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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Britney/Ruby @Shin Ghost Note

”... The Void Heart is not a good person - ghost - whatever. He is an Apparition from the Void, but he requires an anchor to remain in this realm. He latched onto your... predacessor when she was only a child. And, well, groom- molded her in his image. He was going around draining people of their life force while brainwashing her into thinking that it was all okay.”

Alizée listened carefully as Brit spoke, feeling resistance in her. Hesitation. Before it clicked- Void had been seeking the Gates of Paradise since the beginning. With her.

Her eyes upcurled in happiness, having uncovered some closeness between them. This emotion bubbled up in her, before her chains stirred, and an extra link formed on each of the eight ends.

Before her red eyes slitted, and she kept her silence carefully. Her ‘heart’ felt a bit heavy, a bit stiff, to withhold the real reason Void had been taking life energy. It was for the perfect cause, the ultimate goal.

But she would have to commit to memory that humans, especially the ones here, who recognized her, considered stealing life force a bad thing.

Hm… a conundrum. But something she would worry about later. All that mattered now was creating a relationship with the people in front of her. And that meant conforming to their standards as much as possible.

”The Void Heart needs an anchor to remain in this realm; that anchor has to be a human being. And... I don't mean to be an asshole, but you're just not a human being anymore, so you can't be that anchor. So I doubt he'll want anything to do with you unless Lynn is right.”

Alizée followed Brit's gaze to the white-haired girl, who was staring at her like she'd seen a ghost. Huh.

It was true, she was a voidling, an apparition, knowledgeable on the ancient language and fighter in the Deep. She was aware she herself could adjoin, though the desire never came to her. It made sense that Void would work the same way.

Alizée blinked. Wait… So it meant when she was human, she had been… adjoined? To Void?

Alizée's hands moved to hold her masked face, feeling euphoria in her epicenter. A line of links morphed into reality on a couple of her chains, glistening with newness.

"... It's not my place to decide for you all. But, there isn't a malicious bone - you know what I mean - in her body. She is scared and in disbelief... yet grateful and hopeful simultaneously."

Alizée's gaze snapped to the woman, entirely surprised at the exact emotional state she was feeling being listed out. It made her feel naked, which wasn't a concept she was aware of until this moment.

As if in response, Ruby looked straight at her, and Alizée felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Your, uh, predecessor, caused my group a lot of problems, you know! ... You won't be doing that again, will you?

Alizée blinked, having no idea what this woman was referring to. She must have messed up severely to have this woman shouting at her.

Regardless, she shook her head, furiously. ”No ma'am. You won't have any issue with me.”

”...One of my terms and conditions is that you stop looking for the Void Heart. I'll seal you myself if you don't. The Void Heart has caused us serious trouble, and we don't want him around.”

Alizée stared at Brit, emotion flickering in her burning eyes. On the threat of being sealed, she'd agree to anything. But to give up her search?

It made her heartsick.

”Do we have a deal?”

There was a long, long pause before Alizée closed her eyes into little glowing slits, seeing Void in her mind, smiling at her.

Her ‘heart’ gave a painful tug, before she spoke.

“...Deal. I'll stop searching.”

Meanwhile, Layla had moved around the crowd to sit back in her bar stool, eyes staring wide at the apparition claiming to be Alizée. The Alizée.

The room had essentially ignored Layla, to which she was grateful. She didn't want any more attention drawn to herself and her running mouth.

But what were the chances Alizée's apparition would appear just as they were arguing about her? It was exactly like they said: Speak of the devil, and the devil appears.

Layla felt a hand on her shoulder, and looked over to see Luna standing behind the bar, staring sympathetically at her. “You alright?”

“Yeah.” Layla said listlessly. The hand left her shoulder, and a few moments later, Luna was pushing a plate of pizza, a glass of milk, and a glass of scotch over to her.

“Eat. You look terrible.” Luna commanded.

Layla tried a smile at the food offering, taking the glass of milk in her hands. Her eyes were drawn back to Alizée.

“Someone has to tell her.”

Luna's face grew severe. “No. You're going to sit here and keep your mouth shut, capiche? Eat your pizza.”

Layla blanched, before she obediently took a bite of her pizza, returning her focus to the center of the room.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
Avatar of AtomicEmperor

AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

& &
Edict & Leon & Kenshiro

Mentions: Jinhai Han, Luis Cox, Luna Inoue, Britney Williams, Jack Hawthorne, Ruby White | Direct Interaction: Linqian Han/@FernStone, Clancy Patrick/@Zombiedude101, Layla Hyacinthus & Alizée Vul/@Estylwen | Location: The House on the Hill

Edict's blood pressure shot through the roof as things escalated once again, but watching as the group made a collective effort to put the new ghost back in the box put him somewhat at ease. At least enough that he could focus on the quickly spiraling Linqian, whom he felt somewhat responsible for.
”Do what you all fucking want. I’m here for the person I love - not to fucking keep existing, not to stay alive. I'm fucking done.”

As she started to move toward the door, Edict slipped his hand underneath her arm and tucked a little tighter, spinning on his heels and redirecting her toward the back of the bar where things were a little quieter.
"Hey, listen! Listen to me, don't-" he looked back, frowning at the situation at hand, but throwing a knowing glance toward Britney. "-don't look at that shit. Look at me, look at my eyes, look at me for five seconds, take two deep breaths, and then tell me if you want me to help you. Please."

”Fuck.” Linqian tilted her head up, rage filled eyes meeting Edict's - but there was despair in there two, and practically unnoticeable tears that evaporated as soon as they hit her hot skin. She took a deep breath. It was only going to hit her harder later - but then no one would be around to see. Another deep breath. She couldn't get out of this herself, not without... Without a lot of pain. Jaw clenching, hands in such tight fists at her side that her nails dug into her palms, she nodded. Her temperature began to lower and she switched to Chinese, barely a whisper. ”I nee- want help.”

Without skipping a beat, without any sort of perceivable timing, Edict was once more hidden behind dark red glasses, a dozen of the ethereal lotus roots falling from his mouth as he spoke the spell into existence. They crawled up and into her mind, hunting for and directly countering stressors where they were found. Calm here, disregard there; her grief and listlessness both seemed to tangle her up at the core. This Alizée situation was more of an exemplary trigger than an actual problem, which made it easier for him to force her brain into disregarding it altogether.
But boy did she miss her brother. He almost found it strange, but then he wasn't womb-mates with someone that he knew of. He could, passing along through the gallery of Linqian's mind for the brief time it took to get a solution in place, see that influence colored and painted on every wall, ceiling and floor. It was like losing her other half... She simply found no sense in doing any of this if there was no chance in her seeing Jinhai because of it.

So, ultimately, he gave her what she wanted. Pulling from a great deal of her most recent memories, he put together an approximation of comfort. Not a psycho-phisical manifestation, but an auditory hallucination. One that let her hear situational affirmation from a voice she desperately wanted to be real. Jinhai's voice, with great clarity and consistent syntax, tried to soothe Linqian as best as Edict could design it to without his direct focus. As he felt her untense in his arms, it was enough confirmation that he pulled himself out to look down at her before looking back at what was going on.
Things, at this point, seemed to be chilling out at least.

I'm not surprised.
She was always a ball of emotion.
Does seeing her like this make you feel differently?
We said; she's not Alizée. I feel like it could be useful.
We should attach them.

Leon's harmoniously merged form stood like a vanguard between the group and Vul, back still hunched and arms curled upward. His usually raven hair was still pale white and half-luminescent with Lelou's energy escaping from it like a radiator, and it caused his lockes to bend and curl in the middle, as if something was above him, playing with the hair. In the steam it created, if one looked closely, they'd be able to see a gap which seemed to look about the room with its own intelligence. As the conversation wound around him, his internal consultation drew to a conclusion, and finally his arms began to unfold. His back straightened, and it was clear that in this state, Leon had managed to gain another foot between his legs and torso; all this without actually taking on the traits of a Wolf. The Harmonious Union, only available to him if both minds agreed.

It was hard to not see some vague resemblance, at least when he was like this, to the subject at hand. Deep, piercing blue eyes. Pale white hair. Tall, beautiful... His feet began to take him closer to Alizée Vul, ignoring the likes of Jack and Ruby to almost block out the rest of the group. He had to wonder...
"You certainly scared us, my sweet Sister... Mother will be thrilled to know you've come home."
Leon spoke aloud, his voice two-toned as both his own, and that of a woman, escaped his throat at the same time. He spoke in French, curious to see if she'd have such a latent ability as speaking her native tongue. And then, ominously, the steam surrounding his body began to shift, crawling down his left arm. It almost looked as if it were lifting him itself, for his finger to unfurl toward Layla.
"Layla?-" Leon's strange in-between voice growled. "-Aren't we being rude? To not welcome our Sister with open arms? Come here."
The finger curled and uncurled, beckoning the young woman. An almost-face stared down Leon's arm, hanging like a cheetah in a treebranch to stare at Layla.

Kenshiro had, through the entire ordeal, kept his rear position with the bulk of the group. He was hoping, praying for the meeting to return to normal, but what he was watching now only gave him a sinking feeling of danger. He'd seen Leon in all between states of transformation, but those were usually disorderly, disorganized wolf hunts through the forests surrounding St. Portwell. Edict, however, knew this more than he knew Leon's primal disorder. Leon was a dominant fighter in the world of Professional Boxing, surely; Timberwolf was world renowned... But for a string of three or four years, Leon had become a prominent fighter in the underground world of MDM. Magical Death Match... He'd only ever seen Leon like this after an extended fight, and he always thought it was some sort of desperation thing.
Instantly he shot tendrils toward Leon, trying to use old hooks to get into his brain and figure out what was happening... Whether or not this was dangerous to everyone or just...

Having been nearby the bar with Linqian, Edict was very quickly able to move to Luna and Layla. He didn't say anything, but his pistol came out of his waistband again, and he placed a gentle hand on Layla's shoulder.
"U-uh... I wouldn't..."
Of course, he wasn't going to stop her, but he didn't know if Leon actually knew something more than he did... What was he trying to do? As Edict made his slow move, Kenshiro began to feel the anticipation for another wave to crash. His foot slid back, positioning himself in a position ready to rush. His head turned to Clancy. He didn't speak, but his expression was full of concern as if to ask the boy for advice.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Leon/Edict (@AtomicEmperor)

"You certainly scared us, my sweet Sister... Mother will be thrilled to know you've come home."

Alizée was overcome, staring at a human who, for one, was taller than her, and radiant, with his own apparition within him.

He spoke like he knew her. But how? It was different than how Brit spoke to her. More familiar. And who was Mother.

It didn't occur to Alizée that she could understand yet another language until she spoke.

“Qui es-tu…? Et qui est Mère… ? (Who are you…? And who is Mother…?)

The words came off her tongue. French. A language in her reflexes, like the ancient language of the Void. Curious.

The man turned, and Alizée watched him look at the strange, white-haired doll again, with piercing blue eyes.

"Layla? Aren't we being rude? To not welcome our Sister with open arms? Come here."

Layla sat there self-consciously with her glass of milk, eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected this. For Leon to call upon her.

But she had to remember her loyalties, and her family, who promised her the world, and then some. She, of course, had never seen Leon like this, not which she could remember. It made her feel… uneasy.

Regardless, she set her glass of milk aside, and made to move off her stool. Before she saw a flash of a gun, and a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"U-uh... I wouldn't..."

Layla's heart skipped a beat, actually looking at Edict, dragging her eyes away from the gun. Despite the darkness settled in her chest, she couldn't, and wouldn't blame Edict for his intervention. He was her friend, just like Britney. Just like Jea-jie. It still caused alarm bells to ring in her head, like she had to stand a little taller, straighten her back a little more.

She swallowed nervously, before shaking her head. “It'll be fine, Mr. Devola. Trust me.”

Then she eased off the stool, shooting Edict as reassuring of a face as she could, gently shrugging off his hand. Before she knew it, her feet had walked on their own accord, and she was in front of two impossibly tall beings. Beings being the key word as neither appeared human in that moment. She took her position beside Leon, and looked up at Alizée.

A breath.

“Welcome, Sister. The Temple and Her Grace have missed you. I'm Layla. Your… well, the retainer of your legacy.” Layla said in a slow, even tone.

Alizée, who had stood from the floor, and now floated in spot, gazed down at Layla with a curious look. Quickly, however, that curiosity turned to suspicion, and outrage.

“The scent of Vul, of the Void Heart is most potent on you. Why?

Layla grimaced, waving her hands in a placating manner. “I can explain. Just don't get mad, okay?”

Alizée stared silently, waiting. Layla took that as her cue to continue. She reached forward, and grasped one of Alizée’s gnarled hands. Her tone was soft.

“After Alizée Aliteri passed away, the Void Heart sought a new host. That host… was me.”

