Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Camila followed Yasu out of the house and toward the shrine. She was curious what it would look like in the end. Big? Overgrown? There were a number of things she could quietly consider on the way there. She kept her eyes open, waiting to see what Pokemon would possibly attack them. Hatty kept staring back at both her and Isla on the walk, making Camila wonder if she had done anything wrong. Soon enough, however, they came to that tree that marked they were on the right way. "We've made some fine progress then if we're here."

The assistant mentioned with a smile. The path from here was more interesting. A dirt path with talismans hanging from the trees. She was curious about them, at least until a Heracross revealed itself. The surprise appearance made her recoil back a small bit out of shock, but she quickly recovered because of Yasu's surprisingly girly shriek. The Hattenna rolled across the ground as Yasu fell back. Isla was on the ball, however, as her Pokemon attacked the Heracross in response to it's aggressive posturing.

Camila could call out Snow, but there was no real need. She wanted to see what Isla was capable of. Would she catch this Heracross? Her curiosity overpowered her sense that she should probably help. Regardless, Isla helped Yasu up so the Assistant quickly made her way over to Hatty and make sure the cute little thing wasn't injured. "Are you alright?" She asked the little Pokemon, reaching for it to check for any place that looked like it hurt. "I'll get you back to Yasu."

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 5

“Lovely. Well, I’ll not be too far from here. I’d rather not get in the way of those angry tauros…” Laurel nodded, glancing a bit at the excavations going on nearby. She seemed mildly interested, but would quickly move further off the road into the plains proper, Verdue nipping at her heels as she’d follow after.

As for Richard, walking off the path and into the tall plains grass would soon find more pokemon easily. Or at least, something that looked like a pokemon. Large purple ears sticking out of the grass, quietly listening. A few seconds later a purple, spikey, rabbit like pokemon would bolt out of the grass, fleeing in the opposite direction of Richard. He’d have enough time to scan it and head after it, if he wanted too.

Whether he decided to pursue the Nidoran or not, it wouldn’t be long before he’d find another. A comparatively small pokemon, standing by itself.A Falinks…though it was strangely, alone, without the rest of its other five. It seemed to be locked into battle with two angry looking Poocheyna. Richard could of course, interfere, though he could also just let nature take its course, as it were. The Falinks was on the losing side of this battle it looked like, despite the type advantage. It had several old wounds on it.

Richard was of course, free to intervene or do nothing with this information as he wished.

Stellar Toy Factory

“Mag-!” The pebble slammed right into the Magnemite, earning a disapproving electrical buzz from the pokemon as Aster would be finding herself paralyzed. As Yuu was giving its orders for a quick attack, the Steel/Electric type was already buzzing and readying another attack, electricity sparking between its magnets.

“-Mite!?” Only to give an equally surprised buzz as Riolu appeared behind it. Now, the attack itself didn’t do much damage, being a normal type move against a steel type. The toss, too, didn’t go quite as planned, what with Magnemite being able to float and all, it would have stopped short of the Snubbull if Snuggles hadn’t already elected to move on its own.

This would result in Snuggles jaws clamping on the Magnemite, the fiery fangs of the pokemon dealing severe damage to the Magnemite…but Magnemite wasn’t down yet! A blast of electricity burst from the Magnemite as an intense thundershock slammed into the Snubbull!

“Bzzzzt!” It was already powering up a second one as well, angrily flailing its little magnet arms as it continued to fry the fairy type with electricity with a continuous electrical blast.

“Shut down? The company went bankrupt, they lost the lease for the factory and the land went to the city. Nothing special. Anyways-” The Camphor Ai suddenly switched off of Richard’s pokedex as Chloe opened up hers.

“Ahem, anyways...not scanning that Rotom phone. Can’t actually, I won’t go into the technical mambo jumbo details. You’d just hurt your head. Anyways, yes, Aipom.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

The gust summarily sailed past the Buneary, barely able to just dodge it, the gust blowing up dirt and debris from the old hallway she found herself in. Rightly annoyed, the Murkrow would flap its wings, circling outside the window and picking up speed as it’d position itself directly in front of the window. A fierce cry followed as the Murkrow sped through the window, beak aimed right for the Buneary.

Sir Lopsalot, taking his trainers instructions, had already readied a power up punch.

There was a resounding noise that echoed through the hallway as beak met bunny fist. The Murkrow let out a pained squawk as sir Lopsalot took the full force of the Murkrows attack, sending the two pokemon flying backwards. The Murkrow would find itself skidding across the floor, while Lopsalot could likely easily regain his balance but the trading of blows was going to leave Lopsalot fairly injured.


