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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aeolian
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Aeolian Proud Fujoshi

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bé and Todd 《》 St. Portwell, Oregon [ House on the Hill ] 《》 Entwined Fates 《》 [@AeolianBé, Marceau, Gisèle, Todd]

When it came to finding some commonground between Bé and Todd, there were very few similarities that one could see. But there were two things these men seemed to share on an intristic, visceral level; loss and a soul-crushing desire for recovery. One had lost his past, the other, his wife and himself, both vestiges of their former idenities sent off into the ever cascading winds that brisked upon their faces that evening. Little did they know that their fates were entwined on this fateful, fateful day. And perhaps, through this new chapter with the coven and eachother, they could recovery what was lost.

Back in St. Portwell, Bé had adjusted quite poorly to his new accomadations. While Gisèle remained off-site at the nearest hotel, Salazaar the hermit had stuffed Bé and Marceau into the small, dingy cramped attic where they shared an old, wrought iron bed and a wooden dresser off in the corner. Bé had been tempted to use his magic to make his new abode, more, Bé-like, but Salazaar warned him the night before, not to mess with anything he had not been permitted to touch, which was most of the attic. It was stuffed to brim with all sorts of strange curiosities and artifacts and features of nature. Eyeballs in glass jars, a butterfly trapped in amber, the head of a mandrake, it was all there, and more. Marceau was morbidly curious by all the oddities, but Bé belched in utter digust and spent very little time in that room, other than to sleep.

On that fateful that he would meet his old coven mates once again after so many many years, Bé had received a call from Auri, urging him to attend the meeting at the House on the Hill. While he had initially refused, feeling his presence in St. Portwell was enough of an existential punishment against him, Gisèle through her eloquence, convinced him to go with she and Marceau by his side. Marceau was the hired help, but Gisèle had promised his mother that she would look out for him as if he were her own brother.

Todd had recieved the same call as well, only a few days prior. He had packed up what he could feasibly fit in his old 1995 Beetle, tearfully kissed his children goodbye, and set off toward his new accomadations, a modest flat near Memorial Park that stunk of stale bread from the bakery that operated beneath him. When Todd finally arrived at the House on the Hill, he couldn't believe where he was. It was almost as if, he were coming home. Not because of the location, but the people. Despite the grave circumstances, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of elation prickling under his skin. The kiss of his lips curved slightly upward, and walked toward the old abode.

As he approached the door, he heard the rumblings of another car pull up behind him, a large black SUV. And out of it came Bé, Gisèle, and Marceau. Todd was not familiar with this trio, but they had an air about them, refined and regal. At least Bé and Gisèle moved with sophistication and their all-black silken garbs made them look like a neo-French royalty, effortessly glamorous and beautiful. Their sparkling aquatic eyes constrating against their dark skin was the most captivating element Todd took notice of. Marceau, on the other hand, appeared as grunge as ever. He was practically shirtless, just a thin tanktop fitting enough to cover his v-line and nipples.

Todd smiled warmly at the newcomers as they walked up and paused in front of him, "Eh, howdy. I'm Todd. You here for the meeting?" His gaze met Bé's and he could sense a coldness radiating from the man. Bé was uninterested with any sort of pleasentries. He just stared at Todd, until Gisèle interjected awkwardly, "Heh heh, sorry. My cousin can be quite obtuse. Yes, I ummm, I do believe we are here for the coven meeting, right? I'm Gisèle. This is my cousin Bé and his companion, Marceau."

Gisèle's english was sufficient enough, but she worried that her French accent might make understanding her a challenge. Luckily, Todd was not at all alarmed and in fact, found it quite charming. Marceau knew very little english all together, and so he remained quiet but attentive, giving Todd a firm handshake, as this was the American thing to do from what he saw on the tele.

Todd nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet ya'll. Shall we?"

"Sure," Gisèle said softly. Todd couldn't help but catch Bé's icy blue gaze again. The beautiful frenchman was statuesquare, a once-in-a-century beauty personified, but his countenance almost sat in a perpetual scowl, as though he dreaded being there. It unnerved the Cheyenne man, but Todd shook his head of the thought and went up to the door. Of the trio, Bé seemed the most familiar to him, but their time together in the Coven must of been very brief, no? Todd could not place any memories they might have shared, not even a greeting in passing.

Todd knocked on the door. Once. Twice. Nothing. He tried wringling the door knob, but the old door just creaked, and heaved, unwilling to provide them with passage through the threshold.

"Is it locked?" Gisèle asked, looking over his shoulder. Todd chuckled, "Seems that way, but, i've got it. Just a moment." Todd wasn't sure he should use his magic so openly in-front of these unfamiliar individuals, but, if they weren't who they said they were, it was unlikely they would be able to see anyways. The blind were always so oblivious to magical phenomena, even when it sat right in front of them, gilded and bright. It only took a moment though for Todd to work his magic. Part of his right arm shifted, taking on a pale translucency. He slide it through the wooden door and twisted on the knob on the inside. The door creaked open.

Gisèle looked amazed, "Thank you. Is that your magic? Are you like a ghost?"

Todd chuckled lightly, walking through the threshold and turning to face her once he was in, "Something like that, yeah. Do you possess magic of your own?"

Gisèle nodded, "Mhmm, we all do. Mine is woefully unimpressive, My cousin's on the other hand..."

Bé brushed against her, "Gisèle that's enough. We are not here to make inutile pleasentries." He then turned to the native american man, his gaze steely and annoyed, "Todd, is it? Mind yours and we'll mind ours. Just lead us to the meeting room as you intended, s'il vous plaît."

Todd was taken aback. The passive-aggressive nature of Bé's words vexed him. As someone who radiated warmth and commonality, Todd was at a loss on how to respond in kind. He didn't want an escalation, so he gave Bé a feigned smile, "Sorry bud, this way. Auri said it'd be in here."

As they approached the room, they could hear voices discussing things from inside. Bé and Todd shared two entirely different experiences as they entered the room.

Todd seemed excited, to see everyone again was almost overwhelming. But the discussion was so heated, he was certain that he had missed very important details. He figured he'd make niceities with everyone after the main discussion was over. Not wanting to interject or disturb, he sat in a chair near the back of the room, listening in closely to what was being said.

Bé on the other hand felt nothing but an overwhelming sense of dread. "You wait outside the door" he said coldly to Marceau in French, "This isn't any of your concern." And in truth, Marceau wouldn't have understood what was being spoken anyways, aside from a few American swear words likely to be slung about. And so Marceau did as he was told and that was that. Bé took in who was all present. It did seem some people were missing, but seeing Anya and Sloane amongst the weeds was a slight, ray of light in the darkness. Despite his quiet fondness for them, he was not exactly the type to display it and greet old friends cheerfully, so he went to stand beside Todd, resting his lithe body against the back wall and crossing his arms. Gisele sat in the chair next to Todd and they shared a friendly smile before looking toward the main discussion that was unfolding.

But If Bé could help it, he wouldn't speak a word to these people, some he recognized, others a bit unfamiliar to him. Most, he disdained for one reason or another.

So AT LAST, Todd and Bé were finally with the coven, but how things will unfold with their arrival is yet to be seen.

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Leon @AtomicEmperor Linqian @Fernstone Drake @Shin Ghost Note Luna @Estylwen
The House on the Hill

Sully’s smile sank as Anya shut down the idea of him getting the book from the dreams. Maybe she didn’t get the whole “Chosen One” thing was just a bit he was rolling with? Obviously, Sully wasn’t predestined to have the book, just like how it was dumb luck and not divine intervention that made him find the Chalice on the beach so many years ago. Still, it just felt like if they were all experiencing the same dream that there had to be some major significance to all of it that people smarter than he should be exploring. Sully was about to open his mouth to make that point when Leon chimed in.

"Oh, Sully! Bro, is one of those filled with JD? Jesus, watch where you're squirtin' your loads Brother, we're tryn'a have a private thing for a second."

“Hell yeah there is! Two, actually. Anyway, my bad bro you know how volatile these thingies are,” said Sully, waving around the cheap, hard plastic squirtgun. “Sometimes you just gotta pull the trigger and pray that it doesn’t spray back in your eyes.”

Jack was talking up a storm, but Sully got so distracted by the new arrivals that he completely missed the conversation steering in the direction of the dreams that he’d been meaning to outsource for analysis. He gave Linqian a mock look of horror on her rightful comments on his stupid little get up, but if he figured he was going to go for the bit he might as well commit. Unable to get a word in edgewise due to the impenetrable wall of sound that Jack was producing, Sully pulled one squirt gun free from his DIY bandolier and waved it in the air. He mouthed “gay spit”, as it would burn Emily twice as badly as lava while not melting through the dollar store squirtgun.

Sully started to dip back into Jack’s filibuster, almost about to chime in that they were about to get a bunch of power and resources in the form of Greenwood, but his eyes glazed over at the mention of pocket realities. His attention was yet again pulled away by Drake and Luna reigniting their feud from the other day. Sully moved closer to the two, ready to come to Luna’s defense as he had been under the impression that she had just desperately wanted to be back with her homies, but faltered as she took the opportunity to arrogantly snipe at Drake instead of just appreciating being back in with the crew. The word “useless” pierced through Drake and hit Sully in the chest. Sully’s mouth hung open, his eyes expressing hurt at the realization that perhaps he had been tricked.

He put his arm out in front of Drake, as if to hold him back. However, Sully didn’t end up giving Drake the ol’ bog standard, cliched, “she ain’t worth it'' speech. Instead, he stepped in front of his buddy and followed after Luna with a “Hey. Hey!” Sully moved quickly for a man his size, even hitting a solid spin move to avoid getting smashed by a floating hors d’oeuvres tray made out of concrete that had nearly blindsided him. He made it to the exit in time to grab Luna by the shoulder. It wasn’t precisely rough, but it lacked his usual gentleness as he turned her to look at him. During the same motion, Sully snapped off his stupid little cowboy hat and tossed it, the hat bouncing off of the beer tap he was hanging for and rolling behind the bar.

“Hey, what the hell was that, man?” said Sully. He attempted to keep his voice down, but it still carried given how heated Luna had made him. “I thought you wanted to be back with the group and the first thing you do is insult Drake? Do you have any idea what he’s gone through? We’re all supposed to be working together, not putting each other down.” Sully glanced towards Todd as he arrived, his eyes narrowing as Bé followed shortly behind, but he forced his focus back on to Luna. “If you really want to be a part of this team you’re going to go back and apologize to him for what you said.”

Interactions: Kenshiro @AtomicEmperor Luca @Fernstone Lynn @NoriWasHere Nora @Blizz Layla @Estylwen@Aeolian
The House on the Hill

"Oh, my fellow thief! Glad to see that dour expression is still stuck to your face after getting bug-zapped outside a Dairy Queen."

Sloane didn’t look towards Greyson and hoped that he wouldn’t notice the shifting of her jaw as it clenched together so tight that her teeth would have turned into diamonds given enough time. There was one terrifying moment where Sloane thought Greyson was actually aware of her prior skullduggery before realizing that he was referring to their similar means of excommunication from the first iteration of Sycamore. If that were the case he was utterly wrong: she wasn’t a thief then. A curtain of hair blocked her face from view as she looked down at her notebook, the Quill still automatically detailing the meeting as she tried to push down her bubbling anger and embarrassment at the idea that the assault against her was now being used as a punchline.

She crumpled her Channeler in her hand. It was wild to think that until this moment she had wanted to offer Greyson an apology for chiding him at the first meeting. She listened to his plan in a silent fury. She dismissed it immediately as being stupid and ill-advised, took a deep breath while counting in her head to four, exhaled, and refocused. She tucked her hair behind her ear so she could see the group out of the corner of her eyes and smoothed her Channeler back by pressing it against the table. Greyson’s idea wasn’t so much a plan as it was a delaying tactic, albeit a good one. She turned her attention to Ken and Luca, letting go of the Quill which kept writing even without her hand on it.

”You can if you want to. I don’t mind. I’ll take on the responsibility for all the other 8th members I don’t believe should.”

“I’d mind,” said Sloane firmly.

So much for getting work on the Chalice done. She shifted her chair so that she could easily grab the Chrysalis Staff. She highly doubted Kenshiro would actually take Luca up on his offer to be held responsible for the crimes of 8th Street, especially in a room full of other people, but that wasn’t what made Sloane speak up in his defense. Sloane wasn’t going to allow Luca to scapegoat himself while the real person responsible for 8th Street had just entered the room—and it wasn’t Lynette, as surprising as it was to see one of their former leaders just walk in. No, the one responsible was waving a sword around like an idiot.

Sloane resisted the urge to glance in Britney’s direction, instead keeping one eye on Ken while listening to Jack ramble. She reached back and flipped the page on her notebook, knowing that she would run out of space otherwise. The dreams were vexing, but given that Sloane knew someone with dream magic it wasn’t a fair jump to make that it all could be crafted by a Lux user trying to distract them or use them. Obviously, Anya would never do such a thing, but it would be foolish to believe others would not. Sloane nodded her head in agreement with Jack that they shouldn’t pursue anything related to the dreams at the moment.

Her nodding stopped the second Jack mentioned that he planned to travel to another reality with Kenshiro. No, that was fucking stupid, they needed them here. And what if something went wrong? While Sloane had next to no knowledge on Lila’s situation, Luca had told her about what was going on with the Rot. The Apparition Killer had failed to work on it, so it made it difficult to believe that the Brass Needle would be any different. Plus, without the Rot—Luca chimed in, making the point for Sloane. Sloane leaned forward and propper a hand under her chin. If they were also able to find abstraction granting artifacts for Luca and Lila, however now wasn’t the time to tread down this path. Leaving their reality was a bad idea. It was just like how Lynn had tried to convince her the other day about taking an excursion into the Pit.

