Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 6:10 UTC+8

Nil was actually glad when Huo Ren showed up, for at least when he spoke it would attract most reporters to himself rather than the ASEAN delegation.

In truth they had to endure worse when they arrived by plane and now before entering the building for the meeting, Nil was clearly not made out to be a media personality, and by the time Task Force Obsidian was inside she was already slumping with a tired look on her face. The only voice she made an effort to understand was Noel quickly briefing everyone once again, the same things which Nil had to be told multiple times to ensure she did not cause any trouble.

The idea was simple: show up, stay in the back while people talk diplomacy, get out.

In the end Nil wouldn’t be a problem, since she harbored no hard feelings for their opponents in the Zodiac, of course the same can’t be said for the rest of the team.

Rather she was taking a better look at Huo Ren, the Chinese Dragon with so many stories being told about him, and despite the previous missions where Task Force Obsidian faced the Dragon, Nil never had the chance to observe him with more than a glance. But now he was just a pretty face in pretty clothing, for a few seconds Nil stared at him with hollow eyes, wondering if there was more she was overlooked about him, while completely missing the interaction between Makri and Suburov.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:10 UTC+8

Cristina spent her time studying the forbidden knowledge Qingshe provided her. Reading books had been a new experience for her but with a lot of persistence and help from Qingshe, she managed to create a simple spell. A proof of concept before this sudden peace conference.

She would've preferred if they left her alone while she can handle herself at places like this fine, she would prefer to not be in a den of snakes. No offense to Qingshe but the wordplay and euphemisms people use here was just too infuriating for her. Just be direct to the point.

The event passed without much fanfare until predictably the Chinese invited themselves.

Did the Dragon actually forgot about her? Not that she was complaining but that was pretty arrogant of him. And that guy Shen Tu, he looked like he didn't want to be here. She felt a little bit of kinship.

She would've been fine with this until the man's friend introduced himself.

"You." He is Superbia's Avatar?

So the man who turned her sister into that was in front of her?

Sinagtala suddenly appeared on her left hand. He wasn't that far her new move will reach her.

After all, how could she afford to waste this opportunity.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Iamme
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The City of Phnom Penh
Koichi Hirose

Koichi was a new recruit in Taskforce Obsidian so he didn't know much about how the others felt toward their supposed worst enemy but he knew that attacking here would ruin the Taskforce reputation. So he quickly put his hand on her arm "What the hell are you doing." He wasn't good at this talking people down stuff so he was just going to be blunt.

"We have a job." Koichi told her "Don't let your emotions get in the way" Koichi paused before adding something else "I don't know what that guy did to you but if you attack him" Koichi looked her straight in the eyes "People are going to get hurt, here and in the war."

Koichi let go of her hand hopefully that would be enough to talk her down from whatever stupid decision she was planning. He hoped the rest of the taskforce wasn't like this and actually used their heads when making decisions.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Nimbus
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Nimbus Eudaimonia Seeker

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Callie’s brow creased just a touch, eyes passing between the two remaining hostile Arms Masters as she slid towards Nil’s other shoulder. At her side, her hand barely twitched over her leather micro-bag and the pistol crammed within.

Once again, a subset of thoughts flickered to the fact that, tactically speaking, she should be outside on the same roof that she’d stashed her (new) rifle, watching proceedings through a window with Charter. She was critical to any evacuation; putting her in the diplomatic party, and thereby at ground zero of any attack, represented a similarly critical risk. But, of course, Spindle wanted her in the room to listen in on proceedings – and in the side rooms during the breaks, to subtly press the US’ agenda if the opportunity to chat with any of the diplomats arose.

Another part of her echoed the other element of Spindle’s briefing – a piece of knowledge that gnawed at her mind and urged her towards that same position of relative security and circumspection, one that she had mentioned to nobody else not least because she had no good excuse for knowing it…

Thus, here she was: fatigues exchanged for an off-white sleeveless dress (chosen to blend into the building’s internal and external surfaces) that hugged her svelte torso before flowing outward into a mid-length skirt, heavily pleated to maximise mobility, and her hair held up in elaborate yet compact waves rather than by its usual utilitarian tie.

The rest of her mind pushed those thoughts away (barring one stream hoping that the gauzy capelet over her shoulder was doing its job and had disguised her muscles tensing from the hand twitch) as Callie studied the Zodiac’s exemplar and his aide. Casual arrogance from someone who’s known power without inhibition for near his whole life – his hanger-on’s body language and expression, though… Couldn’t be less confident if they tried. Rule through fear isn’t rare but it doesn’t inspire loyalty or security. The prospect was intriguing – a clear objective, if a conditional and secondary one. If things were to go awry here and Callie was able to – well, ‘capture’ or ‘free’, the distinction would only become clear later – this person, they might have useful information for the fighting that would come after.

Low, steely voices behind her; Callie’s attention multiplied. One of them she absolutely recognised, branded in her mind from just a few days ago. The other… One ‘Koichi’, she thought – a rookie but one apparently committed enough to the Force to intervene on behalf of its objectives. For now, against her instinct to act, she would let him; Cristina was more likely to respond constructively to critique from one of her peers than to a ‘veteran’ throwing her seniority around. If she didn’t… Well, at that point she would jump in.

Not that she could entirely blame Cristina for being distracted by a familial connection. Spindle’s knowledge still burned at her, threatening to spread to the parts of her brain that she had partitioned it away from and consume it with possibilities.

