I Heal When I Put My Mind To Something
Age: 28
Kingdom: Aurelia
Role: Ranger
Magic: Earth, Wind
Short Bio: Maddelena De Abondiolis
“Boss, the horses are ready.”
A wide grin spread across her face, both at being called boss and the fact that they would be setting out again into the wild. Clapping her hands she deftly shoved herself away from the table; her chair teetering precariously behind her as she abandoned it in her eagerness.
“Well c’mon then.There’s money to be made.”
A wave of her hand and the men loitering the tavern filled out after her, some of them barely old enough to be called such but each of them boisterous and self assured in their movements and though she’d never say it Maddalena was proud of her small hunting band. Hers. The thought grew the vivacious grin on her face, last nights nagging about getting themselves killed long forgotten. They had begun to travel further and further towards the borderlands, the promises of richer furs and plumper game outweighing the rising rumors of more and more blight born attacks. Like so many others in her group they simply thought it was just a rumor spread to keep children in line; after all it had been years since they first appeared and not once had she’d seen one act so violent as they described. The beginning of that day played over and over in both her waking and sleeping hours. She lost how many hours she had spent wishing and writing out how differently she would have done things. Cursing herself for being so headstrong and stubborn, Harvok telling her they should turn back, even her horse had tried to buck her in a desperate attempt to keeping her from going forward. She knew that it was all hindsight, the tell tale sign of the stag running from something, the silence of the forest beyond their own breathing and the horses gait slowing.
The one moment she would give anything to go back and stop herself.
She could’ve stop it. There was so much red, and the screams. The same screams that ripped themselves through her when she woke, the ones she swallowed, the ones she buried into pillows. She tried to tell herself eventually the memory would fade. That if she ran far enough the burning stares of hatred and blame wouldn’t reach her.
It wasn’t her fault. The one thing she couldn’t even believe, no matter how many times her mother had told her.Walking through the same streets they used to roam and brag that they would own, visiting the same tavern they had called their base, the stables where a few of the surviving horses now lived without their owners.
Maddalena couldn’t stand it, couldn’t stand the guilt of it all so when the opportunity to travel to Dawn haven, a new start, where no one would know her she took it. She ran, ran from everything. The cold north would be her penance, she would be simpler there. She wouldn’t seek glory or fame, just simply hunt. Furs, meat, berries, herbs. Anything they would need from the forest, she would brave it herself to get so that others would stay safe. The addition of Blight Born into the settlement was a huge adjustment for the young woman, the fear lacing her veins like ice, the guilt she had for feeling that way. She had meet them before, she knew that all of them weren't violent and mindless, some just couldn't contain their hunger, especially the new ones but her body still stiffened when one walked by and bile raised in her throat so she avoided them shamefully. They did nothing wrong, and knew nothing of what happened to Maddalena, the woman she left behind, the version of herself she could never be again.
Here she was just Lena, the ranger.