Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

"A Gastly Sight! Unless-?

It wouldn’t be long before Clarissa would feel a chill up her spine. The air noticeably cooled. The foyer itself seemed to be a square room. The old lights overhead hummed with electricity still, thankfully giving off light despite years of disuse in the factory. A desk where there was likely once a check-in or some sort of security personnel letting people in once worked. And just behind the desk, was a TV.

It would switch on, static playing on its screen.

An initial shudder from the chilling aura in the air ran up her back, even as the scene began to rapidly shift in the lobby before her. A TV had turned on, as impossible as it seemed for such an abandoned place, static screen flickering ominously before them. Even so, the static screen was a somewhat familiar thing that reminded her of when television would have had outages back where she'd lived in Orre. Still, between this, the drop in air temperature, and the thrum of electcicity running audibly through the lights above her, it was a sign something like a gh-

“Gaaastly…?” Floating just through the wall near where her had was, a ghostly noise and a little black ball of floating gas was now watching this static screen, looking from her, to it. It didn’t immediately seem hostile…more curious than anything, perhaps, though it was floating between the door and herself, making any escape route having to go through it…

Ah-....it was a ghost Pokemon. One that had floated in from next to her head and come upon her location, despite her hopes that the entranceway would be a safer place to hang out for the moment until backup had arrived.

All the same, however, Sir Lopsalot seemed only a little less surprised than she felt at the whole scene. The little Buneary would blink for a moment, and then immediately would hop closer to Clarissa and come to her left side before turning around, crossing his little bunny arms in a protective sort of manner as he tried to put himself between his trainer and potential danger. At the same time, however, Clarissa tried to gently put a hand up to Sir Lopsalot to keep him from....er....moving in front of her more and potentially starting a fight they couldn't really win at the moment.

It was then she looked back up at the curious little ghost Pokemon in front of her.

"Hi there, little one. It's curious to see you here."

Her voice was gentle and soft as she tried to breifly smile at the little ghost Pokemon while speaking to it. Likewise, she tried to gently extend out her psychic powers once more in a more slow and methodical manner, hoping to get a better read on the Pokemon's mood in the room without trying to probe or prod the actual Pokemon itself with her powers. Even so, Clarissa would go somewhat paler in the face as some of the prior strain of sensations she'd had to recover from seemingly minutes ago began to seep back in....just like the chill in the air, which was now creeping back down her spine even as she spoke. Her eyes would also look to the static screen, and then look back to the Gastly once more to boot.

With her rolling suitcase of things next to her, the psychic tried to think for a moment before gently unzipping the front-most exterior pouch on it where her mom had told her to look 'for an emergency snack' if needed. She hadn't any idea if her parents had packed her anything for the road, but it didn't seem too Farfetch'd to hope there was something inside. Ugh. It made her wish that she'd taken the time to-

Aha! One small bag, with several cured strips of tough, dried-...jerky inside. Jerky. Her dad had likely sent that to go with her things, as it was his favorite local brand he'd picked up after they'd moved to Eidda. Not something she felt was a favorite food of sorts, but which was a good ration for the road that she could at least tolerate and didn't hate either. Maybe she had ought to buy some long-lasting trail mix or such before leaving Byjerfal in the future, really, but she hadn't any other options now either.

"Would you like a little snack?"

Her voice kept its gentle beat and softer tone as her right hand wiggled in the bag for a moment, even as she took a piece of one of the tightly-packed sticks of jerky from the bag and gently held it out to the little ghost Pokemon. Not something of a food item that Sir Lopsalot would like or could eat, which was a bit peturbing to he but perhaps also fortunate at the moment, though the food itself had a distinctly smoky and likewise not entirely unpleasant smell of few choice seasonings and herbs that had been applied to it.

Er, it was not much of an offering at least. An offering to a ghost though? Hmm. Odd enough as it was to attempt in-person, but she'd heard of offerings to the dead from some of her grandmother's friends back in Agate Village. Maybe this would be a good idea for the moment?

Still, the Pokemon here before her overtly seemed curious and not hostile, at least, which was something. Not unless her attempt to better read the room pulled up anything else passively from it here. Still, the first thing that had come to mind was a gentler approach. Non-hostile body language. The sort of thing she'd used on Sir Lopsalot when he had begun to recover first.


Well, Sir Lopsalot certainly wasn't going to be happy about this in any case it seemed, but he was at least holding to her side rather than going any farther forward for the moment. A moment of restraint that the psychic hoped would last for the time being, at least if things went well at all in this attempt to keep the peace and such until backup arrived.


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Seasalt Caverns — B2F

"Uh... Huh."

Though he hadn't said anything about his own feelings on the two women who had appeared in front of them after their explanation, the skepticism that Richard possessed was rather evident from the way he was regarding them. It was hard to accept what was being said at face value, regardless of the conviction that they said it with. After all, placing the fate of the country at stake was just a bit too absurd in terms of stakes.

...But something about that strange stone hanging off the long-haired girl's neck did feel slightly unnerving. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to at least see what the actual problem was...?

Either way, though, the pair seemed more than inclined to leave the cave behind them, and it seemed that they didn't particularly mind him tagging along. All the better, really; with both of his team members banged up, encountering a fight on the way back would be at least somewhat problematic.

The awkward silence back had to be filled, though, and if he was to capitalize on any instinct of his about the supposed issue at hand being something that wasn't actually being dramatized, now was as good a time as any to do so.

"So, uh... How exactly do you lose, uh... Spirits? Ghosts? I assume it's one or the other," he asked, hands in his pockets as Luna followed closely at his heels. "...Actually, how do you even have them to begin with?"

If anything, starting on the premise that those were real was a good a place as any to try figuring things out. Even if this was all a farce, idle conversation was better than nothing.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
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Isla Gill

Location: Pines End
Mentions: @Pyromania99

“Mhm, Travel back towards Byerlfal on Route 1. About a third of the way there, you’ll see a tree with some talismans hung on it. Go south from that tree and you should soon find a small, overgrown path. That should take you to it. Wild pokemon are a bit more prevalent in that area though, so be careful if you do go.”

Back towards Byerlfal…third of the way…tree with talismans, turn south…small, overgrown path…Isla tried to mentally imagine the route, especially when it was one she had taken up to Pines End. She couldn’t recall any such tree with talismans when she’d gone one way…maybe they were hung a certain way or Isla had just not noticed the tree as she’d walked along. Of course, as she was busy with contemplating the route, taking out her Pokédex with one hand to draw out a little map with a general approximation of a third back, the priestess and her Pokémon had been busy talking. The young girl caught only portions of it and the end.

