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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Welcome to 'Pirates of the Calarian Main'. Recognise this RP from the Nationstates forums? That's because it's from there. Like all good pirates though, we've sailed on to a fresh ocean! So yes, there will be a core group sailing across with me and we won't set sail into the IC without them all aboard!

I will stop with the nautical metaphors now.

In this RP you will play the part of privateer looting shipping in a part of the world known as the 'Calarian Main' in a fictional early modern world. I would ask that if you are making an app for a ship, that you also app the Captain, if not more members of the crew. You can also app for a person on someone else's crew... though just make sure you talk to them first!

This RP exists in the same world as 'Pike and Shot', an NS RP, but that is just for information, you are expected to know absolutely nothing about it! It doesn't matter!

This is a low fantasy RP. Magic does exist in the setting, though your characters are not magically gifted.

In terms of non-magical tech and societal development, the part of the world you are in will have tech approximately equivalent to the mid 17th century.

The peoples described in the OP are European/North African/Amerindian types, though if you want to create a character from further afield, definitely feel free. Join the Discord and we can do a bit of world building!

The societies in the world are early-modern and female characters will face prejudice from colonial authorities etc., though this is a pirate RP, and there were plenty of female pirates (Jeanne de Clisson, Sayyida al-Hurra, Grace O’Malley etc) so you definitely aren't discouraged from writing one!

This RP will be open to latecomers. There is always scope for new crew, though if the number of ships gets excessive we will limit that.


The Blight and the Haltian Empire

200 years ago, the world was a very different place. Human Kingdoms dominated the coast of the Circle Sea. Of those Kingdoms, none was finer than the Inburian Empire. Then the blight came. Out of the East, poured strange and brutal creatures, which came to be known as Goblins and Orcs. They appeared in vast hordes, destroying and devouring everything in their path. The Eastern Kingdoms fell, one by one, until the horde reached the great fortress of Grendell, strategically placed to control the narrow neck of land that connected Inbur and the Eastern Kingdoms. The horde laid siege to the citadel for two months, launching one futile assault after another, coming within a hair's breadth of breaching the fort before finally a relief force arrived. The relief force of the time consisted of the bulk of the Inburian army along with the allied contingents from all the other human Kingdoms and there, at the gates of Grendell, the horde was halted, though the Inburians paid a heavy price.

Off the back of the horde, another enemy arose in the West: the Haltians. The Haltians were nomadic Elven people, known for their fine Cavalry. They descended on the weakened human kingdoms, carving out their own Empire, completely swallowing the Inburian Empire in the process.

New Contenders and the Calarian Main

In the world as it is today, the Inburian Empire is consigned to the history books and the Haltian Empire holds the line against the Blight though Haltian is beginning to look a little shaky. There are divisions within Haltian society and revolt brews in the Eastern parts of the Empire. There are even rumours of an heir to the ancient Inburian Royal House raising a banner in defiance of the Emperor.

150 years ago one of the secondary powers, the Calarian Republic, successfully crossed the otherwise impassable Evig Ocean to an area now known as the 'Calarian Main', rich in spice and precious minerals. The Kingdom of Brendahl and Doel Union were quick to follow and a number of wars have been fought over control of the area aided on all sides by the local Iktani tribes. All three have become wealthy off trade from the West, though none of the three are particularly keen on sharing the wealth. Another war is brewing in the colonies and whoever comes out on top could end up with the power to become the new Hegemon in the Old World, on the shores of the Circle Sea. The Haltian Empire is looking rather shaky, after all...

Where You come in...

On the South Coast of the Circle Sea is a city called Mina-Sakh, notorious as a hot-bed of pirates, one of whom is you.

Right now, the city is hosting a visit from a gentleman from the Doel Union, offering to grant letters of marque and reprisal to people willing to sail to the Calarian Main and fight the Stewart of the Doel's enemies upon the sea. There is a lot of money to be had raiding the Calarian treasure fleet...