“However…” Layla's gaze glanced at Jack, darkening for a moment, before returning to Alizée.“Some people didn't like the Void Heart being out and about.”

Layla's face grew pained, seeing Void in her own mind. Feeling that ache of absence.

“Alizée… I don't know how to tell you this, but… Void is sealed.”

There was a beat of silence before there was a sharp seethe, and several of Alizée's chains punched through the floor, splintering the wood. Alizée's hand clenched around Layla's porcelain hands, her eyes burning with fury.

Where is he?!” Her distorted voice hissed. “Where have they sealed him?”

Layla gave a small yelp, but didn't back away. She stood there as resolutely as she could, her own fury and hurt burning in her chest.

“The Temple! The Temple has him. Listen, I'm just as mad as you. But if you stick with me, we'll both see him again. Okay?!”

Alizée wasn't satisfied, her grip on Layla tightening. “You're asking me to wait? When my entire existence is for the Void Heart?!”

Layla growled back. “Yes! What do you think I've been doing? Listen, the Temple has agreed to return what's been lost, but I have to prove Void won't go on a rampage, or corrupt my mind, like he did to you in your previous life. I'm here fixing your sins, Alizée. You just have to let me do my job. This is technically your fault we have to wait!”

Alizée blinked, before she growled in disbelief. Slowly, her grip on Layla weakened, and her hand came free. Layla braced herself as Alizée came closer to her, but was wholly unprepared for what came next.

The tall, intimidating voidling leaned in and wrapped her hands around Layla in a hug.

“I'm trusting you.” Alizée said in a low tone, her head resting against the side of Layla's head.

Before she leaned back, and looked over at Leon. “Perhaps… I should meet this Mother you speak of…”

Luna watched the entire interaction with half-lidded eyes, though not many would notice she had been white-knuckling the edge of the counter the entire time. Surely, the worst of this meeting was behind them, now.

Luna shook her head, before taking one of the bottles of alcohol, cracked it open, and drank straight from it.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Anya @Fernstone
The House on the Hill

Back during the summer that should have been her last, Sloane had felt like little more than a burden whenever she was caught out in the field against the Stygian Snake’s minions. She had been passed over and sidelined more than once due to spells lacking the hit like those used by Drake or the utility offered by someone like Stormy. An almost resentful determination to not be remembered as a useless burden had spurred her on to play the decoy in their final fight with the Snake, and if not for Jade she would’ve only been remembered by her initials and a cryptic title carved in the trunk of some old tree. After everything was settled, Sloane took it upon herself to learn to fight, focusing on fencing due to the erroneous belief that inevitably Ashley would give in to Sloane’s will and hand her over the Apparition Killer. It never happened, but thanks to the lessons she had improved her reflexes and strength. She could hold her own.

At least Sloane thought she could until now. The problem with training with a combat sport is that it is a sport. There are rules, regulations, and a referee present to reinforce them. Sloane with her knockoff staff held out before her like a foil was prepared for this “Alizée” to rush her or throw a chain. She was ready to adjust her positioning when one of the others took this opportunity to dogpile on Alizée. What she hadn’t anticipated was for someone in the crowd to come after her. Sloane saw the mad dog Leon rushing at her out of the corner of her eye. She was no match for his speed. The staff flew out of her left hand as Sloane frantically grabbed for her knife with her right, anticipating the swipe of his claws as she took a step back, tangled her leg up in her knocked over chair as she stumbled but stayed standing, and defensively crossed her arms over her face, tucked her chin to her chest, and closed her eyes as she waited for the mauling.

”Sloane,” she heard Anya say.

Sloane had experienced enough near deaths to know that they weren’t this painless. Either she was alive or Leon had finished her with one strike, but judging by how fast her heart was still beating it had to be the former. She opened her eyes, still somewhat shielded by her arms, and saw Anya holding the Chrysalis Staff out towards her. Sloane quickly snatched it back without a single show of gratitude like a selfish, spoiled brat who’d caught their sister playing with their favorite new toy. She swung the staff up once again, her teeth gritted, a rare display of fury in her eyes as she leveled it towards Alizée but drifted the end at Leon before dropping the business end to point at the ground as the Apparition surrendered.

Sloane rolled her eyes and planted them firmly on the ceiling. If the room had fallen silent they would’ve heard the sound of Sloane’s joints popping as her body, in a faltering attempt to keep her annoyance and anger sealed inside, tightened like a screw being drilled so deeply into a piece of wood that it split the plank. But no, they were all insistent on making noise, all offering up their two cents worth of valueless currency with what to do about this imposter Apparition. It was a sure sign that the coven’s faux democratic, wholly anarchistic approach to problem solving was utterly asinine when the one making the most sense was Linqian—even Anya wanted to hear Alizée out, unfortunately prompting Britney to continue acting like she was the voice of authority.

And then, ”... Hear me out! There are some people who would pay big-money for some freaky-deeky chain bondage. We pimp you out to them and make bank.

A noise squeaked out of Sloane like she’d just been stabbed in the gut as she shut her eyes and clenched her jaw together like a vise. It wasn’t helping that stupid Jasper was either completely ignorant or just burying everything Sloane had done for St. Portwell. Anya would be close enough to hear the frustrated, humming chorus of shut up, shut up, shut up trapped inside of Sloane’s throat as she massaged her temple. It was impossible to tell if the shut ups were directed at Britney, at Jasper, or a mantra meant solely to keep Sloane in check as she attempted the herculean task of remaining civil in the presence of guests.

Interactions: Lila @NoriWasHere Ruby & Britney@Shin Ghost Note Alizee &Layla@Estylwen Leon@AtomicEmperor
The House on the Hill

“Could I borrow your healer?” asked Lila.

Oh, wait, that was him.

“I’m on it!”

Sully picked his jaw up from where it had dropped on the ground after witnessing Leon hit Alizée so hard that it had apparently caused a goddamn explosion which had pulped Alizée’s arm in the blast. He hustled over to Lila, her strange avian features becoming increasingly mundane given the presence of shadow kid, kink gal, and juicing wolfman. Instead of doing the sensible thing and just lifting the Chalice to Lila’s mouth so she could drink from it, Sully popped open the plastic stopper on one of the squirt guns and began filing it up with the elixir. Blood red liquid poured over the outside of the toy gun as it overflowed due to Sully still being distracted by Leon and his perfect,flowing, dumb hair and his stupid, incredible body. How was he even taller? Some guys had all the luck. Leon got magical steroids and Sully got a cup.

“Open wide, baby bird. Mama’s here,” said Sully. He blasted Lila with the healing elixir from the squirtgun, inadvertently leaning too heavily on the trigger as he kept looking back at Leon, the endless flow of the Chalice turning what should’ve been just a few spritzes into a steady spray of elixir. A few drops was likely all that Lila would need to patch herself up, but if they didn’t duck out of the way of the stream they would become a picture perfect portrayal of a telekinetic prom queen seconds before she massacres a school. Sully’s face jumped in surprise as he looked back. “Oh shit! My bad, Lila. Let me get a towel.”

Sully lumbered back behind the bar, drifting in on the conversation as he searched for a rag to clean up the mess he’d made. It hit him odd when Luca insisted that this Apparition Alizée wasn’t a person. Sully didn’t know much about the paranormal. Like he got the general gist about everything, but he’d never truly done any real deep digging into all of the nuances or classifications. The curiosity just had not been there when he was younger. Learning that things like ghosts were real would be kind of like learning that there was life on other planets—like okay, cool, but does it really affect his day to day when he’s just trying to earn enough dosh to buy a new set of tires for his truck? Nah. Once the Stygian Snake was stopped all of this kind of stopped mattering. It was background noise. Problems for other people to solve.

Still, now that he thought about it did it really matter if Apparitions weren’t people? They were like people. It sounded like they had thoughts, wants, and desires. The Kid certainly had some strong opinions with the way he was always (often correctly) calling assholes assholes and had some kind of sense of justice with wanting to see Ashley avenged. Even Alizée had just been waxing poetically about love, even if the object of her affection had been a handsy ball that, if it had been an actual person, would have to register itself on a list and not be allowed to live within one thousand feet of a school. Sully shook his head, clearing that thought clean from it like an etch-a-sketch.

The point was he agreed with Britney: give the ghost a chance. She’d agreed to drop the whole searching for the Void Heart thing, so everything seemed gravy to Sully. It was another person…uh, another sentient? Another being? Oh, whatever, it was someone else that could help them take down Father Wolf and stop 8th Street from harassing them. Sully bent down behind the bar, rummaging through dusty shelves in search of a towel. When he came back up with a rag in hand he saw that Layla was in the grasp of Alizée.

Where is he?!” demanded Alizée, immediately going back on her word about searching for the Void Heart. “Where have they sealed him?”

“Eww bitch, you literally just said you wouldn’t!” shouted Sully, chucking the towel at Alizée in disappointment. “Have some self-respect! That thingy is a creep!”

“A bunch of idiots! There you fucking have it! We gave her her fucking undeserved moment, Jasper!” exploded Sloane, stomping her foot down as she leveled her staff, ready to zap Alizée if she attempted to resist. “And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”

“Wait wait wait, we shouldn’t get ahead of ourselves,” said Sully, stepping forward between Alizée and Sloane, temporarily blocking a shot. “Leon and Layla might have a plan. Plus, Ruby said she’s just scared and in disbelief. Maybe it’s like a Stockholm Syndrome kind of thing?”

“RUBY IS FUCKING HIGH AND THOSE TWO ARE CULTISTS!!!” screamed Sloane, shifting to lineup a clear shot.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: ₘₐₖₑ ᵢₜ ₛₜₒₚ
ₘₐₖₑ ᵢₜ ₛₜₒₚ

Amara had pointed her gun at Alizee Vul, but she hadn’t actually planned on shooting the ghost. Ghosts couldn’t be killed, they could just be unpersoned for a while and then they came back. They didn’t stay gone. Thankfully, Amara didn’t have to actually look past her headache that was getting worse right now. Everyone jumped her, Leon went off, Stormy got ready to drop the big one, Sloane went for it. Attack, attack, attack. Good. Amara pointed her gun at the ground while everyone started talking about how the Void Heart had been sealed and what to do with this bitch. Meanwhile, Amara screwed her eyes shut and counted the pulsing throbs of her skull in the hope it could take her mind off the migraine.

Stand vigilant, Soldier.

Shut the fuck up. I don’t need this right now, get back to your post.

God, there were so many noises right now. Everyone was just too loud. Amara could hear her heartbeat thumping in the back of her neck, so firmly it stirred something up in her throat. If she just kept her breathing steady, then it was tolerable.

She brought a hand up to her temple, and felt ice against her head instead of fingers.

Whose voices was she hearing? She knew Sloane was in here, but that didn’t sound like her. Was it Linqian? Fuck, what was it? She needed to get out of here and get some fresh air. She needed to- She…

”... ᴴᵉᵃʳ ᵐᵉ ᵒᵘᵗ! ᵀʰᵉʳᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ ʷʰᵒ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵖᵃʸ ᵇⁱᵍ⁻ᵐᵒⁿᵉʸ ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶠʳᵉᵃᵏʸ⁻ᵈᵉᵉᵏʸ ᶜʰᵃⁱⁿ ᵇᵒⁿᵈᵃᵍᵉ. ᵂᵉ ᵖⁱᵐᵖ ʸᵒᵘ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵏ.”
Who are these people?

”Shut up already…” She muttered. It was like she had hooks digging into her neck, like someone was trying to drag her into something frigid. It hurt.

“ʸᵉˢ! ᵂʰᵃᵗ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏ ᴵ'ᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ᵈᵒⁱⁿᵍ? ᴸⁱˢᵗᵉⁿ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵀᵉᵐᵖˡᵉ ʰᵃˢ ᵃᵍʳᵉᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᵗᵘʳⁿ ʷʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ ˡᵒˢᵗ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵖʳᵒᵛᵉ ⱽᵒⁱᵈ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵍᵒ ᵒⁿ ᵃ ʳᵃᵐᵖᵃᵍᵉ, ᵒʳ ᶜᵒʳʳᵘᵖᵗ ᵐʸ ᵐⁱⁿᵈ, ˡⁱᵏᵉ ʰᵉ ᵈⁱᵈ ᵗᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ⁱⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖʳᵉᵛⁱᵒᵘˢ ˡⁱᶠᵉ. ᴵ'ᵐ ʰᵉʳᵉ ᶠⁱˣⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘʳ ˢⁱⁿˢ, ᴬˡⁱᶻéᵉ. ʸᵒᵘ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ˡᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵈᵒ ᵐʸ ʲᵒᵇ. ᵀʰⁱˢ ⁱˢ ᵗᵉᶜʰⁿⁱᶜᵃˡˡʸ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵘˡᵗ ʷᵉ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ʷᵃⁱᵗ!”
Where are we?

