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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RevekaRed
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Member Seen 1 day ago

As she approached the stalls of food after now hearing her stomach grumble as she walked, she was focused on getting her fill before running back through her brain about what she could be doing next. Even though she would definitely be wanting some sweets, she instead would start herself off with some Shokupan or milk bread that way she would have something on her stomach before making a better decision other than just picking only sweets. Asami was very grateful that all of the food stalls were free for them to eat from and she would definitely eat her fill as it would probably be the most food she would probably eat since she had been in the soul society.

Food was very few and far between in the 80th Rukongai district to where she would often go a long while without food and now she was glad to be having regular meals since the Academy which was the main reason she even joined to begin with. She knew if she didn't find a regular and sustainable food source, she probably wouldn't have had much longer out there even though she had survived so long anyway. After downing a couple pieces of milk bread, her hunger did seem to mostly subside as she walked along the stalls to see all the kinds of food that they had to offer. Asami was particularly drawn to some Yakitori that she could greatly smell being grilled and made her way over to the stall to get several sticks of the yakitori that they had and would eat them as she walked, keeping her mouth shut and being observant of her classmates that were all having fun.

It did make her feel a bit left out that she didn't really have friends or let alone, a singular friend to do that stuff with so she could be free and happy like the rest of them but she wouldn't linger on the feeling long. She never really did linger on most of her feelings when she did have them, unless she got angry which a couple of her classmates would easily get to flair up out of her. That was when she spotted Yuto also coming to the food stalls and immediately had an annoyed look on her face just from his presence alone and tried to stalk off with the food she had in hand before he would try and bother her with any of his idiotic antics.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RoseKnightJason
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RoseKnightJason Elegant Warrior

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Third, fourth, ninth, or thirteenth," Kobe mumbled after Jin, trying hard to remember what each of those squads were designated for. He was disappointed by his poor memory, and chuckled at himself.

"You know I've always hated that they're listed by number. Why aren't they just, like, the scouts. The combat squad. The research division. Might as well just go with squad eleven because it's the only one I can remember at this point," Kobe crossed his arms in a semi comical, semi literal pout with a smile. "I assume you have your reasons for each?"

Kobe knew that he did. Kobe also knew Jin wouldn't tell him unless he asked. He wasn't so talkative, which was saying something coming from the taller Shinagami. Kobe was asking because he was interested in Jin's thoughts. He always had the more analytical of their two minds.

"Hell, I know you do. You probably read the subsection of the handbook for each squad, as well as the individual bios of every captain. Am I wrong?" As he spoke, Kobe spied a small sake stand all the way on the end of the street. The elderly brewer smiled sleepily, smoking a pipe of his own and sitting on a simple wooden stool. Kobe had heard of the old man, how he had been a brewmaster in life and quickly became content doing the same thing in death. His sake was inexpensive, and simple, but smooth and exceptionally rich.

The old man ran the shop alone, so his supply was small and he often sold out. It had become a household favorite in the middle districts, but unless you lived down there it was hard to get some. His reputation had apparently reached this far, because here he was with only a single bottle left not even halfway through the night. As he listened to Jin speak, Kobe walked over to the old brewer Genji Otama, a wonderful idea blossoming in his brain.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sheet | Unseated | Squad Ten

TIME: Present Day - Dusk | LOCATION: Soul Society - Graduation Pavilion | INTERACTION: Seki ~ collab with @Expllo | @RevekaRed

Squad-Three was getting the most attention, second only to Squad-Eleven. Questions came mainly in the form of inquiring about the human world and what kind of action took place, just to be disappointed for the answer to be not too much. Their job was to gather information and get out, alive. Simple as that. Nothing of substance came across her table, however something caught her attention. A handsome graduate in the crowd, with a rather wild spirit energy that she sensed from this far away, and it seemed he had taken notice of her as well. Seki turned her attention away for a second, to address another graduate, before the handsome man was upon her requesting a fight.

Seki slowly turned with an eyebrow raised, being about four inches shorter than him, she had to look up slightly. Her hand rests upon the hilt of the sword on her back, and from this close, he could see that a chain connected it to her made of spirit energy. The chain rests just below the scar in the middle of her chest. He would also notice, interestingly enough, that her spirit energy didn't dare budge near him. It's almost as if she had perfect control of this ever flowing, calming, spirit energy.