A noise from behind caused the Murkrow to shake itself off and take a look behind it. Clarissa had successfully, with some difficulty, caused the window to free itself from the ages it was left up and rusted, letting it slide down and shutting the Murkrow in there with them.

“Murrr…” The Murkrow seemed more amused then anything as it would flap its wings, hovering a few feet above the ground as black smoke started spilling from its beak, puffing out its chest - a Haze Attack was in coming!

Ancient Grove

The large bug pokemon barely even noticed Swiper or Dancing. Being both faster than the fox pokemon, the large blue beetle lowered its horn, running and picking up speed as it would aim its horn right at Dancing, a brutal Fury Attack.

Or at least, it would have been a dangerous attack.

The sand that had been knocked into Heracross’ eyes coupled with the Quick Attack to its legs, caused the large blue beetle to stumble, its large horn just a hairs breadth away from Dancing as it’d missed the first swipe, falling to the ground with a dull buzzing thud as its attack was interrupted.

While the pokemon took care of the Heracross, Isla herself moved to help Yasu up.

“I’m…fine, thanks for…asking…” This close to the other girl, if Isla herself wasn’t panicking too much she’d notice that Yasu herself was doing much the same. Absolutely freaking out and from her expression she was just barely holding it together. Her arm was trembling slightly and she was holding onto Isla’s arm with an absolutely vice-like grip.

Hatty was already scrambling to her own feet, giving a little nod of affirmation that she was alright, just as the Heracross was starting to get back to its feet as well.

“Heera….” Faster than either Dancing or Nickit could react, the large bug type lunged forward, its horn glowing a blue color as it used Aerial ace!

Hidden 12 mos ago 12 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Route 5

Given how he was still getting paid for every Pokémon he scanned, Richard wasted no time in readying his Pokédex as he ventured into the tall grass. Compared to the caverns he had been traveling through prior, though, this environment felt a lot less... Claustrophobic, to say the least.

Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, though, the young Trainer soon felt Luna's hand tugging at the leg of his pants. A brief glance over showed that the Grass Snake Pokémon was pointing at something in the distance—something purple that most definitely stood out against the verdant colors of the plains—and Richard quickly moved to scan it in turn.

When the professor AI noted something being 'different' about the now-identified Nidoran-M, though, it was hard for Richard to not be curious. And so, when the Poison Point Pokémon bolted off...

Well, what else could he do but chase after it?

Hidden 12 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo

Jill glanced over at Yuu when the boy exclaimed about her weapon. "Well, yeah?" she said, tilting her head slightly to the side. "I got to defend myself somehow." She was tempted to ask how he had kept himself safe before getting Jojo, but decided that now was perhaps not the best time to have such discussions. She nodded to Chloe when the other girl told her to stay back. "Oki dokes!" she responded, and might have said something else had Yuu not suddenly sent the Magnemite flying toward's Chloe's Snubbull.

Jill watched the dog Pokemon bite into the Magnemite, before the magnet Pokemon retaliated, sending blasts of electricity out. Sensing that the Snubbull would get seriously hurt if no one did anything, Jill recalled something Yuu had said earlier and quickly fished one of the Pokeballs out of her bag before tossing it at the Magnemite.
Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Isla Gill

Location: Route 1 - Ancient Grove
Mentions: @Pyromania99

“I’m…fine, thanks for…asking…”

Looking back at the fight, her two Pokémon having jumped in with the Heracross’s long, long horn now growing blue as it eyed Eevee with some amount of intent or another, Isla’s eyes went wide. They’d just jumped in on their own and, suddenly, she felt like she had to run in there and get them out. Yet…Yasu gripped at her as tightly as she could, wrapped there. Looking back, she could see Camila helping up the little psychic, though…where was her Pokémon?

A wave of annoyance passed over the young girl at the…just sheer inaction about things. What was she doing, just waiting things through. A few other things went through Isla’s mind, on just what was going on and how to best stop the whole thing, as she snorted out. Roughly shaking off Yasu and running up a few steps, a number of options came and went…not all of them good. The Heracross was clearly not even with her own but she could, maybe, even the odds a little bit. She searched through her pant leg pockets for a moment before drawing out a Pokéball.

“Dancing! Swiper! Get ready to get rid of it!”

She threw the ball.

Isla uses a Pokéball on Heracross!
Dancing readies an action: Burying the Pokéball!
Swiper uses Helping Hand!

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
Avatar of Pyromania99

Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Isla's two Pokemon seemed to work together fine enough. Between a sand attack and a quick attack, they prevented a rather dangerous attack from landing on the Eevee. Excellent. Camila smiled at it, though she noticed a glance from Isla. She didn't exactly seem happy or was that her imagination? Shrugging that thought off, she watched as... Isla started to grab a Pokeball.