“Hatty wants us to go with you if you go to the shrine.”

Isla blinked, almost owl-like in the proposition. She wasn’t completely against it, though…last she could recall, that type was especially sensitive to emotions. It might make things somewhat more uncomfortable for the little guy, considering what Yasu had said about wild Pokémon being more prevalent. She couldn’t say for certain, but imagined that they might become a bit more aggressive as one ventured further into the forest, into what was their domain.


Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"Ahh, sorry. I'll let you get back to work so the professor doesn't get too mad at you. Thanks for the information. I'll let you know morea about this later." Camila said, hanging up the phone. Well, at the very least the sources corroborated each other. So about a hundred years ago, a child went missing during a festival and it was cancelled after that. Strange as that may be, Camila found it was a bit weird that they never ran the festival again. Festivals were things to entertain the masses though, if the festival was for Celebi and a child went missing then it wasn't too far a thought of them never wanting to host a festival Pokemon.

Still, this seemed to repeat itself. Or, something happened ten years ago. The professor got involved with them here it seemed. If a hundred years ago a kid got spirited away... It wouldn't be too off to think it happened a decade ago. Or, there was an attempt at the least. Camila knew she wouldn't get any information out of the professor if she called. It's been a busy day and she seemed frustrated with Freida earlier. If it was only a decade ago... Then the victim of such a situation could only logical be one of two options. Yasu herself or perhaps even a sibling.

She pondered asking Yasu bluntly but didn't think that would do very much. Not unless she had a little more information about her. That was when her eyes went wide and she looked in the room she currently was in. This was where the records were. She had focused so hard on the far past she hadn't thought to check the more recent pieces of data. While Yasu was still busy talking to Isla, Camila took the chance to do a little digging about recent records. Surely there was something around here about a missing child, or even small references that make no sense if one doesn't know the context. If not, perhaps there was something... like what they discussed with the professor outside of that."
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Pokémon Center || Late Morning
"So, this is Stellar Toy Co.," Yuu mused aloud in a nonchalant voice for no other reason other to announce his arrival as he ducked through the hole in the fence and emerged on the other side with his hands in his pockets. His partners, Jojo and Vivi, were both close behind, with Jojo hopping over the hole before landing and striking a pose, "Riolu!" Vivi on the other hand floated over the fence instead of simply going through, and was whirring and buzzing with excitement, puffing their chest or whatever constituted as a chest for a Rotom-phone out.

Trudging forward, Yuu's eyes shifted between the ninja girl, the gyaru who he presumed was Chloe, the Snubbull that was resting in her bag, and Aster's butt sticking out the side of a window. Yuu seemed relatively unfazed by the Aipom monkeying around as he grunted before looking up into the skyline and squinting. The boy frowned for the umpteenth time before deftly whipping out the Pokedex and attempted to scan the Pokemon flying over the factory.

"So, you're the girl that came to the lab late... lemme guess: too busy shopping for some new clothes and ended up being fashionably late or some crap?" Yuu's tone shifted when he finally addressed Chloe, not even giving a smidgen of niceties with his cold, sardonic comment.

As he did this, he would wait to see if anything would pop up on the Pokedex before moving onto scanning Chloe's Snubbull, not giving the AI Professor a chance to relax as he continued talking in a disconnected manner. "Eh, whatever your justification is I could care less. Point is we're all here to help Clarissa out for one reason or another."

Yuu rolled his eyes as he sighed, grousing about the situation as he listened to AI Camphor's half-opinionated, half-factual information with aplomb. Once she was finished with her response, the violet-haired boy would deftly pocket the Pokedex before staring down the door with a commanding gaze before glancing over to Jill who was standing nearby the door, "I'm guessing you already tried the door."

In spite of this passing comment, Yuu would follow up by putting all of his might into forcing the rusting doors open. While he was busy with his own attempts, both of his partners were both up to their own investigations.

Jojo on one hand was an ever inquisitive little Riolu and was blatantly curious about Pokemon snuggled up in Chloe's bag, so much so that he strolled over to the Snubbull and got up on the tips of his little beans and leaned in slightly to get a better look at her. "Rio," the Riolu chimed in, slightly tilting his head, causing him to do a little bounce to maintain his balance.

Regardless, he hopped around, continuing to inspect the pink creature before finding himself in front of her once again. Instead of looking like a Riolu attempting to perform ballet, Jojo firmly planted both of his feet back on the ground and relegated himself to looking up at Snubbull... briefly. Once he regained his bearings, Jojo would go on to hop up and down with unbound enthusiasm and a massive smile on his face, waving one of his paws in the process. "Riolu!" There was warmth in his excitable exclamation, no doubt trying to introduce himself and befriend the fairy type in the process.

Vivi on the other hand, despite the initial misgivings, cautiously floated towards Aster. Instead of heading inside like the Aipom, kept a somewhat healthy distance away in their mind. In truth they were still within range to get grabbed by the mischievous monkey, but they were more curious about what lied inside, peeking in to survey the area and see if there was anything worth taking pictures of.

As for Yuu, no matter how much effort and strength he put into it the door would not budge. "Uggh, damnit," Yuu cursed at his own inability to force the rusted-over doors open as he backed away, running a hand through his hair. Was a fools errand, but it didn't hurt to give it a shot himself. "Yep, looks like you did..."

As he grumbled over this, Yuu's eyes shifted back over to the window, "Whatever misgivings you have ninja girl, best get over it as we don't have a lot of options to get in... so, lets stop wasting time and get to it; come on Jojo, lets follow after Aster and Vivi's example."

The Riolu stopped bouncing up and down with unmatched and unbridled delight before cheerily chirping out "Rio," before bounding to Yuu's side and walking alongside him. Clearly he wasn't even going to wait for the two to sort out their own feelings on the manner as he forged ahead, undeterred by the conditions of the dilapidated factory.

In spite of his indifferent visage, the steps he took told a different story. Every step he took exuded confidence and despite the urgency of the text, he was much more relaxed than one might expect.

Wouldn't be the first time he went somewhere haunted and it definitely wouldn't be the last.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seasalt caverns

“Hm.” As they walked, Marzana would offer a pouty frown. “You lose them because a little thief decides she wants to play a game with you.” A total non answer once again as she’d take the necklace off from around her neck, holding it out in an open palm for Richard. “A family heirloom of sorts. This keystone is…sort of a key? Prison. That’s the easiest way I can explain it. That thief broke it, but I’ve made a new one. Anyways, don’t worry about the details, it won’t help. Just know they like to cause trouble. Me and Mattie here just finished dealing with one deeper in the caverns.”

