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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 14 days ago

Dawnhaven - Town Square

A Fiery Gathering

An ember in the crowd

Ashe stepped out of the bathhouse and walked with purpose, their form still radiating residual warmth from the hot springs as they made their way to the half-built shop they'd claimed as their own. The structure loomed just ahead—a large, nearly finished building that would soon serve as their storefront. However, with stone slabs missing and window frames bare, it still had a way to go before it would become a proper shop. For now, it served as storage and a quiet place to keep their things.

Once inside, Ashe took a moment to check the space. The moonlight filtered through the gaps in the walls, illuminating their belongings—carefully organised, though minimal. The bag they sought lay among a few other possessions, tucked away in a corner. They knelt, quickly rummaging through their things to ensure everything was still in place: supplies, notes, a few pieces of fabric, and most importantly, the two small statues of the goddesses—their gifts for the prince and princess. They wrapped the delicate figures in soft cloth before slipping them into the bag. Satisfied, Ashe stood up, slinging the bag over their shoulder.

It was time to head toward the town square.

Ashe’s footsteps quickened as they made their way toward the town square, the low hum of voices growing louder with each step, the crowd already thickening as townsfolk made their way toward the hastily constructed stage. The Aurelian and Lunarian guards were already in position, their gleaming armour reflecting the moonlight as they stood vigil beside the wooden platform. The sight of the two factions standing side by side made the gravity of the event feel even bigger than before.

The square was filling up fast, and Ashe needed to get closer. As they approached, they felt the press of bodies, the murmurs of anticipation. Without hesitation, they let their inner flame flare gently, increasing the heat around them. It wasn’t an aggressive move—just enough to make the air around them warmer, like standing too close to a fire on a cold night.

People in the crowd began to shift uncomfortably, some stepping aside as the heat became noticeable. No one wanted to be near the walking furnace, especially not when pressed together in such close quarters. Ashe moved steadily forward, using the natural discomfort to clear a path without confrontation, feeling the shuffling bodies make way as they edged closer to the stage.

Eventually, they found themselves near the front, just within the acceptable distance the guards allowed. Their eyes, reflecting the moon's glow, focused on the empty stage ahead, their bag held securely by their side.

Despite the tension hanging in the square, Ashe found a small sense of peace. Here, at the front of the gathering, with the cool night air mixing with their carefully controlled warmth, they felt like an ember among the townspeople—quiet but glowing, waiting for the spark that would set everything into motion.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Lord and lady Coswain

The Town Square

Lord Coswain dressed with help as Daphne helped Hector and himself armour up, she was already in her lighter plate as a squire that suited her agility more than sheer heavy protection. He knew her strengths and had worked hard to make her realise that she did not have to fight the same way, to build her own style. sure it broke some of the rules and he taught her the standard but then they took the standard and turned that into what was going to make her the best. At the end of the day the job was not that she was a perfect book knight of Lunaris but the one who could stay alive long enough to enjoy her own life, whatever path she chose. If that meant teaching her to fight dirty, to use any trick or various foreign forms, he had.

Plates, greaves, chains and weapons sat around their room. The tavern was a small place to gear up but that was what they had. Persephone was in a clean uniform, walking arm in arm alongside her husband in all but legal sense fully clad with his chain of rank detailed with honours, decorations and an old, worn sigil of iron from the bandit who slew his master and the one he himself slew. That man's sword also rested at his side, older, a little worn but every bit as reliable as it once was. A Paladin's sword made in more prosperous times, its quality was harder to some by.

He waited carrying a hard wood and iron banded staff that was part symbolic, part tool for crowd control. Swords made for bad tools vs civilians. Dead people or missing limbs cannot work, feed their families or support themselves.

Persephone had found her clean uniform, it had not been lost in her manic ride and was added with metal along her lower arms and legs, the breast plate was slightly damaged and needed repair along with other bits. She waited and remembered the first days they met like yesterday still, it was not love at first sight but there was a deep pull and both knew that day they had found something special.

A noise of metal on wood told her Daphne and Hector arrived clad in their best, the Prince had called a formal meeting. While they expected it would be … boring. They were prepared for pomp…or problems. “Let me old man” Daphne adjusted the daggers belt and hooked it into its slot, moving it a little out and In to ensure it'd lock into the scabbard.

Hector laughed, he was a grumpy old bastard at times, but he got on with the younger woman and saw her as someone he was responsible for, someone whom he was with Adon ensuring would stay alive whatever happened after she went on her own, they sadly fell, or anything else. She would survive and hopefully make a life of her own choosing when she could. “Thanks Lass, let's go see what this Prince of Summer lands has to say.”

“Or choose not to say who stands with him… or not.” Persephone added, she knew how to read between lines and find the holes especially in nobles and more capital types. The more distant you went the more direct they tended to become. “onward brave knights” She said and leaned into Coswains hard but familiar bulk as they left. it was not most formal but she had missed her Partner and they could allow one thing in back of end of the world that was Dawn Haven.

“Let's make a show” Coswain said with a grin as he locked his helmet down, visor up and saw the other fully geared and ready. Staves, swords, newly polished shields across backs and honours shown. Full regalia and Lunaris military on display as metal crunched on the cold dirt marching out to the gathering. If the Auralian guard thought they would not look at least the part even if they lacked numbers.. they were mistaken.

“If all we have is pride, show them its still unbreakable even if the stones are not” Hector said with a growl of agreement locking his helmet down before helping Daphne who was less familiar. “I might not be a knight but who the fuck cares at end of world” She said with a grin as the amazonian woman checked the twin swords at her waist, she was not meant to match in step with but right now Lunaris was a long way away and they where thrown to the wolves. They would make them regret that.

“Make the world's end work for it.” Coswain said proud of his squire, he greatly worried for his family and would have gladly given his life if it meant stopping this blight. Persephone would be sad…lost. But he would make a future for them. If he had to die to save the Kingdom that was his path.

“Fuck the the warmblood. Ice and stone stand defiant.” Hector said with a brutal looking grin, the motto of one of their first campaigns together as they walked into the square.

“Boys… behave, until they don't anyways.” Persephone said to Daphne but was also approving as the woman walked alongside the heavily armoured group arm in arm with her partner and held her head high.

Nodding to the other Lunaris guards, he had yet to really see them active and about, they must be more restricted in their roles than the Auralins who manned the gates and so. Most curious indeed... This was a all a little strange. "Captain. Your troops turned out very well. A credit to you." Coswain nodded as they passed a officer, not young, not old but seemed competent and has the men all turned out gleaming. Unsure to their role formaly they found a place close to edge and gave a one handed salute across their breastplates to the soldiers who seemed to be ordered to duty.

"Thankyou, you have the right post sir, need some more to balance the wings. I hope you got the runner m Lord. Truth be told the lad was not the best choice but you use what you have at time." Persephone took the situation and read it giving her not husband a pat on shoulder, a good luck and headed into the crowd and found a spot to watch on a further side but still close to hear. She saw a large space had cleared but the person was honestly on fire... a blightborn and one that looked more threatening than the norm. They definitely rated a potential high risk threat.

"No, but that cannot be helped Captain, things happen. Fall in Right, put on a show." Coswain said as he nodded to the Captain before they took their places in the line of mixed guards.

Darker metal standing next to gleaming pale metals and armours of Auealia.

Persephone looked around and saw another figure trying to stay out way, their smaller Inn Keeper who ran the eye though today she noticed had abbafoned the hood she wore last night, a single large blue eye standing out in the dark. Her mind was trying to place the risk she posed and the woman was hard classify.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

Paladice had mused to himself as he left Kira's herbal store, the girl had proven to be quite the curious one. Her ability to listen, to perceive and to remain calm and not bewildered nor upset was telling him plenty. She was no ordinary herbalist concerned with making a living, then again could she really? All blightborn were dead after all.