The Cartographer's best efforts at a map

NB: This will be updated soon... currently this map only covers the North-West of the Circle Sea, not the Calarian Main... but it is coming!:
You can view a map of the world by clicking on this link


As previously mentioned, the technology of the world of the Circle Sea Saga is broadly similar to that of mid 17th century Europe.

Ships: These are some very basic descriptions of ships. Sailors amongst you will doubtless spot a few errors but I am prioritising fun over massive attention to detail.

Firearms: Firearms come in a variety of sizes from pistols to arqebuses and the even larger 'muskets' (which require a rest). Pistols are nearly all flintlocks though a lot of long guns are still the cheaper matchlock variety (which is fine, provided it isn't raining). Arquebuses are lethal out to 400 yards, muskets to 600, though a well-trained soldier can’t reliably hit a target beyond 100. The best troops, operating under ideal circumstances can reload and fire in around 30 seconds.
Firearms have mostly replaced bows and crossbows, though these do get used in some backwaters.

Melee Weapons: In a standing army, the pike is king, though people will often carry a secondary close-ranged weapon like a sword, axe or club. There are a variety of different swords in use. Some people might carry a short 'hanger' for slashing at close quarters. Officers are more likely to carry a long, slender 'rapier' (which can cut and thrust). Cavalry will have something bigger and broader, which can cut or thrust like a 'mortuary sword' while nobles are likely to carry the Rapier's, smaller, lighter, thrusting only cousin, the 'small-sword'.

Body Armour: Most body armour in this period is cheaper mass produced 'Munitions Armour', though nobles do have access to heavier, better gear. Contrary to popular belief decent armour will stop shots from guns, particularly at longer ranges, though the larger muskets will punch through anything someone is wearing. Helmets like the morion, cabasset and lobster tailed pot helmet are all pretty common.

Magic: Magic in this world is rare and usually subtle in its effect. Healing magic is particularly sought after in this day and age as, provided the practicioner has the right herbs, they can save lives and limbs that would otherwise have been claimed by musket balls.


In order for you to create a character, and for some basic info on the peoples you will encounter, here are some of the more common peoples who will appear in the RP. Feel free to have a chat on the discord if you want to create someone from a different race.

In respect to language, you can assume each of these peoples has its own language though, with the exception of the Iktani, most people will also have a reasonable grasp of 'Inburian', which has existed as a lingua franca in the circle sea since the time of the Inburian Empire.


In summary, 'don't be a dick'. But here they are if that comment is confusing:


The moment you have been waiting for! Here are a few general rules before you make an app.

Pirates operate small, fast, crew-heavy ships. I would recommend:
  • Either a Brigantine, Polacre, Sloop, Schooner, Snow, or if you have an Addonian ship, a small Xebec.
  • 4-12 cannons
  • a crew of up to about 100.

I will potentially accept things outside of this, though talk to me first if you would like to. If there's a clear narrative reason, I will accept that... though also bear in mind that larger ships will struggle to outrun naval vessels and escape is your best chance of survival.

When filling in an application form, please delete everything in parentheses.


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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

Member Seen 3 days ago


[box]Name of Ship: Vild Ørn
Type of Ship: Barque
Rigging: Nothing of note
Crew Compliment: 85
Cannon: 12x Brendahlander 12-pounder
Description: Length of Gundeck 86' 0"
Breadth 18' 0"
Draught Aft 7' 0"
image of ship[/box]

player app to follow

[box][size=150]Character Description[/size]
    Name: Særún Þórlindsdóttir
    Species: Human (Brendahlander)
    Sex: Female
    Age: 29
    Appearance: [spoiler]cash money[/spoiler]

[/hr][size=150]Strengths and Weaknesses[/size]

    Skills: Vikingr - Særún is skilled in close combat situations when boarding enemy ships, preferring to use a naval axe over a sword. She also prefers smaller flintlock pistols to larger pistols, and has a custom double-barreled pistol from her previous life in Brendahland navy before the mishap.