“Speaking of journeys…”

Sloane facepalmed as Lynn presented her idea about going into the Pit with the group. For once Sloane was thankful that Britney had shown up to a meeting given how quickly she was to shut the insane idea down. Sloane was even able to bite her tongue and resist the urge to one-up Britney. They had seen in the shared dream that the High Priestess could make a portal capable of getting them out of the Pit, but Sloane did not want to give anyone in the group any more bad ideas than the ones they were already having.

“It seems like we’re getting ahead of ourselves, because the moment Greenwood arrives all of these plans could become moot points. Massively ahead of ourselves, in some regards,” said Sloane, standing to be better heard as she glanced towards Lynn. “Plus, like Britney said and you had discussed with me the other day, we could always just have somebody else make us a Wayfinder.”

“Nora, we’d like to commission a device that is capable of locating people and artifacts. Handheld, preferably, and put to the top of the queue. I imagine the whole group is in agreement that this is more important than a really long metal stick and a…” Sloane glanced down at her notes. “...an alarmingly sinister device designed for the torture and enslavement of Appar…"

"...Layla, what the fuck…

Dumbstruck, Sloane turned towards Layla but stopped as someone even more unexpected than Lynette entered the room. “Bé?
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Strip Mall Outskirts

It was still a few blocks before he’d be able to cross and reach the bar, but at least he’d gained sight of it for a moment crossing the parking lot. Clancy took a detour, spotting an alleyway divided by a chainlink fence running between the two buildings that formed it. Easy enough. Planting one foot against the pipework, he pushed himself off a wall fung and leapt for the midsection of the chainlink, tearing a handhold in a weaker section of the mesh, then pulled his small frame further up still until he could vault over the top.

When he dropped down to the other side, she was there.

Shaquita Walker.

Wearing a black trench coat, halfway unzipped to reveal a full body armor with several grenades and flashbangs and an ammo pouch hanging off the rig. She had on black cargo pants with some combat boots. In both of her hands was a frightening KS-23, and she stared at Clancy.

“... No breath, no heartbeat, no blood flow, no scent, you’re functionally a walking corpse,” Shaquita noted out loud. “Why are you harassing the old man? I know he’s annoying…” Shaquita menacingly racked the first shell…

To his credit, the kid threw up his arms, backing up against the chainlink, stuttering out an answer as best as he could.

”Lady, I don't know you or what you're talking about, b-but m-my dad's waiting around the corner for me.”

“Well, you can introduce me to him,” Shaquita snorted. “I’d love to meet the father of the corpse of the poor kid you’re parading around, Apparition.”

That provoked a scowl from the boy, ”Yeah, well he'd tell you to get bent too, lady. Still wanna meet him?”

“Confirmed. So…” Shaquita said, “... I have a nice car with some ice cream. You’re getting into it, and we’re rolling to one of our labs...”

”Is it a white van, too? I was taught not to walk off with strangers.”

Shaquita leveled the shotgun at him-

“... I wasn’t asking.

-and pulled the trigger, losing a 6-gauge shell that sheared through Clancy's upper torso like tissue paper. The shot produced a thunderclap rippled through the alleyway, startling the pigeons nestled in the guttering overhead.

Shaquita didn't hesitate to work the action, racking another shell as her target crumpled into the fence behind him. Immediately, the damage was apparent: from shoulder to sternum, his shirt had been reduced to tattered shreds, the sections of pale white flesh beneath In equal ruin to expose an emaciated, skeletal shadow that seemed to form his inner anatomy.

That he wasn't twitching on the floor, dying of shock and blood loss, was all but the final confirmation she'd needed.

Clancy's fingers dug into the chainlink behind him, clenching hard enough that the links broke free and twisted, tearing away a section of the fencing and throwing it pulled hard, swinging the torn section of fencing in a curve towards the woman like a discuss.

However, the woman backpedaled as quickly as the kid could throw the fencing. Keeping a calm head, she braced the shotgun into her arm, squeezed off a second shell, racked another, fired, racked another, fired - a barrage which literally blew out the kid's footing dropped him to his hands and knees.

Shaquita used the window to stand her ground, tugging another trio of shells from the carrier, quickly feeding them into the shotgun's magazine, racking the last shell, then reaching back to draw another for good measure. Just as she was ready to insert the fourth, Clancy had haphazardly pulled himself back to moving on all fours, lashing out at her footing with gnarled, shadowy digits, only for her to gracefully backstep out of arm's reach before emptying a shell near-point into the boy's head.

The damage was enough that the facade that made up scalp, hairline, eye and cheekbone had been torn away in an instant. Half of Clancy's face gone, peeled back to expose the emaciated, featureless silhouette of a skull, marked only by the inhuman maw that crept outward from where the boy’s mouth had been.

That was enough to put him down, if only for a moment; she used it to load another shell as a husking growl slipped through his half-lips, ”Who sent.. not sent by Nazis… obviously.. The connection was half forming when he lashed out again, jabbing the black, angular shadow that constituted a foot into a nearby trash bin and kicking it into her path. Shaquita stepped forward and violently swung her fist at the trashcan and knocked it aside as the boy drove himself back to footing.

Clancy pressed towards with a feral persistence, this time driving a palm upwards into the underside of the shotgun and clamping his fingers around the barrel, steering it upwards as she tried to lose another shell into him. Narrowly, it missed the remaining half of his face and instead managed to ruin the side of a dumpster and part of the brickwork next to them.

”You'll tell me who-” Shaquita didn't mince words, leveraging her weight to bash Clancy with the other end of the gun, slamming the grip into the black, featureless shadow that made up half of his face with such force that he was surprised to find she could throw down strength for strength. They grappled, he again tugging at the barrel, on the backfoot at how strong she was for someone that seemed-

White hot agony. A blinding light.

-Clancy felt what could only be described as the worst pain he'd ever experienced in all memory, a hot knife that seared at his very being.

He looked down, and realised too late - she'd used the moment as a distraction, tuggee what looked like a pulsing, crystalline shard from her pouch and drove it deep into what should've been his sternum, enough that the tip was barely an inch out of him.

He did not breathe, but he felt his chest tightening, non-existent lungs clamouring for air. For the first time in years, he felt it, like the instinct of panic that set in when one was at the bottom of a lake and drowning.


Still he clutched at the shotgun… and this time, Shaquita's strength overpowered his own, enough to steer the bore of the weapon back towards him and empty a shell at point-blank range through the side of his head, this time tearing away more than just the facade of flesh and scalp. Pain, and a blinding disorientation washed over him as he felt his frame buckle out.

That was when Shaquita unloaded round after round into Clancy… Once the mag was dumped, Shaquita reached for another crystal…

Sirens wailed over in the distance. The cacophany of gunfire and trash being overturned had caught up to them. At the other side of the fence, or what remained of it, a pauchy man in SPPD uniform had shoen up, pistol pointed ahead at Shaquita, another uniform in tow.

”On the gr-!”

They couldn't even finish the sentence before both spontaneously seized up and collapsed, courtesy of a fatal heart attack. Shaquita walked over to their dead bodies, knelt down, and crushed their bodycams underfoot. Then she stood up, pivoting to Clancy…

… and the boy was gone.

The House on the Hill

The door burst open.

The tattered form of Clancy Patrick, barely standing, staggered through, a half-feral expression on the remaining third of his face as he collapsed against the wall, barely propped up by a shadowy arm that bedded its sharp digits into the decor.

There was little doubt that he wasn't a normal child. Not anymore.

His face was half-gone, bearing only his right eye, the corner of his jaw and a portion of his scalp to betray his identity as the boy Clancy had claimed he was. The rest of his head could only be described as a third-dimensional shadow outlining a skull, featureless save for the angular impression of an inhumanly large mouth.

The rest of him was worse for wear; shoes, shirt and the lower half of his khaki pants were shredded, as though someone had run them through a blender, the skin beneath giving way to more of the skeletal shadow that outlined his body.

And buried in the center of his chest, a pulsating, crystalline shard. He briefly touched at it with the hand that still bore flesh, only for his fingers to spasm and seize up as his fingertips grazed its surface and another rumble of discomfort to escape out his lips, and then an almost viscious mass of oily shadow spewed forth as he coughed up something foreign.

The shadow withered on the floor and dissipated, leaving only a cluster of lead pellets behind. A parting gift from the hitwoman.

Whatever it was, the crystal was doubtless the cause of his troubles, every move eliciting an agonised murmur, until he again collapsed against the wall, slinking away from the loght bleeding in from the outside.

For all the inhumanity of his appearance, the voice that spoke - guttural and resonant as It was - was at a pleading desperation.

”I… help me.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Sully/Sloane (@Atrophy, Drake/Britney (@Shin Ghost Note), Lynn (@NoriWasHere), Bé/Todd (@Aeolian), Clancy (@Zombiedude101)

”do be careful, Luna. It would be such a shame if we didn’t see you again at the next meeting.”

Luna just gave a ‘huh’ at the subtle slight, tossing her jacket over a shoulder. Anya could say what she wanted, it was no skin off her back.

But what made her stop, rather forcefully, was Sully.

“I thought you wanted to be back with the group and the first thing you do is insult Drake? Do you have any idea what he’s gone through? We’re all supposed to be working together, not putting each other down.”

She could see the hurt in his eyes, the indignation, the anger. Luna bit her lip where she stood. Shit. She regarded Sully as the heart of the Coven, giving life to the threads. If the heart was upset with her, then she really had messed up.

Luna recounted Drake's story. What she had picked up from her spy tours. Jade… one of the first victims of the serial killer after them. Drake carried a weight that burned and seared.

And she was too prideful. Too proud to level at him like a human being, too prepared to dig at him for his slight against her.

“If you really want to be a part of this team you’re going to go back and apologize to him for what you said.”

Luna chewed on her teeth, pressing a palm against her forehead. So she'd be doing the walk of shame back like a little bitch. How did Valencia always avoid situations like these?

“She doesn’t run her mouth.” The White Suit chimed in her head.

“Great. Helpful.” Luna's mental voice muttered sarcastically.

Luna dragged her coat off her shoulder, balling it up in her hands like some kind of stress ball, before she looked up at Sully. She didn't offer him any resistance. He was right, after all.

“Fine… Fine, Sully. I'll go apologize.”

Like a little bitch.

She took a breath to steady herself, then, did her walk of shame back, finding herself back in front of Drake.

The coat was draped back over her arm, while her free hand dragged across her mouth, before gesturing helplessly to the air.

“Shit. I got ahead of myself, Drake. I'm sorry. I'm still sore about what happened at Kari's House, but I realize you were just trying to keep people safe.

“I came to the meeting with information, and no one has chased me away, yet. I'm… just trying to be useful. That doesn't give me the right to try and lord it over you, though.”

That was when she could hear Lynn, and Luna turned her head.

“With Luna we have a strong scout who has so much to prove to us…”

Luna sweated bit, her voice going flat. “Huh?”

“Not only will we find the Wayfinders, we have the chance at finding other powerful artifacts and those who embark on this journey will return forever stronger,”

“I've already done one suicide mission for you, now you want me to do another?” Luna asked, incredulous. “The Pit is suicide a dozen times over, plus some.”

Before she coughed, reeling back her emotions a bit.“Yes, I mean, I'm crazy enough to do it. But this isn't some comic book story. Leon, Drake, and I- well, I hope you'll give us some really good goodbyes, because we wouldn't be coming back. Not from a trip like that.

“I'm in no position to refuse you, but… you can see why I'm hesitating, right?”

”Look, I don’t know what makes this ‘Wayfinder’ so special, but all we have to do is find a half-decent Artificer, and we make our own version of it. I know Goro's work was special, but it can't be that hard to imitate.”

“Nora, we’d like to commission a device that is capable of locating people and artifacts.

Luna didn't allow herself a moment's reprieve. Her eyes instinctively turned to Nora, cold curiosity in her eyes. If Nora wasn't able to make it, she'd have to part with a family secret. And she'd really rather not give Valencia one more reason to be on her ass.

”I imagine the whole group is in agreement that this is more important than a really long metal stick and a…”

Aislin threw her hands in the air, “Yep, well. I don't mind waiting.”

“...an alarmingly sinister device designed for the torture and enslavement of Appar…"

"...Layla, what the fuck…

Layla tilted her head. It was a completely logical weapon, one that would empower her against the demons she faced on the daily. She didn't quite understand why Sloane didn't see the purpose and intent behind such a request. She muttered stubbornly, more to herself, ”B-but I need it…”

Aislin perked up at the arrival of new guests. Old guests. Not-seen-in-a-long-time guests. She gave Layla a pat on the shoulder, trying to dispel the girl's gloom over her choice of artifact, before prancing over to Bé and Todd.

“Well I'll be damned, you guys finally showed up!”

She threw them a wide, light-hearted grin, before throwing her hand out to Todd, hoping he'd shake it. Bé, she didn't bother. The man looked as aloof as usual, but she still eyed him curiously, hoping his cold facade would break.

“Come closer to the crowd, we don't bite. At least, we don't bite much.” She joked. “We're expecting another magical faction to be joining us soon, so you'll be able to make a lot of new friends today.”

She could hear footsteps outside the door, and turned her head expectantly. But what came barreling in was not what Aislin was expecting. Her expression went from warm to horrified as she watched what appeared to be a boy smash through the door.