Dead yet lingering, specters or shadows of themselves. Yet their curse was not a choice but thrown upon them, and the source which had defiled life had to pay dearly for its part in that. Deep down he knew who was most surely to be blamed, and he would rip out that ones corrupted and greedy heart with his own hands.

The stage had been set for the opening act, where people would begin to receive their initial roles. The performance of the play would ultimately be decided by the final act, and which one would wear their mask the best. No matter what hand which they had been dealt, what mattered the most was how they played their cards.

The presence of the guardsmen from Aurelia and Lunaris made him draw the parallel of having let in wolves amidst the sheep, yet with everyone knowing what they were. Those whose hearts had been swayed by coin or blind faith in either royal family, were just pawns on the great board, with no minds of their own, enslaved by their own doctrine. Caught in their own webbed coocoons spun for themselves, those people could not be reasoned with, nor saved.

Those whom would look upon either kingdom and state. 'This is fine' were equally guilty to the downfall.

Before the stage however stood many others. Some seeking a sanctuary, others seeking a cure. But there is no cure to death. If that is a fair label to put upon the blight.

It traversed the world like a swarm of locusts, consuming everything in its path. While Paladice did believe the goddesses to exist, he would never kneel bwfore them, never offer them a prayer. They were found guilty aswell from their inaction, but perhaps in their divine arrogance they thought that this was a plague unleashed by humankind upon itself, and therefor something for humankind to solve themselves. That was fine to him. He didn't need to believe in any goddess, he only needed to believe in his own abilities and the rest of mankind. Even in the darkest of night, a torch can be seen far, but only illuminate for those staying close to it. As far as he was concerned, he was to play the role of that beacon, guide the others through the dark, and then rip out the source of it all.

Even if it meant bringing ruin to the goddesses and those who drowned themselved in their written word, like a calf sucking milk from the poppy, they swallowed whatever would come out of it, praising it with all of their being. 'The gullible fools. Blind faith, there's no more dangerous nor foolish thing, to allow ones brainmatter to be guided by some promise of salvation by a higher power. Save yourself from such a submission. Those who bend the knee, will never be free.' He momentarily closed his eyes, smiling as he opened them again. His gaze wandering over the crowd of people.

Was Kira there? She should be. A girl such as her would be found in the back row, leaning against something, yet within earshot to see and hear everything. To Paladice, she was a dangerous one. In the upper achelons of combatants, the kind which was receptive and aware of the world around them. An adept of the mind. What was the girl behind her mask, she was no mere herbalist. Much like he was no common gardener. A spy? No. They would dig far more when provided with bait, their greed and urgency would cause them to slip early on. She had been trained however, no common girl would behave as she did. There were benefits in approaching people as he did, they would likely see him as a danger, but also likely a fool. Either was fine, as their reactions would yield to him facets of their own.

'The man who understand and conquer the hearts and minds of the world.... claims it.' He thought to himself, his gaze momentarily falling at a table at the back, two chairs set up and a chessboard.

The warrior-monk smirked and approached it, his hand reaching out to pick up the black king, putting it at the middle of the board. Then his hand reached to pick up the white queen, placing her on the square opposite of it.

His eyes playfully wandered over the rest of the pieces, before he gently toppled the black king over with a finger.

'It shall be curious to see if the tune of the song is the same this time.'

Paladice's eyes shimmered as a guard passed by with a torch. He soon took hold of the black king and the white queen and put them back in their place. Then after some consideration he reached out and swapped place of the black king with one of the white pawns. Before turning his attention towards the crowd, his ghostly blue gaze landing on a blightborn woman who bore a single big eye.

"If you blink you might miss the announcement. Miss o' the great orb." He said in an amused tone as he stepped abit closer to Sya, his left hand taking hold of one of the chairs by the chessboard, bringing it next to her. "Standing upon this you may see abit better amidst all these people whose imitating trees with their height, and no doubt also being as thick. Perhaps one ought to branch out to receive a better vantage point? A chair is made to sit upon, yet nothing stops one from standing upon it. I doubt your weight is enough to break it, with your lacking physical...weights. I woudn't worry." Paladice smirked.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

A clean-shaven man came up to Sya, she was more concerned to notice the man straightway eye drawn to the stage, her Inn behind it and guards marching in as they saluted. They had talked for a short time and took their places in the line. Each guard, unlike normal, seemed to be dressed in their full finery, alert and at strict parade postures backs straight, spears and other weapons held tight and towering like trees of the forest. There was more on show than they ever normally saw on duty for both nations' soldiers.

His comments about her eyes made her cross her arms and look up with a somewhat glare, a little huff and gesture of annoyance. “Keep your orbs where they belong please, I'm not that kind.” Sya said with a little bit of an attitude, it was not unknown for people to have a… thing for blightborn however feared or even illegal to exist in pain of death. She really was not interested in that if that was what he was after. “I have a name, I'm not a orb, you can call me Mistress Leela.” Sya gave her full name and title however it was natural she felt Sya did not represent her feelings at being named after her eye, it was only like the 100th time someone had made that creative link.

Sya looked at the chair and sighed, yes she was further back and seeing as not too easy but she was small, it was a large crowd and many more were taller than the woman who was finding this man quite frustrating. “You are here to vex me? Much as you are also correct. They are rather tall, broad and packed together.” Sya said, letting her native more guttural accent and wording come through her common tongue, it was only when she was frustrated, angry or more pleasurable loss of control she tended to go like her birth accent. “The word I'm told is Petite.” Sya said with a level of bite and challenge to the man with those pale blue eyes. She had one arm on a post and a second by her side, the chair was balanceable and she did have a better view of things.

“You really should be careful who you upset, you never know what their job is” She said trying to be diplomatic, this man would likely refuse a room at this rate even if he had gold coins if this was his normal personality.

“Are you here as the court jester?" Sya said with a raised expression despite having one eye, her version of a raised eyebrow.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

"Hahah… oh my. Does my gaze unsettle you? I am surely not the first whose gazed upon your visage? Well, I didn't mean you were an orb, just that you possessed a quite big one. Your eye that is. It is not uncommon to have an eye refered to as such. Mistress Leela? Pray tell what are you a mistress of? A lover? Household? An animal? Well, whichever the case, you need not share that with one such as I. Unless you wish to. I value the sanctity of peoples minds." The corners of his lips turned slightly upwards on hearing Sya's words, he couldn't help but feel some amusement by her response. Not in a taunting way, but the bite in which she delivered her words was something which he found great pleasure in. This was someone he could surely bicker with. He choice of words also made the warrior-monk feel that she was surely someone with a more scholarly background, or perhaps someone in theatrics? That was something to be appreciated in a world currently drowned in darkness, he should know having been traversing the land with the circus years prior.

"Ahh vex you? Oh you've certainly caught me with your discerning gaze." He said in a playful tone of voice, placing his left hand by his waist after letting go of the chair. "Well, I suppose both of us are not exactly tall trees, I would consider standing on the chair myself, however I might just break it and I have no intention of woodworking another one as a replacement. Not as light as you no doubt. But yes. Petite. That wording may do. Oh and worry not, people can be upset about many a thing, the weather, the lack of sunlight, the closing times of the local inn… and so forth. Doesn't make people want to curse the sky or light the inn ablaze though. Though I expected you to be abit more thickskinned than many of the humans here, considering your unique trait no doubt drawing attention from those without the curse. Or gift. If you prefer to label it as such. Both could be correct. People are after all always wary and unkind to things they do not understand, because they've not experienced it themselves. As for court jesting? Not just yet. I believe the Prince is currently the one about to don the stage, albeit without the customary attire and likely not very jovial, if this mere gardener can part his opinion freely. Though I may consider performing some jests to you at a later point, would that be something you like to behold." He offered a butler-like bow to Sya, his eyes soon looking up from his bowing position to her.

