Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Pet Smart
Skills: N/A

Mandy jumped a little when the kid came rushing into her vision and reached into her personal space. She knew hearing people expected you to know where they were by the sound of their footsteps or some other magical way of just knowing. It was annoying though because hearing people assumed everyone could do it. However, she knew kids had even less experience. She glanced around trying to find an adult that went with the kid.

She pulled out her phone and opened the note pad, she had a standard "I'm deaf" card that she would use and then expand from there. She wasn't even going to try to talk to the kid. Her voice was hard for people to understand. But there was no adult. Could the kid read? She did kneel down so it would be easier for him to pet the cat, as long as the cat seemed okay with the kid. Part of her attention was on the body language of the kitten and if its purring stopped, which she could feel through her fingers.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Issac walked in with a smile on his face, another day at his dream come true. He quickly spotted Jeff Kali and the other staff coming in. Business as usual and it would still put a smile on his face. Right now, his current staff have been great so far and helped to cement his dream that is the Twin Seasons. Even if some like Jeff can kinda odd but still it makes the dream work.

So, after entering, Isaac walked over to Jeff and greeted him with a friendly voice. "Hello, Jeff, and nice to see you preparing for the day. I know I am a bit late, but I am here now. So is everything here going okay, no problems or anything?
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 4 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

After the officer suggested getting their statements over the phone or sending someone to talk to them, Becker nodded in agreement. "That works for us," she replied, whilst swiftly jotting down her phone number on the officer's notepad. "Here you go," she said, handing it back to him with a polite smile. "We'll be available whenever you need us for further clarification."

With that, she turned to Flynn, a sense of relief evident in her expression. "Looks like we dodged a trip to the station," she remarked. "Let's hope they sort this out quickly."

Becker glanced at her phone, reading Dave's message about overseeing the ambulance. She trusted the kid's competence despite being new on the job. Considering the time and the chaotic events, Becker contemplated getting some rest but decided on one final action to ensure the perimeter was settled first.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity waved off the tow truck drivers as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. She prided herself on being able to see things for what they were even when others tried so desperately to hide the truth and this was no different. Police and ambulance, reporters, the whole shabang. This was something bad. Based on what she noticed, people were dead and being brought into the ambulances.

Her eyes gazed over one of the bodies as it was being put in the ambulance. Just as the paramedic was closing the door, the body moved inside. Verity did a double-take. Surely the body was...dead. Wasn't it?

She saw the camera operator filming and, just like her, looked confused. Verity stepped outside of her building and made her way over to the camera operator to see if she could catch a glimpse of his film. She had to be wrong.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Oh, yeah. And we're all going to end up running for our lives to avoid becoming a Happy Meal when the dead come for our braaaains." Kali replied in jest, letting out a short chuckle. Zombie media was dumb, Kali thought, but it was always dumb fun, especially the cheap, low budget films. It wasn't unusual for low budget media to have terrible writing, and it often in turn became a case of "it's so stupid it's funny". Someone would always try to play Rambo, only to die a horrible painful death seconds later because of their stupidity. It always tended to get a laugh out of Kali somehow.

By then, however, their boss, Issac had finally shown up to the Twin Seasons. "I think that depends on if his team is losing or not." She joked to Issac, who had been busy checking on Jeff. "By the way, are we changing today's specials? Jeff wasn't sure if you were planning on changing them from yesterday's."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Kirah The kitten started to tense up in Mandy's arms a low growl could be felt in her arms and the purring quickly stopped, the kid took a step back and looked at the sign that Mandy had shown him, he looked confused for a moment. He could read but wasn't sure what the word deaf meant. A few seconds later a older woman came wondering down the aisles until she spotted Mandy and the little kid and quickly ran up to them. "Grandma a kitty!" The little boy yelled out as he quickly approached the elderly woman as she gently patted him on the head while looking over at Mandy. "I'm so sorry." The woman said and looked at the notepad that she had out. The boy then looked at his grandmother and then pointed over at the notepad. "What does that word mean?" He asked as the grandma gently patted him on the head "This lovely woman's ears don't work properly and can't really hear you." She explained as the boy looked up at Mandy for a moment and nodded slightly he seemed to understand from what his grandmother had told him.

