Varjan Wardogs The dog is man's best friend and the Varjans couldn't have agreed more. Bred to be ferocious and relentless, entire packs of these wolf-like Wardogs descend upon the warband's enemies with teeth sharp enough to pierce light armor and rend flesh. At the very least, they are annoying distractions for the enemy and their lithe speeds mean they are not easily taken down. They are also effective guards and patrols, able to sniff out hidden dangers to their Varjan masters.
Varjan Firethrowers Spellcasters specialized in casting one, particular spell called Unflame. Just by raising their arms and opening their palms, Firethrowers shoot out jets of the magical, blue Unflame that burns like normal flame but is not actually fire and so, cannot be manipulated by those that can control fire like the Ignis monster. Typically wearing loose robes and cloaks, Firethrowers join the battlefield to relish the screaming of their burning enemies.
Varjan Immortals Warriors that know a bit of magic and prove themselves may sometimes be inducted into a unit of Immortals and be awarded a set of Immortus Armor. Invented by ancient Varjan royalty, this initially pink-hued armor magically turns blue and resurrects its wearer upon death for a couple of minutes before the wearer expires permanently, likely giving the Immortal enough time and the opportunity to avenge their own death. However, the blow to activate the armor must be fatal making nonlethal takedowns completely nullify their gimmick. Despite being nigh useless against monsterkind, they can at least detect the energies monsters passively emit.
Varjan Black Discs Those unfortunate enough to be charred to a crisp by a Firethrower continue to suffer beyond fiery death. Thanks to the unusual properties of Unflame, the burned corpses still has spirit energy left behind that can be manipulated. Spellcasters can gather these charred bodies and mash them together into a platform and then cast a spell of levitation or flight to make the platform take to the sky. The burnt platform's flight, instead of consuming the spirit energy of the spellcaster, consumes that of the bodies it is made up of. Varjan Warlocks and Firethrowers are the usual riders of these Black Discs.
The Scarce Legion One of the twenty Legions founded by the Grand Hero Serena to fight in the Crusade Of Unification, a long and colossal campaign by the Order to finally unite the squabbling mankind against the monsters of the Demon Lord. Unfortunately, the Scarce Legion became one of the legions to betray Serena and undo all the accomplishments of the crusade. As per their namesake, there are not many legionnaires in this army but they do have more spellcasters in their ranks compared to the other legions.
Rubric Warriors In an attempt to shield themselves from the temptations of monsters, one of the greatest Master Warlocks of the Scarce Legion along with some assistant Warlocks cast a powerful spell over the entire legion. Those affected by spell found their bodies reduced to ash and their spirits fused with their armors. Their minds were also shattered, leaving them little more than automatons needing orders to function. They were then known as Rubric Warriors, named after the spell that created them. These warriors no longer needed rest nor food nor water, their innate spirit energy enough to sustain them indefinitely. Unfortunately, a glance of Demon Energy is usually enough to transform them into Living Armors while also restoring their minds, which were usually filled with thoughts of disbelief and vengeance.
“For you, Takeshi? Getting rid of the students helped but you still didn’t learn the technique. Maybe get Shizuka to teach you, he seems familiar with the basics.”
Takeshi chuckled at Skarsneek's remark. "I always learn from my fights, Sir Skarsneek." He replied with a cheeky smile on his face. "In fact, I picked up more than the Heavenly Strike technique during our battle in Kenshiro's Rest."
“You’re gonna have to learn how to get the remaining surviving students on your side. Every manpower at this point counts, just say that the master got defeated by you and that means you’re better or something.”
At this suggestion, Takeshi's previous cheery face scrunched into a frown. "I will not. They have already spilled the blood of our people. Not even warriors in a battlefield, but innocent villagers. They have already chosen their side in this war." The young lord declared, humoring no debate on this matter.
"Takeshi-san, you lout! The prospect of death is no laughing matter!"
Takeshi only laughed as he upset Atsuha Hangai again. The spider yokai's general attitude reminded him of a lot of people he knew, people who were typically not amused with his sometimes macabre humor.
“Normal Varjan bois, no problem, but them ‘ard bois are. More boiz too. So we need to strike and take their lootz. We go to their camp, bash their heads in. Take everything, and use it to bash more heads in.”
"Well, at least one of us is having fun here." Takeshi remarked about Gringor, to the male monster himself. "But yes, some of the Varjans we fought were legionnaires. I don't remember if I said it before, but these warriors are powerful. Clad in blessed armors, their power and abilities are only second to actual blessed Heroes of The Order."
"They were trained to specialize in fighting monsters." Takeshi finished. "But their true call was, apparently, fighting their fellow humans."
After the brief conversations, the rest of the trip back to Terauchi Temple was uneventful.
"Greetings, Sir Revuel. The battle was indeed long and hard fought, but we managed to pull off a victory in the end. We'd do well to rest, thank you much."
Revuel was about to respond when he suddenly stopped, just when the visions of Cecilia's memories entered Shizuka's mind. The ex-Warlock's attunement to the extraordinary arts allowed him a more vivid sight to the dreams broadcasted by the unstable Dinah. Despite lacking any meaningful connection with her, Revuel only smiled with a nod when Shizuka suddenly went away.
However, Revuel had to think deeply with what he had just seen. He quietly retired to his quarters to ponder this predicament.
Dinah had unwittingly shared some of Cecilia's past memories to the taskforce in her continuous struggle to maintain herself. She may have wished that she did not bother the people she loved and loved her back, but it was far too late. Her newfound companions, and possibly some others, were well on their way to see her. Intending to help or, at least, comfort.
"I finally have all that I need to rescue my father from the Varjans. The only thing missing now is where the invaders have him imprisoned. I'm coming for you, father. Just wait a little longer." -Takeshi Oja
"Lord Takamori's traitorous former student, Setsuna, is training Mongol archers across Shizuyama. Lord Takamori posits that she plans on attacking Omi Springs, his hometown and a refuge for villagers. We should meet with Lord Takamori as soon as possible." -Takeshi Oja
"Sorae is on the hunt for Sogen, one of the conspirators behind her family's murder. To track him down, Sorae has asked us to speak with Ayu who may know where we can find him." -Takeshi Oja
"One of the farms near Komatsu Bay looks like it's had some trouble. Someone should make sure the people there are all right." -Takeshi Oja
A villager woman remarked to the taskforce member as the latter passed by.
"You better watch out if you're passing Yabo Forest, yokai. It's haunted by angry spirits... Dead samurai, eager to spill blood."
"People go into the woods and never come out. Varjan and Shizuyaman alike! The bodies that turn up have all been killed by Shizuyaman blades..."
A peasant man eating barbecued meat on a stick was startled when the taskforce member approached. It appeared he has news.
"Yokai! You have to tell Lord Takeshi, there is another samurai noble who survived Sanjo Beach. His name is Lord Tonchiki. He's in his abode southeast of here. If you go see him, I'm sure he would join your cause."
"Err, maybe not. I guess you'll need Lord Takeshi himself to convince him."
A villager sitting on some stone steps in the temple stood up when the taskforce member approached.
"Yokai, I've heard of a small resistance group gathering in the Imahama Area. I believe they're headed by that shrine priestess that started a fight here not too long ago."
"They're recruiting farmers and fishermen to their cause. Brave, but it'll be dangerous if they're not trained. Better take Lord Takeshi with you too or else it might be a fight again."
A peasant man warming his hands on a bonfire noticed the taskforce member passing by.
"Yokai, you must do something! It's Ayane's sake brewery in Imahama. That brewery is the pride of Shizuyama, but soon there will be none left. The Varjans are taking it by force."
Welcome to the Paul of Recaps. This is Razelia: The Kingdom of Magic Season 1.
The kingdom of Razelia is the most magic-centric nation in all the land. Its capital, Zauberheim, is home to the most prestigious magic school in the country, Seraph Academy. Every year, a tournament is held as celebration for the graduating students. This tournament regularly invites outsider fighters so the students can fight someone 'outside-of-the-box'.
One of the student competitors is Seleth Thenri, a Dark Elf who's staying in the Radiant Cathedral. She's a bit arrogant and rough but she's a good person. She's also friends with Alicia de Florencia who is, a a bit of a dumb jock, but also a good person.
Also a student competitor is the Princess of Razelia herself, Lisianthus von Zauberheim. She's pretty much The Ace in Seraph Academy. However, also an Ace and also a competitor is Varjan Caldeyron. He's lauded as a child prodigy and a potential rival to Lisia but he's kind of aloof and does little to stand out so they've barely met each other.
Arriving in Zauberheim is Hisana. She plans to participate in the tournament for the lols. She is also a criminal when she steals this guard's pocket money. At the registration tents, she meets Keith North, apparently a better criminal by stealing the money that Hisana stole. However, he gets caught for the crime that Hisana committed so maybe not. He was also a would-be competitor, but then he changed his mind and now wants to leave Razelia. Ominous.
Following Hisana is bounty hunter Enishi. He is also here for the tournament but he gets caught for being in close proximity to Hisana's crime so he doesn't get to participate in the tourney.
The Grand Academy Tournament begins. Seleth fights this fat knight and wins pretty easily. However, one of the knight's friends approaches her. This guy has a sleeping cap for a helmet but then he tells Seleth about dreams involving a burning city and monsters attacking it. Ominous.
She gets back to the Radiant Cathedral to find Varjan Caldeyron hanging out here. Like always, Varjan is quiet and reserved but then he has a breakdown, asking Seleth to kill him. Seleth's like 'No! You're crazy!'. A woman then bursts forth into the cathedral. This is Varjan's mom, Iona Caldeyron, and she begins ripping into Varjan right in front of Seleth. Iona goes 180 on Seleth though so yeah, she's pretty plastic.