However, as Aislin took a few horrified steps back, it was Layla that rushed in, alarmed but not repelled. Layla moved past Leon, hopping off her stool like it was a hot coal, and rushing to Clancy's side.

An apparition?

She pressed at the boy- the apparition's chest, and saw some kind of stone lodged in it. Panicking, Layla's head whipped around, locating Britney.

“Britney, you're gonna wanna come see this. He's got something stuck in his chest!”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Lynn (@NoriWasHere), Aislin (@Estylwen), & Clancy (@Zombiedude101)
The House on the Hill.

Jack began yapping, and Adora tried to pay attention, but some details slipped through the cracks. Pale Horse, this. High-Priestess, that. They were going on a mission to find an artifact to help Luca and Lila - that was great, but he also brought up a great point: he would be useless without the Rot (Just like me). However, Adora knew better than to tag on a mission like that. Most of it didn't sound useless, and Jack just wanted to hear his voice...

“Isn’t this great? You, me, and our friends? My, I really feel like I’m part of the team. It’s really great. And all done without you. While you were busy wasting the coven’s time, I found out key information that’ll push us down the right path. The path of the victorious, pushing us one step closer to that Father Wolf you hate so much. And now I’m off to find a way to track down the Pale Horse and the High Priestess. Enjoy sitting around being useless.”

... Of course, Tsukino had to go and stir the pot. Adora stared daggers into the girl as she spoke. She knew that Drake had fried her at Kari's house - but as far as Adora could tell, it was entirely justified. Though, what was not justified was Luna insulting Drake and trying to push his buttons. Adora facepalmed. The girl finally got back in, and she let it get to her head. Adora was desperately hoping that she wouldn't have to put up with Tsukino's bullshit every goddamn meeting. However, Sully stuck up for his boy, and Adora suddenly didn't feel the need to say anything. She apologized to Drake and didn't get turned into a lightning rod. Adora sighed as she crossed her arms, leaning against the bar counter.

All they had to do was stay focused on the task and wait for Greenwood...

“Speaking of journeys, the future points towards one filled with horror and tribulation. There is one artifact that can answer all our questions and needs for security. One that would tell us where Kari is, one that would find all of the stolen artifacts, one that would reveal the location of each and every member of 8th street in case a war to break out, where farther wolf truly is. Kari’s Wayfinder. That, or one of its replicas. I know where they are, I know we will be able to get them. Do you all remember Goro? They have a sibling named Yoko. Goro has been missing since searching for the Abberation killer in New York. I believe he found it, but can’t get away from where he is at. As such, his sister has departed with the Wayfinder and several replicas and we will be able to get one or the other. And we will find all of them. In a place where hope goes to die. The Pit, and in each ten possible futures I’ve narrowed down it is a vital piece of the puzzle to solve this Kari drama.”

... Then this bitch started yapping.

Adora went back to facepalming. Now, she had no clue about the Wayfinder or the Pit, but she knew about Yoko and Goro. She thought highly of Goro, not so much his little sister. Adora was surprised he wasn't there, but she found out why. Everyone immediately shot down the idea, and Adora shook her head at Lynn. Adora wasn't sure if it was just a ploy to get some attention, but the Coven was doing so good at staying focused, and then this bitch comes and fucks it all up.

Adora stepped forward and then spoke to the group, ”Yes, we all agree it's a stupid ass idea. Let's get back on topic and-”

A shadow creature burst through the doors, and Adora's heart almost burst out of its chest. She was prepared for a fight, only to recognize it somewhat. Her eyes fell on the part of the creature's face that was still intact. It was Clancy's face, the boy she had seen earlier today. She was not sure if it was Clancy or... a monster that ate him and assumed its identity. Adora was careful and sighed as she glanced at the seemingly extra Trinity Ring that had entered her possession - no one would have noticed. Well, it was time to put Sloane's work to the test. Adora raised her ringed hand, her palm facing her, as two copies of herself appeared next to her in a cloud of smoke.

Adora wasn't expecting much, but this was the best that she could do. All three Adoras stuck their hands out at Layla and shouted at Layla.

Layla! Don't touch that thing! You don't know what it's trying to do!”

Interactions: Luna (@Estylwen), & Lynn (@NoriWasHere)
The House on the Hill.

Drake didn't listen to Jack at all; it was a lot of yapping because, ten years later, Jack still didn't know how to get to the point. Though he didn't stand there twiddling his thumbs...

“Isn’t this great? You, me, and our friends? My, I really feel like I’m part of the team. It’s really great. And all done without you. While you were busy wasting the coven’s time, I found out key information that’ll push us down the right path. The path of the victorious, pushing us one step closer to that Father Wolf you hate so much. And now I’m off to find a way to track down the Pale Horse and the High Priestess. Enjoy sitting around being useless.”

... All of his attention was on Luna. The audacity of this bitch made Drake grit their teeth, and his right hand started crackling with electricity. Charging up a bolt of lightning to fry her. The fact that, just like Britney, Luna had the nerve to show herself after hurting the Coven just pissed him off - but unlike Britney, she had the decency to keep her mouth shut. Though, Sully stepped in and put a hand out in front of him - immediately, Drake deactivated the spell, not wanting to shock his homie as Sully went and got on her ass.

Soon enough, Luna came over...

“Shit. I got ahead of myself, Drake. I'm sorry. I'm still sore about what happened at Kari's House, but I realize you were just trying to keep people safe. I came to the meeting with information, and no one has chased me away, yet. I'm… just trying to be useful. That doesn't give me the right to try and lord it over you, though.”

Drake crossed his arms. He knew it was bullshit; she didn't mean any of it and was only doing it because she got called on it. However, the rest of the Coven, for whatever reason, didn't immediately throw Luna out the door (like they rightfully should have). While Drake wanted to throw her out, he knew better than to push against the wave - which was the entire Coven. Drake shook his head as he pointed a finger at her and said,

”... Don't let it happen again, okay?” He commanded. ”I don't want you here, but obviously everyone else doesn't see the same way, so let's just stay away from each other.” He rolled his eyes.


“Speaking of journeys, the future points towards one filled with horror and tribulation. There is one artifact that can answer all our questions and needs for security. One that would tell us where Kari is, one that would find all of the stolen artifacts, one that would reveal the location of each and every member of 8th street in case a war to break out, where farther wolf truly is. Kari’s Wayfinder. That, or one of its replicas. I know where they are, I know we will be able to get them. Do you all remember Goro? They have a sibling named Yoko. Goro has been missing since searching for the Abberation killer in New York. I believe he found it, but can’t get away from where he is at. As such, his sister has departed with the Wayfinder and several replicas and we will be able to get one or the other. And we will find all of them. In a place where hope goes to die. The Pit, and in each ten possible futures I’ve narrowed down it is a vital piece of the puzzle to solve this Kari drama.”

Unlike Jack, Drake listened intently to Lynn because she spoke something essential and exciting... the Wayfinders. Drake had no clue what the Wayfinders were, but Lynn answered a burning question: What happened to Goro and Yoko? Now, Drake knew all about the Pit because Adam (Papa Blackmore) told the Blackmore siblings all about the Pit when he was trying to get them to learn teleportation. He warned them why it was essential to be careful with teleportation because they might accidentally end up there. So, were those two in the pit of all places?

However, from Lynn's speech, all she spoke about was the Wayfinder - either get the Wayfinder or find Goro to make one. But what about Yoko and Goro? That didn't sit right with Drake for a number of reasons. Sure, Yoko was a pain in the ass back in the day, but that didn't mean she deserved to be stuck in a hell dimension. And Goro would have done everything in his power to get them out if they were stuck down there. Bastards.

Drake sighed, turned to Lynn, and laid out his terms,

”... I'm only going down there if we're getting Goro and Yoko out, damn the Wayfinders,” Drake narrowed his eyes at Lynn.

That was when a whole ass monster burst through the doors; Drake immediately created a Voltblade, crackling with blue electricity as he faced the thing down. It ran in, collapsed, and then begged for help... it had pieces of a face, and Drake recognized it. It looked like the kid, kind of. Drake tilted his head as everything seemed to want to help it, but Drake was prepared for a fight.

Adora said what was on his mind, calling for Layla to get away from the thing before it killed her!
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 1 hr ago

& &
Edict & Leon & Kenshiro

Mentions: There's a lot, I'm being lazy. | Direct Dialogue: Too many people as usual. | Location: The House on the Hill

“Talk to me after this, I can help you with that.”

Leon's spine crawled thinking about what sort of demons the Mafia kept in their collective closet. Edict mirrored the strain, still trying to stay tuned into the ongoing verbal chaos. He couldn't think of anything in particular that House of Cards was capable of producing; after all, Void Heart was gone. What could be more unruly or aggressive than what the Temple wanted Layla to deal with? The vampire dolls seemed pretty spot-on from what he'd seen in Layla's mind, and as his gaze slightly turned to see Leon's reaction, he found a bit of despair in those eyes.
"Well... I'd still love to vet things, y'know? I'm not here to tell you how to live, but we're all responsible for your safety and your chance to learn, Layla."

Edict tried not to grin to himself. He was amazed the girl hadn't been hooked on the food yet. Maybe they were afraid of feeding the siblings?
”You can if you want to. I don’t mind. I’ll take on the responsibility for all the other 8th members I don’t believe should.”

Ken was an immovable object at the best of times. Edict had heard Luca's small plea to Ken's consciousness and wasn't shocked when he heard the response.
"I simply refuse to believe this. My only reasoning is that you clearly never could've been aligned with that wretched Cunt and her pet lizard: Your heart is too big, and you act in compassion even toward your greatest enemies. I will not let your small voice burn out into the night as you try to save those who would harbor Evil." Ken's conviction rumbled through his chest as he stared dead at Luca. Of course tears welled in his eyes, his passions almost always getting the best of him in these darkest of days.
"Kenshiro... Come on, my friend, we're all Adepts here. We should try to preserve a little life, right?"
"I'm not interested in your Cult's Supremacist rhetoric. Honor yourself like you did at the Festival, and save your morality."

Leon grimaced, and Ken's attention was taken up by Drake making an entrance.
"There's a man who knows the blade! D-"
”... Why is she here?

Lynette Dominguez as well, and Edict couldn't ignore someone tall, dark and beautiful. She threw him off keeping track of Drake's brewing conflict with Luna; a problem exacerbated by the arrival of Love on her heels. Britney and Linqian? Aryin too, but at this point he had a hard time not giving himself up. With Tayla around, it was only going to be harder as he did his best to keep surface level thoughts from echoing into her ears.

"You know you look damn cute with that sword Brit? We were-"
”We know how to move forward, how to find Kari’s notes.”

"I mean, yeah. I may've mentioned something kind of silly, but it ain't a big deal." Edict did his best to bury the bait idea since it seemed like nobody seemed to go for it. He had faith, at least in Britney, that her "target" status was questionable at best. She was a strong Adept, one of the most well-versed in her school of magic that he knew.
Jack continued on about the entities related to the dreams, and wound up getting Edict, Ken and Leon's attention for different reasons. Ken's mind turned to a joke that he kept internalized, having listened to Kari talk about Britney so harshly sometimes. He couldn't help but relate the scant images of Sunshine to Britney, and hearing that they had Green Lux... A thought that Edict shared for a very different reason. He was worried that someone would try to point out the very same observation, creating a near-miss of thought that may've caused more sparks than necessary if they impacted.

Leon was mostly concerned about the whole of it. The association, the Chalice being involved somehow, the feeling like he almost knew who Sunshine was despite never knowing the woman. It wasn't canny, and he didn't want to dwell on that face longer than he had to. Lelou Faim's energy rippled through him as he began to pass inward toward his mind's eye. Stormy arriving was a welcome distraction, and Leon began to move away from Layla hoping that his desire for involvement in her plans had been made clear. Jack continued on about his and Kenshiro's plan to recover the Brass Needle, continuing to cringe as he thought about what a burden it must be to fear the Apparition. Maybe in Luca's case, one was right to be fearful. But, he couldn't help thinking about his own prisoner. His Betrothed.
Oh, Leon... You know just how to wake me up...
He gritted his teeth, throwing back his head in slight frustration.

”Don't dock my pay for being late, alright?

"Man, what do I look like, some kind of animal?"
As he said this, Edict brushed a hand against Linqian and induced a quick Recollection to bring her up to speed. Not without getting a look at some nasty bruising and serious teeth indentations across her skin.
"Jesus, Linqian, were you fuckin' a bull mastiff or something?" he whispered.
The bull mastiff in question began to blush as Leon did his best not to stare and wave at Aryin and Linqian. It had been a great time, after all. It was the perfect distraction to keep Edict from defending Luna from herself as she had her personal problems with Drake spilled out into open taunting.

But Lynn had remained quiet in wait. Waiting to drop a bombshell of information, and a request for a mission that many never would've accepted.
There was a slight burst of energy that washed away from Kenshiro, drawing attention through sheer force of will. The Wayfinders... Hatanaka...
"Oh, yes! Yes, absolutely, let's stage a suicide mission into the Multiverse's maximum security prison for some other -"
Stopping himself, Ken's face became stone cold and frozen as he did his best to keep his opinions to himself.
"Yoko... Is not a good woman. Even if we find her, she will not want to help us."

Leon's hand raised. The voice in his head, present now that she'd been prodded enough by his own thoughts, had him by the shorts as he struggled to not offer himself up...
”The Pit redirects any teleportation back into it. Meaning it's going to be next to impossible to get out.”

