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Hidden 6 mos ago 4 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

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Two rival kingdoms lay in ruin, their lands poisoned by blight and the sky plunged into eternal darkness. Out of desperation, an alliance is forged. An arranged marriage between the Prince of Aurelia, the Sun Kingdom, and Princess of Lunaris, the Moon Kingdom, is decreed, meant to unite the fractured lands against the encroaching darkness. The union of these two is prophesied to bring forth a child, the Eclipsian Guardian, destined to save the world from the blight that consumes it and return the sun to the sky. However, this marriage has also been ordered as an offering to the Goddesses of Sun and Moon; Aelios and Seluna. Should the Gods allow the Eclipsian Guardian to be born, the chosen ones would then sacrifice their lives.

In a desperate bid to appease the gods and keep his life, the Prince persuades his people to forgo their traditional sacrifices. Instead, he proposes the establishment of a new colony with his betrothed that would live at the blight's edge. This settlement aims to research and find a cure for the blight while he and the Princess forge a new future for the anticipated Eclipsian Guardian. This arrangement still sacrifices their lives and many others if they do not find a cure by the time the poison creeps in, but it does buy the Prince and Princess time. Both kingdoms endorsed this plea, granting permission for the royal couple to recruit individuals from each realm to aid in building the colony. Those summoned by the royal decree must depart their kingdoms' safety or face death.

The prince's actions have not only potentially condemned hundreds to the blight's grasp, but also endangered the very essence of their lineage. In settlements ravaged by the poison, most perish, yet a rare few endure, undergoing a metamorphosis. From this crucible arises a new humanoid, infused with vampire-like attributes that grant resilience against the blight's onslaught. Yet, this newfound resilience comes at a cost, as those residing within the blight's shadow are reviled as monstrous entities, cast out from society and hunted down for extermination.

Now, adventurers from all walks of life are drawn to the new settlement, their motivations varied but united by a common goal: to find a cure for the blight and restore daylight to the sky. Amidst the challenges of their quest, they must also grapple with the profound changes wrought by the blight, including the emergence of the new vampire humanoids. As the colony strives to embrace their new life and allies, they traverse treacherous landscapes and uncover the secrets of the blight, acutely aware that the fate of the world hangs in the balance.

For centuries, Aurelia has always been considered the dominant of the two kingdoms. Strategically positioned in the southern hemisphere of the continent, Aurelia enjoys a warmer climate and boasts a vast mountainous terrain that shields the valley in which it is located, rendering invasion highly challenging. Additionally, the fertile lands surrounding its capital further enhance its agricultural prosperity. Benefiting from ample resources, the Royal Family consistently aids their loyal subjects, earning widespread reverence among the majority of the populace.

As a result, those living in Aurelia's capital are well taken cafe of and highly educated. With basic needs readily fulfilled, Aurelians direct their attention to scholarly pursuits and mastering magic. Notably, Aurelia holds the largest and most proficient army among the two kingdoms, both in sheer numbers and magical prowess.

For as long as anyone can remember, Aurelia and Lunaris have fought wars over land and resources, but most times it has been Aurelia to come out on top. The last war was nearly 50 years ago and peace has been maintained, though relationships were still strained. When the sun no longer rose in the sky, Aurelia's magic abilities and their agriculture prowess declined greatly. After a few months of suffering, the King's hand was forced to reach out to their sworn enemy in hopes to find a solutions.

Religion: Aurelia worships the Goddess of the Sun, Aelios. She is twin to the Moon Goddess, Seluna. The stories say that the two have been at war with each other from the moment time began.

Magic: Those born in Aurelia have a natural affinity for the sun; their magic is powered directly through it's warmth. Without the sun their powers are greatly decreased, although still accessible. They specialize in fire, earth, light, and healing magic.

All people are born with an ability to harness magic, though some are better at it than others. Those who have higher status in society have more available resources to them to learn how to control and expand their magic abilities.

Secondary Magic that must be studied intensely and is extremely difficult to learn for either nation: Illusion, Enchantment, Blood Magic, & Necromancy. These magics are highly volatile and dangerous. Blood Magic & Necromancy specifically are both forbidden magics and highly looked down upon by both countries.

Climate: Typically warm, hovering around 60-80 degrees most days of the year. Their summers can be hot and reach 100-120 degrees during their warmest season. Their winter is more like fall and never gets below 50 degrees. In order for them to experience cold they would need to explore into the distant northern mountain terrain which is extremely dangerous and rare for anyone to do except for trained military scouts.

In contrast to their southern adversaries, Lunaris has not had such a prosperous history. Settled in the northern hemisphere, Lunaris occupies a high-altitude position amidst a rugged mountain range. While this setting presents many hardships, it also affords them unparalleled protection. The path to their capital is treacherous, claiming the lives of many who attempt it. Despite enduring numerous conflicts with Aurelia, Lunaris has successfully safeguarded its capital from Aurelian intrusion, owed largely to the formidable natural barriers of its mountainous terrain.

