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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

Shoot! Skarsneek realized that his hit wasn't enough as two blade whirled against him and prompted his weapon to be raised instinctively at that.

When the blades slammed against air, just inches away from his body. His mind spun in confusion before recalling Io protective spell, letting a sigh of relief and smiling at his incredible luck.

Shizuka quickly took advantage of that opening, bringing the fight to a close with a slash.

Though that's when the mist faded, and allowed the Varjans to see their top being defeated. Skarsneek was about to step up and make a speech to demoralize them until he heard it. Chanting, and growing rapidly.

"Oh, you. Haven't tripped and die from the lack of air on that high horse you're on?" Skarsneek narrowed his eyes in frustration and resignation. Looks like it was going to be out from pan to fire as he hefted his staff for another hard fight.

They'll need to take this fight somewhere that favored them more, his eyes drifted to the house and another idea formed.

"Shizuka, it's too open here and the rains annoying," Skarsneek whispered to the latter, and hoped the latter got his message to take the fight into the house. That way, at least they can prevent from being mobbed.

And if worse comes to worse, setting the whole house on fire is a sure way to distract everyone from realizing the fleet approaching them.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

"Hey, don't be a meanie! Just because they couldn't win doesn't make them losers! I'm sure they did their best!" She scolded him.

"Still lose, still losers." Gringor pointed out dismissively, sure he'll treat them better if they fight hard but it doesn't change the fact that they lost.

Afterall, two of his wives were from tribes that lost and he would also been some other High Orc husband if he lost.

Though he wouldn't lose.

As they regathered, and lady with bow departing, Gringor stroked his chin in thoughts before deciding on his course.

"Go to port, heard from weak Goblin got big fight." He said, already moving towards the direction of the port. Not really caring if others wants to follow.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


[@Breakthrough Crew]
With her attack successfully landing and Liliana’s pride swelled to bursting, the tiny fairy couldn’t look smugger as she floated over the rafters, rubbing her index finger under the bottom of her nose, before almost getting blown away by one of her new minotaur friend’s swings, an entire bed getting thrown against someone from the slash. It was high time she got the heck out of there, seeing as this entire little squabble had turned out pretty pointless, if not a little refreshing.

Liliana wanted to say goodbye to her Minotaur friend but, in all likelihood, the spell would wear out soon and whisk him back to…wherever these cows came from to begin with. Maybe home? Hopefully home. Plus, she imagined he’d be a little miffed at her for magicking him away from his exciting life of presumably very manly, beefcake-oriented activities. Like, punching meteors, or something. He looked strong enough to do that. Her attention was snapped outside the barracks though as she heard a strange chanting…na-krantz, or something. Liliana knew that didn’t sound like any of her teammates, so that must mean they were caught in a brawl with some of the Varjan mages they were warned about.

The fairy knight didn’t have much time to think it over, and decided to dash out, engaging her human size to not get immediately shot to the ground in the rain as she flew. ”Hold on everyone…I’m on my way!” she thought, gliding as fast as she could over to the manor.

The battle grew quiet as the minotaur was left standing amidst a pile of corpses, shattered weapons, destroyed furniture, and walls on the verge of collapse. His rage was dying down, enough to regain his senses, and feel the slight tingle of the many minor cuts he’d received from his tensed up muscles being hit by the Varjan’s steel. Cracking his neck, the minotaur would look out the door just in time to see Liliana fleeing, while his own body started to glimmer and grow transparent.

’Guess this was temporary, then. …Hope that wherever this is, that they can beat these guys back once and for all,” he said, sitting down while he disappeared, taking his helmet off just enough to exhale steam from his nose. In just a moment, he’d be back home…wherever his home had become.


Sorae was quick to demonstrate her prowess as a warrior, somehow able to dodge the attacks of the Varjan warriors in her strange, but effective, crane-legged fighting stance. Perhaps she was simply dodging so minutely that she appeared to not be moving? It was a powerful technique to be sure, one that Eula couldn’t understand in the slightest.

But, their quarry was quickly escaping from the scene, even with her arms completely bound. Eula would speed after her, already far-outstripping the average warrior in speed, let alone a woman without much combat experience or physical training. In the blink of an eye Eula would be upon the woman, grabbing her by her bound arms and gently lifting her up. Now in the automaton’s grasp, the woman would find that Eula was surprisingly gentle, making every effort to keep the woman from injuring herself, or being injured by Eula’s grip. ”Subject secured, Sorae,” Eula said, raising a hand and shooting a stun bolt at one of the remaining Varjans to ease the fight up on Sorae.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Komatsu Bay: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree(Lili) @Crowvette @Restalaan(Skars)

"The Sapphire Prince?" Shizuka said. He thought the name sounded overly flashy and tacky; no doubt something the Varjans would come up with. "Kaneda Castle, is it? Thank you for confirming Lord Oja is still alive and his location." He said, shaking the blood off of his sword with one swift motion and sheathing it. He was glad his gambit worked and he was able to subdue the warlock, though, he wanted to interrogate him more. It appears his Ikazuchi was a bit much for the poor dolt, and there he laid - face down in the mud. Much to the contrary of his earlier bravado.

Before anyone could act further, the rest of the patrolling soldier overheard the commotion and came running to the vicinity. Shizuka and his comrades were now surrounded on all sides; the ronin was about to give orders, but noticed the soldiers weren't prepping for an attack? Odd, perhaps they were shaken by Merneptah's defeat? Some of them did seem taken aback by the loss of their respected superior. However, their behavior soon changed as they began a ritualistic chant.

The name they kept repeating over and over again was: Na-Kratz.

Shizuka felt a chilling aura coming from the masked man. Shizuka had seen him during his visit to Kazenosuke's home, but one could tell he was an entirely different realm of guile than his braindead subordinates. He also noticed that he seemed to recognize Skarsneek, likely from the early mission in Sanjo Town.

"Don't test your luck with this one." Shizuka said to Io directly, as Skarsneek was likely already acquainted with this man's menace. "This one can't be compared to all of the other fighters we've been facing up until this point, we need to give ourselves every possible advantage we can this time. We'll follow Skarsneek's lead for now"

With his fog now dispelled, their options for cover we now limited to the inside of the damaged mansion. Shizuka decided that was their best bet for now, in order to make a distraction, Shizuka let loose a thunderbolt at the ground near Na"Kratz and his soldiers. With the blinding flash he signaled for Skarsneek and Io to follow him back into the mansion. There, they hoped to pick off at the muzzled man and the Varjan mooks steadily without losing much stride.