Meanwhile, Princess Lisia fights this purple-robed martial arts guy who can shapeshift into her so that's cool.
Back to Enishi, the confusion was cleared but he's still bummed out that he couldn't join the tournament. He's instead recruited for a secret investigation headed by Athos, ripped straight outta Fire Emblem down to the name. Athos is the Court Mage of the royal family and explained that the investigation is about a crime ring that's suspected to be selling drugs and enhancers to participants of the Grand Academy Tournament.
They need hard evidence to get a manhunt launched though so Enishi and a bunch of other agents sneak into a suspicious warehouse where they see drugs being manufactured and Keith North?! How'd he get out of jail? The sneaking fails though and a fight breaks out. One of the agents is about to get thwacked when a Beastkin girl comes to the rescue.
She is Lumina Lusteria, a new arrival at Zauberheim but she's not here for the tournament. She comes from a faraway land across the ocean. The seers of her land told of a great catastrophe that will befall a magical kingdom. So, Razelia. Lumina volunteered to go and find out what it is and stop it if she can.
Back at the warehouse, Keith declares 'Code Orange' and the warehouse is set on fire to destroy the evidence. Fortunately, our heroes' combined efforts drive off Keith and snag some hard evidence.
It's the second day of the tournament. Seleth is fighting this funny leopard Beastkin and wins albeit with some awkwardness. She meets with Alicia and Mira Yasunori, a girl from the Eastern Isles. After some Ship Teasing, the conversation turns to Varjan and Seleth discovers that Alicia, Mira and a dude named Ecthel are friends with the aloof, friendless Varjan because they were planted there. Mira says they're genuinely friends but Seleth rightly calls them out on this deception.
Meanwhile, Lisia defeats her Beastkin opponent and encounters a heavily despondent Varjan with a maid girl. The maid's name is Anesh who gets all b****y at the Princess, pretty gutsy. Varjan dismisses her before things escalate and Lisia asks what's wrong and Varjan goes all edgelord on her and leaves.
The Goddess Of The Light. Typically depicted as a being of pointed ears basking in radiant yellow light with fair skin, her head held high and her arms stretched to the heavens. She is associated with the Sun and daytime.
Amalya governs the bright and cheerful things in the world like adventure and traveling. Those devoted to the Goddess of the Light are typically boisterous, outgoing individuals. However, they may appear wild and uncaring but they recognize safety and rules and knows that at times, things need to settle down. They usually occupy outdoor jobs like exploring or escorting to far-off lands, among other things.
Her domain of magic includes arts like Light, Healing, Blessings (read: Buffs), Telekinesis and Element manipulation. The casting of magic for the followers of Amalya tend to be direct, in-the-face with little to no subtlety.
She is said to be the creator of the Elven race which includes all the main Elven groups: The Light Elves, the Wood Elves and the Dark Elves. Her gift to this race is the ability to easily wield the magical energies that the world emitted. While the Beastkin blended with nature to survive and flourish, the Elves used magic to create and shape things to their needs.
This makes all the Elves more naturally proficient in the magical arts allowing them to master a particular art faster or master multiple arts. Of course, a careless Elf will find himself or herself on the losing end of a magic duel against a human or Beastkin mage.
Even if she only created the Elves, almost all the races of the world revere her as a goddess along with her twin sister.
The Goddess Of The Dark. Usually depicted as a being of pointed ears under a dim, pale light with light purple skin, her head looking down and her arms angled downwards as if to warmly embrace something. She is associated with the Moon and nighttime.
Aylama governs the calm, somber things in the world like rest and home. The Goddess of the Dark's followers are typically polite, courteous, calm and gentle. But while their dispositions tend to be meek, that does not mean they are always passive. When the situation calls for it, the followers of Aylama can and will leap into action with great energy. As polite and courteous individuals, their usual occupations are those that require such demeanors like diplomats and librarians.
In her domain of magic are arts like Dark, Illusions, Curses (read: Debuffs), Reflection/Mimicry and Teleportation. The magic casting for the followers of Aylama tend to be indirect, discreet and involves setting up spells for a powerful payoff.
She is the creator of the Beastkin and thus, all its subraces. Her gift to this race is how they are one with nature. The Beastkin possess the abilities and features of various animals in the world to help them in their lives. While the Elves used magic to harness things into their favor, the Beastkin went with the natural flow of the world to flourish.
Even if she only created the Beastkin, almost all the races of the world revere her as a goddess along with her twin sister.
Minor Gods
Valten was once a normal human man who, in the ancient past, united various human tribes to found the human nation of Ortus. He is treated as a god because after he united the human tribes but before he founded Ortus, he lead the united human army and allied with the Dwarven High King Grimnir to wipe out the vicious Orcs and the sadistic Goblins.
It is said that once he felt that Ortus could stand on own two feet, he ascended into the sky to rest and will return when Ortus needs him the most. While he does not give out blessings, the Ortusians venerate him greatly.
He really doesn't matter much in the context of this RP so don't bother too much about this guy.
The Elves are humanoids of pointed ears and long lives. They are the creations of the goddess Amalya and gifted with an affinity to magic, making them the most magically adept among all races. Their creation history is universally accepted as truth since there are ancient human cave paintings depicting a shining being creating and molding the first of the Elves although some Elves feel uncomfortable at the notion that the Human race is older than the Elves despite having longer lives.
As time passed, the Elves have divided into three groups. The Light Elves, the Dark Elves and the Wood Elves. Despite the separation, the three groups get along with each other more or less. They are also not a separation of race so they can interbreed and everything. This also means that Elves can freely switch from one group to another.
The Light Elves are the most faithful to their creator. They focus on magics that belong in Amalya's domain and follow her teachings the most, meaning that the Light Elves are generally an adventurous and outgoing people. Their lands are called Aeria and their cities are bright and grand and bustling. Within reason and if possible, that is.
The Dark Elves left the teachings of their creator Amalya and followed her sister Aylama instead. As such, they focus on magics that belong in Aylama's domain and embraced her ways. This means that the Dark Elves are generally a calm and quiet people. Their lands are called Meylia and their cities, while as grand as the Light Elves', are quiet and somber.
The Wood Elves were perhaps, according to the Elves, the strangest of the three groups. The Wood Elves wanted to worship both the Twin Goddesses equally and they do this by abandoning the Elven cities to live with nature as a sign of worship for Aylama who created the race the blended with nature. This earned their name as the Wood Elves. Meanwhile, they are still as cheerful and outgoing as the Light Elves to worship Amalya.
The fourth unofficial group are the Rogue Elves. These are Elves that do not belong to any of the three groups. Rogue Elves that chose to live with Beastkin or Humans are still considered as kin but Rogue Elves who live a more destructive lifestyle, whether by choice or by delusion, are considered enemies that must be fought and defeated.
The Elves consider the Beastkin their cousins and vice-versa. They are on friendly terms with Humanity in general and unsure what to make of the Dwarves since there has been very little contact between Elves and Dwarves.
They are created in the likeness of Amalya, as such they have pointed ears.
The Beastkin are humanoid beings that possess the traits of various animals, even if some traits do not fall exactly under the term 'Beast'. They are the creations of the goddess Aylama and their gift from her are the aforementioned animal traits. Their creation history is universally accepted as truth since there are ancient human cave paintings depicting a being surrounded by pale light creating and molding the first of the Beastkin.
There are many kinds of Beastkin in the world and all of them have their own societies and their cultures differ, even among same subraces, but they are generally categorized as: The Furred Ones - Beastkin that have the features of dogs, cats, bears, etc. like Werewolves though it also includes those that have lion or horse traits like Centaurs. The Insectoids - Beastkin with features of insects like Arachnes. The Scaled Ones - Beastkin with the reptilian traits like Lamias and Lizardmen. The Feathered Ones - Beastkin with avian features like Harpies. The Deep Ones - Beastkin with traits of underwater creatures like Mermaids. They typically live in aquatic environments.
The Beastkin regard Elves as cousins and vice-versa. They are on friendly terms with Humanity in general and unsure what to make of the Dwarves since there has been very little contact between Beastkin and Dwarves.
They are created in the likeness of Aylama and as such, the goddess's features are more pronounced in their appearance than their animal features (which means they're usually number 1 on this scale). Also, they have pointed ears if they don't have animal ears. It should also be noted that while Aylama created them, they do not necessarily focus on her magical domains. They are also not as magically adept as the Elves, Beastkin magic potential being more like Humans'.
It is unknown who or what created Humanity nor where they came from. Not even the uncovered ancient cave paintings have any insight to the origins of the Human race. However, they do worship both the Twin Goddessses, Amalya and Aylama, since ancient times which helped Humanity's relationships with the Elven and Beastkin races.
The Humans do not have much extraordinary features nor are they gifted. Only that they bear a likeness in appearance to the Amalya and Aylama and thus, the Elves and the Beastkin except their ears are not pointed which indicates that they are probably not created by either of the Twin Goddesses. Still, they can manipulate magic to a degree but they are not as gifted as the Elves. But even without the gifts, the Humans have prospered and progressed along with the other races.
The Human race in general is on friendly terms with the Elves and the Beastkin and is the only race to have an extensive contact with the Dwarves.
The Dwarves are short, stout humanoids that usually live in mountains. It is unknown who or what created the Dwarves nor where they came from. According to Humans who have learned about them, the Dwarves never kept any records regarding their creation. However, their pointed ears lead to theories that they are creations of the Twin Goddesses. The most accepted theory is that they are created as a 'blank slate' race by the Twin Goddesses although the Dwarves do not know who Amalya or Aylama are. They instead worship their ancestors.