"Now I normally hear that type of rederick directed towards the Kenpachi, but if you want to give this festival another show to watch I'm more than happy to oblige you." She smirks ever so slightly, and her tone made it difficult to discern if she was serious or being playful.

Jinzo had to blink a few times to be sure that he'd heard her correctly. Gouyokuou, it seems, didn't need such affirmation. Another bout of blurred vision, with him barely holding himself upright, only proved to display his Zanpakuto's eagerness at the thought of fighting her. He did have to admit, though, that the prospect of fighting the lieutenant excited him almost as much. He was eager to witness her abilities and just how she was able to maintain such perfect control of her Reiatsu. He could tell by being this close that even Gouyokuou's passive would struggle to do much of anything against this woman. But things were getting out of hand, Jinzo needed to wrestle control of the situation and soon.

"My apologies, Lieutenant." He began. "Whilst a part of me truly does wish to fight you, I'm afraid I've failed to show you the proper respect someone of your station deserves." Jinzo stood back and gave a bow, a clear sign of apology. "If you'll forgive me, I actually came over to enquire about your Reiatsu." Upon completing his apology, Jinzo stood back up to his full height.

"I didn't think there were any others with the same condition as myself."

Seki narrowed her eyes as the man spoke and, once he finished, she released her grip from the hilt and dropped her arms. "You're forgiven, however, next time you approach a Captain or Lieutenant you'd do well to remember to give your name and rank." Her arms crossed across her chest as she analyzed him. This close she could sense it clear as day, a pool of Reiatsu inside the boy that was constantly eating itself. Her eyes trailed around him, and to many it may have come across like she was searching for something, but she could clearly see things others could not. Jinzo could probably theorize better and faster than most that she was looking at the Reiatsu in the air, the same Reiatsu constantly pulling into Jinzo.

"Yes... I see. While it's not the exact same condition, it's very similar. I've only met two other people myself with this condition. My master, and well," the Lieutenant subtly nodded to the Squad Eleven Captain. If he were to try to, however, Jinzo wouldn't feel a drop of spiritual energy coming from the man.

"Let's take a walk, as for the rest of you," she glared at her group of Shinigami, "be here when I get back or hold your peace." Without looking back at Jinzo, she began walking down an open road and after about a minute made a turn into an alleyway where they could really talk.

He hadn't realised it until now, but Jinzo's stress levels had been uncharacteristically high - to the point where he would have likely passed out hand things escalated any further. The prospect of there being someone else akin to him had excited him in a way that he wasn't really sure how to handle. It was only once she'd lowered her hand from her blade and berated him somewhat did his blood pressure drop. This he was familiar with, it had happened so many times at the Academy, it almost began to soothe him. Jinzo breathed an unconscious sigh of relief before responding, "Of course, ma'am, I am Jinzo Iori. Tenth Squad, Unseated. A pleasure to meet you." He followed with another short bow.

He remained silent as she scrutinized him, Jinzo recognised the look on her face by now from the many others who had noticed the oddity surrounding him. Although it was different from the instructors at the Academy. Whilst most of their expressions held a hint of bewilderment, her's betrayed no such emotion, only mild understanding which became evident by her resulting statement. Jinzo felt the surge of excitement swell within him once more upon hearing that not only the Eleventh Squad's Captain, Kenpachi Goten, but also her master were afflicted with a condition similar to his own. It took everything for him not to turn around to look upon the Captain.

Then she began leading him away from the crowd. Gouyokuou had been silent for the past few moments but now his thirst for combat was almost deafening. He was attempting to goad Jinzo into attacking her from behind, knowing the resulting battle would likely be to the death but not realising just how quickly it would be over. Reiatsu control was never really Jinzo's strong suit, as evidenced by his condition, but his ability to sense it was likely among the top echelon in the Academy's history - he could thank Gouyokuou for that. It wasn't difficult for him to sense the sheer gap in capabilities between them. Jinzo opted to ignore his sword entirely.

As they rounded the corner to an alleyway, Jinzo spoke first, "You mentioned your master. Did they teach you how to control your Reiatsu so completely?"

"No, as a matter of fact, that was all me." Seki turned to look up at the man once more, her arms crossed again. "But he did help with my initial control and taught me not to think of myself as cursed, but as blessed. Funny coming from him, as his spiritual energy made anyone near him sick and long enough exposure could kill someone. I fail to see the blessing. Kenji Aburame was the name."