She was dying, she could feel it. Everything around her was just sloppy watercolor when Amara opened her eyes and white noise when she closed them.

”Please stop talking, I can’t br-“

“A bunch of idiots! There you fucking have it! We gave her her fucking undeserved moment, Jasper!” exploded Sloane, stomping her foot down as she leveled her staff, ready to zap Alizée if she attempted to resist. “And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”
Not yet. No, no, no-


Why did she know that name? Where did she put it? She left it here somewhere, but the clouds were so thick. She knew a Britney- Britney Wilson? She died, didn’t she?

No. Britney Williams. Amara remembered something: She was alive still.

Sloane Faris


Amara’s gun clattered to the floor as she shrieked at the whole room. Her voice wasn’t her own, it was too many voices to count, layered over each other in sync. Her face was twisted up in pain, Her shoulder were rising and falling with her breathing like she was hyperventilating.

”THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER GET ANYTHING DONE!” They shouted. Her eyes were bloodshot, the room was spinning. ”You just SHOUT and SCREAM AND FIGHT back and forth with each other, and none of us are on the same damn page long enough for it to matter! If we have to- Fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuck…”

Her head swayed, she blinked, and her eyes snapped to Alizee. ”Seal her. Do it.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Jasper @NoriWasHere, ‘Alizée’ @Estylwen, Everyone Present
The House on the Hill

Luca considered everything that was said with a slight frown.

Jasper was right that they weren't there for her before. He'd heard of Alizee's continued night stalking, knew the influence an apparition could have. What had he done to help? Nothing. How could he, when he couldn't even help himself. He'd justified it because if he could rid himself not the rot, he could help them get rid of their Apparitions too.

But he was here now to help all the coven members. That... Included Alizee's ghost.

Why does it matter to you, my host? She can't hurt us. Why feel guilt over something like that? It was inevitable. Just like your own end is.

It wasn't. Even if my life ends, I won't give any of it to you. Not like she did.

That's not her anymore. She could be just like him. Denizens of the void are often like that... Ah, a nice place, but nothing for me to corrupt. Not like here, with you-

Luca forcefully shut the Rot out, who was being particularly chatty right now, as Jasper came back over to him. It was a warmth washed over him and pushed away his aches, the worn threads of his sanity tangling back together. He looked over at Jasper, at his smile that seemed to light up the entire room. It was enough to drag Luca back into his normal place of positivity, suppressing the corrupting influence the Rot continually had on him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He'd be able to keep an eye on Alizee - and while he wasn't physically strong, he could directly weaken apparitions. And he wasn't alone anymore. To deal with any of it - ghosts of their deceased members, the rot, dying...

Luca opened his mouth to say he agreed with Britney. He shouldn't be biased towards a new apparition because of the one inside him. He knew not all of them were malevolent. Giving her a second chance, on the condition she didn't look for Void Heart, was a good compromise.

But then moments later, she was right back to demanding where Void Heart was - threatening one of their weakest members. It didn't particularly matter to Luca that she backed down. It showed where her loyalties lay. While she hadn't caused any more harm than any of them, Void had. Just like the Rot, he deserved to be sealed.

Luca tilted his head, something else coming to mind as the Temple was mentioned. Something he'd... Heard of but didn't know much about. They had void? They'd sealed him? How? The apparition hadn't seemed the kind to just leave his host. He'd picked a new one so quickly. Leon and Layla were part of this Temple? He looked over at Leon. His current form was dramatically different, and it concerned Luca too. Whenever his appearance changed that meant... He was losing control to the Rot. The two toned voice. But Leon didn't seem out of control right now.

He'd have to talk to him later. Ask if they could help with his problem.

Though he was wary if Sloane said they were cultists.

But that wasn't the matter at hand. What was at hand was a once again rapidly escalating situation.

”Sorry Jasper,” Luca said softly to his friend, smiling warmly at him before stepping away from the wall and more towards Alizee. The wood where he'd been leaning was peeling away to reveal its rotting insides, crumbling between his fingers as his hands were held out in front of him.

”Originally, I agreed with Britney, but she's already going against the one condition. We can't trust that. We can trust your self-serving interest, but that'll always be towards him. I understand it. It's a strange relationship, with your Apparition. But it'll always be him before us, right?”

Luca sighed. A hand came up to brush back his hair from his face, rough and brittle. Another reminder of the effects on his body. Was this still bias?

He stepped forward, coming closer to Alizee, while trying to avoid getting near Layla. Unlike humans, Alizee wouldn't be able to feel the effect of his rotting aura. It wasn't strong enough to affect her.

But when he reached out to take Alizee's hands, she would feel it the moment they touched, if she let them. A sapping of her strength - a decay of her magic and the emotions that fueled her. It wasn't something that could kill her. No, he couldn't kill Apparitions like he could kill humans. But he could weaken them.

”One more chance,” he said softly, ignoring the commotion behind him. Amara's yell rang in his ear painfully, only increasing the headache throbbing behind his eyes, but he managed to ingore it. Like he did all his pain. The sealing was probably inevitable. He was unsure if he was stalling for time, or genuinely trying to find out more - a way to save the young apparition, still bound to an older, dangerous one. ”Can you ignore the Void Heart- Vul. Can you form connections with others? So you don't need him?”

He tried to keep hold of her (if she hadn't moved away in the first place), to keep his hands touching her in some way to weaken her. But there wasn't a killing or dangerous intent there. His gaze was soft, his smile friendly. Kindness, or an attempt to prevent her from teleporting away by eroding her abstraction?

It was hard for anyone to tell. Even Luca himself.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Sully/Sloane (@Atrophy), Amara (@Blizz), Luca (@FernStone), Brit/Ruby (@Shin Ghost Note)

“Eww bitch, you literally just said you wouldn’t!”

“And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”

Alizée realized her mistake a moment too late, the words escaping her throat before she could ever, ever recall them back. She stared with wide red eyes as the woman with her dread-inducing staff pointed the weapon at her.

Immediately, the hands, or well, hand, came up again. The other was still a slowly morphing, shadowy stub. Alizée made no sudden movement, not wishing to give them another reason to jump her.


”Seal her. Do it.”

Fos lost Zu'u drehlaan? (What have I done?) She hissed to herself, before shooting a pleading look to Sloane and Amara.

“Please, don't do this. Listen, the Temple is filled with people, isn't it? Can't Layla report to you if I even dare to show up?

“I swear, I won't pursue the Void, and I won't step foot in the Temple. I won't have a way to see him. I'm not a threat to you!

“I'm sorry I asked; I shouldn't have asked. But now my search is over! I know where he is, now I can give up and move on.”

There was an audible chatter in Alizée's chains as she stood there, shivering. Her voice became higher-pitched. It wasn't necessary to use Ruby in that moment to see how terrified Alizée was.

“Please, please, don't resign me to a fate worse than death! Please don't give up on me! We were friends once, weren't we?!”

She gasped for air there, though not needing to breathe, her eyes slitted and tight. Was this fear? Never in her life had she experienced such a strong emotion. It made her want to run and hide, though she remained firmly where she was.

Desperately, she hoped she could convince these people who knew her that she was on their side. That she could change, and stop. That she could comply with their demands.

”Originally, I agreed with Britney, but she's already going against the one condition. We can't trust that. We can trust your self-serving interest, but that'll always be towards him. I understand it. It's a strange relationship, with your Apparition. But it'll always be him before us, right?”

Alizée blinked, seeing one of the group approach her. She could clearly sense the apparition hidden within them, and stiffened reflexively.

When he reached out for her hand, she accepted. But the effect was instant; Her chains, initially swirling around her in agitation, slumped to the floor. Her red eyes blinked several times, feeling a heavy weight fall against her.

This was him, wasn't it?

”One more chance. Can you ignore the Void Heart- Vul. Can you form connections with others? So you don't need him?”

It took a moment for Alizée to respond, finding the will to speak against the weakness she felt. But she didn't resist the one in front of her, her faith in this group still firm.

To form connections with others… If Luca was looking carefully, despite the absolute terror it was for Alizée to be in this room, her eyes glimmered with a shade of happiness, eagerness.

“Yes. I would love nothing more than making other connections, and being your friend. It's part of my core. What makes me who I am.”

Pain flickered across her eyes, before she willed herself to speak again, resoluteness in her tone. “I can ignore Vul. I can be your friend. I can be everyone's friend. I can be loyal to you. I will be loyal to you.”

She glanced at the woman who had read her emotions before, “Please, check me again, I'm sincere.”

Before her eyes shot to Brit desperately. “Tell them you're not going to seal me, please. My search is over; I want nothing more than to serve you.”

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
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AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Mentions: Void Heart | Direct Dialogue: Layla Hyacinthus & Alizée Vul/@Estylwen | Location: The House on the Hill

Everyone around them rushed and panicked, straining to find comfort where there simply was none. Void Heart, Vul, it wasn't keen. Nobody wanted it around, and Leon wasn't about to let his Mother have some excuse to actually let the bastard loose. He could see things that others in the room clearly couldn't: A confused ghost, a scared woman. Both connected to one another through a mutual desire and pain that he was certain would all slough away once they were together. He did his best to intelligently exhude his obscuring steam, trying to block the rest of them out as he searched for a way to present this.

“Tell them you're not going to seal me, please. My search is over; I want nothing more than to serve you.”
Alizée Vul

"Your search is over..." the two-voiced creature spoke to both of the white haired maidens before it. The steam poured out of Leon's body, thicker and thicker until the three of them - Leon, Alizée and Layla - were obscured from the meeting entirely. His hand slowly reached out, taking Layla's arm and bringing her in front of him. Two hands gently and comfortingly rested upon her shoulders.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution." the twin-voices boomed back outward through the thickening fog. At the same time, the ethereal and soul-like form of Lelou drifted through the haze, resting upon the shoulders of Alizée Vul. Whispers only she could hear...
You are the Key. She is the Lock. You are the Key. She is the Lock. it constantly, ever so faintly whispered into her ear as Leon bent to take Layla's ear closer.
"Layla... Who needs Void Heart? Look at her, and tell me that you don't feel your soul calling out to host her. For her to expel the demons within you. You both can restart, Layla... Stronger together than ever before. Adjoin with Alizée Vul. Accept her. Forge a new bond, and awaken the Coming of the Dawn."
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 1 day ago

Britney @Shin Ghost Note Ken, Leon@AtomicEmperor Linqian, Luca@FernStone Layla, Spooky!Alizee@Estylwen Lila@NoriWasHere

“Brother, he is my source, my strength. I have to maintain my good word. Surely he isn't the villain you make him out to be?”

Brother. The word agitated him, and not just because he saw no familial connection between them. He had been a brother, but those days were done. Seeing the phrase come from her was salt in a wound that was unlikely to heal in his case.

"I'm not-.." -your brother, Clancy almost snapped, "Anything like it is playing with you. It doesn't think on human terms. It doesn't care. It can't care. It just takes what it wants." There was conviction in every word when it came to the 'Void Heart'. He understood the kind of horror and pain entities like that inflicted.

The implication was that they ere two sides of the same coin.

Were they? Maybe.

She was a representation of everything he had come to loathe in himself. No rules. No self-control. Following whatever instinct came to her without questioning it.

Once, he'd felt bad for her. Now, there was a part of him coming to hate what he saw. It didn't help that she readily dove back into pleading for the Void Heart the moment the prospect of his return came up, breaking the very terms she'd agreed to.

We can't be trusted, he understood, because by nature they were driven by impulses that weren't rational to the human mind.

Outside his periphery, the larger man, Leon, had begun speaking in tongues with a discordant voice not unlike when Clancy's own voice was overlapped by the guttural feral presence pressing at the edge of his mind. But while he still spoke with his own consciousness, Leon spoke with a woman's voice. Vague phrases in French that he barely understood - he'd only barely followed his old man trading war stories over a few beers, and joking about each other's failed attempts at seducing the local mademoiselles.

He understood the phrase 'sister' and recognised Layla's name being called out. That was it. Moreso, he recognised that Leon had shifted into an equally inhuman guise, not unlike that of a movie monster. Wolfman? At this stage, it was far from the strangest thing he'd seen today. And far from the worst he'd experienced, in light of being the closest he'd felt to a living death less than an hour ago.

He observed Kenshiro giving him the side-eye, as though he was looking for help. Advice?

From his own experience, this situation, being altered made one forget who they were, and other instincts took control of the driver's seat.

"Remind him who he is," Clancy spoke back with a hushed tone, "You know him, right?" He might not have known Leon, but the others had. Maybe they could put sense in, if they stopped fighting and shouting. The lack of focus on the important things was gnawing at the bar set for how agitated he could get.