Second Chance

Fort Tanabe: @PaulHaynek @Restalaan(Grin)

Atsuha silently looked on as Kikyo further explained the situation to Lord Takeshi, the latter pondered on the event for moment before he addressed rest of the party. It was decided that they'd worry about the implications of the prisoners' treatment later, and for now would simply lead them back to the temple as new allies. Takeshi then addressed the Hangai sisters and Gringor, asking if they had plans for continuing to another destination or to head back to base camp.

Hinami didn't care much for Gringor's retort to her scolding, responding by blowing the High Orc a raspberry. Apparently, he wanted to go to Komatsu port where Shizuka's group was undergoing the liberation mission. Apparently, things were expected to get pretty intense there, which just sounded like more fun to their battle freak friend...

"I do believe Shizuka-san and co will be just fine. He's the captain for a reason after all!" Atsuha said with a reassuring tone. I believe we've had enough excitement for now; Heading back to Terauchi Temple sounds like a fine idea." She said to Takeshi. Hinami nodded in agreement, but then looked at Gringor concernedly.

"I just hope that bonehead doesn't get into too much trouble..."

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
Avatar of PaulHaynek

PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Komatsu Bay


In the face of being surrounded by a mob of Varjans led by someone far more dangerous than any of them, the taskforce retreated to the flaming building whose fires were dying down from the rain.

"Cowards! Come out here and fight!" Na'kratz yelled at the retreating taskforce. He then barked orders to the rest of the Varjan mob. "You all! Surround the manor and make sure none of them leaves! I'll go in there and deal with them myself." The Varjans obeyed the command and moved to form a ring of shields around the manor. Na'kratz marched to enter the manor, but his boot then bumped into the unconscious form of Merneptah. Disappointment and rage filled Na'kratz and ended the Warlock's life with claw thrust to the neck.

Na'kratz then, bravely, entered the ruined manor at the frontmost door. Or rather, where the frontmost door should be if it was still there. If the taskforce had any traps for him, he wanted them sprung immediately.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

Liliana encountered nothing but rain while on her way to her allies in the manor. However, she soon hit an obstacle in the form of Varjan Warriors and Brigands surrounding the aforementioned manor. The structure seemed it was in flames recently, the rain probably putting it out far earlier than it's normal lifespan. The smoldering embers were still visible even from where Liliana was.

Her friends were likely inside the manor judging from the ring of Varjans around the building. Taking on all these Varjans may be possible for the warrior Fairy in order to give her allies an opening. Or, she could use her diminutive size to sneak past the encirclement and rendezvous with the taskforce. From there, they could plan their next course of action.

Shizuyama Wilderness


"Can you live with that?"
Kerry Maros

Takamori smiled and looked at Kerry, amused. "I've already suffered your aid, yokai. I can suffer this easily." He then looked away again. "Although, I will be extremely disappointed in her if she doesn't give you the fight of her life."

The master archer then turned towards the Hornet, a pose that indicated that his next words were as serious as possible. "Listen, Miss Kerry. I don't know the best time to say this, so I'll say it now: Lord Takeshi's collusion with you, yokai, has gone very deep. Once we rescue his father, there is no doubt that he will be sentenced with a harsh punishment. Perhaps he could've gotten away with exile if he were not heir apparent, but as Lord Hideo's son, Takeshi is likely to suffer something worse."

"Whatever happens, can you promise us one thing? Just one thing from the taskforce." Takamori asked of Kerry. "Do not intervene in Takeshi's punishment. Do not rescue him, or come to his defense or anything like that. Let us not make this any harder than it has to be. I'm sure Lord Takeshi himself will agree."

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

”Subject secured, Sorae,”
Eula 039

Sorae was about to strike down the final Varjan Warrior when the latter was hit in the back by Eula's stunning bolt. "So you did. Good job."

Meanwhile, the bound woman Kana struggled with all her strength to escape Eula's gentle grip. Even as the Automaton took her to Sorae, she continued squirming and writhing. Not once did giving up enter her thoughts. "Let me go! Let me go! Don't you know she's going to kill me?! She's crazy, I tell you!" Kana shrieked at Eula. "I don't know anything! I swear I don't know anything! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! Please let me go!"

"If you continue whining like that, I might just do exactly that." Sorae simply said that in jest, but the bloody blade of her naginata seemed to gleam at those violent words. "Now then, yokai. If you please, put her down so we can... get some explanations."

Fort Tanabe


~ @AzureKnight (ATS & HIN) ~

"Go to port, heard from weak Goblin got big fight."

I do believe Shizuka-san and co will be just fine. He's the captain for a reason after all! I believe we've had enough excitement for now; Heading back to Terauchi Temple sounds like a fine idea."
Atsuha Hangai

"I agree with Atsuha and besides, Komatsu Bay is very far from here. It might all be over by the time we get there." Takeshi said, but Gringor was adamant in heading towards his next fight and took off by himself.

The young Oja sighed, but made no effort to follow the High Orc. And neither did the Hangai sisters, leaving them and Takeshi with each other. Which, actually surprised the young lord.

"I just that bonehead doesn't get into too much trouble..."
Hinami Hangai

"I hope trouble doesn't get into him..." Takeshi half-joked by reversing Hinami's sentiments. "I'll be honest, I thought you two would actually go with him. You sisters seem pretty close with Gringor and Skarsneek. I mean, I suppose that's just a given since Skarsneek is married to one of you." He noted with a sad smile.

But before anyone could point it out, Takeshi wiped it away with a sudden jovial grin. "Well, let's not waste any time then. Let's go join Kikyo and make for Terauchi Temple. "I'm sure Gringor can take care of himself. The worst thing that can happen to him is he gets to Komatsu Bay with Shizuka and the others already celebrating."

The trio then joined Kikyo in escorting the rescued prisoners back to Terauchi Temple. Takeshi had to break away from the sisters to talk and catch up things with Kikyo. The young lord expected a dressing down from the warrior woman, but they actually had a pleasant conversation regarding their childhoods. "Did you really tell the yokai about that time you dressed as a shrine maiden? You made everyone present swear never to talk about that ever again."

"Ah, well, how else would the yokai prove that I sent them?" Takeshi laughed.

"...I'm sure there were other ways."

Despite the light-hearted talk, an ominous chill went down the spines of the Hangai sisters as the two conversed.

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

Gringor traveled to Komatsu Bay to join the taskforce there, leaving behind Takeshi and the Hangai sisters in Fort Tanabe. Dusk had already fallen while he was on the road, and Komatsu Bay was still far away. It would likely be already night by the time he reaches the port.