Being from the 73rd district, Jinzo would have likely heard stories about the man who, at a young age, dominated the underworld between the 80th and 70th district. His criminal reign lasted for years until, one day, he was seen walking away with a Shinigami never to be heard from again. Of course, this was reign was before Jinzo was born, so it was told less as history and more as boogeyman stories. "So, at least you don't have that going for you."

Seki reached out and placed a hand on Jinzo's chest. A slight flush flashed across her face, and Jinzo himself would feel a tinge of embarrassment before that calm sensation flushed over him again. Although his actions were still his own, the calm sensation would switch to a feeling of contentment, lust, and back to that embarrassing feeling before the calm. It cycled as long as Seki was touching him, and was removed once she dropped her hand.

"Anxious and stressed, but excited. Maybe not that kind of excitement though," that barely visible smirk displayed again. "We all have our struggles when it comes to this condition, Spiritual Exodus. We are all born during a very specific time, and very specific moment, where large amounts of Reiatsu is formed within the universe itself. With no place to hold it, it chooses either to explode in itself creating natural disasters... or it chooses to contain itself, and nothing holds Reiatsu better than a newly formed soul."

So, while we contain it well enough, as our souls and body get older it begins pouring out of us and trying to contain itself within other people. However, as this power is relatively foreign to their bodies, that's when the effect of our Reiatsu begins afflicting them. That's why I'm more resistant to whatever you have going on, that and my ability to control my Reiatsu doubles that resistance and nullifies it."

Your power also allows you resistance to my ability, to sense emotions and project my current ones. It's so strong that I can influence the actions of others based on how I'm feeling, so you can only imagine what that was like without control."

"Alright handsome, mama showed you hers now it's time to pay what you owe." Seki took a step back and gestured for Jinzo to release his power, she wanted to see it in action. "And don't worry, no one is around to be affected or to watch." Her gaze lowered to his Zanpakuto.

Jinzo listened intently as the Third Squad Lieutenant spoke. Then his eyes widened as she uttered the name Kenji Aburame. Whilst not someone he'd known personally, Jinzo had very much heard of him during his youth. He'd even passed on stories of the man's legend to other kids younger than himself, ensuring that the name continued to live on surrounded by fear and mystery. And now he would come to learn that - not only was this man still alive - he was a member of the Gotei 13 and someone who shared in a similar plight to himself. To say he was awestruck would have been quite the understatement.

Jinzo began to protest when she suddenly reached out to touch his chest but soon fell silent once again. Almost instantly, he could feel several different emotions flourish within him like waves lapping upon the shore. He wasn't used to being touched, let alone by a woman. Sure, Jinzo was fairly outgoing, but he never really imposed himself into others' personal spaces and wasn't used to it happening to him either. Not to say that he didn't like it, however. Now that he really looked at her, with her piercing yellow eyes, Jinzo could almost feel himself wanting to give in to his baser instincts. But he soon came crashing back to reality once more as she dropped her hand from his chest.

"...Spiritual Exodus." Jinzo muttered, trying to understand what the hell just happened to him. He couldn't tell if she was trying to flirt with him or teach him something, although it seemed to be a mixture of both. By the time she was done explaining, Jinzo was rather flummoxed. By her reasoning, he had been thinking about his condition all wrong.

"So what you're saying, is that not only is my Reiatsu constantly pouring out of me, but it will also begin to affect the people around me based on the nature of it. Meaning that Gouyokuou's ability to feed on Reiatsu passively isn't solely limited to Shikai - although I imagine it does so in a reduced capacity - and I can learn to control this power?"

'Took you long enough.' Gouyokuou's voice whispered to him, smugly.

Jinzo chose not to rise to it and began to reach for his Zanpakuto as she'd ordered, drawing the black blade slowly - another thing to add to the list of oddities surrounding Jinzo Iori. Her assurances did little to calm him, these recent revelations were playing havoc with his emotions, not to mention the lieutenant's earlier display. He grasped the hilt of his blade with an underhand grip and pointed it toward the ground, then gradually began to turn his fist upward so that the sword would lie flat out in front of him - this was the stance he needed to take to perform Shikai. Then, with a deep exhale, Jinzo spoke once more, "If you're sure about this..."

"...Devour. King of Greed."

The blade itself became enveloped in white light entirely as it's form began to grow, lengthening out within his grasp. To his right, the light seemed to mold itself into a small mass that extended forward in a curved fashion. On the left, the form of the blade continued to grow until it ended in a ring of sorts, with several small, spiked protrusions jutting out from it. White light gave way to a green flashes and, after a few moments, the lieutenant would be able to see a dark, sinister scythe - its haft a deep obsidian with the blade bathed in a sickly green hue.

