadly slice to her throat. She flinched as Vashti’s fingers patted her cheek instead. It seemed taunting. Telling her how easily she could have killed her, then and there. She’d made the mistake of getting so close to a beast much stronger than her.

”Fooling around?” Linqian whispered, gaze not leaving Vashti. In case she decided to come back and finish the job. But she made no move to do anything more, and nor did Linqian. Fuck that. This wasn’t her fucking fight in the first place.

Her normal, go to fuck off in response to the rest of what Vashti said died on her lips as soon as it formed. There was no point.

If Britney's friend - Sabrina Vanburen (and there was a surname that reminded her of another bitch she hated) - hadn't stepped in she would be dead. Fuck.

One hand went to her throat, touching where Vashti had originally aimed. She almost expected there to be blood on her fingers as they came away. Instead there was only the dampness of melting snow. She raised her body temperature to normal and then a bit above it, causing the rain to evaporate as it hit her. She shoved trembling hands underneath her sodden cloak. Linqian had been in plenty of situations where she almost died. When her dad was enthralled, fighting against the Stygian Snake, the final battle, when her- no. She wasn’t going to think about that one either. She'd survived them all.

But this was the first time her life had been in danger when Jinhai wasn’t around.

Sloane’s words echoed in her ears. ”Will you take responsibility for your brother having nobody left?”

Linqian didn’t have any plans in place for that eventuality. Between Father Wolf and people like Vashti, who left with threatening words. She was probably- no, definitely- on her shit list now. Next time there wouldn’t necessarily be someone to stop it. Fuck. Maybe she should learn to use a gun, and not give Edict’s back to him. She needed to remember that it was just the two of them now. There was no fallback for if she died, no one to look after him in her place. No smarter, more capable brother that she'd always assumed would outlive her. She needed to try to stay alive, and to figure out a plan for if she didn't manage that.

Now wasn’t the time to think about it. There was nothing she could do tonight. Linqian took a deep breath, hands clenching into fists and she pushed away the remaining tendrils of panic stuck in her chest.

”What a fucking bitch,” Linqian complained to no one in particular. It just helped her calm down. Pushed away the quietly panicked state she'd been in after almost getting her throat ripped out. It still lingered in her shaking limbs, but she pushed all the emotions that came with it down. No way was she showing fucking weakness in front of people, even after that. It was easy to pretend to be fine, like nothing had happened. Ignore it, snap out of it, and have a good night. ”Starts a fight and then pretends its a joke- fuck. At least she backed down, but fuck. Could've stopped the rain at least!”

Shaking her head, Linqian looked at Britney, then Layla. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed something… or more the lack of something. No Void. Good riddance, in her opinion. But that reminded her that she had learned something that could be useful, and money making, this week. It had completely slipped her mind after Jack first told her it because it didn't seem like useful information at all. The void heart was being sealed, end of. But Edict was clearly still into Britney. Maybe he'd pay for it since it involved her? And if it didn't, whatever. Best to tell him it now before someone else let it slip in case it did pay.

Linqian moved back over to Edict, settling beside him at the opposite side to his guitar case. She still wasn’t sure what was in it, so best not to be next to it. She dropped her temperature down to slightly warm to offset the rain chill. She glanced over at the others... Possibly close enough to hear anything she said. Possibly not. Better to be safe.

Turning to face him side on and getting close enough her chest practically pressed against his arm, Linqian pushed up onto her tiptoes. It was a pain to close the gap in their height and her legs were still feeling a little weak after almost dying. Her hands moved up to rest on his shoulder for stability, still slightly trembling fingers curling around it and gripping enough that he couldn't easily shake her off. She leaned right in so that her lips almost touched Edict's ear, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I just remembered, Britney and Stormy sealed Alizee's parasitic ball along with Leon’s cult- the Temple last week. That’s why he’s not with Layla anymore. Jack told me... I can give you more details later, if you want. Oh, and your gun back. I assume you don’t want me to pull it out here?”

She lowered her heels back to the ground but didn't move any further away, lips curved up into a smirk and her eyebrows raised. If it was useful, he could pay her then too.

”I’m guessing you want to tag along with them?” Linqian then asked him in a more normal volume, nodding towards the other three… well primarily Britney. The main person she assumed he'd want to stick around it. She didn’t care either way. She liked Britney enough that it made up for the annoyance that was Layla, and her other option was finding Sully which would require at least a phone call. If he was sober enough to pick up. Too much effort for now. She then looked at Layla, raising her voice to make sure she'd hear. ”Though going to a haunted house at our age is fucking lame without getting absolutely wasted first.”

Lihn Phan

Interactions: Clancy @Zombiedude101
The Halloween Festival, Kids Section

The kid didn’t run away, which Lihn saw as a victory - but also perhaps another indication for how terrible his parents were. She tried to get a read on his emotions, but it was slightly… strange. She kept up her calming aura but retracted any emotion reading. She shouldn’t, anyway.

“Right, Pinnochio,” Lihn laughed lightly, entirely unbothered by the slight sarcasm in his tone. Her daughter had been going through that stage recently - being sarcastic about everything. It didn’t phase her one bit.

But how did she explain it to him? She hadn’t dealt with this before with her own daughter… It would probably be best to just tell the truth. Children could often tell when you were beating around the bush.

“Unfortunately, your costume looks… very similar to what a hate group wore,” Lihn rubbed the back of her neck. “You’re a kid, so no one will think you’re part of it, but it can be very triggering for some people. The group was incredibly violent and racist. White supremacists, if you’ve heard of them before.”