Kenrick – her father, who she remembered only through the fog of two decades of forgetting – was here. And for all her mental powers, despite the hundreds upon hundreds of scenarios and approaches she had touched on in her imagination of the moment, Callie had no idea what she might do if she were to encounter him – or, worse, if he were to encounter her.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by DammitVictor


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Berto, of course, had no clue who these men were-- but it only took one glance at his young comrades for him to understand the nature of the situation."Cristina, is it? The Chinese sent that man here for one reason. Well, two reasons; one, to rattle our people at the negotiating table, and two, to provoke us into firing the first shot. Our primary objective hasn't changed. We still have to make sure nobody fires the first shot."

He tried to catch Cristina, and Callie, and Koichi's attention."But now we've got a secondary objective. We've gotta find something soft on their side, as close to this 'Avatar' is possible, and we've gotta stick something in it and break it off. The bean counters and the pretty little liars are gonna thank us for it, because if the Chinese are slapping us in the face out here-- fishing for an incident-- then you can bet they're trying to screw us a lot worse in there."

"So what do we know about this asshat that the PRC wishes we didn't?"
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 27 days ago


The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022

The day had started relatively lightly for Henri. Some breakfast and preparations for the briefing ahead. He listened carefully, as Alonso gave his speech. He wondered, if he'd ever get used to the idea of a junior having command over him.

This must be what the sailors felt seeing snotties Thought Henri to himself thinking back to the young midshipmen of the Maritime Era. Granted, Alonso was a man grown, not a 12 year old boy. Still, it really showed how times had changed more dire, that people as young as him gained officer positions.

And speaking of dire things, in the midst of Noel's rant the Zodiac appeared. Henri tried to stay put and unnoticed. He had, after all, played a critical role at the dam, even if it wasn't due to Leonidas. For an Arms-Master to be brought down by a regular gun was probably not something one or their comrades wanted to be remembered by.

Then there was this new face. Henri tried to remember the name Yulian Suburov, but couldn't recall anything. Either he hadn't been to the Ukraine, or had remained classified until now. Huo Ren's comments suggested either scenario. Still, with the name Chainbringer Henri could get a pretty good picture of what the Russian's Noble Arm looked like.

The Zodiac were certainly not wasting any time making threats. The convention had barely started and already they're declaring war. Henri stayed quiet, nonetheless, keeping an eye on the situation. While he had some chosen words in mind, they could wait for later, if there was a need to mention them at all.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:15 UTC+8

Noel glared back at Huo Ren and said as he raised his left eyebrow, "If you want to screw over your own people and the Russians by revealing that their observer is an energy body used by Public Enemy Number One, be my guest. Stop trying to pick a fight before you end up in one; we won't be the ones drawing our weapons first."

He glanced back at Koichi Hirose, the newly-arrived recruit, as he restrained Cristina from attacking 'Yulian'. Then a nod of acknowledgment at the volunteer before Noel turned back to Huo Ren and said, "The diplomatic meeting your superiors spent a lot of time and effort to call is about to start. The Cambodian military is sending a detachment to keep us all safe, but they will probably want to know about the Russian observer's boasts; you might want to go after him to ensure he does not make more."

Huo Ren was already gazing past him to look at a fuming Nico (Aoi was fuming too, but he thought she was beneath his notice), before smiling, grinning from ear to ear, then saying, "Don't worry; I got what I wanted."

Patting the shoulder of his aide, Shen Tu, Huo gestured both of them to walk towards where Yulian was fast disappearing into a crowd of Russian aides and other diplomatic staff. As they did so, Shen Tu risked looking back at Noel and mouthing, 'Help me'.

Noel gave another nod of acknowledgment, before saying to Henri, "Volunteer Janssens, keep close to us and ready your Noble Arm for use at any time. An Avatar of Superbia is pure energy so your Arm can probably instantly dispel it. Now, we will wait for the Cambodian security detail to meet to coordinate with them and prevent any more untoward incidents from happening."

"So what do we know about this asshat that the PRC wishes we didn't?"

Then to Berto, Noel responded, "If you mean Huo Ren, well, he's a very powerful Arms Master who is also a perverted asshole. He lusts for two people in this Task Force; one is Nico Makri - He's the slightly older youth with the grey hair - and the other is me. And he wants to provoke us into getting ourselves captured by him so he can have our way with us."

The apparent leader of the protective detachment sent by the military, a squat female with “C. Chea” stamped on her uniform, dismounted her vehicle. Her piercing brown eyes scanned the outside. The streets were fairly barren for such a large event; everyone was inside. Her aides-de-camp approached her and saluted. She reminded them of their orders: “Check the personal protection of each delegation, and inform me of their status. I’ve heard there’s Arms Masters; I want to meet them specifically.” She folded her arms as her underlings trotted away, scanning the outside a second time.

She received a sudden call; there had been a near-incident involving the Filipino and Chinese security details. She walked into the building, armed with only an Anti-Materiel Rifle capable of piercing through an Arms Master's regenerating flesh, a heavy pistol of similar capabilities, and a brace of knives. Accompanying her were a squad of what appeared to be perfectly mundane troops and one Arms Master, her younger brother, Dara, who, though new to his Noble Arm, had a power that was optimized against other Noble Arm users, a power grown from disillusionment with Noble Arms as a concept, ironically.

