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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Waylon Hugh is APPROVED
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Everyone's been putting in some great work on this game, and @Pilatus and I both wanna say thanks for sticking with us for over 100 posts. Given that most niche games fizzle out before reaching page 2, I'm really impressed and grateful that we've gotten to page 6 and are still going strong. This is legit the most fun group of players I've gotten to work with in a good long while, and again, thank you guys for dedicating your time and energy towards this hobby.

Anyway, sentimental shmaltz aside, let's get back to it!
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Late reply, but I've had so much fun already, hoping to get some more fun posts in.

Also, Heavenly Sword don't seem very cash money.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SnakieDarker


Member Seen 5 mos ago

are y'all still accepting peeps or am I too late?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

are y'all still accepting peeps or am I too late?

Not sure, but we did accept someone new not too long ago...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SnakieDarker


Member Seen 5 mos ago

<Snipped quote by SnakieDarker>

Not sure, but we did accept someone new not too long ago...

if y'all aren't, it's fine
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

are y'all still accepting peeps or am I too late?

At this point in the campaign, it'd be pretty difficult to work in another Mechwarrior. There are ways we can introduce other types of characters (tankers, aero-jocks, infantry, etc), but if you specifically want to pilot a 'Mech, it'd probably be better to hold off until Season 2.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 14 days ago

Looking forward to reading this. Just barely started watching videos about MechWarrior/BattleTech so I'm not even going to try to join. Maybe Season Two. Maybe as a Halfling. Half kidding.

But yeah looking forward to reading and congrats for lasting so long.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Looking forward to reading this. Just barely started watching videos about MechWarrior/BattleTech so I'm not even going to try to join. Maybe Season Two. Maybe as a Halfling. Half kidding.

But yeah looking forward to reading and congrats for lasting so long.

Hello; welcome to the thread.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@AndyC I'll just put my nametag down here for the time being. If things don't work out for Rasalhague RP, you can expect me to see about trying to fit in some Fourth Succession war veteran. Some kinda disgruntled FedSun, that doesn't want no business with the damn Lyrans and their Atlas scout lances

PS: Sorry for the double ping on two threads, but hey, any press is good press as they say :D
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Woo, posts.

Survived a move, will catch up soon.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Posted this message to the wrong thread.-
Hidden 1 yr ago 12 mos ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Posting the proposed rules for how combat works here.


For the sake of consistency, we are going to use the following example for all discussion of rules:

The Griffin in hex 0609 has three enemy Mechs on the map: a Rifleman in hex 0415, a Blackjack in hex 0111, and a Locust in hex 1516. This Griffin is a GRF-1S variant, equipped with a Large Laser, two Medium Lasers, and two LRM-5 launchers. Using these rules, the Mechwarrior piloting the Griffin is going to attempt to determine the best target it can hit, then make attacks and resolve the appropriate damage and heat effects.

For the status of these Mechs, we are using the record sheets found on Flechs.

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Hidden 12 mos ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Looks good to me!

A bit more streamlined than full TT rules, but still with some nice depth.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Bork Lazer
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Bork Lazer Chomping Time

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


“.......wish to express our condolences with Espians who had relatives or friends in the township of Keahi. We again assure all loyal citizens that we strongly condemn this attack on our citizens. Military reports indicate evidence that the despicable foreign insurgents known as “The Green Knights” were responsible for this attack. We wish to express to all Espians to pray and hold a moment of 10 seconds of silence in memory of those in Keahi.

In other news, all planetary and systems-wide communciators and hyperpulse arrays on Espia will be under state control. All civilians in posession of a military-spec communicator is advised to surrender their device to their local sector administrator. In response to the attack on Keahi, new measures will be imposed in order to secure a safe and prosperous Espia for all.

Thank you for your attention and long live the New People’s Democratic Republic of Espia.

As always,we encourage all loyal espians to report any known collaborators of the Free People’s Army or Gawain’s Green Knights. Reports will be subject to monetary reward depending on the information provided.



ADMINISTRATOR ANNOUNCEMENT: “ Functionality has now been restored to the official in-real-time chat system. Please remember to thank all fellow members of your unit for lending their assistance since the attack. Additionally, Lyons has given me permission to begin deleting system messages containing ‘sightings’ of General Kerensky (haha, laugh all u want. u know how much frequency rate you guys are taking up. the first few were funny. this shit could break our entire network. we have been getting comm lag in the milliseconds cause of this bs. imagine if I have to explain to the Colonel that our network infrastructure was done because of cat vids.)

>ACCESSING Private chat GKU IRC PG 81 out of 81

[12:53:45] Keren-stan: noooooooo, my kerensky picsscssssss ; (
[12:54:44] LosTechnician2999: fuckin finally. we want to use this place for actual strategy
[12:54:54]Keren-stan: pls, u guys just use this place to bitch about the colonel and the mechwarriors
[12:55:15]brbgonnacbill: can i bitch
[12:55:25]brbgonnacbill: u guys know how much high-comp endosteel it costs to outfit 6 mechwarriors
[12:55:35]brbgonnacbill: especially when we don’t HAVE ANY MONEY
[12:55:55]LosTechnician2999: speak for yourself, i have to repair them
[13:10:22]lit50calibro:speak for yourself, i have to load them
[13:20:22]gun4hire385: wellll, spk fr urself cuz i don’t want to get stepped on by them
[14:10:22]wordofblakeydoo: wait, what was this about cat pics.