Did she mean to catch it when it has hardly taken damage? Curious.

“Dancing! Swiper! Get ready to get rid of it!” The girl ordered.

"Get ready to get rid of it?" Camila muttered to herself. Whatever did that mean? With a raised eyebrow, she reached for a pokeball on her person. The one containing the Pidgey she had caught earlier. As Isla threw her Pokeball at the Heracross, Camila released the bird pokemon from it's sphere.

"Giii!" It cried out as was freed from it's ball, hopping along the ground to catch it's bearings. It looked to it's trainer after doing so, ready for orders it seemed. "Pidgey, if and when that Heracross escapes from the Pokeball, use Brave Bird on it." She told the Pokemon that took to the air and started to fly around, ready to strike.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Late Morning
Yuu watched as the Magnemite not so much 'soared' but slid in a sense through the air as Jojo launched it towards Chloe before his eyes shifted over to the defensive gyaru guarding the ninja. The boy clicked the roof of his mouth as they naturally drifted over to Snuggles catching the steel-type in a fiery vicegrip and dragging it down. He snorted, "Oh look, you have a sense of initiative; guess I didn't have to push you, although," there was a pause as he watched the scene, grimacing a little.

However he caught the ninja pulling out a Pokeball and honed in on that before staring back at Snuggles. In an instant he was performing a short dash forward as he pocketed the capsule and instead rolled out a Potion into his hands. With another he pointed directly at the two Pokemon, " Vivi, keep an eye on things around the vicinity and check up on Aster to see how she's doing! As for you Jojo, use Quick Attack to get over and extract the Magnemite from Snuggles mouth and hold them steady for the ninja girls pokeball! I don't know if Snuggles can take another hit but I know you can!"

The Rotom-phone froze the moment Yuu directed them towards the mischievous Aipom, recalling what happened the last time as they responded with a slightly reluctant whir and what almost looked to be pixelated sweat marks on its screen. Creaking around, Vivi slowly began to float towards the toppled over Aster and kept a healthy distance, whirring and making a bunch of electronic sounds, asking if she was OK and generally if she needed a little bit of help.

"Rioooooooooolu," Jojo bellowed out, bending his knees as he dove forward and launched himself off the machine. The pokemon was able to easily bridge the distance in seconds, arriving in front of the crackling and very angry metal ball. Quickly seizing the two magnets on the side and attempting to extract the Magnemite from Snuggles mouth, intending to not only hold the steel-type in place but take a hit for Chloe's partner.

As for Yuu, he'd be close behind, sliding onto the floor with finesse as he pointed and aimed a Potion at Snuggles. If she was about to eat another Thundershock before Jojo could intervene Yuu would quickly spray the Snubbull with the potion to avert her from fainting. If not, he'd hold off and wait until the dust had settled before he'd go about healing both his own partner and the gyaru's.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 5

So give chase he would, and Richard would notice something fairly quickly.

This little guy was fast. He’d have to sprint to keep up with the pokemon as it bolted through the grass. It pivoted, skidding across the ground and turning sharp right as it continued its flight. Too fast, perhaps, as it would proceed to trip over its own feet and roll until it was eventually on its back, losing all momentum and looking up at Richard.


Just as quickly, it rolled back over onto its feet, pawing at the ground.

Seeing that Richard had managed to chase it, it seemed as though it was perfectly fine standing its ground now.

Ancient Grove

“W-wai-” As Isla shrugged Yasu off, the other girl merely mumbled a quiet plea as Isla walked away. Yasu, once again, found her knees failing her as she’d fall to the ground. Didn’t seem like whatever was going on with her, she was going to be of any help at all here. Just watch as Dancing and Swiper engaged the Heracross, a furious pokemon charging towards them, horn poised to strike the Eevee.

“Herrrrra?!” Dancing was saved from the Aerial ace by mere inches as the pokeball plinked off of Heracross’ head. The pokemon’s body was enveloped in a white light, the pokeball plopping onto the ground in a little divot Dancing had dug out with Swipers help.


This, would at least, buy the two of them a bit of time. A few seconds as dirt was piled on top of the pokeball.


A neat little pile of dirt was piled on top of the shaking pokeball.


Instead of just normally releasing the pokemon from the ball in usual fashion, there was a small burst of air as the pile of dirt was violently tossed into the air creating a small smokescreen. The Heracross stood just a little to the side of the pokemon, seeming a tad bit confused, and judging from the glare it was giving Isla - it was even more angry.