"I'm Gadez Paladice, a gardener and traveller. Pleasure is all mine, mistress Leela. I take it you find Dawnhaven to your liking? It is certainly... unique." He straightened his pose as he ceased to bow.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya knew it…he really was a pain. He was a mosquito…those little bugs that bug you and you cannot swat and not reach and stay a inch away from you… “Mistress of the Inn. I run the oh… the one place that sells hot sit down meals and ale not watered down and suspiciously looks like piss. The rest you can wonder about is between me and my closed and bolted bedroom door. I am quite satasfied though.” Sya said with a deadpan tone and shook her head and sighed. Did he really have to bother her so much… “Oh, I never noticed… It was an entirely painless and happy story. I do enjoy reminders of what I lost from strangers who vex me for their own pleasure..” Sya ground out and practically hissed her tone turning fully to her accent to borderlands. This guy was just pushing Sya’s buttons in ways that were the exact opposite of good. She had a thick skin at times but Sya was trying to be a better happier Sya, cuddle her girlfriend to sleep, be more open, and live her life and then… sigh.

The man liked to talk, he had a mouth and lungs to last forever, and ever …and ever. If he was into certain things that could be handy but he was really not helping, he just talked and talked… so so so much. Sya shook her head sending her braid flying about her lightly and tried to process the waves of words this man threw at her without seeming to pause, stop or decide that monologuing was really annoying.

Sya turned and looked at the man with a clear gaze, eye almost glowing blue with a faint light and a tick to her jaw. Responding more calmly and resisting that deep down urge, That primal and blight driven desire to feed from him till he was prematurely grey. But Sya was better than that, her control was better than that, taking a calming breath Sya tried to calm her temper. “It's likely something worse. Too many guards. It does not feel like a happy mood. Maybe you can ask if they need an encore after.” If someone would save her…save her as she looked around, her body language uncomfortable and agitated.

“I am trying to be kind to Mr Paladice, and my hands for someone else to kiss. I'm a good height to reach your tender parts though.” She said with a tone that was about as flexible as Ivor would make a good chimney sweep, though Becky well.. she did not want to think about that anatomical adventure.

“Dawn Haven is. Its home. im Safe to walk the streets, shop. I'm allowed to run my own business, where else could I do so?

I'm still a Blightborn even if I'm Petite, remember that. I am civilised, I am not defenceless however. You sure plants even grow a lot, Gardener seems a rather obsolete trade right now, it's not stopped the mushrooms mind. A Funguy perhaps.”
Sya said, trying to bounce things back to him and turn them around looking for at least a diversion, she would even take having to hear Aunni explain where every rock he found came from, he was however a good egg even if a little weird…. Sya could not really judge.

Sya just mentally screamed save me please. She would even let them eat for free... Sya would let them eat for free.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

He kept his smile smug as he listened to Sya, quite a stark difference from Kira whom he had met earlier. Much like humans were. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, for the greater play which was about to begin, all manner of actors would be required before the final curtain would come down.

"Ahh.. the innkeeper. Well most surely your services are much appreciated by those coming to this haven. Afraid I will not be inspecting your drinks however I'll take your words for their quality, I prefer to keep my body and mind clear of any poisons. If you have any rooms available however, I may indeed seek such. Providing ofcourse you do not object. As for what you do in your private chamber? That is not for my perusal." He smirked at that, shaking his head softly, then changing his facial demeanor to a more serious one, his smirk disappearing completely.

"Loss shapes a person quite the bit. I would know that too, although I wouldn't dare to compare it with yours. Still you were given something despite the loss, that is more than many others can claim. Perhaps I find enjoyment in kindred souls? Or perhaps merely to converse with those whom wander the world. People are after all quite amazing." His face momentarily grew still as his memories of his old family home being lit ablaze, his mother's voice calling out to him and his father walking away as it was engulfed. Etched into his memory of the future that could have been his, but never were. There were no regrets to be had, for there was never a choice to begin with. At least that part was comforting.

"You are most likely right about the guards. Mistress Leela." He softly smiled again, but shook his head to the encore idea. "If a song is grim, ought it to be sung twice though?" He asked softly, his hand reaching up to his cheek, stroking a single gloved finger along it.

"Hah.. afraid the parts you speak of is not yours for the taking. Even with that height of yours. I do not doubt that you can defend yourself neither. A gardener such as myself is always needed as long as there's a garden that needs tending." He politely nodded with his head, his mouth still having a slight upturn at the corners.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The waning gibbous moon clung stubbornly to the horizon, its pale light barely piercing the thick shroud of clouds. Elara stood off to the side of the slowly building crowd in the town square, the crisp morning air nipping at her cheeks like playful sprites. A gentle breeze whispered secrets through the trees, making the leaves dance and carrying with it the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread from the inn. It was 10 am, yet the sky held a twilight hue, casting an ethereal glow over the gathered townspeople. She watched their breath, little puffs of mist in the cool air, as they murmured in anticipation.

Elara’s heart quickened, each beat resonating with the palpable excitement that buzzed around her. She clutched her cloak tighter, knowing that the biggest announcement was already a whisper her ears had heard before yet still…still she couldn’t quite believe everything she’d been told.

Elara’s heart ached with worry for her princess. Since returning from her walk earlier that morning, she hadn’t managed to speak with her, the cabin unusually empty. If she were honest, it was also because she had buried herself in her duties as a handmaiden, a convenient distraction from the gnawing guilt that had consumed her still. She’d busied herself with the familiar tasks—polishing the silver, arranging the princess’s gowns, and tending to the hearth—each action a small comfort in its routine. But beneath the surface, the guilt still churned within her mind.

The guilt had only dulled a little later, thanks to remembering Sunni’s words. A small smile had almost naturally appeared on her lips at the time. Even now, as she stood beside the crowd, the same smile crept onto her face, unbidden. She could almost hear Sunni’s voice, weaving the tale of Enu, the resilient desert fox, and the wisdom imparted by the tortoise. The memory was a balm, soothing the edges of her worry.

But now was not the time for reminiscing. Elara shook her head, dispelling the warmth of the memory. Her gaze shifted, refocusing on the awaiting stage as she prepared herself for whatever lay ahead.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lu
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Lu She Who Brakes for Butterflies / \3 \3 \3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cassandra "Cass" Myselii

Time: Morning, Location: Town Square

She had come into the town square from a side lane she had wandered into in her meandering way. A mass had collected in the heart of town. Everyone seemed on edge. What a time to arrive in town. Cass stood, shuffling, at the fringe of the crowd. Butternut had become inpatient with her meandering and took the opportunity to writhe from her arms and bound away, disappearing as he skirted the crowd.

"Butternut!" she gasped as her cat abandoned her. She was not especially worried for him, but, instead, felt utterly lost and laid bare without him.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and back again. She wrung her luminescent hair in her quivering pale hands. Cassandra stuck out in a crowd, though, blessedly, not nearly as much in this one. She closed her eye, took a steadying breath, brushed the cat hair from her clothes...again, and approached the nearest person.

"Ah-um...my name is Cassandra or Cass...whichever. I-uh- just arrived. she tried to approach with confidence, but started and stopped, her eye darting around the crowd only glancing over to whom she was speaking. A human woman with silver hair who had a magical energy within which was magnetizing to Cassandra, it drew her in like the smell of fresh baked bread or roasted squash once had. She was tempted to lay her hand on the woman's shoulder, only take a little, surely she'd hardly notice. Cass put her hands behind her back, newly grateful she hadn't come to town hungry. Cass bit her lip and a small gasp escaped between them when it stung, "What's going on?"

Elara Moonshadow @Qia

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Town Square
Kira moved around her herb shop diligently, tidying up the space and ensuring everything was in its proper place. Once satisfied, she flipped the sign in the window to "closed". Turning the lock with a quiet click and pulling up the hood of her cloak, she stepped out into the cold darkness, the chilled air biting at her skin as she began her walk toward the town center.