@Kuro @Theyra Jeff looked at Isaac as he finally came into the Twin Seasons and gave him a slight wave. "Everything is good here, grills are heating up and should be ready soon Kali set up most of the dining room up now already, and everyone else just showed up as well to." Jeff told Isaac as he looked at Kali and shook his head slightly. "The Yankees are a great team and always win." He said as he went back to doing some of the prep work now. There aren't any customers just yet which was probably a good thing and the rest of the staff were all finishing getting stuff ready. "But yes what Kali said what were you planning for the Specials today?" He asked him.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

"I'll call it in." The officer said as he started to dial the police as well as an ambulance as well to, he waited until all of the students and teachers were away from the scene and was getting ready to enter the boy's locker room. Kaitlyn looked at Hermes and nodded towards him. "Sure thing, do you need to go home early, and is there anyone that you'd like to call or text?" She asked him letting Hermes lead her towards his locker.

"Maybe it's something to do with this virus thats been going around or something like that?" Hannah whispered to Hermes, he was more or less a zombie expert or something, he had forced her to watch some zombie movies and shows as well to from time to time. Kaitlyn seemed to be worried about what had happened to Hermes and noticed what was on the other side of that window to. It didn't take to long before they were in the hallway where Hermes' locker was located now.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

Flynn started to calm down as the officer wondered off to make sure that the rest of the scene was cleared, he turned to look at Becker he was gratful for her to convince the officer to not take them to the station. "Thank you for the help." He said to her as he looked over at his friend who was still sitting in his truck and poked his head out. "Looks like we aint eating here, theres a joint called the Twin Seasons you want to come? You can take your lady friend with you if you want." He told her which Flynn shook his head slightly. "Might as well exchange numbers just incase the cops ask us and make sure our stories are straight or whatever." Flynn offered to Becker it seemed like a good idea anyway.

As Verity walked up to the camera man he looked over at her for a moment seeing that she wanted to get a glimpse of what he had captured on the camera and decided to show her. The body bag had just suddenly sat up just as the doors closed behind the paramedic that had closed it, as he looked at her. "That shit aint normal right?" He said to her.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Pet Smart
Skills: N/A

Mandy let out a small huff of air when the boy stepped away and an adult appeared, she was relieved. The cat seemed upset, so she focused on it giving it some attention before looking up at the older woman. She smiled and hoped that the situation had been explained to the boy. She couldn't know. But at least the boy had backed off, he also seemed satisfied.

Mandy waved her fingers a bit at the pair of them and continued her little shopping spree. She texted back her dad. "Yeah, hopefully only temporary though. I'll find a new owner for it as soon as I can. The vet said it was healthy and gave it the first round of shots. I'll take care of the rest when I get back to school. No microchip or any sign of being owned by anyone."

She headed to the checkout stands, and pulled out her note again to show the cashier. She didn't like to have cashiers think she was rude and ignoring them.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity was curious by nature. It could be argued that she just wanted things in order and the unknown was as close to chaos as she liked, but really she as fascinated by things that could not be fully explained. In this instance, as she got near the camera operator and he showed her the film, a moving body bag was the mystery.

Verity felt a cold sweat. No, bodies that were in those body bags for transport did not just sit up and move around. That was kind of their purpose; the body being dead and all. Could it be they got it wrong and the person maybe appeared dead but started moving again? "No that's not normal. Someone should let them know that person's alive, right?" Verity didn't know the reason for there being a body, but perhaps it was an accident. That would explain it.

All other explanations were terrifying to admit.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"I'll have to take you word on that one, Jeff."

As Jeff returned to his duties, Kali remembered how quickly yesterday's lunch rush wiped out their day's soup stock. Apparently, matzo ball soup was quite a popular choice around these parts. She simply couldn't remember how many times she had to apologize for being out of it. Some had been angry, others were disappointed and chose something else. There was nothing Kali could do about it regardless; she simply took and served the food, she didn't prepare it (as much as she wished she could—she felt she could truly make a difference at the Twin Seasons). Hopefully, today wouldn't be as horrible as it was yesterday.

Walking over to the server's booth, Kali dug for the box of chalk and pulled one piece out to use. She then approached the kitchen window, and began to write on wall-mounted chalk board nearby. At the top, Kali wrote "Today's Specials" in her fanciful, neat handwriting. "Just let me know what you're thinking, and I'll put it up." Kali explained to Issac, who she turned to face for an answer.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Hermes wasn't sure how seriously the guard had taken him. It seemed as though most adults liked to live their lives as if they knew more than the younger generations, even though most of the world had advanced alongside tech that still seemed to baffle their brilliant minds. He didn't want them to hurt Elio, didn't need him to become another statistic in a setting where a kid gets shot because a grown up feared for their life. Yet he didn't wish the guard too fool hardy try and take Elio on alone. If he was able to take down Coach, he could probably take on a rent a cop. ”No need to call anybody. I wasn't hurt just startled and it wouldn't do to worry my Ma or Nona over something that small.” He replied as they rounded the corner towards his locker.

