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Hidden 3 days ago 2 days ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

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Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Liam Wallox @World Traveler,
Miles Kennedy @Thayr,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald,
Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile,

“Although I excelled at Dark Arts when I was a students and I had a ‘natural talent’ according to my teacher. And I did some tutoring as a student, I’ve never actually taught before.”

‘Tutoring as a student’ was a gross understatement. The only reason half the Griffindoors, and Hufflepuffs passed was because she helped them. She’d done so well and done so much extra work in Dark Arts that she had the highest scores ever in that class. Granted it meant she’d never seen a Quidditch Match, or dated, or kissed. But that didn’t matter. Being the best mattered. Not disappointing the teacher and Headmaster mattered. Or her family.

But I do hope that I do well teaching the class. I almost Chose Mystic Animals. I have a rather large collection of Dragon Scales. I hope to collect one of each species. They've all fallen off Naturally – when they’ve molted. From yearling to Juvenile. I’d never take one from a Dragon, that would be incredibly rude, and would hurt.”

“What is… Bar Hopping? Do you make the Bars Hop? I thought Magic in the presence of Muggles was Illegal? Much like that car incident years ago.”

“Is that alcohol? I’m sure it’s not allowed. Especially with students still on campus.” As she spoke an owl flew in and dropped a package in front of her before leaving. Quickly unwrapping it she held the object inside up. A rather ornate box carved with images and native script, Setting it back on the table Taener lifted the lid and looked inside. “Merlin’s Beard!, it’s a new scale and … an egg shell..” Grabbing the letter inside she quickly read.

“Tænar I’ve heard f your interest and send this to you for your research. A Ukrainian Ironbelly Recently hatched and from another we managed to collect a scale as it molted. Sorry it’s not from the belly but is one of the smaller tail scales. But it was in a bit of a mood and we didn’t wish to endanger anyone.”
“Sincerely, Maxim Antonova - Master Keeper of the Dragons.”

“I have a new shell for my collection!?” she said, nearly squealing like student. “He hadn’t been ready to molt yet when I was there, And I’d asked to be notified, but never expected them to send it to me. And such a beautiful display case for it as well. I’ll have to write Maxim a thank you letter later.”

Showing the gifts to everyone interested, and even a few not interested, Tænar started babbling about all the dragons she’s seen, and the ones she helped shed their Yearling scales. Usually one used a wire brush for the tail and a hammer for the back, sometimes a dragon shed like a snake, others shed one scale at a time. There were a few that didn’t shed at all, simply adding new scales as they grew older.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Herald


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“Gotta enjoy the little things in life, Milly.”

"I could drink to that," Kai said, a half-hearted attempt at a joke as he pulled out a small flask of his own and offered a pour to anyone interested, "butterbeer with a splash of muggle whiskey. Enough of a kick to keep you alert, not enough to muddle your brain over much."

Kaiden moved to take a place at the table, passing Taenar and the impressively sized dog that was practically a wall of fur and drool around her chair. Without thinking about it, he slipped a hand down towards Storm Cloud, his palm facing upwards and empty for sniffing as a way of introducing himself to the dog. Rottweilers, like most dogs, had a bad reputation for being aggressive guard hounds but the truth was always found in how their owners raised them.

But I do hope that I do well teaching the class. I almost Chose Mystic Animals. I have a rather large collection of Dragon Scales. I hope to collect one of each species. They've all fallen off Naturally – when they’ve molted. From yearling to Juvenile. I’d never take one from a Dragon, that would be incredibly rude, and would hurt.

Kai hid a small chuckle, resisting the urge to point out that there would definitely be a great deal of pain, likely more so in her direction. Still, it was always nice to hear someone speaking well of beasts, and not cowering in fear of what they had never really tried to understand. It was very ambitious for anyone to take up a collection of dragon scales. The creatures were increasingly rare, almost always dangerous to the point of requiring several wizards to chase off, and could potentially live for a millennia if maintaining a healthy diet and reasonable exercise.