As she approached the center of town, she kept a careful distance from the townspeople who had started to gather around the wooden stage just outside the inn. Her movements were precise and cautious, her presence almost invisible except for the glow of her orange eyes that betrayed her stealth. She lingered in the shadows, blending into the darkness as best as she could.

From her vantage point, Kira’s eyes swept over the crowd and landed on Gadez, who was speaking with Sya, the blight-born cyclops who ran the inn. She watched them closely, noting the annoyance that flared in Sya's single eye and the tenseness in her shoulders. Gadez seemed to be talking fervently, his body language animated, while Sya’s posture remained stiff, his expression growing more exasperated by the second.

Kira couldn’t help but wonder if Gadez made it his mission to irritate everyone he encountered. There was something about his demeanor that seemed intentionally provocative, as if he enjoyed pushing people’s buttons just to see how they would react. She observed their interaction with a curious gaze, trying to decipher what exactly Gadez aimed to achieve with his antics. Was he simply testing Sya's patience, or was there a deeper game he was playing?

Kira was not one to intervene in others' affairs, so she remained in the shadows, content to let Sya handle Gadez on her own. She shifted her gaze away from them, her sharp eyes sweeping over the crowd that had gathered around the wooden stage as they awaited the royal couple. Her attention paused on a handful of people she had never seen before—strangers in the familiar mix of townsfolk and travelers.

Among them, one blight-born caught her eye, their entire form appearing to be made of flame itself. Kira watched the creature curiously, noting the way people around them shifted uneasily, instinctively clearing a path as the blight-born moved towards the stage. Their discomfort with the flame-being’s presence was palpable, and she couldn’t help but find it odd. In Dawnhaven, blight-born were usually accepted, their unique appearances and abilities taken in stride by the locals. Yet, they seemed wary, keeping their distance from the fiery figure.

Intrigued by this, Kira studied them closely, wondering what it was about them that made even the more accepting townspeople uneasy. As she did, her attention was drawn away by the sound of marching. She turned her gaze to see the guards of both Aurelia and Lunaris entering the square, their armored forms moving in disciplined unison as they lined up around the perimeter. The sight of them brought a ripple of tension through the crowd, and Kira’s eyes narrowed slightly. Something important was about to happen.

The display of force seemed a tad excessive, even for a royal announcement. She wondered what important message the Prince and Princess had for them today that warranted such a dramatic prelude. The Prince, from what she knew, was not one to indulge in ostentatious displays or theatrics. He was typically more reserved, preferring quiet strength over showmanship despite his Aurelian heritage. She had found him generally more tolerable than the other Aurelians she had encountered in the past, though he seemed naive at times.

For the Prince to deploy his guards like this meant that the news he carried must be imperative. It wasn’t in his nature to gather a crowd or to make a spectacle without good reason. As she stood in the shadows, Kira’s mind raced with possibilities. Was this about the growing unrest in the region, or something even more pressing? Whatever it was, she knew it had to be significant to compel the Prince to break from his usual demeanor and present it with such a heavy-handed display of unity and authority.

Kira’s thoughts came to a sudden halt as a sweet, intoxicating scent wafted through the air, instantly grabbing her attention. It was the scent of a particular blood type, one that stirred something primal and ravenous deep within her. Her eyes dilated involuntarily, snapping toward the direction of the scent, her senses sharpening with carnal hunger. Before she could catch herself, her gaze landed on Elara, a childhood friend who had grown up alongside her within the castle walls while Kira was under the King’s watchful eye.

Elara was talking with an intriguing blight-born Kira had never seen before, a figure glowing fluorescent with mushrooms seemingly sprouting from her skin, giving her an otherworldly appearance. Despite the strangeness of the blight-born, all Kira could focus on was the silver-haired handmaiden. Memories of their shared past flashed through her mind in an instant—days filled with laughter, secrets whispered in hidden corners, and a friendship forged in the crucible of royal intrigue. But now, those memories were overlaid with the stark reality of what she had become. The blight-born monster inside her snarled, clawing at the surface, demanding to be set free.

Kira quickly tore her gaze away, her breath hitching as she forced the instinct down, shoving the beast back into its cage. She turned her focus back to the stage, fighting with every ounce of her being to suppress the darkness that threatened to consume her. A silent curse slipped through her lips, berating herself for her weakness.

This wasn’t who she was—at least, not who she wanted to be. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms, the sharp sting helping to ground her in the present. Her attention zeroed in on the stage, her focus now entirely on controlling herself, on keeping the monster at bay. Two years had passed since her transformation, but the struggle never seemed to get easier. The hunger, the darkness, it was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. But Kira was determined not to let it win, not today, not ever.

Mentions: Gadez @Dezuel, Sya @PrinceAlexus, Ashe @Timemaster, Elara @Qia, Cassandra @Lu
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

[color=7bcdc8][/color]“I can be helpful when I want to. The Eye of Beholder, behind the stage is my Inn.” Sya said as he spoke about the Inn, the fact he did not drink, well did he expect the water here would be clean and safe? Maybe…who knew. She was immune to any blight combinations but he was human, oh well. His risks if he drank the wrong water source and got unlucky. “Have to check when I'm back, it will be a little basic if I do but I might have one free, as long as you don't bring trouble to my door or harm others. Extension phase in peogress.” Sya said the last part firmly, she was very clear on that rule. She did not mind who, it was an Inn… she did mind trouble at her door. If the characters her Inn attracted were odd…that was the town.

The small woman could be a force when she wanted to, and if you threatened her hoke…she would protect her hoard.

"Too much loss about, I have been given something but most of them still are normal, and can make a new start, there are few places that accept me.” Sya said, dragged into the man's verbal pull before she knew she should not be, but he was…vexing. “My travel was a little less voluntary. My homeland was in the blight lands” Sya found herself saying and tried to regain control from this overly energetic man.

The guards, she had never really seen like this, arrayed out like this and had some feeling that made her very much apprehensive. She felt no need to add anything and tried to regain control of the crazy situation and crazy man mentally challenging her mind.

“I have all the parts I need right now.” Sya said with a more playful expression, there was no need to clarify exactly how a blight born could be dangerous, you'd have to be an utter idiot not to know.

“How do you keep making me talk to you, hopefully you are a good gardener with a vexing personality.” Sya said with a shake of her head, she glanced around and spotted a luminous haired blightborn arriving, fire elementals. Had the blight grown stronger or was it just they were attracting more reclusive and cautious of her kin? Kiara...was that her name, yeah..The redheaded one was about too, she never really had met her much. No real need for food or any of Sya services.

That would be a worrying, interesting and more curious idea. Sya genuinely did wonder what the limits of a blightborn was in some ways, what kind of was she? Was there any other like Sya? Was their a pattern? Was it random? She could feel aomthing was coming... somthing like before...

An silver haired woman was about too, small, it was Sunni friend, the one he had refused a meal with... but where was Sunni and where did he spend the last night? She had been rather happily distracted admitted and without shame, but where was he... or who...he was with.

Sya was bar her rather distinctive eye, rather unremarkable when she was hidden behind hood and so. “Have you seen many Blightborn?” Sya found herself asking genuinely curious now.

@The Muse@Lu@Qia@Dezuel

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Gadez Paladice

"The eye of the beholder. Where truth lies. Though perhaps you've ought to consider it as the beholden instead, as those whom stay there are no doubt filled with gratitude. Among other things. It would however be most kind if you were to check the availability of your establishment." Paladice said in a soft, yet playful tone of voice.

"You desire to be accepted by the people, yet ask for no trouble to come to your door? There will be a day when trouble come knocking either way though. Will you then be willing to aid those being hunted?" He asked as he drummed his cheek with one of his fingers, before stepping abit closer to lower his voice.

