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@Shin Ghost Note

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeenting The Compendium, basically a fancy thread to store all of the artifacts. On the thread is a format for creating your artifacts, and you're free to create and post your artifacts here. This is meant to be for multiple RPs set in the Recollections universe, so you all are free to just make whatever.

I also added links to all the current side stories to the first post
Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Woe, artifacts be upon ye

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Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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@Shin Ghost Note

Officially accepted.

WEAKNESSES ⫻ Certain elements can disrupt Todd’s incorporeal form. High electricity, intense heat, or extreme cold can interfere with his ability to phase through matter and cause injury. A powerful enough instance of these elements can even force him back into his human form, and he cannot pass through these elements. Black Lux and other magic dealing with Apparitions can affect Todd in ways such as warding, binding, etc. Since Todd's incorporeal form is tied to Catherine's essence, strong emotional disturbances or psychic attacks from Pink-Lux, for example, can cause him to lose control over his Abstraction, forcing him back into his physical form unexpectedly. If Todd holds heavy objects or people while trying to phase through matter, the strain on him increases exponentially. The more mass he tries to phase with, the shorter his duration becomes and the higher the chance of prematurely returning to his physical form. The moments when Todd transitions between his corporeal and incorporeal states are particularly vulnerable. If attacked or disrupted during this brief window, he could be caught in a partially phased state, causing him extra damage from these attacks.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Been sitting on this one for a while. Glad to finally share it. :>
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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56 | Heinrich Thòrmer | He/Him

An associate of Hemorrhagia and the Apparition of a Nazi scientist that, in time, lost faith in the whole Nazi idealogy. However, Heinrich didn't lose the fact that he was one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, and after becoming an Apparition, all he was interested in was science. He wants to use magic to expand the fragile limitations placed on science. Heinrich found himself joining the Dollhouse and became Luis' third in command - in charge of the experimentation side of their organization.

Heinrich has long lost all humanity and sees humans as mere tools and test dummies at worst. Because of this loss of humanity, Heinrich doesn't even use a human body... but instead inhabits a strange human-sized mannequin doll that stands twelve feet tall (he's hunched over most of the time so he doesn't look that tall). While it may appear feminine, this doll-like body has no face. This body looks like it's made of ceramic, and he walks in ways that make it look like he should fall over. The worst part about this frame is that it hides tools inside its body and has blades hidden in its arms and legs. Whenever he talks, he speaks in a whisper.


Here is Heinrich Thormer's NPC sheet.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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//pulls a face
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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56 | Heinrich Thòrmer | He/Him

An associate of Hemorrhagia and the Apparition of a Nazi scientist that, in time, lost faith in the whole Nazi idealogy. However, Heinrich didn't lose the fact that he was one of the greatest scientific minds in the world, and after becoming an Apparition, all he was interested in was science. He wants to use magic to expand the fragile limitations placed on science. Heinrich found himself joining the Dollhouse and became Luis' third in command - in charge of the experimentation side of their organization.

Heinrich has long lost all humanity and sees humans as mere tools and test dummies at worst. Because of this loss of humanity, Heinrich doesn't even use a human body... but instead inhabits a strange human-sized mannequin doll that stands twelve feet tall (he's hunched over most of the time so he doesn't look that tall). While it may appear feminine, this doll-like body has no face. This body looks like it's made of ceramic, and he walks in ways that make it look like he should fall over. The worst part about this frame is that it hides tools inside its body and has blades hidden in its arms and legs. Whenever he talks, he speaks in a whisper.


Here is Heinrich Thormer's NPC sheet.

You weren’t kidding when you said this rp was inspired by Worm
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Unknowably old | The Army of One | They/Them/She/Her/It/Its
"We are infinite. We are legion. We are one."