As they walked, Marzana took a decidedly lazy approach, and curiously Richard would notice a distinct lack of wild pokemon on their way back up, almost as though they were avoiding something. Them, perhaps. The only ones that remained were a few Nacli that didn’t seem bothered.

“If you want to know more, boy.” A small smile formed on Marzana’s lips as she moved closer to Richard. “Come find me on route 4…but before that,” The entrance to the cave was in sight now, the walk not having taken long at all since there weren’t any wild pokemon or Richard wasn’t making a mad dash to flee from said wild pokemon. “I have…to go do my day job, so to speak, ahaha. Ta-ta. See you around, Richard. Or not. Come on Mattie.”

beep beep. Richards pokedex would ping the moment the two decided to leave. It was a text from Laurel.

Laurel: Richard, I think I’m about done here. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but Miss Clarissa ran into trouble and Byjerlfal and is requesting help…I plan on continuing on to Giervor, but I wasn’t sure you’d have a signal in that cave. You can thank me later for this information. I don’t care whether you go or not to help her, I’ll be fine.

Laurel: Munchlax is doing well, by the way. The little cretin has already eaten half the food I had prepared for this trip.

Stellar Toy Factory

Going in through the window, the group would find themselves in the main factory area of the old factory. A few conveyor belts, old, rusted machines. Some spooky looking machinery that looked like it’d be pretty noisy if turned on. Upon Yuu and Jill climbing in through the window, Jill would have a rather amusing sight. A small group of about five rattata had apparently been congregating under the window. Asters' sudden appearance though, seemingly spooked them and caused them all to scatter.

A few lights flickered overhead, indicating the place still had power. Despite it being the middle of summer here in Byjerlfal too, a persistent chill permeated the area. A steady, rhythmic electrical bzzt noise could be heard coming from a nearby machine.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

The Gastlys spherical body tilted to one side, almost mimicking a head being cocked to one side out of curiosity, observing the jerky.The ghost type proceeded to laugh, open its mouth and with its long, fairly big tongue licked up the jerky and proceeded to happily chew on it. Clarissa had at least avoided a battle, though she was now a bit...damp from it.

“Gaaaastly.” Seemingly satisfied, it proceeded to sink into the floor, leaving Clarissa alone, though she got the distinct feeling from her abilities that it was still nearby…and watching her. More disconcertingly though, was that the TV displaying static seemed to flicker, briefly showing something else…just as a door further down a hallway opened, all by itself. If she checked the front door, it would appear to be locked, as would any other door aside from the one that had opened.

If she decided to, indeed, head towards that room she’d find a small staircase leading up to a second floor. Seemed like it was a bunch of office spaces for management at one point. In a perhaps good display of luck, there was an open window at the end of the hallway. A Murkrow was roosting lazily on the window sill.


“Do I look like I know the answer to that?” Yasu responded gruffly. “But…well, Hatty probably has her reason.”


“...she says she wants to make sure you're safe.”

“Teeeeen.” Hatty, was visibly pouting.

“No other reason, no.” That sounded like Yasu was lying about something, but Hatty didn’t respond as it finished eating its berry, hopped off the table and walked back over to Yasu where it’d hide behind her leg.

The more recent records for Camila wouldn’t show much. It seemed as though the dates surrounding the particular incident ten years ago…were missing. Like someone had done something to them or taken them.

“Hey, you done in there?” Yasu called towards Camila. “Hatty wants me to take you two to that old shrine, so you get out here or I’m leaving you behind.”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Thayr
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Isla Gill

Location: Pines End
Mentions: @Pyromania99

Isla listened to Yasu and Hatty, smiling just a bit under the final realization that the Pokémon just wanted to see them there safe and sound. It was altogether funny, considering his constant shifting behind one person or another’s legs, but generally…pretty heartwarming of a gesture. She stared a second more at the revelation that Yasu would be leading them there, too.

Questions came as quick as a dash. Well, why'd Yasu give directions, then? Why'd she make it sound like there was something or another that Isla and Camila would be going to on their own? Surely it was more something having to so with the talk between the two. There was something else going on, Isla was pretty well sure. She was also pretty well sure that whatever it was, even if the girl asked Yasu wouldn't likely answer. Curious little issues, that's what it was. Dancing shifted on her shoulder, nuzzling just a fraction further in. What was it?

“Well…alright then. I'm ready to go.”

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Seasalt Caverns — Entrance

Marzana's cryptic ramblings gave Richard little peace of mind as they continued back on their path out of the cavern, but that seemed to be balanced out well enough by the fact that the other wild Pokemon weren't anywhere near as inclined to attack a group of people as they were just one.

In the end, though, that did mean that the group had left the area with no further interruptions, and that meant that regardless of if he actually chose to help his two odd saviors out with whatever it was that was troubling them, he had essentially done what he had set out to do in the first place.

"Aah...I'll think about it. Thanks for the escort," he responded, waving his hand in in farewell before realizing something distinctly more unsetting as the pair of women left.

"...Wait, how did she know my name? I don't think I ever said it..." he muttered to himself before the beeping of his Pokedex pulled his attention away from that for the moment. In a single fluid motion, the young man pulled the device out of his pocket to see what had caused it to go off.

The message he had received from Laurel wasn't one that seemed particularly concerning beyond the fact that she was more or less ready to move on from the area, and that some of the others were in need of aid. Given how far they were from the town by this point and how much longer it'd take to go back, heal, and head over to wherever the problem was (and how likely it was that other people were to go and help anyways, given how quickly the groups had broken up), though, it didn't seem like a great idea. Wasting the rest of the day to find that everything was already solved would also feel pretty bad no matter how he cut it, which really only meant one thing.

"I think the others probably have it handled, so I'll probably continue following after you if you don't mind. Still in the area, or am I too late replying?"

If Laurel was already long gone, though, then there wasn't much else to be done except head back anyways.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The two girls had barely made it out of the laboratory when Chloe was made privy to another emergency. One that was, as far as she was concerned, far more tragic and urgent than any haunted old factory could ever be. Apparently, Jill had never used a mobile device in her life, and didn't know how to text. Like, oh my god? In this day and age? She said she had a friend! Who just sent a text! What kind of a friend was he, if he hadn't even bothered to teach this poor girl a skill that essential?! She swore...

Chloe barely noticed them arriving to their destination, all her focus still taken by her own devices, whose functions she was still busily explaining to the poor neglected soul with her.