"If so build a haven underneath the haven, a temporary shelter with a tunnel that leads outside of here. Let none but your own kind know of it's existance in it's creation, for there are those within these walls which seeks for Dawnhaven to cease and your ilk to be hunted down and destroyed. Every last one. Gaze no further than to the ruler upon the frozen throne, for fear drives his herd. Would you allow your children out to play on your fields, when you know where is a den of wolves near? That is how these people view your ilk. And they would never understand what you see and feel, because people can only truly understand what they've experienced. An attack upon this place is unavoidable. Look upon the guards here already, no doubt they can feel the tension in the air. Dawnhaven is however a haven, a beacon for your kind. But it is also a well laid trap, a trigger for calamity to come." There was no doubt in his voice, his words chosen as if they had been forcefully fed to him from birth. Like it was the most natural thing to say. The blonde reached for a pouch by his belt, taking out ten coins and holding it out towards Sya.

"Yet like you say, people would like to start anew if given the chance. Providing they could. The labyrinth of life is a curious thing, where all traverse seeking that precious treasure in the end. Then there are those whom walk it, even though they know there's nothing for them in the end. Yet one cannot help but hope..." He paused and changed to a more jesting tone.

"I hear in some places they place coins upon the eyes of the dead for their travel into the afterlife, but in this case… that would be too many a coin. No offense ofcourse. But they are not for that, but a contribution towards making sure that the puppeteer beyond these walls will not have his wicked dream come true." He smirked in an almost sinister manner as his mind settled on someone he didn't like one bit. Nothing would even come close to comparing the satisfaction of ruining the master plan with one of his own. His mind settled on the chessboard in the distance. Fate had dealt him a bad hand, but all the more reason to backhand destiny across the face.

"Err… all the parts you need -right now-? Well, that is certainly making me much more at ease. As for how you are now stuck in a conversation with me? Must be my... undying charisma. A particular gardener secret." He chuckled softly, clearly showing he was jesting. Then he gave a slightly thoughtful expression to her question about the blightborn.

"I have seen many blightborn indeed, fought and slain some too. Albeit not within this place. My former associates were attacked by some feral ones and then sometime after my former associates returned from being dead into... dead and walking. Then dead again. Well, no need to feel discouraged by every little occurance I guess? I also knew one which was part of the circus travelling troupe, well that is before the unfortunate incident with the kissing booth. But that is a tale for another time. As for the current day? I've seen a fiery eyed lady here, quite sharp too. And then there's ofcourse that wandering torch over there and the girl with the serious fungus infection. No doubt there is... mushroom for improvement. Ahh.. and there's a guardsman with some afflict- No. He's just old. Then there's yourself ofcourse. The sightborn. I think that's all... -right now-." He added in a mixture of what could be seen as overly dramatic, threatrical and amused manner.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya shook her head. “I like the name personally, it's quite fun and named after a creature of a book myth. Some book called Dungonournus Draconus, the 4th. Il check, it will probably be basic , no balcony. But I moved Lord and Lady when I could so it should be free..” The eye of the Beholder was a perfect name for me. Sya had not yet had major trouble but she was no idiot, she did not want to tempt fate though. “I am respectful and try to be kind first, I am always armed and more than one. I am no fool.”

Sya had only taken over the inn two months ago, building hidden exits, sublevels … there was room for such things but how would one even begin… ”You talk of things, I am trying to just start things, prepare for winter, such things cost a lot of coin and covert work is slow.” Sya said while not bad ideas they would cost a lot of money and money needed to be made first. “You can be too right. Much as I like coins, I will have to check. I will not take your money and not give you a bed.” Sya ran an honest trade, She had to be an Emberkin, they did not trust her to start with…

“As I said, this is our hope. And you'd be surprised. People might realise we are useful when winter comes… cold does not harm us. I am not bothered by cold, snow or the Dark.” Said with a little hope, survival would be a matter for all of them, they would need all their skills to face the coming storms.

Sya did not know of such lands, she knew of lands, borderlands, Auralia but she was far less travelled, or all she knew it was lies, he was a good talker. Sya had spent more time on survival than study. “I am a borderlands blacksmith's daughter not a scholar, I'll take your word.” Sya said with a little pride still, she was proud to be herself, even if she was the last of them.

“I'm a little strange, dying does that. Done it once, did not stick. Guess they don't want me.” Sya said with some rather dark humour and a shrug, she was messed up, find a normal mentally healthy blightborn, Sya would cuddle a dire wolf.

“I must not be that boring or you wander off by now or join the forest at the stage.” Sya said with more confidence than she had at the start of the day.

His answer seemed to fit. It made sense, Blight born especially those new where fighting such powerful Urges and changes, going feral was not unheard. She had to fight to retain herself and her mind. That was a trial In itself. “A kissing booth, you are not boring even if you do your best to annoy me. You seemed to have survived your… Ordeal by kiss.” Sya said honestly and a little more comfortably, he she could manage, annoying yes… but manageable now she knew the man's…well nature. She gave her version of a raised eyebrow but is also humorous too. Ordeal by kissing booth was a saga of a legendary fighter for sure..

He made her want to face eye but he was mentally challenging even though it was vexing. Today had been a work out of challenges and quite enjoyable in its own way. “You have to fight it, especially In tainted lands, it tries to whisper to you almost, corrupt you. It's more than a physical … poison. The ones who lived their. I'm not going looking for.

I will not judge you, I have had to do what I have to survive, not nice things. one person keeps a secret rather well.“
Sya said but did not elaborate, people should not know, that was probably for the best. They were too dead to talk, and she was not talking. She should not have said that But this man had a silver tongue, how many others could claim They had a clean past in this town, or anywhere? She had only done what thousands of others had. Survived.

She waited, when would the Prince be here?


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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interactions: Cass-@Lu

Elara turned at the sound of the hesitant voice, her silver hair catching the light and shimmering like moonbeams as she faced the newcomer. The woman before her seemed nervous, her hands fidgeting incessantly, and her eyes darting around the crowd as if seeking an escape. Elara’s heart softened at the sight, and she offered a gentle smile, hoping to put the blightborn woman at ease. It didn’t matter to her that her appearance was so…strange. If anything, the silver-haired woman, like with Pleiades, was more curious than nervous.

As Elara really took in the sight of Cassandra, she couldn’t help but be struck by her distinctive appearance. The mushroom-like features and delicate quality of her skin marked her unmistakably as a blightborn. This was only her third encounter with one like this, and each one had been strikingly different, leaving an indelible impression on her. The red and white mushroom cap that adorned Cassandra’s head, the patchy-looking skin that seemed almost translucent, and the serene expression on her face all added to her otherworldly and contrasting presence.

“Hello, Cassandra or Cass,” Elara greeted, an airy laugh slipping between her lips like a soft breeze, “I’m Elara.” She tilted her head to the side, her silver hair cascading over her shoulder in a shimmering waterfall as she pursed her lips thoughtfully. The name felt familiar on her tongue, as if she had known Cassandra for ages, even though they had just met. She wondered, briefly, what the mushrooms had to do with Cassandra’s abilities, her mind swirling with possibilities. The red and white mushroom cap atop her head seemed almost regal, afterall, a crown of nature’s own design.

“There’s supposed to be an announcement today by the royal family,” Elara continued. “They should be here any minute now.”

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chambers / Town Square
Eris carefully wiped a cloth across the cluttered workbench, her thoughts drifting back to the mysterious moon disciple she had met earlier. Iosefka had been such an enigma, casually mentioning her mastery of enchantment magic as if it were a simple hobby. Eris couldn't help but marvel at the audacity and talent required to learn such a volatile craft without any formal training. She wondered how Iosefka had managed to teach herself enchantment without blowing up her own hands or causing something far worse with the unpredictable strain of magic.