He quickly input the code, ten to the right, left to one, then back right all the way to nineteen. His fingers moving nimbly as his muscles made the practiced motions he'd been doing for years. The lock popped off and he swung open the door, magnetic mirror stuck into the swinging panel, memorabilia littering the inside. He looked at himself in the mirror, checking for any scratches or bite marks that he may have missed and saw nothing but the way his eyes seemed to tremble with the fear of what had happened. He fished his spare shirt and leather jacket out of the locker, throwing them on as if it was Kevlar to help against the craziness that was today. ”I haven't heard any reports saying that those infected with the virus behave this way. Unless you think our governments keeping it under wraps.” He said with a shrug. It was possible, and his mother had stopped him from hearing the latest news this morning so he didn't know if there were further developments. ”Maybe we can turn on the TV at the nurses, see if any breaking news has come on about it.”
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 4 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker watched the officer walk away, a sense of relief washing over her. When Flynn thanked her, she simply nodded. "No problem," she replied, her tone neutral but genuine. She noticed Flynn's friend poking his head out of the truck, inviting them to a place called Twin Seasons.

Becker couldn't help but roll her eyes at the comment. Before she could respond, Flynn suggested exchanging numbers to keep their stories straight for the cops.

"That's a good idea," Becker agreed, pulling out her phone. She quickly typed her number into his phone and took his in return. "Better safe than sorry," she said, pocketing her phone. "As for your invite, thanks, but maybe another time. Got some loose ends to tie up here before I jet."

She gave Flynn a brief, almost imperceptible smile. "Stay out of trouble," she added, with a touch of dry humor, before turning to finish overseeing the scene.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Good, good Jeff and nice to hear," Isaac said with relief as he learned that everything is going well. At least it looks like today at the Twin Seasons will be going off as normal. Everyone is here, and it looks like today will be a normal day at the Twin Seasons. No one is sick, so he does not have to worry about that bug showing up in the city right now. Isaac is in his element now, and it's time to start the day right and without worry.

Isaac turned to Kali and took a minute to think before responding to her. "Hmmm, I think the specials today will be the Lobster Tails, Hangtown Fry, Crab Cake, and the She-Crab Soup. I have noticed that people have been eating less seafood here, so maybe they will eat more today, and hopefully, they will try the She-Crab Soup, so we do not run out of matzo ball soup so fast." Yeah today is feeling like a good day again.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Kirah The cashier looked at Mandy as she showed them the note and nodded slightly towards her as they went and started to do the transaction for her. All the while the kitten was purring and gently licking Mandy's arm happily, her phone would start to go off again as her father replied back. "Since you don't have to go back to school so soon, was thinking lunch at the Twin Seasons after you come back home and get the new guy settled?" The text said the cashier looked over at Mandy pulling out their phone and typed something. "Anything else you need today?" Was what the message had said,

@Kuro @Theyra "I'll get to work on getting all of that prepped and ready to go then." Jeff said as he headed into the kitchen as the rest of the kitchen staff were all getting ready at their respective stations in the grill. There was a small little ring as the door opened and the first pair of customers started to pour in now. It looked like a couple around Isaac's age as they got in and waited for a waiter to come in. They were talking about what sounded like the bug that was going around at the moment as they talked, Jeff could be heard instructing one of the other newer kitchen staff on what to do.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

"Well we'll have to at least inform your mother on what had happened, even if you don't want to go home for the day anyway." Kaitlyn said to Hermes it was standard protocol from what she had been taught when she first got the job here at the school. She waited for him to open the locker and get out what he had needed. "I dunno maybe, it's something Uncle Sam would do anyway I think." Hannah said with a slight shrug as she watched him putting on a clean shirt and leather jacket. "Shall we then?" Kaitlyn said as Hermes finished getting changed and started to head down the hallway and up a flight of stairs towards where the nurses office was located.

It didn't take to long until they were in the nurses office things seemed to be fairly quiet for the most part, it looked like there was two students laying on two of the beds that were in there. It looked like they were pretty sick, the nurse was seen getting some medicine when the three entered. "What can I help you with?" She asked looking over at Hermes and noted the blood that was on his neck from where Elio was bleeding on him slightly. "What happened to you?" She asked making her way over towards Hermes to look him over.