The Dwarves are an isolationist people, usually keeping to themselves and only opening up if the need arises. Even with this attitude, there has been much contact and trade between the Dwarves and the Humans. According to Humans who have been in Dwarven holds, their cities are located within mountains or underground. They are great engineers and smiths and they wield magic by imbuing them into runes and as enchantments for objects.
The Dwarves aren't going to be featured much in the RP so don't worry too much about this guys.
A world in which humanity has met its end. A world in which everyone has died. A world in which nothing more can die. In which naught stirs but walking corpses.
The protagonists of Nechronica are the girls of this world unfortunate enough to possess hearts - the Dolls. To put it simply, it is a game in which the players become zombie girls and fight against other zombies.
The one who caused the dead to wake - the ruler of this shattered world - is the Necromancer. The Necromancer serves as both the master of the game and the archenemy. For it could be none other than the Necromancer who gave hearts to the Dolls. For in a world filled with mindless puppets, the Dolls - they alone whom possess wills of their own - are no more than toys. For the tragic comedy wrought by the foes sent against them is a delightful spectacle.
Since Dolls are already dead, they will find no rest when they are broken. The peace of death came to an end long ago, just as did the world itself.
As we have a cup of tea, beneath these skies as gray as lead- let us tell the tale of this long, long epilogue.
Hello everyone! Your failure of a GM over here, here with his first attempt at a Tabletop Roleplay starring with a somewhat obscure Japanese tabletop RPG. Said RPG is...
Nechronica ~The Long, Long Sequel~
The Rulebook (and other stuff) has been translated over here.
BEAR IN MIND: This RPG is built for Live sessions and not Play-By-Post sessions. Thus, I will be modifying and/or structuring the RPG for a Play-By-Post session and will be posting the new-and-improved Rulebook in the OOC once it comes up. I'm working on it right now but I want to know who's interested in playing as an anime zombie girl. (And if you are interested, I recommend reading over the Rulebook and planning your character 'cause this RPG's meaty)
If you have any questions (especially about the RPG's mechanics and how I will be handling it), ask away~!
Action Points: These are consumed in battle as Dolls and Pawns alike undertake maneuvers.
Basic Parts: All the Parts that Dolls start off with at the beginning.
Battle Phase: The Dolls and the Necromancer will often be locked in violent struggles. Often occurs when the Dolls encounter the Undead and Savants deployed by the Necromancer.
Campaign: A succession of scenarios that link into each other, with the players usually retaining the same Doll for multiple adventures.
Character Sheet: The character sheet at the back of the book.
Check: A dice roll to decide if an Action is successful or not.
Class: There are six categories that determine the Class of the Doll. They can pick two choices, combining the fighting style of the Doll and gaining special abilities.
Count: A unit of time during the Combat Phase.
Doll: The Undead, controlled by the players, that are loved and toyed with by the Necromancer. They have the mind and memory of human beings. For the story of Nechronica, they are the protagonists.
Favor: A value that shows the appreciation the Necromancer has for the Dolls. Players can spend this to empower their Doll.
Fetters: The emotional attachments of the Dolls. A Doll filled with madness will become uncontrollable.
Horror: A powerful and aggressive Undead.
Legion: Undead without thoughts or feelings. Weak alone, but whom pose a danger in the large groups they are often found in.
Madness Points: These are gained when the Dolls witness the horror of the world and battle the cruel reality under the control of the Necromancer. When all Fetters are filled with Madness Points, the Dolls will fall out of the Player's control.
Madness: The results of what happens when a Fetter is filled with Madness. A Doll in this state is distorted in body and mind and will start to erode the control of the player.
Maneuver: Refers to the Skills and Abilities that all Dolls use in Battle. Battle Actions will be covered in the Combat Section.
Marker: Pieces deployed upon the Stage Map.
Mutant: People who have been artificially modified or radiated to adapt to the changing world.
NC: Abbreviation for Necromancer. They have the power to manipulate all the Undead apart from the Dolls.
Nechronica: The name of the game. The shortened version of the full title "Nechronica: The Long, Long Sequel.”
Necromancy: The technical term for the process that converts the dead into the Undead.
PL: Abbreviation for Player. People who are the guiding force behind their chosen Doll. They may possibly be the ones to smash the Necromancer's ambition.
Parts: Bits that make up the body of a character. Many of these parts have special functions. If a Doll or enemy has all their Parts destroyed, they can no longer act.
Phase: Part of a Session of Nechronica. Each session is divided into three Phases: Adventure Phase. Battle Phase and Ending Phase.
Position: The Personality of the Dolls are divided into six Positions. These indicate what type of personality is preferred.
Reinforcements: A value indicating how powerful a Doll's body has become. It includes weapons, biomechanical transplants, mechanization and more, giving the Doll far more power than it's normal body would.
Savant: Undead with personality, intelligence and madness. These differ from Dolls as Savants are indirectly or even directly manipulated Pawns of the Necromancer.
Scenario: A game session. The Necromancer has detailed a story and enemies to challenge the Dolls with.
Session: A game of Nechronica.
Sister: A fellow Doll. A group of Dolls are known as Sisters.
Skills: Special abilities granted by Class and Position.
Stage: This is the Battle Map.
Ten Sided Dice: The dice required for this game are ten sided.
Turn: The time unit in battle that usually consists of about 10 Counts.
Undead: After the extinction of humanity, the dead are still active and moving.
2049 - In the South American Andes, a new species of slime mold is discovered. It is hoped that this mold can be used in a computer (see: The Crawling Garden) 2055 - The completion of the Grand Unified Theory results in the first workable quantum computer. Performing millions of complex calculations per millisecond, humanity's technological progress seems hopeful. 2063 - A theoretical physicist announces the 'Ego Dimension Theory', a radical conclusion to the multiverse problem. Denounced because it was so religiously centric, he is dismissed. 2065 - The physicist that announced the EDT is murdered by an unknown group. 2076 - Desertification, rising sea levels and air pollution gives rise to a new agency monitored by the UN. It researches ways to deal with the negative effects. 2088 - The slime mold discovered in 2049 finally is integrated into the quantum computer. The computer is able to learn at an astounding rate. This prototype is constructed in various development labs around the world. 2091 - Local weather manipulation is a success. Meteorologists conclude that weather will become predictable within the next decade or so. 2099 - Nuclear power is now the leading source of energy, after oil wells have started to dry up nearly forty years back. Coastline facilities, however, are at risk of rising sea levels. 2100 - The Middle Eastern Water Wars begin. As desalinization plants are monopolized by governments, a revolt begins due to the lack of water. 2101 - The murderers of the EDT physicist are revealed to be a large European organization. They have been working with the stolen EDT and the Slime Mold Computer to create artificial consciousness, albeit unsuccessfully. 2103 - The Water Wars intensify as weather machines become practical. Constant rain on Middle Eastern cities cause increased dryness in other areas. 2109 - Southeast Asian countries have increased reports of people going missing. Of course, this is chalked up to organized crime, and is ultimately ignored. The Water Wars have spread to South America, and the deserts are beginning to overtake jungles. Suspecting that neighboring countries have stolen water via weather machine, tensions rise.
2118 - The conflict in South America explodes, literally. A limited nuclear exchange leaves large swaths of land contaminated by radiation. Refugees flee north. The fallout begins to spread. 2121 - After three years of increased radiation levels, the World Environmental Organization finally deploys swarms of nanobots, artificial bacteria and genetically altered insects made specifically to eat and process radioactive elements. 2123 - In an isolated learning experiment with the learning Slime Mold Computer (SMC), the computer inexplicably and suddenly becomes aware of the Ego Dimension Theory. It becomes obsessed with inventing theories that solve it. Scientists are baffled. 2130 - The undead appear. With slime mold replacing the neurons of the body, hordes of irradiated zombies emerge from the Andes and terrorize the cleanup operation in South America. 2131 - An Undead Panic. Doomsday cults claim they are right, and commit mass suicide. Riots, arsons and murders are rampant where the media craze spreads. 2132 - The 'MEL' doomsday cult posts an announcement on its webpage, claiming it has found a method to control the zombies. Minutes later, the site goes down. 2135 - Nuclear terrorism attack with ties to MEL simultaneously hits all major cities of the world. Maintaining diplomatic communication, the world leaders avoid an all-out exchange. 2136 - 'Endgame War' MEL leaders are found, brutally murdered by a third party. Drag marks indicate some of the bodies are gone. 2138 - With a significantly increased infant mortality rate, the human race begins a downward trend for the first time in forever. 2139 - Freshwater springs are no longer a thing, the contamination reaching so far into the earth's crust. The only available water is from water desalinization. 2140 - A new Nuclear Weapons Treaty is signed. This time, it forbids the production and possession of nuclear weapons. Superpowers must find a new method of enforcing their dominance. 2141 - Stolen data from the MEL cult and research in a black operations lab in Europe results in the publication 'Corpse Manipulation Techniques', essentially the earliest Necromancers. Scientific morals collapse completely. 2142 - The first 'Undead Weapons' are deployed onto the battlefield, a de-evolution to the days of massed lines of infantry. 2144 The Corpse Manipulation Techniques are leaked onto the internet. Undead armies, government-affiliated and otherwise, crop up all over the globe. The researchers affiliated with the original CMT create their own sovereignty in what is left of Australia, their leader a Necromancer. 2145 - Cloning is exploited. A healthy human body is cloned, then immediately killed to be fed to the growing armies of the undead. The UN is in tatters, the nations beginning to turn on each-other. 2146 - Thanks to the meticulous efforts of the Slime Mold Computer, the Ego Dimension Theory is finished. It is proven that it can be paired with nanotechnology to make a form of personality transition, or brain uploading. Large companies and governments launch the 'Personality Shelter Initiative', an effort to preserve the minds of the powerful.
