Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hogwarts: The New Professors

Hogwarts Castle, standing tall and majestic in the Scottish Highlands, carries an aura of ancient mystery and quiet anticipation just days before the arrival of its students. The castle’s stone walls, weathered by centuries of magical history, are bathed in the golden light of the late summer sun. Ivy creeps along the battlements, weaving through the cracks and crevices, as if guarding secrets long forgotten. The turrets and towers stretch toward the sky, their pointed spires piercing the clouds, while the countless windows glisten, some revealing soft glows of light within.

Inside, the corridors are silent, save for the faint echo of footsteps or the distant murmur of enchanted portraits conversing amongst themselves. The Great Hall, usually filled with the lively chatter of students and the clatter of utensils, is now a vast, empty expanse. The enchanted ceiling mirrors the ever-changing sky outside, currently a tranquil blue with wisps of white clouds. Long wooden tables sit in perfect alignment, ready to host the upcoming feasts, while the house banners hang proudly from the walls, their colors vibrant and rich.

The castle grounds are equally serene. The Forbidden Forest looms at the edge, dark and mysterious, its secrets veiled in shadow. The Black Lake, calm and glassy, reflects the surrounding landscape like a mirror, with the giant squid occasionally causing ripples as it lazily moves beneath the surface. The Quidditch pitch, with its towering goalposts, stands ready for the first practice of the season, the grass freshly cut and gleaming in the sunlight.

Hogwarts’ resident ghosts drift silently through the halls, their translucent forms gliding through walls and floating over staircases. Peeves, the mischievous poltergeist, seems to be taking advantage of the quiet, no doubt plotting his pranks for the new term. The castle’s house-elves, unseen but ever diligent, work tirelessly in the kitchens, preparing the first feast and ensuring that every corner of the castle is immaculate for the start of the school year.

An old tradition that many of the past professors had taken part in was an evening walk from the castle to Hogsmeade for a pre scholastics soiree. Hosted at the Three Broomsticks all professors were notified of this in their orientation letter which they got soon after they confirmed they were accepting the Hogwarts position.

Active Events

Currently a number of house elves are going through the castle looking for professors to let them know that lunch will be served in the great hall or could be brought to them.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Professor Liam Wallox

History of Magic Classroom

Liam stood in the dimly lit History of Magic classroom, staring at the stubbornly locked desk with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. It was a week before the start of the new term, and while most of the castle remained quiet, Liam was already hard at work preparing for his first year as the new professor. But things weren’t going as smoothly as he had hoped. The desk, an ancient relic from a time long before even his student years, had remained unopened for over a century. Now, it held the former professor's carefully prepared syllabus hostage.

Liam ran a hand through his short, tousled brown hair, his hazel eyes narrowing at the unyielding piece of furniture. He had expected challenges—teaching at Hogwarts was no small feat—but arguing with a ghost and being thwarted by an ancient desk was not part of the plan. Of course, what plan ever survived this school, he thought with a mindful smirk and an internal laugh.

Earlier in the day, Liam had found himself in a frustrating exchange with Professor Cuthbert Binns, the ghostly former History of Magic teacher who continued lecturing long after his death. Professor Binns was less than pleased to discover that his old classroom was being taken over by someone new. Even more upsetting to him was the fact that he had somehow been replaced without notice.

"I have taught this course for centuries!" Binns had droned, floating aimlessly through the chalkboard as if to emphasize his point. "I see no reason why that should change."

Liam had tried to be diplomatic. "I understand your attachment, Professor Binns, but the Ministry of Magic has asked me to take over. I believe the students could benefit from a more... interactive approach."

Binns had grumbled, his transparent form flickering as he disappeared through the wall, muttering something about "newfangled methods" and "disrespect for history."

Now, as Liam stood before the old desk, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of doubt. If the ghost of his predecessor was so resistant to change, how would the students react? Would they accept him as their new professor, or would he always be seen as the man who replaced Binns? While every new professor was going to have their issues, none of them could be haunted by those wounded by their very arrival.

Liam knelt down beside the desk, inspecting it more closely. The wood was worn, darkened with age, and etched with the faint outlines of runes. He recognized a few of them and, through the context they gave, figured it was some sort of ancient locking spell, likely put in place to protect the belongings of the previous professor. It was no wonder his modern unlocking charms had failed—they simply weren’t designed for something this old.

He stood up and walked over to the dusty bookshelves that lined the walls of the classroom. With a single blow of air, it was clear these books hadn’t been touched since the good Professor was able to shelve them. After a few moments of searching, he found an old tome on ancient magical artifacts and their security measures. Flipping through the yellowed pages, he located what he was looking for: a passage on unlocking spells and deciphering ancient boobytraps.

Returning to the desk, Liam pulled out his wand and carefully traced the runes on the desk’s surface, muttering the incantation he had found in the book. The room seemed to hold its breath, the air thick with the weight of old magic.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, with a soft click, the lock disengaged. Liam exhaled in relief as the desk creaked open, revealing his syllabus neatly folded inside, along with a few old scrolls that had likely belonged to long-departed professors.

He quickly grabbed the syllabus and glanced over it to make sure everything was in order. Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, the parchment began to glow faintly at the edges. Liam’s heart skipped a beat as he watched, helpless, as the glow intensified.

Before he could react, the syllabus burst into flames, the fire spreading rapidly across the parchment. Liam tried to extinguish it with a hurried flick of his wand, but it was too late. The flames consumed the syllabus in seconds, leaving behind nothing but a few ashes that floated lazily to the floor.

Liam stared at the charred remains in disbelief, his mind racing. The syllabus was gone, and with it, any hope of knowing where in history each year was ending their lessons. The realization sank in like a heavy weight on his chest. He’d have to start from scratch, piecing together the curriculum with whatever resources he could find, and with only a week before the students arrived.

Liam slumped into the nearest chair, rubbing his temples in frustration. The ancient desk, the stubborn ghost, and now this—a secret magical booby trap set long ago to protect the contents of the desk. He could almost hear Binns’ ghostly chuckle echoing in the back of his mind.