Flynn Price

Location: NYC Cafe.
Skills: N/A

"I dunno, maybe you could ask her?" The camera asked as he gestured towards Becker who was still talking to Flynn as he thought more about the scene itself. "It was like something out of Dawn of the Dead or something." He said as he rewound the camera to earlier showing Verity what had happened and everything that happened.

Flynn nodded as he started to type his own phone number into Becker's and handed back her phone just as she had done with his, good that they had agreed on it in the first place. "I'll try and stay out of trouble, have a good rest of your day." Flynn said to her as he started to turn and made his way over towards his friend's truck and got inside the passenger side and headed off to get something else to eat.

As Becker went back to the scene there were about five other officers on scene aside from the one that had tried to get their statements earlier. A few forensics officers were now on the scene as well to making sure that the rest of the scene was secured for now and collected the evidence as well to. Becker would still see a number of reporters and camera men were still on the scene talking with some of the other people who had witnessed the scene unfold to.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kuro
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Sounds good enough to me." Kali nodded back to Issac and began to write down today's specials on the chalkboard. It was certainly a lot of seafood Issac wanted, and she wondered if going all-in was the correct option. Lobster and crab were always expensive (and hence why Kali rarely had it), and if people weren't interested in seafood, then that was a ton of money to go to waste. Regardless, Issac seemed to be accepting of that risk to get his customers to add seafood to his palette, and in the end Kali chose to go along with it.

As she finished writing the menu on the chalkboard, the door chimed with the arrival of the day's first customers. They were an older couple, somewhere around her boss' age Kali believed. Quickly making her way over to the serving booth, Kali grabbed a pair of menus for them, and approached the table they were sitting at. "Welcome to the Twin Seasons." Kali said, flipping on her cheerful customer service work personality as she placed the menus on the table. "My name is Kali, and I'll be serving you today. Is there anything I can get started for you right now, or do you need a few minutes?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Pet Smart
Skills: N/A

Mandy smiled and shook her head at the checkout person. She mouthed thank you. She didn't like her voice. Hearing people commented about it a lot so she avoided using it as much as possible. She gathered her bags of cat-related items and headed back to her car. After loading everything she responded to her parents' text.

"That sounds nice. We should be careful though. I don't know what to think about this sickness that's going around now. It seems scary." Once she had sent that off she drove back home.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: New York City, First Floor
Skills: N/A

Verity shook her head. Was she supposed to do everything around here? Ignoring the camera operator, Verity turned to the officer that the man who had crashed into her was talking to. At least she was doing her job properly. Or..well...as best as one can when mistakingly putting an alive person in a body bag.

As she got near, she called out. "Umm excuse me officer. I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, and I'm normally not this type of person, but it seems the person that was put in the body bag in the ambulance is...well...alive. They seem to be moving around. The person with the camera caught it on film if you don't believe me. Again, so sorry!" Hopefully this would resolve the matter and she could get back to work.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Hermes rolled his eyes at Carvers insistence to calling his mom. He understood that there was more than likely some protocol that the school had in the event of an attack or a student getting injured, but he was fiiiine. A part of him wondered if he could get them to call another family member. Perhaps his cousin Mandy could stop by if she wasn't too busy. The school would have contacted family and his mother wouldn't have to worry, it was a win-win. He pocketed the idea for later, deciding that it was an issue for when they were actually about to call. He followed behind Hannah, sluggishly limping towards her like a zombie. ”They're coming to get you Hannah, they're coming for you.”

Hermes joked before hopping back into his normal stride. ”Not wrong. If anything, media has taught us that mega corporations and governments are more than willing to cover up what others believe to be conspiracies. My money's on big corpo having tried to make some sort of super soldier serum and it had devastating drawbacks that created a zombie illness.” He said, chatting on as they climbed the stairs and made their way into the infirmary. He hoped he didn't catch anything the others had, pulling out a mask from his back pocket and covering his nose and mouth. ”I'm fine really. The blood isn't mine, it's from another student who attacked me. But he didn't land a single mark.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Good, Jeffery and I will be there to help in a moment." Hopefully, people buy into the seafood today he thought. As he watched Kali go over the write the specials. Yeah, there is a risk to doing only seafood with the specials, and maybe it could cost him. But it would not be the end of the restaurant, and he can always give the food away to maybe a local food charity. Give the homeless something to eat besides what they would normally get. Though time will tell if this is a good decision or not.