Turning on a curve since the dirt path circled around a hill, Gringor happened upon a usual yet unexpected sight. A horse-drawn cart carrying several boxes had gotten two of its wheels stuck deep in the mud. There was a person attempting to push the cart out of the mud. But the cart's weight and the boxes it was carrying were too much for the strength of this poor fellow.

However, this 'fellow' had a unique appearance to himself. He wore a all-black outfit with red-lensed eyewear. He wore a sword on his hip and another one on his back. It was strange to witness who was basically an armed mercenary doing something so trivial as to be pushing a cart out of mud. It appeared this kind of problem was universal.

"Hey, you! Astolfo-lookalike! Help me out here, will ya?" The unfortunate man noticed Gringor.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (CRL) ~

"In the future, you’ll be able to repeat and refine. A sword always needs sharpening, after all."

"Heh, 'the best grindstone is experience' as my mentor says." The swordsmith chuckled. "We sure could use her skills right about now..."

Soon, the work was finished and the swordsmith presented the sharpened Benihime and Nozarashi to Carroll with a bow. At least, sharpened to his ability. "Many may disagree with your help, but many also count on you to save us, Madam Yokai. Bring peace to our island, and bring ruin to the invaders."


~ @Enkryption (ALI) ~

I’m bereft of my former memories and understanding of it, so I’m starting back at square one,

"A loss of memory, I see, but you seem untroubled by it." Katsuhiro noted. "An unusual response to such a happening, but I will trust you know what you are doing."

"But I digress, forgive me." Katsuhiro then grabbed a small candle and lit it before placing it between him and Alice. "If you are to start from the beginning, then you must begin by knowing the legend behind The Heavenly Strike."


"When Shizuyama was first settled, strange and terrible thunderstorms assaulted the island quite frequently. Whenever these storms struck, they heralded the arrival of Raijus; Yokai that wielded piercing lightning. These violent creatures tore through villages, causing death and destruction wherever they went.

Moving too quickly to be stopped, the people knew only one man who could possibly stand against the lightning beasts – Kenshiro, the fastest swordsman in all of Shizuyama and was said to have never lost a duel. With years of practice, he had created the Heavenly Strike, an attack that struck quicker than the eye could follow.

Kenshiro lured the lightning yokai to a desolate beach in the western edges of Onrai, where the sand would slow their movement. Their clash turned the sand to ash and bleached the leaves of trees white. Kenshiro's Heavenly Strike cut through them faster than they could move. As the final beast fell, the strange thunderstorms cleared and Shizuyama was safe again.

Kenshiro then began a life of seclusion. Few students found him, and only the bravest and most skilled proved worthy of learning the Heavenly Strike. When a storm approaches, a sword is placed at Kenshiro's Rest by a student who knows of its location to remind the defeated Raijus that the Heavenly Strike lives on."


"Unfortunately, the students of The Heavenly Strike have joined up with The Varjans and betrayed Shizuyama. They must be stopped, not only to protect the innocent but to protect Kenshiro's name and technique as well." Katsuhiro finished. "I heard the yokai of the taskforce have already been repulsed by the students twice now. I suggest seeking out Lord Takeshi Oja for this. He is possibly the best swordsman in this island we have. Maybe he can deal with them, with help of course."






Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crowvette
Avatar of Crowvette

Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 6 days ago


[at the breakthrough peeps]

Io retreated along with the other task force members, gladly taking the safer option now that she had managed to luck out with her bold move of draining the sorcerer. There was no time for any intricacy now. Io needed to buy them time, and that meant slowing anyone following them into the house.

After entering the house, she quickly turned and opened her grimoire. It was less than ideal, but she had no choice - to make a sufficiently powerful rune trap she would need to use a page. She deftly scrawled the incantation in her secret language across the page and tore it out, leaving it in the entryway to be triggered.

After placing the rune trap she stole back deeper into the mansion, behind the other Task Force members. "I've trapped the entryway with a magic circle. It should electrify and stun, if not completely disable anyone coming through it." Io had doubts if the Varjan that challenged them would be so easily dispatched, but it was certainly not something anyone could take and shrug off instantly. She took a moment to survey the interior of the mansion, thinking about how they might need to defend the area further. "Do we have an exit strategy?" Io asked, though she had a feeling that she knew the answer already. She briefly focused while she could, calling to mind powerful spells that she might need to carve a path if needed.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
Avatar of The Irish Tree

The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


[@Breakthrough Crew]
In spite of making her way through the rain as fast as she could, Liliana didn't get to the manor before there was already a huge crowd of Varjan soldiers at the entrance. Judging from the smoke, either someone was having a barbeque inside the building, or someone had just set it on fire...

But, either way, Liliana had a feeling she didn't want to go in just yet, nor should she. After all, in tight quarters, all these Varjans might overwhelm her friends, and make escaping impossible. It wasn't a glamorous, knightly kind of job, and the rain was cold and sucked, but Liliana had a feeling her fight was out here with these mooks. And, while normally she knew a proper knight fought his enemies head on, well...

She was getting bored of these dullard dummies and their tincan armor. And had no respect for people who were so cruel to prisoners. So, as such, she would just quietly whisper: "Whimsy, Blast 'em!" and pointed her sword at the crowd, more than willing to let Whimsy do as she pleased when it came to dishing out magical punishment. Which, the world tree splinter gladly used the opportunity to smolder at her tip, before a small tide of magma erupted, causing steam to billow around Liliana as it surged forward, slamming into the Varjan soldiers. While it didn't last long, the magical magma would not only not wound the Varjan shield line, but would even harden around them in the deluge of rain.

Now with the shield line thoroughly stuck from the waist down, Liliana would brandish her sword along the broad-side, and whacking Varjan soldiers across the back of their helmets as she dashed along them. "Wakey wakey, Varjans! Its time for you to get your ears cleaned out!" she taunted, sticking her tongue out and getting ready to face down the partially immobilized shield line with Whimsy at her side.

She just hoped that her friends were alright...though, judging from the krackaboom sound of lightning, she had to assume Io was just fine with the others.


Eula didn't know much of Sorae's reputation, but did at least have enough trust in her to not execute a hostage needlessly. "Please relax. I won't allow you to come to harm prematurely," Eula said, gently letting their freshly captured noblewoman on her feet, while standing by to allow Sorae to conduct her interrogation. "We are not barbarians like the Varjans are. We simply seek information."