The Timeless Egregore, the Court of Fallen Souls, it has been known by many names in every corner of the All-Verse. In a time no longer remembered by anything in all of creation, a woman named Amara died defenseless and alone, fighting for something she believed in. Her business had not been finished, and her spirit carried on to another world, where she adjoined to a Counterpart of herself to grow stronger. Her host died, and the two carried on again, and again, and again, until they were unquantifiable. The Army of One has existed since the beginning of humanity, since the Bull created the very first places in the All-Verse. It is a unique Apparition, as it is not one entity, but an infinite number of entities acting as one. It is a hivemind of Counterparts, all of one woman, Amara King, who have died in fulfillment of the All-Verse constant that demands a righteous death. Many have told stories of the Army throughout history, that they are psychopomps, wayward souls who cling to existence, or a threat that is simply amassing power for something unknown.

The reality of the Army is that it is a timeless manifestation of adversity, of spirits who have lost all but the will to fight. Infinite trillions of warriors, tacticians, strategists and revolutionaries who gave their lives for something worthy of them. Its purpose is to conquer, to overcome and outlive the enemy. In death, the phantoms of eras long past extend their knowledge of war and strategy to the living, who will one day take their last breath on the day where their cause demands it, and what is left behind will be committed to eternity. The living are simply blank canvases, yet to be washed away of all that makes them individuals to make room for the eternal war. This has always been the fate of Amara King's Counterparts since the youngest days of existence, and always will be. The Army of One takes the form of ghostly, humanoid figures. The phantoms are devoid of personhood, of anything that gives them a sense of individuality. They have no uniqueness, they are only Amara King, and they are One.

Apparition - Army of the Fallen

The Army of One is an extremely powerful Apparition that exists in every world at the same time, and draws on the power of the souls it collects from dead Counterparts. While most Apparitions can only bond to a single human at once, the Army of One is unique in its ability to bond with every Counterpart of Amara King at the exact same time, from the moment they are born to the moment they die. Born from emotions associated with war and loneliness, the phantoms of the Army fight together, and everything that a single phantom learns is relayed to the entire collective, and can pass these things along to the living Counterparts they are bound to. This is to them what toiling in a field is to a gardener, it makes them stronger so that they can reap what they sow. The Army of One, for this reason, is impossible to seal, and if they are summoned by a Counterpart, no amount of anti-Apparition measures can truly defeat them, only slow the tide.

Where other Apparitions like the Stygian Snake or the Rampage threaten reality itself through sheer potency, the Army of One threatens anyone standing in its way through sheer volume. Ordinarily, living Counterparts are heavily limited in the number of phantoms they may call on. However, in times of extreme crisis, such as a world-ending monster going unchecked, the Army of One will invoke what it calls the Phalanx Imperative, allowing for forces from low-priority places in the All-Verse to be diverted to the center of the action. The only way to truly ensure that the Army of One is out of the picture, in a localized sense, is to exploit the All-Verse constant they thrive on, the universal law that Amara King's death will always occur when she fights for a cause she believes in. Upon killing the living Amara in one part of the All-Verse, the Army of One will not waste its power on places it has no footholds in.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Thousands of Years Old | The Rampage | He/Him
The Rampage is an immensely powerful Apparition born from the ancient cataclysmic Crimson War, a conflict where countless civilizations across various universes went to war, fueled by hatred, vengeance, and unending rage. The sheer destruction and violent emotions of trillions of beings across multiple worlds merged into a single, nightmarish Apparition: The Rampage. The Rampage embodies the collective fury and violence of the Crimson War and begins its crusade across the All-Verse, annihilating everything in its path.

The Rampage's appearance is terrifying: a towering figure wreathed in flames, its skin a dense, fiery red armor that seems to pulse with malevolent energy. It has blazing eyes that burn with an insatiable rage, massive horns jutting from its head, and claws capable of rending through the most rigid materials. The Rampage's presence is marked by an aura of intense heat, making the air shimmer and distorting light around it. Its very form is a constant reminder of the devastation it represents, a living embodiment of the cataclysmic Crimson War.