Except things got worse, and the lady immersed the three of them - her host, Layla and the spectral Alizee - in a thick, almost blinding fog.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

"Body meant for her?!" Clancy growled, incensed at this thing trying to steer the girl "It's not happening. There's enough monsters here." He looked at Britney, and some of the others, "You might not trust me, but you know I'm right, here."

Even if they were idiots.

Some of them, anyway.

"Listen!" Clancy shouted back, marching towards the fog. By this stage, his body had almost wholly reformed. The only thing left was the singular, empty eyesocket that had yet to reform its icy orb.

With the tattered clothes that exposed most of his pale, icy body, save for his intimate components, he looked the part of someone had had been through the grinder.

"Look at the others here. This isn't what you want. Emily Reed, that Prom Queen and her pets all started from being sold to or made into monsters by assholes who thought they knew better." For a moment, Britney would've caught his cold gaze seething at her, but he continued, "And bird lady," gesturing towards Lila, "Luca, and the French Gir-.. Alizee, before she turned into that!"

The silence didn't seem to be making headway. He pushed forward. "Look at me. I never wanted this, can't die, just starving, tearing and I've outlived everything that mattered and I have nothing left. Being like this is pain. You'll lose yourself, and there won't be anything left. Like I said before, you still have a life." It was almost pleading, and the truth was he was projecting the thoughts he wished he could've projected onto himself, for making the mistake of taking a wrong turn all that time ago.

"We don't have time for this while you're being stabbed in the back by the serial killer, so stop wasting time. If there's anything left of you, Alizee, don't do this to her. Your... friends, said you were suffering. End it. Control yourself. Be better."

Clancy stepped forward, into the fog.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: ‘Alizée’ & Layla @Estylwen, Leon @AtomicEmperor, Clancy @Zombiedude101
The House on the Hill

Oh she means it. How entertaining. I've never corrupted an Apparition before.

There was a flicker of that rotting green before Luca suppressed it. He kept smiling, giving Alizee's hands a gentle squeeze. It was strange. He knew he was weakening her, but to not immediately start rotting away flesh... It felt odd. ”It's alright, I can see your sincerity. You have to be loyal to us... But I believe you when you say you will be. We all need someone. Just let that someone be us. I'll gladly be your friend.”

He let go of Alizee's hands. The weakness would still linger - what was decayed wouldn't immediately come back. As an apparition she could easily recover, but it would take a bit of time. It was enough to make her easier to seal.

Or to deal with, if she was able to adjoin with Layla.

Luca's eyes squinted as steam surrounded them. It was difficult to see through when his vision wasn't particularly good in the first place. His smile lessened, and his head turned towards Leon.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

”The body meant for her? Are you serious? Layla's more than a body. What the fuck, Leon?!”

He's right! She is just a vessel, like you!

It was a trigger for the Rot to wriggle into his mind, decaying tendrils latching onto his neural pathways and infecting them. Decay leaked out of his pores, filling the air immediately nearby him with a heavy scent of death. It triggered a pain flare-up, burning sensations clutching his limbs. His heart weakly struggled in his chest and he took a gasping breath. Push it down. Not right now. He was in control.

He took a step backwards, so there was less risk of him touching anyone. But the movement was too much, his leg buckling underneath him and sending him falling - towards both Layla and Leon. He twisted his body, grabbing onto Leon to stabilise himself before he got close enough to touch Layla. The rotting would be immediate, heavy decay crawling out of his bare hands and right onto Leon's flesh. He squeezed his eyes shut and pushed it away, reduced it to the normal level... Still too much to be touching someone. Even Leon, strong as he was.

”Don't you dare make this decision for her. Force this on her and I will rot your flesh until you wish you would just die." he bit out, head tilting back and up to fix Leon with a unyielding stare. Rotting tendrils flickered across his bloodshot eyes, receding until they clung to the edge of his iris. His fingers lingered on Leon's bicep as a warning, rotting his skin and the muscle beneath, before he let go, finally.

He pushed himself off him, wobbling as he moved around to make sure Leon was still between him and Layla. His legs were still unstable, but he was fighting through it. His expression softened, back to the normal Luca, and he gave an almost apologetic smile towards Leon.

His gaze moved again, towards Clancy as he pushed his way in. Luca nodded slightly. He was right, but... ”We don't have the time but... Layla's already adjoined, isn't she? She already has a difficult life. But he's right. Being stuck with something sharing your body, another will, it's difficult. It can be horrible.”

He spoke quietly, looking at Alizee, and then Layla. ”But maybe this way will be better. I understand... you're haunted by worse Apparitions. Not all of them are bad. Is this what you want? Do you want to adjoin with her?”

Even with his visible, physical weakness there was a steadiness in his gaze and a certain brightness in the smile he gave Layla.

”Nobody else can make this decision for you. Only you.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Amara @Blizz, Sloane & Sully @Atrophy, Ruby @Shin Ghost Note
The House Filled With Fools

Everything was going to shit again.

Anya didn’t have a strong reaction to everything that was happening. Quite frankly, she didn’t care. Seal her, have her join, either way brought its own headaches. The former was less active. There was already so much she had to keep under control. The group's opinion was moving more towards sealing, so she didn’t have to hide her desire for that.

”We already have too many liabilities in the coven,” Anya said quietly, to Sloane, pushed in between her constant chorus of ‘shut up’ that in turn made it more difficult for Anya to think. But she clamped down any annoyance she may feel towards her friend. ”Let’s-”



Anya’s delicate hand came up to press against her brow, a look of sheer exhaustion crossing her face for just a moment. Once again, she would have to do the damage control.

”Amara, why don’t you take a moment? Maybe step outside? I can come with you, if you need?” As Anya spoke she stepped forward, hand coming up to press against Sully’s arm and attempting to push him politely out of the way of Sloane’s shot.

”Ruby, I’m so sorry about this,” Anya turned towards Ruby, smiling at her. The sorry was genuine, though the motivation behind it was more selfish than it was selfless. An attempt to save the alliance before it had even fully begun. ”Nobody means any harm, or to cause you and your coven any offence. Tempers are high with the killer around… I hope you can understand that?”

Interactions: Edict & Leon @AtomicEmperor, Aryin @NoriWasHere, Everyone
Closer To Home

What’re you getting so worked up about, Qian-er?

As the smooth, perfectly enunciated Chinese spoke in her ear, Linqian started to relax. It was as if Jinhai was right there with her, again. Soothing, judgmental, everything she’d missed.

It wasn’t real, but she was all too happy to let herself get lost in the illusion of it. Just like before, with the full hallucination. It dragged her out of the shit state she’d been in, shoved down all of the grief she was feeling rather than forcing her to deal with it. She could function again.

One little ghost and you lose it? You know I’m too perfect to come back as something like that.

You’re fucking insufferable, not perfect, Linqian found herself thinking back, reaching up to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall.

I’m not the one blowing up over the smallest things, am I? But don’t worry, I’m here now to stop you doing anything else stupid.

Why can you just be nice for once? A bit of comfort? Linqian laughed internally, limbs loosening and fists finally unclenching. Of course he wasn’t. This was just like the real Jinhai. Exactly how he was, always.

But when it really mattered he was always there for her.

I don’t need to tell you what you already know.

It’d be nice sometimes.

So demanding. I’m here for you, Meimei. You know you and Yi-er are more important than anything else to me.

Fuck, I missed you. It wasn’t quite what Jinhai would say, because they’d never needed words for something like that. There was an implicit understanding. But he wasn’t here anymore to have that understanding… and it was what she wanted to hear.

As Edict moved away, Linqian was able to pull herself out of her own mind to pay attention to her surroundings a bit more again.

She knew that letting Edict in her head, again, was probably the wrong decision. Magically dampening it all didn't fix her problems. Hearing Jinhai's voice in her mind didn't bring him back. But for now, it was soothing. It dampened all her worries enough, magically calming her so she no longer felt like she was just going to break.

You let Greyson in your head? Are you stupid? That piece of shit? Seriously, Linqian?

Linqian put a hand over her mouth to hide her smile and dampen her half laugh, eyes rolling up towards the ceiling. He sure was fucking realistic.

Oh shut up, she thought back.

She looked over to the piece of shit in question, eyes moving down to the gun he’d pulled out. Her body tensed, but not in the same way it had before - ready for action, to use magic, but not about to explode or break down. Then, she looked at what he was watching.

What the fuck.

Leon had turned about as white as you could get. Linqian had never seen something like this before… not that she had much experience with Adjoined.

He'd gotten taller too, fuck, like he is wasn't already tall enough. She wondered... Her calm gaze moved down to his crotch.

It wasn’t a thought she could keep to herself. And she had to get out from behind the bar to be able to hit anything, anyway. On her way round, Linqian patted Edict on the shoulder, leaning in. It wasn’t quite a thank you, but the light brush of her hand down his bicep as she pulled back was the closest he’d get. ”I got your back. Or front, I guess.”

Her accent was heavier, most noticeable in where she stressed her words and the pitch of her speech. With Jinhai's voice whispering Chinese in her ear it was more difficult to speak that correctly pronounced, American English she'd perfected over the near 16 years she'd lived here. It was more similar to ten years ago, when she was still not fully adjusted to speaking it - not when it was essentially her third language, at the time.

Leave him. Protect yourself first. Like he’d do anything for you. He's a dishonest creep.

Linqian snorted, walking back over to Aryin, taking her place back beside her closest friend. She slung one arm up over her shoulder, looking relaxed, but Aryin would be able to feel the subtle tension - a readiness to fight if needed.

”Shit, you think his dick’s gotten bigger too?” Linqian commented not so quietly as she leaned in towards Aryin. She pointed towards Leon. ”Maybe if we look close enough- Fuck! What the fuck are you covering everything up for, you piece of shit! Get the fuck back out here, Leon!”

Seriously, Qian-er, you’re so desperate.

”Shut up,” Linqian muttered under her breath.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

”I know I was all down for it last night, but that kinda cult shit is a real turn off,” Linqian muttered to Aryin. ”Keep that controlling shit away from me. Fucking hell.”

She leaned back away, observing for a moment. She didn’t particularly care anymore. She was pulled out of it enough to get some entertainment out of the other’s reactions - namely Sloane losing it. What a hypocrite.

”I’m glad you’d stick with me, if I fucked off,” Linqian said, still talking quietly to Aryin. She twisted her body towards her friend, playfully punching her arm. ”Guess we’re not fucking getting rid of each other anytime soon, huh? Wouldn’t have it any other fucking way.”

Back on topic.

Oh, right.

”Whether we seal her or not, we don’t all have to watch this. More of us weighing in will just make shit messy… Let the people who know what they’re doing handle it. Some of us have good enough reflexes to jump in and start punching if needed, anyway,” Linqian spoke up to the coven members around her, jerking her head towards Britney and Sloane. Her gaze found Lynn, narrowing. There was a coldness in them but instead of saying anything she moved on. As if Lynn was nothing.

She was.

Linqian easily ignored Lynn just as she did the ongoing situation obscured by the fog.

”Let’s talk about the shit we actually need to. Like…”

Solid next steps. What was discussed before isn’t enough. How are you next meeting, Anya’s dream merging or the pocket universe?

”What the fuck we’re doing next. We don’t all want to meet up in person again, right? Too dangerous. So Anya’s dream shit, or Ken and Jack’s weird fucking dimension?” She pointed at the people in question, even managing to resist the urge to flip off Anya as she did. ”Anya works on getting to that rich fuck, Luca and Adora convince some assholes to leave the bigger assholes at 8th and the rest of us… what? Sit around doing fuck all? There must be something we can fucking do.”

As she spoke, she kept her eyes on Leon, Layla and Alizee - at least what she could see of them. Ready to make a move if she had to. It was all surprisingly sensible coming from Linqian. Really, it was from Jinhai. He whispered, she spoke. It wasn’t really her.

Except it was nothing she didn’t already know or hadn’t thought of. Jinhai was based on real memories of him, sure, but it had to be information she already had. It wasn’t like she could suddenly gain his intelligence thanks to an auditory hallucination. She was the one putting it together, really, she just never had the confidence to do it before. Always backed out, put herself down.

If anyone was putting her in the box labelled stupid, it was herself.

Take some initiative, Qian-er. Investigate yourself.

With what information, asshole?

”Do we have any other leads at all? Or are we just going to leave this meeting with fuck all again?”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
Avatar of Estylwen

Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Leon (@AtomicEmperor), Clancy (@Zombiedude101), Luca/Linqian (@FernStone), everyone

It was transfixing to watch, the thickening of fog, until the chaos of the room faded away. All that was left was the three of them. Or, as Alizée could readily tell, the four of them.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

The twin voices brought relief to Alizée, and a hopeful smile to Layla. Alizée's eyes narrowed to peaceful slits as she felt a comforting apparition around her, very much spectral in nature. She is the lock…

Her eyes opened, and she beheld Layla for what almost felt like the first time. Could she really…?