Walking towards Noel and the others, C. Chea spoke to Task Force Obsidian in a stern tone, "I see you have not given in to the Chinese and Russian provocations. You must be less naive than I thought. Now, where are my manners? I am Lieutenant C. Chea, and I will be in charge of your security. Do not get in trouble; the meeting is about to begin..."

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor@Iamme
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Mission Four Introduction Auxiliary Post - Co-written by me and @QJT

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:20 UTC+8

First Relevant Portion (Edited in):

The Philippine Delegation, led by one Emilia Naga, a newcomer to the diplomatic scene whose tall, thin figure looked more like a supermodel than an ambassador, and who opened her ambassadorial car wearing a flashy pink sleeveless dress and gown as a signal of her internal political allegiance (the losing but valiant candidate of the 2022 elections) as she, her aides and guards, watched carefully for any untoward attention. Perceptive enough people would remember that Emilia was a supermodel before becoming an accredited ambassador; Miss Philippines!

Emilia would greet the Thai Ambassador with a courteous, warm nod, before moving to establish her office and make up for lost time. Despite her bravado, she had very low expectations for the meeting; China had attempted to bribe her before and then sent assassins after her when she refused, plus recruited online trolls to start a smear campaign against her. Nevertheless, orders were orders and it’s not as if evacuation routes didn’t exist - She should at least make sure she’s friendly with Task Force Obsidian’s teleportation-capable folk.

Relevant Portion

In the meantime, Emilia Naga had heard about how Huo Ren of the PRC’s ‘Zodiac’ had openly provoked a confrontation with Task Force Obsidian, with rumors that he had brought a not-so-covert member of the Downward Descent inside the building. To be honest, this was a sign that the Chinese did not intend to negotiate in good faith and that the ASEAN delegates should begin putting plans to evacuate into action. But it would be rude to their Cambodian hosts if they broke off negotiations, so she would have to move on her own once in her office.

From a PDA that was issued by a US-linked contractor for the Philippine Government of National Salvation, she sent a text to Myron Makraig of Task Force Obsidian through an encrypted National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) channel, saying, Tell me everything.

The response was, Not much to tell; Huo Ren came, brought an Avatar of Superbia disguised as a Russian observer to threaten us, and left. Or was it an official Russian observer who is also an Avatar of Superbia? They want some of our members as ‘prisoners’ for purposes best not said in polite company. Either way, we should put all eyes on him and our hosts and wait for solid proof.

A reminder that they didn’t have any. Then, Myron continued, I don’t like the looks of this; we’re going to have to cut our losses if this turns into a disaster. Cambodia has a strong history with Vietnam and Thailand and we don’t need spies in Cambodia’s Parliament to see that China is leveraging that behind the scenes. Double-check that PDA for spyware; by the way - The wider the circle of people we trust, the worse things are.

Relevant Portion

The roads outside the facility were now (finally) clear of cars; they’d parked in local lots or retreated to their hotels and embassies of origin. No longer at risk of inconveniencing the dignitaries, the Cambodian military could finally set up a perimeter worthy of respect. The event had a spattering of security personnel around the site, but respectable events required something more. Several eight-wheeled BTR-60s pulled up along the curbside, forming a defensive line around the facility. Infantry casually helped each other out of the vehicle; the force was a couple hundred in total. Late security reinforcement was better than none at all.

@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor@Iamme
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by DammitVictor


Member Online

Then to Berto, Noel responded, "If you mean Huo Ren, well, he's a very powerful Arms Master who is also a perverted asshole. He lusts for two people in this Task Force; one is Nico Makri - He's the slightly older youth with the grey hair - and the other is me. And he wants to provoke us into getting ourselves captured by him so he can have our way with us."

Berto blinked; that wasn't the direction he expected this to go at all.

"Well, L.T., I didn't, but you saying it that way makes me think I shoulda brought a longer shit list to keep track of all the criminals and degenerates the Chinese are throwing at us. I meant the Russki fella, Julie whats-his-nuts. Ol' Uncle Dong-Dong knew what he was doing when he dropped that steaming pile of crap in our lunchbox."

Berto straightened himself up a bit. "Respectfully, L.T., this is a Rule .303 situation. It's beyond our remit, but we've got the means, motive, and the opportunity to pull these thorns out of High Command's paw, so it's our duty to do it. We just have to make sure that it's China with egg on their faces at the end."
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Iamme
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Koichi Hirose

Berto, of course, had no clue who these men were-- but it only took one glance at his young comrades for him to understand the nature of the situation."Cristina, is it? The Chinese sent that man here for one reason. Well, two reasons; one, to rattle our people at the negotiating table, and two, to provoke us into firing the first shot. Our primary objective hasn't changed. We still have to make sure nobody fires the first shot."

He tried to catch Cristina, Callie, and Koichi's attention."But now we've got a secondary objective. We've gotta find something soft on their side, as close to this 'Avatar' is possible, and we've gotta stick something in it and break it off. The bean counters and the pretty little liars are gonna thank us for it, because if the Chinese are slapping us in the face out here-- fishing for an incident-- then you can bet they're trying to screw us a lot worse in there."

"I'm new so don't expect to know anything or help" Koichi said letting go of Cristina's handing preparing to walk away but then he members that smug bastard "buttt I guess I could help out, beating up an arrogant asshole is one of my favorite past times." Ironic considering he was an arrogant asshole. "Perhaps we could try to drive a wedge between them though I doubt that will work."