Despite their challenges, they are remarkably resilient. Due to their northern position, Lunaris endures six months of perpetual darkness. The cold temperatures render their land infertile, greatly impacting their ability to cultivate crops, which are further hindered by the absence of sunlight for half of the year. Consequently, the Lunarians have honed their skills as proficient hunters and are excellent navigators of the hazardous mountain terrain. In Lunaris, industriousness is a way of life; its inhabitants can not rely on the royal family to assist them like those in Aurelia. Survival hinges on self-sufficiency, demanding both prowess in combat and the ability to provide for oneself. While the Royal Family may not, and can not, offer the same level of support as their counterparts in Aurelia, they are fairly well-liked. Raised in a culture of self-reliance, the majority of Lunarians are accustomed to fending for themselves and do not anticipate receiving handouts. They take pride in their independence.

When the sun ceased to rise, Lunaris experienced minimal disruption in their daily lives. In fact, their magical abilities grew stronger with the moon overhead, as it does during their annual six-month period of darkness. When the King of Aurelia sought assistance, the King of Lunaris was initially inclined to refuse, harboring resentment for centuries of conflict and hardship. However, the encroaching blight posed a dire threat to the Lunaris capital and the kingdom at large. Reluctantly, swayed by his Queen's impassioned plea to see reason, the King of Lunaris begrudgingly agreed to entertain the treaty in pursuit of a solution to the looming crisis.

Religion: Lunaris worships the Goddess of the Moon, Seluna. She is twin to the Sun Goddess, Aelios. The stories say that the two have been at war with each other from the moment time began.

Magic: Those born in Lunaris have a natural affinity for the moon; their magic is enhanced at night and at full power during a full moon. Without the sun arising daily, their powers are greatly increased. They specialize in water, air, dark, and psychic magic.

All people are born with an ability to harness magic, though some are better at it than others. Those who have higher status in society have more available resources to them to learn how to control and expand their magic abilities.

Secondary Magic that must be studied intensely and is extremely difficult to learn for either nation: Illusion, Enchantment, Blood Magic, & Necromancy. These magics are highly volatile and dangerous. Blood Magic & Necromancy specifically are both forbidden magics and highly looked down upon by both countries.

Climate: During the first half of the year their temperatures can range from 40-60 degrees. During their annual six months of darkness the temperature can get down to -50 degrees. They do not experience a full range of seasons - the first half of the year is similar to spring and the rest of the year is a deep winter freeze. If they travel down the mountain range they can reach slightly warmer temperatures, but most do not try and make this dangerous journey unless absolutely necessary.

For eight years now, the kingdoms have been aware of the poison seeping from the depths of the earth, yet despite concerted efforts, neither have been able to find an antidote. It manifests initially by decimating the weakest plant life and contaminating crops grown in its tainted soil. Those who consume these poisoned crops suffer swift and severe food poisoning, sometimes with fatal consequences to children, the elderly, or the sick. Once the contamination is detected in crops, it inevitably infiltrates the water supply. As flora and fauna perish, a deep purple miasma emanates from the earth, poisoning the air and making it unbreathable for humans. Inhalation of the vapors is often fatal, triggering a gruesome process of self-consumption within the body.

Initially, the blight's progression wasn't alarming enough for either royal family to take significant action, but as it began ravaging large agricultural areas, the issue became paramount. However, the slow call to action may have been too late. The most learned sages in each kingdom were tasked with investigating the blight nearly 3 years ago, yet their efforts have yielded little of value thus far.

The blight spreads deeply into both realms, with Lunaris bearing the brunt of its advance. According to the sages' observations, the blight thrives in colder climates.

Blight-Born creatures, similar to the monsters called vampires from ancient tales, are shrouded in mystery. Their forms vary widely, as the blight seems mutate their original genetic makeup. Yet, they share one common trait: the ability to absorb power or energy, akin to vampires. As a new humanoid species, little is understood about them beyond the excruciating death and transformation experienced by humans exposed to blight vapors. Research into these creatures remains scarce, as both kingdoms' religions label them as abominations. Consequently, the royal families have launched military campaigns to hunt down and eradicate these creatures in the past.

Contrary to the actions of the other monarchs, the Prince of Aurelia has chosen to extend hospitality to these creatures in his new colony, provided they demonstrate no feral tendencies and are kept under vigilant surveillance. Granting them liberty within his settlement, the Prince attempts what neither of the kingdom's rulers has dared. Despite the inherent risks, he is determined to study and understand these beings, seeing an opportunity to advance the quest for a cure.

Transformation: This can vary from person to person, but the transformation is painful and gruesome each time. In order to survive the blight a person must first die. Within hours, sometimes days, the person arises again with a newly transformed body and unique abilities they did not previously possess.