CF-D.1241 - we lost alonso this week

CF-D.1356 - shit

CF-D.894 - fuck

CF-D.950 - good. fuck alonso.

CF.D. 950 - so, who wanna get first pick of his storage locker?

CF-D.1356: wtf


CF-D.1241 - it’s those blue dipshits again

CF-D.1241 - fucking a.i correctionsof

CF-D.1356 - you mean those green dipshits

CF-D.1241 - look, i don’t care whether they’re red, pink or fucking purple. command is on my ass about it.

CF-D.1356: i mean, they just got really lucky. we got the numbers advantage plus, we got their primary command base

CF-D.1241 - i had to explain face to face with CK and fire witch why we are losing

CF-D.1241 - to a mercenary unit

CF-D.1241 - with 7mechs

CF-D.1241 - 7

CF-D.1241 - get me

CF-D.950 - aff

CF-D.950 - did u hear about the plan command gave us about frying that village?

CF-D.1241 - yeah, pretty fucked up

CF-D.1241 - but i get first pick of the basements. those backwater shitholes always have something juicy in them.

“.....May 5th, 3032

I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. I hear it in my dreams. The sound of actuators shifting, that mechanical drone of 15 foot tall metallic giants, those fucking footsteps. I tried to request command to move me back to artillery. I see them in the buildings. I see them in the smoke. I see them in my sleep.

I can hardly tell what side we’re fighting on anymore. One moment we’re legitimate revolutionaries, the next day we’re insurgents. I think I shot one of my cell members from five months ago. He was fighting for another group of people calling themselves the free people’s movement. We all have the same names but we keep moving in different directions.

I can’t tell if I’m going mad. I can only take hope that there’s someone else more crazier than us out there in Espia.

“ …. loss at Nui Awa was regrettable but for ever swordsman soul we lost, we spilt three times the blood of every infidel. This day will be remembered. One day, we will bathe in the blood and tears of our capitalist oppresors and languish in the lamentations of their consorts and children.”

“ Remember, my fellow disciples. It is not simply enough to kill the capitalist to save the downtrodden. Th downtrodden must learn. They must recompense for their failure to heed the teachings of the Celestial Throne. Our hand must be wise and unrelenting. We must subject them to torture so their very spirits will become malleable enough to accept our teachings.”

“To impress upon our new recruits the fervor of our mission, we will be broadcasting the torture of captured Aqua Vitae corporate board members for the next eight hours. Savor their screams. Use it to fuel your hate and you will be gueranteed a seat in the heavens.”

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 1 day ago


What a post, I love it.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Starlance
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by QJT
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QJT The Charmless Romantic

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

It doesn't appear that Hamazasp Sulser would be able to fit in this lore, would he?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 1 hr ago

It doesn't appear that Hamazasp Sulser would be able to fit in this lore, would he?

Depends on what they were doing at the time; this game takes place a few years before the Rasalhague one. And because the two RPs aren't necessarily canon to each other, you can always make edits to fit. There are ways to work in some new Mechwarriors, depending on what ideas you've got.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by QJT
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QJT The Charmless Romantic

Member Seen 17 hrs ago


Character Name:
Dinah Partanen

"Geode Queen"

Character Archetype:
Pollyanna Tomboy (alternately, Loner with a Heart of Gold)

Character’s Guiding Motto:
"They only accept the likable and the useful, so be both!"

Character’s Fatal Flaw:
Can't afford to look weak

Character’s Expertise:
Acrobatics, Appraisal, Engineering

Illyrian Palatinate/Current Employer

The Partanens were among Blommestein Province's few hardy stragglers who didn't perish when Alpheratz cut support to its fledgling colonies. They migrated from the Outworlds Alliance across Houses Kurita and Marik for the Illyrian Palatinate, which was too removed from events to enact migration controls over the matter. They settled the capital's furthest reaches, bleak moors and marshes where no souls trod. The common pastime for such outcasts, in fact the founding principle behind Illyria, was the hunt for Star League caches. Already experienced in foraging and scrimping to survive, they reaped (barely) more fortune than their peers.

The collapsed Outworld education system rendered Dinah's parents illiterate. She herself knew no other teachers in the isolated wastes, so neither was she. They instead drafted her to crawl through Illyria's nooks for ancient LosTech. In childhood she cramped in caverns and crawled inside metal ducts. Eventually, only once, she found it: a laughably tiny vault of ballistic ordinance and primitive 'Mechs, buried neath centuries of rubble, located via a cavern that doubled as an exhaust port. Local merchants pounced, showing her family (and her by proxy) pictures of lucrative equipment. She'd fetch it from storage, all the while familiarizing herself with the machinery's underlying engineering, even operating it in limited capacity.

This prosperity ended in adulthood. Her form no longer fit the cavern's demanding dimensions. Dinah was promptly ditched by her kin, whose grim history forbade useless or redundant eaters. She wandered in search of independent contract work, pushing her out of the Palatinate's comforting climes and into the inexplicably greasy arms of Uncle Mack. She'd oft wander off for days on end. Maxwell and Morozov let her, heck, treated her better than her old folks, because she'd return with something exotic, guaranteed. Her plucky smile concealed her family's most enduring lesson: survival lay with success alone.

Battlemech or Vehicle:
The Green Knights' leftovers
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