"He was brought over here for cultural differences right" Koichi put his hand on his chin "But considering what I've been told about Huo Ren he probably agrees with him." Koichi sighs "I've got nothing since I don't know them that well." Koichi was prepared to walk away before he said one more thing "Or you can just get someone to watch them" it wasn't going to be him. He hated arrogant bastards (that weren't himself) but he didn't hate China or Yulian enough to stalk him.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Not a GM Post

As the meeting began, Noel turned towards C. Chea and her entourage replied, "Lieutenant, we thank you for your well-wishes, but with all due respect, the provocation is unsubtle and the threats made are out of order for a member of China's most public team of Arms Masters. Huo Ren and Yulian Suburov have made claims deserving of investigation and so under my authority, they are authorized to look into them. Add that to the fact that they have threatened one of my subordinates and me and I think we can build a case."

Myron, meanwhile, had finished communicating with the Philippine Ambassador, and pocketed his PDA, before approaching Berto and Koichi, then looking for Aoi before saying, "You two, let's move a few steps away; maintain some thin veneer of discretion."

This was not a request, but rather an order, and once the two had followed his instructions to move a few meters away, the Intelligence Officer said to them, "Specialists Williams and Suta, and Scout Mikoto if she's watching; a piece of advice - People like Huo Ren keep sensitive data on their phones. If you two - or three - are serious about the investigation, keep that fact in mind. Aides and servants are also rich sources of info, especially if they appear to be treated shabbily."

What was he hinting at? They either get their hands on Huo Ren's phone and expose him that way or they find a way to approach Huo Ren's aide and try and talk him into revealing the 'Paper Dragon' and the Avatar of Superbia's plans, open and secret. His minimal attempts to hide his own schemes and endorsement of what was undoubtedly a breach of etiquette were deliberate too - No one came after his brothers-in-arms (and sisters-in-arms too).

@Iamme@DammitVictor@Creative Chaos@Digmata
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:10 UTC+8

Unfortunately for Cristina, just because she wanted something doesn't mean she should get it. Especially when the fate of nations rest in their actions.

Her Noble Arms dispelled violently as she tightened her fist. She understand where everyone was coming from, she knows that she needs to bide her time. But she can't stop her own emotions.

"I cannot stay here, just call me if you needed something." she spoke, refusing to do something she would regret.

Perhaps she could help at ensuring that the Chinese aren't pulling any tricks at the meeting. She could say to everyone that she's taking an enthusiastic walk.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Gerlando
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Gerlando The Unchosen One

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 6:15 UTC+8

Trailing behind the Philippine ambassador is Task Force Obsidian, well, some of it anyway, as they walked into the conference room it was inevitable they would notice the absence of some newly arrived members. This, however, is not true for Nil.

Since the Zodiacs (and Yulian with them) left the scene, and while meeting the local military security leader, Nil was not very attentive, all she had gathered so far on their adversaries was, Chinese speaking person somewhere, Dragon is a fraud and Yulian bad.

At least the VIP was an interesting fellow, if only for the colorful dress she dons.

Among the other ambassadors? Face not recognised, face not recognised, face definitely no recognised, oh.

Nil waved towards the Thai delegation with her whole arm in a wide arc, in a very obvious manner.

While waving Nil realized that she didn’t actually recognise any one person’s name, but just a face she had seen at some point in the past.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Creative Chaos
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Creative Chaos

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Standing outside the meeting area was one Nico Makri, not looking too out of place in comparison to the more mundane security detail. While his Noble Arm wasn’t manifested, he managed to snag a gun from Mischief Reef’s armory and was currently drumming his fingers against the holster absently.

The thinly veiled threat Superbia (or Yulian, in this case) said forced him to think of just what a round two would look like against a force of nature like the leader of Downward Descent. It was true that he would likely not have the dual state he tapped into last time, but that bout gave him some insight into how Superbia approached a fight. No two ways about it, I’m not winning a straight fight with the immortal bastard. But, if this version isn’t as much of a copycat as the one I fought, then I could stand a chance. He only really seems to know the basics of using a weapon.

”Damn.” Nico swore in an irritated whisper. Huo Ren was easy to figure out, what with him being a showboat and such. At the least, it was clear that the Dragon wasn’t a real spearman. He wouldn’t be here if that were the case. And as much as he would love to prove it wrong, the only reason he was even alive was because of his Noble Arm’s apparent fusion state. Seriously need to figure out what in every gods’ name that was.

Aoi remained to herself after the incident with Huo Ren and Yulian, walking the area while the rest of the Task Force kept up appearances. She wasn’t looking too sore on the eyes herself, having bought a dress and hat set from a local outlet for the occasion, as well as a .50 cal Desert Eagle in a holster on her leg. She made sure it was relatively unseen beneath the frills of her dress, but still close enough for easy access in a pinch.

This is it. My ultimate opportunity to complete my goals. Aoi didn’t walk up to Myron, she just appeared behind him, as if the mere mention of her name was enough to summon her. She tipped her hat to the gathered group, bowing politely and speaking accented English for the sake of being concise. ”Should you have a means for me to take the Dragon’s phone without actively exposing myself, I will volunteer for this request.”

It wasn’t clear in her expression or voice, but her eyes betrayed the idea that Aoi was planning for future events rather than the current pressing matters. Her mission to kill the Zodiac had led her to one of the members she despised almost as much as she dreaded facing. But a chance to both humiliate the Dragon and make her move was a once in a lifetime opportunity. All she needed was a way to make it happen.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Not a GM Post

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:16 UTC+8

Aoi could feel Myron pressing a small, metallic box into her palm, and him whispering, "Here; this is one of Qingshe's Teleport Beacons; this would allow you to 'download' yourself into my disk in an instant. Will you be okay with using this?"