Jinzo spun it around a few times before resting the base of it on the ground to his side. "This is Gouyokuou. In this form, he will constantly drain Reiatsu from any being within a 20 meter radius in all directions."

He would notice the once-still glow of Seki's spirit energy begin flaring wildly, as if being held by a rope that was being tugged. Still, she refused to allow Gouyokuou to feed. The two remained in silence despite Jinzo's question and statement. The lieutenant's eyes were focused on his Shikai, studying it and watching as Reiatsu never poured upwards from it unlike normal Shikai. It was simply a black hole.

She nodded, as if responding to a voice Jinzo couldn't hear. "Interesting, one in the same... you may deactivate it." Seki would wait until he did. "You stated you came up to me because of our condition, no such thing about joining this Division, so I assume you're satisfied now. However, I don't do handouts," She poked his chest, "You owe Division Three, so expect to get worked to death, handsome." That ever-so-slight smirk returned, and without waiting to hear his reply, she would flash step into the air and make her return to the pavilion, satisfied with her new discovery.

Jinzo released his Shikai with an exasperated breath. It was still relatively taxing to him, despite having learned it nearly two years ago. By the time he'd regained his composure once more, the lieutenant had gone - although the gravitas of the debt she'd bared upon him still lingered. Whilst at first it felt somewhat daunting, Jinzo couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement rush over him, which felt unusual for him. The Third Division hadn't been anywhere near his radar initially but this had certainly changed things.

His ruminating was soon disrupted by the audible rumble of his stomach, all this excitement had made him hungry of course. Sheathing his Zanpakuto, Jinzo made his way back towards the pavilion and the food stalls surrounding it. As he neared the stalls, he caught a glimpse of a really short girl with familiar red hair. Even from behind he could tell it was Asami and he was quickly forced to remember the candied apple he'd saved for her before the Captain-commander's speech. Jinzo idled up beside her and, pulling the sweet from his robe, gently tapped the candied apple on the top of her head.

"You look as if you could do with something sweet."
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RevekaRed
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Member Seen 1 day ago

As she had an annoyed look on her face and continued downing her Yakitori as she paced to make sure she would avoid Yuto, who she was sure would make her absolutely embarrass herself in front of the higher ups who had shown out for the day. So it was something she knew she would have to make sure wouldn't happen because if she allowed it to, she would beat herself up over it. Asami had also wanted to try and find a spot to start writing because she still had inspiration fresh in her brain thanks to Captain Bug who brought forth her ideas. Her notebook that she did keep of that writing was tucked well and hidden among her robes that the only way the thing was noticeable was if you had the keenest of eyes or were in her robes with her.

Often times as much as she couldn't stand a lot of her classmates and their idiotic behavior or clash in personality, she did draw quite a bit of inspiration from them for writing, at least the short romantic snip-its she would write in her notebook. She had only wished that she was gifted with painting so she could draw alongside the writings that she had. As she would try and keep her train of thought while trying to find a place to peacefully write while she could munch on her food, she would be taken out of her thoughts when she felt someone get close to her that they seemed familiar with her which made her immediately get her guard up, even as she was eating.

Her guard would only waver a small bit when she heard the familiar voice of Jinzo Iori, a classmate that while he could get on her nerves, she very much did enjoy the silent companionship they shared when he would share his food with her. What most wouldn't know is that a lot of times her anger and criticisms often came from her just being hungry. As she felt the tap of the candied apple to the top of her head, she stopped and looked up at the sweet treat which almost made her want to have her mouth watering from seeing but kept a blank stare on her face as she looked at the delicious sweet. While she wasn't the biggest fan of apples, she did like them when they were used as a sweet. As she stared at the treat, her gaze would slowly turn to where it was on Jinzo and she would flatly say, "If you stuck that in my hair, I would destroy you." While it would sound like a threat, she didn't mean much by it considering she was somewhat familiar with Jinzo. She would then gladly reach up to take the sweet from his hand, almost snatching it away quickly before trying to eat it.

