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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Mansion - Outside
Skills: N/A

Right, time for Asgardians worked a bit differently. For them it had been a decent amount of time, but for Runa and Klara, it probably felt like the equivalent of a few days or something like that. The time difference is a bit weird at times to think about, "Well it is still good to see you," he said to her as she was starting to explain fully how Klara was doing now.

At least she didn't seem to have any permanent damage done to her head, so there was that anyway. That would have been the biggest concern, but if it is just her more recent memories that are having issues than that could probably work out for the most part. He'd have been more concerned about it if she was missing a larger chunk of time, or moments from a few hundred years ago, that sort of thing. So at least there was that bit of silver lining.

Pietro basically followed along after Guin and Annie, to him it felt like he was walking, to Annie and Guin he seemed to rather easily be keeping up with them. "Yeah, we'll hear if it is anything important, and figure the Asgardians would have insisted on saying something already if it was that bad. So there is that reasoning. But hey, not everything has to blow up or go wrong right?"

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

"Yeah, she can control oceans and water too, but she tends to prefer to lean more towards the love aspect of her powers that sort of thing," Mira explained towards Max with a bit of a shrug. That was the few things she managed to gather from Klara the few interactions she had truly had with her. Klara was a bit odd and seemingly overly chipper at times, the glitter comment made her laugh a bit though.

"You should have seen her interactions with Thor, she tackled him in a hug and there was pink glitter everywhere. As for which one just walked into the library, that was Klara herself. Runa I take it is still outside or something like that," she added, before glancing back in the direction of the library and seeing Avery leaving it now. "Let's go downstairs though and play Clue though, that seems like the better option right now."

The Library
Klara was a bit confused as to why Avery had taken off like that so quickly, "Did I say something wrong or do something before?" she asked, looking at the other two, before answering Carolina's question. "Alright, aside from that not sure what to say since I mainly was having people helping me recover some memories and healing and all, though sense of time is a bit odd and sometimes I still mess up with that..." She wasn't exactly sure what to really say regarding anything else. To her, what had been going on the past while since she had seen them (somewhat, she doesn't even know when she met most of the people here still) is a bit of a blur still. Hearing of a tour though, that sounded like it might be fun. "Some introductions might be a good thing, so sure, let's do that then thank you."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - Library -> Kitchen

Ed blinked a little confused about Avery's quick exit as well. "I'm not sure why. I don't think you said anything to offend them." Ed didn't remember that Avery had blown up Klara's eye. A whole lot had happened since then, and Klara's eye was fine now. It was unlikely she held a grudge anyway.

"Well, follow me, Caroline you're welcome to join too. You can probably help fill in the blanks with me. We'll start in the kitchen. There is almost always someone in there. And we can get something to drink and a snack as we swing through." Ed didn't know exactly who all Klara remembered so he figured he'd just introduce everyone as a clean slate. As he led the way to the kitchen Ed tried to think of other places people might be. Their rooms were an obvious answer, but he didn't like the idea of bothering people in their rooms so he hoped not many were there.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Bethany listened to Runa as she answered her question and smiled slightly she was glad to hear that Klara was doing a lot better now, and that her memories were slowly starting to come back to her. "Thats good to hear actually." Bethany said to Runa, it had been awhile since they had seen her and Klara last time she had seen them was when they were in an alternate reality. "We were in the kitchen and hanging out before you and Klara arrived, did you want something to eat or drink?" Bethany offered.

"Also if you two need a moment or something like that and catch up privately I can go if you want as well to." Bethany offered, she had a feeling that they wanted sometime to catch up privately as well to if Runa or Lance wanted her to go she'd do it. She was curious what everyone else was doing right now as well to.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Avery as they decided to get up and started and they seemed to be nervous about something as she looked at Ed and Klara as she answered her question and smiled at her. "Thats good to hear i'm glad that you are doing a lot better now." Carolina said as she looked back at Avery once more and then Ed offering to take Klara out for a tour around the place.