    Survivor - The crew of the Vild Ørn was written off as lost by the Brendahland navy, but they persevered for months at sea with minimal supplies by scavenging and fishing.

    Weaknesses: Delusional - Perhaps it was the stress of being lost at sea, or the heat, or some combination, but all of the crew of the Vild Ørn suffers from varying degree of mass psychosis causing them all to go slightly primitive.

    Backstory: When left to their own devices for a long period of time, will man revert to their base nature? Such was the case of the Vild Ørn, a ship that set sail from Hemmeling destined for the Morestad, but somewhere along the way the ship and her crew was hit by a storm and never arrived. Adrift at sea for months, the crew survived only on what they could catch from the waters around them. By the time the demasted ship drifted into a port along the Gold Coast, the crew had all embraced traits of their ancestors. They launched raids along the coast until the Vild Ørn was able to be repaired and resupplied.

    Now with the ship repaired, the Vild Ørn regularly conducted raids upon merchants up and down the coast, seemingly without care for flag or allegiance.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hi, DB; what happened to the NS version of this RP that you're running a new or parallel version of the game here?

Edit: Was going to make an OC, but the ban on Anime FCs is a deal-breaker.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tentative tag, I’ll have to see what my schedule looks like but this is quite cool.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Badarby
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Badarby Literally me

Member Seen 16 days ago

Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Edit: I and DB talked it out.

I also consulted the New RPGuild Admin, POOHEAD189, as to some rules regarding FCs I want to use.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Smike


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I’m note sure if I’m just missing an obvious link but where’s the Discord?
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I’m note sure if I’m just missing an obvious link but where’s the Discord?


Edit: Decided that I have no time to join for now, but I do have a Non-Anime face claim.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by TheCrudlet
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TheCrudlet Cute and Cool 😎

Member Seen 4 mos ago

What!! How I'm arrive here?!?!?

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by TheCrudlet
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TheCrudlet Cute and Cool 😎

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Character Description
    Name: Jann Ferdinand van Lotharingen
    Species: Human
    Sex: Male
    Age: 19
    Appearance: Ferdi Reference

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Jann Ferdinand is a semi-proficient noble.. Meaning he can convincingly act like one, but really doesn't know the ins-and-outs too well. His interests are where he invested all his skill points. He can write, speak, sing & dance, paint, play various instruments, fly hawks, and ride horses fairly well. And in terms of skills useful to a ship and its crew, he can at least fight decent with a rapier or something similar, and is trained to shoot with small firearms. Apart from this, he can also climb, swim, and cook basic meals. He also has the potential to lead, but isn't normally taken seriously due to his age and overall lack of experience. Plus, his attitude doesn't suggest that he would care to assume such a station.


    Backstory: Jann Ferdinand or "Ferdi" as his mother called him is the youngest son of a Union Noble. A troublemaker since his youth, he grew up getting away with quite a bit. His mother had spoiled him rotten, and he was rarely ever disciplined. His father was away too often. And as if his behavioral problems weren't bad enough, his stepmother commonly mistreated him and his siblings, causing him to become spiteful and somewhat violent. This only worsened after his mother "fell ill" and later died. Believing that this family was no longer a fit for him, and that his father didn't care anyway, he began to neglect his studies and duties in preparation for his ultimate plan--To leave home and go on a grand adventure.

    He eventually did manage to escape, but things didn't go as he expected. He would be swindled many times and would quickly lose much of what he'd left home with. But he was still alive, thanks to his incredible luck (and possibly the elga that seemed to be shadowing him). Soon he became impatient. He was getting nowhere with his crazy ideas, and he certainly didn't want to find legitimate work (he couldn't be bothered). So he came up with a brilliant plan to hire a ship to take him out to sea.. And get him an audience with a shipful of pirates.. Now, which pirates he didn't know. He wasn't very good at planning ahead. But that was it. He seemed to believe that if he offered them payment (i.e. everything he had on him) they would accept him as part of their crew.. Naturally, things didn't turn out that way, and he was instead robbed, beaten, and taken to Mina-Sakh to be sold off or held for ransom.