Eula held a hand on the ropes, more as a measure against her running away than in a bid to keep her confined. "We are searching for the killers of Clan Tokinomiya. Do you have any information about such persons, or an idea as to where we could find information?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
Avatar of PaulHaynek

PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Komatsu Bay


Io surveyed the manor and found that while a huge part of the building had been destroyed by the Warlock's earlier lightning blast, there were still some rooms intact. The destroyed part was mostly the entrance, the main hallway and a couple of miscellaneous rooms. The bed chamber and the kitchen were still there, and they had plenty of windows to leave the manor with. The manor only had one floor, and the taskforce stood their ground in the kitchen. Utensils and implements were all still neatly organized here plus a bit of ingredients.


The sounds of electricity crackled from the entrance, Io's magic circle setting off on somebody. But before anyone could go and investigate, the wooden wall to the kitchen exploded and sent dust flying everywhere.

Na'kratz entered the room with breakneck speed, picking up Shizuka and hurtling him toward Skarsneek. With the two taskforce members momentarily occupied, Na'kratz was fast enough to immediately tackle Io into the opposite wall. He then grabbed her on the neck to steady her with one hand and started punching her in the face with the other.

The Varjan had pieces of his armor missing and his claw gauntlets not on his fists. It appeared these had absorbed Io's trap somewhat, but Na'kratz seemed to twitch involuntarily as he struck the Lich with insensate rage.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

One section of the Varjan defensive line, focused on the manor, suddenly noticed something bright and warm coming from behind them. The Warriors turned around, and were too late to react to the small tide of lava washing over them. They shrieked and screamed as they thought the lava was real and would melt them agonizingly, pushing each other as they attempted to get away. Fortunately for them, the molten rock was magical and only immobilized them as the rock hardened around their legs.

Liliana started knocking out the immobilized Varjans and thinned their numbers before a seemingly-trapped Varjan Warrior suddenly caught her sword. He was faking to catch the warrior Fairy, wrestling her to the ground and tumbling over to a puddle in the mud. Both covered in wet dirt, the Varjan Warrior dunked Liliana's under the water with the intent to suffocate her.

Fortunately, Liliana needed not to save herself. An arrow struck the Varjan Warrior's neck, falling over and releasing the Fairy, before the familiar shape of Ayu appeared. The spy woman then pulled Liliana up and wiped away some of the mud. "I know I was told to stay behind, but I got worried. Things are getting pretty intense, huh?"

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"We are not barbarians like the Varjans are. We simply seek information. We are searching for the killers of Clan Tokinomiya. Do you have any information about such persons, or an idea as to where we could find information?"
Eula 039

You don't know her, yokai! She's insane!" Kana pleaded with Eula.

The captive was silenced when Sorae brought her naginata to her neck. "Answer her question, Kana. Do not try my patience any further." If Sorae's gaze could literally pierce, Kana would have been impaled by now.

"I swear, I know nothing!" Kana replied.

Sorae raised an eyebrow. "You swear?" She repeated. "On your life?"

"Yes! On my life!"

The last Tokinomiya then used her free hand to pat down Kana. Sorae then smiled an evil grin as she fished out a piece of folded parchment from inside Kana's clothes. The captive's eyes widened as she realized she had sealed her fate with that swear. Sorae flicked open the folded parchment to reveal a map, not detailed but full of symbols. A coded map likely used by persons of espionage.

With the sudden oath broken, Sorae sweeped Kana off her feet. "No, no, NOOOO!" Sorae stepped on the captive to stop her from squirming away before raising her naginata for a downward thrust.






Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

ATTN: @PaulHaynek (Katsuhiro/Blacksmith)
Alice would stand, once the storyteller was all said and done with his tale. Though, it had involved little information about her own past interactions with the Heavenly Strike, but had afforded her plenty of potential moving forward. To reach the holy site of the ancient swordmaster, Kenshiro, would give Alice access to a wealth of swords with decades of experience and teachings for her to assimilate and build up to speak to the man himself. In doing so, Alice could take on his mantle, and master, if not even improve, on his technique.

However, it was clear that the Heaven Strike was in the hands of the Varjans, now, and out of her reach for the time being. Theoretically, she could assemble an away team, and launch an expedition to find Kenshiro's Rest, the holy site for his students, but who could she afford to bring on such a feat?

If she assumed the basic needs, she would need a Magician, a Tank, a Rogue, and Ranger with herself as the Fighter.

In order to figure out who would best fill those slots, she would walk about the temple, and take a survey of the other Taskforce members...

Of the Magicians, she had the options of Io the Lich, Atsuha the Jorōgumo, and Liliana the Fairy. Immediately, she would cross the Fairy and the Lich off the list; she didn't have the time to babysit a fairy that only knew Wild Magic in the heat of combat, and a Lich that required prep time would be equally as useless in a pinch.

That left the Jorōgumo and her foreign magic with a heavy use of seals, but being half-spider afforded Atsuha unique advantages over Io and reliable abilities over Liliana.

Of the Tanks, her pickings were slimmer with the options of Gringor the High Orc, and Himami the Jiangshi. There was also the option of Eula the Automaton, but she wouldn't rely on a Tank that could only fulfill that role at the cost of expensive repairs. Between the two, Alice felt she would tolerate the Jiangshi over the High Orc - uppity species, Orcs; uppitier species, High Orcs.

In addition, it would seem the Jiangshi and the Jorōgumo were related, so it made the decision all the easier to follow through. Plus, an undead that couldn't feel the pain she was tanking for was all the better.

Of the Rogues, her pickings were equally as slim as before with the options of Skarsneek the Goblin and Kerry the Hornet. That decision was the easiest of all: she hadn't slept with the Goblin.

Also, on the subject, the Goblin was sleeping with the Jugoromō, so that was even more fuel to avoid picking the Hornet and any awkward distraction during the trek and fighting.

That left the Ranger, and arguably... no options. There were no dedicated range weapon users. That would require a rearranging of her team composition, or she would need to sacrifice the range advantage.

Unless she opted for a Wild Card...

Takeshi the Human.

Though Alice had no desire to involve the Acting Regent of her newfound Kingdom of Terauchi Temple, it would have to serve.

With the team and the preparations planned, Alice would have only to collect her blade and get to it.
Said blade was collecting her arms with her hair, the long lock pulling them close to each other, and to her. "I appreciate your efforts, regardless," she says, as the blades transformed into her arms; fingers wiggling and flexing - most notable, her nails looked immaculately polished and filed to perfection, as if the Blacksmith had given her a high-class manicure. "Very nice..."

Carroll’s tone was almost purring, as she separated the lock of hair into two strands, and secured her arms in place; the demonic slime reaching out from her sleeves to reconnect.

"I might have to make regular appointments," Carroll muses, exposing a surprising level of vanity, "I’d be very interested to see, if you can -- "

"There you are," Alice interrupted her sword. "I have a lead on this scar of mine. I think we were involved in a battle with this technique called the [Heavenly Strike]. It’s, basically, [Injection] on Cheshire Dust."