Eris knew how dangerous enchantment could be; she had seen even seasoned mages falter when attempting it. The chaotic nature of enchantment magic required precise control and a deep understanding of both magical theory and practice. One wrong move, one poorly considered spell, and the consequences could be catastrophic. And yet, Iosefka had somehow navigated all of that on her own.

Eris had always been fortunate, blessed with an aptitude for magic and the resources to be formally trained. She had spent years in structured lessons, surrounded by mentors who could guide her through every misstep, every failed experiment. For her, learning magic had been a journey of discipline, study, and gradual mastery. She couldn’t imagine trying to learn such a complex and perilous form of magic without that support, let alone succeeding at it.

As she thought, Eris tidied up her workspace, organizing the scattered notes and carefully placing glass bottles filled with various liquids, herbs, and soil into neat rows. Each bottle had a handwritten note scribbled next to the glass, a reminder of her meticulous nature in the art of her work. She tucked a few stray notes into a drawer, her mind still lingering on Iosefka and the unique path she must have taken to achieve her skills.

The more Eris thought about it, the more fascinated she became. There was something remarkable about someone who could take such a dangerous route and emerge not only unscathed but also proficient. It was a kind of raw talent and determination that Eris deeply admired. She wondered what had driven Iosefka to such lengths, what had compelled her to risk so much to learn a magic that most would never even attempt.

Eris blinked, pulling herself away from her thoughts about Iosefka. She needed to focus on the task at hand. The town meeting in the square was set to begin soon, and she didn’t want to be late! Swiftly, she finished organizing her workspace, placing the last of the glass bottles back on the shelf and tucking a few stray papers into a drawer.

With a final glance around her cluttered but now orderly workstation, Eris grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. She smoothed down her dress, ensuring it was presentable for the gathering. As she fastened the clasp of her cloak, she couldn't help but wonder what the announcement at the town square would be.

Perhaps it was good news for once. Maybe the Prince and Princess had finally succeeded in having a child. Eris felt a small surge of happiness at the thought; a royal birth would certainly bring joy to many, herself included. But the thought quickly turned somber as her mind explored the possible consequences. If the rumors were true, the Kings of Lunaris and Aurelia might have the Prince and Princess sacrificed soon after. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and she found herself worrying about the fate of the child if that happened. Who would be responsible for the baby then? Would they be safe, or would they be caught in the same dangerous web of prophecy and power?

Her mind drifted to the prophecy itself—the idea that the return of the sun depended on the birth of this child. Eris had always been taught to follow the Church’s teachings without question, to believe in the divine plan laid out by the Goddesses. But in the quiet corners of her mind, she held a sliver of doubt. Would the sun truly return, or was it all just a story told to keep hope alive in a world shrouded in darkness? She would never speak these doubts aloud, not even to herself in the mirror, but they lingered all the same.

Shaking off the uneasy thoughts, Eris pushed open the door and stepped outside, the crisp air of the night brushing against her face. The streets were bustling with people, all making their way to the town square, murmurs of anticipation filling the air. She joined the crowd, her steps quick as she weaved her way through the street toward the center of town.

Approaching the square, the sounds of the crowd grew louder, a mix of excitement and apprehension. Eris slipped through the gathering crowd of townspeople, finding a spot near the front where she could see and hear clearly. As she waited, her icy blue eyes were drawn to the line of guards stationed along the stage and the surrounding area. They stood at attention in their best armor, polished to a gleaming finish that caught the light of the torches flickering in the breeze.

Eris felt a small pang of unease seeing them lined up so perfectly. Though they were meant to signify peace and cooperation, the armed guards served as a reminder of the tensions that still simmered just below the surface. She could see it in their eyes—a blend of wariness and determination, ready to act if necessary. She especially did not trust the Lunarian guards.

As she continued to scan the square, Eris suddenly felt a wave of warmth radiating from her right. She turned, her gaze landing on a blight-born creature standing just a few feet away. This being was unlike any she had seen before, appearing as though it were built from flame and forge, their form flickering with a molten glow. The heat emanating from them was palpable, as if she were standing right next to a bonfire.

Eris studied the creature for a moment, her heart skipping a beat. A flicker of fear surged in her chest, and she felt her pulse quicken. What kind of beast was this? How much of the person they once were remained inside that fiery form? She tensed instinctively, her body preparing to flee if needed, but she forced herself to stand her ground. She knew she needed to confront these fears if she was going to survive in Dawnhaven and fulfill her mission of finding a cure for the blight.

Swallowing her apprehension, Eris pulled her gaze away from the fiery figure and tried to calm her racing heart. She took a deep breath and reminded herself that she needed to be braver. Dawnhaven was a place filled with danger, but she couldn’t afford to let fear rule her actions. With renewed resolve, she looked back at the blight-born, steeling herself for the encounter.

With a small, tentative smile, she decided to break the one-sided tension. "If it gets any colder, I might have to stick close to you." she remarked, her voice steady despite the nervous flutter in her stomach. "I'm not really built for the cold. I’ll take the warmth any day!” she said with a sheepish smile. Silently, Eris prayed to Aelios that this blight-born wasn’t an aggressive one, despite not noticing that no one else except her was standing close to the creature.

Interactions: Ashe @Timemaster
Mentions: Iosefka @Vixere
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by c3p-0h
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c3p-0h unending foolery

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Frostmoon Lake

Tia walked through the town with light steps, the soft crunch, crunch of snow still a novelty to her. There was just a thin layer on the ground, but it seemed to glow in the moonlight. Puffs of white escaped her lips with each breath. Shivering, she brought her hands together, fingers twisting around each other in an attempt to retain heat. Her thumb caught against the stone of the ring on her finger - a new adornment that still felt foreign and heavy on her hand.

It was a simple thing - a thin gold band, set with a single round opal that flickered like firelight. Tia rubbed the pad of her thumb over it again. It was a gift she hadn’t been allowed to refuse.

After depositing her letter to the High Priest with Pleiades, Tia had decided to make another stop before going to the square for the royal announcement. It hadn’t taken long to find the small home of the boy who’d nearly died the day before. As promised, Tia had knocked on the door, only to be greeted with the young boy’s parents bowing, embracing her, and pulling her inside. The boy - Shaillus - was doing well, all things considered. He was tired but chipper, bruised but bouncing back.

Tia had offered him a warm smile as she placed her hands against the sides of his head, her magic searching for any lasting damage that she’d missed yesterday. Upon finishing, she’d smoothed his hair, and flicked at his nose lightly, causing him to giggle. Something loosened in Tia’s chest at the sound, her own smile growing.

This had always been the part of the job Tia was good at. Not performing sermons, or interpreting prophecies, or spying on and then ritually sacrificing the Prince of Aurelia, just… helping. Healing. Easing the burden carried by those who’d faced the cruelties of a callous world.

When she straightened up, she’d turned to see Shaillus’ parents standing before her.

“We don’t have much to thank you with,” his mother had said. Tia immediately began shaking her head, raising a hand to say she didn’t need anything. “Please,” the older woman continued. She stretched a hand forward, fingers uncurling from a loose fist to reveal the ring. “This was my mother’s.” Tia’s eyes widened as she looked from the ring back up to the woman. “I had hoped to give it to a daughter, but…” Her eyes flicked over Tia’s shoulder to look down at her son - her only child, as far as Tia could tell. She looked back to the Priestess. “Let it go to the woman who saved my son.”

Tia stared at her with wide, shocked eyes. The woman smiled sadly at her.

“What good is a bit of metal and stone to us now, anyway?” she said, her voice dry and light. She took Tia’s hand in her own and pushed the ring into her hand, curling Tia’s fingers around it.

And what could Tia do, except bow deeply and accept?

