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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Luna: Plzzzzz take me back to the Coven I'm sorry :(


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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Proud Fujoshi

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[Be right back. Making edits]
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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@odium@Aeolian Alright here it is, just for you two and nobody else: The Synopsis.

Now, I probably missed a few things but I was trying not to describe every little tiny thing but here are the major things.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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@Punished GN
Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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To put emphasis on how important Kari is and to give people a far better insight into her and her character and not because I was really inspired to write a sheet for her, I wrote up a complete character sheet for Kari.

As requested, I made up some locations for the various factions. if necessary, I will make some neutral locations, but that will have to wait until next weekend!

I also organized the NPC on the NPC mega thread for the Temple, House of Cards, and the 317.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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@Punished GN


WEAKNESSES ⫻ Using his gift to transfigure dense matter can be physically and mentally draining for Bé. The larger the object, the more effort it takes, causing him to tire far quicker. Repeated or prolonged use can lead to severe exhaustion, nosebleeds, dizziness, and fainting. If he pushes himself to his limits, he will suffer excruciating headaches, physical pain, and even organ failure. The complexity of transfiguring something can overwhelm Bé's mind, when manipulating intricate or detailed objects, he must maintain a high degree of focus. If his concentration breaks during the transfiguration process, the result can be catastrophic—creating unstable matter, causing objects to collapse, or leading to unintended transformations. Changes made by Bé's gift will be reverted if he is severely injured, or rendered unconscious. Bé's abstraction is influenced by environmental factors, and may be affected by strong electromagnetic fields, magical activity, or extreme weather conditions. Making it difficult for him to use this abstraction altogether.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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Done a quick redacting, Mr. Rill and HoC scenes have been removed from my previous post. Don't worry, Mr. Riil will instead be re-introduced in the next post.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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So, I've been doing some updates to some of the NPC sheets, and I also came up with three new ones. Below are the updated sheets... Judas and Ruby got the big updates (I wrote their description and changed some of Ruby's spells), but I also completely changed Lynette's abstraction and did some major updates to Jacqueline's so that nobody can speedrun the story.

Oh yeah, I made three new NPCs. They're cool. Go look at them.

I also wrote up various Joint-Casting concepts based off of conversations on discord and ideas... these are not final and I'm willing to make edits.

In addition, you all are more than welcome to write some of your own. And by that I mean I want you all to do it.

Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

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Figured I'd share these Linqian joint-casts from the Stygian Snake era - I also have some ideas of ones she could develop in the future with others (/ have discussed some)
And also some for Anya, Ella & Saskia but... one of these might be used soon

Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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I decided to adjust Adora's stats a bit with the Trinity Rings.

ONE RING ⫻ Adora's current level. With just one Trinity Ring, Adora receives a slight boost to her physical capabilities. She can lift about 200 pounds with ease, enough to move heavier furniture or carry someone over her shoulder. In terms of durability, she can take a punch or two from a grown man before going down, and it takes more force to cause her harm with a knife or other sharp objects. Her speed increases slightly, allowing her to run a bit faster than usual, but nothing that anyone (not even herself) will be able to notice. The most paranormal aspect of having one ring is her ability to fly, which is quite slow, and anyone can outwalk it at a leisurely pace.

TWO RINGS ⫻ With two rings, Adora's physical capabilities increase dramatically. Her strength allows her to lift around 1000 pounds overhead, and her durability allows her to tank a few strikes from trained fighters and shrug off blunt force trauma far more easily. Adora's sprinting speed reaches about 20 miles per hour, and her flight becomes useful, allowing her to fly at about the same speed she can sprint.

THREE RINGS ⫻ When Adora wears all three Trinity Rings, she gains significantly enhanced abilities, but not to the point of invincibility. Her strength allows her to lift about 2000 pounds overhead, meaning she can move smaller vehicles with some strained effort. Her durability allows her to tank blows from trained fighters like it's nothing, but she's not impervious to damage. Adora's sprinting speed increases to around 30 miles per hour, and her flight speed reaches a maximum of 60 miles per hour.

Now, after adding the locations, I figured I'd rewrite the description of St. Portwell because I wasn't happy with it. Thus, I provided a full on description that should better describe the layout and vibe of the city + Along with adding a whole new section for locations unrelated to the factions.

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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@FernStone@NoriWasHere Weaknesses for Too Hot to Handle so you two virgins can leave me alone.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ (Fuck yo color gradient) By activating Too Hot to Handle, Linqian and Aryin's movement speed is slowed to a crawl, and they can only accomplish a leisurely walk. By glowing hot like magma, the two make themselves a very bright and noticeable target. The spell's super-heated state makes it highly vulnerable to cooling effects like water, ice, or cold/water magic - which can lower the heat and effectiveness of their durability. The Spell also doesn't differentiate between friend and foe, and can easily injure friends or disrupt their magic just as well as the enemies. Too Hot to Handle also poses a significant stamina drain, and can leave the two exhausted afterwards.

For fun, I wrote up Kari's relations.

Remember that she is definitely dead. Totally dead.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

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He handed over Layla’s memories to Anya on a silver platter in the form of a dossier file that slid across the table. Touching it, Anya would instantly feel the flush of information first hand from those moments, as well as the situation between The Temple, The House of Cards, and how Sycamore factored in.

"I'll do what I can on my end through their member's dreams. So yes, we have a deal, for now."

“… We have everything under control,” Luis took a puff. “Trust us.”