"Actually i'll catch up to you guys in a bit, i'm going to see if Avery is alright." Carolina said as she started to stand up and looked at Klara. "You didn't say or do anything wrong at all, but i'll be back shortly. Also if you are hungry or anything help yourself to whatever is in the fridge as well to." Carolina told Klara. Carolina turned and started to follow shortly behind Avery to catch up to them, she would gently tap them on the shoulder and looked at them. "Are you okay Avery?" Carolina asked them.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Outside – X-Mansion
Skills: Running

Antoinette laughed when Guin suggested they needed to start charging. It wasn’t a terrible idea, but of course, it would defeat the entire purpose of the X-Men. ”Just imagine if we had one of those hot shot services. We could have a van with our faces painted on the side of it,” she joked.

Truthfully, it would be nice if the Asgardians were just stopping by for a visit. After all, they had been on several missions together and had all grown close in their own way.

Antoinette started to feel her legs burn as they ran. She had already been running before Guin and Pietro joined her, but she didn’t mind the longer run. It felt good to stretch her legs and be outside for longer.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

Jaclyn was impressed.
So glitter was an actual thing with Klara, and that individual who came down the hall was her. Somehow, besides the shining orb, Jaclyn wouldn't have pegged her as the glitter, tackling-hug one. That seemed more. . .social and exuberant than the wordless, singularly-focused person who had gone past them. But then, people often didn't fit any kind of template.

She smiled softly to herself at this kind of lived reminder of such.

She'd noticed Mira glance in the direction of the library and Avery come out. Jaclyn felt something there, but nothing that was her business. She started walking in the direction that would take them downstairs. "So we haven't finished picking characters," she recalled, mind back on Clue. "It's been a while since I played. And there are different versions, aren't there? I forget who all there is."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max paused as Perry had mentioned updating the Wiki later. He'd known that notable members of the X-Men or other such agencies had their own Wiki page. But he couldn't tell if she was being real or not. The idea of him having one, let alone anyone he personally knew, was strange to say the least. What things could anyone possibly have to say about him? Who would they ask? Would they have spoken to his parents? It'd been some years now since he last saw them, what would they say? He knew there was some coverage, at least on the Genosha side of things, as to him being one of the Heroes of Genosha after Sapphire's sacrifice and the X-Cutioner's horrid plan. But what was said in the Flat Scans news? A darkness fell over him as he became embroiled in thoughts about that and his old life with what was once his family, his blood, only managing to snap back out of it as Mira had mentioned going to play Clue.

Max looked up, seeing Avery at the end of the hall talking to Klara. His cheeks tinged pink for a moment as he waved meekly towards them not knowing if they'd even notice. ”Well obviously the best version is the ones based on the originals. Thing Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express. Pearls and Boas, dresses with flare and form alike, suits so sharp they could cut down Colossus. Don't have to be them to a T mind you, no need for a Professor Plum or Colonel Mustard, but a monochromatic scheme. Think of one color and embrace an outfit around it. For me I'm thinking Yellow.” He said just before snapping his fingers. Magic swirled around each of them, cosmic dust covering them head to toe as it changed their outfits into their new ones for Clue. Max wore a yellow suite, golden ear cuffs and rings adoring him as his hair was now more curled and swept to one side.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Mansion
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry was excited to get the game going, but she had to admit she had been thinking of the Asgardians and their arrival. Given the luck the X-men had, it was probably not going to end well. Still, perhaps evil could wait until after the game, pretty please? Perry watched as Max gave out instructions and worked his magic, literally.

"Ooooh I love me a good ol' Agatha Christie murder mystery. Ok, if we are going old school clue, I gotta give it up to my girl Peacock. So I am thinking blue!" Once she had the image in her head, her outfit shimmered and changed into a beautiful 1920's style flapper dress. It was blue and black and perfect! Her hair was done up in a nice bob with a feather band. And a long pearl necklace to top it off.

"Oh wow! Nicely done Max! This is dope! Oh I mean, this is the bee's knees dahling!"
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

"It'd be perfect timing if it did - everything else already is," Guin commented a bit darkly. She had been doing her best to keep the thoughts at bay - to be the master of her own mind. It had been going okay that day for the most part, but like the wind, things could suddenly shift. And rather than feeling her mind distracted as she ran, it was like a gravity gripped her - as her father's betrayal came into her mind fresh again. He'd lied to her. He'd lied to her. He'd put her in the path of an abuser and he'd lied to her. And he hadn't even been there to tell her.