Now, as she walked through the worn paths of Dawnhaven towards the square, between snow covered buildings and bundled-up citizens, she fiddled with the ring on her finger. It was small, and slight - modest, but for the brilliant flecks of color that sparkled like the stars above whenever she turned it. Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, lavender.
What is your name, child?

A small galaxy, glittering in the darkness.
Who gave it to you?

Tia didn’t realize she’d stopped walking. She blinked, looking up from the ring.

Sprawled out before her, wide and placid, was a dark, glittering lake. Disoriented, Tia looked over her shoulder, to see the outskirts of the settlement, torches breaking up the night with their warm glow. There, in the snow, was the faint outline of her footsteps, leading her here. She turned back to look at the lake.
Something lurked in the periphery.

It clicked in her mind. Frostmoon Lake. The Prince had mentioned it. Images of her dream rippled through her memory, distorted but no less commanding. Gnarled roots. The glistening surface of a lake. A shadowed pit carved into the side of a mountain, as deep and fathomless as the sky.
it flashed through her vision like a wisp of smoke, like droplets of molten gold.

The small clouds at her lips became fainter as Tia’s breathing quickened. She wasn’t in control of her own body as she slowly lowered herself to kneel before the water. The moon’s reflection shined, dimming the light of the stars - but they were there, even still. Aquamarine, pearl, emerald, lavender.

These weren’t the stars she was meant to find.

Transfixed, Tia reached out a hand, her ring catching in the moonlight. She gasped as she touched the water, frigid and biting. Her hand flinched away. And from that broken boundary, ripples echoed over the surface of the water.

The stars flickered like firelight.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 14 days ago

Dawnhaven - Town Square

A Fiery Gathering

Between Flame and Fear

Ashe felt the warmth of their own flames radiating outward, the familiar sensation almost forgotten in the crowd’s press. They hadn’t noticed Eris until her words cut through the murmurs around them. Turning their head, molten eyes flickered toward her, studying the small figure braving the proximity of their heat.

The moment their gaze locked onto hers, Ashe offered a smile—a brief flash of amusement mixed with the glow of embers beneath their skin. They recognized the tension in her stance, the slight hesitation, but admired her resolve to stay put.

"You’ve make a good point," Ashe said, their voice rumbling low and rough like a log breaking apart in a smouldering fire. "I’m probably to be the hottest thing in Dawnhaven, and that’s saying something considering the people in this crowd." They winked, a teasing edge to their words, though their smile softened as they spoke.

Seeing the nervousness behind her brave facade, Ashe allowed their internal flame to dim slightly, controlling the heat to make the surrounding air more bearable. The press of the crowd seemed to ease as people instinctively shifted closer, now less wary of standing near the living furnace.

With a graceful motion, they gave Eris a small, respectful bow. "Apologies if I was a bit too much. Sometimes I forget not everyone likes being roasted alive." There was a flicker of humour in their words, but beneath it, a genuine acknowledgment of her bravery.

Then, without hesitation, they unclasped the shimmering coat they wore—a radiant piece crafted entirely from threads of fire. The strands pulsed with a warm, fiery glow, a deep orange flame woven intricately into the shape of a garment. They held it out toward Eris, the heat from it comforting but controlled.

"Here," Ashe offered with a nod, extending the blazing coat to her. "It’s woven from flame, but it won’t burn you. It'll keep you warm, better than anything else in this cold place. I don’t mind the cold, but you look like you could use it more than I do right now. Consider it a temporary loan."

They met her gaze, their eyes glowing faintly as they introduced themselves, their voice smoothing into a more formal tone. "Ashe Emberweave, at your service. I’m new around here, just setting up shop in Dawnhaven." The flicker of a smile returned, softening their otherwise intense presence.

Mentions: @The Muse's Eris
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Online

Gadez Paladice

"You are armed? Yes, I can see you have two hands attached to them too. You are no fool, neither are you dull. Dead? Well that's up to debate." Paladice said in a smug manner, knowing that wasn't quite what she meant. But having been given such an opportunity, he felt the need to act upon it.

"You are a curious one, mistress Leela, you need coin, yet when it is offered you decline. There's quite some pride in you. As for being a blacksmith's daughter? Well, then you are a scholar of a more material kind, providing you learnt your father's craft. As much as I despise to say it, I think I picked up a few traits of my own creator too." As much as it displeased the gardener, there was little use in denying the truth. No matter how grim it would be. As an advocate of the truth, he wouldn't lie unless left with no other option. Even then a lie upon his tongue would feel ill. Like slowly becoming that thing which he truly hated with all of his being. He couldn't allow that to happen, nor fall into the same pathway. Greed was something natural, yet it was also something which Paladice couldn't adhere to. Those who grasped for treasure would often go down with it. He couldn't allow himself to share the fate of those fools.

"Ahh as for the kissing booth, it was not I who was involved with that mind you. But some unfortunate seeker of love. Passion. Lust. Or whichever label one prefer. The blight is a creation of mankind. It is like any other poison, it attacks mind and body alike. The end results and the effectivity may differ, yet it is at the core... a kind of poison. But while it is indeed a danger, so to are more subtle forms. A single man or woman, with a chosen set of words can sway the world if chosen well and the poison is sweet enough for others to devour it. It's how commoners rise to become kings typically. Or remain as such." He held up one of his hands as if feeling for raindrops, then he tightened it into a fist.

"And we'll do what we have to do, in order to continue onwards. Ahh and you've done your share of not nice things? Pray tell, did you switch out the holy book of Seluna with that of Aelios for a priestess? Such a thing would have been quite lively I'm sure. Or perhaps you decided to wash a cat when it profusely declined such a thing? Well whichever it may be, I am not one to pry. Yet a secret is a heavy burden to carry alone, eventually it'll eat you up from the inside lest you share it with someone." He smiled softly, and he readied himself to walk away from their conversation, as the more he had spoken to Sya, or mistress Leela as he knew her as. He had begun to understand just what kind of person she were. A dangerous one, but in a different kind than Kira. This one-eyed perceiver was the kind of person who would make up their mind in the present, never looking too far ahead or back. She could one moment shelter someone, and the next moment toss them out. He was certain of this. She was a much more unpredictable person, prideful, confrontational, wary and at the same time displaying signs of opening her core to strangers.

He was certain she would no doubt play a part in the great play, but what role? Now that was yet to be decided. She could end up being an ally, or a foe. It all would depend on if she would be willing to aid others commit regicide. The entire board had to be shattered, and all the pieces would have to reveal who they truly are for the game to end.

'When will you reveal yourself, golden child? Let me gaze upon the visage of the golden bird, handfed by -that man- since the start. Let's see if your wings will take you away from the future that has been decided by others for you, or if you will simply go with the flow… and accept it. Though some things are truly hard to accept, one may deny it with all ones being. But unfortunately… the truth is sometimes not as kind as the song which the skalds echo. One part of your destiny is to walk beside them, equally cursed and blessed. It is tragic, but it is required. You must die and be reborn as one of the blightborn, only then will the southern kingdom be unable to assemble their army. For whom would do battle against the shining son of the sunking? Perhaps such an affliction would even create acceptance. Yet the princess must not share your fate, for the one upon the icy throne must not be given a reason to move forth with the fear of his people aiding him. No king will win this game. But a prince just might. Even one whose unpure.' His eyes gazed over to the stage with determination as he thought to himself, he would make sure that no matter what neither kingdom would win. The stage had been set, rigged and the chessboard was ready and his role had been decided for ages.

'Watch goddesses, if you even exist. Behold as I play this world like a harp, until all strings are broken. And all illusions fade away and the prophecy comes full circle. Dance puppets drawn in by death...'

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 23 min ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “Town Sqauee”

10 am

Sya shook her head, she walked into that one hook line and sinker. “Dead…you say… I'm sure the tax man will have an answer for me that makes me pay, and maybe inheritance tax too. They might make me pay twice…” Sya said with some darker humour, ever since she died to be blunt, dark humour seemed to be really funny.