Suta, meanwhile, nodded and walked off in the direction of Shen Tu; Myron felt a sense of foreboding on how eager the guy walked, as though he was somehow dooming himself through overconfidence. As for Roberto, just in case he needed any more instructions, Myron spoke, "Create a distraction to divert Huo Ren's attention; you're not a cute guy, so you'll have to be creative - Try going up to him and saying passive-aggressive remarks he cannot retaliate against without looking like the bad guy in this diplomatic meeting. Would that be okay with you?"

Seeing Noel continue to try and talk Lieutenant Chea into letting them act, Myron then uploaded two files into Aoi and Roberto's smartphones, saying, "These, by the way, are the reports I can find about 'Yulian Suburov'; let's just say that he's good at dragging off suspected rebels and subversives to where the sun doesn't shine, and the only part of that the Russians do not approve of is his semi-open desire for other men as well as women - The cultural differences that were mentioned. So they sent him off as their 'observer' to get him out of the way while they find someone as effective as he is without being 'disgusting' to them..."

@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor

Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022 06:17 UTC+8

People, both Chinese and ASEAN members, were talking about news from around the world, where Ukraine's recovery of Kherson shared near-equal space with Myanmar's National Unity Government overruning several townships. But Cristina would notice something as the updates on the Task Force's phones and local television screens flashed by - Events from the Philippines were popping up more often in the newsfeed. The reason why?

Angelito Jaime, the Hero of ASEAN, was dead, and the Seven Virtues claimed ownership of his Noble Arm, the Bamboo Spear. Because the Bamboo Spear was one of the most powerful portal-cutting Noble Arms on the planet, this meant bad news for ASEAN. Not only that but with the foreign threat stalled, the Philippine Government of National Salvation was being bogged down by constant battles against the local warlords and politically influential clans that resisted the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

In Japan, Crown Prince Shinyahito's sudden disappearance and reappearance fighting in the Philippines alongside his sister, Princess Fukuyo, caused a firestorm of controversy that was paralyzing the Japanese response to world affairs except in one aspect: The JSDF will be mobilized to get the son and daughter of Emperor Naruhito back. Until then, Japanese volunteers who fought on ASEAN's side are reminded that their actions were technically illegal but the penalties would not be enforced.

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Nimbus
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Nimbus Eudaimonia Seeker

Member Seen 5 mos ago

((Plot-relevant Collab between @Nimbus and @Windstormugly, our surprise guest!))

Callie watched with a restrained keenness as the various officials, diplomats, and functionaries filed their way out of the room, herself close behind. There was tension in the air, so obvious that she could almost see the wires stretching, but everyone seemed to have behaved themselves properly - in public view, at least.

Meanwhile, the parts of her mind not focused on vigilance wandered. No other reason to suggest it than to drive that wedge… But does China really think they’ll convince anyone in NATO that the ASEAN coalition’s mistreating - yeah, they could probably convince a very large number of NATO civilians that they’re mistreating prisoners. Her lips twitched ever so slightly towards the shadow of a wry grimace.

Another glance across the corridor that they’d now reached; the diplomats were beginning to split apart into their various delegations. Callie considered. She had no reason to report to the US’ contingent - her hierarchy and lines of communication were separate from theirs, even if it wouldn’t surprise her if there were CIA operatives embedded in their group - but, on the other hand, it would probably seem out of character for her ‘eager volunteer’ persona to actively avoid an opportunity to talk to some of her countrymen.

That could come later. For now, Spindle wanted her actually talking to the other delegations…

Callie eyed one of the windows.

It’d look suspicious if I just jumped down their throats immediately, wouldn’t it?

No sooner had she processed this than Callie found herself sliding away, headed for the nearest women’s toilets according to the building plans that she’d memorised prior to her arrival. Pulling open the door and flitting through the disjointed entranceway to a room furnished with brightly polished tiles, she gave the place a quick scan. Nobody, seemingly, had arrived before her.

Bunching up the pleating of her skirt in one hand and manifesting Charter with the other, Callie turned her gaze to the windows of this room and the sky beyond them. A quick, tiny portal looking over her destination; nothing there, either. Then, with a slight bend of the knees and her arms held to her sides, she made a practised hop.

Uncomfortably warm and humid air rushed up to meet her, then solid concrete a few feet after that. Loosing her grasp on the conjoined space, Callie fell into a crouch behind the lip of the roof that she’d made her perch. A brief check of the case she’d stowed there showed that her rifle remained untouched.

Slightly more satisfied, she adjusted her posture, brought Charter to her eye and poked her head out above the parapet. More personnel here than there were… Looks like typical RCA mechanised infantry. One antiquarian visible; sticking close to his officer, unsure of himself. She, however…

A slight adjustment of the spyglass’ magnification to pick out the precise width of the barrel of the company captain’s rifle - one clearly meant more for shooting tanks rather than troops. With that weaponry? Steelkiller for sure. Callie suppressed a shiver - she’d never been entirely comfortable with that idea, ever since she was introduced to it in the Cadets. Arms Masters’ potential battlefield dominance practically guaranteed people specially equipped to counter them, of course, but the implications of soldiers and others trained to eliminate not just a class of combatant but a class of person...