"Well, that sounds rather fetching to learn," Carroll says, "But, if it was fast enough to breach your parry, it’s not something we can simply broach without a plan."

"Already a step ahead of you," Alice says, smugly thumbing her nose, "I put together a team."

"Well, look at you," Carroll says, "We’re are we going to rendezvous, then?"

"Uh... about that... they aren’t... you know... here... YET!" Alice says, rubbing the back of her head, "BUT, once they are, they’ll be glad to join me, after they learn what I’ve done for this place."

Carroll sighed, rubbing her temples, "Gunning ahead blind, as usual."

"Ehehehe...~" Alice giggled sheepishly. "Anyways, let’s go get supplies! We need rations, a map, and camping supplies."

"Hopefully, we can afford it," Carroll says, "Speaking of, I will make sure I pay you for your fine service, sir. And, repeat business," she smiled pleasantly, before starting the search for a general supplies store, "Let’s go, my Airheaded Empress."

"Don’t call me that in front of people! Disrespectful sword!" Alice whined, as stalked after Carroll, leaving the Blacksmith to his own devices, as they disappeared.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Skarsneek of the Red Hills

"Hrng, we're still on plan since their head honcho is here." Skarsneek looked at the bigger picture since this was what they wanted as the commander Na'kratz was intent on seeing them dead personally which allow the fleet to sail closer and Varjan response to be slower.

Still, that's just buying time. They'll need to take him down eventually.

"We'll pull a little back, then when he's in the centre of this building." He flicked his finger across his neck before thumbing upwards. "I can try hiding inside the ceilings, but it only work once."

Rains at least helping them in that favor. He idly thought as he looked towards Io. "Think you can make an illusion of me? Just a simple one that you can maintain."

"Otherwise, I got a good old trick ready for him." Skarsneek smiled with mischief, his eyes already spying on the multiple things littered in this place that can pass for a goblin short horns and figure.

All he needs is one good lighting and a sneaky hiding spot, then even in the briefest of moment. It'll serve as another opening.

All of that however was thrown right out of the window as a sharp shout interrupted his thoughts before he felt multiple heavy footsteps.

He barely got a word of warning before their quarry burst through the paper thin walls grabbed Io and went right into the ground with her.

Skarsneek snapped his quarterstaff into two but Shizuka was promptly hurled toward him, forcing the latter to bowl backward and serve as an impromptu cushion. Much to his displeasure.

“Shi-!” He rolled Shizuka to one side and raced towards Na’kratz, keeping his footsteps and breath at his quietest before leaping upwards, both weapons raised above his head and bringing it downwards in a blur.


Gringor of the Ironhide Tribe

Marching his way to the port, his eyes spied the weather and it'll be night by the time he arrives.

Quickening his pace, Gringor hoped to reach there early but someone appeared in the way.

A weird but not out-of-place scene. The man also didn’t looked like he belonged to a Varjan and he was rushing, so he ignored the former until he was called out.

“Hmm?” Gringor looked at the other person with a raised brow before switching to the cart. “Busy, need to go bash some heads in.”

Moments after stepping past the man, an idea formed before he looked back at him. “But can help, if you help me bash some Varjan ‘eads in.”

If it was accepted, Gringor took his axe, prized weapon of generations of High Orcs. Each inherited it after a trial by combat, and jammed the bottom end part under the wheel of the cart.

He then found a good enough rock, placed it under and with a might heave, pulled his axe downwards. A trick he learned from his elders as they discovered the most effective way to pull a cart wheel out of sticky mud.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Kerry looked at Takamori after he made that request. Actually looked at him, dead in the eye, to see he really meant what he said. Upon seeing that he indeed stood by his statement...

".....Heh...Heheheh.....Wow.......The fucking gall you have of asking me to honor that..."

Kerry began to approach Takamori, smirking but the archer could tell there was nothing jovial behind her expression.

"The man is moving heaven and earth for your countrymen, Takamori."

Her trek continued, her smirk slowly being replaced with an intense scowl, along anger now creeping into her voice.

"Putting his life on the line every day, going against your rules and traditions just so your people can have even a morsel of a fighting chance in this war and doing it all with a smile to inspire hope and courage!"

The anger was now brimming in her tone as she closed in on the human, her hands twitching in a clear display of restraint as she fought the urge to pull out one of her spears.

"Takeshi is doing everything in his power and ability to save this speck of dirt you call home......and you would have him killed for it!?"

Kerry now stood before Takamori, noses almost touching as she stared him down, as if trying to burn a hole in his soul.

"I should sting you in the fucking gut for asking me that!"

Silence followed as the mamono and human stood glaring at each other, the breeze whistling through the air and the birds chirping in the nearby forest. After a tense minute, Kerry turned and began walking away.

"I take it we're done here.", she spoke, curt and to the point. "If you got nothing else you need help with, then I'm heading back. Thanks for showing me a reason why Shizuyama shouldn't be saved."

Without even waiting(and not caring, to be honest) for a reply, Kerry took flight and made her way back toward the temple.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


[@Breakthrough Crew]
This plan was going great! Until it wasn't!

Whimsy was snatched by one of the warriors that had gotten the least amount of rock in his briefs, who proceeded to show Liliana that Shizuyama's mud definitely tasted worse than the mud from her home. (No one must ever know.) But still, the little fairy was struggling to breathe, about to try and size trick to get out of this sticky situation when who else but Ayu arrived. Pulling Liliana from the mud and even brushing a bit off of her, Ayu would see that Liliana had looked genuinely scared for a moment, before she giddily hugged the human spymaster. "Ayuuuuuu! Thank you thank you thank you! I promise, you can come along on whatever adventure you wanna! No more worrying from me. That guy didn't know what hit 'im!" the fairy blubbered, happy to be saved.

Still, there were more heads to crack, and this time Liliana wouldn't be in a good enough mood to use Whimsy's flat side. "Alright busters, you've got no chance now! Let's mess them up, then go help Shizuka and everyone else," Liliana proclaimed, before once more taking flight to assault the Varjan soldiers.


Wordlessly, Eula watched the interrogation, a seemingly coldhearted onlooker to the swear, and the life that was to become forfeit.

That was, until Sorae found her naginata unable to budge those last few inches, the automaton's arm held at its full length over the warrior's shoulder to grip her weapon with monstrous strength, preventing it from finding purchase in Kana. Sorae could almost feel Eula's eyes staring a hole in the back of her head, her grip firm enough to snap the naginata in twain if she exerted a bit more force.