”Aaron’s right. That just ain’t an option. I mean… Just, how the fuck are you even getting there?”

"We don't teleport out of it... We open a hole, we have someone keep it safe, do what we have to do, and then leave through the door we came through. The Temple would offer its services if that meant extending an olive branch to us, and I'd be happy to coordinate it. Especially if... One of the Blessed Pale Adepts says they saw me in a vision... I'm compelled to answer that call."
Leon's voice was loud and clear as he offered himself positively for the Pit plan, having absolutely nothing to do with the ravenous, frothing desire of his Prisoner to have an excuse to unleash herself. He wasn't sure what would happen if he loaded himself up enough to give Lelou the time without having a Leash Keeper... One of the few times he missed Daisy...

And then a familiar face that Leon never imagined he'd see again. Lelou quickly scanned through his memories of the old days, and found the tall, dark and handsome man as one of Leon's earliest male partners... He felt compulsion to speak his name into reality, standing in a spot that he could begin to step forward toward that face burned into ancient memories.
"Mon Dieu, Bé!? Bé!?"
Leon stepped forward, arms almost opening up into a hug before being rudely interrupted by the sludgy shadow monster bursting through the door. He'd smelled something strange, heard some loud popping, but attributed all these things to the neighborhood they were in. Now it was clear that there was a fight. His ears perked up, and as people began to rush around in an attempt to help the transformed Clancy, Leon switched gears to defense mode. He'd not be shot by another canister, and quickly took Bé by the shoulders to purposefully move him away from the danger, and out of his direct path before he made for the door.

Ken was instantly locked in alongside him, though made for closer company like Drake and Jack. Without hesitation, he drew one of the swords from his hip and flipped it into a reverse hold. Positioning himself between the crowd and the thing that had burst in, he was quick to assume the worst.
"Have Greenwood betrayed us!?"
The only thing running through Edict's mind as he slipped off the barstool and pulled the pistol from his waist belt holster was about how he could've swore that he'd shot that thing the other day at Kari's house... So, why was it back?
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Edict @AtomicEmperor, Lynn & Aaron @NoriWasHere
The House on the Hill

"Jesus, Linqian, were you fuckin' a bull mastiff or something?"

”Close enough, what, you fucking jealous?” Linqian teased quietly, before laughing. Her gaze went past Edict to Leon and that just made her laugh more. Blushing, really? Where was that bravado from last night?

Sadly, she didn’t have the opportunity to offer up some of her own gay spit for Sully to use against Emily. But Thankfully Edict had filled her in via a recollection so she didn't have to get a Jack long winded explanation of the plan... Which honestly she wasn't sure about but hey. She'd never been the planner, she was just pointed towards something and she beat it to shit.

Just like she wanted to beat Lynn to shit right now for even daring to open her mouth. Linqian’s hands dropped to her side, clenching into fists. Her temperature started to tick down until she was radiating cold without being dangerous to touch. Yet. She’d planned to ignore Lynn. Pretend she didn’t fucking exist. But she had the fucking gall to bring up a suicidal plan, and rope other fucking people into it.

Fucking bitch.

”Fuck you, Evelynn, throw away your own worthless fucking life, but keep others fucking outta it,” Linqian snapped, lips twisted into an ugly scowl. It was very obvious to anyone that knew Linqian well or who’d been at the other end of her temperature, which was practically everyone here, that she was well on her way to being pissed. Pissed and slapping Lynn again. ”You’ll just all fucking die. Fuck, Jinhai has a book on the Pit. Y’know what it says on the first fucking page? ‘Don’t enter it.’ Fucking hell, you-”

Linqian’s angry tirade was cut off by another unwelcome visitor. While Linqian’s memories of her brother’s younger years had made her feel positively towards Clancy. But this shadowy version? Not so much. Not when she still held memories of the Stygian Snake and the shadows it controlled.

As Edict stood up Linqian did too, already cooling temperature plummeting. She took a few steps forward, putting herself between Clancy and some of the weaker members of the coven, stance shifting into a clearly aggressive one.

”Aaron,” she said, gesturing to beside her. With Leon running forward she didn’t feel the need to go on the attack, but the two of them could easily hold the line behind him… if needed.

Interactions: Layla @Estylwen, Ken @AtomicEmperor, Clancy @Zombiedude101, Everyone Present
The House on the Hill

”Ken…” Luca frowned, interrupted by so many people coming in that he didn’t have the chance to say anything else. He understood his friend’s denial, he really did. But it wasn’t something that could be denied. He’d been part of 8th Street for so long it felt more like his coven than Sycamore ever had. Emily and Vashti were the exception, not the rule, just they ran the show.

It was unfortunate. Maybe his heart was too big, but there were people there that he loved and cherished just as he did his close friends here.

Speaking of friends… more and more people turned up. Luca was glad to see Lynette, who he hadn’t seen since she left 8th properly, and Todd - he gave both a bright smile and wave. No opportunity to actually greet them, however.

Luca pressed his lips together as the Pit came up. He knew about it. He knew what inhabited it. Cynthia’s kind, for one. He’d seen what she could do…

”Nobody’s going into the pit… Like Ken said, it’s a suicide mission. None of us are prepared for what’s in there… please, Lynn,” he turned to his friend, expression pleading. ”Don’t throw away your life like that.”

But there was no chance for Lynn to respond, because Clancy came crashing into the room. Luca was shocked to see him in such a bad state… how? From what Luca had gathered he was… like him. Difficult to properly hurt. But where Luca rotted most weapons away and was damaged by the mundane, Clancy didn’t seem hurt by anything. He was something else.

Don’t go near the crystal, the Rot whispered in his mind.

Which told Luca all he needed to know.

”Everyone, calm down, he’s not going to hurt us,” Luca said, making his way towards Clancy. Unlike the others, he’d gleamed something of his true nature when they touched previously. When they’d talked, before Miranda and Jacqueline arrived. This was the same Clancy.

His outer shell had just been destroyed.

And because of it the others were treating him like a monster. Of course they were shocked. How would they react if they knew what Luca was on the inside? The horror he fought against letting out. Badly, he assumed. Hoped. But he wasn’t letting anyone get hurt in this situation.

”I’m sorry, Layla,” Luca said as he got close enough that the rotting aura around him would start prickling at her. A gentle scratching pain. He reached out and grabbed her shoulder, pushing her out of the way. It wasn’t a strong shove, because he wasn’t particularly strong, but just the touch would be enough to rot through her clothing and begin to damage her skin.

He let go as soon as she was out of the way. The crystal was the problem. It was lodged so deep into his sternum but… like everything, it could be destroyed. Yes, it could be destroyed.

It was so cold. Like he was in a freezer, uncontrollable shivers wracking his weak body. But he pushed through it like he would any pain. Reached out to grab the Crystal.

As soon as Luca’s hand touched it, it latched on, beginning to fuse with his skin, pushing deeper into his flesh. Weakening him, hurting him. But it didn’t weaken him enough. The Rot was still active across his skin, focusing in on the region where it was connected. For once, host and parasite worked together.

It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts.

The pain was excruciating as the Rot fought against the crystal’s weakening. Flesh peeled away from Luca’s hand to reveal the muscle below, festering as they too started to rot away. The crystal started to disintegrate bit by bit. With it more skin turned purple, decay rapidly spreading up his arm as his magical defences weakened - his defence against his own magic included.

It was pain unlike any he’d felt before, unlike the pain he suffered from daily, the rotting he’d grown used to. It was like his whole body was on fire, as he was stabbed over and over again. Luca curled forward, biting down on his lip to suppress an agonised scream. Blood dripped down his chin, turning brown before it could drip onto the floor.

Just… a little… more…

Black fizzled in the corner of his vision as green flooded brown irises. His hand moved forward as each layer of the crystal disintegrated, deeper into Clancy’s sternum. The icy cold was but a drop in an ocean of agony.

It felt like he was dying. No, he was always dying. Dying was… less painful…

The last bit of the crystal rotted away, and Luca fell towards Clancy, passing out from pain that he shouldn’t have been able to handle in the first place.

The rotting touch was no longer active.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Adora @Shin Ghost Note Clancy @Zombiedude101 Luca @Fernstone
The House on the Hill

Sully exhaled a deep sigh of relief as Luna apologized to Drake and Drake was grateful enough not to light her up like a Christmas tree. He leaned against the wall, absentmindedly making a drinking motion with his hand before realizing that the Chalice was in Sloane’s possession. He hoped that she’d hurry up with whatever magicky crafty thingy she was doing. There was a part of Sully that resented his role in the Coven just being the dude who carried a cup around, but at least with the cup he had some kind of importance. Without it he felt like little more than the mascot—technically part of the team and helped with lifting spirits, but ultimately a nonfactor in determining the outcome of the game.

Sully slipped behind the bar. Others had already started to help themselves to the dusty spirits that still haunted the closed down establishment, so it wasn’t like he was doing anything uncouth by helping himself. He shuffled through the glass bottles, recognizing none of the names on the labels and unable to determine if that was a good or bad thing. He took a tentative sniff of a random whiskey and gave it a sip, reeling back and gagging at the taste of turpentine from what had probably been the cheapest, saddest, dustiest handle of bottom shelf whiskey that had been gussied up by being poured into a nicer bottle. Sully could taste the plastic. It suddenly made sense as to why the bar shuttered as well as why nobody took the bottles with them. Only the deprived, debased, and desperate would dare drink something as god awful as this.

So naturally, Sully dusted off a rocks glass and poured himself two fingers. He was inadvertently saved from making an awful mistake as the door burst open and the glass dropped from his hands, shattering on the ground and stripping away some of the finish on the wood. The Kid, as Sully had come to identify Clancy as despite already having a frontrow seating proving that Clancy was well deserving of a more sinister moniker, stumbled into the bar. Whatever was left of him, anyway. The sight was sickening and Sully had to swallow back some bubbling acid of his own as Clancy retched up something akin to motor oil. Sully gripped on to the bar to keep himself steady as his legs grew weak and he stared wide-eyed in horror as what was left of the Kid called out for help.

What happened next felt disconnected and disorienting, like Sully wasn’t watching the events unfold before his eyes but rather witnessing a film student’s failed first attempt at making a stop motion movie. People crowding the body, others reeling back like they were ready for a fight, Adora tripling, Luca moving forward to put his hand on the crystal in Clancy’s chest. Sully tried to call out for him to stop, out of fear for Luca, out of fear for Clancy, but his voice was trapped in his throat and all he could do was watch as Luca and crystal began to rot away bit by horrifying bit.


Something was slammed against his chest. Sully looked down to see the Chalice, suspended in air, a faint orange and blue glow radiating from beneath the base of the goblet. He didn’t reach for it immediately and the glow stopped, the Chalice clattering on the bar top as he saw Sloane violently shake her head in frustration, stop channeling her Hexmark, and start moving towards one of the Adoras, a staff identical to Auri’s staff in her hand. Sully stirred from his stupor and grabbed the Chalice as he moved towards the injured two. He was pretty sure he heard Sloane say, “Get that idiot away from that thing.”

By the time he made it to the pair, Luca had been shifted so he was face up and separated from Clancy. Sully had the Chalice in one hand and a freshly filled squirt gun in the other, his stupid little bit proving to actually be beneficial. Sully kneeled down beside Clancy, set down the Chalice, carefully propped his head up against his knee, and picked the Chalice back up with a trembling hand. He moved it towards Clancy’s mouth and pressed the rim of the cup to it, encouraging him to drink from the Chalice while trying not to think of how over half of the Kid’s mouth was some spooky shadow demon bullshit that could probably rip his hand clean off in one bite.

“It’s gonna be okay, Kid, I got you. H-hey, Luca, reach for the sky,” said Sully, trying to break the tension with a dumb joke as he leveled the squirt gun toward Luca and fired off a spray of elixir. The color drained from Sully’s face as Luca did not move to catch it. Bracing himself for what was sure to be a painful experience, Sully gently set Clancy back down on the floor, scooted on his knees over to Luca, pushed the tip of the squirt gun into his mouth, and pulled the trigger. Sully caught Sloane staring at him, her typical annoyed look seemingly amplified by what he assumed she would believe to be pointless antics.

“It only works if he can drink it, and the Rot could destroy the Chalice,” said Sully through gritted teeth as he shifted away from Luca, Sloane’s unblinking stare compelling him to explain. She didn’t respond. She didn't even look at him. He realized that Sloane hadn’t been staring at him at all. She was watching Luca intently, her hand tightening on the staff.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Sully @Atrophy, Clancy @Zombiedude101
House on the Hill

Stormy would’ve been lying if he said he fully understood what was going on. Between the gloomy guy’s absolute dissertation on the Pale Horse, High Priestess and Raven Jones and all the other things he felt the need to compress into one instance, the history professor in him was struggling to keep up. But his attention went fully onto the child who bathed in. Clancy. The kid who had been “killed” the night they all came together again, maimed at Kari’s house and now very clearly not doing so great. He must’ve been an Abscised. Stormy’s jaw tightened at the sight of his ragged flesh and the clamor around him of people trying to help. He didn’t even fully register the fact that Adora had proper Abstraction yet.