Her tone switched more serious but the evident enjoyment much as she hated to admit it… This annoying man gave her a challenge. “People distrust me for being alive, I cannot run a loose purse too, so I have to be too proud. It's the only way they even trust me in this town. They jidge me for just existing.” Sya was expected and would be judged harshly, she would not and could not be seen to be, people would judge harshly. “He taught me how to spot a fake anyway, too many fools tried to sell him iron as castle forged steel.” Sya said with a slightly misty tone remembering the days she sat by the forge on a cold day, working on helping him wrap handles and other minor tasks.

“All i know is my experience, if you academics ask the sage, Please stay well clear, I'm not sure one eye would suit you, maybe gills so you don't have to pause for breath.” Sya started in a softer wistful tone but her more humours tones cut in though she was genuine in her concern he would venture beyond the borders. She did not want to swe pwiple die, much as she was messed up she would warn and try to ensure no one went near those panda, they where cursed to her mind, it was dark... whispering anf it wnates you to become a monster.

“Oh how dull, though it might all be a lie, maybe it was all good till the tentacle came out or perhaps the claws… tails,? snake tail? Could have been rather cuddly…” Sya said with a teasing tone, her rebirth had left her a little…broken, was she fully sane…unlikely. Fully moral…no… broken…yes. Alive however also yes. Sya was a mess, but she carried on one day at a time. Her voice and expression made it clear she was taking a little back and well he mentioned it to the impulsive and somewhat damaged woman.

“Some boxes are best left shut my vexing gentleman, lest others get dirty.” Sya said with a dark chuckle and a glint to her eye, she did not make it to Dawn Haven by being weak or without a ruthless streak, though that soon was replaced by her normal blues glow and softer expressive nature to her large eye. “Some things are best in the past, people are not ready to know those things. I'd rather have a fresh start.” Sya's voice was more border accented and she let the harsher tones out, more of a hybrid than any formal language.

“Hey, did you see a cat, hmm maybe we do need a town clock and some bells… Prince might not know what time it is. That would be a akwakrd way to start.” Sya said, tripping back to a softer tone, she hopped between like it was not even noticed. Her mind switched and she followed it, but she was curious at the delay, good…bad…or just time got away and he could not find his good dress sword and well performance mattered. The Royals put on a show on levels she did not understand.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

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Gadez Paladice

"A tax man is merely the tool, one cannot blame the tool for the wielder's use of it. Much of that which is gathered goes to the ones sitting upon their golden thrones, growing fat and fetid, yet always craving for more. Greed lies at the core yet again. Some of the gathered coin may go back to the people, yet whose gonna hear a whisper when there is a full blown parade of pompous puppets, showing off their latest material gains? But it would not suprise one such as myself, if a tax man would attempt to squeeze someone of abit more gold." He wasn't fond of the overdressed manner in which the nobles of Aurelia carried themselves, flaunting their material wealth about as if it was their banner and only thing that mattered. Perhaps he would have been like them, had fate not dealt him the cards which he still held unto. But he was appreciative to it, to not be so easily led into that pathway of endless greed and pretentious goodwill. Nothing was as sickening to him, as when the nobles, only noble by title, would pretend to care for the less fortunate to make themselves feel more elevated.

Yet was he immune to feeling good about helping the less blessed? No. No one truly was.

His mind wandered to the golden child, Flynn Astaros. Would he traverse the same wretched path of his father or would he deviate? No matter what, that young man would have quite the tough choices before him. Even more so when the the terrible truth would dawn upon him. Paladice couldn't barely contain his amusement, for he had waited for all these years for this moment in time.

But could truly the son be held responsible for the sins of the father? He knew the answer to that question already. No. He could not be held accountable. To have been forged into whatever the Aurelian king desired, a fate some might have dreamed of, not knowing what it would entail.

He had pondered on that very idea himself, would he had been any different had he'd been in that place? Most likely not. What would matter in the end would be if he would proceed on the path made for him, or carve his own. If chosing the former, he would share the king's fate. To free the world of all the chains which bind it and smash it all into dust, there was little room for hesitation. Paladice knew that he had to do it, for the sakes of all those whose already died, and for those which would come to die when the great clash would begin. He'd drive that blade of his into the king's wretched heart and look into his eyes, letting him know it was a result of his own sins. Would Flynn be alive at that point? Would he stand in the way? That part of the great story was yet to be written, even then the warrior-monk couldn't help but long for the moment. After all. What other reason did he have to even exist?

He was going to kill that man.

But patience was required. He had waited all these years, a little more wouldn't hurt. He proceeded to reply further to Sya.

"Tight purse, tight lips aswell then? Hah… good try. But can you truly tell a fake from the real thing? Can you discern what is real gold, and what is cat's gold? Both may look similar, yet only one glimmers. Were I to dress up as the prince and don a mask, leaping up on that stage over yonder. Would you be able to tell the difference, as to whom is firstborn of the sunking?" He chuckled in an amused way at that as he made a dramatic bow, followed by a slight spin, causing his blonde hair to swirl before settling down, it momentarily covered his eyes until he moved it back using his gloved hand.

"Much like gold. I certainly hope Prince Flynn is the real thing. Golden and shimmering. Many people have through the times sought a way to create gold itself, like some particular alchemists. Ever heard of their search of the stone of the philosopher? It is a legend, that there's some hidden formula out there to combine minerals to create… gold. Quite the curious subject wouldn't you say? However… would that be what people truly desire? And would they be able to tell gold made by such a manner apart from the rest? It isn't quite like cat's gold then." A soft upturn formed on his lips as his eyes wandered to the stage, a nearby torch causing his ghostly blue eyes to shimmer.

"As for gills? My my… quite the tongue you have there girl. Afraid there's no kissing booth here, nor any willing participants though to take advantage of it. But indeed I do like my pauses for a little drama, blame it on the circus for their uncanny ability to spellbind a crowd." He chuckled in a soft and amused manner before continuing on the subject that Sya had chosen.

"Tentacles? Claws? Tails? My my you are certainly a lively one, I suspect you would have made the blightborn in the kissing booth blush themselves to the afterlife. Hnn hnn. Perhaps tentacles would look good on you though. Imagine how many you could serve at the inn at the same time, providing ofcourse one can control all extra appendages. If like octopus ones? Quite the sucky grip, would never drop a glass nor lose at arm-wrestling. I prefer to be more focused myself. Hence my more limited amount in number of appendages. But don't let that deceive you, I am well armed. Hands included." He said in an even more amused manner. He hated to admit it, but the blightborn was quite the entertaining one. If not even abit unstable. Then again. He wasn't one to speak ill of the dead too much.

"So others get dirty by knowing what is in that mysterious box of yours? Either it is some less than favorable depictions of well known individuals or it's filled with mud. Just two of my guesses however. One could ponder the contents forever. Perhaps there's something in the box, or perhaps there never was? Who could truly tell when it is closed? I dare you to tell. Mistress Leela." He stepped forwards slightly and set his blue eyes at her, as if challenging her.

"While some thing are indeed part of ones past, one ought to not forget them. No matter if they are good or ill, for each things form whom you are. No matter how much one may desire a fresh start, to begin anew. To simply leave all things behind? The past tend to eventually make itself known again. There's someone out there who I intend to teach this very lesson to. That the past will catch up with you. Better to deal with it head-on with no regrets." He stepped back again, leaving Sya with more personal space.

"A kitty?" His eyes slowly wandered about for a cat, hoping he could pick it up. "A bell tower? That would be... noisy. Guh. As for the prince being just in time to be too late, that is very much a habit of those of such a standing. They grace us with their time, not the other way around." He said softly but in a matter of fact voice.

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