“Crsss-” This was only exacerbated by a ballistic pidgey dive bombed the other pokemon, slamming right into the back of the Heracross’ head, sending it crashing forward with a pained cry, even then, however, it was not slowing down as its horn glowed gold this time, pushing itself back up with its arms and beelining towards Dancing again, releasing a Fury Attack on the pokemon.

Hatty jumped up and down, waving its little arms as little droplets of dew scattered themselves about as it used Life Dew! Pidgey would find the damage it had done to itself completely healed.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Route 5

While he had expected a chase to break out while pursuing the Nidoran, Richard had not expected to have to sprint so quickly after it in the process. A jog or a light run, maybe but not something on this level. Luna was able to keep up just fine, in part due to her own inclination towards it all, but this whole situation was still a question of if he could make it.

Though he had expected to continue his pursuit for a while, Richard found himself given a rather convenient boon in how the Nidoran tried—and failed—to shake him off by attempting a sharp turn and tumbling in the progress. With the distance all but closed now, the Pokemon seemed to finally give up attempting to run and chose to take the fight to him instead.

All the better, really.

"Luna, sit this one out, okay?" Richard said, motioning for the Grass Snake Pokemon to wait on standby before letting Sara out of her ball. The Nacli glanced around for a moment after finding itself in a completely new environment, but it didn't take long for her to realize what it was that Richard wanted.

"All right, Sara, simple orders for you. Use Mud Shot, and don't stop until that Nidoran's about to go down."

There wasn't really going to be any fancy maneuvering here, but it would be likely that the battlefield would start to change if this went on for longer than he had expected. In that case, it'd be a simple enough matter to start forcing the Nidoran into having to wade through the build-up of mud and make it easier to hit, at which point the battle was all but over.

Hopefully it didn't try to run away again, though...

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Vertigo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory
@Rune_Alchemist, @XxFellsingxX, @Savo

At this point, AI Camphor's explanations were little more than background noise to the chaos. Snuggles let out something between a growl and a yelp as electricity coursed through her, but refused to let go of the offending Pokémon. If anything, she bit down harder, ragging the electric type in an attempt to make it stop.

Chloe dashed forward out of sheer reflex, her pokédex, still spewing information about Riolu, slipping from her grasp and clattering to the ground. She'd almost reached the scene when a ball flew past her from Jill's direction, and Yuu slid forwards, towards the Snubbull. In her panic, Chloe didn't register the potion; all she saw was that the psychopath's hand was moving towards her Pokémon.

She leapt for the Snubbull, and as Snuggles realized her trainer was about to come in to contact with her, she opened her mouth and let the electric type be yanked out. One of Chloe's arms closed around the fairy type only a moment later, the other striking out in an attempt to slap Yuu square in the face.

"Get away from her, you psycho!"
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clarissa Ryte

Upstairs, Second Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

The psychic felt a pang of pain, and yet....success. Success in closing the window, at least, so the Murkrow couldn't escape. Yet at the same time, especially as the Pokemon seemed to be more amused than anything, Clarissa began to wonder if that was a good idea in this situation. Potentially they were now trapped in here with the Murkrow, and given what it seemed to be preparing to do by trying to fly up a bit one more it would only make the situation harder for them if the looming Haze hit. It was risky. Dangerous. And yet they had little choice but to 'win' if they were going to make it out of the building in one piece now perhaps.

There had to be...ah...something....oh! That might work!

"Jump under it, quickly, and deliver a Power-Up Punch to the bottom of its head!"

An instinctual command given to Sir Lopsalot on her part, but one that she hoped would make a difference in this fight. A solid uppercut to the jaw, as it were, might stop up and shut the Murkrow's mouth while dealing good damage at the same time. Hopefully. Maybe? Maybe. It was worth a shot at any rate, the psychic trainer felt, and they couldn't wait around to think about things. This was a fast-moving situation for sure, and they had to go with their gut to some extent as well now.

Sir Lopsalot, for his part, gritted his little Buneary teeth at the impact of the Murkrow's Gust. Yet while he regained his footing with ease, and readied his body to leap again in the coming moments, the little Pokemon was visibly more injured than he had been before. Enough so that it made the poor little guy wince in pain from it all, even though his focus and adamant gaze remained locked onto his enemy. Yet as his opponent would rise up a bit to try to launch a Haze attack, Sir Lopsalot would hear Clarissa's command with his superb hearing.

A tiny grin very breifly flashed on the male Buneary's face.