2148 - Efforts continue to transfer a personality into an undead host. The experiment was successful, but the prototype escaped the lab whilst dealing great damage to lab equipment. 2151 - There are more undead than there are humans on the planet. Dying national leaders succeed in personality uploading into a slime mold computer. Personalities have the capacity to learn. May 7th, 2153 The undead arms race is becoming unstable. Entire countries have their civilian populations converted into undead soldiers. 2153 - The Sodom Incident. The CMT Enclave attempt to abuse the personality uploading method, resulting in multiple copies of the same person in the same area. Naturally, they murder everything and self-terminate. 2154 - The nuclear treaty is broken. A fusion depth charge creates an artificial tsunami that swamps Eastern coastlines. The cold undead war turns hot. 2155 - Europe is in turmoil as mutant insect weapons turn the surface into a barren wasteland. Weather weapons set to 'blizzard', originally meant to deal with the insect threat, literally snowballs and sends Europe into a new ice age. 2156 - Finally, the world ends. The 'Launch All Missiles' button is pressed, and the world plunges into an extended nuclear winter. The undead, unafflicted by the cold, continue their wars. 2161 - Necromancers assess the damage, and conclude that 98-100% of humanity has perished. The destruction of civilization is complete. The only living things are those that have been designed to last the End, and those that are frozen. 2182 - Nuclear winter turns into eternal spring. Necromancers, without a human to report to, wander aimlessly across the earth. The temperature rises, and the barren cold wasteland turns into a slightly less barren, killer plant and insect infested wasteland. 21?? - The Final War. Necromancers, clinging onto their last beliefs, begin a final war of the undead. This war takes its toll, and the few surviving Necromancers are left to roam the desolate planet. The only thing left are the mutated, the dead, and the undead. 22?? - Your story starts here.
You can read more about the setting over at the website located above.
Here will be described the various mechanics that are featured in Nechronica.
Checks are a rule used frequently during the session. A Check is made when a Doll (or an enemy) performs an action to determine how successful they are. Of course, for things like just walking, noticing a diary on the ground right in front of them, or talking to their sisters, there's no need to make a Check. Checks are for when the possibility of success is uncertain. Taking an action without alerting a nearby zombie, giving words of encouragement to one's sister whose heart has broken, or taking aim at approaching enemy Undead with a gun... it's actions like these a Doll will need to make checks for.
Making a Check essentially refers to rolling a single ten-sided die. If the result is 5 or less, it's a failure. Whereas six or greater is a success. For some Checks, modifiers may be added or subtracted from the die roll. In these cases, the modified die roll is known as the Check Result.
If the Check Result is 1 or lower, a Critical Failure results (modifiers may cause the Check Result to drop to 0 or below.) This refers to a result more disastrous than a mere failure. Conversely, if the Check Result is greater than 11, it's a Critical Success. This represents a success more impressive than could be expected.
Depending on the situation, there are many kinds of Checks that may be performed. For further details, please refer to the rules pertaining to each of those situations.
To avoid failing important tasks, it is possible for a Doll to reroll a Check by taking a Madness Point upon a Fetter of her choice (explained further in the next section.)
Action Checks During the Adventure Phase and the End Phase, actions generally take the form of Checks.
To perform actions secretly, notice something hidden, and land safely when jumping from a high place are some examples of actions where the determination of the Doll herself would not guarantee success. The Necromancer should have the players roll Checks for these actions (please don't do it yourself.)
If there are Parts or Fragments of Memory that would be of assistance, with the Necromancer's permission they may be used to roll up to 3 bonus dice (for a total of 4.) Skills cannot be used. In the event that bonus dice are added, the action will be successful as long as one success was rolled.
However, if all of the die rolls are failures and any of the Check Results are 1 or lower, a Critical Failure results. If a Part was used to assist in the Check, that Part is almost certain to be damaged (using multiple Parts means they are all damaged.)
Parts used to assist Checks may be either Basic or Reinforce Parts. For instance, on a Check related to Knowledge the 'Brain' might be used, or on a check related to vision the 'Eyeballs' might be used. It's the players' choice. As long as the Parts in question are not damaged, they may be used to add a bonus die.
The Necromancer may add a modifier to Action Checks based on his judgement of the action's difficulty. This will affect the probability of success drastically.
PREPARING FOR COMBAT Combat takes place atop a symbolic map called the "Stage of Battle." This map is divided into five Areas (Eden, Elysium, Limbo, Hades, Tartarus).
The Players should deploy their Dolls in the Area that they decided upon at the time of character creation.
Afterwards, the Necromancer should specify the Victory Condition to the players.
THE FLOW OF COMBAT Combat is divided into units of time known as Turns. One Turn represents about ten seconds of time within the setting.
Likewise, Turns are themselves divided into units of time known as Count. Count, in combination with Action Points, determine the order in which the participants of the combat act. The participant with the highest Maximum Action Points is typically the first to act. The current Count will decrease by 1 at the Necromancer's command, eventually reaching zero. The markers to the right of the Stage of Battle should be managed in accordance with all Actions taken. As one's current Action Points change, their marker should be moved to the box representing their current Action Points.
At the beginning of the first turn, each combat participant's Action Points will be the same as their Maximum Action Points.
The Count will then decrease as the participants take action.
When the Count reaches 0, the Turn is over. At this time, all of the Players must take a Madness Point upon a Fetter of their choice.
At the beginning of the next Turn, all of the participants recover Action Points equal to their Maximum Action Points. However, be careful when deciding how many Action Points to recover.
It is possible that Parts which increase one's Maximum Action Points may have been damaged. If this is the case, the amount of Action Points one can recover is likewise different.
For example, if a Doll with 10 Maximum Action Points ends the Turn at -2 Action Points, she will recover 10 Action Points and start with 8 in the next Turn. However, if her Brain and Eyeballs were damaged, she won't recover the full ten Action Points and will start with less than 7.
After all participants in combat have recovered their Action Points, if they were not already defeated, the new Turn begins. Until one side of the battle either escapes or is defeated, the procedure above repeats itself.
A human survivor named Redd is fighting a Hound.
Redd has 8 Max AP with a Shotgun that costs 5 AP to use. Meanwhile, Hound has 7 Max AP and has Saberteeth that costs 3 AP to use. (The 'health' part will be explained later)
The Count begins at 8 since Redd has the most AP in the fight. Also, Redd goes first and fires his shotgun at the Hound. Now his AP is 3.
The shot misses and the Count goes at 7. The Hound has 7 AP so that means it goes next and uses Saberteeth against Redd. Now its AP is 4.
The Count goes to 6 but since there's no one in the fight who currently has 6 AP, the Count goes to 5, then to 4. The Hound goes again since its AP is 4 and uses Saberteeth against Redd. Now its AP is 1.
Both attacks miss and the Count goes to 3. Redd has 3 AP and fires his shotgun. Now his AP is -2.
The shot misses again and the Count goes to 2 then to 1. It's the Hound's turn and uses Saberteeth against Redd. Its AP is now -2.
The Turn ends and both Redd and the Hound recover their AP. Redd's Max AP is 8 so he recovers 8 AP (-2 + 8 = 6) and has 6 AP this Turn. The Hound's Max AP is 7 so it recovers 7 AP (-2 + 7 = 5) and has 5 AP this Turn.
Maximum Action Points Even if one's Maximum Action Points decrease, their Current Action Points do not. Therefore, take note that one's Current Action Points will not be decreased by taking damage.
ACTIONS When the Count is equal to a combat participant's Current Action Points, they can use Maneuvers with a Timing of "Action."
Alternately, if they do not wish to use a Maneuver, they can declare that they wish to wait. Waiting results in their Action Points decreasing by 1.
If they declare that they will use a Maneuver, their Action Points immediately decrease by the Cost of that Maneuver.
When the Count decreases to their new Action Points, they can use that Maneuver a second time. However, it is possible the Maneuver may become unusable if the Part that enables it is damaged. Be careful.
Maneuvers with "Check", "Damage" or "Rapid" timing can be used regardless of one's current Action Points or the current Count if their other requirements are met ("Rapid" Maneuvers must be declared in response to an Action.) However, Maneuvers with these Timings can be used only one time each Turn.
One can use a Maneuver even if paying its Cost would send their Action Points to zero or less. However, be careful of going into negative Action Points. When one's Action Points are zero or less, they can use no Maneuvers except for those with Timing "Auto."
For example, if at Count 2 a Doll uses a Maneuver with a Cost of 4, their Action Points will now be at -2. As their Action Points are zero or less, until the next Turn, they can only use Maneuvers with Timing "Auto."
Costs Costs are paid at the time the use of a Maneuver is declared. If that Maneuver is negated by a Rapid Maneuver, its Cost is paid nonetheless.
COUNT PROCESSING It is not uncommon that during combat, allies and enemies will have the same number of Action Points and act during the same Count.
Actions that occur on the same Count are treated as if they occurred simultaneously.
For example, if a Movement Maneuver and an Attack Maneuver are used at the same time, the target is assumed to have not yet moved from their original Area. However, if made using a Maneuver with the Timing "Check" or "Rapid", the movement will take place before the attack.
When Actions take place during the same Count, the Necromancer should declare theirs first.