The IC is literal fire right now, props to an amazing combo collab, Atomic, Fern, and Ghost. :>
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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I redid character relations for Jack and Stormy

Amara can go fuck herself with a phantom for now

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Proud Fujoshi

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Disclaimer: None of these relations are set in stone. If you have objections, please let me know. I don't mind changing any of them if you had other thoughts or ideas for your character. Help me flesh this out.


"That supposed love you share for one another is nothing but childish folly."

Acquaintance || ☯ Neutral/Indifferent || Friend || Best Friend || Crush || Romantic Partner || Disliked/Bad Vibes || On Good Terms || It's Complicated || Friend with Benefits/Hook-Up || Hate/Enemy || Curious About

"I don't like you, more so that you are...tolerable."

B R I T N E Y . W I L L I A M S

D R A K E . B L A C K M O R E

L I N Q I A N . H A N

L U C A . O L I V I E R A

S L O A N E . F A R I S
My Style;

T A Y L A . C H O I
Get out of his head 1;

E D I C T . D E V O L A
Get out of his head 2;

C L A N C Y . P A T R I C K

J A C K . H A W T H O R N E

S U L L Y . M C P H E R S O N

L E O N . R I C H O U X
One Night Stand;

S T O R M Y . C A R S O N

L A Y L A . H Y A C I N T H U S
Useless Crybaby;

A N Y A . B A K S H
He gets her;

A D O R A . P H O E N I X - P R E S C O T T
Thinks he's a bully;

E V E L Y N N . S E R E N E L I G H T
False Prophet;

L I L A . B L A C K W O O D
Ambivalent 1;

J A S P E R . W I L D E
Ambivalent 2;

L U N A . I N O U E

K E N S H I R O . M U R A K I N

A I S L I N . R O S E
Feels the need to protect her, and that's annoying;

A M A R A . K I N G

A A R O N - A R Y I N . T H O R N E
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by silvermist1116


Member Seen 1 day ago

@Aeolian Quick question about his relation to Tayla. Is 'Get out of his head' for her having Pink Lux or for her magical headphones? If it's the latter he can't know what they do, so his bad vibes from her in this regard wouldn't make sense. If it's for the former, then it's fine. Everyone still thinks she has her Pink Lux.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Proud Fujoshi

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@silvermist1116 Okay gotcha! Let's say it's because he still thinks she's a pink lux user and he knows general mind stuff is in their wheel house. But I'm sure once he eventually learns about her new headphones, he'll dislike her even more. :)
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Spotlight: A spell Aaron devised to avoid fights: he can focus on a person and, using his Pink-Lux, influence people subconsciously into paying attention to that person. People's eyes will be drawn to them, and will pay more attention to them over other events. This somewhat bypasses Emotional-Fields, as the Paranormal will have the ability to resist.

Emotional-Amplifier: By focusing on a person, Aaron can intensify their current emotions to exponential levels - causing them to quickly spiral out of confront. A mildly annoyed person will break out to throwing hands in seconds, a happy person will be able to ignore even the worst moments, while a sad person will be catatonic. Emotional-Fields inhibit this spell somewhat, it will take more effort and concentration to bypass this Emotional-Field.

Danger-Sense: A keystone spell in Aaron's arsenal, this spell allows him to instinctively sense when he's in danger or when someone nearby has hostile intent toward him or his allies. This sense manifests as a tingling sensation or a heightened state of awareness, allowing him to react quickly to threats. This spell works automatically and has saved him and 8th Street countless times since he joined.

Connect The Dots: This spells Aaron understands the cause-and-effect relationships within a action. By focusing his attention on a specific location or person, he gains intuitive insights into the links between events and "fills in the blanks for him." For example, if he walks into the aftermath of a fight, he can know what sparked the fight and how many people were fighting in it.

Radar-Pulse: A spell that continuously sends out a pulse of White-Lux that travels out in a range of thirty meters. This pulse bounces off living beings and returns to him and gives him a sort of "map" of people or other Paranormal-Beings in this radius - trumping most stealth abilities that don't specifically counter White Lux or information gathering in general. He can sense if someone is entering the range, moving within it, or just lingering. It doesn't give him more information beyond the location of whatever is within its range.

Knowledge Absorption: A spell that allows Aaron to gain intuitive knowledge and insights on his environment. It works by creating an invisible thirty-meter field dome around him, and it's a sensory field that gathers information in his environment. It gives him information on basically everything within that field, such as details on objects and people, information on computers and books, and even residual magical energies. The longer it remains active, the more information he gathers, including distant history - but that would require the field to be active for hours.

Lie Detection: This spell activates the moment someone starts talking. Aaron sees an aura, and this spell basically monitors their aura for dishonesty. When they lie, the aura changes color, and Aaron will know that they are lying. Mixed with Connect the Dots, there's just no lying to Aaron.

Abstraction Intuition: A spell his sister taught him helps him learn about the paranormal and their abstractions. When an abstraction is used in his field of view, he instinctively senses and understands their nature and gains information such as what Paranormal-Being they are, what their abstraction is, and any other information relating to their abstraction. This spell also allows him to see the auras of Paranormal-Beings and essentially automatically tells him if they are Paranormal or not.

So I completely rewrote the abstraction of the NPC, Aaron Sawyer.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

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@silvermist1116Chances of Tayla and Greyson hashing things out??? Never zero, right!? Right!?
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