"And now, look. When you take a picture — like I showed you, remember? — you go to the filters, and— hm? Sorry, come again?" she looked up, only registering what Jill had said when she heard the door rattle. "Oh. Well that's lame. How'd our rescuee get in?"

As if to answer her question, Jill's Pokémon companion up and scurried to the window, her weird hand-tail swinging as she started to squeeze inside. Chloe leaned a hand on her hip and gestured at her expensive clothes with the other, as if they were an explanation on their own. When it was clear they weren't, she spelled out: "I am SO not squeezing in through a window."

Just then, a voice spoke out behind them. Chloe startled, turning around to find them approached by... some rando? Tall, lanky, questionable fashion choices. Though next to Jill, Chloe's ongoing project, everyone else's getup looked pretty normal in comparison.

She was just about to ask if they could help him, when the guy went and opened his mouth and oh my god, who crawled up his ass and died? Was this Yuu? Jill's probably-technologically-and-definitely-socially-challenged friend? Wow, looks like the girl didn't only have poor taste in Pokémon and clothes.

Chloe huffed audibly, shifting to face him. She threw back her hair, lips curling into a sweet — if decidedly fake — smile.

"Maybe you should consider buying some new clothes too, sweetie. I can tell it's been a while since you dug those out of a garbage can." She gave the boy's getup an exaggeratedly judgemental look-over. "Oh, and I'm like so sorry to tell you, but looks like you're a little late too." She nodded towards the window. "Your fellow ape's already inside."

A sudden bark from Snuggles stole Chloe's attention just as the door stole Yuu's. And so, while he went on to try and break through it like an actual Primeape or something, Chloe found her Snubbull barking at a—

"Oh! Well, hi there, cutie! Oh, aren't you a sweet little thing," she cooed at the sigh of a Riolu, squatting down to give the Pokémon pets. "Snuggles, play nice, okay? You two are going to become the best of friends, I can SO tell!"

She was reaching for her bag to let her - furiously, aggressively barking — Snubbull out, when Riolu suddenly bounced after— ugh, no way. How did someone like him have such a cute and well-behaved Pokémon?

... Also, wait, were they seriously heading for the window!?

Yep, they had seriously headed for the window. Chloe dusted herself off for the umpteenth time, her fairy type's barking echoing off the walls and traveling far into the darkness ahead. She shivered; it was cold, and creepy, and damp, and there were definitely things creeping about somewhere in here!

But not actual ghosts, because actual ghosts did not exist.

... Was that buzzing machine about to explode or something?

"Ugh, let's get a move on, we need to find that girl. Actually, oh, gimme a sec." She whipped out her Pokedex and started walking while she texted, trying to decide whether it'd be worth to actually stream this rescue operation now that they had Mister Sourpuss to ruin everything. Maybe she'd just film, and cut him out in post.

we're here! 💖💖 got in thru the window 😱 where r u @?
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo

Jill simply gave a loud sigh as she followed Chloe and Yuu through the window. Her companions would notice she didn't have any actual difficulty getting into the building, showing a similar amount of grace and athleticism to her Pokemon, but she did seem decidedly unhappy about it regardless.

Once they'd gotten inside, Jill immediately started scanning the area for any signs of Aster, seemingly oblivious to everything else. "Aster! Come on! I don't think either of us want to spend night in a police cell again!" she said, cupping her hands around her mouth. "They're probably not as comfy as the ones in Celestic anyway! And the authorities probably won't be as understanding!"

Aster herself didn't seem to be listening one whit. She initially tried chasing one of the rattata, only to be distracted when she heard the strange buzzing nearby, and started shuffling towards the odd machine.
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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"Hmm. How odd. Someone's hiding something here aren't they?" Camila mentioned as she looked through the records. She started to ponder where they might have been hidden, if not outright destroyed on purpose. Before she had a chance to look around much more, Yasu asked her if she were ready to go in that typical, slightly irritated voice. "Oh! Yes!" Camila said, surprised by the break in her train of though. She quickly put all the materials back where she had found them. She didn't want to give this girl more of a reason to dislike her and no one liked someone messing their home up and then leaving.

"So you're taking us to the shrine?" Camila questioned as she joined Yasu, Isla and their Pokemon. "Well, I certainly won't say no to it. It'll be easier than finding it on our own." She mentioned with a smile. Nothing better than a local to take you where you needed to go. "You're not too busy I hope."

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Late Morning
Just before Yuu would slide on in, he would prop his foot against the window sill and lean on top of his knee just before slightly tilting his head to glare daggers at Chloe. He largely ignored the obtuse and invalid insults from earlier, though the latter one seemed to catch his attention as his piercing gaze was just as deathly as he opened his mouth, almost ready to fire back.

He ended up stopping himself before responding with any sort of vim and venom, sighing and grunting to himself before replying with a curt, "Whatever," before deftly sliding through the window with an adept amount of grace. Vivi just floated through without much fanfare, but Jojo on the other hand looked a bit at Yuu with awe before hopping up onto the window and balancing himself.

The crimson eyes shifted to his partner, witnessing how Yuu seemed to land without no issues and was nonchalantly dusting himself off. Puffing his chest out loudly, Jojo let out a resounding "Riolu," that echoed into the musty old factory before hopping upward and forward into the depths of the decrepit building.

As the Pokemon temporarily soared for all about two seconds, he attempted to duck into a roll before slightly skidding as he made his landing and attempted to do what he thought was a cool pose... before promptly letting out an enormous sneeze that reverberated throughout the factory as well. The little pokemon let out a slightly dejected sigh and shrug, but not before feeling a hand gently ruffling his head.

He peered up, feeling a familiar sense of warmth from his partner as he stared at Yuu's bright smile, "Don't let a little sneeze ruin what you were trying to do; I think you did a good job and I think you'll do an event better job next time, so chin up!" Upon hearing those words of encouragement, Jojo smiled back before running over to tackle hug Yuu's leg.

Despite his initial misgivings with the gyaru, Jojo helped melt those feelings away... or at the very least temporarily pushed them to the back of his mind. Still he didn't bother moving as he didn't want to disrupt Jojo, remaining still as he surveyed the vicinity, causing him to deeply frown before muttering, "How the hell did she get to the foyer."

At first glance there were other paths that lead deep into the factory but none that lead directly to the foyer that Clarissa mentioned. That left him a little concerned, and as if on queue both Vivi and Jojo took the rather sullen and focused demeanor of Yuu into account, whether it was the nuances of his features or a direct reading of his aura.