That tension only got worse when Luca came up and destroyed the odd crystal plaguing the kid. He fell over, and didn’t get back up. That was when Stormy came over. He ran up to Sully and swiped his hand across the Chalice, enveloping it in a wreath of green sparks. ”Witchveil for magic resistance,” he knelt down next to Luca and pressed a hand up against his chest. Stormy lit up in shade of green smoke, warding off Apparitions and sapping their strength within his immediate area. ”Phantombane for the Rot. Sully, the Chalice will be fine now. Get them both. And hurry. It won’t last long now.” The combination of Phantombane weakening the Rot and Witchveil protecting the Chalice from magic meant that the artifact would barely get a scratch.

”Once you’re taken care of, tell us who did this to you.” He looked over to the Abscised boy, who wouldn’t be affected by either aura. Concern etched itself on Stormy’s face as he wondered if it was the Wolfpack coming back for revenge.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Everyone ft. Layla Adora, Sully, Luca & Stormy@Atrophy@FernStone@Estylwen@Shin Ghost Note
House on the Hill

They watched him apprehensively. A feral creature. A monster in their midst.

He didn't blame them for the sour expression on their faces, lr even their readiness for a fight. This was what he was, beneath the facade of humanity that he'd been left with so long ago.

No breath, no heartbeat, no blood flow, no scent, you’re functionally a walking corpse.

The woman had been right, on all accounts, and that had somehow got to him. Made him stupid. And now he'd been hurt in a sense he hadn't understood for years, and dependent on these people to help him, if they could.

Assuming they were even willing to help him, or actually knew what to do.

The crystalline shard lodged in his chest - every second it bedded there was like a hot iron, except instead of searing away the nerves and sending him into shock it only amped up. Each pulse felt like an electrical surge seizing his body.

Getting across the block had been torturous enough. Doing it while damaged had only made it worse, the crystal's presence had made every movement a new agony, where every second spent under direct sunlight felt like a stream of acid and saltwater were being poured on the webwork of non-existent nerve endings that covered every inch of exposed self.

And now he was dependent on them to figure it out, and take a chance that he wasn't sure he'd have taken in their shoes.

The skinny latino approached, pushed the host-girl out of the way, then after a moment's... hesitation? Clancy couldn't be certain, save that he pressed on anyway.

"N-n..."ot you. The words wouldn't come, but he knew Luca was putting himself at risk by pulling it out, knew that if it was doing this to him it would do worse to someome who, as far as he could tell, was barely held together.

He felt the blinding agony recede as Luca's fingers and palm enclosed around the short length of crystal that jutted out from his body, the rotting overlapping and enveloping the shard's corrosive influence. Felt his self pushing back against whatever force it harboured, that had brought him to a low...

Unti it was gone - replaced by the poison that infected Luca and now leechijg into him as the boy nearly collapsed atop his tattered body - but nonetheless the pain had stopped.

The others intervened. Stormy produced something that didn't burn at him, while Sully moved Luca off to somewhere safe, then moved to try and help him, chalice in hand, despite the dying boy needing the help more-

"Help hrmh-"

Sully didn't hear him protest or flinch at him being cold to the touch, but he felt the elixir run down the half of his mouth that was still intact, while the rest dribbled down his cheek and into the shadowy, yawning chasm that encompassed his real face.

What was it supposed to taste of?

He wasn't sure.

It had been so long. Food and drink offered no joy for him, nor sustenance. Eating a chocolate bar tasted no different to eating a wet block of clay. A soda pop the same as oil, or muddy water.


And yet the elixir still tasted like something different, lingering at the edge of his memory, as though it should have worked, even if it hadn't.

That it didn't just taste of the sludgy, grainy nothingness he was used to bothered him, because it was a reminder of all that he was and would never be again. That, like the woman had said, he was functionally a corpse, a monster that had taken the face and memories of Clancy Patrick.

Moments later, he spewed up more of the shadow-bile, except this time when the black sludge dissipated it left behind a faint port-wine spatter courtesy of Sully's elixir, with hard specks of lead pellets scattered in the same mess.

After they'd cleared back to give him some space, he groggily pulled himself towards the same wall Luca was propped up against, his one remaining eye fixated on the person who'd taken the risk to help him.

"Thank you." It was an earnest acknowledgement of the sheer ordeal he'd gone through to help him, fully cogniscient of the risk. Clancy had realised at the cabin and ice cream parlour, just how bad his situation was, and that Ashley had tried to help him before.

Hopefully the others could fix him.

Slowly, his features were... prepared to reform. It wasn't an instant process by any means, and the crystal had wrought its work long enough that the damage almost felt lasting, even if the pain was gone. Instead, they'd be forced to

Stormy had asked him a question. Who did this to him?

"I don't know," Clancy answered, "It was some col-.. black woman, trenchcoat, body armour... armed heavy," he pointed two fingers at himself and made a swirling motion. "Tall, but... stronger than she should be. First time I've run into anything that could hurt me like that... and I've tried. Some of you know that already." Briefly, he shot the wary Adora an equally wary look, before moving on.

"She wanted to know why I went after the 'old man'. I think she was talking about someone I tailed... black, has a suit and cane, white hair, weird accent. Shayton. Worked with the bikers, then killed that asshole Judas, back at the club. For his bosses. Same creeps those bikers were working with, maybe, I don't... I thought maybe oneof them killed Ashley, and your friends too. Shayton said both he and his bosses had nothing to do with the murders, said he'd kill Father Wolf himself. 'Bad for business'. But he got away before I got real answers, back at that stupid Halloween thing where you were partying."

Clancy shifted his weight back, then turned his head to one side so as to spare the others seeing the damaged half of his face, and the black maw that had been exposed in its place. To hide it, because the experience had left him feeling more self-conscious than he should've been.

"She wanted me, didn't mention anyone else. I told her to get bent. Go figure."

And for now, the gnawing voice of hunger at the back of his mind had been quietened. The elixir had... dulled it for now.

That much was a relief, given present company. They were, for now, safe from that.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Greenwood Coven.
Interactions: .
Outside the House on the Hill.

A breeze traveled through St. Portwell, carrying leaves and foliage, from northern St. Portwell to the south... past the boardwalk, past Melon Collie Hill, and to the House on the Hill. Outside the location, the winds crescendoed and appeared seemingly out of thin air. All the leaves and other pieces of plant life gently fell to the ground. One fell on the shoulder of the leader of the Greenwood Coven, Ruby White... before she turned her head and blew it away. Various members of Greenwood were holding pizza boxes and bags of food - wings, mozzarella sticks, garlic knots, and whatnot - that permeated the area with the alluring scent of food. The first thing that Ruby did was turn to Autumn and ask,

"Autumn, how many Adepts are in there?"

"About thirteen," Autumn quickly answered, holding some pizza boxes - with the Apparition of Al Slaughter beside her also holding some pizza. "The colors are consistent with what we've seen of Sycamore."

Ruby turned towards the rest of the Greenwood Coven and said, "Now, before we go in there, do not bring up that white-haired bitch." Ruby narrowed her eyes. "I sorted all of that out with her people."

"Ain't she their-" Naomi tried to say.

"... No, she ain't," Ruby said. "It's been deaded, we clear?"

All of Greenwood nodded.

"Let's go," Ruby said, walking towards the front door. "We're already an hour late."

"We would have been there already if you didn't tell them you were getting the food!" Naomi snorted, rolling her eyes.

"We already left their meeting with how much pizza?" Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Hey, man! They were giving it away like it was free!" James laughed.

"Look, you all know me," Ruby stopped and turned on her heel. "Someone does good by me, I do good by them."

"You know," Jessica said. "I respect that!"

"We all do," Naomi cracked a grin.

"Aw, you're making me blush," Ruby said as she proceeded up the stairs into the House on the Hill, her pockets stuffed with these business cards for a therapist - a Temple therapist. Ruby knew what Lynette (Richoux) was trying to do, but at the same time, she also knew that pissing her off after she did such a massive favor for them, well...

... That wouldn't be right, shady intentions or not.

So, all she had to do was make up some bullshit and distribute these... business cards. However, Lynette would understand if they wouldn't take them anyway, and Ruby was smart enough not to be aggressive about it, or else she'd ruin this good thing they had. Though, Leon's ass should be there, and he should (key word here) help her out if he was as big of a mother's boy as Ruby knew him as. Ruby sighed as she pushed the doors of the House on the Hill...
"... Have Greenwood betrayed us!?"
An Anime

Ruby rolled her eyes.

"... Sweetie, we just-" Ruby cut herself off when she looked around the room... There was a kid battered and bruised, someone was on the floor unconscious, and everyone looked ready for a fight. Ruby scanned everyone's emotions; there were various mixes of panic, fear, concern, anger... The rest of Greenwood walked in behind her.

"... What happened in here?" Ruby asked nobody in particular.

"Aw shucks," Jessica awkwardly laughed, tugging at her collar. She then raised the three pizza boxes she was carrying in the air. "Um, pizza's here!"
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
Avatar of NoriWasHere


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

You know you want to go

INTERACTIONS Ruby, Jessica, Greenwood at large,[@Punished GN] Stormy@Blizz Luca @FernStone

”I’m with you,” Aryin said after they swapped forms and stepped up next to Linqian. She did not know what was up with the boy, but she would not let it hurt anyone here. A moment later, Luca walked up and defused the bomb and suffered a terrible injury. Aryin looked to Linqian and then back to the situation as it unfolded. Her second meeting, and already this was making her angry. One of their own was heavily wounded, Lynn was being a cunt, Luca was now hurt, and now-

The door swung open and Greenwood walked inside.

And now it was fucking better. ”Yooooo,” Aryin put their guard down. The other night was an awesome experience, from the fights to the weed and even the suggestive talks between everyone meant that night would forever live on in her memory. This past weekend would live on forever in her mind. Her eyes drifted to Leon and she bit her lip. She needed another night like last night. She turned her attention to Lynn. This cunt was not allowed to ruin any chance she had at another night like that.

” You may be useful right now but as soon as your not I’m going to hold a vote like the old days. And your ass will be gone,” Aryin looked at Linqian and nodded.

“The Pit,” Lila whispered to herself, “I don’t think I like that idea Lynn,” Lila paused as she leaned back on the wall, “that,” Lila paused as she looked over to Drake, shifting her eyes to Leon, and then to Luna. None of them seemed all too pleased but she knew that each one was willing to go along with this plan. Lila shifted her eyes back to Lynn. Has Lynn gotten better with her predictions? With her knowledge of what was to come? That was a question to ask at a later time.

A moment later the boy entered the house and looked like hell. Something resembling a crystal stuck out from the damaged form of the boy and Lila felt a deep-seated fear rise from within. It was not a fear in response to the boy, or how he looked, but it was in response to the crystal itself. This fear was not her own, this fear came from the maiden. Lila’s eyes went black instantly, and the maiden entered her mind. “Stay away from that boy, from that crystal, ” the maiden whispered to her, “You can do nothing to help. Stay away.”

“Scared it might hurt you?” Lila whispered back and let the question hang.


“Oh, of course. Us. You’re not looking out for your interest at all,” Lila scoffed as she leaned back into the wall further hoping no one would pay any attention to the crazy bird lady talking to herself.

“Oh I do care for you,” the maiden read between the lines and confronted Lila straight on, “I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect host.”

Lila scoffed once more as she traced her eyes back to the kid and noticed Luca reaching for the crystal. If the crystal could hurt the maiden, and Lila, that would mean…. “Luca wait,” Lila paused as she watched Luca rot the crystal, and his hand in the process. Lila gasped at the sight and looked at Jasper, his hand over his mouth and his mouth agape. He quickly moved to Luca. Lila shifted her focus back on the boy. Something within her stirred at the sight of his form, and Lila felt the sensation of her wings shifting underneath her skin. She could feel the taloned claws try and push their way out of her feet. It was painful. Incredibly painful, but thankfully she had enough control to prevent another rupture right here. She did not trust whatever took the form of this boy. And the maiden wanted her ready in case it tried to do something. An instant later her attention was pulled from the boy when one of her crows caught sight of a group outside. She had to suppress the wings again at the sight. Who were they? She had more of her crows circle overhead for different angles on the same group. She spotted them chatting, overhead something about not talking about a ‘white-haired bitch’, and eating pizza, and she took a deep breath as she figured this must be Greenwood. She watched them enter the building with her own eyes and chuckled at the confused expression some of them had at the sight before them.

“This kind of thing happens all the time now,” Lila smirked as she exclaimed the group, “Which ‘white-haired bitch’ were you talking about outside?” A few crows took the opportunity to fly into the room and take up positions in the ceiling above.

Jasper quickly dropped his hand from his mouth as he ran over to Luca’s side. This was bad. Whatever that crystal was it seemed to have a profound effect on his friend, and now he was hurt and on the ground. Thankfully, others reacted to the situation at hand at the same time. Sully was on the way with the chalice, Stormy was there to ward off the Rot and keep Luca safe from spiraling out to some devastating conclusion that only the Rot would enjoy, and Jasper was there to keep him safe and be there when he awoke again.

“Thanks guys,” Jasper said with a smile as he looked towards Stormy, “is there anything we can do to give him a breather from the Rot when he comes to?” Jasper watched as Luca’s chest rose and fell with each breath. That was a good sign at least. Jasper knew whatever the crystal just did was incredibly painful and he knew that he would need a lot of ice cream and snacks, and a well-cooked meal, to help distract Luca from it when they got home.

Jasper’s attention was pulled when Greenwood came through the door. Jasper sized them all up real quick. They all seemed.. Different from what he had expected. Jasper had this image of a bunch of old hippies still fighting the good fight stuck in his mind any time he heard the name Greenwood and learned of their exploits protecting nature. Seeing that they were truly no different from their coven, with a range of personalities and relatively close in age eased some concerns that he had had.

