Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Resurgence: First Class

The world was a different place 350 years ago. Eynia was celebrating a time of peace, and its nations were basking in it. Trade was prospering along with the lifeblood of Eynia, magic. Magic was a major part of life in Eynia and had become intertwined with technological advancement. As inventive minds had discovered how to channel magic into a power source, technology advanced at a fast rate soon after the discovery. Airships were a common sight, powered mechanical suits used for hard labor, and even automobiles were being introduced to the public. More marvels were created, and creativity was the only limit. The future of Eynia was looking bright and then, in an instant in the ancient land of Qaeris did the unthinkable happen.

No one living knows what caused it, but a unthinkable amount of magical energy was suddenly unleashed from deep in Qaeris, and the world violently reacted to the magical surge. The land shifted and turned as magic forced it to contort. The weather became violent as magical storms started to ravage the planet. Ranging from powerful lightning strikes that destroyed steel to magical meteor like being launched from the sky. Living beings tied to magic, like magi and spirits, were burning out in doves as they could not handle the huge amount of magic being unleashed on their souls. The upheaval died out over a span of a few days, and had taken magic with it. Any technology that was left was useless, and spirits had disappeared as well. The survivors called the event the Cataclysm and learned how to survive in this new world.

350 years later on the continent of Anoris, magic was unexpectedly returning at a slow pace. The Creunians of the Albion Isle were the first to realize this and, using what pre-cataclysm knowledge they had and the help of a returning spirit. They used this to train mages to be used in the liberation of their homeland. After Creunia was liberated, there was a dispute between those who thought that magic should be kept in Elari Pact hands and others who thought that magic should be shared with everyone. In the end, those under Glyn Parcel left Creunia and Albion Isle behind and established a mage academy on the mainland.

created an academy and have spent five years training anyone with magical talent. Not as an eagerness to help train others to use magic.

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This rp is a partial reboot of a rp I made of the same name. This time things are set in the fantasy world of Eynia and will be set mainly in continent of Anoris and in the southern lands of Vaesai. The year is A.C. 305. You will be magi that have been trained at the Ireasmia Academy in the nation of Creunia and have been sent to the mainland to help deal with the Arattai threat and to investigate them. Currently everyone will start in the frontier city of Crilas in the nation of Braidor.

As you will see, not all nations on the map have information about them. I am letting people make up lore for the other nations and add on to what I already have. Plus, I am willing to let players make a magic class. That will be under greater scrutiny and it must be accessible to others. Enchanted weapons are a option to start with but, are very rare to have. You must have a good reason to have one at the start of the rp and the weapon can not be op.


Magic Types

Important Locations

Hidden 3 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Trapped in Arcadia: Lost Memories

It was not supposed to happen like this, but when things go wrong, expect the worst, and now you have nothing. Not even your memories, or at least you still remember your name. A small blessing you still have that after your memories were stripped from you.

But here you are in Arcadia, the last city on Earth, or at least that is what the mayor and the government officials say. It might as well be since we had no contact with anyone since the founding of the city and the building of the wall. Which honestly seems to keep people in rather protection from the outside. Though it is a wasteland out there, who knows if there is a civilization out there?

Still, things are not so great here in the last city on Earth, as some are keen on changing that. However, one thing I will say is that conflict is brewing within Arcadia. But I will let you find that out all by yourself. Either way, things are going to get interesting in Arcadia, and how you and your lost memories factor in. Well, it is time for you to find out.

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Hello and welcome to the rp. So in this rp you will be playing as a person with amnesia who finds themselves in the walled city of Arcadia. They have no memory of this city, how they got there, or why they are here. The only thing they know is their name and nothing else.

Now, one thing I will say is that your character is not a native of Arcadia. They are unknowingly fresh arrivals to the city. So do not expect anyone to recognize your character and just treat you as a normal citizen of Arcadia. The city is big, after all. But how did they get there? Well, I am going to say this. The group was sent to Arcadia by an outside power and was secretly inserted in the city for a mission. They were set to meet up with a recon team that had been sent in some time before in the city for a time. But, with the group losing their memories, the status of the mission and the recon team is unknown.

As the plot progresses, more info about the city will be revealed and posted on the OOC. Also, at certain moments in the rp, they will be able to recover some of their lost memories, bit by bit. So excuse the bare bones cs and over time you will be able to fill it in.

So that is the idea of the rp and if anyone has any questions, just ask.


N/A for now.

Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Terror at New Cannan

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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Theyra
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Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic

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Hidden 2 mos ago 18 hrs ago Post by Theyra
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Westmore University

Heritage University, a formerly prestigious university in the United Kingdom that was closed down forty years ago due to an incident that claimed the lives of five students and three professors. While the events of that day were mostly forgotten by the present, and the old school was left abandoned.

A person by the name of Adam Myers has brought the abandoned university and has revamped it. Giving it modern facilities and equipment while keeping the old buildings and general architecture of the school intact. It was also given a new name as it distanced itself from the old incident that closed down the university.

Now, Westmore University is opening its doors to new students and has opened as an international university that accepts students from across the globe. Plus, while the old school was male-only, Westmore is now co-ed and accepts female students.

