Guin grimaced, quickly scanning the letter in the photograph. The handwriting was definitely Mary's - messy and difficult to parse, but hers. And she didn't need to be a telepath to know what Jean was hinting at, that she was afraid it was all going to happen again - that
Dark Phoenix was going to happen. Honestly, the entire Phoenix Force seemed to be more trouble than it was worth. And Mary probably was the
last person in the world who should have been given that. If anything, she needed stronger medication and a real therapist. If Guin could've gotten rid of the Phoenix, she would have. In a heartbeat.
"I mean, I love her but - she's actually insane. Maybe it's the Phoenix, but it could also be that she's actually batshit. Or maybe both," Guin shrugged.
"But until we get the Phoenix out of her, we won't be able to help her. Do you think you could do that, Jean? You did use to host it." Annie had a good point too, that they could go to Edus to track Mary - Guin was also musing about hijacking a satellite or two and setting it to the task.
"Oh!" That made much more sense to Runa - she was familiar with the process, not so much in terms of beverages, but she had seen reactions of this form before on Asgard. Her brother, Forseti, had enjoyed tinkering with the things around them, often finding strange rocks and adding tinctures to them in order to cause them to fizz. It was a strange magic, but one that Runa enjoyed - one that felt different from her own magics, but no less real or important. The matter of tracking Mary seemed to be resolved quickly, with Edus giving a location. "Cousin, do you feel up for a teleportation spell? I imagine they wish to see their friend quickly. If not, I do still have this sling ring - and it is fun to try a more rugged Midgardian approach to magic every once in a while."
Avery Spellman

Location: X-Mansion
Skills: N/A
~Fit Check~
Avery smiled, relieved to hear that from Carolina - and then their eyes widened slightly as her words hit them, replaying once again in their mind.
What she liked. They didn't know what to say, freezing for a moment, as if that would stop time. It had been a while since they'd dated anyone at all - yes, they'd had crushes, but nothing serious. They were passing things, moments that drifted in and out of focus. And even when they'd dated Sara, sometimes they'd felt an absence - like there was an emotional need that wasn't being met, like just one person, one love, wasn't right for them. It was something not uncommon in their family, at least their paternal family - their cousin was much the same, as was their aunties. Polyamorous through and through.
So did they like Carolina? Yes. But they liked more than just Carolina - they liked Perry too, for instance. And Max. Gods, did they like Max. But an old and powerful wizard like him would never have eyes for Avery, they knew that. They didn't know how Carolina would feel about that - if she'd be okay with dating someone who was poly - but maybe they were getting ahead of themself.
Maybe it was fine to just enjoy the moment.
"...Can I kiss you?" Avery murmured.