When the war finally ended, the survivors from various dimensions realized they had created an unstoppable force. The Rampage's destructive power seemed limitless, and its rampage across the All-Verse was legendary. The Rampage was finally subdued and trapped in the Pit by the All-Blade. A coalition of All-Verse's greatest champions managed to weaken The Rampage and use the All-Blade to seal it within the Pit, at the cost of most of their lives. The Rampage's legend has spread across the All-Verse, symbolizing destruction and rage. Its name alone strikes fear into the hearts of those who remember the Crimson War and the devastation it wrought. Even in the Pit, The Rampage's influence can be felt, and many fear the day it might escape its prison and resume its rampage.

Apparition - Fury.
The Rampage possesses several formidable abilities that make it one of the most feared entities in the All-Verse. Its primary ability is accelerating to blinding speeds, turning into a crimson blur. This Blinding Charge creates shockwaves that can level entire cities, and upon stopping, The Rampage releases a massive explosion of destructive energy, devastating everything within a several-mile radius. This explosion generates intense heat and concussive force, capable of obliterating structures and causing severe damage to anything within its range.

In addition to its speed, The Rampage has immense strength and durability. It can crush mountains with its fists and tank even the strongest Paranormal attacks. Its incendiary aura, a field of intense heat and flames, incinerates anything too close, melting steel and turning the ground into molten lava. The Rampage can also generate seismic shockwaves by stomping the ground, creating massive chasms and volcanic eruptions.

The Rampage's rage fuels its regenerative capabilities, allowing it to heal from injuries rapidly. This regeneration makes destroying it incredibly difficult, as it can recover from nearly any attack. The Rampage can also unleash a thunderous roar, its most destructive attack. This roar can shatter buildings, symbolizing the collective rage of all who died in the Crimson War. The roar's shockwave is so powerful that it can level entire city blocks, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Furthermore, The Rampage can tear open rifts between dimensions, allowing it to travel from one dimension to another with ease, and this portal creation is so potent it can enter and escape the Pit and Void freely.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Eons old | The Great Maw | He/Him
"All will become part of my dominion."

The Great Maw is a terrifying Aberration-Abominable, monstrous entity that instills fear across the All-Verse. His origins are unknown, but it's been recorded to have been around since creation itself. The Great Maw's appearance is a nightmarish blend of dragon and demon. Its massive, serpentine body is covered in obsidian-like scales, with veins of molten lava coursing through them. Its presence is accompanied by an oppressive heat, making the air around it shimmer and distort. Towering above its victims, the Great Maw is a living embodiment of fire and destruction, a creature born to incinerate and annihilate.

Throughout the All-Verse, the Great Maw wreaked havoc, leaving behind a trail of scorched earth and ruined civilizations. It sired many sons with human women, creating a powerful, fire-wielding offspring lineage. Despite its destructive rampage, the Accordance managed to subdue the Great Maw. They bound the Great Maw and cast it into the Pit using immense magical chains forged from hundreds of Orange-Adepts across the All-Verse. There it remains, creating a firey hellscape around it, where only the brave enter.

Abominable - Dominion
The Great Maw's Abstraction, known as the Dominion, grants it unparalleled control over fire and heat, making it a force of unprecedented destruction. Its most devastating attack is the ability to shoot beams of heat so intense that they instantly vaporize anything in its path. These beams are a concentrated manifestation of the Great Maw's fiery power, capable of cutting through the most rigid materials and reducing entire structures to slag in seconds.

Beyond these beams, the Great Maw can manipulate fire at the macro level. This ability allows it to summon and control massive infernos, create towering pillars of flame, and even conjure firestorms that can engulf entire cities. The Great Maw can precisely shape and direct these flames or unleash them in a chaotic, all-consuming blaze. Its control over fire extends to manipulating temperature, enabling it to create areas of intense heat that can incinerate anything within its radius.