She shook her head slightly, reaching down and grabbing her right wrist with her left arm, gently digging in her nails. Not enough to break the skin, but enough as a subtle reminder, a punishment - to keep away from those portions of her mind, to focus on the present, to breathe.
Runa nodded at Lance's sentiments. She turned her attention to Bethany again, as Bethany seemed to be a bit more talkative. "Oh, I feasted at Odin's hall before journeying here - but thank you," she said politely. "Perhaps a cup of mead? I would not wish to be rude." There were certain rights held by guests after all - and with those came expectations.

Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Avery flinched slightly, expecting to turn around and find themself face to face with Klara, but instead, it was Carolina. The tension in their shoulders eased slightly. "That was... a little too awkward to me, after what I did to her," Avery admitted quietly.

They kept peering in the direction of the library, trying to make sure they saw if the goddess remembered what they'd done and decided to run after and curse them. They were so focused on making sure they'd see Klara coming that they completely missed Max waving at them. "I'm going to..." they paused again, trying to think of the least likely place a goddess would go to, "hide in the attic, if you want to come."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Mansion - Outside
Skills: N/A

"Not sure if there is mead around here, but we can probably find something that works," Lance commented. Either that or figured that Runa would then just snap her fingers and they'd suddenly have the stuff. That wouldn't surprise him at all either way. He was just glad that Runa had come back to visit, even if the time difference between how they each viewed a year made things a little odd.

That thought was stuck in his head for a moment, since hew knew when he started a relationship with Runa if it went beyond dating and all, he knew she'd outlive him. Asgardians lived forever practically it seemed like, whereas humans obviously didn't. The thought left his head though, figuring not to dwell on that, before looking at the other two. "Let's head in then and see what we can find in the kitchen to drink or something. We can catch up a bit more and not just be standing around out here," he didn't mind that Bethany was there too, he didn't overly care about that sort of thing too much.

Pietro glanced over at Guin when she said her comment. He didn't say anything out loud, but he did respond to Guin mentally. Are you sure you're okay? Doesn't seem like it based on that comment...

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

Mira had to think for a moment on the different characters or well, more of colors, the characters themselves weren't exactly people or anything, she just remembered their names since at the end of the game you had to say which person you were making the final accusation for. Personally she would have preferred blue, which would have been Ms. Peacock, namely since blue was probably her favorite color. Max was obviously Colonel Mustard, so she had to think a bit on it. "I guess I'll go with green then, since I don't really like the colors too much of most of the other characters typical designs or whatever." With that, and Max's magic, she shifted into a green pantsuit and she sort of shrugged a bit.

Hearing Jaclyn make the comment asking about the other characters, she had to think about it. "Well. Depends on what version of the game you're playing. But let's start with currently whose who, Perry is Mrs. Peacock based with her outfit, Max clearly went for something based around Colonel Mustard. I've got Mr. Green, partially as stated I just went with a color I actually liked. Now there are a few others, however depends on which version of the game. So, the two unchanged characters that are still around are Professor Plum and Miss Scarlet. Now, the other two are a bit weird. If you played older versions of the game you have Mrs. White, however I think a few years back she got replaced with Dr. Orchid though. Plum, Scarlet and White, it is obvious what colors they are, Orchid not sure, think she's technically pink or something like that," she explained with a shrug.

"If you say so," Klara said, a little bit uncertain cause she very much was wondering why Avery took off like that. She did take to following along after Ed towards the kitchen. Though as they went along, they would see the group of Mira, Perry, Jaclyn and Max talking about something in the hall area nearby.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Bethany Bell

Mansion, Kitchen
Skills: N/A

"I'm not sure if we have mead laying around anywhere, though i'm sure there might be a stash or two of beer from Wolverine around here somewhere. Soda also works to if you want to try that but that isn't really alcoholic though." Bethany said she wasn't sure where he was at the moment but she was pretty sure that he wouldn't mind or care if there was a beer or two missing. "Lets head on over there now." Bethany said as she turned and headed back inside and made her way towards the kitchen, her eyes turned towards the group that were talking about Clue and gave them a slight nod.

At least Lance and Runa didn't mind her tagging along with them as she entered the kitchen and made her way back over towards the table that she had been sitting at when Runa and Klara came in for their visit. She reached for the can of soda that she had been drinking just moments she started for the refrigerator and opened it up and started to look inside it for any kind of drinks that Runa would like.