Since Jinzo was at least a little used to Asami, she would say her 'thank you's' less and less as they shared food but her lightly veiled threat before taking the sweet could have been easily been considered the same. While Asami was capable of using manners, much like with the higher ups in addressing them, she tended to use them less and less with people she would be familiar with. Almost with the sense of allowing them in but keeping them at a distance as well. As she ate the candied apple, she looked over at Jinzo once more after looking up from her treat before saying, "You're weirder than usual, what did you do?" She asked in reference to him speaking to anyone higher up or if he had done something lacking. While she was focused on what she was doing with speaking to her respective higher ups, she was curious as to what he had done or if he had slacked off in not speaking to anyone.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Kalas
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Kalas "Time to party!"

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Sheet | Unseated | Squad Ten

TIME: Present Day - Dusk | LOCATION: Soul Society - Graduation Pavilion | INTERACTION: @RevekaRed

"That's exactly why I kept it wrapped!"

Jinzo happily replied to Asami's mildly affectionate threat. He was becoming very used to them by now, in lieu of a proper thanks, and actually rather preferred how someone so small could make a threat sound both so adorable and so terrifying at the same time. As she practically tore it from his hand, Jinzo pulled out his own apple he'd saved alongside her's and began to ravish it. If eating was his favourite thing in the world, feeding others had to be is second most favourite.

Her follow-up question felt laced with a hint of suspicion. He had, on several previous occasions, met Asami's great ire due to his habit of slacking off - especially during their time at the Academy. In fact, it was so great at one point that she refused to speak to him for a whole week - it took Jinzo a week's worth of edible presents to finally make it up to her. So he knew that if he admitted to such a thing, on today of all days, there'd be hell to pay once again. Fortunately, however, there would be no such reckoning required for Jinzo's usual indolence and his face lit up with the smuggest of smiles.

"I half-expect you not to believe this, but actually I had a very productive conversation with the very beautiful Lieutenant of Squad Three - she even asked to see my 'you-know-what!', in an alleyway no less!" He said, winking at the last part.

"So, of course, not being one to disappoint a woman-in-need, I gave her the front row seat experience! And she seemed quite impressed indeed, although she also said that I now owed her a favour - whatever that means!" He smiled at first, then his expression changed to a ponderous frown, bringing what was left of his candied apple to his lips before speaking again, "Funny though, I didn't actually get her name..."
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by RevekaRed
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Member Seen 1 day ago

After asking her question to Jinzo, she watched him with slight contempt in her eyes although her expression would have mostly remained blank. She also knew that he was aware that even though she did slightly threaten him, she would have made good on her word if he had actually done so, which is what would make her so terrifying even though she was smaller compared to most of her classmates. But as she waited for Jinzo's response, she had really hoped he at least made progress with at least one higher up, even if it would be the captain of their current squad they were in. As much as Asami could act like a bit of a hard ass toward Jinzo when it came to when he could be lazy, she actually did care a bit about him making sure he gets what he wants from this life in the soul society and doesn't regret not taking any steps toward his goals that he had, even if she had none herself to speak of.

When she saw his smug smile, a frown came to her face as she looked at him, with slight disgust creeping in her features as she listened to him describe his 'productive' conversation with the Lieutenant of Squad Three. Even if his wording was very suggestive and giving her ideas, she knew better when it came to Jinzo as that was sort of his way of making light of his conversations with his joking nature. She would take her last bite of her candied apple as he had told her that he hadn't gotten the Lieutenant's name which would make her shrug with disinterest even though she knew she hadn't gotten the name of the captain from squad six and gave him a nickname to his face.

"As long as you spoke to somebody, I guess it's fine." Asami said, seeming more disinterested but in a better mood from having a sweet food to help with her hunger. "I was productive myself in at least letting my name be known to Squad Two and Squad Six. Yet I have no interest with Squad Six and what they are doing." Asami told him, at least sharing her experience albeit vaguely.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Brink
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Member Seen 6 days ago

甚 悟 郎 半 間


"I don't think I'm suited for frontline combat. I train so I don't have to fight, so I think one of the intelligence divisions would better suit me. Or the fourth..." Jin paused, reminded of the complaint Kobe just made "...the medical division." he could tell that Kobes attention was waning. Following his eyes line, Jin could see that the old sake stall was what had captured his friends interests. Kobe shuffled off towards the old brewer which gave Jin license to seek out his own curiosity.

He could see many of the students and officers were preoccupied, talking, mentoring, drinking. But in the corner of his eye, close to the pavilion that the captain commander had made his speech on, Jin noticed the squad four member, Sio. He approached and with a formal bow introduced himself to the fourth seat. "Pleased to make your acquaintance" with so many accessories and additions to her shinigmai uniform Jin was surprised she hadn't been swarmed by more graduates, she stood out, not least because of her bright pink hair pulled into a free-flowing pony tail.