"Rio?" Jojo was the first to speak up as he backed off from snuggling against his trainers leg and tensed up a bit, looking around for any sorts of activity going on in the area. The way he spoke up sounded more like he was asking what was wrong before going on guard as Vivi hovered around Yuu's head, humming with a low static.

"Vivi, you realized what was going on since we've entered huh," Yuu responded to Vivi, to which the Rotom Phone flitted around in a way that resembled a nod before floating down to Jojo's level and looking at him.

Following that, a soft amount of static and whirs began to be emitted from the Rotom Phone, he began to explain the situation in a decent amount of detail, leaving Yuu to talk with the other two. "Hold on, there's something off about this whole sitch; Chloe," Yuu waggled a finger directly at the blonde girl, "keep an eye out on the window and let your Snubbull have some breathing room in case we encounter any ghost Pokemon... So."

Popping out the Pokedex, Yuu began tapping through the miniature device to get to the AI Camphor application, only to pause briefly at the mention of briefly hearing where the ninja girl came from. So she was from Sinnoh as well...

Yuu was abruptly side tracked with this new information as whatever information he had on mind scattered to the wind, only for Vivi to give the violet haired young man a soft headbutt... phonebutt(?) to the face. Blinking, Yuu still was mildly distracted by the new revelation and kept a cautious and suspicious eye on Jill before clearing his throat and looking down at the AI Camphor that popped up on screen.

"Query: My group is currently in the Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory. There seems to be signs of functionality within the factory, such as creepy fluorescent lights and the fact that a terminal nearby looks to still have functionality. Got any advice on how we can approach going through here, as well as any specific types of Pokemon we might encounter?"

As he relayed this question to the AI, Yuu glanced up to see Aster approaching the terminal as well, curious to a fault from what he could tell. Jutting his head over, Yuu began to follow the Aipom as well to investigate as well, with Jojo and Vivi closely accompanying him.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

One Spooky Boi

Eww, it-...ahem. Yes, it seemed happy enough, actually, which was more than enough of a relief to the psychic despite her relative increase in dampness from the ghost happpily licking up the offered snack. This despite the mild frustrations of her partner Pokemon at the very least. He wasn't a happy camper about the whole instance, his little arms being crossed even as he stood there next to her, though in the end Sir Lopsalot seemed to relax a bit as the Pokemon had disappeared into the floor. Though even while it disappeared back into the background, however, Clarissa could feel that the ghost Pokemon wasn't excactly 'gone' either. She could feel it, percieve it even, still lingering....watching her.

Was this a good thing? A bad thing? In truth, she had no real idea frankly for the moment being outside of being grateful about not having had to battle it. Even Sir Lopsalot didn't seem to let his guard down despite a more positive change in mood, keeping close to her but still giving Clarissa a small glance as she tried to wipe her wet hand on the side of her jacket in a small hurry. However, the psychic's eyes would be drawn elsewhere as she wiped her hand off.

The TV, the one with all of the static on it, seemed to flash a display of something for but a moment in time. What was it? She had no clue, but it was as eerie as it could be for thhe moment being. This came as the creaking of an opening door came to her ears, her eyes once again flitting over to the movement of a door further down a hallway nearby seemed to come open on its own. It was a bit disconcerting to say the very least, at least if anything else was taking note of her here beyond the little ghost Pokemon she'd just fed. Though it was enough to make the psychic move to check the front door so she could maybe go and meet-

*rattle rattle*

....locked. Likewise, as she checked other doors aside from the opened one, Clarissa found one by one that each was stuck and locked shut. Not budging. Not opening. Hmm. It was like one of the foreign shows she'd watched on the little TV her mother had for them back in Orre, and a few things she'd seen on TV since moving to Eidda, where some spirit or ghost locked things up in the middle of some kind of horror movie or the like. Or, well, a bit of what one of her grandmother's called-in friends had mentioned to a younger her when asked about why the older woman wore the odd Spiritualist attire she had come to the village donning.

So she just had to take the route before her, yes? One thing at a time, or however the spirit or spirits here playing around with things wanted to go about things for the time being. It was also at this time, as the new trainer walked to the open door to ascend the stairs beyond it, that her device pinged off with a small 'ring'. As she pulled it out to check the messages though, scrolling through and sending a quick 'thank you' to Yuu and the ninja he was coming with-

we're here! 💖💖 got in thru the window 😱 where r u @?

Ah. That made enough sense, she'd found the front door locked herself, but in such a case a window didn't seem to be a bad idea. Well, depending on the chances of it being locked behind her arriving backup. Well, perhaps it would best to relay her situation, and in that vein she would tag the contact info of those who had messaged they'd come to help her for another group message of sorts. Albeit it was a message that wasn't pinging everyone from the lab in one go this time at least.

'The window? Gotcha. Thank you.

Be careful though. Front door locked itself behind me, and most of the other doors where I am were locked too. Had a one door open up down the nearby hall, though, so am heading through it seemingly upstairs to the second floor.

However, her next destination would soon come upon her as she reached the top of the stairs.

If she decided to, indeed, head towards that room she’d find a small staircase leading up to a second floor. Seemed like it was a bunch of office spaces for management at one point. In a perhaps good display of luck, there was an open window at the end of the hallway. A Murkrow was roosting lazily on the window sill.

Offices? It was odd to lead her here, perhaps, but certinaly not unheard of in a place like this she figured. Still keeping the multipurpose device she had in-hand, though, Clarissa would cautiously look around the doors and such about her before her eyes landed on the end of the hallway in front of her. Of all things, and not even having made it to the roof yet, and there was one of the Pokemon she'd come to look for right there! Even so, the girl would hold up her device in her right hand to get information on the bird Pokemon before turning her head to the right.

Maybe this was the reason she'd been led to this floor? Eh. No way to ever be sure on that one. But it was at least a chance for her.

Immediately to her right, ears turning about and eyes flitting about the eerie building, Sir Lopsalot was staying rather on the alert since the Gastly encounter and errie happenings. A little hair on the back of his little Buneary neck was standing to boot, but he would look back at his trainer as she looked down to him. Then as Clarissa made a gesture to 'be quiet' and turned her eyes over to the window and the waiting Murkrow, the little Buneary would seem to perk up a little more as he moved in front of his trainer now. Another Pokemmon! But what did she want to do? This one didn't look as spooky as the last one, though, and he'd seen one of those bird Pokemon before.

Trainer and Pokemon would softly and carefully creep over, at least until they were within a good range of the lazily-resting Murkrow. It was then Clarissa held out a hand to stop Sir Lopsalot from moving closer, before whispering a command to her Pokemon where she knew he could hear. It was time to spring the attempted ambush.