Carolina Reed

Location: X-Mansion, Library.
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at Avery seeing them tensing up slightly when she got his attention, at least they seemed to calm down now that it was her, she smiled slightly and nodded in understanding. Though she was pretty sure with Klara's memories still being somewhat scrambled she wouldn't really remember what happened.

"I'm pretty sure that Klara doesn't remember that it was you with her memory loss and your face change as well to." Carolina said to them as she gently reached over to gently touch their hand. "But if you want to go up there i'll join you." Carolina said looking up at Avery. "Or we can hideout in your room or mine whichever works for you as well to." Carolina told them, whichever they wanted to do she'll follow them regardless of what they ended up choosing to do.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - waylaid in the hall

Ed had started down the hall, but heard voices chatting so he paused and found the four walking through the halls. He smiled at the gathered group. Of them, he knew Mira would know Klara, but the others he didn't think had met her. None of them had been around while they were in space the first time. Mira had met her back during the Jumanji incident.

"Oh, this is a good place to start. Everyone, this is Klara. She is one of the Asgardians that sometimes joins with us. I'm introducing her to everyone, even if you've met her she might not remember due to some memory issues. Her story to tell if she desires. Klara this is, Max, Perry, Mira, and, Jaclyn." Ed said, the last part he gestured to each in turn.

Ed then did some mental math to see who was left for Klara to meet. Marygold, Guin, Bethany, Lance, and Annie were left. He smiled at the group waiting for each to introduce themselves if they desired.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry

It seemed Jaclyn wasn't the only one whose mind could be caught in a negative direction, as something about Max's disposition seemed to shift, suddenly. Yet just as soon, it flickered in another direction. Internally or otherwise, she didn't question it. After what they'd recently been through, anything could account for it, and in fact it caused her mind to shift again as well, given one reason: here they were about to play a game, just enjoy life, while so many others had been stripped away. . .

She did a slow kind of blink, like both giving the lost a moment of her thoughts and giving herself permission not to be, well, stuck on this current track of thinking.

It wasn't too hard to, once again, shift back to Clue, as her teammates' attire changed due to Max's magic.
Jaclyn had to smile. She gave a complimentary kind of nod to Max; impressed.

Now it was her turn. "In that case, I feel in the mode for Plum." She couldn't remember the characteristics of that person in the game, but going by the colour that one stood out to her once Mira had explained which were left. In the space of a thought, Jaclyn's outfit changed to a two piece gown with an embellished collar.

It skewed more '30s than '20s, but Jaclyn liked the flare anyway, and in play struck a pompous pose for all-of-a-second.
She didn't typically wear dresses, but it was always fun to dress-up.

Wouldn't you know, at that moment as everyone was now clad in past-era attire, Ed was making introductions for Klara. Jaclyn turned in their direction, feeling a little embarrassed yet in good humour. "Hi, Klara." She moved, on the cusp of extending her hand to shake, but then realized that might not be an Asgardian custom and brought her hand back to her own side. "It's nice to meet you. We're just setting up for a kind of entertainment." She said, gesturing loosely to her and the others' outfits.
It was possible Klara had observed at least one of their outfits in the change-over process, and the thought landed in Jaclyn's head of an outsider thinking, maybe people from Earth regularly changed their attire that way.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Outside – X-Mansion
Skills: Running

Antoinette glanced at Guin after hearing the shift in her voice. She looked away, watching the path they ran on, and contemplated a response. ”Sometimes everything needs to go wrong in order to find the right path again.”

Antoinette looked back at her friend and training partner. She gave Guin a little smile before nodding to a fork in the path up ahead. One way led around the lake, which would be the original running path they decided on, while the other headed back towards the mansion. ”Want to head in early and get some water?” Antoinette suggested. ”Arnold’s probably hungry anyways,” she added to help Guin with an out if she needed it.
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Mansion
Skills: N/A
Fit Of The Day

Perry had to fight her eyes glazing over as Mira began to explain the characters for clue. Did it really matter if they followed the actual board game or not? Hell, they could have made their own characters if they wanted. Who was stopping them? Why not a Madame Magenta or an Inspector Ink?