But as the initial shock wore off, determination replaced it. Liam wasn’t about to let a cursed desk and an ancient ghost get the better of him. He’d faced challenges before, and he’d face this one too.

After all, he was a history professor at Hogwarts, and if history had taught him anything, it was that resilience and perseverance always win out in the end. With a resolute nod, Liam stood, already planning his next move. The term would begin soon, and with or without a syllabus, he was going to make sure his students learned the fascinating, complex history of the wizarding world.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 1 hr ago

Kaiden Devarron sighed at the large, pink owl-like creature he had brought out into the valley with him as he carefully stripped away the layers of threading and tape he had used to keep it in the folded position while the bird recovered from an unfortunate crash into a very solid object. When he had gotten the message from Hogsmeade about some inane twittering sound driving nearby people bonkers, he had known exactly what kind of creature he was dealing with.

A fwooper was an exotic creature, often kept as pets by wizards and witches with a taste for pretty colors and only slightly dangerous side effects. It's musical tone was known to infect people with madness, with the insanity growing worse the longer the person was exposed to it. As such, all fwoopers that were legally traded through legitimate channels were supposed to be enchanted with a silencing charm, which had to be renewed every month. Sadly not everyone followed the rules, and when the creatures inevitably got loose, it quickly could become everyone else's problem.

And so he had apparated as close as he could reliably get to Hogsmeade, and like Odysseus of old, rolled up some beeswax into his ears to keep the noise from afflicting his brain. He found the hurt creature trying to flutter it's way out of a barrel of water, it's feathers too soaked to carry it to safety and one wing bent in an awkward direction. Over the course of the last week or so, he had reinforced the silencing charm that had faded around the creature, but would often play rainforest bird songs near the area in which he kept it for it's recovery.

And now the day had come to set it free.

For this he had traveled pretty deep into Hogwarts Valley, having spotted the signs of a fwooper den in the area. With a bit more preparation time, he had brought along a pair of silencing headphones, and was already listening to a selection by some muggle band called Dragon...something. He removed the last of the taping, stepping back and letting the fwooper stand on its own, testing it's freshly mended wing. Kai pulled his wand from a sling across the small of his back and pointed it towards the fwooper.

"Surgito," he said, though he couldn't hear his own voice. A swell of magical energy poured out of the fwooper, his silencing charm tearing apart under the effects of the dispelling charm.

It looked back at him curiously, twittered something that probably halfway between an insult and a thank you, and then took flight.

Kai watched it disappear into the trees, chuckling to himself at the bird's antics over the past few days. He shrugged, another story he could tell his parents the next time he visited. He had already collected a few feathers of the creature that had fallen off while it was under his care.

"You're back in your world... time for me to go back to mine," he muttered to no one in particular. Picking up the remains of the wing taping and the harness that had limited the creature's ability to fly away from him, he began the long walk to the castle to meet his fellow professors. Hopefully he could find an excuse to slip away after this walk to Hogsmeade, but there was only one way to find out.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Mistress Taenar Verch Tygath,

You are cordially invited to a position at Hogwarts school for young Ladies and Gentlemen of the Mystical realm as a Professor, and if you respond quickly enough the course of your desire. (Hint, Hint)

Please arrive at Hogwarts no later than August 14th to prepare your classroom and syllabus. Note that Prof. Gordon Penkridge left us rather unceremoniously, and a counter curse or five may come in handy. As is tradition, a soirée with evening walk will be held at the Three Broomsticks before the start of the school year. We look forward to seeing you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Setting the letter back on her desk she packed immediately, Sending a response by owl and aparating back to England. She’d stopped to hand the letter off to her mother and father before leaving the next morning by train.

She’d arrived so early in the morning, and had loitered so long near the tenth gate they’d she’d been stopped and asked twice by Bobbies for her boarding pass. When she explained it was her first day at a new job they’d settled down a bit, even though she’d had to show them her disguised ticket. Twice.

And they’d looked at her luggage. Nanny, she’d told them to explain everything. They stopped looking when they came to her silk and lace delicates. With a blush she pushed everything back away and sat down.

She still had an hour but as soon as the coast was clear she turned, held her ticket and ran at the wall. Merlin’s beard she missed the feeling.

After stowing her gear she took a cabin and rode with several returning students, with her appearance they figured her for a transfer and she didn’t bother correcting them. They’d find out soon enough.

She was still a week early, but had to write a curriculum, not trusting the previous instructor. She took most of her meals in her rooms, busy writing and referencing previous classes and sources.

It was no wonder why the previous instructor was out with the boot, they’d been a buffoon. Teach nothing at all usable, or teach them the 5 curses.. what a fucking idiot. But the classes had all been of mixed blood – Pure-bloods, Half-bloods, Muggle-borns. And only the Pure bloods had received true training.

The professor himself had been Pure blood and the House had a rather bad reputation as well. Looking over at the knock on the door she smiled at the house elf. "Hello McGrufferly. I’ll take it in my room as usual. No need to make a mess in the great hall for me.”

"Of Course Mistress. Many rooms t clean. Makes it harder than just the one table. but that is the way it is for the Huse Elf. Fetch adn carry is all we do. fetch and carry."

"McGrufferly.. is it easier, on the staff, if I lunch with the others down stairs?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Then I'll luncheon with the others."

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Professor Kennedy, Miles

Location: Potions Classroom, Hogwarts
Mentions: N/A

Why in the seven blasted hells had they put Potions next to the dungeon for all sakes?

The first day had been a good, interesting little shock. He'd busied himself away by organizing all the various bottles that had been stored openly on shelves for who-knows-how-long, had a cabinet or seven made by a woodworker in Hogsmeade, moved it all down to the classroom. That had taken a day or so of work, real work, but by the end of it things were far more neat…and secure. Then came the cleaning, which Mr Kennedy was sad to say he did so with a small army of enchanted brooms. That day had ended with the ordering of a few enchanted lamps to give some semblance of heat for the room, which had proven damnably cold, and attaching them to the stone ceiling. It had paid to arrive a week before, Kennedy decided, as he surveyed his newfound domain cup of tea in hand.