When Taenar began excitedly showing off her newest addition, Kai narrowed his eyes slightly at the scale then seemed to react with surprise. It was indeed a dragon scale, likely a tail scale from one of the great beasts. He had intended to keep to himself for the meal and perhaps most of the walk, but it was a rarity indeed to be able to examine a piece of these creatures up close. When she began to describe the way dragons molted, Kai at first was wondering why they had hired him for this job, but something about the way she described the scales molting off various types of dragons...

"That's from a book," he said, interrupting her on accident and then narrowing his eyes once again at her face, leaning a bit to one side, then the other. "Dragons, a Yearly Yearning... right? Bugger me, you're that Tygath?"

"Your chapters on the Welsh Green and Swedish Short Snout are practically required reading at the farm. We check up on several of them every year and your book provides the foundation of dragon education for anyone that goes on the runs with me," he said, "I'll have to send word back home. I don't suppose you would be up for signing a few copies?"

"While we're on the subject, anyone else here get published?," he asked, opening up the conversation for others to chime in.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by Varshanka
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Varshanka The Lost Soul, The Lonely God, The Weeping Angel

Member Online

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Liam Wallox @World Traveler,
Miles Kennedy @Thayr,
Kaiden “Kai” Devarron @Herald,
Antonio Cifaretto @Eviledd1984,
Alvis Juneberry Hawes @MrSkimobile

Storm Cloud shifted his body slightly, ensuring no one was getting to Tænar without losing a chunk of meat. But this new Human was being polite, even if it had no treats.

When the Human turned away and start talking Storm Cloud lost interest, he wasn't a threat, this time, and had no treats. So he was ignored.

"That's from a book," Kai said, interrupting her on accident and then narrowing his eyes once again at her face, leaning a bit to one side, then the other. "Dragons, a Yearly Yearning... right? Bugger me, you're that Tygath?"

“Yes I wrote it. Several years ago, does anybody actually read it?” She asked.

"Your chapters on the Welsh Green and Swedish Short Snout are practically required reading at the farm. We check up on several of them every year and your book provides the foundation of dragon education for anyone that goes on the runs with me," Kai said, "I'll have to send word back home. I don't suppose you would be up for signing a few copies?"

“So I can sign them, I.. um.. don’t have any with me though. I gave my free copies to my family…” She said looking apologetically at him.
Hidden 24 hrs ago 24 hrs ago Post by Mole
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𝒮𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓅𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶 𝐸𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓎𝓃𝓃𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒
· · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·


As Seraphima walked through the halls of Hogwarts, memories that had been hibernating began to awaken. They all had their own magical mystery about them, some painful and some downright pleasant. Through the walk, Seraphima tried to remain transient to them.

“Its the iron curtain!” A student pointed at her. He was with one of his buddies. They were both snickering, and when she made eye contact with then, they burst into snobby laughter.

Wasn’t that supposed to be a compliment?

A complete shutout against Gryffindor, who caught the Snitch but still lost the game — thanks to her ever-so spectacular keeping. So why were they laughing at her? Shouldn’t they be giving her at least some admiration?

Perhaps to make her confidence deflate. Insecurity could wreck anyone’s desires and aspirations. Humans were so strange, if not downright maddening. Did they not have any appreciation for the magical mind?

They had been standing right there. School boy hair, tussled for the witches, at least for the ones that were most certainly not her. One of the wizards had a tie slightly undone, violating school dress code. For some reason, that little gesture indicated some unspoken desire in witches.

Her eyes studied the place momentarily. They lingered as long as necessary and continued creeping along the walls. Slowly, the memories faded as the sound of fairly lively chattering began to increase in volume.

Oh, look here, dear. It was the Great Hall. The grandiose scheme was marvelous as usual, although… Seraphima looked around the vast place. It seemed so naked without all the students chitter-chatter. She felt oddly tranquil about the scenario and continued her way to the one table still being occupied.

Her boots clicked against the floor as she walked carefully towards the voices. Currently, as far as she could tell, she was hardly the only one who had written a book (or two) amongst the crowd. Intellectual stimulation never hurt anyone, at least, physically.

She made no claim to hold any accolade as an accomplishment of her own as she entered the conversation. Instead, she quietly with one of those quaint and polite smiles of assumed friendliness found her place to sit. She could not have Ben bothered to interrupt and make herself known. Although, she gladly would when the time arrived.
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