"Lady Sorae. I promised no undue harm would come to her. Just because she swore on her life doesn't make it forfeit. If anything, sparing her will prove an important point. You are not like the barbarians that have come to slaughter. You have come for justice. Not vengeance. Correct?" Eula pleaded, hoping that she could let Sorae's conscience decide Kana's fate. She had no idea what Sorae had gone through...and yet, she was sure, this senseless killing would only cause her further pain.

"We have the map. That will suffice."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Komatsu Bay


Na'kratz's beatdown of Io was interrupted with Skarsneek swinging down his weapons at his head. The force made the Amethyst Prince stumble back, but he recovered just as quickly.

Before Skarsneek knew it, he was dodging and taking punches and jabs from the half-maddened Na'kratz. The fists flew and came too fast for Skarsneek to mount any counter. The Goblin could see openings in-between the swings, but he could not be fast enough to actually exploit them. He had to watch for the next punch as soon as the previous one ended.

Skarsneek must find a way out of this besides technique, or hold Na'kratz off long enough for his allies to intervene.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

"Alright busters, you've got no chance now! Let's mess them up, then go help Shizuka and everyone else,"

Ayu was got a bit flustered from the hug and simply laughed. "Heh, this is the least I could do for the things you did for Shizuyama."

Liliana and Ayu resumed their attack on the Varjan encirclement, their master unaware that the circle had been broken. Because of the Fairy's and the spymaster's actions, the manor was no longer surrounded as the Varjan forces descended upon the two to deal with them.

As Liliana continued the assault, Ayu covered her with arrows flying from her bow to the Varjans. The invaders fell to the duo, up until a fearsome-looking Varjan approached with a two-handed mace and more armored than the typical Varjan Warrior. A decaying skull affixed at the top of his helmet. "Watch out, Liliana! That one's an Elite!" Ayu warned.

The rain continued to fall as Varjan Elite charged the Fairy with a horizontal swing.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"Lady Sorae. I promised no undue harm would come to her. Just because she swore on her life doesn't make it forfeit. If anything, sparing her will prove an important point. You are not like the barbarians that have come to slaughter. You have come for justice. Not vengeance. Correct? We have the map. That will suffice."
Eula 039

Sorae made a dark smile to Eula, unfazed at the Automaton's strength and piercing eyes. "...Perhaps I have come for vengeance, yokai."

However, Sorae relaxed her grip on her naginata but allowed Eula to continue holding onto it if the latter felt she could not trust the former. "You owe this yokai your life, Kana. Remember that, for the rest of your pitiful life." Sorae then gestured with her face. "Now go. The next time I see you, you'd better be licking the mud off this yokai's soles." Despite the venomous words, the last Tokinomiya watched Kana flee for her life back to Terauchi Temple.

"Now then, let's see what this map's all about."

The map was simple, but coded. However, Sorae immediately recognized what it all meant. "This is a map of supply routes, utilizing Shizuyama's relatively-unknown trails to deliver supplies inconspicuously." She began to explain to Eula. "Ayu told me that they were using these trails since there are hidden refugee camps all over the island. Not everybody can make it to the safety of Terauchi Temple."

"You... you don't think Ayu has anything to do with my family's murder, do you?"

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

“But can help, if you help me bash some Varjan ‘eads in.”

"Of course, of course! I'll bash in as many Varjan heads as you want!" The stranger replied.

He watched, with bated breath, Gringor use his axe to free the cart from the muddy terrain. Despite the High Orc's muscly appearance and powerful axe, the stranger didn't seem to believe the male monster could do it. He was proven wrong, of course, when the cart's wheel was taken out of the mud and was perfectly useable again.

"You did it! I knew you could it! Never doubted for a second!" The stranger lied as easily as he breathed. "Err, about the Varjan bashing thing..."

"You see, I'm actually working for those guys. And while I do have a bit of privilege regarding... disposing some of them without consequence, I really don't wanna push my luck on that. Gotta look like an A-okay boss, you get what I'm saying?" The stranger rather casually revealed. "So, uhh, if we can discuss alternative modes of payment, that'd be real swell. If you're looking for something like cash, then we can definitely go somewhere with that!"

A moment of silence passed before a realization dawned on the stranger. "...Aaaand you're part of the taskforce, aren't you?"

Terauchi Temple

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @Rezod92 ~

Sitting atop the arched gate, the first taskforce member to greet Alice and Carroll was the infuriated Kerry. The Hornet's mood was sour, likely from her venture with Takamori, but perhaps the sight of the intimately familiar Mad Hatter could lift her spirits.

The trio would have some time to themselves before the next party arrived. A whole group of Shizuyamans approached and despite their plain clothes, they did not appear to be mere villagers and peasants. They all had weapons on them, both Shizuyaman and Varjan, and walked with a regal pride befitting of warriors. The group was headed by Kikyo, who simply gave a neutral nod at the present taskforce members at the gate as a greeting before leading the group inside the temple grounds.

Following behind this group, however, was Takeshi who appeared to be closer with the Hangai sisters than with his fellow humans.






Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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@PaulHaynek @Enkryption

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 6 days ago


[at the people at the breakthrough!]

The rune trap was triggered - yet it didn't stop their enemy to the degree Io wanted. There was no time to for reaction from Io when his onslaught began.

She couldn't handle the sudden attacks, each one scattering her focus. While there was no threat of his choke-hold having Io lose consciousness, she was still stuck in a dangerous position. Her enhanced control over her senses allowed her to dull the pain, but the shock her body was encountering was something she couldn't stop completely. Io briefly retreated into her mind, trying to focus and regain control of the situation.

Io realized in a flash that she had been dropped to the ground. Her body rang in warning of the damage she had taken, now that she had returned to her senses, but it was far more manageable now as a dull pain. A trickle of black blood, clearly not that of a truly living creature, rolled down Io's face and briefly shimmered with magical energy as she reached out her hand to cast a spell.

Io poured her plundered magical energy into this spell, hoping to hinder the Varjan prince enough to give the others breathing room. Io had to touch upon something she was well-versed in to turn the tides. A black magic circle shimmered below his feet, and from it grasped countless skeletal remains, clawing and reaching out to bind the Varjan to the floor. Io focused to maintain the magical circle as she stood up - she would have the circle continue summoning more skeletal arms and claws to increase the grip on her target as best she could.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


[@Breakthrough Crew]
With Ayu at her side, Liliana felt like she couldn't lose, and with her support spells firing off, even Ayu would feel equal to ten men. But even amongst mooks, there were those that stood out...and Mr. Bonehead was definitely one such mook. A varjan elite by any measure, and with eyes set to kill, Liliana knew it was time to lock in mentally and fight for her life. "Ayu, I'll take care of him!" the fairy boldly proclaimed before channeling Whimsy's Giant Strength spell and blocking the horizontal strike, then shrinking herself to skid along his blade before he could launch another attack. She was getting used to how the Varjans fought dirty, and anticipated some sort of punch or a kick coming. As such, she'd just get small and slash Whimsy across the elite's arm, starting to abuse her size to fight with a modicum of a brain cell at work.