Character Description
    Name: Hagen Neridithas
    Species: Elgafolk
    Sex: Male
    Age: ???
    Appearance: Hagen Reference

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Hagen is literate. He is an expert hand-to-hand fighter and is excellent with a variety of weapons. He is also an experienced seaman (or seaelf), being able to fulfill many different duties, and is a very good swimmer. He can navigate quite well and knows many other sailors from the region. To add to that, he seems to know a bit of elga magic or apothecarial arts, knowing how to use any available ingredients to help with various injuries and illnesses. (I can remove this if it's'n't allowed)
    Weaknesses: If there are any, it would be hard to tell.


    Backstory: Hagen is the stoic and reticent elgafolken senesjal of the van Lotharingen family. He is a friend rather than a subordinate of the house head, Jann Ferdinand's father. He has served in the van Lotharingen bloodline for many decades, going all the way back to Ferdi's great-grandfather. Hagen has been tutoring the family's young men throughout the generations, and also serves as the right hand man on the business side of things. When he isn't engaged in work with the van Lotharingens, he is usually wandering about and meditating, which is something he brought back from his particular clan's culture.

    Hagen had already been aware of Ferdi's antics, but didn't think too much about him, as the youth's older brothers were his priority at the time. He was teaching them how to fight and how to sail. When later Jann Ferdinand disappeared, the boy's father asked Hagen to find him and keep him safe. Despite being quite absent, Jann Ferdinand's father actually did care for all his children. His position simply prevented him from caring for them properly, even after had had his entire family moved over to the colonies so he could be close to them.

    As of the moment, Hagen is only shadowing Ferdi. They don't yet know each other, and he's simply waiting for the right time to take the young man under his wing.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Badarby Looks good to me!

@TheCrudlet awesome!

@Demencia We will accept this lazy port from the NS thread and thanks for supporting my efforts at world domination :D

What legendary crew we have!
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Character Description
    Name: Captain Aghilas Jêle Doeli
    Species: Addonian
    Sex: M
    Age: 35
    Appearance: Tall, imposing, with sea green eyes framed by dark hair and a large bushy beard. Standing 6'5", 225lbs, he's broad shouldered and usually wears a finely tailored, short cut, black satin-silk robe with silver trim. He wears a deep violet head-wrap, made of the same satin-silk, with a tight matching waist-wrap/shoulder sash, which carries a decoratively hilted nimcha, along with 4 flintlocks.

Strengths and Weaknesses
    Skills: Seamanship, Swashbuckling, Strength, Great Bravery
    Weaknesses: Excessive Bravery, Spendthrift, Vainglorious, Excessive Swashbuckling

    Backstory: Aghilas 'the Doel' was born son of a Doel slave-servant and an Addonian father he never met who promised to buy his mother's price, but never returned. As a young boy he was taken to sea as ship boy before his 10th year, growing up at sea aboard corsairs. Despite being a slave, Aghilas grew into a large, powerful young man respected among the crew, and a favourite of the corsair captain. It was during this time Aghilas was groomed as a lieutenant, and, in a turn of affairs neither he nor the crew talk about much, elected Captain after the position was abruptly 'vacated'.

    Captain Aghilas, or 'the Doel' as he is sometimes called (despite looking quite Addonian), quickly became one of the best known Addonian Corsairs. Rumours abound however that he has recently had a falling out with several local Addonian princes not offering him and his crew their 'due' - with the result that the al-Marid sailed into Mina-Sakh with several suspiciously Addonian looking prizes, laden with slaves, booty. He and his crew have spent their time in port spending freely as the al-Marid is being refitted, and developed a sudden keen interest in his Doel heritage and sailing to the Calarian Main.