“Do any of you have a healer,” Jasper asked the Greenwood coven with a smirk. “And do y’all have names? I’m Jasper. Jasper Wilde,” he paused as he caught sight of Jessica and was taken aback by her muscular form, “has anyone ever told you you’d make a fantastic reference for a painting?”
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Leon @AtomicEmperor, Drake/Greenwood @Shin Ghost Note

"Well... I'd still love to vet things, y'know? I'm not here to tell you how to live, but we're all responsible for your safety and your chance to learn, Layla."

Layla took a shaky breath, and nodded. ”Of course. You can be present for whatever you'd like, I want the Temple as involved as possible. When I go to visit uh, Luna's friends, I'll make sure you can tag along.”

”... Don't let it happen again, okay? I don't want you here, but obviously everyone else doesn't see the same way, so let's just stay away from each other. Capice?

Luna threw up her hands in surrender. ”Capice.”

She wouldn't be the one to argue with that. It was a better outcome than she had hoped. Drake was gonna let it go, for now. Luna couldn't be happier. As long as she kept her distance, she was one step closer to delving deeper into the Coven. Spreading her roots.

Before all he'll broke loose with Clancy barging through the door, clearly in pain. She gaze at him dispassionately, head tilted in curiosity. His ‘innards’ were exposed to the world. A secret not even she had figured out.

How interesting.

Luna took a step back to give the heavy hands more space, while Layla was desperately clutching Clancy's chest, staring in panic.

Layla could hear, vaguely, shouts for her to get away. She could hear the crackle of electricity, and hurried footsteps. But she couldn't take her eyes away. She had seen from Void's memories, this was the boy Void favoured. It would be a disservice to Void to abandoned him, especially in his apparitional state.

Alas, the choice was taken from her with a tingling sensation. Tickling pain that set her senses on edge, that something was very wrong. She turned just in time to see Luca’s hand on her shoulder, and without resisting, she moved out of the way. Looking down, she could see stripes of her black sweater dress marked in a handprint, and pursed her lips, scooting back further.

The Rot was something else….

She watched incredulously as the crystal she had seen lodged in the boy dissolve, and Luca fainted.

Sully was quick on the drop, giving both a dose of elixir. Stormy, damn that Stormy, following up with wards to make things easier.

Then Stormy asked the question on everyone's mind, and the boy responded.

"She wanted me, didn't mention anyone else. I told her to get bent. Go figure.”

Layla sat there, her mind racing through Void's memories. She knew of the incident at the strip club; some of the names dropped rang a bell. But she couldn't figure out who it could have been that did this to the boy.

Luna behind her only frowned. “There's more than Father Wolf and 8th Street after you people…”

"Um, pizza's here!

Aislin's eyes lit up as Greenwood walked into the bar. From where she stood with Todd, she waved at Ruby and Jessica. ”My best friends have finally arrived! How did you know I was starved!”

“Which ‘white-haired bitch’ were you talking about outside?”

Immediately, Luna and Layla shared a look. An incredulous, ‘what the hell’ type of look. A self-conscious type of look. Before both, in unison, stared at the Greenwood Coven.

Luna coughed, half-turning away. She was hopeful Greenwood wouldn't bring up the fact that they cornered her ass at the mall the other day. But that was resolved the same day, and she was working to be in the good books now. Her little slip-up that day wasn't about to bite her in the ass, was it?

Luna stared at Greenwood for a long, long time. She didn't have any beef with them that she knew of.

But… She did have a memory. One of her own, and a couple of Void's…

A memory of a girl, passed away, in the morgue of the Temple, Void saying his goodbyes. A memory of Void, fighting with bikers, a white-haired Alizée by his side. Another memory of Void… and Greenwood.

Luna kept thinking of Void, how he was willing to sacrifice himself for Alizée that day, when instead, she was the one who fought and died for him. Layla slowly stood, her eyes misting over.

“Is the one named Naomi here…?”

Luna's eyes bugged out a bit, knowing exactly what Layla was referring to. She walked up and threw an arm over the girl's shoulders. ”Not now, Layla. Come on, let me get you a drink. You need it.” And she tried to lead Layla back to the bar.
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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Aeolian
Avatar of Aeolian

Aeolian Proud Fujoshi

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Bé and Todd 《》 St. Portwell, Oregon [ House on the Hill ] 《》 Familial Greetings 《》 [@AeolianBé, Gisèle, Todd, @AtrophySloane, @EstylwenAislin, @NoriWasHereJasper, @AtomicEmperorLeon]

Despite the glazed, uninterested expression resting lifelessly upon Bé's countenance, he had, in fact, not completely disassociated since arriving in the meeting room with Gisèle and Todd. The young Frenchman had been listening keenly to the situation unfolding. After all, his life was on the line with this existential menace threatening to wipe them clean from the face of the earth, and frankly, Bé had no intention of letting anyone or anything take him out against his own volition. And despite his mild misanthropic views of the world and its inhabitants, there were a few people for whom he did not wish that misfortune upon. One of them had called out to him at that moment, garnering his focused gaze.

Their eyes met, Bé and she, Sloane and he. It had been the first time they were in a tangible distance from one another since, heavens, who knows how long. But despite the years they had not seen each other, Bé couldn't help that her presence and gaze graciously offered him a moment of respite from the malignant ooze seeping from the pores of almost everyone else there. He could smell them, or perhaps that was Luca, bitter-tasting, decaying fruit better left to wither into the dirt from which it came.

But for now, at least, if it is any consolation, she was here and he was glad for that. Bé returned to her a feeble smile. He was not much for grinning. This was the best he could muster at the moment.

Meanwhile, Todd had been listening to, though his expression portrayed the exact opposite of Bé's. He smiled warmly to everyone who met his gaze, giving a cute, familial wave. Warmth; that was the aura Todd radiated from his being. When Aislin approached, he stood.

“Well I'll be damned, you guys finally showed up!” Aislin said.

When she put out her hand for a shake, Todd took it with his hand, but then pulled her in for a soft, gentle hug. He was a hugger after all and this felt more in kind to how things used to be. No need for formalities. Aislin was like a cute younger sister, head in the clouds, but always good natured from what he remembered. It was nice to see she kept her spirit all these years.

He grabbed her by the sides of her arms, releasing her from his embrace, "It's good to see you too, Aislin," Todd said in a calm, almost paternal tone.

Aislin continued, “Come closer to the crowd, we don't bite. At least, we don't bite much.” She joked. “We're expecting another magical faction to be joining us soon, so you'll be able to make a lot of new friends today.”

Bé watched how they interacted with a tempered sort of interests. He remembered Aislin. Spunky, friendly thing. But she was never grounded in reality and frustrated him endlessly. Still, unlike some of the others, she was one of the more tolerable ones, even he had to admit to himself. That wasn't enough to coax him into dropping his cold gaze, so he simply shook his head. "I'm fine here." he said bluntly.

Todd looked at Bé with a peculiar gaze, not the friendly sort, he thought, turning back to Aislin, "A magical faction...friends, you say? Hmmm...Okay...Sure, no biting though." he said with a cheeky grin. Gisèle was a bit of a wallflower, despite her beauty, so she clung Bé's side against the back wall. He was the only familiar prescence to her there. Todd looked back at her, ignoring Bé, who seemed preoccupied with some kind of revelry, "Will you be okay?" Todd asked her in a sweet tone. Gisèle nodded, showing a ghost of a smile, "Mhmm, I'll be okay here with my cousin for now."

Todd nodded, "Okay," and set off behind Aislin to move closer to the group.

Left to his own devices, Bé just remained where he was. There was too much going on, too many voices and smells in this small, splintered room. He just wanted to leave to a place of quiet and solitude. Bé let out a deep sigh, crossing his arms when he noticed Leon approaching with outstretched arms.

"Mon Dieu, Bé!? Bé!?" Leon said.

Bé staggered, not out of disgust, but rather vexation.

"Bonjour, Leon..." Bé said cooly, running his hand through his curly locks, not showing any particular interest or spirit in his very formal greeting.

Bé hadn't even thought that Leon would be here. A silly assumption. He immediately remembered their night of passion, but in his mind, he was emotionally vulnerable during that time.

He had just committed a terrible act; letting a coven member die to the Stygian Snake and in his rage for the lies wrought against him, had transformed the corpose into a charm bracelet. He fidgted with the gilded accessory on his wrist, remembering how not long after, he had slept with Leon in the spur of the moment when the opportunity presented itself. Hell, he had been the one to initiate it. Very out of character for him, having given little thought to the consequences of said action. Bé just needed something to distract his mind from everything that had transpired, and Leon just happened to be in the right place at the right time. That was, at least, how he justified it to himself. His first foray into fornication. And his last.

Bé continued looking at him blankly, not planning to reciporcate the hugging, as Todd probably would have. Frankly, he didn't know how to react to the only man, the only person, he had ever lied with. It was, unfamiliar territory all over again. It made it uncomfortable.

But just then, Bé perked up as a strange, child-shaped shadowy creature burst into the room and fell onto the floor withering in pain. It could speak, that much was clear, so obviously it was human. Bé looked at the thing curiously, beside him, Gisèle covered her mouth in horror, murmuring some French epithet in shock. From his vantage point, from his immediate analysis of everyone's reaction, they must of have known this creature, because some of them rushed to aid the small abomination. Bé took note of the crystal protruding from it. He felt, a strange energy emanating from the boy. Strange indeed.

Before he had too much time to react, however, Leon grabbed him by the shoulders, manuerving him out of harms way. How chilvarous. Bé's attention turned back to Leon after this, watching him charge out the room, sword in hand. Greenwood? Who was Greenwood? Bé was unfamiliar with this party, but braced himself beside Gisèle in case something even more sinister popped off. See? This is why he wanted to stay away from these people. Only a few minutes here and already he could feel himself being dragged into the trenches. These people were magnates for chaos.

As everything unfolded, Bé remained still, watching everything unfold; Luca withering the crystal down to dust and then passing out on the boy they called, Clancy. Stormy and Sully going over to assist with her own unique capabilities. Here we go again, Bé ruminated.

Todd had kept a close eye on everything transpiring too. He had moved to go help the shadow boy, but when they resolved the matter, he sighed, glad things hadn't escalated further. Well, they had escalated further when Luca passed out and the threat of Greenwood betrayal was floated. He moved closer to Luca's unconscious form. The poor lad. One had awoken and the other had fallen in its place. Todd kneeled next to Jasper, rustling through the satchel hung across his firm, atheltic body, before pulling out something organic and leafy, shaped like a small amorphous sphere of jelly. It had a unique scent, like moonflower and mint and was soft to the touch.

"Jasper, give him this when he wakes. It's an anodyne. Have him eat it to help with any lingering pain that may persist."

After passing off the medicinal object and patting Jasper on the shoulder as reassurance, Todd righted himself just as Greenwood walked in. He looked at them with cautious anticipation, but his posture relaxed slightly once they brought out pizza and seemed to be here under positive pretenses. This was the Greenwood he had overheard everyone speaking of. The Greenwood Aislin had mentioned to him earlier. Okay okay, so they're here to help. Good. His natural instinct was to lead and to greet them, but for now, he'd remain alert and supportive. He had just returned to the coven. He'd see how the new dynamics unfolded before fully integrating his own ideas into the fold.

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Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Luna @Estylwen, Bé @Aeolian, Greenwood @Shin Ghost Note, Lila @NoriWasHere, Everyone
The House on the Hill

Anya carefully, silently, kept up with everything that was going on. The talk of the pit was stupid. Suicidal, as multiple people pointed out. It was so idiotic she didn't even deem it important to respond to. If those four decided to throw away their lives? That was on them. Natural selection, in a way. Weeding out those without the intelligence to survive. Nobody she cared about - which was to say, Sloane - was involved.

”Bé? What a pleasant surprise.” She too was surprised to see him - though it made sense, if he wanted to preserve his life. She offered him a smile and a nod, not saying much more. There wasn’t the particular need for words between them, both similar enough to understand that they weren’t here for pleasantries.

The topic had moved forward anyway, with the boy - Clancy - bursting in. Or what was left of him, that was. Anya's lips parted in an expression of mock surprise, eyes widening. Really, it just confirmed suspicions. After all, she couldn't access Clancy's dreams. All humans dreamed, even if rare thanks to frequent alcohol intake.

”Luca, don't- Sullivan!” Anya jumped to her feet as one of their weaker members passed out, face morphing into the picture of concern. Sloane already had it under control - Chalice back to Sully, the oaf doing something useful for once. It was a shame they'd lost their less irritating healers.

She gave Clancy her complete attention when he spoke, committing it to memory. Her mouth opened to ask more.

But then Luna opened her mouth to say something so unnecessary, something that firmly pushed her into the liability category of coven members.

Anya's gaze turned to her as she mentioned other threats. It was actually difficult to keep her expression neutral at that. How stupid could she get? Of course she knew exactly who Luna was talking about.

And they were dangerous.

Too dangerous for everyone else to know about. They were already talking about jumping into the Pit! Knocking down the Elite's doors! They'd do the same for this group too. Then they’d all die.

Don't mention them. Anya's voice spoke directly into Luna's mind. It would be obvious to Luna that it was telepathically transmitted, transplanted right past her emotional field. It wasn't an ability Anya had ten years ago. It wasn't one she used very often, either. Previous to this only one person knew of it - Greyson, who had talked to her while developing his own spell to transplant messages into people’s minds. Hers had taken a different route. More simple, but one not visual. She could, after all, use the channels opened in dreams to get right to a person’s mind. Tell the coven and they kill us all. Hold your tongue. The only threats are Father Wolf, 8th Street and the Wolfpack..