The Great Maw also possesses extraordinary physical strength and durability, making it a formidable opponent in combat. Its scales are nearly indestructible, capable of withstanding the most powerful attacks. This near-impenetrable hide, combined with its immense size and strength, allows it to crush and demolish any obstacle. The Great Maw can easily tear through buildings, rend the earth, and overpower even the most resilient foes. In addition to its pyrotechnic abilities and physical prowess, the Great Maw can create portals. These portals can connect different dimensions or instantaneously transport the Great Maw and its minions across vast distances. It's teleportation is also powerful enough to allow it to enter and escape the Pit and Void at will.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Centuries Old | The Floral Wreath | It/Its

One of the Calamities.

The Floral Wreath is a nightmarish creation born from the twisted experiments of a mad scientist across multiple dimensions. Originally designed as a botanical marvel, it quickly spiraled out of control, gaining sentience and developing a hunger for domination. The Floral Wreath's appearance varies as it adapts to different environments. Still, its core features include vines that writhe and pulse, flowers that bloom with toxic pollen, and roots that burrow deep into the earth, spreading its influence like a plague.

As it spreads through dimensions, the Floral Wreath leaves behind a wake of overgrown vegetation and mutated landscapes. Its presence is marked by the rapid growth of invasive plants that choke out native flora, transforming once vibrant worlds into verdant nightmares. The air around it becomes thick with the scent of pollen, carrying its mind-altering spores that infect and mutate living organisms into twisted, plant-like hybrids under its control.

Abominable - Overgrowth.
The Floral Wreath's Abstraction grants it unparalleled control over plant life and the ability to spread and mutate vegetation rapidly. Its primary ability is large-scale manipulation of plants and soil, allowing it to reshape landscapes, create jungles overnight, and craete flora that towers over cities. It can animate plants as its minions, from small vines to towering tree-like guardians that protect its domain.

One of its most dangerous is a virus that every plant it generates is infected with. This virus alter their victims biology, merging them with plants and enhancing their physical capabilities while enslaving them to the Floral Wreath's will. The infected become part of its ever-expanding army, spreading its influence further with each converted creature. This Virus can bypass Emotional-Fields to an extent - the Paranormal can stave off its effects but over time they will be dominated by the Floral Wreath if they are not treated/cured.

The Floral Wreath's presence corrupts ecosystems, turning them into extensions of its twisted garden. It can produce toxic pollen clouds that induce vivid hallucinations, or even outright kill through suffocation. In addition to its mastery over flora, the Floral Wreath can create portals that allow it to invade new dimensions. Its teleportation abilities enable it to move freely between dimensions, spreading its influence across the All-Verse and transforming worlds into nightmarish jungles under its control.
Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

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??? | Dreadnaught | He/It
"Down deep, there slumbers him who marred the sky.

Harbinger, Dross-Drowned Angel, we mourn.

We weep for the anchor upon your lungs, for we know it will rust when you awake."

- Songs of the Calamites, Verses of the Salt-Eater
The Dreadnaught is one of the Three Calamities, nigh-unstoppable incarnations of destruction that have terrorized distant worlds for a long, long time. Among them, the Dreadnaught is the biggest and most powerful, dwarfing its sibling like ants dwarfed by a mountain. It stands at exactly one thousand feet tall, in the shape of a human being with emancipated muscles racing uo and down skeletal limbs. Crags of corroded metals jut out from its body fused together with bones like armor. Blades in the shape of axes shear through its chest, and crown the monsters head like a crown. One cannot tell where uncanny flesh ends and twisted metal begins, but when he rises, someone dies. Throughout human history, the Calamities have brought ruin and despair to every place they stumbled upon, and the Dreadnaught is no different.

In a world known as Sparkle, all thee of the Calamities were worshipped as gods, revered by a now-dead doomsday cult. Many believed that the Calamities, true to their name, would be the end of all things material in this world, that they would shatter Heaven and Earth alike, and build a new world for the scarce few they showed mercy on. Of course, this prophecy never came true, but the Dreadnaught and its siblings are still out there, laying waste to places that none will hear the screams of.