It has been four years since the opening of the university and so far things are going well for the school. The first group of students who enrolled and graduated, and now a fresh new group, has arrived taste still fresh taste of the new Westmore University. Surely, things will go well with how much effort Adam Myers has put into the school. But, some things you cannot change no matter how hard you try. For the incident that closed the school down forty years ago was no mere accident, and the roots of those deaths still linger at Westmore, waiting for a second chance to start what was started years ago.

So, while the students study and prepare for their tests, there is a mystery to uncover at Westmore, one that will shake the school to its core. Good luck at attending Westmore University.

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Hello and welcome to the rp, so you will be playing as freshman students at the new Westmore University.

Hidden 1 mo ago 17 days ago Post by Theyra
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Jade Academy(Work in Process Title)

The grand Chi'in empire is both a vast and lush realm. Stretching from the northern steppes to the southern jungles. To the western deserts and the fertile east. A land that has stood the test of time and its people unwearying in their ability to thrive in this ancient land and be at peace.

But it was not always a peaceful land. Early in its history, the land was divided into petty chiefdoms and kingdoms. Ever warring with each other for control of land and resources. For centuries, it was like this until the coming of a young king named Shui Xun. Known today as the legendary Divine Conqueror. For Shui would do the impossible and unite the land after years of war and diplomacy. Becoming the first emperor of the Chi'in Empire. Ushering in a period of peace for the first time in the land and bringing about a new age. This age started a thousand years ago or 0 AS.

While much has happened since that day, emperors and empresses have come and gone. Various conflicts and internal strife. While there are lasting institutions within the empire. One of the more well-known and respected is the Azune Sentinels. An organization founded by Empress Xinyi Xun six hundred years ago after the end of the Order of Spirit Wardens. The group's mission is to safeguard the land from internal threats. Both the mundane and the spiritual. Ranging from dealing with menacing bandits to hunting down a demon.

Which the Azune Sentinels are trained at one of three academies

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The Ch'in Empire


Wider World

Hidden 20 days ago 5 days ago Post by Theyra
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Lost History: Lineage

History, a topic that can either interest someone or bore them to death. A subject that spans an immersive length of human history and before it. But, if you try to deviate from what is accepted as history by scholars and archeologists. Then you are laughed at, and your theories are considered pseudoarchaeology.

But while some theories might just be false, like aliens building the Great Pyramids of Giza or Bigfoot. There are ideas, objects, and even places where accepted history cannot explain or try to deny that hint at something else. A hidden or forgotten past that most have barely scraped the surface.

There are those who do try to uncover this lost history of the world. But you have not heard of them, for they operate as secret societies. These secretive groups are dedicated to uncovering this lost history. However, what they do with this lost knowledge is what divides them. Some seek power, some seek knowledge, and some seek advancement.

However, one thing that has been discovered by all who seek this ancient past, are the Descendants. People whose ancestors come from this lost past and whose bloodlines give them a power that is separate from magic and have unlocked the use of it. Those who are Descendants are coveted by these secret societies for not only their power but also their bloodlines gives them an unexplained connection to relics from this forgotten era.

The secret society called the Order of the Ancients is one group that seeks to uncover the truth and its connection to Descendants. As the group was founded by a Descendant. The Order of the Ancients, with its resources and Descendants. Try to discover the lost past of humanity and learn more about the past and what it means to be a Descendant.

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Hello, and welcome to the rp. So, in this RP, you will be playing as a Descendant. A person whose bloodline dates to an unknown ancestor from the forgotten era of human history, and gives them powers and a connection to ancient relics. Your character will be a member of the Order of the Ancients, either a new member or already apart of the order.

When it comes to your power, it can be anything but, time or mind control powers. Also it should be a hint to what your character's ancestor is. Which while you can decide what the ancestor is but, you instead of writing it in your character sheet. You PM me your idea for an ancestor after you finish the cs. Now, what who and what ancestor is, it could be anything. A powerful spirit, an elemental, a powerful mortal, a forgotten god. Just something or someone that would leave a mark on the ancient past in some way or would be important in the ancient past and had a power or ability that could be inherited.

Now, during the course of the rp, magical non-human races and beings will be encountered, and magic is a thing in the setting though underground, and said magic is rare in modern humans. Though character wise the rp will be human only.

Also, I am debating letting people have side plots dealing with their ancient ancestors and would like to hear people's thoughts on it.

Now that is the idea, and I am looking for a co-gm. If anyone wants the job, then either say something in the thread or send it to me by PMs.

Hidden 15 days ago 4 days ago Post by Theyra
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Power Rangers Rebel Force

The evil Velcon Empire, a force that has conquered planet after planet and with seeming no stop in sight. Now, after conquering the planet of Kial, the Velcon Empire has set its sights on Earth. Emperor Qyi sent a team to Earth to learn more about the planet before the proper invasion began after hearing the word of Earth's guardians, the Power Rangers.

But as the team settles in and learns more about Earth and the Power Rangers. That either already harboring treasonous thoughts or changed by Earth's people. This team has decided to defect from the Velcon Empire and join the Power Rangers in defending the planet.

Only the Power Rangers would mysteriously disappear, and in their place, the defectors take their place as the new Power Rangers and defend the planet from their former allies while trying to discover what happened to the last Power Rangers.

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Hidden 11 days ago Post by Theyra
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Hidden 9 days ago 8 days ago Post by Theyra
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Stranded: Lost Island

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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Star Wars: United Force

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