"Layla... Who needs Void Heart? Look at her, and tell me that you don't feel your soul calling out to host her. For her to expel the demons within you. You both can restart, Layla... Stronger together than ever before. Adjoin with Alizée Vul. Accept her. Forge a new bond, and awaken the Coming of the Dawn."

Layla's jaw dropped as she listened to Leon, eyes blinking rapidly. Before she shot a look to Alizée, and saw the apparition giving her a curious stare back. Layla's gaze snapped to Leon, her mouth parting uselessly, the words refusing to come up, the jumble of emotions, the possibility to be free.

"Body meant for her?!"

Before the illusion of safety, of any semblance of harmony, was destroyed. Layla looked nervously over Leon's side as Clancy came closer through the fog.

"It's not happening. You might not trust me, but you know I'm right, here."

Layla, admittedly, looked fairly dejected at Clancy's statement. It’s fine. She told herself. Then we're back to plan A, working towards getting the Void Heart back…

”Being like this is pain. You'll lose yourself, and there won't be anything left.”

Layla glanced up at Leon, before her pained face gazed in Clancy's general direction, as he was still somewhat obscured.

“I'm already in pain, I have already lost myself…” She said. “I've had nightmarish apparitions follow me my whole life. And no way to protect myself. But…” Her eyes slid over to Alizée. “With a little help…”

“If theres anything left of you, Alizee, don't do this to her. Your... friends, said you were suffering. End it. Control yourself. Be better."

Alizée's gaze stared through the fog, desperate to see the apparition speaking to her. He might have denied their ties, but they were from the same place, the same Voidly darkness. That placed his opinion very high, in her books.

When Clancy made it close enough to be seen, Alizée's somber eyes beheld him. She could still hear Lelou's faint chanting in her ear, and feel pressure on her hand and it's weakening, yet took a wistful breath before she addressed the young ‘boy.’

“You're right. You're absolutely right. I have no right to adjoin with her, and I would never force her, or anyone, to adjoin with me.

“But I would never harm her. Connections are not made by harming others.”

She took a slow breath, sighing, before continuing. “And, sorry. For earlier.”

”It's alright, I can see your sincerity. You have to be loyal to us... But I believe you when you say you will be. We all need someone. Just let that someone be us. I'll gladly be your friend.”

Alizée, despite the weakening effect, perked up a bit when the one in front of her said they'd be her friend. Could it really be true?

”You knew me before, of course I'll be loyal.”

Then they released her hand, and she gave it a flex, feeling the numbing weakness remain. How curious.

”The body meant for her? Are you serious? Layla's more than a body. What the fuck, Leon?!”

The mystical atmosphere was shattered once again. Layla watched Luca as he approached, before yelping in surprise as he fell. The scent of rotting flesh caused her eyes to prick, and she involuntarily gagged on the air.

When she looked up, she saw Luca staring furiously at Leon, rotting him away.

“Luca!” She squeeked out, her voice tight with panic. “You're hurting him!”

When she noticed, of all things, Luca was coming to her defense. Layla's lips parted, unable to speak. She couldn't remember the last time someone came to her defense, save Luna, Leon and Mr. Devola.

It stunned her, and she had to do a double-take of Luca.

When Luca finally removed himself from Leon, he turned to her, and Layla could only watch with awe.

”But maybe this way will be better. I understand... you're haunted by worse Apparitions. Not all of them are bad. Is this what you want? Do you want to adjoin with her?”

He was right. And he was giving her a choice.

”Nobody else can make this decision for you. Only you.”

“You go ahead with this, and I'll make our last moments together the worst you could ever imagine.”

Layla stiffened, feeling Mr. Riil's suffocating presence within her engulfing her.

“Not gonna ignore me anymore, you monster?”

“For some reason I think you prefer it. If there weren't all these people around I'd make you suffer for every desire I've felt pass through your body to get rid of me and adjoin with her.”

“Then I'll stay here, among friends, you coward.”

“Who you calling a coward, you little bitch?”

Layla trembled for a moment there, not believing the tone she was taking with Mr. Riil. If he had her alone for just a moment… It made her physically sick to think about. No amount of begging would save her, with the amount of fury she could feel rolling off him.

She gritted her teeth, before her eyes landed on Alizée. Layla didn't know what would become of her if she decided to adjoin with her. It could be worse than Mr. Riil. But, something in her gut told her it would be alright. Looking up at those red eyes, flowing white hair, remembering the defenseless girl on the metal slab…

Maybe Alizée needed a friend as desperately as she did.

Layla's gaze turned to Luca, framed by illuminated fog. Despite the fear she felt, the ominous presence weighing her down, she spoke from her soul.

“Yes… I want this. I want to adjoin with Alizée. Perhaps… With Alizée's help, I can forget about the Void Heart.”

Layla looked over at Alizée. “Only, of course, if that's alright with you, Alizée. I uh, have a lot of baggage.”

Alizée stared for a moment, before her red eyes curled upward in happiness. “We'll be the best of friends, don't you worry.”

Layla nodded, before her grimace held Luca. “Leon's just trying to help… I think it was an accident, but he's injured now. How can we work together as a team if we're always hurting each other?” She said softly, trying to appeal to Luca's good side.

Alizée glanced at Luca, Leon and Clancy, her red eyes tight. Be better.

“You have a serial killer after you, right? I… understand why tensions are so tight among you, and I don't blame you. Death is… a scary experience.

“This serial killer must be the one tormenting you all. I want to help.”

She turned to Clancy. “Even if it's for selfish reasons, I want to prove that I can be better. That I can be a boon in all ways, and not a burden.”

”Anya works on getting to that rich fuck, Luca and Adora convince some assholes to leave the bigger assholes at 8th and the rest of us… what? Sit around doing fuck all? There must be something we can fucking do.”

It was Luna who spoke up in response.

“I have some ideas for you. Spying, first and foremost.” Her head tilted as she poured herself another drink. “We pool our ideas and hazard guesses as to where people in the know might be, like Veni. We post someone there to listen, eavesdrop, and we might get something good.”

She lifted her glass to her lips, but paused before taking a sip. “There's one other thing we could do.”

She set the glass down, eyes leveling at Linqian. “Stay in groups, and train. Clancy is evidence for us that we no longer have the luxury of being alone. And whatever happens with 8th Street, I'll bet good money they'll come back swinging. And I'll be damned if we miss an opportunity to combine our talents and push each other.

“‘Course, it's really up to you folks what you wanna do. I gave my two cents already.”

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
Avatar of Shin Ghost Note

Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: 'Alizee' Vul (@Estylwen), Sloane (@Atrophy), & Amara (@Blizz).
The House on the Hill.

“...Deal. I'll stop searching.”

Britney smiled. Hopeful that this can work. She opened her mouth, getting ready to mouth the words: If she does anything, put it on me...

... Where is he? Where have they sealed him?”
... Only for that smile to turn flat. Her jaw dropped as it took only ten seconds for this idiot to turn around on her word. Britney facepalmed, her hand loudly slapping. Not only did Alizee break her word instantly, but she also made Britney look very bad.

Well, that's on her. Britney thought to herself as she thought of the perfect way to seal Alizee... she focused on the ground underneath Alizee and created roots and vines in the shape of her preferred sealing symbol. Of course, only onlookers should be able to notice, and long as nobody blows their load or says anything stupid-
“A bunch of idiots! There you fucking have it! We gave her her fucking undeserved moment, Jasper! And she blew it, so stop projecting your guilt on us. Come on, Britney. Do it.”


”Seal her. Do it.”


Britney shouted at Sloane and Amara - not even turning her head to look at them as she had to focus on the sealing symbol. For real, are they trying to make Alizee run away? Or take a fucking hostage? Their stupidity drove her up the wall.

“Please, don't do this. Listen, the Temple is filled with people, isn't it? Can't Layla report to you if I even dare to show up? I swear, I won't pursue the Void, and I won't step foot in the Temple. I won't have a way to see him. I'm not a threat to you! I'm sorry I asked; I shouldn't have asked. But now my search is over! I know where he is, now I can give up and move on. Please, please, don't resign me to a fate worse than death! Please don't give up on me! We were friends once, weren't we?!”

Thankfully, Alizee didn't just cut and run (or kidnap Layla. Or tear her head off in front of them) like Britney expected. She chose to plead and beg... but Britney gave her that chance, and she shits right in her face! So, fuck that. Britney kept making the sealing symbol out of rots and vines, until it became a more coherent shape.


"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

”... The Body?” Britney tilted her head at Leon. ”The fuck?!”

Luca and Clancy had an issue with it, but it seemed that Layla also wanted to be adjoined to Alizee. Or at least that's how Britney interpreted it: she had thoroughly checked out and gave up.

”... You know what? Do whatever the hell you want with them,” Britney rolled her eyes, dismissively waving her hand at Leon. I'm done.

Britney found herself a seat next to Greyson... getting ready to pack her shit up and leave. She expected nothing to get done, but this was ridiculous! It appeared that not only Britney was getting sick of their shit, but the Greenwood leader...

Ruby White.

With the Greenwood Coven doing stuff.
Interactions: Sloane (@Atrophy), Anya (@FernStone), Lila ([NoriWasHere]), Layla (@Estylwen) and The Entire Coven.
Outside the House on the Hill.

Someone Who Seriously Needs To Get Laid

Ruby looked on, clutching that tree branch tightly.

"... You call this high?" Ruby asked Sloane with a playful smirk. "Keep talking, and I'll have to upgrade to something harder." She rolled her eyes as she turned away from Sloane.

This whole meeting, despite starting so good, went to shit in the blink of an eye. All it took was one idiot to open their mouths, and it went utterly left. Auri didn't do anything to control them - Auri wasn't here there! She had left with two of them, which didn't help Ruby's opinion of the Coven. They were uncontrollable, chaotic, and she was honestly getting sick of their shit. One of them tried to play damage control, but Ruby saw that, from her emotional state, she was only trying to play damage control, and it was coming from a place of selfishness.

”Ruby, I’m so sorry about this. Nobody means any harm, or to cause you and your coven any offence. Tempers are high with the killer around… I hope you can understand that?”

"I do understand that, but..." Ruby rolled her eyes as she slowly walked back onto the stage. She walked up and got a good look at everyone's emotional states. Tensions were high, but the issue was far from where tensions were high. There was a straightforward issue; from the looks of the rest of the Greenwood Coven, they felt the same way. "... You know, I'm willing to look past her immediately trying to instigate the second we walked in after eavesdropping on us. No hello or nothing."

Ruby glanced at Lila, making it clear that she was talking about her. Of course, Ruby knew that she didn't mean any harm from it, but it was still a valid point nonetheless. Then she pointed towards Layla.

"And I'm willing to overlook the gold medalist in mental gymnastics over there blaming my girl for that idiot getting herself killed in the situation she and her little Casper CREATED..." Ruby spoke bluntly and didn't care if she tanked the alliance herself. Because, so far, she wasn't impressed with the Sycamore Tree "Coven" and couldn't depend on them at all. If anyone here got offended, Ruby would not hesitate to leave outright.

"But, I just can't look past how dysfunctional, chaotic, disorganized-" And wholly incompetent. Ruby resisted the urge to tack on the last point out of tact. "... you all are. Some of you seem like outright liabilities." Briefly, Ruby glanced at Amara and Linqian but kept her mouth shut. What she did do was tap her staff on the ground as she continued,

"Like, how are we supposed to make any plans with all of you screaming at each other and having outright mental breakdowns? How are we supposed to get anything done in this kind of environment?" Ruby sighed before she added on. "Or how are we supposed to depend on you when we put those plans into action? Or God forbid when shit hits the fan?"

Ruby let the words hang in the air, feeling the tension ripple through the crowd. The faces before her were a mixture of resentment, embarrassment, and barely restrained anger. Ruby didn't care. Not. One. Bit. If this alliance was going to work, it needed a reality check, and she wasn't about to mince words.

"Look," Ruby continued, putting a hand on her chest. "I'm not saying the Greenwood Coven is perfect by any means. God knows we have our issues. But we come together. We make it work. We find a way to get shit done because we have to. We don’t have the luxury of falling apart."

Ruby scanned the crowd, focusing on those who had been vocal earlier, before she continued, "I had high hopes for all of this from yesterday, but right now, I'm seriously having second thoughts."

Taking a deep breath, Ruby finally tried to salvage what was left of this disastrous meeting. "If you want this alliance to mean anything: start acting like it. Get your shit together, or we're out. We're trying to make a difference: we don’t have time to babysit nobody."

Ruby narrowed her eyes at them, knowing that this would piss some of them off. Again, she was done with it. She could hear the various members of the Greenwood Coven whispering to each other as she scrambled to grab the untouched pizza and food.