Launching himself from his position of preparedness, his tiny fist glowing once more with an awesome power, Sir Lopsalot would swiftly move underneath the hovering Murkrow (and hopefully out of its line of sight as he sought to do) as it prepared the Haze. From his rapid landing, then, the small Pokemon would in as swift a sucession as possible launch himself upward with his tiny fist firing out like a firing piston. His aim with this action? To forcefully strike the bottom of the foe's mouth, and thus the underside of the bird Pokemon's head, from underneath! Though what was the chances of smacking the enemy and/or its head into the ceiling above? No idea! That depended on if the plan worked at all.


Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Isla Gill

Location: Route 1 - Ancient Grove
Mentions: @Pyromania99

Isla watched her plan come to fruition, breathing out just a tad as she watched the attack just evaporate, the bug type becoming more enraged at the dirty tricks. Well, what works, works. It didn’t seem likely the wild Pokémon was going to be deterred, though, engaging with another furious attack that seemed halfway to strike at Dancing, halfway to release its clear frustrations. Her Eevee moved left, right, shifting among the attacks as it kicked up more than enough dirt to obscure her view. Amid it, though, Dancing’s frantic motions threw pieces of the underbrush at the Heracross’s face, about as afterthought as one might get.

Swiper, meanwhile, began his own advance from the side, urging the others on to join him as the little fox began to charge in.

Dancing uses Sand Attack!
Swiper uses Beat Up!

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
Avatar of Pyromania99

Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

This Heracross was a small bit tougher than Camila had imagined. Considering it took a Brave Bird and was easily standing. Well, it was well enough. Hatty had healed the recoil damage from the attack so the Pidgey was completely ready to go from another dive. Pidgey, catch it off guard and Brave Bird again!

"Thank you Hatty!" Camila said before turning her attention to Yasu. The girl was quite frightened. Pidgey could handle itself while attacking. Seeing as Isla left the girl be... Camila ran over to the girl and kneeled next to her. "Hey, Yasu? Are you alright?" She grabbed the girl's hand to try and comfort her. "Nothing bad's going to happen."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
Avatar of Rune_Alchemist

Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Route 5

Simple enough commands to follow. Nidoran would open by taking a deep breath, a subtle blue glow surrounding the Nidorans body as it would open up its own move with a Focus Energy just as Sara would get off a mudshot at it, the super effective attack hitting the Nidoran head on and earning a mildly annoyed cry from the other pokemon.

The Nidorans Speed Fell!

Sara, found itself being able to move just a bit faster than the Nidoran as it dug itself out of the muddy ground. It dove to the side, avoiding the second blast as it dug its paws into the ground, changing trajectory quickly as it aimed its Horn right at Sara -

Only to sail right by the Nacli, taking a tumble right behind it where it would roll along the ground again, leaving it open for Sara to hit it with another Mud Shot.

…with all that said, despite being a bit of a higher level, taking two mudshots, the little Nidoran was having trouble standing back up, seemingly already fairly hurt from the brief battle.

Stellar Toy Factory

“Ow, hey! Don’t just drop me! I’m a delicate instrument of knowledge and information!” Of course, the AI’s words were likely still being drowned out amidst the chaos and misunderstanding. Jills pokeball sailed through the air, towards the Snubbull.

The series of events followed, were quick, but easy enough to follow.

Snuggles released its hold on the wild Magnemite, only for the magnemite to be monhandled by the Riolu. It continued to release static charge with an annoyed buzz, despite the clear fact it was near fainted. Jills pokeball conked into the metallic pokemons head seconds later.

A moment followed where the pokeball shook.

Success! Magnemite was successfully Captured!

Aster grew to level 8! Aster Learned Astonish!
Jojo grew to level 9! Jojo Learned Metal Claw
Snuggles grew to level 8! Snuggles Learned Bite!

Even so, that left Snuggles fairly injured and even Riolu wasn’t spared from a few last minute shocks from the Magnemite. The only one that was mostly unscathed was the still paralyzed Aster.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

“Mur-!” The little bunny fist connected solidly with the Murkrow, sending the pokemon spinning upwards, the hazey smoke from its beak trailing behind it as it’d summersault into the air from the force making large circles behind it. The Buneary had certain managed to land a good, solid strong hit on the murkrow, but it hadn’t stopped it from getting the Haze off entirely as the hallway filled with a thick haze of smoke!

All stat changes had been reset!

The Murkrow narrowly managed to avoid being launched into the ceiling, righting itself and gliding back until it was in front of the window again where it’d irritably squawk and flap its wings again, sending another gust towards the two!

Ancient Grove

The first jab of Heracross’ horn attack missed, whiffing just close enough to Dancing to cause concern but allowing the Eevee time to get off a sand attack, tossing more sand and dirt into the enraged pokemons eyes. The second strike though, was not so easily avoided as the Heracross immediately swung its horn back around, striking Dancing solidly right in the torso! A third strike would soon follow, only thrown off as Dancing would manage to evade.