Then, a moment later. We can talk later.

Out loud, she said. ”Of course there are others after us, Luna. The St Portwell magical scene is filled with groups that want to get rid of the rest. There's no point chasing anything beyond the immediate, so let's concentrate on those.”
Hopefully it was enough to stop others from questioning it, and Luna would hold her tongue. If someone asked, she could lie. She was a spy. It was part of the job.

Anya really didn't want to get killed because of one person's loose lips.

Thankfully, their future allies had finally arrived. It was a good way to move the conversation forward from risky business, and onto what they should actually be concentrating on. Immediate threats, things within their current capabilities.

"Greenwood, right? It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” Anya smiled warmly at them, before looking at the chaos that had unfolded. ”The cousin of our former leader,” she gestured to Clancy, ”was injured and came to us for help. People reacted defensively and another helped him, hurting himself in the process. Everyone is healing and calming down now.”

It was a good enough explanation of the situation without taking all day with it - one given before Jack could go on another spiel.

”Calming down including not bringing things up from eavesdropping, and ruining the mood further.” She glanced at Lila, still smiling, almost unnervingly.

”I suppose we should do proper introductions, as started by Jasper. Perhaps describe a little about what we can each do? This is to discuss a magical alliance after all." Anya smiled. "I'm Anya Baksh. I specialise in dream magic.”

Interactions: Jasper @NoriWasHere, Sully & Sloane @Atrophy, Stormy @Blizz, Everyone Present
The House on the Hill

As the elixir got into his system, Luca began to wake up. His eyes slowly cracked open. His vision was blurry… Everything hurt. The agony in the arm that had rotted away, his whole body feeling like he’d been thrown off a building. A different weakness from normal. Magically weak.

The Rot itself was too weak to leave Luca right now, but with Phantombane in effect the rotting touch across his skin was minimised. Barely existent.

His mind was a bit delirious. He could tell this was real, but his thoughts were sluggish, and his body didn't quite do what he wanted it to. As his vision finally came into focus, enough to recognise what was immediately around him, the first thing he saw was Jasper.

He reached up, good hand cupping Jasper's face. ”Heyyy, did I die and go to heaven?”

There was a smile on his lips, laughter bubbling weakly from them, his voice hoarse. He dropped his hand as his mind started to get clearer again, blushing a bit, hoping it was taken as a joke. It mostly had been. He turned his head to look at Stormy then Sully.

”Waking up surrounded by you three… really is the dream… Sully, can I get some more of that good stuff?” Luca croaked out, weakly raising the arm that had practically rotted to the bone. What he'd been given from the water gun was enough to regain consciousness, his heartbeat speeding up from the sluggish pace it'd been barely pumping blood around his body with. But it didn't repair all of the damage.

He looked past the three near him to Sloane, staring so intently at him. He raised his good hand to form a thumbs up, and smiled, hoping to convey that he was alright. His eyes as they met hers were clear, dark brown. Not a single tendril of putrid green. Entirely Luca… as far as anyone could tell, at least.

Luca hadn’t been awake for Greenwood entering, but he heard Anya say who they were and call for introductions.

”I’m Luciano Alves Oliviera,” he said on instinct, like this was some sort of job interview. His brain still wasn’t quite functioning right. Then he laughed. ”Sorry, just Luca! I’ve got a ghost attached to me that makes me rot things, so don’t come too close… it’s dormant for now, though.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Greenwood Coven.

Featuring a lil Adora & Auri!
Interactions: Lila/Jasper (@NoriWasHere), Layla/Luna (@Estylwen), & Anya/Luca (@FernStone).
Outside the House on the Hill.

“This kind of thing happens all the time now,”

Ruby was expecting a warm welcome...

“Which ‘white-haired bitch’ were you talking about outside?”

Then this bitch had to start talking.

So, they were spying on the Greenwood Coven right when they walked in, fair. However, it wasn't cool that she immediately aired it out, and Ruby twisted her face at the girl. It was simple as it came; this bitch needed to mind her business - anyone else would have had her tasting the pavement, but Greenwood came in on a mission. If Ruby couldn't read emotions, she definitely would have thought that this girl was trying to start shit. However, she could, and this girl's emotions were neutral and had legitimate curiosity. This is why Ruby wanted to read minds: sometimes, there was a legitimate confusion between their actions and feelings. She resisted the urge to tell her that she wasn't talking to her, but instead, Ruby said nothing. There was enough going on that she didn't even need to respond. However, whether she legitimately intended to start something, she did..

“Is the one named Naomi here…?”

”Not now, Layla. Come on, let me get you a drink. You need it.”
Layla & Luna

Ruby narrowed her eyes at the two white-haired girls. The shorter one looked eerily like Alizee, so much so that Ruby thought it might be her sister. Weird. Lynette never mentioned having a sister, but never spoke with her enough. There was anger in the girl's heart, and Ruby clutched her staff tightly, almost instinctively preparing for a fight. She knew if she was coming for Naomi, she likely had some issue with the whole thing in the parking lot. However, this girl wasn't ready for that conversation because Ruby would straight up tell her that the entire mess that took place at VVV was Alizee's fault - up to her death.

And St. Portwell became a safer place afterward.

However, the other girl came and de-escalated things, and Ruby sighed out of relief. Still, the girl had a problem with them, and tap-dancing around the discussion was not going to end well. So, Ruby said,

"... Can we talk about that later?" Ruby hoped that she heard them.

“Do any of you have a healer. And do y’all have names? I’m Jasper. Jasper Wilde,”

"Yo, broooooo! We just got here! Give us a moment to put the food down!" Jessica laughed before nodding at Kashmira.

"Oh, yes!" Kashmira said, quickly running over to the two with a smile.

“has anyone ever told you you’d make a fantastic reference for a painting?”

"Yes, the art-bros can't get enough of me!" Jessica laughed as she put the pizza boxes on the nearest surface - a bar counter. "I'm boutta start charging commission!"

"Greenwood, right? It’s a pleasure to meet you all. The cousin of our former leader was injured and came to us for help. People reacted defensively, and another helped him, hurting himself in the process. Everyone is healing and calming down now.”

Ruby sighed in relief that it wasn't anything crazy. So, maybe it was just a misunderstanding, and these people don't think that they had something to do with hurting the kid... though, when Ruby looked at Clancy, she immediately recognized him as that dumbass kid that walked up to those bikers and got shot. In Ruby's eyes, the whole fact that they got outed was partially this moron's fault - though, in her head, she ultimately blamed Alizee and the Temple for being the root cause of that mess.

She shrugged.

There's nothing they can do about it now.

”Calming down including not bringing things up from eavesdropping, and ruining the mood further.”

At least somebody gets it. Ruby thought to herself as the negative points that Sycamore got from Lila opening her mouth.

”... Lila! Adora ran up... Wait, no, three of them. All three of them were laughing as they grabbed Lila's hand and said in unison, Let's not.

"Oh shit!" Jessica laughed. "When did you learn to clone yourself?!"

”Um...” Adora played with her fingers. ”It's a new thing. I'm working out the kinks right now.”

Then Jess glanced down at Adora's frame.

"... And someone's looking for a boyfriend!" She teased, breaking out in boisterous laughter as Adora's face reddened.

As amusing as that was, they were here for business. Auri Auclair walked up and smiled at her as she said,

"It is great that you made it!" Auri said.

"It's great that you all are having us," Ruby said before she turned to the rest of the Sycamore Tree Coven. There are a lot of different faces here; some she recognized, and others she did not. Ruby wanted to meet these people before she made things official, so it was time to do that. Meet these people. Ruby put a hand on her chest as she said,

"Hello, loves," Ruby began. "I am Ruby White, the Spring Maiden, the leader of the Greenwood Coven."

Then Jess, Pearl, and Amelia took her side, as she continued, "And this is Jessica Rosefey, Amelia Dallon, and Pearl Cho. The Summer, Fall, and Winter Maidens are collectively my second in command."

Then Ruby pointed at the Kashmira, "That is Kashmira Sarai, our very lovely pacifistic healer."

James walked up with a shit-eating grin and threw Shango's Axe over his shoulder while Naomi took his side with a warm smile, "And this is James Carmicheal and Naomi Rodgers, our very own battle couple."

"Aw shucks," James laughed before Naomi jabbed him with an elbow.

Autumn nodded her head, and Ruby introduced her, "And this is Autumn Hayes, a longtime member and friend of mine."

Ruby then walked up to the stage and began her speech, "I know some of you-" Ruby glanced towards Jack before she continued, "-have been very interested in an alliance. Our membership has also been interested in an alliance. I believe we can help each other with our respective issues in St. Portwell."

Ruby nodded, "Not just the 8th St. Coven, but with this serial killer that's after you. Yes, you might be thinking that the murders have nothing to do with us - they do; Sullivan is a target. Not just that, I'd be lying if I didn't think something bigger was going on that would, inevitably, drag us and the rest of St. Portwell into it. So, we're going to be proactive and see what we can help you guys with on that front."

She closed her eyes for a moment, "Any comments, questions, concerns, fuck you's?"

”Sorry, just Luca! I’ve got a ghost attached to me that makes me rot things, so don’t come too close… it’s dormant for now, though.”

"Don't worry; I got you!" Kashmira clapped her hands, began singing a song in Gujarati, and projected a small green glowing dome around herself in a short radius. Anyone inside of this dome would have their wounds healed.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Everyone
House on the Hill

The kid started talking, and Stormy listened while Sully went to work getting these two up on their feet.

"She wanted to know why I went after the 'old man'. I think she was talking about someone I tailed... black, has a suit and cane, white hair, weird accent. Shayton. Worked with the bikers, then killed that asshole Judas, back at the club. For his bosses. Same creeps those bikers were working with, maybe, I don't... I thought maybe oneof them killed Ashley, and your friends too. Shayton said both he and his bosses had nothing to do with the murders, said he'd kill Father Wolf himself. 'Bad for business'. But he got away before I got real answers, back at that stupid Halloween thing where you were partying."

So, he had been taking his own initiative to track down answers, and almost paid a price he couldn’t afford for it. Stormy wanted to say something about how he was just a kid and shouldn’t be going off on his own like that. But he very clearly wasn’t just an ordinary kid, no more than any of them were back in the old days. ”Well, you’re alive and in one piece now,” he noted. ”That’s the important thing, isn’t it? You might want to keep close to some of us for the time being. Just in case this woman wants to finish the job.” And if the rest of them weren’t around to act coherently as a group, then Clancy might not hold up against another shot from… Whatever those crystals were.

Greenwood walked in, at long last. They certainly picked an interesting time to make their appearance. Introductions started off, and everyone quickly forgot about the incident. Which was fine to Stormy. He stayed next to Luca to let the aura of his magic ward off the Rot, smoking like a green chimney. ”I met a few of you a few nights ago. Glad to meet all of you at last,” he said to the Greenwood Coven.”

When he heard the name “Rosefey” come up, it reminded Stormy of a certain arrogant prick from the young days of the days of the Sycamore. Stormy looked to the side and saw that the resident edgelord, Jack, was visibly cringing at the memory of that guy. At least he had the sense not say anything out loud. Yeah, me too.

"I know some of you have been very interested in an alliance. Our membership has also been interested in an alliance. I believe we can help each other with our respective issues in St. Portwell."

"Not just the 8th St. Coven, but with this serial killer that's after you. Yes, you might be thinking that the murders have nothing to do with us - they do; Sullivan is a target. Not just that, I'd be lying if I didn't think something bigger was going on that would, inevitably, drag us and the rest of St. Portwell into it. So, we're going to be proactive and see what we can help you guys with on that front."

Today was a damn good day, in Stormy’s opinion. This meeting so far was going mostly great, a plan was formed, an alliance was coming to bare. Though, Ruby’s concerns had him wondering what could be building beneath the surface. The PRA had been ramping up their hold lately, 8th St was clearly working for a higher up, he’d have to look into the Elite. And then there was the matter of the woman who made an attempt on Clancy’s life. There was no question that all roads were going to one place in due time. But where?

"Any comments, questions, concerns, fuck you's?"

”Is there anything we can do to return the favor?” Stormy asked. ”You’re going to a lot of trouble by stepping up for us, it’s only fair if we give back.” Of course, they didn’t really have much in the first place, but that was why Stormy tried not to outright promise something in particular. Rather, he just left the question open for them to fill in themselves.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

House on the Hill
@NoriWasHere@FernStone@Blizz@Shin Ghost Note


Clancy had almost missed their arrival, in the throes of pain. And they'd come bearing pizza.

The sight briefly invoked a memory from long ago, being taken to some pizza parlour on a stop in Chicago when he was a little younger than he'd been, but that quickly soured as he realised he'd all-but-forgotten the taste of it, much as he had with most other things.

Now? The thought of that invoked memories of the slice of cold hawaian pizza he'd left moldering in the motel room, a few weeks back. Thinking of the man who'd purchased it, and his intentions for that first night in town, had left him with a bitter impression.

Clancy's attention, for a moment, shifted back to Luca. There was a genuine guilt that one of the few people he could verify as both alright and trusting of him had been hurt, as a consequence of trying to help him - a relative stranger, a monster who had seen and done things that most people of his youthful visage did not.

”Well, you’re alive and in one piece now,” he noted. ”That’s the important thing, isn’t it? You might want to keep close to some of us for the time being. Just in case this woman wants to finish the job.”