Abominable - The Long Flood.
The Dreadnaught rises from the deepest recesses of an ocean, and draws on the power of stolen magic to lay waste to all that oppose it. His Abstraction is the ability to devour artifacts, and absorb their Abstractions to permanently become stronger. Every artifact that it comes across is eaten alive, and part of the Dreadnaught. Having devoured millions of them, he is far beyond the level of most paranormal entities. The countless Abstractions that it has taken coalesce and solidify into each other, based on how similar they are, and making wholly new Abstractions out of them.

The Dreadnaught’s first and most feared ability is the Siren’s Light. When he opens his jaws to howl, the air fills with a sound like an air raid siren, loud enough to vibrate organs and induce nausea. A sickly yellow light manifests in its jaws, and fires out in a beam of energy that can strike a target from miles away. The Siren’s Light vaporizes everything that it comes into contact with, from mundane matter to the most powerful defenses in the All-Verse, and it permanently ruins the Emotional-Field of anything that somehow has the misfortune of surviving. The Siren’s Light spreads once it is used, leaking into the environment like nuclear fallout and poising all that tries to live off of the land. Nothing can survive in the wake of the Siren’s Light.

The Dreadnaught’s second power is the Cold Iron, a magic substance that grows from its body and represents ordinary iron. Bitter cold to anyone who makes physical contact with the Dreadnaught, the Cold Iron is what consumes the Abstractions of artifacts, draining them of all paranormal influence and corroding them like saltwater. This does not work quite the same way on Adepts or Aberrants, but it does weaken them, escalating to a point that their Abstraction may never recover if they are affected too long. This is a problem because the Cold Iron flakes off of Dreadnaught like dead skin, and carries on the wind like leaves. Any paranormal entity who touches the Cold Iron will suffer its effect.

Its third power is the Abstraction Eternal Wrath. The Dreadnought’s body consists of thousands of artifacts, many of them would have granted a wielded some form of physical Abstraction, and all of them commingled into one inside the Calamity’s body. The Dreadnaught can survive at the bottom of an ocean, under crushing pressure that no living thing could normally withstand, where it rests and lies dormant. Some scholars over the last few centuries have theorized that the Dreadnaught can open portals into other worlds by flooding them. Aside from this, its body can survive damage from many of the most powerful Abstractions in the All-Verse, from a direct hit with Punishment itself to a blow to the face from the Hero’s Gauntlet. These things will simply bounce right off its face as if they never happened, and if something can do any significant damage, the Dreadnaught will simply draw from its countless plunder of Abstractions to heal itself.

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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Alright, virgins! It's time to unveil the NPCs for the upcoming Elite Arc! Pretend I wrote them all in one night and not over a few days on my phone and just touched upon the rambling on my PC.

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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

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Happy 500 fuckers.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

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Damn good job guys
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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//claps and throws some confetti
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

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??? | The Vulture | It/Is

The Vulture is one of the Three Calamities, formidable beings of destruction that roam the All-Verse, leaving devastation in their wake. The Vulture is a nightmarish fusion of bird and beast, with colossal wings that blot out the sun, feathers like dark steel, and glowing eyes. Its body is a grotesque abomination of skeletal remains and decayed flesh, perpetually decaying and renewing. Its shadow brings a sense of dread as it soars from dimension to dimension. It is drawn to places steeped in death, from ancient battlefields to mass graves, where it feeds on the energy of the deceased and grows even more powerful. The Vulture's passage is marked by a resurgence of the dead, who claw their way out of the earth to serve their new master.