It was a good thing, that the Heracross managed to seemingly exhaust itself as it would spin on its heel, nearly falling over but managing to catch itself…only to have Swiper attack, pummeling the Heracross with a tackle, shortly followed by Dancing following suit, leaping into the air and hitting it from the opposite side and throwing the larger pokemon off balance.

This would result in the pokemon falling over….

And the Heracross landing on its back, just in time for Pidgey to engage in what some might call, a pokemon war crime as it flew high into the air, and proceeded to slam right into the Heracross’ torso.

“Crsss!” The heracross wiggled, rolling on its back to right itself…the moment it got to its feet, the pokemon would take a look at the others on the field, seeing that it had done relatively damage so far and was definitely out numbered here, and proceed to flee.

“Teeen-!” Hatty once more did a little dance, spreading healing dew around her and healing the pokemon.

The Wild Heracross was successfully driven away!

Dancing Grew to Level 9!
Swiper Grew to Level 11! Swiper Learned Hone Claws

Pidgey grew to level 12! Pidgey Learned Gust!

“Ha…I-I’ll be fine. I’m just…really not fond of wild pokemon.” Yasu responded brusquely, using Camila to help herself back to her feet as she watched the aggressive Heracross leave. “I wonder what made it so hostile…” Yasu shook her head, regaining her somewhat icy exterior as she’d push up her glasses. “...Hatty can heal your pokemon if you need it. Thankfully it seems to have fled for now…”
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Richard Evans
Route 5

With the Nidoran now sufficiently weakened and Sara no less worse for wear, Richard nodded his head and produced a Pokeball from his bag. By this point, the rest of the battle was more of a formality—doubly so when the Pokemon he was pursuing seemed to be a bit too reckless in trying to fight back. Either way, though, Richard was more than confident that he could catch it now that it wasn't likely to try and break away.

So try he did. With no sense of spectacle or grandeur, the young man quickly lobbed the ball at the wild Nidoran. At this point, there was little else to be done except wait and see if it worked, else he would simply take another ball and try again.

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Isla Gill

Location: Route 1 - Ancient Grove
Mentions: @Pyromania99

Isla breathed out a long, long sigh as she watched the Heracross flee, moving through the foliage to quickly disappear among the forest. A moment passed there before a realization hit, she took a deep breath in for it all. The whole of that encounter was over, sure, and there the bug Pokémon was, fleeing off and away, but…her own had just sort of jumped in with no regards for it. Isla breathed out again, long and hard, eyes flickering up at the pair of Pokémon among the settling mud and dust and shrubbery. No, not just a pair of Pokémon…a pair of her Pokémon. Hers, who had jumped up in their defense, who hadn’t needed the question or the command, who had moved forward. Hers.

Was this what Pokémon trainers felt?

A wave of pride, joy washed over Isla, kneeling down as the pair made their way back to her. Both seemed fairly nervous about the whole event, facing the forest to walk back a moment before turning about. Swiper practically began to run back while Dancing…didn't. She watched with a far more concerned eye. Had…had more attacks landed than she'd thought? As the two returned, Yasu started to talk, breathless almost.

“Ha…I-I’ll be fine. I’m just…really not fond of wild pokemon.”

“I wonder what made it so hostile…Hatty can heal your pokemon if you need it. Thankfully it seems to have fled for now…”

Of course, that was right about when Swiper ran into her left arm and, a little while later, Dancing to her right. Hoisting them up on her shoulders and slowly, perhaps a little unsteadily getting to her feet, Isla suddenly….well, she stopped feeling the whole of that pride with the mention that it had fled for now. They hadn’t gone all the way through and the Heracross somehow didn't seem to be the sort to take that and move on. They could see it again, especially just on the way back.

Of course, doom and gloom was set aside as both of her Pokémon cuddled in close about her head, leaning in and threatening her precocious balance. She stopped moving again, leaning down a moment to let it pass, trying not to smile.

Then though the young girl thought of the actual question. Well, what had made the bug type so angry, what had made it suddenly attack. It seemed to be…protecting something, maybe? Dissuade them from pushing on? It wasn’t trying to actively harm the trainers or steal something, and really didn't seem to be the sort to try to steal…Isla’s eyes went to the side of her vision at Swiper with that thought…but it did seem to be trying to stop them from going on to the grove. Something connected to Celebi, to the grove, to that central worry that had brought them there. She looked at Yasu, head half-hidden by her fluffy Pokémon.