(Part of the unease, of course, was in reaction to the part of herself that had noted the heavy anti-materiel rifle and merely considered again whether the loss in manoeuvrability would be a fair trade for that extra punch.)

Overall, though… Callie glanced across, focused and stepped a few hundred feet off to the other side of the building. If this is a trap, they’re being smart about not showing their hand. Nothing that a concerted AM attack couldn’t break but this is enough to delay them, get the delegations out. A final once-over of the Cambodian soldiers’ equipment, vehicles and general attitude revealed little beyond a host concerned with safety and keeping up appearances.

Still, better to report that than nothing. Keeping Charter on her eye as she finished her checks, Callie tapped at her neatly hidden earpiece. “Command, completed a visual scan of the perimeter. No sign of…”

Her voice trailed off. Through her spyglass, her gaze had settled on something. Something inside the building.

“Hold a moment, sir,” Callie intoned, forming almost by reflex another tiny portal to peer into the inside of the corridor on the other side of the building from the one she’d left.

She found a scene of destruction. A trail led from one of the supply closets through the plan corridor, as if someone had misunderstood the idea of cleaning. The dust and debris told of someone having left a collapsed building. An ajar door to a workroom was broken open, the handle trashed with a heavy blow.

Up on the roof, Callie tensed. “Command, found evidence of intrusion or sabotage in -” she consulted again her mental map of the building - “Corridor 2, southern end. Getting a closer look.”

Another portal later, she was inside, taking up position against the wall, rifle held close as she snapped Charter into position on its rail. Yet another let her inspect the room from her position of safety; she shrugged off the twinge of more of her energy being drawn away. Inside, the dust ended abruptly in a laser straight cut across the room, as if someone had slashed it in two and left a micrometre thick indent across the floor, walls, and ceiling, the mark of an arrowhead at each corner.

Callie froze.

This is a trap.

I know who set it.

Oh, dear God.

Callie felt her heart start to hammer against her chest, heard the building roar of blood in her ears; her brain began to run into overdrive, mind spinning off in a hundred directions, possibilities, all of the ways that the next few minutes might go if, in fact, he was -


Taking a moment to suck in a breath, Callie swung through the battered doorway, Charter raised to her eye in parallel with her rifle, its line of sight raking the half-broken space. There were traces of something in the corners, nothing that she could see but instead a familiar frisson, that rushing of energy across the skin… Whatever Kenrick had done was still active - she knew from her own experience.

Normally that would have given her pause. This time, though, there was something to one side of the room, hidden from her view from the corridor: a pile of standard issue Cambodian army jacket and pants, a stain of dried reddish brown on the collar…

Little thought crossed her mind as she stepped forward - and appeared elsewhere with a jolt. Stumbling out of an alcove, Callie caught herself, seeing the corridor where the delegations were still splitting off. The dignitaries closest to her went quiet, as if they had maybe said something they shouldn’t have in company, and gave her a forced smile.

That’s not at all how you react to a woman in formalwear armed with a high-powered assault rifle and attached NA appearing from nowhere. Way too calm.

They’re his.

That meant that if they were going to attack her, they probably would have already, and so she chanced a flick of her eyes in the other direction. There, further down the corridor, they caught on a NATO dignitary walking away towards a bend in the passageway, making some idle comment on the decoration of a vase of flowers… The last thing she saw before he passed out of sight was an arrowhead, twirling between his fingers.

An arrowhead that, somewhere buried deep in her memory, she recognised.

Hands trembling, Callie strode after him, albeit keeping eyes on the ‘dignitaries’ behind her. She passed another group stood by the vase, apparently so absorbed in their conversation that they hadn’t noticed a single thing - More likely actual dignitaries, either that or very good actors - and turned the corner, only to see the arrowhead clattering to the floor a dozen or so metres in the empty space ahead of her.

Taking a few steps, Callie pressed her back against the wall, steadied herself, then flicked her earpiece to send again. “Command,” she murmured, “urgent situation - hostiles in the building. At least NATO’s delegation compromised; likely assault or kidnap of security in Room 2 dash 3, with two possible accomplices disguised as VIPs in Corridor 1. In pursuit of suspected leader…”

Her hand clenched around her rifle’s grip.

“...believed to be Kenrick of the Hammer of Masters. Threat unknown beyond that - suggesting we go to evac.”

Callie took another breath. She almost brought her hand back to her ear - and then decided against it. They’re going to want to hear whatever happens - even if I wanted to hear whatever it is they have to say next… For the record, Spindle, you never said they shouldn’t know he’s my dad. Almost certainly do anyway, if ‘Translator’’s been doing his job right…

She gave herself no more time to think that through before taking another glance left and right, then pushing on, steeling her nerves -

- and then, again, she was somewhere else - a small room, identifiable by the temporary sign on an inner door as being set aside for the talks’ Cambodian hosts, specifically one ‘Phuong Keo’. The back of Callie’s mind registered all of this in a few moments.

The majority of it was concerned with an individual - likely Phuong’s secretary - still sitting behind their desk. This would not be unusual, but for the thing holding them upright and also keeping them from reaching something beneath the desk: an antique arrow through the chest, nailing them and the chair to the wall.

“Plea…se, he…lp. He, he, the min…ister.” they managed, before finally falling back. Callie reached forward as if to catch them, then to feel for air passing their lips. None did.