They see the writing on the wall.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by NoriWasHere
Avatar of NoriWasHere


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: All these bitches
A clusterfuck

Lila laughed. At first, the laugh was soft, demure, and not easily noticed. Yet it could not remain hidden for long. It grew, grew, and grew more until it was painfully obvious to everyone in the room that Lila was having a grand old time despite the circumstances of Ruby’s speech, Leon's idiotic idea, and the naive girl agreeing to it. Her laugh cracked, revealing that it was not just Lila laughing. The Maiden was once again roused from the depths of her container and was back on the surface alongside Lila. She did not try to gain control, she did not try to influence Lila to laugh in this situation. Instead, they both found the chaos that unfolded before them both funny and absurd. How far the mighty Sycamore coven has fallen that they can’t even have a singular meeting go five minutes without some chaos unfolding? Lila was not at the first one so she had no memory of what happened, but she remembers what happened afterwards. Drake punched Sloane so hard it broke her nose. The second meeting started okay, but then they were fucking raided by the feds. The third meeting had a full-on assault by 8th Street occur. And now the fourth meeting had everyone bickering, and arguing, a ghost that tried to kill a few of their members and was likely to turn into some chaotic sealing session where a girl was cursed to live with the ghost of a murderer.

The Maiden herself was in love with the chaos that had unfolded. Out of all of her hosts, and compatriots over the millenniums that she existed, no one brought as much fun to the experience. Lila had fought against a world-ending monster only to return to a boring life she hated afterward. She then brought the Maiden back into this chaotic group and the hijinks they got up to. This was fun. And she loved to laugh at the absurdity that this coven had become. The Maiden knew it would be interesting pushing Lila back into the flock but even she could not have expected how far the sycamore coven had fallen.

Lila looked over to ruby, trying to stifle her laugh more, and she waved a hand before she took a deep breath. "There is one thing you,", Lila paused as she let out a final chuckle, "one thing you gotta understand about us. This coven is held together at the seams by our shared trauma. I mean we have dead friend issues,", she pointed at Adora, Jack, and Jasper, "dead family issues,", she pointed at Drake, Linqian and Lynn, "and.... you others seem weirdly adjusted to the trauma of our past and that makes me think that you are just better at hiding it than the rest of us,", she pointed towards Aryin, Britney, Auri, Anya, Sloane, Stormy, and Leon, "I wouldn't be surprised if Leon had some mommy issues upstairs though,", she paused as she let out a final chuckle. She took a deep breath and continued. "the thing is though for some ungodly reason we all are ready to fight any fucker who threatens our family. We're just better when we can actually see the threat in front of us. This group does not do well as a whole, but we do fantastic when we are able to fight in our smaller groups,", Lynn paused as she pointed to herself then to Lynn, Jasper, Luca. She then pointed towards Sloane, Anya, and decided to point toward Auri and Drake as well. She then pointed to Linqian, Aryin, Edict, and Britney. "We have too much bad blood between ourselves for these meetings to be anything but chaotic. But when push comes to shove we respond well. Just look at the last fight we had with 8th. Despite all our differences, all our hatred, and all our bickering we fought back together." Lila paused again as she looked back to Ruby. "I am sorry for listening in and confronting you right away. I have no control over what I see or hear from my crows sometimes. The Maiden is ever present even if she does not make it a point to tell me she is watching my back for me. I should have confronted the issue in private and after the meeting."

Lila paused as she felt the Maiden fall from the spotlight once again. That was a…better experience than other times the Maiden came to the front but Lila was not going to judge. However, she felt like the Maiden was growing very fond of this chaotic little band of misfits and wanted the chaos to continue. Lila sighed as she looked back to Ruby. “Like I said,” Lila paused as she took several steps forward into the middle of the groups, “we work very well within our smaller groups. We are focused, we are cohesive, and we are always ready to do what is necessary to protect each other. This chaos, this mess, this dysfunction will always be how these big group meetings happen. Even this fucking ghost appearing is par for the fucking course at this point. But,” Lila paused as she took another step towards Ruby, “I want this alliance to work. I think enough of us do,” Lila paused as she looked at the untouched food, “how about we focus on what works chat? We have my group, you guys have your groups, instead of all of us meeting together like this going forward we simply delegate the responsibility to one person and send them to these meetings? That way the meetings are productive, the chaos is kept to a minimum, and we are not at each other's throats at every given opportunity,” Lila paused as she looked at Leon, then Linqian, then Sloane, and finally Ruby once more, “how about we act like a fucking coven again and not some adults pretending to be teenagers, yeah?”

Lila left the center of the group and returned to her spot on the wall. She looked over the covens with her beady black eyes and looked at everyone with an almost rage-like focus. This would either push the coven to finally step to the plate, or it would cause more chaos among the ranks. Either way, that would be a win for Lila and it would be a win for The Maiden. “If y'all are okay with it we can start that idea right now. Jasper, Lynn, if the rest of the coven is down you should take Luca home so he can heal. Edict can take Linqian home and let her resolve whatever is wrong this time. Leon can take the ghost of Christmas past and the girl back to the temple so they can do whatever the fuck they want to do. And anyone who doesn't want to be fucking productive from here on out can go as well. How's that sound?”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by AtomicEmperor
Avatar of AtomicEmperor

AtomicEmperor Radioactive Frog

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

& &
Edict & Leon & Kenshiro

Mentions: | Direct Interaction: Linqian Han & Luca Olivera/@FernStone, Clancy Patrick/@Zombiedude101, Layla Hyacinthus & Alizée Vul/@Estylwen Britney Williams & Ruby White/@Shin Ghost Note, Lila Blackwood/@NoriWasHere| Location: The House on the Hill

"Control yourself. Be better."

Leon listened to the Vessel speak. He could smell the cold death of Clancy Patrick and sneered without turning his head.
"Rousing speech, Husk. We'll refer back when someone gives a fuck... You all speak about consent and caring as if your actions reflect that. Sycamore: You could barely remember the poor girl's Abstraction, yet you deign to decide if one parasite is greater than the other. And then compare her to the likes of Emily G. Reed, or Vashti Nour? Britney's projects? Spare me your talk. You all scream about the Temple, wail, bemoan yourselves as you huddle for warmth...-"

”Don't you dare make this decision for her. Force this on her and I will rot your flesh until you wish you would just die."

Luca's hands on Leon's arm caused the specter of Lelou to recoil, practically standing up on Leon's shoulders in the thinning cloud of steam. But, as the blood purposefully rushed away, Leon looked down to watch the flesh dry-rot and slough away in little handprints.
No. Luca's not like that.
Do as I say or face them alone!
Luca isn't a threat. It was an accident, please... I just need you until we leave. Please!

Leon stepped back half a foot, hand gripping at his arm as smoke curled off the self-healing wound struggling against the magical agony of The Rot. An entity that all others should, and absolutely did fear. Even Lelou. As he stepped back, there was a puff of air that drove the haze out of the room. In an instant, Leon's pale skin and snow white hair both regained their color, like he was being painted in. Pale became pink, white became black, and there was a gentle popping noise that indicated the seals scrawled across his body were depressing. It was enough to stop Kenshiro, who had moved with Clancy up into the fog and whose momentum had picked up to move into a defensive position in front of Luca.
Leon was holding his arm, the last bit of free power he had access to bleeding out into a frothy yellow liquid that filled in the newly festering wound. It would take quite some time to heal fully... He looked at Luca with a slight frown, closing his eyes and almost bowing his head.

Bones clicked and ticked until he was his usual towering height, absent of the magical influence which quite literally grew his bones. He was simply a man again, the entity within no longer willing to provide him power in harmony. If he wanted any more, he'd have to pay the price and fight the beast for control. But that couldn't matter now: He'd done what needed to be done, and something he thought was for the best of both the individuals involved... And he'd take the blame for whatever came after that, secure and unbothered by people whose opinion-stocks were plummeting in his estimation.
As he practically deflated, Ken took a deep breath before forming a bubble around Luca's chest. He wrapped his arms around the telekinetic field, letting Luca feel the comfort of a hand on his shoulder. Even if it was one that was trying to move him away from danger.

I'm done.

There was a long moment where Edict had to decide whether or not he was going to step in between Leon and Britney. To him, whatever Leon and Alizée had going on told him that this was Temple business. - As much as he wanted to involve himself, the chances of ruining a good thing were far greater than he wanted to deal with... But as Britney disengaged and Leon seemed to reduce the necessary force escalation, he took the chance to breathe. Layla wasn't in any immediate trouble, and even if she was, he didn't really care. He just didn't want people's focus turning back onto Britney. She'd done her time, and for what it was worth, he was sure that she was doing what she thought was right. It was a shit show, and he could only think of one real solution...
A solution nobody in that room was going to want. Especially not from him. Leon's voice was wavering, but Edict's head turned to listen to Ruby.

"Get your shit together, or we're out. We're trying to make a difference: we don’t have time to babysit nobody."
Boss Lady

Lila, usually a quiet voice, echoed out in response to Ruby's proclamation. She spoke about the group breaking up into pieces, and about wanting things to work.
Leon and Edict both felt the same way, but Edict was the one to say something.

“How's that sound?”

"I think that's about all we can hope for at this point, Lil' Sis. I mean, we can't have all these heads like this... I love y'all, from the bottom of my heart I swear I do, but if we can't forgive each other and agree on a plan, then we can't be out here worrying about one another either. Honestly, if we stick to our little groups, maybe we can elect representatives and cut these meetings down to important people who have level heads and can make agreements on behalf of the people around them."

Leon cleared his throat, eyes and head turning to Ruby.
"Just absorb who'll come, Ruby. Let the chaff blow into the wind..."
Back to Layla and Alizée, Leon nodded his head toward the exit.
"Come, you two. They don't want freaks like us."

"Pity yourself, Leon Richoux... We'll take the knives out of our backs once we've made you feel better. You're hardly better than the Matchmaker."
Ken turned his back on Leon, looking directly at Luca. His hands came around the invisible coat, rubbing his arms.
"You're okay? You're okay, my friend..." he tried to comfort, no longer concerned with the clown procession happening around him. He only wanted to protect those he felt deserved it.

As that spat happened, Edict was quietly making preparations to leave as well. He'd come with Leon, and whether or not they expected some sort of ride, he definitely wasn't planning on going with them. With Leon making his way toward the door, Edict cleared his throat.
"Leon-" he called, tossing his set of keys. The giant man caught them with his good hand. "Just uh... Get it back."
He nodded solemnly, turning his head to Layla and Alizée and nodding them along.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by FernStone
Avatar of FernStone

FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Lila @NoriWasHere, ‘Alizée’ & Layla @Estylwen, Ken & Leon @AtomicEmperor, Ruby @Shin Ghost Note Everyone Present
The House on the Hill

“Yes… I want this. I want to adjoin with Alizée. Perhaps… With Alizée's help, I can forget about the Void Heart.”

Luca nodded, smiling. If it was what Layla wanted then he wouldn’t stop her. Hopefully she would get some more peace… Perhaps they would be good for each other. Luca knew that not every Apparition was like his. There’d been other coven members with good ones, and ambivalent ones. They were just like humans in that way…

”It was an accident, but I should’ve been more careful,” Luca continued. He turned to look back at Leon, around Ken, who he let move him slightly further away. He was glad for the support, but he wasn’t scared of Leon. If Leon had taken a shot… Well, it would be a quick and painless death when his neck snapped.

”I'm sorry, Leon, I didn't mean to hurt you. Magical healing should fix it,” Luca grimaced. He didn’t want Leon to think that it was - it was hard to tell. But it was on purpose. You lingered. No. Luca shook his head. He'd just wanted to make sure Layla was being given the choice, rather than being forced into something she didn't want. Like he had been.

He still let out a slight sigh of relief as Leon started to move towards the door, and away from him.

”You’re right, I’m okay, Ken,” Luca once again smiled at his friend. ”I just stumbled… Do I look like I feel not okay? I’ve never felt better.”

A lie, of course, he’d felt better plenty of days in earlier years. But compared to recently… After the healing, he was doing just fine. Rotting away a little flesh wasn’t a strain at all. Pushing down the Rot like this was routine. It was just the guilt… always the guilt.

Just embrace it.

Luca ignored the Rot. He leaned into Ken slightly, where his hands were against the telekinetic bubble, careful to not touch him with anything that wasn’t. The almost-contact was enough to push it away.

”Hey, why does everyone think I’m so fragile I’m about to fall over?” Luca spoke up, with a light laugh, as Lila suggested Jasper and Lynn took him home. He was as recovered from dealing with the Crystal as he was ever going to be. This, right now, was him functioning. ”I was just talking, and tripped. Unless you’re saying you want me to shut up, Lila?”

