We walk throughout our lives always trying to be comfortable with ourselves, don't we? We go through our daily routines every single day, earning our next little piece of the pie. Just to be comfortable. And to what ends? Happiness? Happiness is bliss, no? For we live in bliss ignorant to what we cannot see in the dark. And what is there darker than the abyss? No, we cannot see what lurks beyond inside the abyss. But the abyss is not out there somewhere writhing in blackness. No, it was within us. We just did not realize it yet.
Welcome to "What Have They Done To Us?" !!
This is a low planning, high plotting, low entry, bare bones, but demanding RP. We will be dealing with themes of:
TW: repressed memories, past trauma/abuse, narcotics, PTSD, horror, violence, fear/phobias, occult/rituals, experimentation, psychological trauma, demonic possessions, losing humanity to darker natures
The idea is simple. We are experiments in the Umbra Corps underground facility that have just woken up from cryo-pods.
The lids open and we wake coughing, minds cloudy and feeling like crap. No idea who we are or what this place is, but once we look at each other, we see that we are all in onesie type uniforms but barefoot and possibly head shaved. Yeah, we get a sense somethings a weeeeee bit off. Once we make eye contact with each other, wecan't help but get that 'on the tip of your tongue' feeling. Like you feel like you know the people you are staring at, you kinda' remember getting into the-cryo pods down here but other than that its all just an arms length beyond your memory.
We start off amnesiac and running. We will slowly remember things and with that we will remember our powers and ultimate purpose. We were supposed to be some kinda' supersoldiers but our powers come from SUPERNATURAL!! sources. So like think urban fantasy powers like witches, werewolves, ghosts, demons, etc but not superheroes.
CS will be barebones, but I will be asking you to fill in your charrie sheets as the RP goes, so yeah, like i said; demanding. Power level will ultimately be on a scale of 7/10 kinda like Batman but with SUPERNATURAL!! Powers. BUT!! We will start off running scared.
To start we will just be squishy regular people that never bothered to get into a regular gym routine and go from there.
- | This is closer to ADV cuz of how demanding the RP is. But basically about 300 words is usually standard size.
- | 18+ RP only. There is a lot of physical trauma and psychological scarring as well as horror elements tied to such nasty things. We will discuss Trigger Warnings and Boundaries in the OoC. It's meant to be dark but not disgusting mind you.
- | Since this is demanding and there is basically no CS to write up (you'll see) I'll be asking for writing samples. Just link them out or spoiler them k?
- | Post freq is 1-2 times/week or like every 7-10 days there will be a 'GM prompt' post to get us moving. 3rd person, past tense. OoC here on RPG. Speedposting limit: min 2 posts before you post again please.
- | There will be 'markers' when new abilities will be discovered and they will usually co-incide with a major memory break through. We will always discuss what comes up next OoC so no surprises.
- | Only accepting escapees as MCs, but NPCs may be bunny'd as we see fit. If you make a NPC you need to provide a small paragraph blurb with their desc. Even 3 sentences will do. Like I said; demanding.
- | If you ghost and do not say anything for 7 days, YOUR CHARRIE IS GUNNA GET BUNNY'D!! ...and they might be written out with extreme prejudice is you ghost for 2 weeks lol
- | This is demanding so I am expecting creative people. We will be building off of each other's ideas. And there is only going to be barebones in terms of Lore. I will provide the skeleton for the RP but we will provide the filler as we go; low planning, high plotting. I will be updating a Lore page as we go.
Powers and Abiities:
Each of us has been bio/mech re-engineered to become supersoldiers. But we have been reverted to a dormant state for whatever reason and put on ice, literally. But it is through connections to memories in the brain that are the key to unlock our enhancements. We will begin to note strangeness internally or even feel that physically something is definitely different under the skin.
Now just a note on how I'd like memories and powers to unlock. We will discuss beforehand the various times when certain 'milestones' will happen and memories will be triggered. I want to split the memories types into two categories: Personal and Supernatural.
Personal: When we unlock a memory of who we are, where we came from, what we know of our captors/experimentations etc. we will unlock the physical attribute with which Umbra enhanced our bodies. These unlocks are tied to not so bad memories. Now keep in mind we don't all have to have the same enhancements but definitely we will all be bigger, stronger, faster than ever before.
Supernatural: When we unlock a memory of our powers, we unlock the Supernatural abilities that Umbra imposed upon our bodies. Now these memories are tied to something bad. This is the repressed trauma or conditions that we experienced in our lives. We tried so hard to be normal people but these bad things about us have always been there and have not been dealt with. This internal suppressed darkness that we each have is the reason they chose us as experiments; our link to the Abyss has been harvested.
Now, the thing about the Supernatural abilities is that the more you use it, the more you become like the monster that they have imposed upon your bodies. And it is ugly both physically and mentally. So part of our struggle is to try to maintain our humanity lest we just become monsters ourselves. You stare into the abyss and it stares right back into you.