Thankfully the situation took a pause as Ed rounded and brought with him a young girl who he introduced as Klara, one of the Asgardians. Despite Perry's colorfulness and general vibes, she often did not know how to interact with younger kids. She chalked it up to her childhood (as all trauma tends to stem from). Still, were Asgardian kids the same as Earth ones? She had to assume so.

"What's up Klara? We're playing a super cool virtual board game. What game's do you like..my dude?" Perry fought off the awkwardness she felt creeping up. How does one talk to a child? Fortnite? Was that a thing still? Did Asgardians play Fortnite?

Where was a villain attacking the mansion when you needed one?
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: l
Current Outfit: Header Image

”Peacock Perry you look absolutely divine tonight.” Max retorted back as her clothes changed into the blue flapper style dress. Mira's outfit began to shift as well, having gone after the color green, and putting her into a pantsuit. ”Sharp attire Mira, and what a magnificent dress Jaclyn. I must say we are one good looking group.” He said, punctuating his statement with a quick tug of his coat's lapels. His posture changed, almost closing in on itself as Ed and Klara approached them all. It seemed he was doing introductions, just how much memory did she lose? Max wondered as he waited patiently for his own moment to speak. He gave her a quick wave, unsure what would happen if he extended his hand for a shake.

There was an uneasy tension in unknowing. Would she flip him over herself and recall all the bad blood? Would she take it without a care and be happy to meet him? Would such a reaction rack him with guilt if it happened? Max didn't know, and he didn't want to know. So the small gesture was all she got from him. ”Nice to see you again Klara. Where's Runa? I thought I'd heard her voice earlier.” He asked, his hand motioning behind him with a flick as a portal opened and bridged the space between the hallway they'd all congregated in and the doorway to the Danger Room where they were about to play Clue. ”You guys make it sound so mysterious. Which I guess is on brand. We're just playing Clue…but in real life.”
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Mansion - Hallway
Skills: N/A

Klara followed along after Ed, before looking at the group who were there. "Sorry, have we met before?" she asked Max, clearly a little confused as to how he seemed to know who she was. However she got easily distracted away from the question he asked with regards to where Runa was when she noticed the outfits that everyone was wearing. She squealed a little bit when she saw the outfit that Perry was wearing, "Ooooh that is such an amazing outfit I love it. With the beading and the sparkles it looks amazing. Honestly to me things tend to look better if they have at least a little bit of sparkle to it."

Mira just sort of looked at Klara a bit when she was making these comments about the outfit that Perry was wearing. At this rate she was half expecting her to throw glitter at everyone, and was glad at the moment that she seemed to be restraining herself from doing that. "Nice to see you again Klara," she said, giving her a slight smile.

"As Ed said, I'm Klara. As for games, well not really a whole lot I think you guys would play, mainly I typically spar, or mess around with magic because that's always fun. And favorite thing is glitter, glitter definitely makes everything better. Anyway other things about me, I can control water and the oceans but choose not to since that in my opinion is lame, but I also typically can do a few things partially regarding love, which I personally think is my true domain despite other people's opinions on that back home honestly." she was kind of going on a little bit of a ramble.

"As Max said, we were just about to get started with a game of Clue." Mira added, since she seemed to be getting easily distracted from the rest of the conversation.

"What's Clue?"

"A murder mystery game," Mira responded with a bit of a shrug, seeing the portal that Max had opened up to outside of the Danger Room, though she was going to wait a minute until the others start going through.

Outside of the Mansion
Pietro was in agreement with Annie on maybe heading back inside for right now. Since Guin seemed to not be doing all too well right now. He ended up leading the way up on the path back towards the mansion. As they were heading back, they'd be able to see in the distance a car was driving through the gates of the mansion and heading towards the front. "Huh, wonder who that is. Today just seems to be a day for a bunch of visitors or something."
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Mansion - waylaid in the hall

Ed shivered at the idea of playing a board game. If you had asked him a year ago, he would have happily played. Now...after the whole Jumanji thing, he'd rather not. Ed did frown at Max's comment, when had he met Klara before? Also, Ed had just explained that Klara had memory issues, so it was possible she wouldn't remember anyone she had met before. That comment had been for Mira's sake more than anything. Klara asked, but of course, she got distracted by the rest of the conversation. Clue in real life...sounded like a nightmare waiting to happen.