    A larger than life figure in the piracy world there are some who've described him, at times, as 'a bit much.'

Name of Ship: Hamsat al-Marid
Type of Ship: Xebec
Rigging: Three masted xebec rigged, unusually for the time, with large bermuda rigged sails and jibs between the bowsprit and each of the masts.
Crew Compliment: ~100
Cannon: 17
- 14 10pdrs on a small gundeck
- 3 4pndr swivel mounts, 2 fore, 1 aft.
Description: Hamsat al-Marid, often simply called Hamsat or al-Marid is around 35m in length, a beam just over 8m, and a draft between 3.5m. Displacing just under 200 tons. She has a sleek, streamlined hull and three large sails supported by multiple, large jibs. Less obvious to the eye are an expensively retrofitted copper sheathed hull, and a wider, longer keel than typical for xebecs for better stability with her large sails and in heavy seas. In light seas under full sail she's fast enough to give even fast frigates a run for their money with the wind and when in doubt she excels tacking close to the wind. Struggles a little in heavy seas when stability demands cut into her speed a little.
Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

One that note the Hamsat al-Marid is accepting qualified candidates for all roles. Aghilas is an equal opportunity employer, he and half the crew are former slaves themselves.

Roles open:
First Mate - ya'll know first mate
Lieutenants - help keep shift rotations, lead prize crews or when capt/mate are away.
Quartermaster - pay, stores, records
Bosun - in charge of deck crews/equipment

Sail Master - in charge of sail deployment, maintenance, also often doubles as navigator.
Topmen - handle sails on the masts - otherwise run of the mill PIRATES!
Riggers - work the ropes on deck - otherwise run of the mill PIRATES!

Master Gunner - in charge of all guns & ordinance
Gun crews - dedicated gunners

Sergeant - in charge of musketeers complement, usually seasoned veteran with actual military experience
Musketeers - Small party armed with muskets/pikes in close action, boarding & counter boarding while other crews are engaged - usually best trained combatants as opposed to skilled sailors.

Carpenter - in charge of ship's maintenance/condition
Cook - it's the cook!
Surgeon - ye olde sawbones.

Powder Monkeys - usually least experienced crew members, charged with carrying shot/powder from magazines to guns and otherwise performing other menial tasks.
Lookouts - one of the most dangerous roles, sitting high up and exposed.

Start on the crew or sign up now and we'll show you the ropes! Sailors, get a fair share of the cargo, get paid what yer worth and discover how much folks actually pay for the services ya'll been providing for piss poor wages all these years!

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Bendahara


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Character Description
    Name: Azaz Abdelba'l al-Munkhi al-Idrisi "Abu Sakran"
    Species: Shariqi
    Sex: M
    Age: 28

Strengths and Weaknesses
    Skills: Extremely literate (obviously), Rich (being a trader), Friendly, Flexibility and Endurance (think a gymnast), good with pistols and rapiers, Navigation and Seamanship (stole and read so many maps he's able to remember them in memory)
    Weaknesses: Cowardly (will avoid trouble as much as he can), Vain (thinks he's the smartest and will try to undercut fools he's trying to profit from), Lack of strength (someone could knock him off in a fistfight, though he'd outrun them), Infamous (as a personal enemy of so many pirates)

    Backstory: "Abu Sakran the sailor-swindler" is quite the renowned name on the Calarian Main. Born a seventh child of a seventh child to a Shariq clan, Azaz - or Abu Sakran as he'd later be more commonly known - started life as the scion of the Idrisi dynasty, who presides upon a major keep and merchant town in Monchia. His great-great-great-grandfather came as a wealthy refugee ages ago, and they've since bred like rabbits. But Azaz is a wealthy little rabbit. His father was a renowned merchant, and he followed him on trading voyages to the colonies, shipping sugar, molasses, and spice from a young age. It's where he learned bookkeeping, finance, and of course writing lots and lots of notes. He developed a lean and durable physique, being a good swimmer. Set to inherit nothing, his father instead took advantage of their family's control of an important port, and Azaz followed in his footsteps. Or so at least, until his late teenage years.