“Probably the same thing that makes you concerned about Celebi. Something happened. Also, thanks.”

Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Clarissa Ryte

Upstairs, Second Floor, Stellar Toy Company, Industrial District, Byjerfal City

(Urban Exploration)

Stat changes were reset. Drat! It wasn't a good thing, given their situation, and their opponent was still going on! But there had to be something to do, some way for them to pull this off! Or something of the sort. Clarissa lightly grit her teeth behind her otherwise stoic expression, trying to focus on the enemy in front of them and its newest attack launched at them both! It was not the best scenario, and the pull on the window to close it had certinaly left her feeling a bit more drained, but there had to be-....aha! There could be something.

The psychic would try to brace herself for the incoming Gust peronsally, though would try to give Sir Lopsalot further orders to help him out of this pinch!

"Use everything you've got to dodge it, and then launch a counterattack!"

The little Buneary would clench its fist again, as it had been running back toward the Murkrow already as it was righting itself, though instead of darting into the oncoming Gust the little Pokemon would attempt something else. Launching from his position mid-run with all he had in his little legs left, Sir Lopsalot would fling himself to land under-....no, wait, what?! He was launch himself to jump OVER the attack and move ABOVE the enemy Murkrow? The intent, as it were, was to lauch himself above the enemy's attack, tucking into a spin as he did so with the intent to chop the opponent in the head from above with another Power-Up Punch. This even as his little fist once again began to glow!

Would the dodge work in this case, all while trying to surprise the enemy by not jumping to get underneath it again? Would Clarissa be able to withstand the Gust? Would the One Punch Bunny the Buneary manage to get in a critial blow on his opponent? Only the coming moments would truly tell...


Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

"Hatty has already helped Pidgey out a lot already." Camila said as she her arm up so the Pidgey could land on it. The bird Pokemon proudly did so with a little puff to hold it's head high. It found it's own combat ability to be impressive and seemed very happy with that. "You're quite proud of yourself aren't you? Well, that's fine. You did a good job." She looked at the bird for a bit. "Come to think of it, I've yet to give you a name, have I?"

The Pidgey's eyes lit up and awaited it's new nickname. Camila thought for a long minute before smiling. "Alright, you're Ace. Like the best pilots." The Pidgey seemed quite happy to the name as it took to the air and flew around for a bit. Camila smiled and ignored it for the moment. "Right then Yasu, Isla. Shall we get going?" Camila suggested, hold her arm up again for the Pidgey to land. "Oh, yes, Isla. I think it would be best advised to not do that little trick with the Pokeball again. It might do something we'd rather not happen, if you catch my drift."
Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

Bjyerlfal City || Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory || Late Morning

A small, stinging sensation swept through the side of Yuu's face before he could even spray Snuggle's with the potion. He didn't so much as flinch from her strike, though he was now glowering at the gyaru through gritted teeth. He couldn't help but tightly grip his hand around the potion, as if forming a small fist, though his index remained gently positioned over the trigger.

On the other hand, his partner had finally managed to extract the steel ball from the Snubbulls mouth, though in the process he ended up taking the brunt of the damage that was directed at her. Jojo grit his teeth as he held the Pokemon up, staring with determination as the shock of electricity coursed through his body. In spite of the pain, he held on as much as he could before a small red and white ball collided against the Magnemite.

The usual red energy of the Pokeball enveloped the magnet Pokemon before clamping shut and landing in Jojo's arms. The Riolu cradled it with bated breath as it began to roll around in his arms, feeling the light resistance of the Pokemon before hearing a resounding click. Then it stopped. Jojo tilted his head as he looked curiously at the Pokeball, giving it a few rubs, a tap, and then holding it up to stare at it before cheerfully exclaiming "Riolu," with a massive grin.

Jojo looked over to his partner, victoriously pushing it up as if to proudly display what they had all done, only to lower it back to his chest level the moment Yuu didn't respond and instead was greeted with Yuu's infuriated glare. Granted it wasn't levied at him, but with aura reading and the fact that Vivi was abuzz with panic, that was more than enough to warrant a worried look from him.

Yuu on the other hand was seeing red, uttering in a scathing monotone "A friggin' psycho." The violet haired boy's trembling hand continued to squeeze the potion in a tight vice grip, his knuckles turning a pale white as he heavily sighed.

Suddenly, Yuu's clenched hand jerked up, finger flicking off the trigger of the potion as he instead, alongside the nozzle of the potion, jammed his finger a few inches away from Chloe's face, "I don't want to hear that coming from a half-baked moron!" There was a flood of vim and venom laced in his words as he sniped back at the girl, not even noticing that Vivi had rushed over to try and calm Yuu down.