It’d been so long since he'd been to Hogwarts that the new Potions Master found that he'd forgotten how dreary the classroom was. He'd accepted, forgetting it was near the Dungeon of all places. Still, though, Kennedy was rather pleased with how the whole event had gone, stretching up and down on his toes to feel the warm lining of his slippers, taking a sip of his tea.

In the corner, meanwhile, one lamp had all but practically gone out. Well that wasn't entirely true, it's just that a great big monster had decided to cuddle about it for the heat. A great rumble came and went, the sounds of thunder and trains roaring past. Dull shadows shifted and cut with every move, every adjustment of posture.

“You know there's a whole castle to explore.”

Luminous eyes turned about, a shadow cutting across Kennedy’s face. “Meoooow,” came the response, claws scratching into the woodwork.

“Well, yes, but it's not as though you'll get picked up by any of the students.”

Meeeeoooowwwwww. Meow. Meow.” A cock of the head. Light shined past his face like a half halo to illuminate whiskers and the fringes of fur.

“Well not all of them will feed you.”

Meow. Meeowwww.

“Make certain you tackle the bigger ones, then.” Kennedy smiled, taking another sip before thinking up an image of a little First Year getting tackled by Lickspittle. He snorted, chuckled, then coughed on the tea. Hacking away for a few moments, the teacher finally noticed a figure standing in the open doorway. Certainly they were no taller than a very short child, clothed little and barefoot, and so could really only be one thing. House Elf.

“Excuse me, sir,” came the voice of one, too, young and high pitched. Kennedy had never given much love to the idea of those or how their service was gained and kept. Really it was saddening since such let the wizard do however they wished to the elf. He'd heard of cruelty before, and found the whole issue to be saddening. Elves could be treated well at Hogwarts, but couldn't they be given simply a different deal, not reliant on the courtesies of their masters?


“Lunch is being served in the Great Hall, sir. If you wish it can be brought up to you.”

“Lun…” He checked his watch, exhaling out at the result. It really was time for lunch, how very well and annoying. “I'll eat in the Great Hall, thank you…?”

The house elf looked with a degree of confusion, approaching with apprehension, concern, but…curious enough about why there was the question. They passed under a lamplight and finally Kennedy could see the face clearly. Rather young seeming for a house elf of Hogwarts, he thought, with a great big nose and great big ears.

“I'm Professor Kennedy, and…you are…?” He leaned down, proffering his hand.

“Tolpy, sir.” The house elf cautiously took his hand, to which there were just a few shakes before Mr Kennedy finally released his grip.

“A pleasure to meet you. By the way, Tolpy, I should tell you that I am…very forgetful. I may leave old shirts and the like about when I'm not in my room. I probably just…no longer like them or some such. Please tell the cleaning elves that they can clean those up and dispose of them as they wish. Thank you.”

“Of course, sir.” The elf looked like he had a thought on the insinuation, but a twinkle in his eye kept any sort of question spilling forth. Kennedy smiled again.

“Good good. Oh, and I will be up for lunch, I swear.”

Satisfied with the job and conveyance, Tolpy disappeared, leaving Kennedy to look down at his slippers and realize that changing might be for the best. Some of the professors he'd be seeing for the first time since they were all kids, others he'd barely seen at the castle since they'd arrived, and some very few Kennedy had never seen at all. The equal of fur slippers and a heavy coat was hardly the best first impression.


“Yes, I'll get you food too.”

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: N/A

Arriving at the Great Hall with no students was rather strange as well, Kennedy decided, tapping his foot after entering through a side door. The tables stretched out before him, empty as well save for lit candles at intervals. He could hear his tapping echoing out through the space, the ceiling…somewhat impressive, sure, but Kennedy could recall great illusions there to make it look like one world or another. With that and the students gone…and the wizened professors not there, seated up at the front, it felt off.

A few steps, past the side of the room, past the portraits and there he was at the front of the great room. Where the teachers sat, that whole desk…it sunk in that this would be where Kennedy would be sitting, eating, trying to not make a fool of himself. If that happened it'd be no use trying to pretend like it hadn't. Well…heck. No wonder why they'd always looked so wooden. The Great Hall still had no other teachers in it though, eerily quiet all told,and in the midst of waiting on any others Kennedy decided to play a little game.

Going down the table, trying to remember all the old professors and how they were, he soon was at one spot drumming away his fingers on the table. What was that woman's name…?
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Minerva McGonagall
(Order of Merlin, First Class, International Confed. of Wizards, Supr. Cmdr. of the Staffroom Biscuit Tin)

Dear Mr. Alvis J. Hawes,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Professorship of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I suspect you already knew of this, being a Seer, but nonetheless, consider this your official confirmation and congratulations.

Please arrive at Hogwarts no later than August 14th to prepare your classroom and syllabus. Note that Prof. Trelawney left us an impressive collection of crystal balls and crockery, though a duster may come in handy. As is tradition, a soirée with evening walk will be held at the Three Broomsticks before the start of the school year. We look forward to seeing you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Alvis' letter had come, finally. For the past few days the Auror's office had been abuzz with rumours and gossip. With each passing day Alvis' room became ever more... clean. He packed suitcases. He started gifting away his quills with foreboding comments. The office's cobweb of magical thought-streams connecting various suspects and unfortunates started shifting more slowly than usual. Even Mopsy, his occasional assistant house-elf, was getting worried when he was tasked with boxing Alvis' mementos - from the ominous prophecy book (Case of the Future Faker, "I break it open when I'm in a bad mood, hilarious!"), to his bird (Case of the Cursed Quetzal), quizzically looking at him as the box closed around it. Then one day, Alvis opened up one of the office windows, sat himself to face it, and poured himself a nice cup of tea. Three cups of Lady Grey later, and the letter came flying in. And despite Alvis' best efforts to avoid it as he dreamed it would happen, the letter valiantly flopped itself straight into Alvis' face.