Perhaps a poorly time joke, but it was easiest for Luca to stay positive by not dwelling on any of the bad that had happened.

”But I agree about splitting into smaller groups,” he continued. ”Even if we all got on, there’s to many people, and no clear leadership. We can’t have a one leader who makes all the decisions because then we’ll be repeating the mistakes we made before. As Lila said, we’re held together by trauma, and circumstance. We were ten years ago, and are again today. There’s a reason we didn’t last… unfortunately.”

He’d turned to Ruby towards the end of what he said, smiling at her genuinely, even though she’d essentially gone through all of the reasons they sucked. He understood. He didn’t agree with all of it. But they hadn’t seen what Sycamore was like in a fight, when they needed to come together. When the stakes were high and the pressure was there, they could do it. But only then.

”Even if you decide you don’t want an ‘alliance’, please let some of us help. Keep in touch. Because we all live in this city too. Some of us are trying to make a difference too,” he gestured to Sloane, and to Ken. ”Even if we can’t do it in the same way you do. Anything to do with nature, well… I’ll do more help than harm. But outside just the Father Wolf situation, I want to make the city safer. And I… have my own investment in making sure Emily and Vashti are stopped.”

And that certain 8th Street members weren’t harmed in the process.

But everything he said was genuine and open. Calm, and selfless, as if this wasn’t for himself in any way.

Interactions: Edict & Leon @AtomicEmperor, Aryin @NoriWasHere, Ruby & Britney @Shin Ghost Note
The House on the Hill

Training, yes. Spying, no.

”Training, I can do,” Linqian said in response to Luna, shrugging one shoulder. ”Spying… that’ll just get us killed. But making sure we can fuck up 8th when they come back? That’s my fucking strong point.”

Linqian was silent as Ruby went into all the reason their Coven was shit. Normally, Linqian would lose it again the moment Ruby looked at her and implied she was a liability. She should. But there was Jinhai whispering to her that she wasn’t, to not pay attention to it. She managed to clamp down on her anger at that, just, but…

”We don’t have the luxury of falling apart."
The Almighty Greenwood Leader

”Oh right, because we totally do have that luxury,” Linqian sneered. ”You think that after my bro-”

Calm down, Qian-er. Not now.

Linqian took a deep breath, shaking her head. She then held up a hand. ”Alright, I understand. We’re dysfunctional as fuck. But we’re not looking for a fucking babysitter.”

That was all she had to say on the matter, because Lila and Luca did enough talking between them. Especially Lila, but… Linqian couldn’t say she was wrong. She’d much rather work with the few people she did like that have to keep coming to these fucking meetings and getting nowhere. So long as the information actually got back to them, because fuck, she needed to kill that bastard with her own two hands.

Then she wouldn’t have to see Lynn, and that was more reason to agree with it than any. ”Sure, we split, actually get shit done. I’m cool with that.”

She didn’t bother saying much more than that, but she couldn’t help her gaze from moving over to Leon as he started to leave, dropping some shit that had her eyes rolling up towards the ceiling.

”Fucking hell, Leon, that's some self pitying shit you got going on there. 'Don't want freaks like us' my ass, fuck, count me and Aryin out of that statement for obvious fucking reasons.”

Keep that to yourself, please.

Come on, that wasn’t that bad.

She didn’t really care what he thought, anyway. It did seem like everyone was getting ready to go… At least two of the three people she gave much of a fuck about. With things settling down, and her own mind less chaotic, it allowed her to think about things she actually did need to do. Beyond training, beyond working with the coven. Mundane shit. Shit to keep a roof over her head.

Linqian patted Aryin on the shoulder. ”I'll text you about moving tomorrow... got some shit to sort out.”

She made her way back over to Greyson and Britney, swiping up her jacket from where she’d dumped it on the back of a chair and hanging it over her arm. Far as she could see it, there wasn’t any point in sticking around. What else were they going to do? Argue more? Linqian was too tired for that.

”We fucking off?” Linqian asked them both. She then leaned in towards Greyson, head turning towards him to make it obvious she was talking to him. Her voice lowered slightly but Britney could probably still hear - she wasn’t so bothered about that, just didn’t want her around for the actual conversation. Too many people already knew about her money problems and it fucking sucked. ”I have some shit to talk to you about after this... Or tomorrow if you're busy, whatever, shit isn't that important."

Or never.
Shut up.

At least, it could wait another day, since it was just about her money shit. If he was going to turn up to all of the meetings because of Britney, or if they were going to do some kind of representative shit... Well she certainly wasn't going to be chosen for that. Hell, she knew she was part of the problem normally. but then what would she get paid for?

Maybe he'd have some other shit for her. And if not, she'd need to properly look for another job. She was reluctant, though, because Edict paid much better than any job she qualified for.

You should just take the out, Linqian. Don’t keep working with that scumbag. In fact, stop talking to him. You agreed to before. He hasn’t changed. He’s just using you.

You think I don’t know that?

I do. Just like before, you don’t understand. He’s a dangerous criminal. One night and some money and you start trusting him. It’s exactly what that backstabbing bastard wants. I would freeze him until he wished he’d never looked at you again if I could. You don’t need his money, Qian-er. It’s dirty money from an immoral piece of shit. Now that he’s in your head he-

”Controlling asshole, you think I’m stupid… Don’t shit talk your creator too much.” Linqian muttered in Chinese, unable to keep the words internal - most people couldn’t understand anyway.

She rolled her eyes before bringing herself back to the present, ignoring Jinhai’s words in her mind - both frustrating and comforting in equal measures. Just like the real Jinhai.

”Ah, I didn't bring my car, so...” Linqian was somewhat awkward as she swapped back to English, but also played that off. She raised an eyebrow, looking at Edict, who’d just thrown his keys away. ”We’re taking Brit’s or we’re walking.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Zombiedude101 Urban

Member Seen 1 day ago

Ken, Leon@AtomicEmperor Luca@FernStone Layla, Spooky!Alizee@Estylwen Lila@NoriWasHere

“I'm already in pain, I have already lost myself…” She said. “I've had nightmarish apparitions follow me my whole life. And no way to protect myself. But…” Her eyes slid over to Alizée. “With a little help…”

"You don't get it." Frustration bubbled to the surface. Clancy's expression became a glower, crinkled with disgust. She doesn't get it. He realised she probably wouldn't get it, because she was young, terrified and desperate. She hadn't experienced the world that he had come from. To stare down the barrel of perpetual existence, with no end, no ability to grow beyond the base instincts and needs that shackled him.

He was still aware of the shadow that hung over her, but at this moment, with the fog still swirling over and around them, he couldn't discern it from the rest of the white noise. Instead, he let the back and forth continue.

“You're right. You're absolutely right. I have no right to adjoin with her, and I would never force her, or anyone, to adjoin with me.

“But I would never harm her. Connections are not made by harming others.”

Bullshit. The only 'connection' Clancy had ever understood was not a thing he'd inflict upon anyone. Even if Alizee couldn't realise it, he knew from word of mouth that the connetion between her and the Void Heart had been poisonous at best, a corrupting influence that had taken hold of her at an age where she was too young to know better, or say no.

Considering his own circumstances... it was too close to home to detach himself from it as he might've done with anything else that would've horrifie a normal person.

“Yes… I want this. I want to adjoin with Alizée. Perhaps… With Alizée's help, I can forget about the Void Heart.”

Layla looked over at Alizée. “Only, of course, if that's alright with you, Alizée. I uh, have a lot of baggage.”

Alizée stared for a moment, before her red eyes curled upward in happiness. “We'll be the best of friends, don't you worry.”


“Leon's just trying to help… I think it was an accident, but he's injured now. How can we work together as a team if we're always hurting each other?”


“You have a serial killer after you, right? I… understand why tensions are so tight among you, and I don't blame you. Death is… a scary experience.

“This serial killer must be the one tormenting you all. I want to help.”

She turned to Clancy. “Even if it's for selfish reasons, I want to prove that I can be better. That I can be a boon in all ways, and not a burden.”
Layla & Alizee

"Whatever. Do what you want. Don't say I didn't warn you. Both of you." His tone was callously dismissive, masking the disappointment and disheartened thoughts gnawing at him.

Even Britney had washed her hands of them, and that was one of the few places where he could say they shared the same sentiment.

Maybe he was unfairly taking the high ground, but if Clancy had been given the choice to inflict any component of his existence on another person in exchange for some relief, he would still have declined. His burden was his to carry alone.

The response from Leon's guest did little to change his opinion on the matter.

"Rousing speech, Husk. We'll refer back when someone gives a fuck... You all speak about consent and caring as if your actions reflect that. Sycamore: You could barely remember the poor girl's Abstraction, yet you deign to decide if one parasite is greater than the other. And then compare her to the likes of Emily G. Reed, or Vashti Nour? Britney's projects? Spare me your talk. You all scream about the Temple, wail, bemoan yourselves as you huddle for warmth...-"

That he wasn't alone in expressing disgust at the sheer hubris of Leon's passenger gave him some small comfort, although that quickly evaporated upon seeing the disgust manifest in the form of the Rot bubbling to the surface, Luca's anger manifesting in the corrosive, hateful wroth inflicted upon Leon's arm. Equally, he felt some relief as the skinny latino boy managed to push it back down, with a little help from Kenshiro.

When the fire had died down, Clancy leaned in, his voice lowered enough that only Leon and his passenger were guaranteed to hear it. A seething, cold hatred gazed past the shadows of Leon's consciousness, his attention directed at her.

"Maybe they'll find out how long a parasite can last when she doesn't have a host to piggyback off. Don't try me."

The silence that followed impied neither disdain nor acknowledgement. If the host heard it, he hadn't acknowledged the warning. It may as well have been an empty scowl. But, in the periphery of his vision, Clancy caught the vague outline of a single, central digit being displayed in his direction through the dissipating fog, a contemptuous chortle whistling back at him.

Fuck you too, he made an educated guess what her answer would've been.

At least he could admit to himself what he was. It wasn't an empty threat, if he was being honest with himself - there was some intent behind it.

Leon alone was a big man, and bigger still in the monster movie outfit. But Clancy had lost his fear of big things a long time ago. Assholes with bats, knives, guns. The nazi with the axe had been big, too. The hitwoman had been a tiny thing by comparison. In some respects, that made him an acceptable target, and he was not certain whether he should have felt guilty for even entertaining on the thought.

On one hand, perhaps Leon was another victim of something he couldn't control anymore - as Luca had suffered with the Rot. But he'd just seen no less than two examples of a victim that had enabled and perpetuated the problem, giving in to what the monster wanted.

Alizee and Layla were not-so-living proof of that now, much to his disdain.

If Leon was going to enable more of the same behaviour, he was no better than them. And that made it easier to accept the idea of stopping things there and then, whatever that meant.Feral instincts aside.

It was the kind of thing Clancy could not willingly allow. It was a violation of every boundary he'd set for himself, and unlike the other monsters, he was still Clancy Patrick, enough to control himself. No matter what. It was perhaps one of the only anchors he could cling to in his perpetual existence.

"Just absorb who'll come, Ruby. Let the chaff blow into the wind..."
Back to Layla and Alizée, Leon nodded his head toward the exit.
"Come, you two. They don't want freaks like us."

"At least you can choose not to act like one." More of that unfiltered bitterness seeped out of him, like raw sewage overflowing from a manhole.

But he realised at this point they had all again become sidetracked, himself included and playing a part in the distraction. This meeting had been, yet again, a disaster. The bird-girl, Lila had a point. Ashley's group simply weren't meant to outlast their original purpose, stopping the snake. Splitting off seemed the better approach for now, until they had a common purpose that could be achieved - stopping the murderer.

Right now, in this moment? Clancy found himself standing with Luca and Kenshiro.

One of them seemed to understand his particulars better than the rest - and had taken a beating in the process, while the other at least had more common sense than most there. Neither of them had acted like idiot teenagers and brought petty arguments into the situation, and in each instance there was an element of duty in what they were doing . They understood loss, and they were willing to take responsibility.

And Luca looked as though he could use an extra hand. While he claimed he was fine to Kenshiro, Clancy could tell he was not. "Prefer being around not-assholes. You could use extra pair of hands anyway. It can't hurt me, remember?"

Clancy's voice was hushed, but there was a faint, concealed sincerity to his comment as he not-so-subtly informed the two of them that he was there. even he came across bluntly. And in truth, he felt he owed the skinny latino for the helping hand earlier.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The House on the Hill

Interactions: Britney (@Shin Ghost Note), Leon/Ken (@AtomicEmperor), Linqian (@FernStone), Jack @Blizz

”... You know what? Do whatever the hell you want with them, I'm done.

Layla flashed a grateful look to Britney, before it crumpled. She had never seen Britney quite like this. Angry? No, angry wasn't the right word. But it made Layla feel a bit of shame creep into her face, and she had to look away.