"Sir Lopsalot! Use Power-Up Punch!"

The little bunny seemed to get the idea. Sir Lopsalot would prime himself, crouching for a fast leap, holding up a little fist as it began to softly glow with a little light. He would then spring fast toward the Murkrow, aiming to strike it with his little fist in a surprise attack! The battle would now commence!

Insert the Tai-Lung meme 'our battle shall be legendary' meme here or something.

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 2 - > Route 5

Laurel: Huh? Of course I am. Do you think I’d leave you? We did say we would travel together. It’d be quite unbecoming of me to simply leave you. Besides, I had a few other things to do as well in the area. I’m near the beach right now.

It didn’t take too terribly long to meet up with Laurel. She was waiting on the beach, not too terribly far from the cave. Munchlax was busy sleeping, a half eaten apple stuck in its mouth, laying on the sand. Someone had built a sandcastle on its belly. The pawprints left behind nearby as Verdue lept about in the sand likely made the culprit known.

“Richard.” She’d greet Richard with a faint smile. “Find something in the caves? I can’t imagine going in that place…ugh, I’d need so many baths…Ahem, anyways, if you’re ready shall we? Or do your pokemon need a bit of rest?” Laurel seemed to be just fine waiting until he was ready, so he was free to head back and heal up his pokemon.

When he was ready to go, Laurel would respond with a nod.

The trek down the main road of route 2 would slowly lead away from the coast as the treeline too, slowly started to diminish. The forest giving way to the sun and wind swept plains of the Western Eidda Plains region. Soon too, the road would split. One would go east, along route 4 towards Peltra. The other continued north across rolling hills and through the old ruins…which meant they had just taken their first steps onto route five.

-Route 5-

Rolling and hilly plains, the predominant foot hills of the Eiddan mountains to the north populated primarily by plains loving pokemon as well as those that hung around ruins and old places. Dark-type pokemon also tend to start being seen around here as well since its getting closer to Giervor, well known for their population of such pokemon.

A herd of wild Tauros could be seen running across the plains in the distance, a large cloud of dust behind them as they ran.

As Richard and Laurel would walk, they’d come across a small ruin that had been cordoned off. An emblem of the Giervor Historical society was plastered on a tent and the uniforms of the few people present made it easily identifiable who had done so.

“Alright.” Laurel turned to Richard. “I’m going to find some pokemon and train a bit more, Richard. Word of advice - the Leader in Giervor is a dark-type gym leader. You may want to try and find a pokemon that could help.” Laurel would say. “Also, I don’t want to sound pushy, but,” She’d glance to the side. “Don’t slack on your training. You already beat me once, It’d be shameful if you didn’t stay in top form.”

Stellar Toy Factory

”Response: It was said with a slightly more robotic tone than normal before it devolved into a mildly annoyed huff. ”Really? Really?! You’re going to treat me like some cheap generative AI? I’d be insulted if I actually cared what you think.” Rather loudly and suddenly, it would continue as the Professor relaxed on a chair, leaning back in it slightly as she sipped on a cup of virtual coffee in a mug that said ‘Emotionally Exhausted’. “You want some information about that old toy factory?” The pokedex camphor continued, the Snubbull dematerializing into a pokeball. “If I knew what was everywhere you’d be out of a job ya know? But let's start with the first. It's not strange that the place still has power. Probably cheaper to let it run instead of removing it. Your second query…Best I can say is to expect the usual urban pokemon. Like Rattata and similar. Maybe some trubbish or other trash loving pokemon. Some electric types might also make their home there. Of course, old places like that also might attract some ghost types. Not uncommon in Byjerlfal, especially at night.” A loud sip of the coffee. “Query: Your single brain cell need anything else?” It was asked in a slightly mocking tone.

…AI camphor seemed awfully chatty, a bit more upbeat then the real deal. Still a bit of a jerk, though.

It would be just about now that Aster would shuffle over towards the machine. It was hard to tell exactly what it was for, but it was connected to several old conveyor belts. As aster approached, she’d take notice of a few sparking arcs of electricity leaping from it…and towards…

The Magnemite seemed to take offense to Asters approach, its single eye angrily turning towards the Aipom and blasting a discharge of electricity towards it - a Thunder Wave!

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

Clarissa approached the Murkrow, stealthily, silently. Walking up behind it and scanning it with the pokedex.

“Krrrow?” The Murkrow, having been busy preening and cleaning its feathers seemingly, would turn just in time to see the Buneary leap into the air, and plant its little fist right into the side of its face. “Kroooow!” The dark type pokemon tumbled back, barely able to flap its wings before it was summarily launched outside of the window, tumbling away from the building before managing to steady and level itself.

“Muuuurrrr…” It hovered near the window, glaring at Sir Lopsalot. With a flap of its wings, it would loose a powerful gust towards the Buneary.

Temple - > Ancient Grove

“Oh no, I’m always free.” Yasu grumbled. Hatty, by now, had managed to poke Yasu enough for the young woman to pick her up and carry her in her arms. “Alright, we better get going. The sooner we get this over with, the better.” She’d grumble. “And you two, keep up. I don’t want you straying from the path. Pokemon can get a little aggressive out that way.”

Following Yasu out of the temple, she’d lead them back out into the streets. A short trek later, they’d find themselves back on route 1. Yasu for the most part, kept quiet, not wanting to speak much. Hatty contented herself with simply sitting in Yasu’s arms, though every now and then Camilla and Isla would both catch the pokemon peeking over Yasu’s shoulder and just…staring.


“I believe it was…right…here? Ah, yeah, here it is.” A fairy ways off the road, hidden behind a small cluster of trees was the tree Yasu had mentioned. “Its hard to see from the road, if you don’t know what you’re looking for. My family wanted to keep people away from it as much as possible, but…” Yasu shook her head. “...lets keep going.”

Heading off the beaten path, the group would find a small dirt trail along with more talismans hanging from the trees. The further they went, the more a feeling of something not quite right began to creep up as a cool mist began to cover the ground. Or rather, a feeling of the ancient nature of this place pressing down on the trio.

An oppressive nature that was soon broken by a loud cry.




It happened quickly, from above one of the tall trees a large, insectoid blue pokemon fell to the ground.

A Heracross! Yasu had been knocked to the ground, Hatty rolling across the grassy floor as Yasu dropped her. The blue beetle pokemon wasted no time in turning to face the trio, glaring at the intruders as it readied its horn.