"I am a new graduate of the academy and I would like to learn about the fourth division from one of its members." he gave a warm smile understanding that Kobe wasn't within earshot to hear his next admission "You can only learn so much from the official handbook."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 26 days ago

Jingorō, Sio, & Umeki

An Expllo and @Brink collab!

Sio rather enjoyed the peace and quiet that surrounded her. Her Division claimed the third most interest, however her attitude made the new graduates cut their interactions short. She wishes her higher ups weren't so busy so they could attend instead of her, alas, the most anti-social member had to be here. It wasn't all too bad though, as the weather was nice. A light smile flashed across her face as she enjoyed the breeze carrying the cherry blossoms through. Her smile would fade, however, as another graduate would approach from behind. She turned to him with a lip curled in what could only be described as disgust as she listened to him speak. "Right..."

"Well, I'll tell you right now that everything those handbooks tell you is bullshit." She shrugs. "It doesn't cover even half of what we experience in this Squad. It's a mentally and physically grueling, squad. Everyone looks at Shinigami as powerful protectors, even heroes," she scoffs. "None of that applies here. We've seen the strongest cry like babies while we tend to the deepest of wounds, yet we never get any credit. It's always noted how resilient someone is, but never noted that we are the reason why." Her tone was cold and sharp, yet clearly held some sort of resentment.

"So if you're looking for some grandiose statement on how we're this oh-so-loving everything is fine kind of Squad, you're talking to the wrong person. I'm giving you the cold, hard, truth. You will see your peers at their lowest, and see traumatizing wounds. You better take pride in helping others if you want in, because it's largely an unrewarding job that we do." She glances at a few other graduates that moved on to the Third and Eleventh Division. Her tone softens, just a little. "... and most have a glamorized idea of what we do, that's why they often put in for Squad transfers when they experience the real thing. I'd rather you hear it how it is then jump into anything you aren't ready for."

Having come from the noble houses and under the strict, stately upbringing his father had imparted to him Jin was surprised at the lack of formality. Most of the officers at the festival, even the captain commander himself, seemed void of the ceremony and tradition Jin thought was at the forefront of the Gotei. But as she continued Jin began to realise that the direct, unclouded description was probably to his benefit. It was a military organisation after all.

Whilst death was of particular offence to Jin's sensibilities, combat was not. He was fully prepared and trained to fight and even injure, only relenting once his opponent couldn't continue. He hadn't been in many real world scenarios but the idea of wounds wasn't particularly off-putting to him. In that regard Jin was often underestimated. People had labeled him soft in the past and taken his mercy as a sign of weakness, yet when he fought he was seen to be cold, calculated and even cruel. Strike to maim, not to kill.
Besides, Jin knew there was a lot more to the art of healing than the academy taught. And the idea of specialising in a specific branch of Kido appealed to him, especially when those talents could be used to save lives.

"I assure you, it will not be a problem." He eventually replied. His expressionless countenance defying his inner monologue.

"Good. Another thing to note is that our squad is often sent in after the fact, to either help the fallen or evacuation. That means even in our free team, we could be called in any minute. So, as long as you're fine sacrificing your free time, we can move forward to your name and what you feel you bring to our Division!" Sio put on a fake-enthusiastic tone at the end, that would be rather convincing if not for the constant deadpan expression on her face.

Jin bowed immediately. "Hai. Jingorō Hanma. Tenth division!" spoke with a sudden enthusiasm. "I only seek to improve as a Shinigami, I will do what I must to help preserve the tradition of the Gotei and become as strong as possible." words said with a little more formality and passion than intended so was his engrained training, but veracious nonetheless.

"How flattering, but I'm not a Captain or anything close to it, so keep all of the formalities for your true superiors," Sio nudged her head towards Seki and Goten, that look of disgust back on her face. "But if I could give some advice on getting in our squad, focus on being as patient as possible. It's valued here and an important aspect many don't consider when dealing with injured people or supporting others in a tough battle." Sio waved her hand dismissively. "Well, that's really all I bothered to memorize. So, other than that, did you have any more questions?" She raised an eyebrow as she studied the tall man, not quite sure what to think. However, she would have to remember the name and send it off to her Captain for further review. The sudden enthusiasm gave the girl high hopes - high hopes that the Captain would take note of that and use him for these sorts of things instead of her. It was perfect, really.