"Well that certainly clears things up." The boss said as he saw the wax seal of Hogwarts gracing the envelope. "Running off to a cozy little school placement are we?" Rumours of the restructuring of Hogwarts had spread throughout the Ministry of Magic, and even beyond. Alvis had applied soon after having heard the call for new teachers. "One goes where one's needed. Fate doesn't always allow you to have a say in the matter." Alvis responded. "You know I don't believe that, son. You always have a choice." His boss replied, his gaze aimed straight at Alvis, who sighed ever so slightly. "It's been quite a while now. And having to face the darkest of magics all the time, it's... I haven't been sleeping very well lately. So I've been thinking it might be time to try out something new. Not all mysteries lie in crime, boss." His former-boss nodded. "Then we are sad to see you go." A pat on the shoulder marked the end of the conversation. He always did have a curt nature.

Alvis had waited in line for the Ministry's floo network for too long for his liking. His ticket was genuine, but apparently one doesn't simply travel to Hogwarts. Some calls back and forth ensued, and Hogsmeade was the next best thing they could do. Green fire engulfed him. He sneezed. And then he lost some of his baggage, typical! Then a carriage from Hogsmeade took him to the castle, where he unloaded his modest collection of personal belongings, lugged it all the way up the north tower's spiral staircase to the Divination classroom and his new office -he forgot how many steps there were... he should've planned for this! Then, as he started unpacking, a squeaky voice from behind him startled him. For all his foresight, it sometimes still amazed him how even the most humble of things could surprise him like that.

"Excuse me, sir. Lunch is served at the..."

"Great hall. I'll be right down, thanks."

Being back at Hogwarts was strange. Alvis was used to the halls bustling with students. But now, going alone, it was different. A hint of heartache came over him. There wouldn't be his old schoolmates waiting for him anymore. It would be a new start. The doors to the great hall opened. And as he entered, he muttered to no one in particular.

Where feasts are served and goblets clink, there friendships spark with nod and wink...
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Arriving downstairs, she wore simple clothing and walked the length of the Ravenclaw table before sighing sadly and moving to the others. "I'm Ravenclaw, but may I join you? Eating alone gets lonely. I'm Tænar Tygath, Defense of the Dark Arts, and you?" She asked, softly, of the others at the table.

(just an FYI: her name is pronounced Tay-naR Tea-Goth)

@World Traveler
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Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Mole
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Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Minerva McGonagall
(Order of Merlin, First Class, International Confed. of Wizards, Supr. Cmdr. of the Staffroom Cookie Jar)

Dear Ms. Seraphima Evelynne Rose,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Professorship of Magical Theory at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your theories have been widely accepted by the wisest on the subject. No less, it would be a great honor for the students at Hogwarts to study under your


“I’ll have my lunch, here in the classroom...” Seraphima was still looking at the vacant room. Her head was slightly tilted to a side, rearranging everything by imagination before flicking her wrist, hand, and wand with a little magic.

It wasn’t that she wished to treat the poor House Elf dismissively. She just happened to be so lost in thought and wonder that any unfortunate soul who walked in on her was no doubt going to get the exact same treatment. In other words, she was treating the House Elf with an equal amount of respect as she would have of any other creature.

Her lips pursed together as she contemplated exactly how she would go about this. Her thoughts on Magical Theory were a bit radical, some would say, and she did not want to lose any respect because of it. Her third book was to be more accessible to the mature minded, and she needed to stress the right learning environment for her studies of the book’s teachings.

First impressions were very important, and she had three days left to configure everything. If her wish was to be organized, then she was not adhering to her objective. This was proving quite the obstacle. She was finding that putting together a book made much more sense than formulating interior design layouts.

Perhaps, she needed a second opinion.

“On second thought, I would make better to have lunch in the hall.” Her eyes shifted and her head turned towards the House Elf, gingerly lingering nearby, about to take her leave. Seraphima’s smile grew friendlier at the sight of the humble creature. “Thank you so very much for the invitation.”

Surely, not all the professors would be as boring as they had been when they were students. She remembered this about Hogwarts professors, and with that, their heads must have been screwed on straight to get an offer here. At least, one lucky duck would be able to assist her. Although, this was her class and asking for help may, well, come off as a bit weak.

It was too late, now.

Perhaps, she just needed a change of scenery. Yes, that’s it.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Tænar Verch Tygath (age 15)

Sitting alone in her room with everyone else away for the Holiday’s, Tænar looked at the one package she’d gotten. Her parents were in the middle of a divorce and neither had time to ‘deal with children or buying things that would be thrown away within a year anyways’.

She wasn’t a child, and she didn’t throw things away without reason. She cherished gifts. But at least her sister had sent her something. She’d sent her sister a RavenClaw cloak. Her sister loved cloaks as much as she loved scarves and shawls.

She hadn’t really expected anything though both of them were at school studying hard, or rather Tænar was studying and her sister was avoiding jail time. A few years ago her sister had started running with the wrong crowd, got involved with a vampire and things went south from there.

Apparently Ystradwel’d gone south as well, straight into the boy’s lap. She’d became a fang banger, and then.. a fanger. After her sister’s transformation her parent’s had lost their collective minds. And now a divorce was on the horizon and in the court’s.

Taking the present to the bed she sat crosslegged on the over spred and carefully opened the rather weird wrapping paper. After the change her sister had gotten kind of creepy and weird, but also kind of cool as well. The Paper was little caskets and tomb stones and the bow was dark red like blood and the lace was black as a Slytherin soul.

Maybe she’d use it for her sisters birthday.. or did she celebrate her death day now? She’d have to ask, maybe it was both?

Lifting off the lid she box she pulled out the cotton material and looked at it. Clutching it to her chest she cried. Her sister had sent her a Scarf from her school! Black and Purple (a shade of blue in her head) it had the logo of her sisters school on it. “Nevermore Academy”

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Liam left his classroom, the soft echoes of his footsteps reverberated through the corridor, the sound a comforting reminder of the castle’s timelessness. The warm glow of sunlight streamed through the tall, arched windows, casting long shadows across the ancient stone walls and creating patterns that danced along the floor. The castle seemed to hum with a quiet energy, as if it, too, was preparing for the flurry of activity that would soon come with the start of the school year.