Abominable - Deathstorm.
The Vulture's Abstraction grants it unparalleled control over death and decay. With each beat of its colossal wings, the Vulture summons winds that carry necrotic energy that reanimates corpses, transforming them into twisted, degraded versions of their former selves. The resurrected dead are not mere shambling zombies; they are imbued with necrotic energy that enhances their strength and ferocity, making them formidable opponents. If a Paranormal-Being is resurrected, they retain the ability to use their Abstraction, adding to the Vulture's already immense power. The Vulture’s power to raise the dead is not confined by time. It can call forth those who perished centuries ago and the recently deceased, drawing them from their graves and into its service. This resurrection has no known limit, allowing the Vulture to amass vast armies of the undead wherever it goes.

The Vulture can sense the presence of death across dimensions and draws it to areas where death is most prevalent, such as ancient battlefields, mass graves, or disaster sites. Wherever there is death, the Vulture follows, ensuring it is never without a supply of corpses to reanimate. In addition, its colossal wings, made of feathers like steel, allow it to soar through the skies with incredible speed and agility. These wings are not just for flight; with a mighty flap, the Vulture can generate destructive waves of air, capable of toppling buildings and tearing through the most formidable defenses. These air blasts are imbued with the same necrotic energy that fuels its resurrection winds, causing anything they touch to decay and reanimate any dead within its path.

Despite the Vulture's potent necromancy, its physical capabilities are as equally frightening. Its body is solid and durable, a grotesque amalgamation of skeletal remains and decayed flesh. It can withstand immense damage, shrugging off all but the most potent Paranormal attacks. Furthermore, the Vulture can teleport between dimensions, spreading its influence across the All-Verse.

28 | Hatanaka Goro | He/Him
"We can change the world by reaching out and connecting to others, even people we personally dislike."

The embodiment of everything the Hatanakas stood for: honorable, courageous, adventurous, generous, and protective of everyone he loved. He is also seen as the gold standard in the Old Coven.

The older brother of Yoko Hatanaka, Goro was, like Yoko, born in Shirakawa-Go, and his early life was marked by books, studying, and learning how to become the next patriarch of the Hatanaka Family. From a young age, he showed wisdom beyond his years and potential like no other, and his parents put their utmost faith in Goro by getting him the best education they could afford. Though the boy knew there was more to the Hatanakas than just being old money, those old books they kept locked away in the basement told different things. After digging through them, Goro learned about the world of magic and could only feel wonder. He read about the adventures the Hatanakas went on and what they were capable of - where others would see it as tales of fantasy; Goro knew that all the information lined up.

Naturally, the boy kept this to himself but looked at his home village in a new light. However, one night changed everything for Goro; he found himself facing one of the beings in his books: a Yokai. He got thoroughly trounced and almost killed, and this event unlocked a new potential in Goro: his Kindling-Event. He got to talk to his ancestors, who went on all those journeys, made all those weapons, and saved their world so many times. It renewed him with a new sense of purpose... even though the Yokai was still kicking his ass. However, he was saved by a girl with a magical ōdachi, who introduced herself as one of the Spirit Wardens that protected Japan: Akira Shinjo, and then the two parted ways.

Afterward, Goro returned to those books and read so much about one place: The Hatanaka Sanctuary. He found the gate, but unfortunately, he couldn't find any way to get in, so he had to go to America to meet with his grandfather, who taught him how to get in. After Goro got in, he found a place of wonder and amazement, his private universe, and entered the castle. Goro found the remaining Hatanaka spellbooks and vigorously studied them, learning all the spells he could. It was easy for him, more accessible than most, as he learned the three cornerstones of the Hatanaka Spellbook: Ritual, Armandant, and Weaponmaster.