"And to think, you actually had me believing you had a lick of sense, but no. You proceed to do... whatever you actually did instead of going to the lab for your friggin' job, toss around important equipment like its as replaceable as your second-hand clothing, and for the Cheri Berry on top, slap the person trying to heal your partner," as he continued to deride the gyaru, Jojo had now just joined in, crimson eyes quivering as he pleaded for Yuu to stop as well, even bumping the ball and crying out to him with all his might, "Riooooolu!"

Yet it fell on deaf ears. "I can't fathom why she hired you. She made a mista-OW!" Yuu suddenly winced a bit as he felt a sharp pain shoot through his arm, causing him growl at the end of that sentence as the hand holding the Potion flinched away from Chloes face and towards the floor.

On instinct, Yuu whipped his head to the side to stare at the culprit, only to find a worried Jojo staring up at Yuu, looking not only a little sad but just as disappointed as the blue glow around his paws began to dissipate.

Yuu was still heated up but that little Bullet Punch was enough to take him out of that negative trance, if only for a bit as Jojo began to cry out to him, "Rio rio, riolu," before jutting his head out at Chloe. The violet-haired trainer looked up for a minute and just stared at her. He couldn't help but silently glower, recalling Jojo's capabilities, before it merely softened into a small frown and huff.

"Whatever... just take this and heal her yourself," Yuu huffed, gingerly placing the Potion he was going to use on Snuggles in front of Chloe before turning around and rummaging through his own bag. Vivi, who was roughly tugging at his hair, seemed to have stopped and let out a buzz of relief.

"As for you," Yuu added, his tone still coarse, produced another potion from his bag before extending an arm out to Jill, "I'd recommend you heal up your new partner and get looking for a Paralyze Heal for Aster; I'll do the same... speaking of the former."

Yuu glanced over at Jojo who was following close by, delicately cradling the Pokeball in his arms as he approached Jill. While he was still a smidgen down, he did his best to keep his smile up and held up the Pokeball containing the Magnemite to Jill, exclaiming in the best cheerful tone he could, "Riolu!"

Once Jill took the Pokeball and whether or not she took the Potion or not, Yuu would pivot around and observe the vicinity before shoving his hands into his pockets before muttering, "Anyways, lets get going; Clarissa isn't just gonna find us after all." As he stated this he would begin walking towards one of the openings and would enter into the next room and attempt to look for any discernible features or other doorways they could go through.
Hidden 11 mos ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jill Brookes

Location: Abandoned Stellar Toy Co. Factory Mentions: @Savo @Rune_Alchemist @Vertigo

Jill let out a small sigh of relief when she succeeded in catching the Magnemite. However, instead of running to collect her newly captured Pokemon, she instead went over to Aster, who was on her hands and knees on the floor and ever so often would shake herself, as if trying to shake the static away. It didn't seem to be helping.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're okay!" Jill said, getting on her knees beside her partner. She attempted to embrace the Aipom, only to pull away when making contact caused her to take a small shock. "Ow!" she exclaimed, rubbing her arm. It didn't hurt much, but it had certainly startled. Once she'd recovered from that small fright, she looked back at Aster, who sluggishly attempting to rise to her feet. "I... don't know what to about this."

She didn't have much time to worry about that, however, as Yuu and Jojo approached her, Yuu addressing in a gruff manner, which... she was starting to feel was probably his default. He did hand her a potion, though, advising her to heal her new Magnemite, who Jojo promptly handed to her. She took both these objects from him and nodded. "Okay... thank you." He also mentioned they had to find a paralyze heal, which if Jill recalled correctly was a type of medicine for Pokemon. She had no idea what those looked like but she'd keep an eye out for them anyway.

She turned her attention back to the Pokeball into her hand, taking a moment to look at it as if in awe... and with, perhaps, some apprehension. She'd never battled and then caught a Pokemon before, and she had no idea how the Magnemite, who had previously been an enemy, would react to being a new team member.

Well, she wouldn't know until she tried.

She stood up and took a few steps away from Aster and the other trainers, not wanting the Magnemite to lash out at them if they were still angry. With a deep breath, she opened the ball and released the magnet Pokemon.

In a flash of light, it was now floating a foot or so away from her, and for a moment stared at her, a little stunned. Jill tucked the pokeball back into her pocket before awkwardly waving at her new teammate. "Hi," she said after a moment. "Err, I'm Jill... nice to meet you. Please don't zap me." She held out the potion. "I'm going to heal you now if that's okay."

The magnemite just kind of stared at her for a moment, but didn't make any hostile movement, so Jill assumed it was okay with this. She quickly started applying the potion.
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