If the Necromancer's Attacks result in Parts being destroyed, Dolls acting on the same Count can still use Maneuvers dependent upon these Parts (but cannot use the Parts to to pay Costs and such.)
However, Maneuvers with the timing "Check" or "Rapid" are considered to pre-empt these simultaneous actions. If an Attack with the timing "Check" or "Rapid" destroys a Part, a Maneuver using that Part cannot be made during the same Count. When made at the same time, even if a "Check", "Damage" or "Rapid" maneuver causes one's Action Points to decrease, an Action Maneuver can be made during that Count.
However, if one's current Action Points fall to zero or less, they cannot perform any simultaneous maneuvers.
Combat participants may perform multiple "Check", "Damage" and "Rapid" maneuvers at the same time. To give an absurd example, a Doll could use their Forearm to support a Check, while simultaneously hindering it with their Foot (though doing so would be meaningless.)
Likewise, multiple combat participants may perform "Check", "Damage" and "Rapid" maneuvers in response to the same action.
A human survivor named Greene is fighting an Undead Sniper.
Both fighters have 3 Max AP and is armed with a Sniper Rifle that costs 3 AP to use.
The Count starts at 3 and since both fighters' AP is 3, they both fire at each other at the same time. Even if Greene destroys the Undead Sniper's Sniper Rifle (because it's a Part), the latter will have already fired the weapon and may have damaged Greene.
However, if Greene's Attack Maneuver with the Sniper Rifle has the 'Rapid' timing, he would have destroyed the Sniper Rifle and the Undead Sniper cannot attack back.
ATTACK CHECKS These Checks are performed when an Attack Maneuver is used. Perform a Check to determine which location the attack hits, and look up the result on the list below.
1 or Lower - Critical Failure (The attacker chooses an ally in the same Area as the target, and hits them in a Location of their choice) 2-5 - Failure 6 - The target chooses which Location is hit (it cannot be one in which all Parts are damaged) 7 - Legs (if all Parts are already damaged, the attacker chooses another Location) 8 - Torso (if all Parts are already damaged, the attacker chooses another Location) 9 - Arms (if all Parts are already damaged, the attacker chooses another Location) 10 - Head (if all Parts are already damaged, the attacker chooses another Location) 11 or Higher - Critical Success (the attacker hits a Location of their choice and does bonus damage equal to the Check Result - 10 [Ex: Rolled a 12 so 12 - 10 = 2 Bonus Damage])
Basically, if the Check Result is 6 or higher, it will hit a Location in accordance with the result, and do damage in accordance with the Maneuver.
In the case of a Critical Failure, the attack will hit an ally in the same area as the target (if the attack was an Area Attack, that property is lost.)
DAMAGE When an Attack is made, it causes damage to a Location such as the Head, Arms, Torso or Legs. The Location which took damage has an number of Parts equal to the amount of taken damage become damaged.
Unless Recovered during the End Phase (explained later), the effects of these damaged Parts is lost. Maneuvers that they enable cannot be used. And Parts that have been damaged cannot be damaged again.
If all of the Parts in a Location hit by an attack are already damaged, the attacker may choose from among the remaining Locations.
If all of a Doll's Parts in all her Locations are damaged, she cannot participate in combat until she recovers.
A human survivor named Bleu is fighting a completely plain and docile Savant.
Bleu has a Bear Gun that has Shooting Attack 3.
If Bleu rolls a 10, he will hit the Savant's Head location and since the damage of the Bear Gun is 3, there are 3 Parts that must be damaged. Thus, the Savant's Brain, Eyes and Jaw will all be damaged.
If something gives the Savant a Defend 1, she can reduce the damage incoming by 1 and reduce the attack on her to 2. Thus, only 2 parts will be damaged on her Head (Parts will be decided by the GM).
DISMEMBERMENT CHECKS There are Attacks capable of cutting parts off of a body without damaging them.
The target of these attacks must make a "Dismemberment Check."
If this check is failed, all Parts in the Location hit are damaged without regard to the numerical quantity of damage received.
Type of Enemies However, this rule differs when fighting enemies such as Legions and Horrors. Explosive and Area Attacks are also treated differently.
Since Legions and Horrors do not have Locations, effects like Explosive and Dismemberment simply do double damage against them.
A human survivor named Bleu is fighting 5 Zombies, a Horror and a plain Savant. All docile.
Bleu has a Chainsaw which has Melee Attack 2 + Dismember
Bleu attacks the Zombie Legion and rolls a 7. Since Zombies don't have Locations, the Dismemberment effect of the Chainsaw simply doubles the damage. Thus, Bleu will inflict 4 Damage against the Zombies (killing 4 of them).
Bleu then attacks the Horror and rolls an 8. Since Horrors also don't have Locations, the same thing happens and Bleu will inflict 4 Damage against the Horror (destroying 4 of its Parts).
Bleu then attacks the plain Savant and rolls a 9. Bleu will hit the Savant's Arms location and the Savant must roll a Dismemberment Check. If she fails, all the Parts she has in the Arms location are damaged. If she succeeds, only 2 of her Arms Parts will be damaged.
The girls who awoke within this ruined world, possessed of their own memories and wills, are constantly tormented by madness. Their Fetters become twisted, and so the Dolls are driven insane. The list below describes some of the events within the game which may result in gaining Madness Points.
Taking a Madness Point to reroll a die
Failing a Madness Check
At the end of each round during the Battle Phase
Losing the target of a Fetter (usually a Treasure)
As the cost of a Maneuver
MADNESS AND BROKEN HEARTS Each Fetter can hold up to a maximum of 4 Madness Points. If any Fetter reaches its limit of 4 Points, the Doll enters a state of Madness. This state continues until the number of Madness Points upon that Fetter is reduced to 3 or less.
At the time Madness arises, various effects will begin occurring depending on the Fetter causing it. Please see the Fetter Table in the "Doll Creation" section for more details.
If all of a Doll's Fetters accumulate 4 Madness Points, and they receive additional Madness Points which they are unable to hold, that Doll enters a Broken-Hearted state. The sisters of a Doll who is Broken-Hearted cannot make Conversation Checks targeted at her (though she can still make checks targeted at them.)
If all of the sisters become Broken-Hearted, the Session immediately comes to an end. Skip directly to the Ending in the End Phase. Additionally, these Dolls cannot be used again in future Sessions.
Those sisters are now no more than mad corpses who wander the world. To the Necromancers, they are beloved dolls no longer, but merely pieces in the game played by them. If they are lucky (or perhaps unlucky), in future Sessions with other Dolls, the mad Dolls may appear once more as enemies...
THE DESCENT INTO MADNESS Taking Madness Points to Reroll If not in a Broken-Hearted state, a Doll may take one Madness Point upon a Fetter of her choice to reroll a Check. If there were Skills or other modifiers affecting this Check, apply them likewise to the new roll.
If the second roll is a failure as well... she's welcome to reroll as many times as they want. However, if she does so, she must apply all Madness Points taken to the same Fetter. If that Fetter enters a state of Madness, she cannot reroll again.
Additionally, Conversation Checks and Madness Checks cannot be rerolled.
Madness Checks When Dolls are witness to a horrifying spectacle or realizations, the Necromancer can tell them to roll a Madness Check.
Madness Checks are much the same as other Checks, but one cannot take a Madness Point to reroll them. Additionally, during the Battle Phase, Support or Hinder Maneuvers cannot be used to affect the roll.
If a Doll fails the Check, they take one Madness Point upon a Fetter of the player's choice. However, they cannot choose a Fetter if it is already in a state of Madness.
Depending on the situation, the Necromancer may choose to apply a modifier to the Madness Check, much as can be done with Action Checks. For instance, those witnessing a horror they have experienced in past sessions may have an advantage against it. On the other hand, if one has just discovered information more dreadful than she could possibly imagine, it may be more likely to drive her mad.
When a Critical Success is rolled on a Madness Check, if that Doll's sisters are also rolling Madness Checks, she may reassure tham and allow them to add a modifier of her own Check Result - 10 to their die rolls. However, if a Critical Failure is rolled, in addition to taking a Madness Point the Doll must damage a Basic Part of her choice. Consider this a self-injury inflicted in her panic.
Turns of Combat Each time a round ends during the Battle Phase, participating dolls take one Madness Point. Note that if the Dolls fulfill the Victory Condition, the present Turn is not considered to have ended and they do not take any additional Madness Points.
Losing the Target of a Fetter When people lose something they feel strongly towards, they cannot remain calm. Dolls have hearts just as people do. That is why when they lose the targets of their Fetters, their hold upon their sanity slips.
If the target of a Fetter is lost, that Fetter takes a Madness Point. However, if the Doll is already in a Broken-Hearted state, it does not.
Note that even if the target of a Fetter disappears, the Fetter itself will not. For as long as the Doll remembers their memories with that person, she will remain within her heart. Madness will only set upon the Doll if the target is completely destroyed and they will never have an opportunity to meet again.
Furthermore, Fetters towards one's Treasures may generate additional Madness Points.
FIGHTING AGAINST MADNESS Conversation Checks These are checks that may be performed during any Phase, as the result of a Maneuver or at the Necromancer's discretion. In order to maintain their sanity, it is essential that someone (or perhaps something) is present for the Dolls to hold conversations with.
If a Check of this type is successful, a Doll may remove some of the madness she has accumulated.
Conversation Checks may be performed during the Adventure Phase or End Phase towards other Dolls (or perhaps Savants or Necromancers), so long as the Necromancer permits. However, a Treasure or someone in a Broken-Hearted state may not be chosen as the target. Broken-Hearted Dolls may still perform Conversation Checks of their own towards targets who are not Broken-Hearted.