With that, quiet fell across the office - but not silence. A shiver ran through her as she caught a soft, repeated melody… The sound of someone humming an old nursery rhyme, one that her mother used to sing for her.

And, for the first time, a cold fury stirred in her veins.

Callie span, then pushed through the inner door, rifle levelled. There, she was greeted not by a Cambodian minister - the chair behind the desk assigned to him was unoccupied with the exception of a single arrowhead, matched by another embedded in each corner of the room.

Instead, beside the desk, back facing her, there stood the man in the uniform of a NATO dignitary, an ornate laminated bow across his shoulder.

“Welcome Callie, having fun at the conference?” Kenrick, former Malik of the Hammer of Masters, her father, said. He turned towards her; a flick of his wrist to release the pressure of the bowstring and the bow - the Arm - rolled down and into his hand like a coiled belt.

“Oh, sure.” Callie’s voice sounded wrong - not just her pan-American accent grating against Kenrick’s muddled European, but unfamiliar to her own ear - tense, forced. “Lovely hospitality here - everyone’s been so welcoming. I hope you’ve found the same?”

“Hah, welcoming? To you and yours? I think we can be a bit more candid, don't you?” he said smiling before continuing. “I meant the surveillance, mapping out the area, marking threats and planning escape routes and retaliation strikes. Is that fun for you?” he said with thinly veiled anticipation.

“Speak for yourself - I’d be oh so keen to know how you found all that, too,” Callie rejoined. Buy time, just need to buy time, let the others get into position - hopefully get as many out as they can. “It’s not so bad, is it? I mean, you have the joy of running into so many interesting people for the first time. Was that a growl?

Kenrick smiled at her first answer and started walking around in the office, picking up things and putting them down again, seemingly unconcerned with Callie still having the rifle out. “It’s what I was raised to do, you don’t think about how you put your feet down on uneven ground.” He stopped at her last comment, his face tightening strangely.

“That depends, some would say the meeting long overdue the sweetest regret… How much things have changed, how little they now need your protection.” He trailed off, head tilted slightly to one side like he was listening to something. Incompetents. I heard you met your side's supposed opposition already, what's your impression?” Kenrick asked with a tired look in his eyes.

“Oh, arrogant, unrepentant and far less in control than they assume. Think it’s a pattern.” It was the strangest feeling - dual surges of fury at the suggestion of his protection, as if he hadn’t been the one that she’d been running from all her life without even knowing it, and pride in his recognition of her capability and strength, comingling into something dreadful and fiery. Callie heard her blood surging, felt her muscles becoming twitchy with adrenaline…

Something’s happened to his team. They’re in a position of weakness, a quiet voice in the back of her mind observed. Push him now.

Kenrick had been nodding along to her words, a small shake of his head when she went quiet and was just about to say something when she interrupted him.

“Anyway, love to stay and chat but I’m not here to see you.” A cathartic thrill ran through her at the lie. “Was hoping to catch Minister Phuong - some finer points of the negotiations I wanted to pick his brain on. Don’t suppose you’d happen to know where he’d be?” Callie asked, reaching for her power and holding it at the ready, even as she readjusted her sweat-slicked hold on her rifle, keeping it trained on its target. Her finger pressed against the trigger. “And maybe don’t move while you’re answering. Easier for both of us.”

@Lewascan2@Gerlando@Nimbus@QJT@Amidatelion@Digmata@Chiro@Creative Chaos@DammitVictor
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Location:Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, The City of Phnom Penh

Cristina rarely finds herself flatfooted, she might have been a scaredy cat when she was younger but years of diving into danger and violence had hardened her nerves. Even the close calls she got while working for Obsidian barely fazed her most of the time.

So it felt so weird that a pair of news managed to make her jaw drop.

The Hero of ASEAN is dead, which was huge news. Even if she wasn’t the master of diplomacy she knows how it might change or even upset the dynamics of the talks occurring right now. This might even mean the war won’t be over yet.

If only he lasted at least a week more, they might have the treaty.

Then there’s this pair of siblings who decided that the battlefield is their damn playground. She appreciated and the country definitely appreciated the help but had they thought of what would happen if they died here? Is the potential money and fame worth rejecting their privileges and actual risk to their lives?

She hopes to never meet any of them.

After taking a few breaths to calm herself, Cristina returned to watching everyone from the balcony. It wasn’t her job but it was better than doing nothing and exchanging pleasantries that meant nothing.

And she was thankful that she did because otherwise she won’t see Callie running and teleporting around the place. She couldn’t see what exactly was happening but she knew enough to know that something was happening.

And if something is happening, it is also happening elsewhere.

Activating her Mirage Space to herself, she began looking for anything out of place around the building. She hopes Callie can deal with what she found.

And she will deal with what she finds.

Hopefully it will be enough.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Amidatelion


Member Seen 4 days ago

Sister Marta Rocha

Mission Four - Knives in Phnom Penh

The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022

It is much easier to deal with the effects of politics, thought Marta, than politics themselves. An invading army can be fought, a destroyed town can be rebuilt, and hungry people can be fed, but a battle waged with veiled threats, hidden compromises, and honeyed words weighed down by the sickly sweetness of double-triple-meanings was not that. If it weren't for the likelihood of escalation, she'd almost have preferred if their brazen foes had just punched her in the face - that she could deal with - something that could be handled with touch and feeling.