It did not seem like it was here to make friends.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo

Aster gave a loud yelp as the Magnemite suddenly popped out of nowhere and sent a bolt of electricity flying towards her. She attempted to jump out of the way, but wasn't quite quick enough. The electricity hit her tail and immediately started surging through the rest of her, causing her body to seize up in a mid-air and she landed back on the ground very ungracefully, sparks flying from her body as she found her movement was suddenly hindered.

However, the sound did draw Jill's attention to what was happening she very quickly zoned in on her partner's location. She noticed Aster's struggle to move and then noticed the angry magnemite floating above it. Without another word, Jill quickly dug her hands into her pockets and pulled out what appeared to be a crudely-made slingshot and a small pebble. She them attempted to shoot the pebble at the magnemite, specifically aiming for its eye.
Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Route 2

With some spare time to kill as he waited on Laurel's reply, Richard knelt down next to Luna and checked over her wounds from their brief excursion into the cave. As far as he could see, the damage from her scuffles with the Nacli were fairly superficial—a few bruises here and there from the stones thrown and a bit of mud stuck on her, but nothing too bad beyond that.

After flicking the latter off of her body, though, Richard soon found his Pokedex firing off with a notification. A quick glance over to it confirmed that Laurel had indeed stuck around; all the better for him, really.

"C'mon, let's not keep her waiting too long," the young Trainer spoke as he beckoned the Snivy to follow him to the beach.

Upon seeing Laurel, though, Richard responded in kind with a brief wave as he and Luna made their way over.

"The caverns could have been worse, honestly," he remarked before pulling out the newly-filled Pokeball at his waist and tossing it's resident—the somewhat roughed up Nacli he had caught earlier—out onto the warm beachside sand. "Found a new team member in there, though. Meet... Sara. Yeah, that feels about right."

Instead of having any reaction one way or another though, the newly-christened Sara seemed to be content burrowing halfway into the sand and relaxing there to heal off her wounds. Luna, too, seemed to be taking the time they had now to sunbathe a little and relax.

"Going to take that as an 'okay'. Right, well, I think these two need some time to shake off the damage they've taken, but once they're done with that we should be good to head out."

Route 5

Once Luna and Sara were rested and ready to go, Richard returned the latter to it's Pokeball before following Laurel's lead. When beaches gave way to rolling plain and hills, though, the young man was more than happy to take a deep breath of air.

Salty sea breeze had lost it's novelty a good two weeks ago, after all.

At Laurel's declaration that she would break away and continue training on her own—coupled with a little reminder to keep training—Richard gave a nod and waved to her.

"Catch you in a bit, then," he said as Luna followed soon thereafter, giving the young woman a wave goodbye of her own. "Well, Dark-type... We've got options, but let's scope the place out a bit first."

Hopefully the place would have something his team could square up against well enough...

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Isla Gill

Location: Route 1 - Ancient Grove
Mentions: @Pyromania99

The walk out to the area had gone surprisingly well, all things considered. Isla had let Swiper down to pitter-pat about, sniffing various things as they tramped through the general area he’d been found at. Dancing, for his part, slept throughout the whole of the walk. The only thing that might have given some small amount of discoloring as they went about on the trail would be Hatty getting caught staring at Isla and Camilla as the little Pokémon sat, cradled in Yasu’s arms. For being a psychic type, the lil guy was about as typical as you could expect.

They finally came to the branching-off part. Off the trail path was that dirt way, one tree adorned with little talismans here and there. They were curious little artifacts, pieces that the young girl didn’t recognize in completion but could pick out familiar parts here and there. The talismans reminded her of old Johto textbooks on religion, prayer, things connected to Celebi. Some were hopes, she thought, and others thanks, but none were exactly curses. That had lept out at Isla when she’d read it before, that Celebi didn’t work that kind of thing, didn’t do that kind of job. They shifted gently in the breeze.

“I believe it was…right…here? Ah, yeah, here it is. It's hard to see from the road, if you don’t know what you’re looking for. My family wanted to keep people away from it as much as possible, but…let's keep going.”

As they moved down it, she could see more and more talismans hanging from the branches, and mist seemed to creep about Isla’s ankles. Swiper, for his part, kept close to her feet, matching the group’s pace in a low stalk while his ears pressed against the bag of his head, flat. Dancing seemed to wake up, leaning forward while sniffing here, there, looking about. Things weren’t entirely normal, not entirely calm, not entirely safe. The tension was palpable.

That appearance didn’t happen with any sort of forewarning, a Heracross dropping down from one of the trees before them. Isla’s heart leapt out from her chest and she let-out what could be charitably called a squeak, her jump halfway flinging Dancing from that shoulder to the ground. Eyes wide, she watched as Yasu fell to the ground, Hatty tumbling along with, though could hear Swiper growling in that low stalk. The bug-type seemed to be going low, readying a charge with that great big horn of it’s.

The pair of them seemed to surge forward, Swiper moving quickly through the grass to hit the bug-type’s legs while her Eevee made good speed to kick loose dirt into it’s eyes. Holding her breath to try and not freak as everything went, Isla ran up to pull Yasu up to her feet.

Dancing uses Sand Attack!
Swiper uses Quick Attack!

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clarissa Ryte

Front Foyer, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

“Muuuurrrr…” It hovered near the window, glaring at Sir Lopsalot. With a flap of its wings, it would loose a powerful gust towards the Buneary.

The surprise attack had worked! Albeit it had placed the Murkrow outside of the building for the moment being. Ah. Being on the inside of the building still, though, Sir Lopsalot would attempt to leap to his left to dodge the oncoming Gust. Whether it would force the enemy Murkrow to come inside and fight, or simply allow the Buneary to escape a flying-type fiasco, or whatever the case would be he really had no idea. From what little scrapping experience he had it was not certain what an enemy might do sometimes. So just try to be ready to do something! Yes. However, the little Normal-type would simply try to keep his senses peeled for his opponent and maintain his focus on the opponent as well.

He couldn't let his guard down though! For his trainer, for his pride, and certainly not least...for the poor bullied Wobby!!!

Clarissa, for her part, would move her arms up to shield herself from the gusty attack the Murkrow was launching. Not that it'd hurt her at the distance she was at, but wind blowing in one's eyes was not the best thing. Yet other than that, she would mostly keep her senses and powers somewhat open to keep tabs on the watching ghost Pokemon she could still sense from not that long ago at all. That and the emotions and lingering bits of sensations and the sort that clung to the walls of this peculiar toy factory. What had happened here to make it such a hotspot? It was enough to make her almost grit her teeth, though she felt she was beginning too become accustomed to the general feedback she was getting from this place so far via her powers. That, if nothing else, was almost a small comfort....but made her feel a little woozy still nonetheless though.