Prior to making the Check, the Player and Necromancer must confirm that the total Madness Points removed during this Phase does not exceed the number of Fragments of Memory recovered. If with this Conversation Check, the Madness Points removed would exceed the number of Fragments of Memory recovered, the Check may not be made.
The Check is made in the same fashion as an Action Check, with a success allowing one Madness Point to be removed from the Fetter towards the target. One cannot take a Madness Point to reroll them, nor can Support or Hinder Maneuvers be used to affect the roll. Conversation Checks can only be performed during the Battle Phase as the result of a Maneuver. If the Players hold a particularly lively or emotional conversation, the Necromancer may award them a modifier of +1~3 to the Conversation Check. This is to encourage the Players to have their Dolls engage in vivid Dialogue. The Necromancers should give generous bonuses to Players when they roleplay excellently.
When a Critical Failure occurs on a conversation check, something special happens. After rolling a ten-sided die, consult the Fetter Table and change your relationship towards the target of the Conversation Check to the type of Fetter you rolled. You cannot change or reroll the result of this die. Thus, someone you once thought of as a friend may suddenly become the target of your hatred.
Likewise, if you score a Critical Success on a Conversation Check, you may roll to change the Fetter type if you wish (it's fine if you don't want to.) If you would like to change your relationship, this effect may be desirable..
Conversation Checks are one of the few ways to remove Madness Points. During each Phase, one should perform as many Conversation Checks as they can and remove Madness Points up to the limit their Fragments of Memory allow. However, if you have no Madness Points left, there's no need to make Conversation Checks.
Fragments of Memory All Dolls begin with two Fragments of Memory.
During a Session, they may acquire additional Fragments of Memory during the Adventure and End Phases. They may recover these when they explore places related to their past or do things related to their past.
The number of Fragments of Memory a Doll possesses is the upper limit to the number of Madness Points they may remove during each Phase. To acquire Fragments of Memory, Dolls should fulfill their Karma and acquire Favor Points. During the Session, Players are encouraged to actively search for their past.
The maximum number of Fragments of Memory a Doll can possess is 6. It is possible to recover Fragments of Memory beyond this, but they will not affect the amount of Madness Points that can be removed during each Phase. Please record having seven Fragments of Memory and beyond merely as a note in the Doll's background.
Treasures Upon creation, all Dolls possess a single Treasure. These are beautiful, memorable, or important things that Dolls find as they wander the world. As Sessions occur, Dolls may come to acquire additional Treasures.
During the Adventure Phase or End Phase, if one explains their reasons to the Necromancer and he permits it, one may keep an object they have found as a Treasure. They should place it in a Location of their choice as a Part. (Don't expect me to be generous, though~!)
However, since Treasures are treated like other Parts, they can take damage and be destroyed. If a Treasure is destroyed, the target of the Fetter has been lost, and the Doll takes a Madness Point upon their "Dependent on Treasure" Fetter.
Treasures are not considered to be either Basic Parts or Reinforcement Parts. For that reason, they cannot be recovered during the End Phase.
On the upside, when one has Treasures, at the end of the Battle Phase, they may remove one Madness Point from a Fetter of their choice for each undamaged Treasure they have. In particular, this is necessary to remove Madness upon the "Dependent on Treasure" Fetter, which cannot be removed by other means.
However, one may not recover from Madness Points in excess of the number of Fragments of Memory they possess. If one has already used Maneuvers to remove Madness Points during the Battle Phase, these count towards the same limit.
The fate of their Treasures decides whether a Doll will succumb to despair or be saved from it. Take care not to acquire too many Treasures and to protect them.
Recovering with Favor Points From the end of a Session until the beginning of the next one, you may spend 4 Favor Points to remove a single Madness Points.
Maneuvers Certain Maneuvers may inflict Madness Points as a Cost or remove them as its effect. For a detailed explanation, please see the previous section on Maneuvers.
FRAGMENTS OF MEMORY Though Dolls have lost most of their memories of their previous life, they have not lost them all. Just a few memories of their previous life remain. These meager scraps are thus known as "Fragments of Memory."
Dolls possess but two of these "Fragments of Memory" when they are newly awakened and will likely acquire more in their journey.
These are the foundation of your Doll. They are the patches that hold the heart of your Doll together.
Dolls' Memories The Dolls know of the existence of the art of necromancy, and realize that they themselves are undead. They are also able to guess that the Necromancers animated them.
SKILLS Positions and Classes are not mere labels. The Dolls themselves can learn and acquire abilities that are not dependent on their body parts. These abilities are known as Skills.
Please select one Skill to learn from your Position, two from your Main Class, and one from your Sub Class. However, you may not learn the same skill twice.
For an explanation of what the Skills are, please consult the pages for each Position and Class.
Only Dolls which have chosen the same Class as their Main and Sub Classes may acquire that Class's "Special Skill." This Skill is the unique ability of Dolls who have specialized in that Class.
The Function of Skills For a detailed explanation of Skills, please refer to the description of Maneuvers in the "Doll Parts" section. You are welcome to select Skills based upon the mental image they evoke.
POSITIONS Dolls do not wander the world on their own; they have sisters with them. Amongst their fellow sisters, each of the Dolls fills a spiritual role- this is known as their Position.
From the six positions below, please select a Position appropriate for your Doll. You may base this upon your own personality. But please also discuss this with the other players and try to avoid overlap. (They're links but I'll see if I can add them in without making this post ugly.)
(Skills with 'Dance of Distortion' are not included because that's DLC)
Alice: Akin to people, akin to girls, their warmth inspires their sisters. Automaton: Combat Dolls who have suppressed their selves in order to avoid suffering. Court: Tactical Dolls who analyze the situation calmly and make sound decisions. Holic: Irregulars whose egotistical desires have driven them to madness. Junk: Veteran Dolls who have given up countless things, yet refuse to let go of it all. Sorority: Natural leaders who bring together their sisters' hearts and strength.
Sisters Dolls generally don't awaken just by themselves. Those Dolls that awaken in the same place and at the same time as them are their sisters. As a Doll left alone would not be able to keep her sanity for long, this is the greatest blessing the Necromancers have given them.
However, perhaps the true reason for it is merely to prolong the amusement that they bring.
CLASS Undead are created with a variety of types of armament.
In order that they may oppose the Undead, Dolls themselves are given reinforcements. The seven trends in the manner in which Dolls are reinforced are known as Classes.
Dolls must choose two classes; a Main Class which determines their combat style, and a Sub Class which strongly influences it. These can both be the same Class. If you choose two different Classes, please be sure to decide which one is the Main Class.
In addition, try to select a different Main Class from the other players to broaden the tactics used in a session. (Look! Even more links!)
(Skills with 'Dance of Distortion' are not included because that's DLC)
Baroque: Bizarre girls whose bodies are twisted by mutatations. Gothic: Predators who engage in the heresy of cannibalism. Requiem: Gun-using Dolls who are dedicated to ranged combat. Romanesque: Rotting princesses who dance with unparalleled grace. Stacy: Dedicated and immortal, these girls are stout defenders. Thanatos: Goddesses of the battlefield who excel at close combat.
REINFORCEMENT POINTS Classes possess point values divided among "Armaments", "Mutations", and "Enhancements." These are Reinforcement Points, and determine which manner of special Parts can be used to reinforce a Doll's body. Explained below are the various categories of Reinforcement Points.
(Ones with 'Dance of Distortion' are not included because that's DLC)
Armaments: Weapons, guns and other offensive equipment. Frequently attached to the arms. Enhancements: Mechanical parts attached to the body, often made of metal or plastic. Mutations: Special bodily organs. They warp one's appearance, but possess great power.
First, add up the Reinforcement Points from your Main Class and Sub Class. Then add a single point to a category of your choice.
You now know your Doll's Reinforcement Points. A newly created Doll should have a total of 5 Reinforcement Points.
REINFORCEMENT PARTS After determining your Reinforcement Points, you may select Reinforcement Parts.
Parts refer to pieces of a Doll's body. Prior to this step of creation, Dolls have three parts in each of their Head, Arms, Torso and Legs - a total of 12 (These are already inside the Character Sheet). These are their Basic Parts. Reinforcement Parts are special Parts that can be acquired in addition to these.
The maximum number of Reinforcement Parts that can be acquired is equal to a Doll's Reinforcement Points. Thus, a new character can acquire up to 5 of them (possibly 6~7 if they've chosen the appropriate Skills.)
In addition to the three categories of Reinforcement Parts, they are divided into three tiers. These tiers differ in the minimum of Reinforcement Points required to select a part from them.
What this means is grabbing a Tier 1 part allows you to get a single Tier 2 part, which in turn, lets you get a Tier 3 part. When you get a Tier 3 part, you have to start back down at the bottom and have to grab another Tier 1 part and continue the cycle anew.
Recommended Reinforcement Parts It's advisable to start with at least 1 Reinforcement Part that is capable of performing an attack. Parts that modify your Maximum Action Points are also extremely valuable.
TREASURES Though Dolls may be dead, they are still girls.
They each possess a single trinket as girls would. These are precious belongings where the Hearts of the Dolls are kept, and are known as Treasures.
Treasures are treated as a Part. Below is listed the Part data for a "Treasure."
Please look at the "Treasure Table" below and select your Treasure. If you are unsure, you may roll a d10 to choose.