"If you want to join them Klara feel no obligation to continue the tour and introductions." Ed had no intention of joining them himself, but if Klara wanted to, maybe he'd watch, and if things got deadly get involved. Or he'd go make a sandwich. Klara did remind him of her domains of power and he wondered if she could help him. He had someone out there that he had a daughter with, sometime in the future. He could ask Klara for help.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Master EffeX
Avatar of Master EffeX

Master EffeX I know what I know.

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jaclyn "OfAll" Chreyz

Location: X Mansion
Skills: Power Mimicry
Current Outfit (magic): two piece gown + embellished collar

Turning her eyes from Max's newly opened portal, Jaclyn sported a mild smile at his comment of them making it sound so mysterious. She was acting under the assumption an Asgardian wouldn't know what "Clue" was, which Klara confirmed later.

First she caused Jaclyn's smile to shift to shared pleasure at Klara's delight of Perry's costume, and Klara's own sparkle mentality. To herself, Jaclyn had to disagree that messing around with magic was "always fun" and that controlling water and the oceans was lame. While she personally wouldn't want to control the oceans -she could disrupt the underwater environment and marine life, to say the least- she thought controlling water in general had all sorts of potential.

It seemed to Jaclyn that Edus was maybe considering potential too--in the negative and as it pertained to their game.

"It would be no intrusion, she added welcomingly to his spoken thought of Klara wanting to join them. Reflecting on the two different first impressions she just received of the Asgardian: the one when she didn't speak, and now when she did.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by KazAlkemi
Avatar of KazAlkemi

KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Outside – X-Mansion
Skills: Running

Antoinette followed Pietro, glancing at Guin as they jogged back to the mansion. She was oddly quiet, and that concerned Antoinette but she didn’t draw attention to it either. Antoinette knew that sometimes pointing out a person’s differences was the last thing that they wanted. She was always looked at oddly because of her two different eye colours.

They reached the front door, and Antoinette noticed the car as well. She nodded in agreement with Pietro. ”Should we wait here and see who it is?”
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 9 days ago

Guin Stark

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

I'm fine, Guin brushed off Pietro's concern. It was kind of him to care, but when her mind started to circle this drain of despair, it was easier to push people away than to pull them in close. And truthfully, she had almost gotten used to this - to this feeling that came and went like the tides, always retreating but always returning. She didn't know when it would stop - maybe it never would, maybe she'd be in this cycle forever.

As Annie suggested that they could stop now and turn in early, Guin shrugged. "It's up to you, fam - I'm game for whatever," she said.

That seemed to be the choice Annie and Pietro made, and Guin didn't complain - she followed along after them, heading back into the Mansion, her head racing with thoughts that were too jumbled up to recount, all of which came to the same basic conclusions. Try as she might to push them aside, they continued coming, pushing into her skull. She turned her head, seeing the car, and huffed slightly. "Hooray, new people - that's just what we need right now. More of them."

Truthfully, Runa didn't care much for sodas - they were far too sweet for her liking. She preferred things that were bitter, or that would scorch the back of her throat as she drank them. Mead was for more than just merriment - it had a practical purpose, warming their body on a cold winter's eve. However, turning her nose up at a drink was not something a respectful Asgardian did - it would be incredibly rude. So Runa smiled politely. "That would be lovely," she said, nodding her head to Bethany, before following her and Lance inside to the kitchen.

Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~

Logically, Avery knew that Carolina was right - that there was a very slim chance Klara even knew that Avery had been the one to do it, assuming she remembered the events at all. But knowing something and knowing something were two different things. So while the odds were low that anything would happen, Avery couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. And if there was one thing they were trying to do more in this new life, it was listening to their own feelings - to trust their gut and their intuition.

And in this situation, their gut really wanted them to go hide in the attic.

So they gave Carolina's hand a squeeze, and smiled at her slightly. "There might be fun stuff up there," they pointed out, trying to lighten things a bit. "...Or old training uniforms." But either way, it was what they wanted to do - and they were curious, it was an area of the mansion they'd never really explored before, and it would be as good an excuse as any - far more respectable than hiding in their room.
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