Descending the grand staircase, Liam’s thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a familiar house-elf with a slight pop. The elf, with his large, round eyes and a pristine tea towel adorned with the Hogwarts crest, bowed deeply in greeting.

"Good afternoon, Professor Wexford, sir," the elf said in a high-pitched voice, his tone filled with respect. "Lunch is ready in the Great Hall. Is there anything Master Wexford would be needing?"

Liam smiled warmly, immediately recognizing the elf. "Thank you, Thimble. I was just heading down for lunch. I don't need anything at the moment, but I appreciate you asking."

Thimble beamed with pride, his eyes shining brightly. "It is always a pleasure to serve, Professor Wexford. If Master Wexford needs anything, Thimble is always here to help."

"I’ll keep that in mind, Thimble," Liam replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

With a final bow, Thimble vanished, leaving Liam to continue his walk through the quiet castle. The encounter was a pleasant reminder of the life and magic that made Hogwarts so special. As he approached the Great Hall, the inviting aroma of freshly prepared food grew stronger, making his stomach growl in anticipation. He found himself looking forward to the company of the few professors who, like him, were already at the castle, busy with preparations for the new school year.

Reaching the ground floor, Liam turned and entered the side door that led to the Great Hall. His eyes scanned the vast room, noting its emptiness save for one other person in attendance. To his delight, he spotted Miles Kennedy, a fellow Hufflepuff, strolling along the student tables.

"Miles!" Liam called out with a smile, his voice echoing slightly in the expansive hall. It was always a treat to see a friendly face, especially one from his old house.

With a flick of his wand, Liam pulled a chair from the teachers' table and arranged it so that they could sit together, making the room feel a bit less vast. While Miles was a few years older, he had been one of the Hufflepuffs that younger students like Liam had looked up to. It was good to see him again after all these years. Both had led lives that were deeply connected to the Muggle world, though Liam’s ties to the magical world had remained more frequent and intricate.

As Liam walked over to shake his old housemate’s hand, the door to the Great Hall opened again, and in walked Alvis Hawes.

"Alvis as well!" Liam exclaimed, his smile broadening. He knew Alvis better, as they were closer in age. The Ravenclaw had been friends with some of Liam’s friends in Hufflepuff, so their paths had often crossed during their school days.

"It seems everyone is finally starting to show up," Liam remarked as he gave them both a hearty handshake. "You wouldn’t believe the number of meals I’ve had by myself here this week. The food’s been hearty, but the company—well, let’s just say the students have either been too annoyed to chat or too scared to ask what I’m doing here."

He chuckled, a warm sound that filled the room, and looked at his two old friends. He was about to speculate on their new roles at the school but decided a more direct approach might be better. "So, you ended up getting a call as well?" Liam asked, genuinely curious, eager to reconnect and learn more about their journeys since their school days.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by MrSkimobile
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As the door opened into the empty, echoing hall, Alvis saw two figures already in conversation. Alvis adjusted his jacket a bit. Even after so many years, he would feel some hesitation in situations he didn’t foresee. Then the quiet of the hall was pierced by someone calling his name, a well-known Hufflepuff welcome he hadn’t heard in a long time, and a familiar warmth filled him. He raised his hand in a stiff wave as he joined them.

”Well, you know me, with my impeccable timing.” Alvis answered Liam as he shook his and Miles' hands, tapping the side of his head with pretend seriousness. There was an old joke among students on Alvis' strange sense of punctuality -usually late, rarely early, but when he was, something strange would usually go down. ”It’s good to see you two again, in one piece and all.” He nodded.

”Got called in for Divination, yes. Seems almost like yesterday since I joined the Aurors, but Hogwarts does seem to have a way of pulling you back in… I do wonder how long it’ll be before I have to start solving the Case of the Missing Homework here, or the Case of the Exploding Potions Classroom for that matter…”

Alvis took a seat near them, settling in, knowing it was where they were supposed to be, even if the reasons were still unclear. “Is the castle being redesigned?” He muttered. His gaze lingered on the room, as if expecting something -or someone- else to join them. Someone with a lot on their mind.
Hidden 2 mos ago 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Professor Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler


Kennedy turned about, seeing…what was it…Liam, yeah, Lima walking through the door. Another Hugglepuff, that was him, and…well, the man wasn’t entirely certain what he’d be professor of. He couldn’t recall a speciality for the man, though it was interesting enough Liam had decided to go to Hogwarts. He’d be fairly reliable, yeah. At least, Kennedy thought so. Hogwarts years were decidedly hazy considering a decade had passed. He started to walk up, to shake the man’s hand.

Well, of course that’s when another came in. What was his name…the face, he could recall as being there while he’d been at Hogwarts, but…what was his name again. It’d been long enough and Kennedy had known so many other people that names were jumbled about. He watched from the front, noticing how…absent minded the man was, how absolutely not present he was. In some ways, Kennedy would have expected some measure of a greeting, or a wave, or something along those lines…yet instead there was nothing. Who would be such an absent person but a Divination professor…and who else would be the perfect Divination professor than…

Oh, blast it all. What was his name.

He’d always been an odd one, that was true, like any of the other kids who had been gifted at Divination…and he’d taken a job with the Ministry for his trouble…Kennedy could remember a few articles he’d seen on things the man had solved, problems here and there. What was the name…Hays? Heyes? Hawes? Ah, yeah, Hawes. Alvis Hawes, close enough to one of the chipmunks or something and another. Why wasn’t he surprised that the man had been drafted in as Divination professor…stars, how good of a Professor would he be? Then again, considering the previous ones, the bar was pretty low as far as what was going on in that classroom. Maybe he’d hit his stride or something of another. Nevertheless, Kennedy watched with some amusement as the man made his way through the Great Hall.

"Alvis as well!"