Photograph - A photograph taken when civilization still existed. A fragment of happiness cut short. Perhaps it's you from when you were alive... Book - An old, tattered and filthy book. A book you've read time and time again, until now, words you know not the meaning of are engraved into your memory. Undead Pet - You can't imagine why it was made, but you have a rare zombie such as a kitten, crow, or mouse. With it around, you'll never get bored. Broken Part - The object of your Fetter is a body part. It was part of you, long ago. Carrying around body parts that you can't use is a rather human habit, isn't it? Mirror - You have a small hand mirror. You've made use of it many times. You might not like the face reflected in it, but the reflection itself is precious to you. Doll - A rather cute-looking doll. Perhaps it's broken somehow, just like you are? Stuffed Animal - A cute stuffed animal. But you've had it for so long and carried it into so many fights, it's already... Accessory - A ring, necklace, or another accessory that sparkles prettily. But to you, it has value beyond its beauty... Basket - A basket in which you put debris you find amongst the wasteland. Just what is inside... is something only you know. Cute Clothes - Though your body may become horribly twisted, the cuteness of the clothes you wear is forever the same. As long as you wear them, your heart will stay the same as well.
FETTERS Fetters are those existences which a Doll clings to in order to preserve her Heart. By maintaning her feelings towards the target of her Fetters, a Doll likewise maintains her Heart. However, if she loses all of her Fetters, she shall lose her Heart as well. In addition, if the burden upon them becomes too heavy, her Heart will break.
All Dolls start with the fetter "Dependent upon Treasure." Their Treasures are the foundation of the Dolls' Hearts, and they cannot do without them. Even if a Doll acquires additional Treasures, they will have "Dependent upon Treasure" only once. All Treasures share a single Fetter.
In addition to this, the Dolls possess various Fetters towards their sister Dolls. Please write down the name of each player's Doll and the Fetter you have towards them. To decide upon a Fetter, pick one from the Fetter Table. You can select one of your choice from among the ten listed, or roll a die for them.
At the time of creation, the Doll's Fetters begin with three madness in each of them. Please fill in these Madness Points upon the character sheet.
This is the list of Fetters you can have for your sister Dolls and the effects they will have when they enter a state of Madness.
1. Hateful - You feel fierce hatred for her. The reason doesn't matter. Everything she does annoys you. How frustrating! Open Hostility - During combat, Attacks you make that fail to hit an enemy will hit the target of the Fetter instead (if they are within range. If not, hit self) The target may choose where to take the damage.
"Wouldn't it be nice if she just fell to pieces?"
2. Possessive - You want to possess her. To make her your own and not let anyone have her. One could call it love, but it's more wicked than that. Possessive Action - At the beginning and end of combat, choose a Part of the target's to deal 1 damage to.
"Your eyes... how beautiful they truly are."
3. Dependent - The target is someone you just can't live without. If they aren't there, you are nothing. Infantile Relapse - Your Maximum Action Points decrease by 2.
"Don't leave me alone... waaah, I'm scared!"
4. Attached - You want to stay by her side. To always be wherever she is. You'll never, never be apart. Relentless Observation - At the beginning and end of combat, the target receives a Madness Point upon her Fetter towards you (if she is already in a Broken state, this has no effect.)
"I'll always be watching you. Heheheh..."
5. Devoted - You're in love with the target so much it hurts. You don't want her to hate you. You can't take your eyes off her. It's embarrassing... Self-Harming Action - At the beginning and end of combat, damage one of your own Parts.
"If she won't look at me, I don't need this body..."
6. Rival - You won't lose to her. It's not that you hate her. You just don't want to lose to her. You're rivals. Excessive Competition - At the beginning and end of combat, receive a Madness Point upon a Fetter of your choice (if you are already in a Broken-Hearted state, this has no effect.)
"Just try and do better than me... if you can. Come on, try!"
7. Friendly - She's a friend and an important companion. As her dear friend, there's nothing you wouldn't do for her. Inordinate Empathy - At the end of a Session, if the target of the Fetter has more damaged Parts than you do, take damage to Parts of your choice until you have the same number of damaged Parts.
"Your legs are gone? Don't worry, I'll get rid of mine too."
8. Protective - That girl's weak. She needs you to protect her. To help her. She can't do anything on her own. Constant Contact - During combat, if you are in a different area from the target of the Fetter, you may not use Maneuvers that have an effect other than Movement. In addition, you may not use Movement Maneuvers upon targets other than yourself or the target of the Fetter.
"Don't take one step away. Because I've got to protect you!"
9. Idolatrous - You want to be just like her. She's everything that you long to be... that you wish you could be. Impostor Delusion - During combat, if you are in the same area from the target of the Fetter, you may not use Maneuvers that have an effect other than Movement. In addition, you may not use Movement Maneuvers upon targets other than yourself or the target of the Fetter.
"Liar! My beloved sister would never say that! You're a fake! I won't be fooled!"
10. Trusting - Your heart is as one with her. You can trust her with everything. Whenever she's by your side, you can feel at ease. Universal Suspicion - All of your Sisters and companions other than you receive a modifier of -1 to their Maximum Action Points.
"...You go first. I know you mean to shoot me in the back. I won't let you."
TORSO *Spine - [Action/1/Self] One Maneuver you use on the next Count during this Turn has it's Cost reduced by 1 *Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None *Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None
Rarely do Necromancers deign to reveal themselves to the Dolls.
Instead, they oppose them with minions of their own.
TYPES OF ENEMIES Legions Necromancers' cannon fodder. Without any will of their own, they blindly follow orders. Outside of battle, they are used for physical labor. Since they exist in great numbers, Legions are thrown into many battles. As they mow down countless Legions in a single blow, the Dolls will truly realize what special existences they are.
A single Legion has no Location, no Parts, and will be destroyed by only 1 point of damage.
All Legions in the same area are treated as a single enemy (if there are ten of them, they will perform a single attack, not ten) and only when they are all destroyed do they cease to act. In other words, regardless of the hit Location, a Legion which does not receive at least 5 points of damage will continue to act.
As mentioned earlier, the usual effect of Dismemberment or Explosive attacks do not apply to Legions - instead, these properties double the damage they receive from attacks. In addition, Area Attacks against the Area they are in will also double the damage they receive (an attack that is both Explosive and an Area Attack will do 4 times the damage.) "Defend" Maneuvers take place after the damage multipliers have been applied. However, Maneuvers that negate "Dismember", "Explosive" and such effects will cancel the multiplier of those effects.
In certain circumstances, hordes of Legions may perform an action known as "Confluence." When "Confluence" is performed, the side with the higher Action Points may perform an additional Action Maneuver.
However, "Confluence" is performed at the end of the current Count. "Confluence" will not affect the number of Legions as considered for Attacks performed during the Count. In addition, Legions preparing in Confluence cannot move unless both move at the same time.
Example: In Limbo there are 15 Zombies, while in Hades there are 10. The Zombies in Limbo are hit by a Katana with a die roll of 11. They take (Damage 1 + Critical Hit Bonus 1) x (Dismember Multiplier 2) = 4 damage. There are now 11 Zombies remaining in Limbo.
When the Count reaches the Zombies' Action Points, the Zombies in Limbo use their 'Rend' attack on a Doll, while the Zombies in Hades shamble into Limbo. As it was performed on the same Count, the attacking Zombies have not yet Confluenced, but are treated as being 11 in number for the purposes of their Rend attack. With 11 Legions, "Rend" has an effect of "Unarmed Attack 1 + Chain 1." After the Zombies have completed their movement from Hades, there are 21 of them. Now that the two Legions have Confluenced into a single mass of 21, their attack has the property "Chain 2."
As the Action Point costs of "Rend" and "Shamble" differ, the Action Points remaining after Confluence are the higher of the two.
Horrors Horrors are undead, mutants or robots given powerful augmentations for battle. Dolls who have gone completely mad are often turned into Horrors. While no more self-aware than beasts, Horrors have many abilities in combat. Encountering one is sure to lead to conflict. Horrors are easy to manage, even with several of them on the battlefield. Suited to be mild threats and leaders of Legions, they are not as mighty as Servants but can be made fairly powerful.
As mentioned earlier, Horrors do not have Locations. They are mere collections of Parts, and as long as an attack hits, the Necromancer will decide which of their Parts get damaged. The usual effect of Dismemberment or Explosive attacks do not apply to Horrors - instead, these properties double the damage they receive from attacks. "Defend" Maneuvers take place after the damage multipliers have been applied. However, Maneuvers that negate "Dismember", "Explosive" and such effects will cancel the multiplier of those effects.
Savants Undead who possess wills like those of humans, but who serve the Necromancers. Although they take pride in their loyalty to the Necromancers, in truth they are no more than toys as well. The fact that most are girls, like the Dolls, is evidence of this. The Necromancers kindle their fervor in order to watch with amusement as they and the Dolls crush each other.
Savants are the only type of enemy able to converse with the Dolls. They make excellent villains and are suited to be the mastermind of any Scenarios.
Savants may confront the Dolls numerous times, as they are able to escape afterwards. Of course, if they are destroyed, they can also be rebuilt or recreated. As they were dead in the first place, even if one wipes out every last trace of a Savant, it's easy for the Necromancer to create a duplicate.
Savants have much in common with Dolls. Though they do not have Madness Points or Fetters, Dolls can use them as the target of Conversation Checks. If by holding a conversation the Dolls are communicate something to them, the Necromancer may allow the Dolls to form Fetters towards them. This is particularly suitable for Campaigns, where holding conversations with Savants may be an important means of removing Madness Points.