Types: I will be very loose with the definition of "vampire" here. You may give your blight-born many different race characteristics. However, they all need to have one thing in common: they absorb or drain something in order to continue living. Blood, energy, magic, etc. I'll list a few options here, but feel free to be creative. Each of these can be fatal if not kept in check.

• Classical: Drains blood. Pretty self explanatory.
• Energy: Absorbs vitality, leaving a person weak and susceptible to illness or injury.
• Emotional: Feeds off high emotions of any kind, leaving victims exhausted and numb for some time afterwards.
• Sexual: Feeds off sexual interactions like a succubus/incubus, causing a person to hyper-fixated on wanting more against their better judgement and sacrificing their own needs.
• Psychic: Feeds off peoples dreams and thoughts, results in sleeplessness, confusion, and mental fatigue.
• Soul: Drains the soul of a person, leaving them spiritually broken and without a will to live.
• Magical: Drains another persons mana, weakening another persons magical ability greatly.

Weaknesses/Strengths: Blight-Born are known for their blinding speed and formidable strength, yet their unique abilities span a wide spectrum. Each Blight-Born appears to possess its own set of distinct attributes, making them highly diverse. Almost universally, these creatures are intolerant of sunlight, often able to endure its rays for only brief periods. However, without the sun, they can now roam free.

You may give your blight-born a few more specific strengths; try not to go overboard - I may ask you to remove some traits if I feel it is too overpowered. Please include at least one more unique weakness as well.

Dawnhaven, the newly founded settlement of the Prince and Princess, lies nestled in the southern reaches of Lunaris. Situated at the foothills of a mountain range and adjacent to a pristine freshwater lake, it enjoys milder temperatures compared to the chill of the Lunaris capital, though still far from the warmth of Aurelia. This strategic location was selected for its proximity to the blight, a mere ten miles north.

Just six months prior, the colony was established, with the Prince leading a host of settlers to aid in constructing their new abode alongside his betrothed. Following their wedding, two months ago, the Prince and Princess embarked on a journey to Dawnhaven accompanied by a small entourage of individuals summoned to join them in this endeavor.

• Please check out the first post in the character tab that holds more detailed world lore information!
• You're not required to join, but here's the Discord: Link
• No real pictures, please, only digital art. I can help you find a picture if you like!
• There are no other races here besides human and blight-born (vampires), please keep that in mind when filling out your character sheets. Humans may harness magic but they are otherwise the same race.
• PM character to @The Muse for approval before posting in the Character tab.
• Regular site rules: No Godmodding, No perfect characters, No cybering... etc, etc.
• I don't expect daily posts, but please try at least once a week.
• Quality over quantity - Both Advanced and Casual roleplay but I don't want to see one liners.
• Multiple characters are welcome as long as you can keep up with the posts!
• There is no set posting order, but please wait a post or two before posting again.
• Unsure about something? Go ahead and message @The Muse :)

Feel free to rearrange this information however you like, just make sure it's all there. When accepted, please put your C.S. in a hider.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@amorphical I loved the post!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@The Savant ty I was so nervous.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@The Savant ty I was so nervous.

You did wonderful. I want my characters to meet, Olivia. Haha.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago


You did good :)
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@The Savant
I want to meet her too and all of the characters eventually! There is real creativity here! I am swimming in it!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@The Savant
I want to meet her too and all of the characters eventually! There is real creativity here! I am swimming in it!

I agree. I'm roleplaying in my excitement for this roleplay and all the possibilities. I'm excited what Muse has in store for us.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The tavern is in dawnhaven yes?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago

The tavern is in dawnhaven yes?

The eye of the Beholder, yes.
Its in the settlement.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@PrinceAlexus thanks i just wanted to double check for my next post. ^^
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago

@PrinceAlexus thanks i just wanted to double check for my next post. ^^

If you need any reference images, I have them linked in then CS section.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sorry i made a OOC in character build by accident. QQ

@BeastofDestiny Mordu! XD
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago

Sorry i made a OOC in character build by accident. QQ

@BeastofDestiny Mordu! XD

Your not the person in a discord I'm in, they managed to tag 12'000 people in somthing.

And got so...so many replies.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago


If that was a question at me then no, I dont have discord.
If that was a statement then... 0.o wow! Thats a lot of people!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago


If that was a question at me then no, I dont have discord.
If that was a statement then... 0.o wow! Thats a lot of people!

a statement, it was a fun few hours for them lol
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 17 min ago


Il remember to include you in my next post at the tavern.
Thr mysterious lady in furs.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sure you will... XD
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pleiades is added onto the character roster.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just an update here as well: I've added "Story Notes" to the first post of the Character tab and will be adding world lore as well. I'll let you guys know when that gets updated :)
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So.. its not 18+ but Olivia needs to feed. Not the type to induce unnecessary fear would it be okay to hint at another act to stir emotions?
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