Liliana had a feeling she shouldn't underestimate her opponent, and as such was leaving a bit of space between strikes to cast an emergency spell if needed. She just hoped that inside, her fellow task force members were doing alright without her.


Eula would keep her silence as Sorae smiled at her, then released Kana. Trusting her enough, the automaton released her grip and let Kana flee. Then came Sorae's questioning of whether Eula thought Ayu was capable of being a traitor...and the automaton had to wonder, what peace came to one who saw shadows everywhere she looked?

"In truth, I don't think anyone of the task force would, logically, or emotionally, be traitors to anyone in Shizuyama. If so, the Varjans could easily have torn the temple apart and lain waste to us all. As for why this map was in her possession...perhaps, there is another branch of resistance to be found somewhere. Or, her connections as a noble allowed her to procure it, Eula theorized, having a feeling that if the Varjans had a map of supplies, this war might as well be over. No army could march on an empty stomach after all, and complete seizure of supply routes would spell doom for everyone.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Restalaan


Member Seen 2 hrs ago



This is why I hate Varjan sorcerers. He cursed inwardly between each blow, normal sorcerers would’ve been goners at close range but Varjans just had to train theirs in close combat decently.

With no other choice and chances, Skarsneek rolled with the punches instead. Na’kratz hits landed and would’ve noticed something changed if he had his mind, since it felt lighter and less impact than before.

Yet in his maddened state, it just bolstered him to go on the offense.

Skarsneek for his part, had to tighten his belt as he rolled his neck, body and shoulders to absorb, disperse then slide the attack away all at once. He was still taking damage but it allowed a breathing room for him and others to take advantage of the opening.

Then at the corners of his eyes, he had to blink severals times before realizing it was darkened shadowy hands reaching out instead of his vision getting swollen.

Sharply and instead of rolling with the punch, he snapped his head forwards instead towards Na’kratz’s fist.

A loud thump and crack echoed across the room, as the fist met the forehead.

Skarsneek saw stars in his head and legs buckled backward but it was done as he grinned proudly.

Na’Kratz’s wrist was bent, even with the armor, Skarsneek's head had forced his fist at a bad angle and such force, it had added into the damage of the wrist.

The goblin's vision, however, darkened as blood poured from the wounds of his head. Despite being a monster, taking a mailed fist straight on hadn’t been kind to him either.

Yet it was done, the brief stop had allowed time for the Io spell to grasp him in place. Hopefully.

Skarsneek can only hope Shizuka followed up, cause he certainly won’t be able to.



“Yes, Gringor is with taskforce.” He deadpanned but hearing the stranger said he’s with the Varjan but still having privilege to bash them in was odd. Still, it was annoying since he had been promised.

But honoring promises is also important, so Gringor hummed a bit before reaching to an idea. A particularly cunning idea.

“If you can’t fight, then tell me, any fighters on the Varjan side that are strong? Or important?” He asked, better to squeeze some information. Ones that they aren’t aware of at least. "Anything they can do? How many bois they lead? Where are they?"

Honestly, Gringor figured if he can bash in the head of the Warboss, it’ll help a lot. More fun too.

Eitherways, Gringor continued to make his way to the docks afterwards, he wanted to get into the fight as soon as possible.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by AzureKnight
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AzureKnight Runic Traveler

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Komatsu Bay: @PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree(Lili) @Crowvette @Restalaan(Skars)

A bit surprised by the physical strength of the Varjan Lord, Shizuka quickly flipped back on his feet in time to see Skarsneek struggling against the maddened Na'Kratz. It seemed he had injured Io as well, as she was on the ground attempting to regain her stride. Although, she had also cast a spell to inhibit him with bony hands. Skarsneek had let himself get injured to take out one of Na'Kratz's wrist, and made it easier for him to be bound by the spell.

"If you're done with your temper tantrum, I think it's time you went to sleep.

Determined to end this, Shizuka phased forward, using [Uryūbutōsen ● Raiu] to deliver a massive pelt of slashes all over Na'Kratz's person. He would feel the devastating effect of being assaulted by slashes backed with lightning and wind sorcery; Io and Skarsneek would feel the immense pressure of the strikes blow over them. Shizuka would then attempt to finish the fight by hopping into the air above Na'Kratz and perform a [Uryūtsuizume], ending it all with a two-handed slash that would decide the contest.

Shizuka could also sense the chi of both Ayu and Liliana nearby outside. Hopefully they'd be alright as well.

Terauchi Temple: @PaulHaynek

Both the sisters looked at Takeshi with surprised expressions at his statement, Atsuha herself had blushed a bit.

"Ah, Takeshi-san. While it is no secret that Skars-kun is my dearly betrothed, I also trust him to take care of himself while out and about. I also understand that my responsibilities extend to the entire of the taskforce - to your cause. I am glad that we could be of help to you and Lady Kikyo." Atsuha's response came with a bright smile.

"What my nee-san said!" Hinami said. "Besides, that meanie-head Gringor seems to always want to go out on his own, and he like saying mean things about big brother Skars-kun!"

Atsuha couldn't help but chuckle at her sister's grievance. Although, the mood began to sour as an odd tension began to fill the air as Takeshi and Kikyo began to speak to one another.

"My Lord and Lady, is...everything alright?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 3 days ago

Komatsu Bay


"BARGH!" Na'kratz screamed in pain as one of his wrists was bent out of shape when Skarsneek decided to meet the Amethyst Prince's mailed fist with his monster-strong head.

With one hand disabled, Na'kratz was powerless to fight back against the skeletal hands that sprouted from the black magic circle that Io conjured. There were far too many of them and the Amethyst Prince only had one hand. He struggled as best he could but there was simply no escape. He was pinned and immobilized there.

And then came Shizuka with his slashes of wind and lightning. Na'kratz could only stand there and take them, his armor being sundered in many places. Shizuka then delivered the final blow, a powerful downward strike with his sword. The Amethyst Prince, breaking one of the skeletal limbs grabbing him, raised his remaining arm in a futile attempt at defense. All it resulted, however, was a sliced off arm with the slash continuing to hit the main body.