However, she in the heat of the moment had two things in mind for the moment being pertaining to the Murkrow fight they'd just started. In particular: If the Murkrow came inside again to get back at Sir Lopsalot, she'd try to tell her Pokemon to give it another good Power-Up Punch! Then she'd attempt to use her powers to shut the open window so it couldn't go back outside, if possible. Though the fact they'd angered it and surprised it with a small pint-sized punch to the face would maybe help coaxe it into pursuing its attacker a bit out of anger or the like. Maybe it'd work? She hoped so, as this was the lucky first Murkrow they'd run into in the first place. They had to at least try!

Hopefully the others who had come to assist her were in a decent enough sitiuation themselves. Who knew what Pokemon lurked in this place, at least beyond the expected ghosts...

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Late Morning
Yuu recoiled slightly at the sudden attitude he was being given by the AI professor, listening to it... or her mouth off at the boy. The contradictory comment at the beginning did catch him off-guard as he grumbled to himself, "Note to self, treat the AI like an actual human being."

Beyond that he took mental notes of what they could potentially find, ranging from a potential top 1% Rattata, to Trubbish and maybe even Grimer, as well as potential ghost types... now that he thought about it. There was a record scratch in his brain as his mind began to rewind to an off-handed comment he made in the lab and made him ponder on one particular subject.

"Vivi and I had a feeling this place was haunted and that the doors could be the result of paranormal pokemon just trying to mess with Clarissa... but the fact that there's electricity... I wonder if the front doors are controlled by a parti-" Just as Yuu was bringing his thoughts together, AI Camphor ended the little explanation with a rather crude insult.

For an advanced AI, it or she was certainly childish, but nonetheless it did cause a visible vein on to pop out of Yuu's forehead as he brandished a toothy, lopsided frown. "For an AI that doesn't seem to care, you seem to be quite ins-"

Before he could even complete his retort a rather angry Magnemite popped out from behind the Terminal, taking Yuu off-guard as it threw a Thunder Wave at Aster. Jojo and Vivi on the other hand looked prepared to skirmish with the steel-type as the Riolu took up a fighting stance and focused its crimson eyes squarely on the Magnemite.

Vivi on the other hand was buzzing and whirring challenges at the new Pokemon whilst weaving in positive reinforcement for the team and generally cheering them on since they were unable to fight.

"Oh no you don't, Q-," a bit too late to the draw as he witnessed the sparks make contact with the Aipom, causing her to inelegantly slam onto the floor with as much grace as an Iron Ball hitting the ground. Yuu couldn't help but wince a little, still listening to the information AI Camphor was providing.

Even with this setback, this potentially furthered his theory, though he still needed a bit more to confirm it, "Say AI Camphor, think you can provide any insight or information about what caused the factory to shut down, I want to check something." As he posited his question Yuu took in a deep breath before glancing at the window for a second to make sure nothing strange happened before glancing over to the Snubbull before looking back to the gyaru.

"Looks like someone is raring for a fight. Oy Chloe, get your Snubbull ready to use Fire Fang! And if either of you are interested in catching the Magnemite, I'd recommend readying a Pokeba-," before he could even complete his statement, Yuu heard a soft woosh pass by as he slightly crooked his neck in the general direction of the sound... only to notice a small projectile being launched out of the corner of his eye and...

"Seriously, you have a friggin' slingshot?!" The violet-haired young man had to resist making another comment on the fact that while this was a battle in the wild, she probably shouldn't do that in an official match, followed with other criticisms... but he preferred for everyones partners to not be paralyzed. "Ugh, whatever, Jojo!"

Swiftly pivoting to face down the Magnemite, Yuu pointed directly at the steel ball as he guided his partner, "Use Quick Attack to get behind the Magnemite and quickly launch it," there was a pause as Yuu rotated his arm 180 degrees upwards and aimed a finger-

"... directly at Chloe."

"Rioooooooooooo," the small Pokemon let out a battle cry as he rushed forwards into the fray, utilizing his burst of speed to dash by the Magnemite who was hopefully blindsided by Jill's unconventional attack. Instead of hopping up immediately he ran at the terminal and wall hopped off of it, keeping his burst in momentum as he dove towards the Pokemon, looking to smash the Magnemite with a flurry of blows and send it flying at Chloe.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory
@Rune_Alchemist, @XxFellsingxX, @Savo

"Yeah, yeah, I know, geez," Chloe rolled her eyes at Yuu's instructions to keep an eye out and let the Snubbull out and blah, blah. Was he seriously going to yap the whole time? It'd be more difficult to cut out both his voice and face. Not that there was anything wrong with this actual face, to be fair. It was literally everything else that was the problem.

Chloe did open the bag to let Snuggle out, but didn't raise her gaze otherwise. She was busy staring at her reflection on the screen, making sure she was doing alright after that whole clambering in through a window thing — which the other two had been suspiciously graceful at, by the way. Jill more so; she could've given some Pokémon a run for their money, Chloe was sure.

... Wait, did Jill say she'd been locked up in a cell before? By— by like, the fashion police, right? By the fashion police, right?

Before she could actually pose that question — or reply to Clarissa for that matter, at least she seemed to be okay still — she heard an AI Camphor describe Snubbull. By... calling them uncute? Umm, what!? As if she needed any more proof that the professor sucked at her job!

... Though she did get a giggle out of her final comment at Yuu. Okay, maybe at least this version of her wasn't all bad after all.

But also wait, like where did those two get off scanning her Pokémon without permission? And should she have also— ugh, fine. Partly in retaliation, Chloe turned her own Pokédex to scan the Rotom, Riolu, and Aipom while she was at it, only for the device to pick up a sudden fourth Pokémon: a Magnemite. Without warning, it attacked the Aipom, and Jill went on to aim at it with a slingshot!? Oh my god?!

"Stand back, it might come for you next!" she called out in concern, stepping forth with an arm extended to make sure Jill wouldn't run closer to it. Meanwhile, Yuu was trying to mansplain her own Pokémon to her, and ughhh, she just didn't have time for him. "Snuggles, Fire Fang, pin it do-"

"... directly at Chloe."


Oh my god, was he like actually, clinically, insane?!

Snuggles, already running towards the Magnemite, understood what was about to happen, and pushed herself off the ground, jaws open and ablaze, ready to catch the Magnemite mid-air like a particularly weird shaped frisbee in at attempt to save her trainer.
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