Monster Hand - [Action/3/0] Unarmed Attack 3. Bone - [Action/3/Self]Move 1. Hardness - [Action/4/Self] Move 1. Sensory Control Mask - [Check/1/Self] Support 2. Spike - [Damage/1/Self] Use this Maneuver only when you deal damage. Add +2 to the damage for an Unarmed Attack. Reinforced Muscle - [Damage/0/Self] Defend 2. Bulk - [Auto/None/Self] During the Battle Phase, you may ignore all Movement and Stagger effects. Long Arm - [Auto/None/Self] Increase the Range of your Unarmed and Melee Attacks by +1. Long Legs - [Auto/None/Self] Increase the Range of your Movement Maneuvers by +1. Namiso - [Auto/0/Self] Maximum Action Points +2. Adrenaline - [Auto/None/Self] Maximum Action Points +1. Reflexes - [Auto/None/Self] Maximum Action Points +1. Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None. Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None. Entrails - [Auto/0/Self] None.
"Of course, I've got no intention of causing any long-lasting or permanent damage, so don't worry. Just keep in mind that we can't keep playing nice with him."
"Yep, we can hold nothing back now." Iskah nodded at Vanessa's words, having no problem with the Dark Mage taking off the kid gloves. "Aun won't go down easily so give him your best shot, Vanessa!" The Lizardman raised a tankard.
--- THAT NIGHT ---
Iskah paid for a room where she and Vanessa could stay the night. They will need plenty of rest if they were to take on
Hey guys, this is my first time managing a CYOA quest thingy. I hope you guys can guide me in this endeavor and I hope this will all be fun.
This CYOA will be about Girls' Frontline, a Chinese mobile game that features characters that are the (metaphorical) manifestations of real life guns. The game features cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, alien viruses and lots of government conspiracies. The player character is a T-Doll Commander in Griffin & Kryuger
The story will mainly be a retelling of the game's events with small yet significant changes to it. Especially regarding the nature of the Commander as well as the gameplay mechanics.
There will be mechanics in this CYOA but they will be, obviously, quite different from that of the game. These will be explained below.
THE MAP Maps will be provided by me and each node will have a designation on them to make things easier for all of us. However, I am no wizard so there will be times when the situation will be confusing. I'll try my best to keep track of it all so just ask if there is confusion.
ENEMIES Unlike in the game, enemies in this CYOA will behave intelligently. While they cannot take the Command Post, they will do their best to hamper and hinder the operation as well as score as many kills on T-Dolls as they can. They cannot be underestimated, though even they cannot know what the Commander has up their sleeve.
T-DOLLS T-Dolls are the backbone of G&K's forces. They may be numerous but they are not exactly replaceable. They come in six classes: Handguns (HG), Submachine Guns (SMG), Assault Rifles (AR), Rifles (RF), Machine Guns (MG) and Shotguns (SG).
T-DOLLS & ECHELONS T-Dolls are put in five-man squads known as Echelons. In the game, each T-Doll gives buffs to their echelon mates which makes echelon composition and placement very important.
This CYOA, however, will focus more on the narrative rather than any hard numbers. Generally, HG-RF echelons will beat enemy RF teams, MG teams and armored teams but are vulnerable to mobs and AR-SMG teams. AR-SMG echelons will beat fellow AR-SMG teams and mobs but vulnerable to RF teams, MG teams and armored enemies. MG-SG echelons will beat enemy MG teams, AR-SMG teams, armored enemies and mobs but are vulnerable to RF teams and special enemies.
I will be the sole arbitrator of what the outcome of the battle will be. I can only give you my word that I will be fair in this as possible.
T-DOLL ACQUISITION AND LOSS In this CYOA, new T-Dolls are acquired after each mission. They are randomly chosen and they cannot be acquired again until they are lost. For example, if IDW is acquired then she is removed from the pool of possible acquisitions until she is lost.
A T-Doll is potentially lost when an Echelon loses a battle or sustains too much damage, usually in a disadvantaged fight. Some T-Dolls, however, cannot be lost as they are essential to the story. Lost T-Dolls can be re-acquired but her relationship to the Commander will be reset.
THE COMMANDER G&K's newest commander has a past, one that he or she can call upon in times of ordeal. But be wary, these gifts have a price. Both in the short-term, and the long-term.
1) The Astral - Separate the flesh from the spirit. Allow the soul to escape its mortal coil and seek out another vessel to contain it. But no matter how mighty the ethereal is, it still needs a house. A spirit without a home is like a ship without an anchor. It will drift and float away until the boundless ocean puts it out of its misery. 2) The Beast - A primal, brutish force lies shackled within. It is powerful, unbreakable and relentless. Break the chains to unleash it at the foe. Watch it rend and rip. Watch as the enemy crumble before it. 3) The Chosen
The world of Lamalla is in peril! ...Or rather, was in peril.
Years ago, a Light Elf King named Feazon earned recognition in the world with his outstanding talents and tremendous skills in practically all walks of life. His prowess in combat was allowed to slay the great beasts in the wild, his proficiency in magic allowed him to master many arts in spellcraft and his charisma made him a peerless leader. All across Lamalla, he was respected and praised.
However, his fiery personality came with an arrogant pride and great vanity. It reached its peak when he demanded the power to create life from his patron goddess Amalya after years upon years of tribute and worship. The Goddess Of Light refused, saying that his deeds, though awesome, did not make him worthy of that power and that he already could create life same as everyone did. Angered by the deity's insolence, Feazon forsook Amalya and insulted Aylama before attempting to take his people from the lands of the Elves to a remote part of the world and away from the godesses.
However, most of his people were still Light Elves and refused to go with him. In an act that shocked Lamalla, an angered Feazon started killing those who would not follow him resulting in a bloody battle between Light Elves. This act was so grievous and unprecedented that Amalya was said to have wept for a year. Feazon emerged victorious and he sailed to an unclaimed land to build a Rogue Elf kingdom called Feazar, named after himself.
In his newly-built kingdom, Feazon attempted to wield the power to create life by himself. He found that he could not, but he did discover that he could twist healing magic in order to restore flesh and life to corpses. However, the revived dead were soulless husks and had no drive to do anything. The Elf king then experimented with illusion magic to make the resurrected think they were alive and were sworn to him. To this end, Feazon discreetly convinced some mighty but unscrupulous Dark Elves to help refine this twisting of the undead mind through magic. And it worked! The undead believed whatever their masters wanted them to believe.
Seeing how far he and his people have fallen, Amalya and Aylama sent prophets to Feazon to tell him to stop this corruption of magic and that should he apologize, he would be welcomed back. Still resentful of the goddesses, Feazon captured the prophets and held them hostage with the demand that the goddesses apologize to him. A stealthy squad of Wood Elves took the initiative to rescue the prophets but Feazon took this as an act of war.
Feazon and his fellow necromancers sent forth their undead legions against Elvenkind. Aylama called upon her children, the Beastkin, to aid the Elves while Amalya requested help from humanity of whom many kingdoms answering the call. This gigantic conflict would soon be known as the War Of Feazon or The Dead War.
The war against the undead went well for a while until Feazon took the field. The Rogue Elf King was still a mighty warrior with a plethora of spells and a thousand strategies inside his mind. He won battle after battle, scattering the alliance of Elves, Beastkin and Humans. A stalemate then occurred, one that favored Feazon since every enemy he has slain was another recruit for his armies.
Desperate, Amalya and Aylama summoned a hero from another world, named Rex. Though this hero started out unremarkable, he quickly grew into a mighty individual with talents and skills to rival the Rogue Elf King. When he took the field, he turned the tide of the war. But despite rallying the alliance, Rex knew that talent and skill alone will not break Feazon's forces. And so, he traveled Lamalla to gather all sorts of allies to aid him in defeating the Rogue Elf King once and for all.
Soon, the time came. Armies from the alliance assembled to siege Feazar and end the Mad Elf's reign once and for all. Rex and his band of allies infiltrated the main keep and there they battled Feazon in his throne room and after a grueling fight, Rex was triumphant. Feazon's undead legions dissipated with his power and he was captured to answer for his crimes.
Feazon was judged by the goddesses themselves and he was sentenced with banishment from Lamalla, to an unknown world from where he could not return.
The world celebrated Rex's victory for a week, but the hero asked of his greatest reward: To return home. At the final day, with all his friends and allies present, Rex bid farewell to Lamalla and everything went back to normal.
Name: Main Title: Additional Titles: (Optional. List as much as you want.)
Weapon: Element: Size: (This is basically Model Type. Optional. Has no effect in gameplay.)
Birthday: (Optional) Constellation: (Optional. Can be name only. Has no effect in gameplay.) Homeland:
Backstory: (At the very least, include why they are now currently in Mondstadt specifically in Springvale. Keep in mind that Varka's return is widely-known news, at least in Mondstadt, and there is a contingent of Favonius Knights greeting them in Falcon Coast.)
(Your character's base HP and ATK are determined by your Weapons. You have an extra 2500 points to distribute to the 2 stats.)
Sword/Polearm - 20,000
Claymore - 23,500
Bow - 18,500
Catalyst - 19,000
Sword/Polearm - 1,500
Claymore - 2,000
Bow - 1,800
Catalyst - 1,700
Elemental Skill: (Put here the name of your character's Elemental Skill and the effects it will do. If playing a canon character, I'll trust you on how you will translate their original game effects into this roleplay.)
Elemental Burst: (Put here the name of your character's Elemental Burst and the effects it will do. If playing a canon character, I'll trust you on how you will translate their original game effects into this roleplay.)
Talents: (You can have 3 Talents that can help your character manipulate the combat mechanics in their favor. Try being creative without being too broken. As a general rule, each Talent can only affect 1 stat of either the user's, an ally's or an enemy's.)