As she was, the stress and thumb-twiddling had left her already fatigued - but more than that, she was bored. Even with the high stakes and potential dangers, nothing had gone catastrophically wrong - yet - and her delegation had been reasonably well-behaved, all things considered, leaving her with no recourse but to stand there and listen in on all the complex talk of intrigue and politics. Her incredible ability to fall asleep in any situation turned against her, the Sister was already starting to feel drowsy.



She jolts with a start from her position, leaning against the wall. She'd almost fallen asleep standing right there... that probably wouldn't be too responsible. Her Right Hand could put her back into action immediately, washing away fatigue and inflammation faster than any caffeinated beverage, but beyond seeming ill-advised in this context, using her powers for the equivalent of an energy drink just felt so petty.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose and did a few stretches before leaning back against the wall. Ugh, this pernicious somnolence... Keep it together, Marta; This is your responsibility, too.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Chiro


Member Seen 27 days ago


The City of Phnom Penh - 11/11/2022

The convention had barely started and already they're declaring war.

Noel gave another nod of acknowledgment, before saying to Henri, "Volunteer Janssens, keep close to us and ready your Noble Arm for use at any time. An Avatar of Superbia is pure energy so your Arm can probably instantly dispel it. Now, we will wait for the Cambodian security detail to meet to coordinate with them and prevent any more untoward incidents from happening."

"Yes, Sir! Henri confirmed, giving a short salute in confirmation. Kid or not, he was right. Henri needed to be, where he could maximise his shield's power.

People kept piling in, from military personnel to ambassadors and relevant assistance personnel. Henri, however, tried not to lose Noel in the crowds, while at the same time avoiding drawing attention. Henri wasn't exactly sure, how high profile he or his power was, but considering he had taken part in battles with his neutralization ability, he probably wasn't unknown by any means.

Most of the conversations and newsfeeds flew past Henri's thoughts, but he could feel his heart stop, after hearing of Angelito Jaime's death.

They had asked him for help. Henri knew that Leonidas wouldn't have been sufficient to be of use, but he couldn't help but feel he should have done something, anything. Now a legend and a living deterrent had passed away.

Thirty lousy seconds Henri cursed to himself the time limit of his shield. If only it would suffice at least against this Superbia

Not that it would be much help, now that so much mobility had been lost with Jaime.

But no point crying over spilt milk. The conference was ongoing and order to be kept. Henri continued to keep a close eye on the Lieutenant and the surroundings.
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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Creative Chaos
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Creative Chaos

Member Seen 2 days ago

Nico remained at his post, looking around for any signs of intrusion or an attack on the delegates. In the meantime, his thoughts went back to the last few weeks. I swear, each and every mission is crazier than the last. First the paper dragon, then a haunted ship, and now Superbia. What a time to be alive…

He gave a slight smile. Despite the extreme shift in scale from his time in Athens to being at a wartime meeting, it still felt oddly nice to have a bigger purpose, to save lives and fight for something that wasn’t just himself. The mercenary work, while paying reasonably well, never seemed right. Nico only ever took jobs he thought had a greater chance of helping out someone other than the client, and Task Force Obsidian absolutely fit the bill.

Even if most of his comrades were of an odd sort, they were still good friends in Nico’s eyes. He went out of his way to learn at least a little about them, but hadn’t quite gotten around to fully talking with everyone, including the newcomers. Williams seemed alright enough, with the kind of sarcasm that comes with age, and likely similar conversation. Mikoto on the other hand seemed like someone to be avoided, from what little he could tell, but it wouldn’t stop him from trying to make small talk if the opportunity came up.

Nico shook his head and took out a spare phone he had in his pocket: nothing too cutting edge, just something to occupy time between theaters of combat. Like he’d done a few times before, he started to scroll through old pictures of before he joined the war efforts: family photos, birthday pictures, and a few snapshots of the time he spent with his friends back home. It gave him a twinge of nostalgia, and a bit of homesickness that faded away.

”Soon enough.” Nico muttered the affirmation in his native Greek. He’d make it back there. There was nothing to be homesick about.

“As you wish.” Aoi didn’t care enough to say a farewell, it was a waste. She just took the beacon and went to work. The scout was putting her skills to use from the moment she walked in. Ren and Yulian made a mistake by threatening the group, as it let Aoi know what they looked, sounded, and walked like, and that was enough to track the two in the crowded exhibition center. She let the goings on and her fellow newcomer, an older man named Williams, be her distraction, they were interesting enough to function as such.

Hearing that not only was the old man Jaime dead, but the Seven Virtues had gotten to the Bamboo Spear only added another part to her long term plans. But the current steps took priority. With no sound and no light, her Noble Arm appeared while she held the beacon box in her hand. The gloves she called Perfect Accomplice weren’t flashy or imposing, and that was perfect. As Aoi began to get closer to Huo Ren, the more useful of her abilities became active: Death Count - Evasion, the skill that made her a ghost to the world around her. The count has begun.

Navigating a crowd was not a new skill for her, and this was no real challenge for her, as she took some extra care in order to not be touched. It was well under a minute between the activation and her making contact with the Dragon’s phone. She activated the beacon the moment her finger grazed the phone, silently warping away.

The count has concluded. 23 minutes remain. Any intermittent uses were rounded to one minute; her Noble Arm was particular in that regard, for whatever odd reason it had. The fact Death Count was used at all was enough to burn through precious time, and all that Aoi could hope for was that Myron’s shield had room, and that one minute wouldn’t be missed later on.
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