    The family patriarch, his grand-uncle, suddenly died and all his sons were trying to fight each other for power and inheritance. His father naturally did not take any interest in this, but Azaz's uncles took an interest in his father's wealth. One of them framed his father for theft and forgery, and imprisoned him - by the time Azaz, then on a trading voyage, learned of this news his father had died already of starvation in a dungeon. Azaz was powerless, except for his wits. The thieving uncle was surprised when Azaz denounced his father and offered himself to serve his uncle against the rest of the family. It was, of course, a front for him to steal money and plot his revenge. He falsified records while pampering his uncle with profits from successful voyages with his uncle's ships - bringing him gold and sexy slaves for his harem. Little did his uncle know that the buxom assassins worked for Azaz instead when they murdered him while having sex. Azaz, meanwhile, stole all the wealth he could get his hands on, brought them all to his uncle's fastest ship, and sailed with the crew to the Calarian Main far away.

    Azaz, now settling in a colonial city, bought warehouses, paid his crew, and went to start a trading business. He bribed government officials from all three main colonial nations for trading licenses and began trading in everything profitable. Sugar was the most valuable commodity, so he ran a molasses moonshine business and supplied Doel mayors and nobles with cheap booze - that's where he got his moniker "Abu Sakran" - the "father of drunkness". He kept this name to prevent his identity, as someone who started massive troubles for the Idrisi dynasty, out of knowledge. But Azaz is nothing if not greedy - and he will never have enough taste for money. He organized trips to uncharted areas, lying to natives about his wealth and authority and taking everything valuable they could offer. He organized bank runs on small lenders, and sold fake maps to pirates. The peak of these antics - and Abu Sakran's downfall - was when he organized a raid with half a dozen pirate captains - informing them that a Calarian treasure fleet was setting sail. But he actually worked instead with the Calarian navy, and led them all to an ambush for a hefty sum. Abu Sakran spent the next months running from the vengeful crews of these captains, until they caught his ship one bad day, stole expensive goods he was holding, and burned it to wreck.

    Some said Abu Sakran was humbled by this loss - but others thought he was too prideful to admit any defeat. But whatever the result is, as ship-less as he is, Abu Sakran remains a dangerous swindler with a lot of gold, and he's probably looking for the next opportunity to return to the high seas.

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Pragia12
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Pragia12 Chaos and Conspiracy

Member Seen 11 days ago

Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Tesserach Rubber stamped.

@Pragia12 Also rubber stamped.

@Bendahara one small question: Why would some other pirates work with your dude if he sold some others down the river earlier?
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Anyone wanting to join the crew of the Hamsat Al Marid, we offer a very competitive benefits package. Free weevils with every hard biscuit, plenty of rum, and new positions are opening all the time, so there's always opportunities for advancement.

Opportunities available at a fine drinking establishment near you!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
Avatar of Dyelli Beybi

Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

If people want to start migrating their characters onto the character page, that would be awesome. I'll kick the IC off, probably in 48 hours

We won't close off or anything so if you are still working on one, you can add it in later.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Tesserach


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Piratical debauchery commences!
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Marybecker


Member Seen 15 days ago

Name: Cricket (Although technically, It's Katherine.)
Race: Human (Monchian)
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Appearance: Pale, with short cut brown curls. 5'5 with hazel eyes.
Skills: Pickpocketing, deception, forgeries, agility and lockpicking.
Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat, art, driving any ship, medical work besides triage.
Backstory: Formerly known as Katherine Bouchard, she was the happy daughter of a noble family up until she reached age nine.
Then, her family decided she would be married off to help keep relations stable. Katherine was horrified. She ran away, and through many years of training became skilled in evading capture. Katherine is wanted in many places, as her family is relentless in tracking her down and dragging her back.

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