Hey, thank goodness for small miracles. They all shook one-another’s hands, Liam smiling away the whole while like a ray of sunshine had just pierced through. Miles had a smile too, though his touched only the corner of his mouth. It was good to see them, sure, but…he hadn’t quite ever been talking to Liam since he’d graduated and Alvis had been in an entirely different realm compared to where they’d placed him. They were old schoolmates, sure, but Miles struggled for a brief moment whether or he’d declare them all close friends. He knew them, they knew him, but…it was odd. In any case, though, they all shook hands.

"It seems everyone is finally starting to show up. You wouldn’t believe the number of meals I’ve had by myself here this week. The food’s been hearty, but the company—well, let’s just say the students have either been too annoyed to chat or too scared to ask what I’m doing here."

"So, you ended up getting a call as well?"

”Well, you know me, with my impeccable timing. It’s good to see you two again, in one piece and all.”

”Got called in for Divination, yes. Seems almost like yesterday since I joined the Aurors, but Hogwarts does seem to have a way of pulling you back in… I do wonder how long it’ll be before I have to start solving the Case of the Missing Homework here, or the Case of the Exploding Potions Classroom for that matter…”

“Is the castle being redesigned?”

”I’m sure I’ll try to keep my classroom from exploding, Alvis. Been about trying to make it seem less like a crypt, give it a bit of warmth for the students to look forward to instead of dreary, boring, painful. As for redesigning, I’ve no idea.” He scratched at the back of his neck, sitting down as well. There was something odd to him about the question, though Kenendy was sure it was aimed more at the fact that all the professors would be new, the headmaster might be new, and that might entail even more changes. That was likely, all things considered.

”All I know is this Scots weather isn’t something I’m used to anymore. Damned cold, even in the castle, even down in the Potions classroom. Running heating lamps right now to try and make it a bit more comfortable there and in my room and Lickspittle has already claimed on as precisely, only his. I’m not sure if I blame him for it.” Kennedy dryly chuckled at that, smiling, shaking his head. The cat really was a time and a half.
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 28 min ago

@World Traveler @Herald @MrSkimobile

Location: Herbology Class/ Great Hall

Antonio was sitting in his office enjoying a cigarette. He looked at his watch, noticing the time. “I've got time before heading out soon.” He took a drag of his cigarette, thinking he had lots of time left. He wanted to enjoy his cigarette. After a while, he put out his cigarette and put on his jacket. His whole outfit seemed like something from the 1970’s. His jacket was dark green and had various unknowable stains. He assumed it was either spilled alcohol or vomit, but he wasn’t sure of this. The brown slacks and white dress shirt were equally dirty as his jacket. Antonio was also wearing bright green crocodile-skinned shoes. To top it all off was the ugly multi-coloured tie he was wearing.

During his walk, He gives Peeves finger guns, mentioning they will meet later to plan some pranks. He stops to poke his head out of a window, enjoying the feeling of the wind hitting his face. Staring out of the window, wondering if he could catch any sight of a supernatural creature. However he couldn't see anything at the moment. But perhaps during nighttime, he could see something. Walking off towards the great hall while whistling to the tune of "Disco Inferno."

He walked into the great hall and looked around the room. He took a seat between Kaiden and Alvis. Hiya, alright? " he says, nodding towards the two professors before sipping his flask.

Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Professor Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984

"I'm Ravenclaw, but may I join you? Eating alone gets lonely. I'm Tænar Tygath, Defense of the Dark Arts, and you?"

“Oh, hell,” mumbled Kennedy with a little start, turning about to see another teacher who had just arrived. He hadn't heard the door with her entrance, nor her steps, and after so smoothly taking for granted that those two things would happen with any teacher arriving the Potions Master had, in fact, given a little jump with it.

“Yes of course, by all means Ms Tygath,” he gestured to a seat, trying to pronounce the name with some semblance of accuracy. Kennedy didn't even want to think of how one would spell it, nor for that matter could he truly recall her as a student when he'd been one. For being a Ravenclaw, she must have been one who spent all nights able in the library. “I'm Miles, Miles Kennedy, and these are Liam Wellox, Alvis Hawes. Potions is what I took.”

Then another entered - Kennedy smelled him before he saw him. Potions had strange effects on the nose, varying from person to person and what types of potions one brewed, and he had been blessed with a not-quite-yet-dead nose. Of course, this and his time abroad made the smell of cigarettes known well-enough, a thing just far enough between operating rooms ans just close enough for daily breaks. He'd never gotten quite used to it, and such was on good enough reasons. Kennedy wrinkled his nose at the strench that smothered the food and drink. He exhaled long and hard, breathing only through his mouth, and turned about to see who this person was.

Long, smothed put hair and a beard brown, stained jacket and pants, the whole nine yards. What the heck sort of…who was he? The whole look just failed to fit with any of the students Kennedy had known back then.

“Hiya, alright?”

Antonio, he inwardly sighed. A little older than Kennedy, one of the big troublemakers who kept bleeding points from the Hufflepuffs with his antics, but Miles couldn't fail to forget that accent. God damn it. He stared for a moment.

“Antonio, for godssake don't smoke inside.”
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by World Traveler
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Liam was shallow in conversation with everyone as the newest arrival started to walk towards the head of the room, Tænar Tygath was someone he knew considering their age was pretty close. She moved along the Ravenclaw table before stopping nearby, her expression tinged with some hesitation that caught Liam’s attention. When she asked to join them, her voice soft and almost hesitant, Liam’s smile softened, turning more welcoming. He glanced at Miles, who quickly offered her a seat, and then back at Tænar.

“Of course Tænar,” Miles said warmly, as she introduced herself.

“Tænar! Figures at least a few Ravenclaws should bring up the reputation of the school!” Liam said with a smile as he gave a friendly nod and hand wave to the newest edition.

From his memories Tænar was one of several book dragons that Ravenclaw had in spades. They had the casual bump in when their social circles met more often than not due to one having a friend dating another, but beyond that there was a friendly cordial relationship while at school.

Alvis, ever the social one, nodded in agreement, adding his own welcoming words, while Miles, though slightly more reserved, made sure she felt included. As they all settled into the conversation, Liam found himself appreciating the diversity a the table. It reminded him of how he felt when he first arrived at the school as a kid and learning so much from even a single conversation.