"Patience." Jin nodded affirmatively. "No questions. I think field experience is what I lack, but the academy has prepared me well. If the fourth division is to be my home, I will see you in the field."

With a deeper bow he took a step back, leaving Sio to her reluctant duties. As Kobe was still preoccupied, Jin scanned the crowd to see what his next port of call would be. He had planned to talk to multiple squad officers and the conversation just had piqued his interest further. Would they all be like this? he wondered. He had intent to talk to the third squad lieutenant, but felt obliged to let her finish talking with the other graduates first. As a result he scoured for a member of squad nine, but failed to find anyone of note. Eventually resting his eyes on the squad six captain Umeki and his intimidating appearance.

"Squad six." Jin mulled the idea over to himself for a moment. "Not my first choice, but worth exploring." The mumbled words somewhat hidden by the patter of his sandaled footsteps.

Umeki yawned as he watched only the second person tonight approach him. Although Jin was tall himself, he would still have to look up to match the Captain's eyes. That is, if Umeki didn't abnormally stretch his neck downwards to match Jin's eyes. Umeki didn't blink for a second as he stared intently. "So they're green huh? Kekeke~" That weird laugh seemed to echo and trail around Jin as Umeki continued to stare without blinking, although his pupils danced around rapidly as a grin stretched across his face. "So who the fuck are you supposed to be? Feeling like a real tough guy coming up to me, huh?"

"Just a new graduate looking to learn about the sixth division, Captain." Umeki commanded a supremely unsettling presence. Over this history of the Gotei, that Jin had studied at least, it was usually the pride of the research and development squad to be helmed by a captain as odd. But in the few seconds upon his approach, Jin felt what might be impressed upon the hollows and other miscreants that would have to face such a Shinigami, and in that he found understanding.

"Jingoro Hanma." He gave a deep bow as was appropriate. The formality helping him stay unfazed.

"Jingorō huh? What a name..." Umeki's pupils stopped shaking about, and he finally blinked and retracted his neck. He sensed no other intent besides curiosity. Plus, the night was nearing its end, and Umeki really needed a drink so he would play nice. "Well, for starters, we're the most hated division in the Gotei 13. We do deal with unlawful Shinigami activity, and who commits more crimes than those in power?" He shrugs. "We primarily prioritize capturing Shinigami as opposed to killing, and we make sure we have sufficient enough evidence for Division One or Central forty-six to make their final decisions. So, intellect and self-control are important in this Division. I don't just let anyone in, as we have some of the fewest numbers, but we prefer it that way. I'll die before I let anyone corrupt my Division, but I'd sooner kill the person who tries. Remember that."

The captains words resonated with Jin more than he anticipated. The slight retreat of his off-putting visage along with the outline of squad six duties made the division a much more appealing proposition.

"In that we are aligned." The days light had started to dim, and the few lanterns around the festival were starting to come alight for those few that continued the party into the night. Jin would not be one of them. Another deep bow towards Umeki, this time with a more confident intent, began the end of his celebration.

The night had given him a lot to think about. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself in picking which division would best suit him and yet choosing who to train under would eventually be one of the most important decisions he would ever make. And now he had a new, unexpected player to the game.
"Thank you for your time, captain. I look forwards to us meeting again."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Teyao
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He peered again at the envelope, eyes squinted trying to decipher some meaning he had missed the first time, he wasn't all that good at reading but if there was one thing the old covers at the academy had managed to beat into his skull was the importance of being able to read. According to the note, the people taking part in the mission were supposed to meet here but so far he hadn't seen anyone.

Maybe he had gotten the place wrong?


Meh, he was sure that wasn't the case, throwing the note back into his pocket he set to wait. At least this was a good excuse to slack off, can't fault a guy for being in the correct place too early eh?

Still, he wondered who are the rest of the schmucks on the team, if he was lucky it was either Nakajima or Kobe, if he was unlucky it was the pink-haired menace. There were a few dozen members of squad ten alone, surely the chances were too small...

Lacking anything else to do he closed his eyes and let himself relax, according to the note the lead was from Squad 2 and the second in command was from Squad 5, which if he remembered what his teachers said meant that the mission was either stealth or combat focused. Finally a chance to do something, it had been years since the last time he had been in a proper scrap.

He just hoped it would begin soon.
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