Goro returned to his grandfather, who was amazed he learned about all of this as a teenager; he called Goro a prodigy. Goro would need to use these spells to their fullest potential when the Stygian Snake attacked St. Portwell. One of the Yokai's minions almost killed Yoko, but he saved her with one of the blades he created and joined the Sycamore Tree Coven. He was one of the influential members of the Old Coven, who used his talent with Orange Lux to boost the Abstractions of heavy hitters like Trinity and create artifacts and weapons for the Coven to use. In between that, he was managing his crazy sister and trying to temper her ego and rage and stop her from causing too much trouble in the Old Coven. During this time, Goro got close to several members of the Old Coven, such as the Blackmore siblings, Kenshiro Murakin, Stormy Carson, Jack Hawthorn, Britney Williams, Kari Wilson, Jinhai Han, Sloane Faris, and so forth.

The Stygian Snake was defeated, and Goro mourned all who were lost, but their time in America ended, and Goro and Yoko were sent back to Japan. This created a new sense of purpose in Goro, who returned to the Old Coven for a bit before its eventual dissolution. However, Goro knew that unlocking the true potential in magic required one to connect to others and learn from them. When he graduated, he attended university in St. Portwell to be close to the magic and his Old Coven members. He collaborated a lot with the lots of Kenshiro Murakin and Kari Wilson to create several different artifacts. Though he was initially disappointed in his sister for turning her back on magic, she eventually came around, and he trained her in all that he had learned.

However, their Grandfather was on his deathbed, and his dying wish was to find their family's missing artifacts and reinvigorate the Hatanaka Legacy. Goro knew he was up to the task, but his rambunctious sister wanted to come along, and while he would have loved for her to come along, she just wasn't ready. He told her to train more in the Hatanaka Sanctuary, then set off. He kept in touch and returned constantly to help Yoko with her training...

... Until he went missing while chasing after the Aberration Killer in New York.

Adept - Orange-Lux. Channeler:
Ritual: Goro's mastery of Ritual Discipline centers on channeling Orange Lux through ancient rituals steeped in profound symbolism and spiritual connection. Using Soul's Radiance, he enhances allies' Abstractions with kanji-inscribed stones, boosting their strength. Song of the Heart fortifies Emotional-Fields against magical influences. Fortitude of Spirit reinforces and shields allies from emotional and mental manipulations. Harmony of Ascendance links participants to empower a chosen individual while temporarily dampening others' abilities. Spirit Ward enables Goro to imbue locations with barriers that prevent Apparitions and Apparition-based Aberrations from entering.

Armantant Goro enhances mundane objects with formidable magical abilities through precise Orange Lux manipulation. Sharpness imbues objects with supernatural cutting prowess, glowing with Orange Lux to slice effortlessly through materials. Armor-piercing grants objects the ability to breach magical defenses temporarily. Hardening reinforces objects with unparalleled durability and offensive strength. Extend magically elongates objects. Impact magnifies objects' kinetic force. Absorption converts incoming magical energy into stored power within objects and can be released as an explosion. Parry erects temporary defensive barriers that deflect physical attacks. Flash grants Goro brief bursts of incredible speed to deliver devastating strikes. Swift temporarily boosts his speed and reflexes for agile combat maneuvers. Disruption imbues objects with the ability to disable the effects of any artifact they strike temporarily. Awaken amplifies the magical properties of any artifact Goro holds.

Weaponmaster: Goro's Weaponmaster Discipline transcends traditional enchantment, harnessing collaborative magic with other Paranormals to empower objects. Through rituals and ancestral symbols guided by Orange Lux, Empower enhances weapons and artifacts with versatile magical attributes. Whether imbuing a weapon with elemental fury alongside a Red Lux Adept or granting an artifact truth-revealing abilities with a White Lux Adept.
Mass-Production Goro's Magnum Opus, a spell of profound ingenuity and cunning. Goro channels his Orange Lux into a designated artifact through an intricate ritual and replicates these attributes across multiple other objects. Each object imbued with this spell inherits a diminished version of the Artifact's original enchantment.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


I moved all the NPCs to the NPC thread for the people not in the discord and organized them a bit. So, do me a favor and do a review and let me know if I forgot any NPCs or if anyone's in the wrong thread.
1x Laugh Laugh
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