It wasn’t long before another figure approached. Liam caught sight of Antonio before he smelled him—the pungent scent of cigarettes announcing his arrival even before his vibrant, if somewhat disheveled, appearance did. Liam couldn’t help but notice the contrast Antonio brought to the scene, his 1970s-inspired outfit making him stand out even more.

Antonio’s casual greeting, followed by a sip from his flask, elicited a mix of reactions. Liam’s smile remained, but there was a slight tightening at the corners as he adjusted to the stronger scent in the air. When Kennedy, clearly perturbed, gently admonished Antonio for smoking indoors, Liam stayed silent, though his agreement was evident in his polite, yet distant, smile.

Liam’s focus returned to the conversation, though he couldn’t help but notice how the dynamics of the group had shifted with each new arrival. Despite the differences, Liam felt a growing sense of camaraderie, a shared understanding that they were all here for a reason, even if that reason was still unfolding. It was the beginning of something new, and Liam was ready to embrace it, the smile on his face a reflection of his optimism for the year ahead.

As he looked over the table he saw the food start to appear in an instant. Seems the elves were not going to wait for all of them to finish their introductions and conversation while lunch got cold. Sitting down and starting to pour glasses of orange juice to all the cups around him he then took one of the nice chicken drumettes and started to eat.

"They got me at Muggle Studies, but I've ended up being double booked and they have me overseeing History of Magic as well. Should make for some interesting first day for the students to no longer have a ghost as a teacher..." He mused while the others continued to talk introductions and professor placements.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Shifting slightly Tænar wondered if this was a bad idea. So many people so close to her was a bit… overwhelming. And the stench of burning tobacco from the man’s walk through the courtyard. Merlin’s BEARD!!! it stank, and it was in his clothes and hair and beard!!! How did one breathe with that stench? Did his food all taste the same, like bunt ash?

“What troublemakers are we anticipating? I’m assuming at Least one Weasley this year, at some level or other. The sight of Red Hair, such a double-edged sword. Girls are sharp as a whip; boys are a nightmare. Did anybody have a curriculum or student roster?”

Looking over the other teachers she sort of recognized a couple. Not really though. She might have had classes with two, but she’d been so obsessed with her grades that flirting, or any other social event, had been beyond her comprehension. She’d learned to dance, eventually, but she’d never been asked to any of the school dances. Hells she hadn’t even realized there was a dance until the day of when everyone was in fine dress and looking handsome and/or beautiful.

Not to say she was lonely or a recluse, she had Storm Cloud after all, as her familiar they went everywhere together even place he shouldn’t. Closing her eyes for a moment she called him, and within a triple heartbeat he was bouncing into the room like a puppy. A 200# muscle bound puppy in the shape of a Rottweiler. But he was just a baby to her.

Tossing small bits of sausage to him she scratched his head, which he laid on the bench neck to her hip. After a second he gave a horrific sneeze before returning his head to his spot.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Herald


Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Excuse me, sir," a timid voice sounded out from a column near Kaiden. With a small start, he turned, his fingers twitching for his wand btu knowing there would be little to really threaten him here at the castle.

"Sorry. Did you say something?," Kaiden said, leaning to the side to spy a small humanoid shape dressed in some kind of sack sewn together with half a dozen lines of stitching. Kaiden had seen a house elf before, but had never had the experience of having one serve in his own house. From what he understood, the little creatures had a surprising amount of magic, but universally served humans for reasons that were never clear to Kaiden.

"Lunch is being served," the elf mentioned, gesturing up the main corridors towards the Great Hall, "in the Hall, sir. Several of the teachers have already gathered..."

"Ah," Kaiden said, shifting his weight uncomfortably from foot to foot, "I suppose I should join them. I don't suppose you know if this is going to take terribly long? Theres a pair of jobberknolls near the edge of the forest that have been having troub-" He turned to look back at the elf and realized they had already disappeared, their message apparently given.

"Damn," he muttered, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair, "well, best go say Hi if we're supposed to be going to a party or whatever..."

Maybe it was the closeness of the walls, or maybe the size of the castle over all... or it could be the dozen or so ghosts that drifted through the hall and paintings, but the castle always unsettled Kaiden. The ghosts were friendly enough, and politeness made him stop and share more than a few words with the ghosts that seemed chatty. The end result is that it seemed he was quite late to lunch, arriving after the food had begun to appear on the tables.

Slipping past the doors, he offered a sheepish smile towards the gathered professors, hoping to just kind of snag a pastry off the table and offer a few polite introductions. "Apologies for running late, I was seeing to a bird that had caused a bit of a ruckus at Hogsmeade a few days ago. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Kai," he said, offering a friendly nod of his head. Ironically, he actually seemed to pay more attention to the familiars that had accompanied some of his new coworkers, nodding his head deeper towards them and smiling a bit wider to see that there were at least a few animal companions here. Depending on how friendly the familiars were, most of Kaiden's lunch would end up shared out among the less human members of the table, though he was very careful to avoid feeding anything harmful to them.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Thayr
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Prof Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984 @Herald

“Tænar! Figures at least a few Ravenclaws should bring up the reputation of the school!”

Kennedy snorted, shaking his head just a little at the idea with a smile touching the corner of his mouth. Bring up the reputation, he said…there had been dumb Ravenclaws before, uncharitable Hufflepuffs, cowardly Gryffindors, and even humble Slytherins too, but they were in their Houses because they valued something they themselves didn’t eternally have or were very, very selective with how they applied their smarts, their hard work, their strength, their ambition. Ravenclaws who were geniuses at working through the intricacies of History or Theory but couldn’t create a potion to save their lives, for instance, or Gryffindors who could charge a bull bare-handed but couldn’t fly a broom for fear of heights. Bring up the reputation indeed.