Alizée, on the other hand, had been desperately pleading her case, and failed to notice the vines and roots growing below her. A sealing. Before her panicked eyes drifted between Leon and Britney. Leon was the key that made Britney stop. Leon was the one that stopped the sealing before it was complete.

Alizée took a shaky breath, pointedly moving away from the remains of the viney symbol.

“Leon can take the ghost of Christmas past and the girl back to the temple so they can do whatever the fuck they want to do.”

Alizée's red eyes flickered, staring in a confused manner. Was she the Ghost of Christmas Past? The reference was lost on her, unfortunately.

"Rousing speech, Husk. We'll refer back when someone gives a fuck…”

Layla's jaw dropped. Automatically. Alizée seemed to watch with a bit of concern, before she leaned down to whisper to Layla.

“He's your friend, right?”

“Uh, yes. Yes he is.”

Alizée nodded, before she spoke again. “I think you have a good friend.”

"Whatever. Do what you want. Don't say I didn't warn you. Both of you."

Layla and Alizée stared long at Clancy, before glancing at each other. Layla, for a moment, felt a slight doubt. Was this the right move?

Alizée simply stared back at Layla, the scent of the Void Heart on her calming the pain in her ‘heart’. In her mind, it would only take time to show the apparition, to show them all, how this would turn out. How it would turn out for the better.

"Come, you two. They don't want freaks like us."

Layla sheepishly watched Edict toss the keys to Leon, before she pulled on Alizée's sleeve. She couldn't bring herself to look at Britney, she was probably furious with her.

“Come on, we should go…”

Alizée and Layla began drifting towards the door, following Leon along.

“Where are we going?”

“To the Temple. To uh, get you sorted out. Well, maybe they'll sort me out. Actually, they'd probably prefer it this way, wouldn't they…?”

“You sound scared.”

“Last time I was with the Butcher was… well, was when I was with him.”

There was a pause, before Alizée's voice sounded a bit raw. “You'll tell me all about it, right?”

“Of course.”

And Layla and Alizée exited the building.

”Training, I can do. Spying… that’ll just get us killed. But making sure we can fuck up 8th when they come back? That’s my fucking strong point.”

Luna grinned, leaning on the bar slightly haphazardly with her palm propped against her chin. “Done. We can coordinate in the week and get some sparring matches in.”

Before another voice chimed in. Aislin, who was busy smoking a one-hooter beside Todd, raised her hand up, waving it slightly in a care-free manner.

“I do have some news! They're unveiling some of my new pieces at the St. Portwell Arts Museum in a couple days, and I'm hosting an after-party at my place after. You all are welcome to come see the unveiling, and kick it back at the party.”

Luna snorted a bit under her breath, shaking her head slightly. “Always the carefree one, aren't you? Partying in times like these?”

“Hey, I still have a life to live, ya know. They'll be putting my name in the hall of fame, for sure!”

Her eyes glanced to Jack and Ken, “Still gotta coordinate for the Brass Needle though, right?”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Atrophy
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Atrophy Meddlesome Kid

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Anya @Fernstone Ruby @Shin Ghost Note Lila @NoriWasHere
The House on the Hill

“Whoa, hey Anya, weird time to go for a hug you know?” said Sully, not realizing she was trying to nudge him out of the way.

His empty-headedness transcended him from the run-of-the-mill dunce to an enlightened monk as he unintentionally counted her push, wrapping Anya in a quick one-armed hug around the shoulder as he shuffled to keep himself between Sloane and the Kool-Aid drinkers. So Leon and Layla were into weird new age movement bullshit. So what? As long as they weren’t required to buy monthly crates of Mama Leon’s goop to avoid becoming completely blacklisted or weren’t looking to escape from planet Earth by hitching a ride on a comet it really wasn’t any of their business.

And look, Sully got it: Sloane was shook because one of her little nerd buddies got jumpscared by the Gimp of Christmas Past and then Leon got a little too close for comfort. Leon could get a little intense sometimes, but he’d always seemed like a good egg and wasn’t as dumb as he looked. Leon had a handle on the Alizée situation. Even Greenwood was cool with the situation, and they had the biggest chip on their shoulder against the girl. Sure, the hushed exposition between Layla and Alizée illuminated the Temple in an eerie, unsettling light, but there was no way Leon was part of some bizarre evil cult even if his mom was running the show. Dudes with traps that big were too devoted to their gains to be agents of some nefarious cabal.

"If anyone dares lay a finger upon this Soul, or the Body meant for her; I will be their retribution."

Sully snapped his head back to the fog cloud that had blossomed around Leon and his ladies. The gears in Sully’s head stalled and smoked before they snapped through the mental bar jammed between the two: he was pretty sure Leon was just quoting Pulp Fiction and not revealing himself to be throw-a-virgin-in-a-volcano, cut-a-motherfucking-heart-out-on-a-ziggurat style zealot. Yeah, that must be it. Leon was just expressing his desire to protect Layla’s choice as well as the First Amendment. Right? Right. Right…but judging by the widening eyes on Sloane’s face it was pretty clear she didn’t realize that Leon was just being a patriot.

”... You know what? Do whatever the hell you want with them. I'm done.

Sully watched as an expression of pain shot across Sloane’s face as she hung her head, her arms dropping so that the business end of the staff pointed to the floor. The way she slightly drooped before freezing in place made her look as if she were a wind-up toy that had just run out of juice. Sully was about to reach the point where he felt obligated to wave his hand in front of her face when he got distracted by Ruby rightfully admonishing Sycamore for being nothing more than a hot mess. She was making some points. She was making some good, good points. Sycamore had some good eggs in the bunch, but a few rotten apples mixed there made for a shitty omelet.

Then Lila started speaking up and making some even gooder points of her own. Small groups could let the good eggs hang separate from the rotten apples. The rotten apples weren’t inherently bad—they mixed poorly with eggs, but together they could be fermented into an appropriately seasonal hard cider. Sully licked his lips, becoming lost in the metaphor, and followed through with the goodest idea of the evening as he filled the Chalice up with a steaming cocktail of apple cider, hints of cinnamon, a fresh squeeze of orange, and a shitton of bourbon. Chugging the liquid courage, Sully sidled up to Ruby.

“Lila makes a good point, boss. They might not look or act like much of a team, and the locker room banter is enough to get every single one of them canceled, but when that two-minute warning hits and they’re trailing in points the home team always manages to pull off some kind of miracle and send the fans home happy. Trust me, if it weren’t for the people in this room none of us would even be here today to have this conversation. Come on, what’s the worst that could happen?” said Sully, pretending to take a sip of his Chalice to block his mouth as he leaned in and muttered in an attempt to let only Ruby hear. “I’m willing to even rep Greenwood in those small meetings if you want so you won’t even have to deal with these bozos.”

”Interactions”: Layla @Estylwen Leon @AtomicEmperor
The House on the Hill

This wasn’t happening.

The others were just going to let them walk out of the room.

One blatant threat and any sense of righteousness was dropped.


They were just here for themselves, after all, only interested in protecting their own necks, the only other two apparently giving a damn either hoping to die or seemingly unable to.


She fit right in.


Sloane stared at her shoes, fixating on a scuff in the polished leather that she’d never noticed before as the chatter around her turned into a humming static. The noise was annoying, nearly as frustrating as the damage to her once pristine boots, and nowhere near as infuriating as the thoughts crashing around in her mind and threatening to burst out. She tried to quell them, focusing again on the cracked leather, ignoring how Sully had gotten in her way, or how Britney had gone against her word, or how stupid Sloane had been to believe that woman would ever do anything right. She tried to ignore how Ruby was insulting them for their inability to function when she’d offered poor guidance and her own people had done nothing but quip and huddle around their own.

Sloane even tried to ignore how Auri had, yet again, failed to even attempt to play the role of mediator she had unrightfully claimed, her seeming indifference and inaction in the moment shifting her performance from mediocrity to borderline maliciousness. She just focused on the scuff. It was way more important than the fact that they were allowing a dangerous and untrustworthy man to take a young woman away to perform some kind of ritual. Layla wanted to go, so let her go. It wasn’t like there was a massive history of groups like the Temple manipulating decent but lonely or scared people, isolating them by saying the world sees them as “freaks”, and getting them to agree to commit horrible, seemingly insane ideas through love bombing and veiled threats. Just let it go. In the grand scheme of things, Layla, Alizée, Leon, the Temple, none of them mattered. The only thing that mattered was getting that annoying little scuff buffed out.

Like you care about anyone but yourself.

The Chrysalis Staff softly clattered to the ground as Sloane watched the scuff start to move forward. This was stupid. There was no need to get involved. It was none of her business. She should just focus on her own survival. Her footsteps quickened as they moved past fresh sneakers, dirty boots, and blood stained floorboards. Don’t pursue this. There were bigger fish, more pressing matters. Kari, Emily, Father Wolf. Sloane at last looked up, brushing past Bé and his entourage, never having a chance the whole meeting to say more than a single word, lacking Lynn’s foresight. In the moment they didn’t matter. Right now, there was only one thing that mattered as Sloane left the bar in pursuit.

“Layla!” shouted Sloane, pushing through the front door.

The taillights of Greyson’s car were the ones to respond, saying it was too late to try to care now.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note JJ IN A GOLD CAPE

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sabrina Vanburen.
Interactions: The entire Coven I guess.
The House on the Hill.

This did not go the way Sabrina had hoped.

Not only did the Coven outright ignore her (which brought back some particular feelings from her childhood), but it wasn't long until it devolved into a chaotic mess. Maybe Sabrina should have spoken out more and become an active part of the conversation instead of slinking into the shadows and playing on her phone. But, the more she had to witness these people, the less she wanted to deal with them directly. She gave Britney, Linqian, and Greyson a pleading look as she wanted this nightmare to end!

Then they trashed the place, fighting a ghost. That wasn't their fault, but no one so much apologized to her for damaging the meeting place she had provided for them. She had enough... her eyes crept onto a fire alarm, and she raised her hand—a long, thin thread extended from her sleeve that would be invisible unless one was close. It wrapped snugly around the handle before Sabrina yanked her hand and pulled the alarm. Sabrina watched with grim satisfaction as the fire alarm blared, the loud shrill echoing through the room, cutting through the chaos. The room stilled for a moment, confusion flashing across the faces of those gathered. She used the momentary silence to step forward, her posture tense but composed.

“Must be a false alarm!” Sabrina said, her voice almost drowned out by the noise. “But, maybe it’s a sign you should call it a day?!” She smiled at them, shining her teeth.

Hoping they would take the hint and just leave.

Ruby White.
Interactions: Lila (@NoriWasHere), Sully (@Atrophy), and Kenshiro (@AtomicEmperor).
The House on the Hill.

As Lila spoke, Ruby's thoughts on the alliance were invigorated. Maybe Ruby was too quick to judge this girl. However, there was something Ruby had to get off her chest first.

"We all have problems, sweetheart," Ruby began. "It's a matter of letting those problems become everyone else's problem."

Ruby grinned. "... But, if you are serious about making this work, then I'm willing to give this alliance another cha-"

The alarm began blaring, going off that tall girl's emotions; she wanted them to escape. Ruby shrugged, seeing no problem with leaving, but there were a few things Ruby had to cover first. The first thing she did was turn towards Sully, having to speak loudly over the blaring alarm.

"Sounds great, Sully," Ruby nodded. "Truly, I just don't ever want to have to see that lil' ass clown again."

Ruby then dug into her pockets and pulled out those cardboard flyers Lynette had given her. She almost forgot about them and figured that if anyone could do it, Sully could. She shoved them into his hands.

"... Just do me a lil' favor and make sure that your Coven looks at these."

Then she extended a hand towards Amelia and said, "Amelia, give me a leaf!"

As commanded, Amelia created a massive leaf, and it floated over to Ruby, who quickly pulled out a sharpie and wrote her number on it. She turned towards Kenshiro and shouted,

"Hey, anime!" Ruby began, cocking the leaf back to throw, "Hit me up! If those 'important assholes' are who I think they are, then maybe we can help each other!"

Then Ruby turned towards Amelia and whispered in her ear - intentionally being vague about whether someone else was listening in on them.

"... Teleport us to where we were before the pizza place."

Amelia nodded as powerful winds appeared, which carried leaves and other foliage. Ruby grinned at the Sycamore Tree Coven.

"Thank you all for having us!" Ruby began. "I know it was a bit bumpy, but if you all want to talk, just one-on-one: you all should have my number!"

"... And I hope you get your boyfriend, Appie!" Jess shouted, shooting Adora the peace sign.

As the winds reached their peak, Ruby shouted,

"Greenwood, out!"

Then they disappeared.

With the untouched pizza and food.
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