Stormy's choice of words made him almost chuckle at the irony, but he only offered a muted answer.


As for the others, they were still watching him with wary apprehension, or preoccupied watching each other. That much he was conscious of - he got the impression of bad blood between them. Could he blame them?

Not really.

“There's more than Father Wolf and 8th Street after you people…”

Somehow, the white-haired girl - Luna - had managed to elicit a bitter chuckle from him. "Some more than others." That he was on the shitlist of someone who had the ability to inflict the sheer damage and pain that they had to him

Anya seemed to quickly shut down any further conversation on that topic, strangely so. The abrupt nature of her comment further cemented the impression he had that there was bad blood that he wasn't too clear on. Ashley had only given him broad strokes, and he hadn't probed past that. It wasn't like there was an encyclopedia on these people and their problems.

When he was introduced by name to the Greenwood people, he offered them a shrug from his hunched position against the wall - it probably did him no favour, given that his left shoulder was far from okay, still little more than a shadowy, skeletal outline that contrasted with the reforming patches of pale white skin creeping inwards from the rest of his battered body, like spilt paint spreading across a canvas.

This Ruby White introduced herself and her friends. Then, he felt their 'healer' Kashmira speak in some strange language before a green wave washed over those in the close vicinity. Something about it felt familiar, invoking memories of a trashed parking lot he'd barely heard out on hs travels, before a certain familiar, green irridescence washed over him without any clear effect - still tattered, still skeletal in patches. It felt warm, which was strange, because warmth was something he almost never felt unless he ate.

And the hunger far outlasted any brief release he might experience.

That also reminded him; hos shirt and pants were ruined, which had meant another trip to the store with some other wallet he'd swiped.

It was hard to go out and buy clothes when you looked like you'd fell through a woodchipper, even if you eventually recovered from it. Naked and underclothes children attracted attention, particularly in a time where phone, dashboard and surveillance cameras were all the rage.

This used to be so easy.

To distract his mind from the frustration at that fact, he turned his attention back to the Greenwood people. Their naming conventions were... unconventional to say the least. Maybe it was something about the almost sing-songy nature that reminded him of a dumb fairy tale, like one of the Disney showings he'd been taken to at the movie theater when he was just a little younger than he was.

"And I'm Peter Pan," was his response to that, before he shifted to business, "I don't know you people, and you won't know me... this coven stuff is all new to me, but I've taken care of myself long enough to know there's other stuff out there, so I can guess you're here for the right reasons? Not to be assholes?"

"I want the asshole who killed Ashley. I can’t rule out that it someone who knew her and everyone else in this room that dealt with the snake years ago. That's the common lead. But while I'm at it, there's some people here that she probably cared about. And 8th Street... that prom queen who runs them is a problem, and she obviously doesn't give a shit who or what she steps on, like uh-"

Clancy shot Lila a glance, then parted the fingers of one hand to make a wing-flapping gesture "-bird-lady here. And I'm still not convinced she isn't part of it, or knows more than she's telling about the murders. The others are assholes," then, for a moment, he shot Luca a glance, "Mostly assholes," Clancy corrected, "But it's just her and a couple others making the asshole decisions, right? Emily. That Vashdee or whatever. The rest are people who just think they want to be her, or think she can help with their problems."

His contempt for Emily Reed was written on his face, a crinkled expression rendered even more grotesque by the fact he was still missing a quarter of his face, where his eyesocket and the corner of his jaw had yet to reform, leaving a dark, empty pit in their absence.

If any of his family were left, he doubted they'd have approved. But they weren't here, because the world wasn't fair, and so he'd even things out his way if he had to.

Because he had to.

"What do you need to get them alone, so they can be taken apart one-by-one?"

The phrase he was looking for was decapitation. A decapitating strike, to take the head off the snake.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Ruby @Shin Ghost Note
The House on the Hill

While everyone else seemed worried about Luca, Sloane was worried for everyone around him. The conversation Sloane had with Luca in the park the other day had rooted a new fear inside of her, adding another worrisome weed to her already overrun garden. She felt her hand go numb from how hard she was gripping the Chrysalis Staff. She planned to stasis Luca at the first sight of any abscission. Curiously, the tip of Sully’s squirtgun did not show any signs of decay even before Stormy moved to intervene with his Lux, and while Luca’s hand moving to caress Jasper’s face caused her heart rate to spike there was no body horror to follow.

Her grip on the staff relaxed as Luca gave her a thumbs up, the momentary wave of relief replaced by a quiet anger as she shook her head at him in disapproval. The urge to unleash on Luca for acting so foolishly as well as on that idiot Sullivan for his failure to act immediately thus prompting Luca to move bubbled up to her lips. However, the presence of Greenwood kept her tongue in its place. If they wanted this alliance to work it was then best not to immediately pull back the curtain and reveal that Sycamore wasn’t a cohesive coven that could offer Greenwood something in return but rather a bunch of rowdy children in desperate need of a babysitter. Did Sloane even want to work with Greenwood? Maybe. It depended on if they were going to be more eyes to watch out for Father Wolf and 8th Street or just more voices blocking out any good ideas by contributing to a wall of sound.

Sloane turned sharply and returned to her seat once it was clear that Sully would continue to tend to Luca until he was one hundred percent. She grabbed the Quill, which had run out of page and started to take notes for her on the table, and set it on a fresh page in her notebook, keeping her hand on it to stop it from writing over on the table again the next time it ran out of space. She took control of the pen to write down a series of reminders for herself—one to learn more about the crystal that had been in Clancy’s chest, two to learn exactly what Clancy was, and three to see if Luca would be able to get her in contact with Carol—and then let it resume its autopilot as she listened in on the others replying to Ruby.

“Yeah I got a question,” hollered Sully from the back with his mouthful of pepperoni pizza, having apparently abandoned his healing duties the moment Kashmira moved to take over. “We got any red pepper flakes lying around here?”

Sloane sank down in her seat and gripped the bridge of her nose as one of the ancillary Greenwoods pointed him to the pile of packets. Stormy asked the obvious question more diplomatically than Sloane would’ve: what’s the catch? Sloane was all for altruism but highly doubted anyone other than herself who ever showed it. Greenwood surely had to come with some baggage of their own if they were willing to work with Sycamore. She shifted back up in her seat as Clancy piped up. It was curious how none of the ex-Sycamore’s in Emily’s coven had been targeted by Father Wolf yet, although it could just be a simple matter of coincidence.

She stared at the patchwork child, noting the hateful look on its face as it spoke of Emily. Sloane hoped that by “taken apart one-by-one” that the aberration meant dismantling the 8th Street Coven instead of decimating them. Even if the want was to only take out Emily and Vashti, it didn’t sit well with Sloane. Felt like something Emily would champion. Eye for an eye, blah blah blah. There were better ways to handle these kinds of things.

“Sloane Faris. I have a question,” said Sloane, raising her hand as if she were in a class. A flash of pain crossed her face as she heard Sully, his words muffled by pizza, say something about asking if they got an extra garlic sauce. She put her hand down on her lap. “While I am also interested in hearing how you’d want to deal with 8th Street or what else you’d be looking to get out of this alliance, I think it would be nice to learn more about our potential partners before jumping immediately into business with strangers.”

“Oh, they’re not strangers, they—” Sully was cut off as Sloane raised her voice ever so slightly and continued on.

“Perhaps this was addressed at the previous meeting, but unfortunately…” Auri is a bitch “...my schedule is quite full on Sundays. You already seem to have a general idea about Sycamore—our problem with 8th Street, our nasty habit of getting murdered, etcetera—but outside of hearing the name before I don’t really know anything about the Greenwood Coven. How long have you been a coven? Why did you form? Notable accomplishments? Things like that.”
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ruby White.
Interactions: Stormy (@Blizz), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), & Sloane (@Atrophy).
The House on the Hill.

”Is there anything we can do to return the favor? You’re going to a lot of trouble by stepping up for us, it’s only fair if we give back.”

Based on Stormy's emotional state (and, yes, it was mad intrusive to read everyone's emotions like this), he seems calm and relaxed. This contrasts with everyone else here being worried, concerned, angry, or outright apathetic. Ruby interpreted his question as absolutely legit, and she was wondering if now was a good time for that fancy call to action. Though, in Ruby's eyes, she was helping Greenwood just as much as she was assisting Sycamore - for those concerns she voiced earlier, and that she didn't want to lose Sully. However, she doubted that he, or anyone else in this room, would buy that.

"I would say finally getting rid of assholes like Emily and her cronies is enough but..." Ruby trailed off, glancing at her three maidens, before sighing, then adding, "... There is something. I hate to sour the mood with a sob story, but Greenwood is... minus two."

She shook her head before she continued. "Lyric Brown and Felicia Harvey were murdered by the Das Sonnenrad cult and robbed of their artifacts. Lyric herself was an artificer, and we've been trying to track down her artifacts because hell if we're going to let some skinheads use her hard work to commit hate crimes."

Ruby shook her head. "So, if you can help us find those, then that'd be great—but I don't want to seem like we're doing this for something in return."

"I don't know you people, and you won't know me... this coven stuff is all new to me, but I've taken care of myself long enough to know there's other stuff out there, so I can guess you're here for the right reasons? Not to be assholes?"

Then the kid started talking. Ruby gleaned that his emotional state was lost: fear, worry, and, beneath all of it, anger—the type of anger someone would have if they were dealt a raw deal by life and the wounds kept coming one after another.

A dangerous kind of anger.

"I want the asshole who killed Ashley. I can’t rule out that it someone who knew her and everyone else in this room that dealt with the snake years ago. That's the common lead. But while I'm at it, there's some people here that she probably cared about. And 8th Street... that prom queen who runs them is a problem, and she obviously doesn't give a shit who or what she steps on, like uh - bird-lady here. And I'm still not convinced she isn't part of it, or knows more than she's telling about the murders. The others are assholes..."

As the kid spoke, though, Ruby seemed less and less interested and, at some point, stopped listening completely. Talking huge, for what? A twelve-year-old? Ruby thought to herself, rolling her eyes. Despite dismissing this kid, Ruby gave him a courteous response.

"... You're a kid," Ruby sharply answered Clancy. "I don't know what they told you, but did you forget that you walked up, got capped by that Wolfpack bitch, and caused that absolute fuckin' pandemonium? You're not doing anything. Sit your ass down." No wonder he got shot. Ruby thought to herself with a roll of her eyes.

Thankfully, someone with more sense was next to speak.

“Sloane Faris. I have a question. While I am also interested in hearing how you’d want to deal with 8th Street or what else you’d be looking to get out of this alliance, I think it would be nice to learn more about our potential partners before jumping immediately into business with strangers.”

“Oh, they’re not strangers, they—”

“Perhaps this was addressed at the previous meeting, but unfortunately...my schedule is quite full on Sundays. You already seem to have a general idea about Sycamore—our problem with 8th Street, our nasty habit of getting murdered, etcetera—but outside of hearing the name before I don’t really know anything about the Greenwood Coven. How long have you been a coven? Why did you form? Notable accomplishments? Things like that.”

As she introduced herself, Sloane was reserved from Ruby's scans of her emotional state, but there was an underlying stress, anxiety, and dread underneath it all. This said a lot about "Sloane Faris," but she was fair in her questioning. She didn't know them, and while Greenwood knew a lot about Sycamore, it was mutual. Maybe Ruby was getting ahead of herself!

"Ah, yes, I'm more than willing to help fill in the gaps," Ruby stepped forward, tapping her staff on the ground. "We've been a Coven for eight years now, but I've known a majority of the membership since childhood. We've formed because after the whole mess with Stiggy, the entire landscape of St. Portwell changed for the worse. Monsters were roaming the streets and woods, and people were going ham trying to fill in the power vacuum. I want to say that, on paper, we formed to protect nature, but in all actuality, we formed as a..."

Ruby hesitated as she searched for the right words. "... As companionship. Survival. We wanted to protect ourselves, our families, and our homes from the shitshow that took place afterward. And over time, we grew stronger, more organized, and more focused - enough to shift our goal from just protecting ourselves to making a difference. We started to take on more responsibilities, like keeping the balance of nature and preventing the misuse of artifacts."

Ruby then scanned the room for their hesitant and skeptical faces. "As for accomplishments, we took out several hostile Covens, Cults, and other magical organizations before they could dig their roots into St. Portwell. We're also a huge pain in the ass for the Elite and Wolfpack - we ruined many of their trade deals and recovered artifacts they were going to buy-sell. But I guess our greatest accomplishment was fighting the Das Sonnenrad Cult. And..."

Ruby turned towards James before she pointed her staff at him, and he put on the biggest shit-eating grin, "... James here killed Kaiser Draeger and put an end to his reign of terror."

"Aw shucks!" James laughed. "It was a team effort, you know!"

"... Yes, a team effort involving you running off on your own to run a fade on one of the most dangerous men in the city." Naomi rolled her eyes.

Then Ruby said, "We've also recently formed alliances with the 317 and the Temple of Charming and Graceful Individuals. That reminds me, and I can also hook you up with an alliance with the 317. Their leaders love us, and a couple of ya'll are a part of them." Ruby neglected to mention an alliance with the Temple - she figured Leon had that covered.

"If you need me to elaborate, I'll gladly, sweetie," Ruby smiled at Sloane. "If not... then the Sycamore Tree Coven has some blanks I'd like filled. Tell me about ya'll. Your names. What you can do. What you have done."

A farm smile crept across her face.

"... What are ya'll waiting for? Let's get to know each other."
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