She gave an awkward smile. Hopefully he’d understand what she was talking about. It was a sensitive subject, but she wouldn’t want him to get in trouble with some people who took it the wrong way. He was just a child, after all.

“I have a spare pair of cat ears, if you want those, so you still have a costume?” she offered, gesturing to her bag. She wanted to ask more about what he was doing alone and what was wrong, but she knew not to push too hard. “Then maybe I can help you get to wherever you’re heading?”

Trisha Vanburen

Interactions: Adora @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

Trisha’s sneer quickly turned into a frown when Adora brought up her father. Ten years on, and she was still incredibly resentful about her family situation. Fucking bitch. The bees clinging to her started to grow more agitated, buzzing increasing. One crawled up her neck, sitting just below her chin. They sensed her irritation and wanted to attack the source, but she stopped them. As nice as it would be to swarm someone with bees, it would be difficult to explain.

She really didn’t want Ezra threatening to cut her off (again). Not that the blame could get back to her when it was the bees but ugh… she needed the family money now more than ever.

“The costume’s cute, shame about who’s wearing it. I’ve got no interest in seeing your nasty ass. Gross” Trisha pretended to gag. Disgusting. As if she’d fall as low as going for someone like Adora when there were plenty of others. “Maybe I just wanted to greet an old friend… Ah! You must not know what it’s like to have friends anymore! After all, you got your last one killed, I bet you haven’t had any since! Must suck to be so sad and lonely you’re flashing to someone you haven’t seen in years, hoping they’ll enjoy it. What would Lisa think? She'd be disgusted, I bet… Ah, but we’ll never know, thanks to you.”

Bianca Manalo

Interactions: Lynn @NoriWasHere, Meifeng @Punished GN
The Halloween Festival

Bianca had tagged along with the power rangers and maids going to get drinks - almost pissed was how the festival was best enjoyed, after all. A couple of shots would let her properly enjoy the night. Then she’d decide whether to strike out on her own or stick with the power rangers. With so many back in town, she was sure her ex-covenmates would be out in droves-

Like at the drink line, performing some kind of budget exorcism of the Rot. Phew. Bianca was glad that Stormy seemed to have the situation under control because she really didn’t want to have to deal with the paperwork for that, and she totally would have to help since she knew their abstractions. But it was all good. She gave Stormy a cheerful wave and smile.

"Heh," Bianca side-eyed Lynn, sliding up to her. She grabbed one of the free beers and raised it to Lynn, before knocking it back. She then pulled out a ten dollar bill, because she wasn't a thief, and slid it over. It was a bit of a pain with the long, werewolf fake nails she was wearing but hey. Not gonna steal drinks. "I get it. Me too. Absolutely nothing better than women... And that? Yeah, very hot." She coughed. "Don't tell 'em I said that, they're my superiors."

She grinned at Lynn, seemingly completely cool in her attitude towards her.

Of course, Bianca had witnessed what had gone down after the raid. What Lynn had said to Linqian was not cool, but Bianca could understand emotions were running high after they were all raided. And that was between them. Her and Linqian hadn't been together for a long time... Though even with a long period of no contact, Bianca still cared for the incredibly temperamental woman. If Linqian ever let her, she'd like to be friends again. There was a lot they knew about each other that meant Bianca could actually be a support for Linqian... Something she knew was desperately needed. Especially after she'd slapped Lynn like that.

But hey, it wasn't her place.

"How you been doing, Lynn? It's been a while..." She then held her hands up in a half apologetic gesture. "I'm off duty, no need to worry."

Not technically true, but they'd only be on duty if something actually happened. The situation here seemed to be under control now that Emily had fled. Seeing who was on the Sycamore Tree side, Bianca was inclined to believe it was her fault... But she was a neutral party, of course.

She then turned her head back to Meifeng with a laugh. “I think it’s cause of what you’re wearing, boss. They’re blown away.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: A The Fuckwit Brigade and the Cops
Isle of Cracks

8th Street left. Luca was in control again. Babylon didn't try anything, and neither did the Maiden. That was enough for Stormy to consider the situation dealt with. Jasper was taking care of Luca now, so Stormy let him go gently, just in time for none other than the PRA to appear. Bianca- he finally put a name to her face- waved but he didn't react immediately. Lila and Lynn were choking up at the sight of their French maid costumes, but Stormy, stone cold and stoic like a rock, didn't give anything away. That didn't mean he didn't appreciate the art on display, but Stormy was a bit more composed than the others present.

And, of course, Bianca called out exactly why everyone was giving Meifeng and Cindy that look. "Everything is fine, now. 8th Street crossed a line that no one with a sense of common decency would cross," He explained. "But then again, Emily Reed doesn't fit that description, now does she?" He wasn't giving anything away about it, about how the whole thing started when she started deadnaming Lila. If he did, he'd basically be outing Lila around strangers, and that would put him on Emily's level. And Stormy was, in every sense of the word, leagues and bounds above her level.

"And if she tries that with any of you again, let me know," He said to the friends Emily tried to antagonize. "I'll rough up her and her henchmen until they take a hint." Not a threat, but a promise. Not a plot to kill, just to teach a lesson.

"Now!" Time to shift gears. "How many drinks do I need to buy everyone for this to be put behind us? And I do mean everyone," including the PRA agents that gassed them.

"If you two are going to stick around, I think all have a few things to talk about, and I'm in a generous mood," he added.
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