Seemingly mortally wounded, Na'kratz fell to the ground with a thud. Bleeding from his missing arm and multiple slash injuries as well as being electrocuted from Io's earlier trap, it was kind of a miracle that the Amethyst Prince still held onto life.

Regardless, the taskforce trio had finally won and the Varjans' top leader here was eliminated. They could hear sounds of fighting outside and should probably check, but they can also inspect their wounds first.


~ @The Irish Tree (LIL) ~

As Liliana predicted, the Varjan Elite immediately attempted to grab the Fairy after the latter blocked his attack. However, his hand missed when Liliana shrunk in size and was slashed in the arm for his trouble. Despite wincing in pain, the Elite made no sound.

Putting some distance between her and the Elite, Liliana watched the Varjan swing his mace upwards despite being nowhere near her. But striking her was never the plan, the mace head made contact with the muddy ground and so, a splash of mud and water was sent flying towards the Fairy.

Liliana only had a second to react to this surprise maneuver. Regardless of what happened, the Varjan Elite immediately trudged over to continue his assault.

Shizuyama Wilderness


~ @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

"In truth, I don't think anyone of the task force would, logically, or emotionally, be traitors to anyone in Shizuyama. If so, the Varjans could easily have torn the temple apart and lain waste to us all. As for why this map was in her possession...perhaps, there is another branch of resistance to be found somewhere. Or, her connections as a noble allowed her to procure it,
Eula 039

Sorae scoffed. "Need I remind you, yokai, that Ayu has been spying for your Lady Kyouko for what could be a decade. She may be fighting the Varjans, but that doesn't make her Shizuyama's ally."

The warrior woman was silent for a moment, pondering her words and relenting. At least, a bit. "...But I suppose it's not much evidence. At least, not enough." Sorae said. "I will continue my investigation and look for more leads other than this. In the meantime, I want you to ask Ayu about the map. Coax the truth out of her. Use threats if necessary..." She asked of Eula before realizing just what kind of person the Automaton was. "...If you're capable of that. You seem to be unwilling to hurt even the most annoying fly."

"Regardless, we'll part ways for now. I'll see you back at the temple." Sorae nodded at the Automaton.

This quest was done. It was up to Eula to head back to Terauchi Temple, or go somewhere else.

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

“If you can’t fight, then tell me, any fighters on the Varjan side that are strong? Or important? Anything they can do? How many bois they lead? Where are they?"

"Uhh, all of them? Have you seen the weapons they swing? Gigantomassive, right?" The stranger shrugged, seemingly that Gringor has dispatched many of these Varjans.

Gringor, probably dissatisfied with the answer, continued on his way. But after passing by the mercenary, the High Orc would feel something incredibly hard hit the back of his head. It had enough force to actually send Gringor falling face-first into the soil. Upon looking, the High Orc saw a crossbow bolt right beside him. It appeared someone shot him with a crossbow aimed at his head from behind, and hitting the mark. Had Gringor been a human, he would be long dead.

Looking back, Keith could be seen holding a crossbow. Which he quickly hid behind him. "Hey, don't look at me. I didn't do anything!"

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

"My Lord and Lady, is...everything alright?"
Atsuha Hangai

Takeshi and Kikyo's conversation was cut short when Atsuha asked the question. The former was the most confused. "Umm... everything's alright, Atsuha." He let out a sheepish laugh, wondering where exactly this came from.

"Indeed. Or perhaps you are jealous that I have Lord Takeshi's time to myself right now?" Kikyo accused the spider monster, albeit in a teasing, non-serious way. Although, such a jest was uncharacteristic of her.

"Ah, but Madam Atsuha's already married, Kikyo." Takeshi pointed out. "She only has eyes for Skarsneek."

"Hmph. You defend the yokai too much, milord."

The ominous feeling passed, but the Hangai was sure they felt it.

Terauchi Temple

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL) ~

A whole group of Shizuyamans approached Terauchi Temple and despite their plain clothes, they did not appear to be mere villagers and peasants. They all had weapons on them and walked with a regal pride befitting of warriors. The group was headed by Kikyo, who simply gave a neutral nod at the present taskforce members at the gate as a greeting before leading the group inside the temple grounds.

Following behind this group, however, was Takeshi who was together with the Hangai sisters and having pleasant conversation. "...and that's why I plan on growing coffee beans here once I become Island Lord of Shizuyama."


(Currently in collab)






Hidden 1 yr ago 10 mos ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


[@Breakthrough Crew]
As expected, the Varjan fought dirty, with the intent to get Liliana dirty! Liliana would fly back in order to avoid the distraction, and...also because, ew, mud, and would instead fire back with a dirty trick of her own.

"Give it to 'im Whimsy! Please!" Liliana said, raising her sword and firing off a slash that would manifest her spell, forming into another tide of magma that quickly devoured the muddy water beneath as it surged towards the Elite foe, hopefully stopping him in his tracks. Liliana wouldn't drop her guard however, ready to begin her assault anew with Ayu backing her up.


"I will ask her when she returns, then," Eula said, ignoring the comments about her being incapable of hurting flies. Quite the opposite, really, a demonic energy stungun was lethal to beings that small. "Farewell, Lady Sorae," Eula said in parting, before she herself would start to return to the temple, taking a bit of a scenic route as she went along the way.

Parsing Query: Revenge's Purpose

Data Expunged. Re-parsing.

Access Denied. Please contact an administrator to access-

Eula would smack the side of her head to silence her internal voice, going from analytical to introspective, the buzz of digitized questions forming into more human thoughts. "Sorae's family...would revenge make them happy? Would it make her happy? ...Can...anything? Family...Carroll had a family, and she lost them too," Eula said, before raising the hand that Carroll had held hours ago, flexing the digits of it one by one. "Am I...somebody's family too?"

Eula didn't have an answer. The closest she'd felt to attachment to someone was the farmhand who'd taken her in, who grew old and died before her eyes. She'd smiled with such conviction when she said she loved humans, and yet...now, the Automaton wasn't sure what love was. It was something warm, brilliant...the one in Carroll's dreams radiated it. Eula knew she didn't. Like comparing the sun to a warped reflection of it and expecting the same warmth. Her directive was altered at some point, to find love and yet...

"I fight against foes I can't kill, answer questions I am unsure of, and grasp hands that I have no right to hold. Someday, I'll leave this land...and...will I fight the same fights? Still have no answers?" Eula thought before shaking her head and hurrying back to the temple. There was no time to defeat her fears or answer them. She simply had to keep on fighting to liberate Shizuyama, in her own pacifist, hypocritical way.
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