Of course, as Liam started to pick out a glass and a plate from the table, Miles turned about to see that the food was, indeed, starting to appear. Ah, well, that was all good and happy. Lunch had torn him to the hall, after all, and all the others arriving had distracted him from that too. He picked out a clean plate, picking out a few chicken drumettes as well with the set-aside tongs before looking here, there for the associated sauces. Where in the...Kennedy had come to expect dipping sauces with chicken drums. Well that was halfway annoying. Setting a few napkins on the table next to him, the Potions Master took a tentative bite of the chicken. Well, it was good enough that it didn’t really need sauces. Wiping his hand on the napkin with a good smile, Kennedy looked about for a drink as well. Well…darn, all he could see was the orange juice and…not much else. He was left contemplating with a slight, nagging little desire.

"They got me at Muggle Studies, but I've ended up being double booked and they have me overseeing History of Magic as well. Should make for some interesting first day for the students to no longer have a ghost as a teacher..."

Well, that’s a time. Two classes at once was aggressive, markedly so, Miles thought as he took another few bites from his chicken. He’d be drinking coffee, lots of it, unless he’d be wanting to make one or the other class absolutely boring as could be. That wouldn’t make for a Hogwarts teacher, though then again Kennedy could recall teachers making their sole singular classes boring as could be. But that didn’t seem to be Liam at all. He decided to lighten the idea with a joke.

“Perhaps he’ll convince some student to find his body and remove his head. Then he can join the Headless Hunt or something of another. That or cause a legal battle.” Kennedy paused, pursing his lips. “Have you ever heard of a court case between ghosts?”

“What troublemakers are we anticipating? I’m assuming at Least one Weasley this year, at some level or other. The sight of Red Hair, such a double-edged sword. Girls are sharp as a whip; boys are a nightmare. Did anybody have a curriculum or student roster?”

“Not yet, though I have gotten a curriculum. Fairly standard, really. I’ve already put far too many marks through it.” He scratched at his neck with his free, clean hand. Weasley’s? The family was still around, sure, and he could remember a Weasley in Hufflepuff some years before his class which was a grand oddity in itself, but Kennedy had never really given them any thought since he’d gone through school. They were a well known family, and eternally going to Hogwarts, but besides that…maybe, maybe. ”As for troublemakers, I’m sure they’ve only somewhat innovated since we came through. If anything, Antonio will have to get creative or something of another.”

Of course, as Kennedy spoke another entered the room. The shape moved between tables quickly, arriving at Tygath's side in a flash as a big-as-can-be goddamn Rottweiler of all things. He couldn't help but stare, a desire for coke long forgotten, as she threw the happy dog some pieces of sausage before he laid to rest on the seat beside her. Struck with an immediate, sudden desire to pet the darn dog, Miles couldn't help but make a comparison to Lickspittle for size.

Oh, hell.

”What's his - or her - name?” He swallowed, eyebrows raising a tad. ”He likes cats…right?”

Another creak of the door, another teacher entering the Great Hall. Miles watched with the corner of his eye, a well-worn coat marking as more an outdoors man…that or someone dealing with the cold as well as he'd been. Maybe Groundskeeper, maybe Magical Beasts…the question came to rest with the man talking.

"Apologies for running late, I was seeing to a bird that had caused a bit of a ruckus at Hogsmeade a few days ago. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Kai.”

Ah, beasts it is. His own introduction was particularly brief, perhaps because Kennedy had become less enthused on all the repetitions, perhaps because his mind was still on the absolute wall of dog sitting next to Professor Tygath. Nevertheless he did at least say it with a warm enough smile. “Miles Kennedy, Potions, how d’you do.”
Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
In Area...?:
Liam Wallox @World Traveler, Miles Kennedy @Thayr,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald, Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile, Seraphima Evelynne Rose @Mole,
Tænar Verch Tygath @Varshanka

”What's his - or her - name?” He swallowed, eyebrows raising a tad. ”He likes cats…right?”

“Storm Cloud,” Tænar replied. “He Loves them, but he’s only allowed cats as a special treat with Fava Beans and a fine Cianti.” She added before she smiled.”I’m kidding. He gets along with most other animals fine. Except rodentia. Squirrels, rats, mice, that kind of thing. Rabbits are safe.”

“I’m assuming you have a cat, based on the question.” Tænar observed verbally, absently feeding Storm Cloud as she spoke. “If you feed him, he’ll slobber on you. You’ve been warned.”

"I'm going to be teaching the Dark Arts, but no curriculum was left from the previous teacher, I don't have a roster yet, so no clue how many students, and less than a week to figure out a course guide...
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 28 min ago

@Thayr @World Traveler @Varshanka

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts

Antonio had taken out his flask from his jacket pocket. He was taking a sip of the hard liquor inside of it. Letting out a sigh, enjoying the burning taste of the alcohol. He licked his lips, wanting to savour a few drips of liquor that stuck to his mustache. Putting away his flask before looking over at Kennedy. “Gotta enjoy the little things in life, Milly.” Antonio said with a smile. He was ensuring not to show that their comments were not like arrows piercing his heart. Smiling at a house elf that had placed some food before him. Looking at it, he noticed it was shepherd's pie. It was not something he’d usually like to eat. However, it was better than nothing. He would mostly cook authentic Italian food like his mother would make when he was a child. He puts some shepherd’s pie onto his plate before biting it.

They got me doin Herbology. It right up my alley actually. Pops had a green thumb, and I must've got it form him. Although history of magical beast could ave’ been fun to teach.” He said, budding into the conversation. Pieces of food flew onto his plate and table. He thought he was an expert in magical creatures. Turning his head to speak to Liam. “Muggle Studies? Nice, I’ve met quite a few muggles before. They're a good lot, and I got a few muggle mates who I go bar hoppin with.” Saying this casually, not caring if they were xenophobic or not. Indeed, he had a few muggle friends, people he had known since he was a kid. They were good people, but he didn’t understand the hatred towards non-magical people.

He ate his food while occasionally taking a small sip of his flask. Taenar's mention of Wesley perked his ears. He had heard of that name before; he thought that a member of the Wesley clan could have been his former classmate. He looked over at Taenar, who had stopped eating and fixed his eyebrows by licking his pointer and pinkie finger. Rubbing them through his bushy eyebrows and smiling in her direction. “Dark arts eh? Sounds like a alot of fun. Beat your a real good teacher.

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