When Isaac heard the small ring at the door, he had a smile on his face. The first customers of the day, and they looked like a couple around his age. It sounded like they were talking about the bug going around the city. "Hmmm, I wonder how long this bug will be in the city?" Knowing no one can answer that right now and just a thought. So he simply went into the to start helping get things ready.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

Member Seen 4 days ago


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker watched Flynn as he headed towards his friend's truck, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She pocketed her phone, feeling a sense of relief that they had exchanged numbers.

Turning her attention back to the scene, Becker surveyed the activity unfolding around her. The presence of the additional officers and forensics officers reassured her that the situation was being handled efficiently. However, the lingering presence of reporters and camera crews reminded her of the media frenzy that often followed such incidents.

Taking a deep breath, Becker prepared herself to navigate the aftermath of the chaos, knowing that her role as an EMT extended beyond providing medical assistance. She approached the officers, ready to assist in any way she could to ensure that the scene was properly secured and the necessary evidence collected.

Still trying to keep the situation under control, overheard a woman's voice and turned to see her approaching her way. "Oh, sorry, I'm not a cop," she clarified, a hint of amusement in her voice.

The woman's words took a moment to sink in. Becker glanced at the ambulance, going far off in the distance, but couldn't quite make out, not from this perspective at least, about what the woman was trying to claim.

Becker chalked it up as someone being in shock about what happened, so she did her best to keep the situation under control. "Everything's under control mam, you don't have to worry about it."

Despite that, Becker thought, just to be sure, she glanced over at the ambulance from a distance, and though she couldn't see any signs of movement inside, her curiosity piqued by the woman's claims. Pulling out her phone, Becker sent a text to Dave, her fingers tapping out a message. "Hey Dave, it's Becker. Can you double-check the person in the body bag? Someone claims they're moving. Thanks." She hit send, hoping for a quick response.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Kirah "We'll be careful don't worry, just come on home and i'll take us there." Mandy's father would text back to her, the kitten in her arms was purring very contently which she would feel in her arms and had fallen asleep there as well to. Mandy would also receieve a text from one of her classmates a guy that was around her age his name was Kristian and had done a few course projects in the past last semester. "How are you doing Mandy? Have you been keeping up with the news lately?" Was the text, the rest of the area was pretty uneventful at the moment and she'd be able to get back to her home without to much of an issue.

@ArticBeaver@PatientBean The scene was fully secured now as the police officers were telling the remaining reporters to disperse now, which they all did slowly but surely. Becker would receive a text from Dave fairly quickly as the ambulance was enroute to the closest hospital a few blocks away. "Yeah i'll check it out once we are on site, pretty sure the body is still cold the dude bled out pretty quickly after all." Dave had pointed out, but then again he could be wrong on that. Verity would receive a text from Trudy who was still holding down the fort. "Hey boss whenever you are back in, there's a newbie here with an interview." The text said, Trudy usually set up the potential job interviews, but she never did them herself that was more Verity's department anyway.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School Hallway.
Skills: N/A

Hannah rolled her eyes slightly towards Hermes as he decided to start joking about zombies and stuff. "You really are a fuckin zombie nut aren't you?" She said as the nurse nodded slightly as she went to get some wipes and handed them over towards Hermes to clean himself off, she didn't see any marks other than the small bit of blood that was on Hermes but that was about it really.

"Alright i'm going to go and see about contacting your mom, unless there was someone else you'd like me to call for you instead?" Kaitlyn said then suddenly the alarm had started to go off. A few minutes later the door barged open and it was the school security guard, his arm was bleeding pretty badly. "The mother fucker bit me that kid ain't fucking right!" He said as the nurse quickly went over towards him and started to get some bandages out from a nearby first aide kit and started to clean out the wound for him as well to.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

The couple would look at Kali and smiled towards her as they were seated and started to think for a moment what they wanted to eat as they looked over the menu. "Some water would be good to start, and maybe a few minutes to look over the menu." The husband of the couple would answer Kali was the door chimed again and three more customers entered the restaurant and another waiter would approach them and escorted them towards their table. Over in the kitchen Jeff looked at Isaac for a moment and shrugged slightly. "Hopefully it's just some flu thing going on, and nothing to serious." Jeff said as he started to cook up some of the food ready for the customers.

A few minutes later Flynn and his friend had arrived at the Twin Seasons, he looked at his friend for a moment, he hadn't been to this place before really. "So what does this place have anyway?" He asked his friend as he shrugged slightly. "First time being here as well to, it opened awhile back and thought it'd be a good alternative to try." His friend said as Flynn nodded slightly as the two of them waited for a waiter to approach them to take them to their seat.
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